Preventive and Corrective Maintenance For Transformers in Operation
Preventive and Corrective Maintenance For Transformers in Operation
Preventive and Corrective Maintenance For Transformers in Operation
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ancuta-Mihaela Aciu on 27 June 2023.
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to highlight the in order to extend their useful life or to be able to be reused
advantages of applying a preventive and corrective maintenance [7-12].
method in relation to the life of the insulation system of the
transformers in operation. This paper proposes a maintenance Insulating oils in operating equipment undergo a slow but
method based on the revitalization of the insulation of power constant degradation process. Progressive degradation and
transformers, in order to extend their life. Two case studies are premature aging result from various phenomena that occur
presented, and the results of the measurements made before and during the operation of electrical equipment.
after the revitalization process support the requirements of a Dissolved and suspended metal and cellulosic particles
preventive and corrective maintenance method.
along with other polar degradation products are impurities
Keywords: transformer, insulation, oil, revitalisation, that increase the rate of degradation and shorten the useful
mentenance life of electrical equipment. Therefore, the failure potential of
electrical equipment is directly related to the liquid insulating
Extending the life of electrical equipment has become a Treating the insulating liquid can extend the lifetime of the
primary condition in ensuring energy efficiency at the SEN transformer and ensure its optimal operation. Oil treatment
(National Energy System) level. methods are presented in specialized literature and applied by
Transformers are essential elements in electrical power the companies that deal with the maintenance of transformers
distribution systems, thus in the last decades, there has been a in operation, this work presents two case studies, which prove
shift from time-based maintenance strategy to condition- the effectiveness of the application of treatment processes in
based and risk-based maintenance. In this context, asset the case of transformers in operation to ensure a maintenance
managers are constantly looking to optimize their use. As efficient.
transformer diagnostic techniques have improved in recent The treatment process whose results are presented was
years, operators have sought techniques, measures and carried out with an installation based on synthetic adsorbents
methods to extend the life of transformers installed in the that uses the principle of adsorption to remove water and
system. polar elements from oil and solid insulation, applying the
From these considerations, the margin is currently applied percolation method under pressure.
to the application of predictive and corrective maintenance in The work supports a maintenance based on the
order to extend their life and ensure an acceptable level of revitalization of the insulation of power transformers, in order
reliability of the transformer in particular [1-7]. to extend their life. The installation used to remove water and
The life of power transformers is generally determined by polar elements from the transformer insulation uses synthetic
the life of the paper-oil insulation system, if the mechanical adsorbents [13-14].
stability of the electrical insulating paper is lost, there is a risk Transformer oil regeneration is an important preventive
of dielectric defects and total shutdowns of the transformer. maintenance tool, and therefore transformer oil must be
The aging of solid insulation must be monitored treated before it reaches levels of deterioration known to
continuously or at least periodically because its degradation cause transformer insulation failure [15-19].
process is final compared to the degradation of oils. The purpose of this work is to highlight the advantages of
Preventive and corrective maintenance is encouraged in order applying a preventive and corrective maintenance in terms of
to extend its life. the lifetime of the insulation system of the transformers in
Insulating oil is of essential importance in ensuring the operation.
efficient operation of the transformer, which due to the The application of reconditioning/regeneration/revitaliza-
specific production technology has high costs. tion processes to extend the lifetime of transformers has a
The primary resources from which these oils are derived major economic impact, and by reusing used oil, primary
are limited and thus, in order to save them, it is necessary to natural resources are preserved and environmental
carry out reconditioning/regeneration/revitalization processes contamination with such residual waste is avoided.
According to the DGA, the CO2/CO ratio has a value that IV. CONCLUSIONS
indicates a moderate state of paper degradation. This
indicates a moderate aging of the solid insulation system, the Whether the treatment of the transformer oil is done inside
causes of which, high humidity and the oxidative process, are or outside the tank, and on-line or off-line, depends mainly on
determined by the analysis of furan compounds. economic and production considerations.
The results of the electrical and physicochemical Regenerating transformer oil in the transformer tank should
measurements presented in table II indicate that the be at least 30% - 60% cheaper than the alternative of
transformer has a high humidity level, which requires the draining, washing and refilling the transformer with
treatment of the insulation system. regenerated oil. By following an oil maintenance program,
Before carrying out the treatment process, the necessary the accumulation of moisture and sludge in the solid
repairs were made to the OLTC to eliminate the leakage insulation of the transformer can be prevented.
problems of its tank relative to the main tank of the It has been shown that the regeneration process is less
transformer. demanding on the insulation of the transformer than the
The applied treatment brings an important contribution to alternative process of draining, washing and refilling the
the improvement of the physico-chemical/electrical transformer with new oil, thus avoiding long periods of
parameters of the insulation system (see tables II and III). interruption and consequently loss of profit.
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