Dagatan Nino PR

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Cache size on data access:Measuring the impact of cache in CPU




The continuous improvements offered by silicon technology make it possible to place
more transistors on a single chip. There are currently many commodity PCs equipped
with quad-core CPU's which have considerably large L3 cache memories integrated
inside. As the performance gap between CPU and main memory has been getting
larger, the importance of the fast on-chip cache memories continues to rise. The first
on-chip caches were small, unified and one-level only. The current chips contain large
L3 caches with different organizations.
One of the simplest techniques used to improve caching and CPU overall perfor-
mance is the usage of dedicated and separate cache memories for Instructions and
Data. Separate L1 I and L1 D caches were a reality since more than a decade ago
(since Intel® Pentium® processor models). The most important reason of using sepa-
rate L1 caches is the possibility to access them in parallel, thus attaining a higher
bandwidth. The drawback of having two caches is the higher miss rate in each of
them as their size is lower. Other different pros and cons of the two cache organiza-
tions are discussed in Section 2.
In this article I simulate and evaluate the overall CPU performance improvements
of different possible separate Instruction and Data L2 cache organizations. To have
realistic results I consider only bandwidth (number of cache connections) and miss
rate (cache size) and keep the other cache specifications identical. To model and sim-
ulate the different cache organization CPU's, Marss-x86, a Cycle-Accurate full system
simulator presented in [1] is used. Besides providing basic modules of processing
cores, caches and memory, Marss-x86 is also extensible and permits quick integration
of other simulation modules. The simulation results show that the IPC increase of
splitting L2 cache into two equally sized instruction and data caches, no matter how
significant, is always positive and ranges from 0.4 to 3 %.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses pros and cons of
having unified and separated Instruction and Data caches. Also it summarizes related
work about size impact on cache access time and power consumption. Section 3
shortly presents Marss-x86 simulator, its structure and the features it offers. The
simulations’ specifications and the different machine models I have used are de-
scribed in Section 4. Section 5 presents the simulation results while Section 6 con-
cludes and shows some possible future work directions.
Besides the traditional unified caches, the other very common design is having sepa-
rate caches for instructions and data. There are certainly different pros and cons of
splitting a cache memory into two smaller caches. The most important advantage of
splitting the cache memory is the increase in bandwidth that results. Modern proces-
sors can read data from the instruction cache and the data cache simultaneously in a
single cache memory cycle. Having two separate Instruction and Data caches and
accessing them simultaneously offers the possibility to potentially double the band-
width [2]. Also the Instruction cache does not need to manage a processor store. Hav-
ing it separate from the Data cache makes possible to simplify its design. Replace-
ment policy may also result more effective. One can be direct-mapped and the other
can be highly associative.
This architecture, also known as Harvard architecture, has the drawback that it
needs two complete sets of address and data lines, one to each of the caches. There
are also many hardware complications and costs of having to address and index two
separate caches instead of one. The most significant drawback of splitting a cache in
two smaller caches is the increase in miss rate that will result in each of them as a
consequence of the lower (half in case of symmetric split) capacity that will result. An
important advantage of a unified cache is the balancing it offers in terms of instruc-
tion/data words. If the ratio of data to instruction words changes during the runtime it
is adapted to by the replacement policy. This is also rare as the capacity is higher than
in case of separate caches. In case of two separate Instruction and Data caches, having
too many Instruction or Data words to cache will result in filling up one of the caches.
No adaption is possible [3].
In general accessing large memories of any kind takes more time than accessing
smaller memories. The circuit level higher access times of larger caches have been
also analyzed at [4]. The authors report a proportional increase in access time as a
function of cache size for both direct mapped and set associative caches. The authors
attribute the higher delays to the circuit comparisons and tag matching. In [5] the
authors show that in general it takes less time to access direct-mapped caches than set
associative caches. What is more important is the quasi-linear rise of access time with
the increase of cache size. They also conclude that there is a considerable decrease in
energy consumption if the cache is partitioned into several banks.
Other articles like [6] and [7] evaluate the performance of different Tem-
poral/Spatial split of cache models. They report performance improvements due to the
better exploitation of the locality patterns in the code of different applications. In [8]
the authors propose an algorithm to reduce cache interference among different simul-
taneous processes by dynamically (and of course logically) partitioning the last level
cache among those competing processes. They report significant cache performance
improvements with minimal hardware overhead for the modifications. Another ad-
vantage of having smaller separate caches is the reduction in power consumption. In
[9] the author presents a scheme named cooperative partitioning to logically divide
the LLC ways between the competing cores of the CMP. This scheme uses a shadow
tag to monitor the cache requirements of each application and makes a proportional
partition of the cache blocks between the cores running the applications. He reports a
reduction of 67% and 25 % reduction in dynamic and static energy consumption for
dual-core systems.
The purpose of this work is to assess any overall IPC improvement gained from the
split of L2 cache into two equally sized instruction and data caches. One large L2
cache provides low bandwidth because it cannot be accessed in parallel by Instruc-
tions L1 and Data L1. However it has low miss rate as it is large and can hold many
blocks. Two smaller L2 caches (Instructions L2 and Data L2) provide higher band-
width as they are accessed in parallel. However the miss rate is higher as they have
smaller capacities. Being the dominant factors that influence cache performance,
bandwidth and size are the two parameters I consider. The others cache characteristics
are kept identical in every set of comparative simulations.

Marss-x86 is an open source simulator for Cycle-Accurate simulations of multicore

CPU configurations. From the different functionalities and features it provides the
following are the most important:
It makes use of different Cycle-Accurate simulation models for out-of-order
and in-order single core and multicore CPUs implementing the x86 ISA.
It supports switching between the Cycle-Accurate simulation mode and the
x86 emulation mode of QEMU, an emerging emulator.
Being based on QEMU, Marss-x86 can boot and execute unmodified operat-
ing systems, applications (i.e. benchmarks) and library binaries.
It includes models of memory hierarchies for single-core and multicore chips
and realizes 200 – 400 kilo instructions per second simulations in Cycle-
Accurate simulation mode.
Marss-x86 reuses many components of QEMU like emulated IO devices, user in-
terfaces etc [10]. It also provides a MIMO based interface which allows communica-
tions between the VM’s software and the simulated/emulated hardware components.
Using this interface programs running in VM can send control signals to the simula-
tor. Marss-x86 allows users to simulate different hybrid CPU configurations consist-
ing of in-order and out-of-order cores of the same chip. It also implements Cycle-
Accurate simulation for superscalar pipelines. Marss-x86 framework is extensible and
permits quick integration of other simulation modules like DRAMsim, DiskSim and
FlashSim. This provides the possibility for accurate and overall system simulations.
The configuration files are written in YAML, a human friendly data serialization
language [11]. A typical YAML configuration (modeling) file contains three types of
modules: Cores, caches and memory controllers. For each type of module Marss-x86
provides at least one basic module and gives the possibility to create custom modules
based on the desired specifications. The YAML configuration file of a dual-core ma-
chine with L3 cache is given below:
description: Dual Core CPU with L3 cache - configuration 1
min_contexts: 2
max_contexts: 2
- type: ooo
name_prefix: ooo_
threads: 1
- type: l1_mesi_32K
name_prefix: L1_I_
insts: $NUMCORES
private: true
- type: l1_mesi_32K
name_prefix: L1_D_
insts: $NUMCORES
private: true
- type: l2_mesi_256K
name_prefix: L2_
private: true
last_private: true
insts: $NUMCORES
- type: l3_wb_4M
name_prefix: L3_
insts: 1
- type: dram_cont
name_prefix: MEM_
insts: 1 # Single DRAM controller
latency: 90 # In nano seconds
- type: p2p
- core_$: I
- core_$: D
- L1_I_$: LOWER
- L1_D_$: LOWER
L2_$: UPPER2
- L3_0: LOWER
- type: split_bus
- L2_*: LOWER

This machine model is described in Section 4.3. After executing a simulation

Marss-x86 gives basic results such as IPC. Many other specific simulation results can
be obtained by running different statistic collection Python scripts that are provided.

To have a reliable assessment of L2 cache memory organization impact in the overall

IPC of the machine I used different CPU models such as single core with L1 and L2
caches, dual-core with L1 and L2 caches, dual-core with L1, L2 and L3 caches, quad-
core with L1 and L2 caches and quad-core with L1, L2 and L3 caches. Marss-x86
reads the configuration files of these models which are written in YAML format. It
generates and compiles the corresponding C++ code which is than executed. The
following subsections present the simulation environment, specifications and details
of the CPU models that are used. I used a quad-core 2.79 GHz Intel® Xeon® E5-1603
CPU equipped physical machine
running Ubuntu 13.04 with kernel version 3.8.0-35-generic. I installed Marss-x86
which uses QEMU to boot and run a disk image over the simulated machines. The
emulated system and application consists of Linux kernel and Radix Sort C-
implemented algorithm which is used to exercise the CPU models by sorting millions
of randomly generated integer numbers. In every simulation model I used different
number (1, 2 or 4) of the default Marss-x86 Out Of Order CPU cores each of which
has the following specifications. Cache memory specifications depend on cache level
and size. For L1 I used write-
back caches for the single core model and MESI coherent caches for the multicore
models. For L2 I used write-back caches if there is not a L3 cache and MESI coherent
L2 if there is a shared L3 cache. L3 caches are shared and write-back in every model.
The common cache specifications in every model are 64 B for line size, 2 read ports
and 2 write ports. The rest of cache specifications are given in the following sections.
I also used the following memory specifications in every simulation:
In this simulation two organizations of a single core CPU with 2 levels of on-chip
cache memory are compared. The first model is a very common single-core organiza-
tion with shared L2 cache (i.e. Intel® Pentium M® 740 family has the same basic
structure). The second model is uncommon having separate L2 I and L2 D second
level caches. In the first model there are two p2p connections between the cache
memories, specifically L1 I L2 and L1 D L2, and a single p2p connection
between L2 and the main memory. In the second model the cache memory connec-
tions are L1 I L2 I and L1 D L2 D. There are also 2 p2p connections be-
tween the 2 L2 caches and the main memory. The goal is to assess the IPC of splitting
the L2 cache in two halves, L2 I and L2 D and having the possibility to make parallel
accesses between level 1 and level 2 caches. Level 1 cache memories are all identical
in both models having 32 KB size, 64 sets, 8-way associativity and 2 cycles latency.
Level 2 cache memories differ only in size having 2 MB vs. 1 MB L2 I + 1 MB L2 D,
4096 sets vs. 2048 + 2048 sets, 8-way associativity and 18 cycles latency. Cache
memories are all write back.
In this simulation I compare two organizations of a dual-core CPU with 2 levels of
on-chip cache memory. The first model is a very common dual-core organization with
shared L2 cache (i.e. Intel® Core Duo® L2500 family has the same basic structure).
The second model is uncommon having shared (not per core) separate L2 I and L2 D
second level caches. In the first model there are 4 split bus connections between the
four L1 cache memories and L2. There is also and a p2p connection between L2 and
the main memory. In the second model there are 4 split bus connections, specifically
Core 1 L1 I L2 I, Core 2 L1 L2 I, Core 1 L1 D L2 D and Core 2 L1 D
L2 D. There are also 2 p2p connections between the two L2 caches and the main
memory. The goal is the same, the evaluation of the IPC improvement of splitting the
L2 cache in two halves, L2 I and L2 D. L1 cache memories are MESI coherent and
have identical specifications in both models (and in the models that follow). They
have 32 KB size, 64 sets, 8-way associativity and 2 cycles latency. Level 2 cache
memories differ only in size having 2 MB vs. 1 MB L2 I + 1 MB L2 D, 4096 sets vs.
2048 + 2048 sets, 8-way associativity and 18 cycles latency. In this simulation I
compare two organizations of a dual-core CPU with 3 levels of
on-chip cache memory. The first model is a very common dual-core organization with
per core L2 caches and shared L3 cache (i.e. Intel® Xeon® W3505 family). The se-
cond model is uncommon with separate per core L2 I and L2 D caches and shared L3.
In the first model there are 4 p2p connections between the 4 L1 caches and the two L2
caches (Core 1 L1 I Core 1 L2, Core 1 L1 D Core 1 L2 , Core 2 L1 I
Core 2 L2, Core 2 L1 D Core 2 L2). There are also 2 split bus connections,Core 1 L2 L3
and Core 2 L2 L3 and the p2p connection between L3 cache
and the main memory. In the second model there are 4 p2p connections between the
corresponding L1 and L2 caches. There are also 4 split bus connections between all
level 2 caches and the level 3 cache and of course the p2p connection between L3 and
the main memory. The YAML configuration file of this machine was presented in
section 3. Level 2 cache memories differ only in size having 256 KB L2 vs. 128 KB
L2 I + 128 KB L2 D, 512 vs. 256 + 256 sets, 8-way associativity and 10 cycles laten-
cy. The shared L3 caches are identical in both models having 4 MB size, 4096 sets,
In this simulation two organizations of a quad-core CPU with two levels of on-chip
cache memory are compared. The first model is a common quad-core organization
with shared L2 cache (i.e. Intel® Core 2 Extreme® family). The second model is
uncommon having shared (not per core) separate L2 I and L2 D second level caches.
In the first model there are 8 split bus connections between the level 1 cache memo-
ries and the shared L2. There is also and a p2p connection between L2 and the main
memory. In the second model there are 4 split bus connections between level 1 in-
struction caches of the different cores and L2 I. There are also 4 split bus connections
between level 1 data caches of the different cores and L2 D. There are of course 2
other p2p connections between the two L2 caches and the main memory. Level 2
cache memories differ only in size having 12 MB vs. 6 MB L2 I + 6 MB L2 D and
12288 sets vs. 6144 + 6144 sets, 16-way associativity and 22 cycles latency.
In this last simulation I compare 2 organizations of a quad-core CPU with 3 levels
of on-chip cache memory. The first model is a quad-core organization with per core
L2 caches and shared L3 cache (i.e. Intel® Core® i5 760). The second model has
separate per core L2 I and L2 D and shared L3 cache. In the first model there are 8
p2p connections between the L1 caches of the different cores and the 4 L2 caches.
There are also 4 split bus connections between the L2 caches and the shared L3.
There is also the p2p connection between L3 and the main memory. In the second
model there are 8 p2p connections between the corresponding L1 and L2 caches.
There are also 8 split bus connections between all L2 caches and the L3 cache and the
p2p connection between L3 and the main memory. L2 cache memories differ only in
size having 256 KB L2 vs. 128 KB L2 I + 128 KB L2 D, 512 vs. 256 + 256 sets, 8-
way associativity and 10 cycles latency. The shared L3 caches are identical in both
models having 8 MB size, 8192 sets, 16-way associativity and 34 cycles latency.


I ran each simulation (model) 5 times for 30 million cycles each. The average IPCs
reported by Marss-x86 were computed and compared. Table 3 presents the IPC dif-
ference in % between the average IPCs of the two compared models in every simula-
tion set. First thing to note is the fact that this difference is always positive. There is a
slight improvement of 0.4 % from the first Single core model. Dual-Core L2 model
also reveals a low improvement of 0.5 %. Splitting L2 cache when it is the last level
cache doesn’t seem to be beneficial, probably because of the higher miss rates of the
smaller L2 I and L2 D. As there is no L3 to serve these requests, they have to go to
the main memory which is much slower. The 4th simulation of the quad-core L2 mod-
el gives an improvement of 1.2 % which is higher than the first two L2 cache simula-
tions. In this simulations the L2 caches are larger (lower miss rates) and the aggregate
bandwidth demand of the 4 cores is higher. Apparently higher bandwidth prevails
over higher miss rates.

The 3rd and 5th simulations give encouraging results. Higher miss rate delays of
splitting L2 cache are minimized by the larger L3 cache. The higher bandwidth of the
parallel p2p connections between the corresponding L1 and L2 caches of each core
yields a considerable IPC improvement. The improvement difference between 1st, 2nd
and 4th simulation against 3rd and 5th sets suggest that splitting the L2 cache doesn’t
pay off when there is no L3 cache to compensate the higher L2 miss rates. However it
gives considerable improvement when the L3 cache is present. The improvement
differences between 2nd and 4th simulation sets and also between 3rd and 5th
sets suggests the IPC increase is higher in CMPs with higher number of cores as there
is higher bandwidth demand from L2 caches. Being aware of the many hardware
costs and complications that the separation of L2 cache implies (which need to be
analyzed), having separate per core Instruction and Data L2 caches may be a reality in
the imminent many-core CPUs with L4 off-chip caches.





In this paper I presented a set of simulations for different CPU L2 cache organizations
comparing the overall IPC of unified vs. separate Instruction and Data L2 caches. The
results indicate that splitting L2 cache into two equally sized instruction and data
caches provides a not always considerable but higher IPC. This improvement is mere-
ly 0.4 % in a single core L2 organization. It is 0.5 and 1.2 in dual-core and quad-core
organizations. The highest improvements are attained in dual-core and quad-core
CPUs with a shared L3, respectively 2.4 % and 3 %. The results suggest that a L2
cache split in L2 Instruction cache and L2 Data cache makes sense in many core (i.e.
at least four cores) CPUs with at least a L3 cache present on-chip.
Even though the results of the last simulation may seem encouraging there are dif-
ferent hardware costs and complications of having per core separate L2 caches. In
[12] the author proposes a logical split of L1 data cache based on run-time data locali-
ty analysis. He presents an interesting evaluation of the hardware cost this of organi-
zation and concludes that the major problem is the extra space required for storing the
extra tags of the two caches. A similar analysis of the extra complications and hard-
ware costs of having separate L2 per core Instruction and Data caches is a tough un-
dertaking and a possible future direction.


Performance Optimization: Understanding how cache affects CPU performance helps
in optimizing computer systems. Cache is designed to store frequently accessed data,
reducing the need to fetch data from slower memory, such as RAM. By measuring its
impact, designers can fine-tune cache sizes and configurations to maximize
performance. Energy Efficiency: Cache also plays a role in energy efficiency. Efficient
cache usage can reduce the number of times a CPU needs to access main memory,
which consumes more power. Measuring cache impact aids in designing power-efficient
CPUs. Memory Hierarchy Design: Cache is a critical component of the memory
hierarchy in CPUs, which includes various levels of caches and main memory. Studying
the impact of cache helps in designing an effective memory hierarchy, balancing factors
like latency, capacity, and bandwidth. Algorithm and Software Design: Developers
can use knowledge of cache behavior to write more cache-friendly code. Algorithms and
data structures can be optimized to take advantage of cache locality, reducing cache
misses and improving overall program performance. Benchmarking and Performance
Evaluation: Cache impact measurements are essential in benchmarking and
evaluating the performance of CPUs and computer systems. They provide standardized
metrics for comparing different processors and architectures. Real-World
Applications: Understanding cache behavior is crucial in various real-world
applications, such as database systems, web servers, and scientific simulations. These
applications often rely on efficient cache usage to achieve acceptable performance.
In ,studying the impact of cache in CPU architecture is vital for enhancing system
performance, reducing energy consumption, and designing efficient computing systems
and software. It has broad implications for both hardware and software development in
the computing industry.

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