Mental Health Literacy Among Students of Gujranwala Division of Punjab
Mental Health Literacy Among Students of Gujranwala Division of Punjab
Mental Health Literacy Among Students of Gujranwala Division of Punjab
Background: Treatment of either physical or mental illnesses is not as effective if the knowledge and awareness of the patient
is inadequate.
Study design: Descriptive study.
Methodology: A total number of 240 students through convenient sampling who responded to the questionnaire. The ethical
approval was obtained from review ethical committee, after completing and submitting the research proposal. The research
instrument for data collection was, “structured questionnaire” developed by using 2 scales, the mental health literacy scale
(MHLS) and modified scale. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 23. Chi-square test was applied for categorical variables to
find the differences in knowledge and practices by dental professionals with p-value ≤0.05 as significant.
Results: Almost 86.7% of students were able to identify major depressive disorder. 8.3% thought such disorders are
punishment by God, 38.3% of students considered mental illness as inherited trait. According to 47.5% treatment of mental
illness caused addiction, 37.1% were unsure and 15.4% disagreed.
Practical Implication: This study helped researchers in exploring role of multiple factors in changing mental health literacy and
how it can help in reducing those barriers and promoting mental health literacy in students. This also added to local literature
regarding mental health. Conclusion: It was concluded that mental illness needs recognition and awareness campaigns for
mental health literacy needs to be conducted.
Keywords: Mental Health, Knowledge, Awareness, Attitude and Individual Performance.
personal weakness. On the other hand, 36.3% don’t attribute Different people have different opinion regarding “seeking
mental illness towards personalweakness as shown in table-2. help towards mental health professionals” as shown in figure-5.
Almost 60.4% of students don’t agree with the above statement,
Table-1: Baseline Parameters of enrolled population (n=240) 14.2% remained neutral while 25.4% agreed.
Age in Groups (Years) Frequency Percentage (%)
less than 18 11 4.6 Figure-2: Depicting source of Knowledge about mental health
18-30 227 94.6
above 30 2 0.8
Male 52 21.7
Female 188 78.3
urban 180 75.0
rural 60 25.0
It was concluded that there was significant difference in knowledge
and perception towards mental health literacy between students.
Thus mental illness needs recognition and awareness campaigns
for mental health literacy needs to be conducted.
DISCUSSION Authors’ Contribution: YS&KK: Conceptualized the study,
We carried out research on mental health literacy among the analyzed the data, and formulated the initial draft, ZI&KM:
students of university and college in Gujranwala division. Main goal Contributed to the histomorphological evaluation, ZM: Contributed
of this survey was to compare the knowledge about mental illness, to the analysis of data and proofread the draft, AH: Contributed to
beliefs and disbeliefs about mental illness and help seeking data collection, TL: Contributed to the proofreading the manuscript
attitude in students. For this purpose we used 2 scales, MHLS for intellectual content
(mental health literacy scale) and a modified scale to measure Conflict of interest: None
stigma related to mental illness9,10. We made an online Funding: None
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