LAB No 05
LAB No 05
LAB No 05
Experiment No 05
Amplitude Modulation
Laptop with MATLAB Software
DSB / SSB AM Transmitter Trainer (ST 2201)
Amplitude modulation is a modulation technique used in electronic communication, most
commonly for transmitting information via a radio carrier wave. In amplitude modulation, the
amplitude of the carrier wave is varied in proportion to that of the message signal being
In amplitude modulation, the message signal m (t) is impressed on the amplitude of the carrier
signal c (t) = Ac cos (2nfct). This results in a sinusoidal signal whose amplitude is a function of
the message signal m (t). There are several different ways of amplitude modulating the carrier
signal by m (t); each results in different spectral characteristics for the transmitted signal.
The equations for the simple example of a single tone used for modulation can be expanded to
show how the signal will appear of a typical sound consisting of many frequencies is used to
modulate the carrier.
LAB # 05 Analog and Digital Communication
Amplitude modulation
It is possible to look at the theory of the generation of an amplitude modulated signal in four
1. Carrier signal
2. Modulating signal
3. Overall modulated signal for a single tone
4. Expansion to cover a typical audio signal
Both C and φ can be omitted to simplify the equation by changing C to "1" and φ to "0".
For the initial look at how the signal is formed, it is easiest to look at the equation for a
simple single tone waveform and then expand the concept to cover the more normal case.
Take a single tone waveform:
LAB # 05 Analog and Digital Communication
Both C and φ can be omitted to simplify the equation by changing C to "1" and φ to "0".It is
worth noting that normally the modulating signal frequency is well below that of the carrier
Substituting in the individual relationships for the carrier and modulating signal, the
overall signal becomes:
y (t )=¿
The trigonometry can then be expanded out to give an equation that includes the
components of the signal:
y ( t ) =A . sin ( ωct )+ A ∗[ sin ( ( ωc+ ωm ) t +φ ) ] + A ∗[sin((ωc−ωm)t−φ)]
2 2
In this theory, three terms can be seen which represent the carrier, and upper and lower
Carrier: A . sin(ωc t)
LAB # 05 Analog and Digital Communication
It can be seen that for a case where there is 100% modulation, i.e. M = 1, and where the carrier is
not suppressed, i.e. A = 1, then the sidebands have half the value of the carrier, i.e. a quarter of
the power each.
Work Space
LAB # 05 Analog and Digital Communication
Output Waveforms
LAB # 05 Analog and Digital Communication
LAB # 05 Analog and Digital Communication
LAB # 05 Analog and Digital Communication
Lab Work:
LAB # 05 Analog and Digital Communication