In simple words, a moneyless, class less society with no discrimination. LANDs, FARMs,
INDUSTRIES, FACTORIES and etc. (Means of production) are owned by labourers.
Communist Manifesto-
Karl Marx wrote communist manifesto in 1848. According to the Communist Manifesto, the people
who are fighting for communism can achieve it by working together and overthrowing the current
monarchy or the government, ruling party. There won’t be any discrimination in a communist
society between rich, Poor or religion caste according the communist manifesto. Free medics and
free education would be provided in a communist society. The practical implementation of
communism was seen in Russia in 1917
According to the Karl Marx’s communist manifesto, means of production were owned by the public
and not any particular ruling party.
Lenin’s implemented communism was a little different from Karl Marx’s described communism.
To avoid criticism, Lenin banned all other political parties and declared the sub-continent, a “One
Party State” (DICTATORSHIP).
A famous polish-communist- Rosa Luxembourg who was strictly against soviet communism.
She used to support Liberal Marxism. She even used to protest against the soviet communism.