3rd QUARTER EXAMINATION (Media and Information Literacy)
3rd QUARTER EXAMINATION (Media and Information Literacy)
3rd QUARTER EXAMINATION (Media and Information Literacy)
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d. Because library contains a limited information based from the
available materials
Image 2
50. Is it possible that different individual derives a different meaning from the
42. Video Games can also be considered as type of media. Why is it message? Why?
possible? It is …. a. Yes, because he or she is coming from a different point of view
a. because Millennials must be in a trend. and/or background.
b. because it affects human behavior like social media did. b. Yes, because sometimes information is unclear.
c. because it’s been a means in which people are entertained. c. Yes, because most of the time people don’t want to understand.
d. because video games has features that enable communication. d. Yes, because strategies in understanding were not introduced
43. When does someone get copyright protection?
a. When the author gets paid
b. As soon as the work is created
c. When it is registered for copyright Prepared by:
d. When it is published with a © symbol FRANCES P. DOLLERO
44. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 is also known as Special Science Teacher I (Math Major)
a. RA 10157 c. RA 11057
b. RA 11075 d. RA 10175
45. Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 is also known as
a. RA 9577 c. RA 7595
b. RA 9775 d. RA 9557
46. Mr. Marlon Velasquez is reciting his wedding vows for his wife, Vien
Illigan-Velasquez. What mode of communication is used?
a. Visual b. Verbal c. Written d. Non-verbal
47. Which of the following situation expresses how evolution of media affects
the values and norms of society?
a. Radio and TV becomes a tool in informing the current news to the
b. Internet used to express views through posts, blogs, etc. in social
c. El Filibusterismo is a platform used to demand Filipinos to express
d. All of the above.
48. Rendon wants his content to go viral. What type of media will best satisfy “Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. The word itself says “I’m Possible”.”
his goal? -Audrey Hepburn
a. broadcast media c. online media
b. new media d. print media
49. Library is one of the sources of information but nowadays, declining
number of users is being recorded. What do you think is the best explanation
for this situation?
a. Because of the grumpy attitude of the librarians
b. Because of the laziness of students to go to the libraries
c. Because of the existence of internet wherein the information be
one click away
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Republic of the Philippines D8. The invention of internet and the advanced use of microelectronics are
some of the unique features of this period of media. What period of media is
Department of Education described in the sentence?
Region V – Bicol a. Pre-Industrial c. Electronic
DIVISION OF CAMARINES NORTE b. Industrial d. Information
Tuaca High School
B9. People used the power of steam, developed machine tools,
Tuaca, Basud, Camarines Norte
established iron production, and the manufacturing of various products
including books through printing press. What period of media is described in
3rd Quarter Examination a. Pre-Industrial c. Electronic
MULTIPLE CHOICE- General Direction: Choose the correct answer and b. Industrial d. Information
PROPERLY SHADE the letter of the correct answer to the attached answer A10. Who: to identify the person; Where: _________
sheet. Shade E if there is no correct answer or all answers are correct from a. to locate a place c. to know about something
the choices. b. to know specific time and date d. the way things are done
B1. Source of data: Sender; Recipient of data; _____ A11. What do we call to a form of protection provided for original
a. message b. receiver c. information d. feedback works of authorship?
D2. Voice: Verbal Communication; Letters: _____ Communication a. copyright b. patent c. royalty d. infringement
a. Oral b. Formal c. Informal d. Written D12. What type of media consist of paper and ink, which is
A3. What do we call to the skill that allows a person to recognize traditionally reproduced?
when information is needed and how he will be able to access, locate, a. broadcast media c. online media
evaluate and use it effectively? b. new media d. print media
a. Information literacy c. Technology literacy A13. What type of media uses airwaves to transmit information?
b. Media literacy d. Media and information literacy a. broadcast media c. online media
A4. What do we call to the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and b. new media d. print media
create media in a variety of forms? C14. What do we call to the transformation of different kinds of media
a. media literacy c. information literacy into digital code, which is then accessible by a range of devices, thus
b. technology literacy d. media and information literacy creating a digital communication environment?
D5. Which of the following can be considered as producer of media a. technical convergence c. media convergence
and information? b. technological advancements d. digital advancements
a. reader b. viewer c. listener d. writer C15. Which of the following is not an example of media
A6. What do we call to the usual activities related to the consumption convergence?
of media like the television, radio and newspapers? a. Story books converted into pdf files
a. Media habit c. Media favorites b. TV patrol streamed via YouTube
b. Media lifestyle d. Media preference c. Harry Potter books transformed into movies
A7. People discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged d. Boom radio streams via Facebook
weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron. What period of E16. Which of the following media can be used in education sector?
media is described in the sentence? a. Messenger b. Google c. YouTube d. Kahoot
a. Pre-Industrial c. Electronic A17. What do we call to a type of library that serves colleges and
b. Industrial d. Information universities?
a. Academic Library c. School Library
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b. Public Library d. Special Library a. Cybercrime c. Identity Theft
C18. What do we call to a type of library that serves students from b. Social Theft d. Illegal Content
Kindergarten to Grade 12. D31. It refers to as data, knowledge, or instructions through signals or
a. Academic Library c. School Library symbols.
b. Public Library d. Special Library a. Communication c. Receiver
C19. What do we call to the use of language style and textual layout. b. Source d. Information
a. technical codes c. written code C32. An ability of an individual, working independently and with
b. symbolic code d. convention others, to responsibly, appropriately and effective use devices or tools.
D20. What kind of camera shot is a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
illustrated in the image 1 at the right side? b. Information Literacy d. Literacy
a. Wide shot c. Close up shot A33. Which of the following can be considered as user of media and
b. Medium shot d. Extreme Close up shot information?
A21. Refers to a civil wrong of defamation a. reader b. film makers c. cartoonist d. essay writer
involving written statements. Image 3
D34. What do we call to the individual taste and style as related to
a. libel c. slander media usage?
b. infringement d. none of the above a. Media habit c. Media Literacy
C22. Refers to a civil wrong of defamation involving spoken b. Media lifestyle d. Media preference
statements D35. Facebook is a media that starts to exist from what period?
a. libel c. slander a. Pre-Industrial c. Electronic
b. infringement d. none of the above b. Industrial d. Information
C23. It pertains to damaging overdependence on something B36. Which of the following is not an effective strategy to avoid
a. abuse c. addiction plagiarism?
b. compulsion d. none of the above a. Use the style manual in properly citing sources.
C24. Refers to the disparities in access to telephones, personal b. Copy then paste the content and do not give credit to the writer.
computers, and the internet across certain demographic groups. c. Put quotation marks around everything that comes directly from the text
a. media differences c. digital divide and cite the source.
b. electronic discord d. none of the above d. Paraphrase, but be sure that you are not simply rearranging or replacing a
A25. Refers to the aggressive behavior among school aged children few words and cite the source.
that involve a real or perceived power imbalance. A37. According to John Smith in The New York Times, “37% of all
a. bullying c. defamation children under the age of 10 live below the poverty line” – this passage is an
b. copyright d. none of the above example of what strategy to avoid plagiarism?
For items 26-29: Identify what age of media does each item exist. Use the a. Quotation c. Interpretation
choices below. b. Paraphrasing d. Common knowledge
a. Pre-Industrial c. Electronic D38. Media and Information Literacy textbook is what type of media?
b. Industrial d. Information a. broadcast media c. online media
D26. Mobile Phones b. new media d. print media
D27. Facebook D39. Zeinab needs to compile information and to keep it in her
C28. Television drawer. What media would best fit for Zeinab’s need?
B29. Typewriter a. broadcast media c. online media
C30. What opportunity / challenges / power of media is being described as b. new media d. print media
"The deliberate use of someone else's identity, usually as a method to gain a A40. Which of the following websites is considered to be more
financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits."? reliable?
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a. edu or educational websites c. .gov or government websites a. Because of the grumpy attitude of the librarians
b. .com or commercial websites d. .org or organizational websites b. Because of the laziness of students to go to the libraries
B41. What kind of camera framing shot is c. Because of the existence of internet wherein the information be one click
illustrated in the image 2 at the right side? away
a. Double shot d. Because library contains a limited information based from the available
b. Point of view shot materials
c. Over-the-hip shot Image 4 A50. Is it possible that different individual derives a different meaning
d. Over-the-shoulder shot from the message? Why?
D42. Video Games can also be considered as type of media. Why is a. Yes, because he or she is coming from a different point of view and/or
it possible? It is …. background.
a. because Millennials must be in a trend. b. Yes, because sometimes information is unclear.
b. because it affects human behavior like social media did. c. Yes, because most of the time people don’t want to understand.
c. because it’s been a means in which people are entertained. d. Yes, because strategies in understanding were not introduced
d. because video games has features that enable communication.
C43. When does someone get copyright protection?
a. When the author gets paid
b. As soon as the work is created Prepared by:
c. When it is registered for copyright FRANCES P. DOLLERO
d. When it is published with a © symbol Special Science Teacher I (Math Major)
D44. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 is also known as
a. RA 10157 c. RA 11057
b. RA 11075 d. RA 10175
B45. Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 is also known as
a. RA 9577 c. RA 7595
b. RA 9775 d. RA 9557
B46. Mr. Marlon Velasquez is reciting his wedding vows for his wife,
Vien Illigan-Velasquez. What mode of communication is used?
a. Visual b. Verbal c. Written d. Non-verbal
D47. Which of the following situation expresses how evolution of
media affects the values and norms of society?
a. Radio and TV becomes a tool in informing the current news to the society.
b. Internet used to express views through posts, blogs, etc. in social media.
c. El Filibusterismo is a platform used to demand Filipinos to express
d. All of the above.
B48. Rendon wants his content to go viral. What type of media will
best satisfy his goal?
a. broadcast media c. online media “Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. The word itself says “I’m Possible”.”
b. new media d. print media -Audrey Hepburn
C49. Library is one of the sources of information but nowadays,
declining number of users is being recorded. What do you think is the best
explanation for this situation?
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