Rafiq 2019
Rafiq 2019
Rafiq 2019
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: With the commencement of high voltage alternating current (HVAC) and high voltage direct current (HVDC), the
Received 21 October 2018 demands on insulating reliability of power transformer is getting more and more imperative. The mineral oil
Received in revised form 5 April 2019 (MO/TO) in conjunction with paper is the main insulation components in oil-immersed transformers; their insu-
Accepted 6 April 2019
lation properties play a significant role in the safe and stable operation of power transformers. To strengthen the
Available online 11 April 2019
insulation level of ultra-high voltage transformer and to reduce its size and weight, it is imminent to enhance the
insulating performance of transformer oil and oil-impregnated cellulose. Recently, a unique novel effort of sus-
Nanofluids pension of nanoparticles (NPs) into mineral oil (MO) has been carried out and the results have exhibited im-
Topic: proved insulation characteristics of transformer oil. The Al2O3 nanoparticles with favorable features were
Lightning impulse voltage prepared in our lab to develop transformer oil/paper insulation system with better insulation performance.
Streamer The transformer oil-based nanofluids (NFs) were prepared with nanorod shape, oleic acid (OA) surface modifi-
Electron mobility cation and 0.8 g/L concentration of NPs. The pressboards were cut into the desired sizes (85 mm.55 mm). The
Topic: thickness of the pressboards was 2 mm applied in flashover tests. The prepared pressboards were put into an
oven at 105 °C for almost 48 h to carry out the hot air drying operation. Then they were put in the vacuum drying
at 85 °C for 48 h. The impregnated pressboards were prepared by impregnating them into dried oil and NF under
Creeping flashover
vacuum beneath 1 kPa at 80 °C for almost 48 h to obtain the oil-impregnated pressboard (OIP) and nanofluid-
impregnated pressboard (NIP) respectively. Additionally, the prepared insulation system samples of liquid
(MO and NFs) and solid (OIPs, NIPs) were thermally aged at 130 °C for 30 days. The effect of alumina NPs on ther-
mal aging of transformer oil and pressboard were also investigated. The results showed that Al2O3 NPs can slow
down the aging of oil and pressboard. The average AC and positive LI BDV of aged NFs was 11% higher than aged
MOs. The average LI creeping FOVs of NIPs were 6% higher than OIPs. Additionally, average AC creeping FOVs of
NIPs were 8% higher than that of OIPs. The enhancement in insulating performance of aged NFs and NIPs as com-
pared to MO and OIPs is interpreted in light of electron traps theory.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0167-7322/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Rafiq et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 284 (2019) 700–708 701
dielectric characteristics of paper and pressboard insulations. The oil insulating features of NFs and NFs-impregnated pressboard is essential
used act as electrical insulation between conductive parts and also for their practical applications.
removes the heat produced during the operation of transformer. Addi- Numerous investigations have aimed at the aging mechanisms of in-
tionally, weight, size of the transformer and current density of trans- sulation system of transformers, and they can typically be divided into
former windings depend on the amount of oil and the rate of heat two classifications: first, examines the aging by-products such as
transfer [10]. acids, furfural, characteristics gases and chemical modifications while
The mineral oil (MO) and oil-insulated pressboard (OIP) of oil- aging process, such as the DP; and second, investigations on the influ-
immersed transformers undergoes multiple field stresses aging during ence of aging on electrical insulation traits of oil/paper insulation such
operation (due to electrical stress, thermal stress, chemical stress), breakdown voltage, partial discharge (PD) etc. This chapter produced
thereby accelerating the aging of solid-liquid insulation structure important information on the influence of Al2O3 NPs on the electrical in-
[11–15]. The extensive application of this oil/paper insulation system sulation conduct of oil/paper insulation system. Majority of research
in HV equipment has led to huge research work with focus to enhance studies have focused mainly on the influence of NPs on the MO or in
the dielectric traits of this insulation system. some cases NPs effect on the pressboard but for very short time of accel-
As mentioned transformer play a significant role in power systems in erated aging period. This study provides a comprehensive investigation
enhancing their operational lifetime and reliability which is essential to on the effect of Al2O3 NPs on the electrical features of transformer insu-
prevent downtime and expensive replacements. The lifetime and reli- lation system (oil/pressboard) after accelerated aging at 55 °C and 130
ability of transformers strongly rely on suitable insulation design °C for 30 days. The electrical properties of the aged samples were ob-
[16–19]. The insulation performance quality and physical level of trans- served after certain time intervals.
formers is directly linked to the safety and stability of power grid. The The aging of insulation system will lead to a decline in performance
power transformers are generally reliable during their design life of of transformer insulation system due to deterioration of dielectric
20–35. In reality, their lifetime could be enhanced to 60 years with suit- strength. Additionally, the partial discharge (PD) happens more easily
able maintenance techniques [20]. During operation, the insulation sys- and frequently in aged insulation system. The products which result of
tem (pressboard, oil) always exposed to high working temperature, PD such as humidity, acid and so on in turn accelerate aging process.
therefore the temperature is the most important factor in aging of the Consequently, is becomes highly significant to explore an economic
insulation system of transformer. The research has manifested that in- and essential way to enhance the dielectric performance of this insula-
sulating features of TO would not be affected significantly even if the tion system.
oil has been used for many years [21] but the long term operation at Aging will lead to a decline in working performance of transformer
high temperature will cause apparent effects to paper insulation and oil due to deterioration of dielectric strength and cooling property. Fur-
cause operational complications for normal operation of transformers thermore, partial discharge occurs more easily and frequently in aged
[22]. oil. Products of PD such as moisture, acid and so on in turns accelerate
During operation, the paper insulation is subjected to stresses (elec- aging process of the oil and form a vicious cycle. Consequently, it is ex-
trical, stress, thermal stress due to heat produced by the conductors car- tremely urgent to explore an effective and economical way to improve
rying current or due to hot spot development and chemical stress due to the dielectric capability of aged transformer oil.
breaking of chemical bonds of oil/paper material and producing acidic Power transformers are usually very reliable, with a 20–35 years of
slag). The insulation conduct of oil-paper will decline due to these design life. In practice, the life of a transformer can be as long as
stresses, such as the DP (degree of polymerization) value, when it is ex- 60 years with appropriate maintenance [2]. However, after several
posed to thermal stress and then cause partial discharge [23–24]. After years of service, aging of the cellulose material in the insulating press-
the partial discharge happens, the discharged particles (ions, electrons) board causes the insulation to gradually deteriorate and thus become
influence the surface of insulation material and enhances its aging pro- less effective. Actual data from power distribution networks do indeed
cess. The insulating features of insulation material would impair with indicate that creepage discharge failures become more common as
time inside the electric apparatus. This de-gradation rate is affected by transformers age. Although an oil-impregnated pressboard (OIP) has
the temperature as well as moisture and air [25]. generally desirable electrical properties, it has been discovered that
The surface discharge at the interface of solid liquid insulation is the this material exhibits weak resistance to creepage discharge. Irrevers-
key reason of collapse in transformers [26]. The multiple stresses cause ible damage can be caused by creepage discharge on the pressboard,
physical and chemical degradation of the pressboard materials, causing and this damage may eventually lead to flashover and thus to cata-
surface charge accumulation on its surface and leading to surface dis- strophic transformer failure. Consequently, it is important to under-
charge activity [27–30]. This surface charge accumulation strengthens stand creepage discharge induced transformer failures, especially with
the tangential electric field and creating high magnitude discharges regard to transformer aging.
without producing any BD [31]. The creepage discharge on pressboards In this paper, insulation aging properties of oil samples (MO, NFs)
is one of the failure modes for power transformers. Failure studies gen- and pressboards (OIPs, NIPs) were investigated after aging 6 days at
erally observe the evidences of creepage discharge in the “treelike” pat- the temperature of 130 °C. Based on the trap characteristics in both oil
terns, the carbonized marks left by electrical discharge on insulation samples (MO, NFs) and pressboards (OIPs, NIPs), we propose a modifi-
board [32–33]. Aging will result in reduction in the operational per- cation mechanism of nanoparticles on the insulating properties of trans-
formance of insulation system. Moreover, PD will happen more former oils.
often. The resulting products od PD such as acid, moisture and so
on further accelerate the aging process and initiate a dangerous 2. Materials and methods
cycle. The aging (degradation) process of oil/paper will be expedite
and result in the collapse under the compound effects of the factors 2.1. Formation of transformer oilbased nanofluids
mentioned before. Therefore, it is highly required to find an effective
and economic way to enhance the BD performance of insulation sys- The process of transformer oil-based nanofluids is presented in the
tem of transformers. following sections.
The research has manifested that NPs have the potential to enhance
the insulating features of TO and TO-based pressboard under ambient 2.1.1. Material selection
conditions [33–35]. But as mentioned earlier that the characteristics of The Al2O3 NPs are developed in our laboratory. The mineral oil
insulation system would deteriorate with certain period of time inside (25#Kelamayi) was processed to remove the impurities and to meet
the equipment under operation. Thus, maintaining the superior the requisites of pure oil set by CIGRE board 12.17 [36]. As NPs have
702 M. Rafiq et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 284 (2019) 700–708
high surface energy and a tendency to agglomerate, suitable surface mentioned in the earlier sections. The NFs were developed with
modifiers must be chosen to enhance the dispersion characteristics 0.8 g/L concentration of NPs by using the process as presented in the
and stability of NPs [37]. Surfactant techniques have been applied to de- aforementioned sections. The oil samples (pure oil and NFs) were put
velop a glazed shell on the NPs. The rear ends of surfactant molecules re- into vacuum oven at 80 °C, less than 100 Pa for approximately 48 h to
buff each other to ensure a distance between the particles to hinder diminish the influence of gases and moisture appeared during the prep-
them from agglomeration. Surface modification of NPs is an efficient aration process. The pressboard was B3.1 type, pre-compressed sup-
method to avert NPs agglomeration in insulating liquids [38–41]. Never- plied by a company named Weidman [42]. The pressboards were cut
theless, the surface modifiers used for mineral oils cannot be used with into the desired sizes (85 mm.55 mm). The thickness of the pressboards
other carrier oils, such as vegetable oils, because of different molecular was 2 mm applied in flashover tests. The prepared pressboards were
forms/structures. put into an oven at 105 °C for almost 48 h to carry out the hot air drying
operation. Then they were put in the vacuum drying at 85 °C for 48 h.
2.1.2. Preparation of nanoparticles The impregnated pressboards were prepared by impregnating them
The Aluminum Nitrate Nonahydrate (Al(NO3)3.9H2O) is put into a into dried oil and NF under vacuum beneath 1 kPa at 80 °C for almost
flask and stirred and the base solution is continuously dropped into 48 h to obtain the oil-impregnated pressboard (OIP) and nanofluid-
the solution during all stirring operation of 2 to 3 h. After stirring oper- impregnated pressboard (NIP) respectively.
ation, the pH value is measured by pH meter. The pH value decides the
shape of the NPs. After it, the solution is put into chemical reactor at 200 2.3. Thermal aging treatment process
°C for almost 12 h and then the solution is cooled down until room tem-
perature. After cooling, the product is then centrifuged three times by The life of the oil-paper insulation system is determined by its ther-
the application of ethanol. The product obtained is AlOOH and it is mal aging properties. When the operating temperature of the oil-paper
dried at 70 °C for almost 2 h. The resulting product is grinded and insulation system is in the range of 80 °C to 140 °C, the life loss can be
then sintered at 600 °C for 3 h. The final product obtained is Al2O3 nano- estimated by a factor of 6, and the insulation life is reduced by 6 °C
particle. After it, surface modification is applied. Then sonication is car- [43]. Therefore, we selected to age at 130 °C for 30 days to simulate
ried out at 60 °C for 2 h. After sonication, NPs are washed with ethanol the aging of the transformer insulation for almost 27 years. The samples
through centrifuge machine. In the end, surface modified NPs are prepared were exposed to nitrogen for almost 5 min to remove the air
obtained. from the samples and then covered them tightly by the cap on the bot-
tles. The AC and impulse breakdown measurements were carried out
2.1.3. Preparation of nanofluids after every 6 days for MO and NFs. The creeping flashover voltages
A definite quantity of prepared NPs was weighed in accordance to were measured for OIP and NIP after every 6 days.
the required concentration. The NFs were developed by suspension of
weighed NPs into MO by applying ultrasonic route. All the developed 2.4. AC and lightning impulse breakdown voltage measurement test
NFs samples were preserved into vacuum drying box at less than kPa
for almost 24 h to expel the influence of bubbles created during the son- The most essential and significant perquisite for an insulation liquid
ication action. The morphology of nanomaterials prepared by observing is AC breakdown voltage (BDV), which can be defined as the value of ap-
JEOL JEM-2100F high-resolution transmission electron microscopy plied AC voltage at which disruptive discharge is initiated in the liquid. A
(TEM) is shown in Fig. 1. The nanoplate has 100 nm length and 40 nm number of test methods are usually employed in which a small amount
width whereas the nanorods have diameter of 15 nm and length of of insulating liquid is exposed to an almost homogenous electric field
150 nm. between two electrodes dipped in insulation fluid. The voltage is in-
creased until breakdown occurs. The IEC 60156 standard test is nor-
2.2. Preparation of transformer oil based nanofluids-impregnated mally used with a gap of 2.5 mm and voltage rise rate of 2.5 kV/s [44].
pressboard The AC breakdown test is significantly influenced by impurities in the
insulating liquid, such as small particles, moisture, and air or gas bub-
The oil was refined to discard the contaminants to fulfill the require- bles. Therefore, the measured AC breakdown voltage of an insulating
ments set by CIGRE. Al2O3 NPs were prepared according to the process liquid mainly indicates the oil quality rather than oil properties itself.
Fig. 1. HRTEM images for nanoparticles: (left) Al2O3 nanoplates (right) Al2O3 nanorods.
M. Rafiq et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 284 (2019) 700–708 703
Protecon the aging of 30 days at 130 °C, the AC BD voltages of alumina NFs were
resistance 8% higher than pure oil.
3.3. Positive LI breakdown voltage measurement of mineral oil and
The LI BD voltages are tested according to IEC 60897 standard. The
gap distance used for positive LI BDV was 25 mm. The LI BDVs of aged
High voltage
oil and aged NFs were determined by utilizing the oil tank and the nee-
dle to sphere electrode arrangement. The positive LI BD voltages were
measured for oils and NFs aged for 0 days, 6 days, 18 days, 24 days
and 30 days. The oil tank and electrodes are immersed with the same
Z NFs. The oil tank is repleted with the NFs to confirm that there are no
bubbles. The needle electrode is replaced post every BD to assure iden-
tical exploratory conditions. Six BD values were collected for each NF to
validate repeatability. The mean value is considered as LI BDV. The re-
sults for positive LI BDVs for aged oil and NFs are presented in Fig. 8.
The positive LI voltage of NFs was lower than pure oil only after the
30 days of aging. This may be caused by agglomeration of NPs.
3.4. Lightning impulse creeping flashover voltages of OIP and NIP
Fig. 4. Experimental geometry for creeping flashover measurement.
The creeping flashover test for aged sample was conducted by using
into reddish brown after 30 days of aging (Fig. 5). The color variation in an organic glass cell with the size of 120 mm. 80 mm. 50 mm. The nee-
OIPs and NIPs after aging at 130 °C is also shown in Fig. 6. The color of dle to plane set up was used and pressboard was kept horizontally be-
the pressboard samples turned into darker after 30 days of aging. tween the electrodes. The needle electrode with a tip radius of 50 to
70 μm was put 30° to the horizontal. The needle length was adjusted
3.2. AC breakdown strength of aged mineral oil and nanofluid to allow the tip to be contacted by pressboard firmly. The gap distance
of 30 mm was used between needle and plane electrodes. The experi-
The AC BD voltage of two aged liquid samples (oil and nanofluid) ment was carried out under standard lightning impulse voltages 1.2
was measured during aging process by using 6801 AC BD tester. The μs/50 μs. The impulse producer was used to generate the standard light-
AC BD voltages were measured for oils and NFs aged for 0 days, ing impulses and applied to the needle electrode. The oscilloscope is
6 days, 18 days and 30 days. The AC BD voltage of the aged samples used to record the current signals. The step by step voltage rise method
was tested according to IEC 60156. The experiment uses brass ball is applied in the experiment. In the beginning of the test, a chosen value
caped electrodes with gap distance of 2.5 mm. The voltage elevating of impulse voltages applied and then enhanced by a step of 2.5 kV until
rate was 2 kV/s. The 5 min initial relieve time was used. A total 60 BD flashover happens. The voltages were applied three times and if the
values were attained for every sample and the average value is taken creeping flashover does not happen, the applied voltages are increased
as AC BDVs. The moisture content of the samples was 12–15 ppm. with a step of 2.5 kV until a creeping flashover did happen. Six values of
The AC breakdown voltage results are shown in Fig. 7.The AC BDVs creeping flashover were obtained for every sample. The results of posi-
for aged oil and aged NF gradually decreases as the aging time increases, tive creeping flashover for aged OIP and NIP are shown in Fig. 9. The re-
which is in accordance with the results presented in ref. [47]. The AC BD sults of aged NFs were higher than the aged MO throughout the aging
voltages of NFs were always higher throughout the aging process. After process at 130 °C.
Fig. 5. Aging of pure oil (left) and nanofluids (right) at 130 °C (after aging 0 days, 6 days, 18 days and 30 days).
M. Rafiq et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 284 (2019) 700–708 705
Fig. 6. Aging of OIPs (upper) and NIPs (lower) at 130 °C (after aging 0 days, 6 days, 18 days and 30 days).
The results for negative creeping flashover for both OIP and NIP 3.5. AC creeping flashover voltages of OIP and NIP
aged at 130 °C are shown in Fig. 10. Both the positive and negative
flashover voltages for NIPs were higher than the OIPs through the The AC creeping flashover test was carried out to study the flashover
aging process. After the aging of 30 days, the negative creeping features of OIPs and NIPs under 50 Hz AC electric stress. In the test, the
flashover voltage of NIPs was almost 8% higher than OIPs at 130 °C HV electrode of the test cell is attached to the AC supply transformer via
after 30 days. 10 kΩ resistor to reduce the overcurrent resulted by breakdowns. The
Fig. 8. Positive lightning impulse breakdown strength of aged oil and aged NFs aged at 130
Fig. 7. AC breakdown strength of aged oil and aged NFs aged at 130 °C °C.
706 M. Rafiq et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 284 (2019) 700–708
voltage. In order to avoid the interface of the gas and impurities pro-
duced by the surface flashover on the subsequent test, oil sample, press-
board and the needle electrode were replaced after each test and
standing time of 5 min is allowed to diminish bubbles in the sample.
The AC creeping flashover for aged OIPs and NIPs is shown in Fig. 11.
The PDIV for NIPs was always higher than the PDIV of OIP throughout
the aging time duration of 30 days. The average AC creeping flashover
voltages of NIPs were 8% higher than the OIPs at 130 °C. After 30 days
of aging at 130 °C, the PDIV for aged NIPs were less than the OIPs
which may be caused by saturation of moisture absorption of NPs or ag-
glomeration of NPs.
The results for partial discharge inception voltage are shown in
Fig. 12. The results indicate that the PDIV for NIPs are always higher
than OIPs for all the aging duration range. The significant drop in PDIV
was seen after aging of 18 days at 130 °C, the PDIV for OIP was dropped
to 14.9 kV and PDIV for NIPs dropped to 16.2.
4. Modification mechanism
Fig. 10. Negative creeping flashover voltage for OIP and NIP aged at 130 °C. Fig. 11. AC creeping flashover voltages of aged oil and NFs aged at 130 °C.
M. Rafiq et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 284 (2019) 700–708 707
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the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from North China Electric Power University in
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[43] IEC Technical Committee. IEC354-1991 “Loading guide for oil-immersed power
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