Personal Statement
Personal Statement
Personal Statement
The work experience at I partook in Gloucestershire Engineering Training, a training facility where
young engineering apprentices learn to develop the skills necessary to thrive at their selected
employer. This provided me with inside on what it was like to be a mechanical engineer as well as an
electrical engineer by building and soldering circuits, using 3D modelling software and handing CNC
and other heavy machinery. I decided to pursue mechanical engineering after having this work
experience as I now understand that there are aspects of electrical engineering that comes into the
work of a mechanical engineer.
Within the two years at sixth form, the subject I have chosen to study include Maths, Physics and
Economics. These subjects helped me develop valuable problem-solving, logical reasoning, and
accurate communication skills with physics playing a crucial role in developing my understanding of
the world of engineering; topics including forces that act on objects, how vehicles are built to
overcome some of these forces whilst carrying heavy loads and how vehicles are built to deliver
minimum damage to the driver and passengers through the use of crumple zones, seatbelts and
airbags. The skills achieved from my subjects are crucial for every aspiring engineer. I participated in
academic extra-curricular activities that have helped improve my analytical and problem-solving
skills. An example was the Maths Challenge, in which I was awarded bronze and silver certificates.
I was chosen to be a member student executive after a rigorous interview and presentation process.
This role includes the duty of overseeing the teaching and learning parliament. This position
contributes to the improvement of student experience by exchanging and gathering ideas for a
better and more productive learning environment. This has enabled me to demonstrate the ability to
work under pressure as there has been several situations where I have had to organise host meeting
with students in the younger years about improving their learning environment.
As I prepare to start this life-changing journey, my goals and those of university are mutually
beneficial. I am prepared to be successful in your institution because of my constant devotion, never-
ending curiosity, and relentless drive for excellence. I'm eager to take advantage of the possibilities
that lie ahead, work with exceptional people, and push the limits of mechanical engineering.