Geography 41 - Daily Class Notes - UPSC Sankalp Hinglish
Geography 41 - Daily Class Notes - UPSC Sankalp Hinglish
Geography 41 - Daily Class Notes - UPSC Sankalp Hinglish
Lecture - 41
Understanding Front Formation and Types of Fronts is important to understand the formation
of Mid-latitude cyclones [temperate
cyclones or extra-tropical cyclones] and
the dominant weather patterns of
Fronts are the typical features of mid-
latitudes weather (temperate region –
30° - 65° North and South). They are
uncommon (unusual) in tropical and
polar regions.
When two different types of air
masses meet, the boundary zone
between them is called a Front.
A temperature difference is essential
in the definition of a front because it
implies a density difference.
Front is a three-dimensional boundary zone formed between two converging air masses with
different physical properties (Temperature, Humidity, Density etc.).
The two air masses don’t merge readily due to the effect of the converging atmospheric
circulation, relatively low diffusion coefficient and low thermal conductivity.
Front Formation:
The process of formation of a front is known as Frontogenesis (war between two air masses), and
the dissipation of a front is known as Frontolysis (one of the air masses wins against the other).
Frontogenesis involves the convergence of two distinct air masses.
Frontolysis involves the overriding of one of the air masses by another.
In the northern hemisphere, Frontogenesis (convergence of air masses) happens in an anti-
clockwise direction and in the southern hemisphere, clockwise direction. This is due to the
Coriolis effect.
Mid-latitude cyclones or temperate cyclones or extra-tropical cyclones occur due to
Cold Front:
Such a front is formed when a cold air mass replaces a warm air mass by advancing into it or
when the warm air mass retreats and cold air mass advances
(cold air mass is the clear winner).
In such a situation, the transition zone between the two is a cold
Cold front moves twice as quickly as a warm front and can
produce sharper changes in weather conditions.
Frontolysis begins when the warm air mass is completely uplifted by
the cold air mass.
This upward motion causes lowered
pressure along the cold front and can
cause the formation of a narrow line
of showers and thunderstorms when
enough moisture is present.
Since cold air is denser than
warm air, it rapidly replaces the
warm air preceding the
Cold fronts are usually associated
with low-pressure areas.
It produces sharper changes in
weather. Temperatures can drop
more than 15 degrees within the
first hour.
Weather Along a Cold Front
The weather along such a front
depends on a narrow band of
cloudiness and precipitation.
Severe storms can occur. During the
summer months, thunderstorms are
common in the warm sector.
In some regions like the USA
tornadoes occur in warm sectors.
The first clouds to form along the sloping surface of the cold air are high cirrus, which thicken to
cirrostratus and altostratus.
Such fronts cause moderate to gentle precipitation over a large area, over several hours.
The passage of warm front is marked by rise in temperature, pressure and change in weather.
Clouds Along a Warm Front:
With the approach, the hierarchy of clouds is- cirrus, stratus and nimbus. [No cumulonimbus
clouds as the gradient is gentle]
Cirrostratus Clouds ahead of the warm front create a halo around sun and moon.
Stationary Front:
When the surface position of a front
does not change (when two air masses
are unable to push against each other; a
draw), a stationary front is formed.
The wind motion on both sides of the
front is parallel to the front.
Warm or cold front stops moving,
hence the name stationary front.
Once this boundary resumes its forward motion, it becomes a
warm front or cold front.
Weather Along a Stationary Front:
Cumulonimbus clouds are formed. Overrunning of warm air
along such a front causes frontal precipitation.
Cyclones migrating along a stationary front can dump heavy
amounts of precipitation, resulting in significant flooding along
the front.
Occluded Front:
Occlusion: Meteorological process by which
the cold front of a rotating low-pressure
system catches up the warm front, so that the
warm air between them is forced upwards.
Such a front is formed when a cold air mass
overtakes a warm air mass and goes
underneath it.
Frontolysis begins when the warm sector diminishes and the cold air mass completely undertakes
the warm sector on the ground.
Weather along an occluded front is complex—a mixture
of cold front type and warm front type weather. Such
fronts are common in Western Europe.
Weather Along an Occluded Front:
Complex: A mixture of cold front type and warm front
type weather. Such fronts are common in west Europe.
The formation of Mid-latitude cyclones [temperate
cyclones or extra-tropical cyclones] involves the
formation of an occluded front.
Thermal origin due to the warming of the Form in temperate regions (40-65
sea surface degrees), these are frontal cyclones
originate along the fronts.
Very violent in nature, and have high- These are not much destructive and have
velocity winds relatively low-velocity winds.
Originate over oceans but die out on land These are predictable and form along the
(travels from east to west ), causing westerlies (travels from west to east)
destruction in the coastal regions due to its
less predictability.
Tropical Cyclone:
Tropical cyclones are violent storms that originate over
oceans in tropical areas and move over to the coastal
areas bringing about large-scale destruction due to violent
winds (squalls), very heavy rainfall (torrential rainfall), and
storm surge.
They are irregular wind movements involving the closed
circulation of air around a low-pressure center.
This closed air circulation (whirling motion) is a result of
the rapid upward movement of hot air which is subjected to
Coriolis force. The low pressure at the center is responsible
for the wind speeds.
The cyclonic wind movements are anti-clockwise in the
northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern
hemisphere (This is due to Coriolis force).
The wind field of a tropical cyclone may be divided into three regions.
First is a ring-shaped outer region, typically having an outer radius of about 160 km (100
miles) and an inner radius of about 30 to 50 km (20 to 30 miles).
In this region the winds increase uniformly in speed toward the centre.
Second is the Eyewall where Wind speeds attain their maximum value. This is typically 15
to 30 km (10 to 20 miles) from the centre of the storm.
Third is the Eye, the region surrounding the eyewall, where wind speeds decrease rapidly
and the air is often calm.
Squall- A sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or
Torrent- A strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid.
2. Coriolis Force:
The Coriolis force is zero at the equator (no cyclones
at the equator because of zero Coriolis Force) but it
increases with latitude. Coriolis force at 5° latitude is
significant enough to create a storm [cyclonic
About 65 percent of cyclonic activity occurs between
10° and 20° latitude.
3. Low-level Disturbances:
Low-level disturbance (thunderstorms- they are the seeds of cyclones) in the form of
easterly wave disturbances in the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) should pre--exist
for the formation of a cyclone.
4. Temperature Contrast Between Air Masses:
Trade winds from both hemispheres meet along the inter-tropical front.
Temperature contrasts between these air masses must exist when the ITCZ is farthest, from
the equator.
Thus, the convergence of these air masses of different temperatures and the resulting
instability are the prerequisites for the origin and growth of violent tropical storms.
5. Wind Shear:
Wind Shear is the difference between wind speeds at different heights.
Tropical cyclones develop when the wind is uniform.
Because of weak vertical wind shear, cyclone formation processes are limited to the latitude
equatorward of the subtropical jet stream.
In the temperate regions, wind shear is high due to
westerlies and this inhibits convective cyclone
6. Upper Tropospheric Divergence:
A well-developed divergence in the upper layers of
the atmosphere is necessary so that the rising air
currents within the cyclone continue to be pumped
out and low pressure is maintained at the center.
7. Humidity Factor:
High Humidity (around 50 to 60 percent) is required in the mid-troposphere since the
presence of moist air leads to the formation of a cumulonimbus cloud.
Such conditions exist over the equatorial doldrums, especially in the Western margins of
oceans (this is because of the east-to-west movement of ocean currents), which have great
moisture, and carrying capacity because the trade winds continuously replace the saturated
8. Fujiwhara Effect:
When two cyclones approach one another, their centers will begin orbiting cyclonically
about a point between the two systems.
The two vortices will be attracted to each other, and eventually spiral into the centre point
and merge.
When the two vortices are of unequal size, the larger vortex will tend to dominate the
interaction, and the smaller vortex will orbit around it.
This phenomenon is called the Fujiwhara effect.
Tropical Storms When the depression and disturbance take big form.
In the Bay of Bengal, Arabian sea, Carrabian sea etc.
Wind velocity is 50-120 Km Per hour.
Huge destruction due to high intensity.
Example: Supercyclones of Odisha 1999 etc.
Low-pressure system.
Typhoons and Hurrican and When velocity is greater than 120 Km per hour or more.
Cyclones Violent and destructive.
Hurricanes- USA
Typhoon - South China Sea
Taifu - Japan Coast
Willy Willys - Australia