CSR Summary
CSR Summary
CSR Summary
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Winning Sustainability Strategies - Benoit Leleux and Jan van der Kaaij
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Patterns of Frontrunners
- Chapter 4: Focusing on Materialities That Matter
- Chapter 5: Sustainable Development Goals
- Chapter 6: ESG Ratings and the Stock Markets
- Chapter 7: Investors’ Perspectives on Sustainability
- Chapter 8: Encouraging a Culture of Sustainability
- Chapter 12: Stellar Performance from Sustainability Teams
- Chapter 13: Embedding Sustainability into the Business Core
- Lecture 1: Introduction to CSR and Sustainability
- Lecture 2: KPN and the 7 Roles to create successful sustainability NS
- Lecture 3: Non-Financial and Impact Reporting (ABN Amro)
- Lecture 4: Future Metrix
- Lecture 5: Sustainability and Leadership (Rabobank)
- Lecture 6: Climate Change and Circular Economy (Accenture & KPMG)
- Tutorial 1: Corporate Social Responsibility
- Tutorial 2: Science-based targets and Climate-based Financial risks
- Tutorial 3
- Tutorial 4
- Tutorial 5
Winning Sustainability Strategies - Benoit Leleux and Jan van der Kaaij
Chapter 1: Introduction
Less than ⅓ of global companies have developed clear business cases or supported value
propositions for their approaches to sustainability; corporate sustainability programs are
slow, sloppy and ineffective at worst.
Companies and executives need to develop a new sense of urgency when it comes to
sustainability, moving it from the realm of compliance to that of a key driver of performance
and innovation, which requires imbedding it deeply into their new core strategies.
Vectoring: the effective combination of direction and speed, which generates impact in
sustainability programs
- It is also used as a term to refer to a transmission method that employs the
coordination of line signals for the reduction of crosstalk levels and overall
improvement of performance (noise cancellation for headphones)
Vectoring offers a practical framework for identifying the relative positioning of companies
compared to their peers. It delivers valuable insights for sustainability practitioners. It is also
a strategic tool, with numerous applications:
- Designing and executing new sustainability programs
- Embedding the SDGs into the company’s core strategy
- Assessing the impact of sustainability programs on competitiveness and valuation
The ultimate objective of vectoring is to provide a clear, potent framework that offers
directions for executives to help shift their companies from integrated reporting to truly
integrated sustainability thinking
- A vector is defined not only by its direction but also by its magnitude
To determine the company performance on risk reduction and opportunity seizing, two DJSI
experts independently rated the DJSI criteria for their potential contribution to either risk or
opportunity based on the questions in the questionnaire. After that, the expert assessments
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Stuvia - Koop en Verkoop de Beste Samenvattingen
were compared, and the differences were settled. The next step is the construction of a
separate risk-opportunity matrix for each industry each year.
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Prescriptive: identifying the factors that underlie and drive the success of the most
ambitious sustainability transformations
To summarize some of the key findings, transformational companies have a much higher
sense of direction and accelerate execution by embedding sustainability into their core
business, not adding them as appendices
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Enzyme window: business opportunities emerging from enzyme applications that can
replace chemical substances in specific situations
Partnering for Impact strategy: together, we find biological answers for better lives in a
growing world, let’s rethink tomorrow.
Four archetypes of company sustainability programs, cach with its own characteristics:
traditional, communicative, opportunistic and transformational
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One way of assessing your starting position is through applying the Integrated Reporting
SpiltIRSpigt Framework. It helps companies report with a focus on value creation from
financial as well as non-financial drivers. The tool is centered around a model that focuses
on capturing value through six forms of capital for value creation. In brief, the six standard
capitals within the Integrated Reporting SpiltIRSpigt Framework can be defined as follows:
- Financial Capital: The funds that are available to your organization for value
creation such as debt, equity and grants.
- Manufactured Capital: Your manufactured capital is made up of assets such as
buildings, infrastructure and production equipment.
- Intellectual Capital: The most common forms of intellectual capital are, for example,
tacit knowledge, intangibles from brand and reputation and patents.
- Human Capital: Human capital is created from your people’s competencies, their
capabilities and experiences.
- Social and Relationships Capital: The relationships with your main stakeholders
and how they ensure your social license to operate, create long term value and
support growth.
- Natural Capital: Your natural capital can most often be defined from topics such as
biodiversity, ecosystem health and your use of natural resources such as air, water,
energy and minerals.
Applying the above forms of capital to corporate reporting, helps disclose matters that
fundamentally affect an organization’s ability to create value over the short, medium and
long term. The disclosed matters, also known as materialities, can have both positive and
negative impacts on your company’s performance.
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While looking to comply with the principles of fiduciary trust, firms might struggle with the
question of when a sustainability issue turns into a material topic from a legal perspective:
- Sustainability issues that could have a long-term shareholder value impact must be
regarded as financially material
- A factor is deemed financially material if it might have a present or future impact on
a company’s value drivers, competitive position, and thus on long-term shareholder
value creation
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Each industry faces its own specific sustainability challenges. Within an industry, individual
companies can have significantly different profiles, which complicate sector benchmarking.
The process of developing a credible, extensive materiality matrix is not simple for any
company. In addition to the regular difficulties that occur when organizing a multiple
stakeholder process, the sustainability materiality assessment can suffer from several
business-induced complexities: complications generated by the specifics of the business
model of the company. The three most common are:
1. The mixed-up chameleon complexity: a chameleon that discovers it can change
not only its color but also its shape and size and tries to imitate all the animals at the
zoo. With a potentially very diverse client base, the range of material topics that
needs to be addressed can easily become huge and unmanageable
2. The geography complexity: as definitions of material issues might differ by region,
global operators face an extra challenge compared to local competitors. This
geographic differentiation of material issues not only applies at the country level, it
can also become relevant on a regional or even local level.
3. The hodgepodge complexity: conglomerates with a broad array of portfolio
businesses face a correspondingly large number of potentially material topics. This
diversity makes it difficult to focus the efforts on a small subset of issues.
a. In the absence of one central business driving materiality, much is left to the
individual portfolio business. Decentralized business creates extra complexity
for reporting and corporate alignment and it can stand in the way of
implementation of transformational level.
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2. Define the long list of sustainability topics: from various standardization and reporting
initiatives such as GRI and SASB, lists with predefined topics exist form most
sectors. These predefined topics form a solid basis for creating long lists with
relevant topics for the selected stakeholders. Typically they include more than 30
possible topics
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3. Rank the topics and create a short list: desired vectoring can only be achieved if
topics are into a shorter list of 15 important issues. Research is applied to prioritize
the topics with the help of stakeholders.
4. Rate the business impact of the short list in terms of both risks and opportunities: it is
important to understand that the impact could be both positive and/or negative.
a. Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework created an interesting tool to
determine the impact of investigated issues. It look at four ways of creating
value from sustainability:
i. Cost savings from eco-efficiencies
ii. Revenue growth
iii. Enhanced reputation
iv. Lowering risk
5. Construct a concept materiality matrix: from the researched stakeholder information,
the first version of the materiality matrix can be constructed (draft concept). To be
visually attractive, there are a number of practical questions:
a. Are color marking required for local and global issues?
b. Is it possible to display the link between company strategy and the materiality
c. How will the selected topics be displayed?
d. Should the standardized actions be included in the matrix quadrants?
6. Fine-tune the materiality matrix, get sign-off by senior management and document
the process: final checks are conducted. Do not forget once the sign-off has been
obtained to document the process for potential use in the annual report.
Materiality Map: a quick-and-dirty materiality scan. The map is applied during a two-hour
workshop with a group of 3-8 participants.
1. First, the scope of the organization is
2. Next, determine what stakeholders are
relevant and solicit examples of
sustainability initiatives within the scope
of the organization are identified
through a plenary brainstorm session
3. Plot the sustainability issues on the map
considering the relative business impact
and relative importance to stakeholders
4. Take the 7 most important material
issues and score the organizations’
5. Wrap up the workshop by concluding in
a plenary formal
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- Make sure to obtain the attention of senior management: unsupported processes
generally lead to generic materiality matrices with little added value
- Beware of the reporting-purpose-only materiality matrix that is too distant from the
business to really engage colleagues and outside stakeholder
- In composing the long list, do not confuse material issues with operational topics or
financial indicators such as revenue growth
- When comparing your selected sustainability focus with that of your peers, be aware
that official reports provide a projected image.
The importance of an authoritative materiality matrix was brought forward. In weighing and
selecting sustainability topics, less is more and better is better.
Focusing on a concise set of sustainability issues that are unmistakably material to
stakeholders is fundamental to success; it will not only increase the energy of participants in
the sustainability program but also reduce reporting efforts and make the external
communication more comprehensible.
To determine the relevance of the various stakeholders considered, two methods for
stakeholder classification were presented:
1. The Mendelow model that categorizes stakeholders into one of four quadrants
through its Influence-Interest grid;
2. The Salience model where the relative importance of stakeholders depends on the
scoring of three stakeholder attributes: power, urgency and legitimacy.
Managing and documenting the process for the development of the materiality matrix is
another key to its success. When developing a materiality matrix, several business-induced
complexities need to be taken into consideration.
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The goals were meant to be universal and had to apply to all countries.
- The private sector was tasked with the crucial role of becoming the engine for
innovation and technological development behind the SDGs
- Since action and progress on the SDGs was the most important features of the
goals, governments, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders were all
expected to contribute to the realization
- To keep healthy pressure on implementation, the responsibility to monitor progress
toward the SDGs on the road to 2030 was required
Food waste
Roughly 30% of our global food is wasted, resulting in a loss of $940 billion and 8% of global
Greenhouse Gas emissions, while 795 million people are undernourished. Responsible
consumption and production is goal 12.
- Awareness of food waste opened an array of opportunities in the marketbase (selling
imperfect fruits for less)
- It also attracted a host of startup entrepreneurs looking for other gems in the garbage
(use imperfect lemons to make lemonade)
- Even as a social startup with admirable business models, one must be careful
not to wake the sleeping giant (big company) if you want to survive
- Firms aspiring to contribute to goal 12 depend on clear direction and effective and
successful implementation
- Three-step principle: target, measure and act - to develop the business
- Target: set ambition, which motivates action
- Measure: what gets measured gets managed
- Act: what ultimately matters is action
Focus and structured action planning were essential for achieving impacts. Firms need to
check for SDGs that are considered relevant but are still unaddressed in their current
sustainability program: compare the 17 SDGs with the firm's respective targets.
Peer analysis: comparison the reported activities of your company with the industry peers.
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- Can result in an action list for improved communications and led to changes in the
firm’s SDG-focus
- Once the peer analysis in complete, the selection of appropriate SDGs and
associated targets is back on the table
- Forward-thinking companies have been mapping their selected SDGs with their
strategic must-win battles, to increase boardroom relevance of the SDGs
Partnering is required
Cooperation and partnering is a source of energy for effective sustainability efforts, because
the world’s biggest challenges cannot be solved in isolation. To reach ambitious
sustainability goals, global partnerships are nothing less than unavoidable.
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The SDGs offer opportunities in many forms and sizes: the key concern for companies is to
actively contribute to some of these goals. The chapter highlights two leading prerequisites
crucial to success:
1. The alignment of the selected SDGs and the intended solutions with the existing
priorities in the company’s strategy and sustainability program. A mapping exercise
to scrutinize the SDG alignment is therefore recommended.
2. The suggested SDG peer analysis to come to grips with the overall SDG landscape
within the industry, the development of partnerships within the value chain, big and
small, global or local, are indispensable. Partnering can be developed in a horizontal
sense (with peers), a vertical sense (with value chain partners) or both
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Active engagement does not necessarily lead to results; it is a long road from getting
institutional investors to consider integrating ESG variables into their investment decisions to
actually factoring ESG parameters directly into their valuations.
- Issue of identifying ESG issues that are material to the valuations (difficulty in
- Solution: demand higher-quality information
Richness: refers to the need to gain insights on the company’s ESG performance, not only
through feedback from the rating agencies but even more so from comparison with
competitors and peers (eager student perspective):
- Focus: does the rating focus solely on one specific issue, or does it assess the
company’s sustainability performance from a wider perspective?
- Depth of the questionnaire: how broad or specific are the questions in the rating?
- When main objective is to learn, detailed questions are more valuable
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Reach: refers to the ability to demonstrate leadership in sustainability through a credible
third party (seeking influence perspective):
- Initiator and target group: what is the organization behind the assessment and
what are the target audience?
- Companies looking for a strong reach need to prioritize stakeholder relevance
and impact
- Recognition: conduct a proper audit of the reputation and trustworthiness of the
ESG ratings agency
- Assessment starts with key stakeholders, ask them which 3rd party they trust
- Communication channels: publications such as the RobecoSam Sustainability
Yearbook, are useful for demonstrating your company’s performance from an
independent expert perspective
- Take note of the rating agency’s business model and how it communicates its
ESG Program Canvas: to help companies unravel the complexities associated with the
outcomes of ESG ratings
1. Filling in the sustainability checklist in a plenary brainstorming format
2. Compare results against heatmap score of industry sustainability leaders
3. Uncover ESG performance gaps
4. Identify possible causes of the ratings outcome from the sustainability strategy
5. All interventions and actions can be shared and clustered
6. Summary of the most appropriate interventions is prepared including the ownership
of the action points and timing
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The ESG ratings market is a booming industry that is developing ever more sophisticated
tools and procedures to assess companies. These tools are continuously updated to reflect
new areas of concern. Inclusion of SDGs as relevant factors in ESG assessment
methodologies is an emerging field of interest.
The field of ESG ratings is clearly becoming more competitive. For participating companies
looking to inform potential and current investors, this increased complexity results in an
expanding reporting burden. It becomes essential to select the best-fitting ESG ratings
agencies, using the suggested reach-richness mapping, to balance the influence potential of
the individual ESG ratings with their learning potential.
The adoption of the SDGs encouraged innovation from the private sector as companies
were tasked with the responsibility of becoming the engine for innovation and technological
development. It bred opportunities for entrepreneurs, generating a new type of accelerators,
dedicated to the pursuit and support of green ventures.
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Venture capital: invests in early stage, mostly technology-based companies and capitalizes
on their success
- Naturally drifted toward larger deals: later investment stages in the development of
technology companies
- Always search for the next big thing: so no surprise that they are often the pioneers
Sustainable venture capitalist: dedicated to investments that have the potential to
generate large economic returns, while creating positive environmental and social impact
- Seek to optimize the triple bottom line rather than economic returns only
Private equity: capitalism on steroids, observers have an eye for fast value-creating
opportunities, on which they unleash the most effective tools management and financial
theory have to offer.
- Game plan is usually very simple and very focused
- Required exit after 3-5 years of investment
1. ESG Integrated: most basic approach: KKR integrated ESG consideration into
pre-investment due diligence and post-investment management
2. ESG Targeted: include investment where an improved performance on material ESG
issues helps to create value or mitigate risks (eoc-efficiency, eco-innovation,
3. Solution Focused: include investments in real estate, energy and infrastructure that
provide solutions for sustainability issues, such as health-care and climate change
Hedge fund investors: once known for pushing extreme cost-cutting measure, have
emerged as active promoters of a different kind of corporate action, namely social and
environmental change
- Socially responsible investing
Mutual fund: is a type of financial vehicle made up of a pool of money collected from many
investors to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other
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- Venture capitalists were quick to spot the potential of new technologies required to
create a greener, more responsible future. Funds were launched with pure or mixed
sustainability strategies to pursue emerging technologies with the potential to create
new industries.
- Private equity investors were hot on their heels, first paying lip-service to the cause
in their annual reports to limited partners but then realizing the potential of
sustainability for their portfolio companies
- Hedge fund investors, without the luxury of the relatively long investment horizon of
private equity investors, jumped on the bandwagon as well, ensuring that their
arbitrage strategies would also be supported by strong compliance policies.
- A practical conclusion of the chapter is that even the most financially savvy investors
have not only accepted but incorporated sustainability into their products and
To successfully develop a culture of sustainability, the C-level (CEO, CFO etc.) requires help
from middle management, a certain level of maturity in the industry and some closeness to
consumers’ needs
- The ability to articulate a vision and define ambitious goals sets leading companies
- Companies that have many social and environmental policies and sustainability
policies (high-sustainability firms) were deemed to have a stronger culture of
sustainability compared to low-sustainability firms
- High-sustainability firms outperformed low-sustainability firms on total
shareholder returns
- High-sustainability firms are better at involving their board of directors and
made more use of dedicated sustainability board committees
- High-sustainability companies were better at embedding sustainability into
their senior management structures
Measuring Culture
There is a positive impact of a culture of sustainability on performance. Unfortunately, many
directors give more attention to key financial metrics and strategic priorities and
consequently fail to recognize that their mission cannot be fulfilled without the appropriate
corporate culture.
- An undermanaged culture can backfire badly
To define and measure culture, several tools are available, such as in-house scorecards and
surveys, standardized organizational culture measurement models.
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- Check for coalitions that are compatible with the company culture on the topic of
sustainability for knowledge exchange and gaining momentum
- Measure, and keep measuring, the current state of corporate culture and respond to
the outcomes of these surveys
- Although buy-in from the top is essential for success, it is not enough. Be careful not
to focus on the boardroom only
- Avoid launching a spree of well-intended sustainability initiatives from the top,
especially without an appropriate unifying theme and/or overarching target
- Compliance on governance issues is just a starting point. Once the governance
within the organization has been covered, redirect the sustainability efforts toward
value capture from innovation and operational eco-efficiency
A culture of sustainability has a positive impact on corporate performance and on corporate
behavior. Developing a potent sustainability culture requires leadership qualities very similar
to those required to lead major change processes.
Laggards have taken notice and are not sitting on their hands. The divide on the
performance of governance-related factors between decile extremes has been decreasing,
even though sustainability pioneers seem to continue to harvest the fruits of their early
starts. Experts predict that sustainability leaders will have to excel at integrated sustainability
strategies, vision, innovation and transparency in the future to maintain their prime positions.
Coalitions are shown to be powerful vehicles for exchanging information on sustainability
programs, jointly raising awareness and gaining momentum for cultural change with internal
and external stakeholders. In the absence of a suitable established coalition, companies
have at times resorted to creating their own.
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The importance of teamwork was brought forward. A four-pillar approach was proposed to
improve the performance of sustainability teams. To reinforce the messages of the chapter
but also roam new frontiers for performance improvements, the possibility of engaging key
account teams in a co-creation process of sustainable development with key clients is
outlined. To facilitate that process, a formal game plan involving two workshops, an internal
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bootcamp and a booster with the client and possibly other external stakeholders, was
introduced with the purpose of improving the joint ecosystem performance.
Issues identified through the materiality analysis are often not connected with the enterprise
risk assessment for several reasons:
- Limited understanding of sustainability risks
- Diverging reasons for sustainability versus risk disclosures as well as inconsistent
time horizons
To map this materialities with a company’s risk assessment, a number of approaches can be
- Three-way matching: combine your own internal risk expertise with the knowledge
obtained from stakeholder interactions and the criteria from various reporting and
ESG rating system
- Helps the company cover risk not only from a business perspective but also
from a stakeholder point of view
- SONAR (Systematic Observation of Notions Associated with Risk): through an
internal platform, employees report and discuss early signals of issues that might turn
into risks for the company. Periodically, these signals, or risk notions, are clustered
and assessed further by internal risk experts
- Finally, in-depth investigations are carried out on selected topics, and
outcomes are integrated into the risk management process
- Not limited to general topics, it also includes risks related to ESG, enabling
the firm to identify actual and potential risks at a very early stage
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Once the sustainability strategy has been compiled and adequately documented, the next
challenge is to identify where to start in addressing the issues identified and how to gain
maximum momentum for change.
- To answer that challenge often means addressing a series of related questions
- To start formulating answers, it is useful to revisit the materiality complexities
(mixed-up chameleon complexity, geography complexity, hodgepodge complexity)
To identify the business units with the most potential for improvement requires conducting a
portfolio sustainability assessment
- Companies are looking for a more refined view of sustainability performance of their
individual businesses
- The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) developed a
framework to conduct such a portfolio sustainability assessment. It plots the nit
strength on sustainability against the maturity of its markets.
- Sustainable Portfolio Management (SPM): tool to identify and analyze
opportunities that could bring positive impact to its non-financial objectives
- Evaluates the company’s products from a holistic perspectives based on
three sets of criteria
1. Environmental footprint
2. Social impact
3. The way in which they answer market demand and challenges
- Products are sorted on a two-dimensional matrix (heatmap) either as stars,
neutral or as challenges, considering:
- The products’ environmental manufacturing footprint and its correlated
risks and opportunities - vertical axis
- The degree to which the products bring benefits or face challenges
form a market perspective - horizontal axis
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A sustainable portfolio assessment is a useful tool for prioritizing business units, divisions or
product groups for sustainability implementation, but smaller or less diversified firms may
see this as technical overkill.
A simple value chain approach can provide the basic insight necessary for implementation.
For Heineken, the top four criteria were:
- Use of regional raw materials such as grain, water, hops, etc. (85%)
- Regional job creation and security (83%)
- Supporting the regional economy and farmers (80%)
- Avoiding long transport distances, carbon footprint (75%)
KPI Reporting
Priority targets: which parts of the organization to address first in the sustainability
- Necessary to identify appropriate KPIs and reporting procedures for local
- Key performance indicators (KPI): measurable value that demonstrates how
effectively a company is achieving key business objectives
- Non-financial reporting of sustainability KPIs requires solid frameworks, discipline
and effective reporting tools, irrespective of the ultimate purpose of the information
- Sustainability KPIs: evaluate fundamental ecosystem issues. They should not only
cover the company’s direct activities but also their impact on the value chain
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This chapter focused on how to effectively embed sustainability into the core of the business,
as a means of ensuring its own sustainability. Preconditions for successful implementation
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3 amendments:
- The coordinator: expanded with the initiator role, because starting a project/activity
yourself and showing how changes can been made often works as a catalyst
- The stimulator: expanded with connector, because CSO (chief sustainability officer)
not only stimulates change but also creates new connections with a multidisciplinary
cross-company approach
- The innovator: is added since driving relevant innovations is essential for achieving
the sustainability goals
This list of roles are linked with the specific CSR or sustainability activities that need to be
done within a role, based on the practical experience of many CSOs or CSR managers.
Some activities are linked to more than one role.
The 7 roles are recognized in different parts of the world; however, the definition and
maturity of sustainability or CSR differ substantially. These differences might decrease in the
coming years. Every company has its own sustainability journey. The everyday practice is
different for every CSO, CSR or sustainability professional.
CSR and sustainability are used interchangeably, but in essence it is the same. The book
will give practices and experiences of the authors journey as a CSO of NS.
Stakeholder engagement
Corporate responsibility or sustainability management is a continuous process (together with
stakeholders). Stakeholder engagement is both important and complex.
Stakeholders: all internal and external people on whom your products or services have a
significant impact and whose activities - in turn - can have a major influence on a company’s
performance. (clients, communities, shareholders, suppliers, government officials)
- Stakeholders interest can be expressed and served in different ways (trough
individuals, organizations, market research, international frameworks
- Stakeholders interest will nog always be aligned; they can conflict with each other
and with the interest of the company and society
Actively engaging stakeholders not only helps to give direction, but it also helps to generate
support for the organization and its CSR strategy.
It is important to take stakeholders into account and to involve them proactively. It is
therefore of great interest to build a strong network and to organize the inclusion of relevant
stakeholders and their social interests.
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Several roadmaps available to map the different stakeholders and determine how you want
to engage with them:
- GRI guidelines
- ISO 26000
- Local CSR guidelines
Networking serves many purposes:
- Finding partners in your sector or supply chain with whom to cooperate or innovate
- Learning from your peers is common practice when learning on the job as
sustainability professional
There are many networks that a CSO can join (sector, product specific, national,
international). Some networks are free of charge or requirements, others are not. A proactive
and careful selection of added value of a network for you or your company's goals is
important, since time and resources are always limited.
- Ask advice of peers to find out what network would serve your purpose best
Guidelines for sustainability reporting usually link stakeholder engagement to the selection of
important (or material) topics:
- Stakeholder inclusiveness: who influences us and whom do we influence? (who)
- Can be prioritized by plotting them in a matrix
- Materiality: which themes are important for us and our stakeholders? (what)
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- Current topics might be known, it is very interesting to also share the topics
that you envision becoming more important in the years to come with your
stakeholders in a central stakeholder dialogue.
- Materiality matrix: useful tool to generate an overview of topics and to
prioritize them on importance and impact. The interest of the stakeholders are
plotted against the impact of your organization.
- To create the matrix, you first set up central stakeholder dialogues,
using a structured process to determine and prioritize the material
- To note the outcome of this process, an independent third party is
- You can also find standardized materiality maps (SASB) which
identifies sustainability issues
- Responsiveness: how do we respond to material issues which are important to us
and our stakeholders? (how?)
- There is a difference between existing processes around certain topics and
new processes that respond to stakeholders and integrate new topics into
The risk of unexpected material issues cannot be entirely eliminated, but this might reduce it:
- Detect early issues under the surface by actively asking stakeholders (engage a
limited number of stakeholders)
- Search for early issues that can blow over from abroad or from other sectors: find
and appoint an owner for such issues locally to discuss in more detail
- When issues suddenly become urgent, do not fall into the trap of going for the quick
solution: first, assess its coherence with the company and material topics and weigh
it against long-term interests.
- Transparently and proactively, show how interests and early issues of different
stakeholders are taken into account in policy and decisions.
By proactively organizing early-issue signaling in your Network role, you can make an
important difference.
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- Know how to choose your partners and show openness and commitment to the
A company has a wide range of means to create sustainable value and thus contribute to
- Economic power: to produce new sustainable products/services
- Political power: rewrite the rules of the game by developing new codes of conduct
- Business assets: buildings, sites, materials, networks, (non)financial resources,
employees, customers and media
For existing companies, transformation processes and systems change often take years.
There are various models that describe the different steps a company goes through in the
transition towards sustainable value creation.
Three stages of the degree to which sustainability has become a core concern of the firm:
1. Compliance stage
2. Efficiency stage
3. Innovation stage
Signaling trends
The strategy department is in charge of the process to create the vision and mission. This
process is fueled by external trends and developments (both ways). The sustainability
manager should provide relevant trends and topics of the stakeholders:
- Explicitly ask stakeholders what they see as future/relevant topics
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To provide general societal trends, you can make use of trend reports:
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): the most relevant global sustainability
- There are 18 goals, of which a selection can be relevant in the context of the
current and future activities of your company (opportunity/risk)
- World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA): identified 7 vital system transformations to
accomplish the 2030 agenda and listed the industries that are particularly important
for driving each transformation
- The SGD Compass: provides guidance for companies on how they can align their
strategies as well as measure and manage their contribution towards the realization
of SDGs
When you already have a vision and mission, you can explore how society is changing and
how the company can connect its core activities to a societal role in these changes (healthy
aging for pension funds).
- Ideally, the company vision and mission are aligned with the sustainability vision and
The sustainability manager is also in charge of the process besides providing relevant
sustainability topics and context.
- Map what sustainability activities are already taking place within the company
- Set a realistic yet ambitious sustainability goals, both in increasing your positive
activities and in reducing your negative impacts (CO2 emissions)
Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle: when creating a vision and mission, the
matter of ‘why’ quickly comes up
- Most companies know what they do
- Many companies know how they do it
- Only a few companies know why they do it (what value they add to
- These companies are the ones that inspire and attract
clients and talent, so companies should think from the
inside out and start with ‘why’
The lack of ‘why’ can cause it to become difficult to clearly tell the story
behind the conviction.
Sustainable Value Framework: can help to develop and substantiate a strategy. From
whatever perspective or motivation, the sustainability strategy shows a clear win-win in each
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To further increase supportive action, it is important to translate the strategic framework and
the goals into other governmental elements (job description/appraisal processes). It takes
quite some coordinating power to safeguard that the sum of all derived plans add up to the
intended strategy and results.
- It is key to make the framework as clear as possible
- Effective target setting requires being clear on the exceptions
- Coordinator role will take more time when sustainability is not integrated into
corporate strategy
- Using the same language (formats and expressions) will facilitate integration and
embedding of sustainability into the organization activities
The following five S’s can be used to embed sustainability in the organization:
1. Stakeholders
2. Strategy (leadership)
3. Support (values): internal backing and the softer elements of change (shared
4. Structures: the way in which the company is organized and governed
5. Systems: the way in which the company is supported (processes/technologies)
As a coordinator, be aware of changes of these 5.
Departments and people are ultimately responsible for the implementation, but as a
Coordinator, you are dependent on their appetite for change and speed of implementation.
You can initiate or accelerate change by carrying out select sustainability projects
(pilots/temporary activities) yourself. This can be especially useful when:
- There is a lack of capacity, capability or priority in the current organization
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Footprint, Handprint and Blueprint: the dynamics of Dow’s goal setting over the years
- Footprint: 1995-2005: first goals were set on energy and safety to prove the point
that sustainability adds to the triple bottom line: environment, social, economics
- Handprint: 2005-2015, another set of then years goals were set on products
- Blueprint: 2015-2015: goals to lead and solve public problems
Identifying opportunities
Changes can also pose opportunities. Each change provides opportunities to bring
sustainability into the conversation and to assess how it can best be integrated into the
- The more change there is, the faster sustainability can be integrated into the
organization, but it does require the CSO to actively seek opportunities
- A limited budget can be an important strategic decision intended to speed the
integration of sustainability in the business
- A limited budget can undermine the credibility or standing with the organization
The structure and size of the sustainability team need to be in line with what is required to
further the integration of sustainability into the business. This depends on how the company
is structured already. There are 3 phases to integrating sustainability;
1. Initiation: related to the level at which the company has the basics of sustainability in
a. Time spent on generic embedding activities
b. Sustainability is quite small (CSO might be a part-time role)
2. Development: related to the level that a company is on its way towards fully
embedding sustainability
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a. Team efforts become more specific, since it’s clearer what the organization
b. Knowledge and innovations are developed and transferred to the organization
3. Maintenance: related to the level at which CSR is fully embedded within the
organization and the company is an industry game changer through sustainability.
a. Sustainability efforts are led and implemented by the existing organization
b. Authority of the CSO grows and responsibilities change
The structure, efforts and location of the sustainability team in the organization also need to
be aligned with the way in which change is managed at the operational level. The structure
and size of the sustainability team also depend on the portfolio of sustainability activities for
which the team is responsible.
When sustainability objectives can be achieved through a limited number of projects, then
usually only a limited number of the employees are involved as well. Further integration can
be achieved by embedding sustainability into different support systems such as
procurement, client services or HR.
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- Find an owner for each topic and objective, so it is clear who is responsible and for
- Translate the objectives towards the entire organization, so everyone can contribute
through concrete action and innovation
- Change ‘underpromise and overdeliver’ into ‘smart risk-taking culture’ when it comes
to sustainability
- Make use of existing methods for strategic planning and implementation
- If you want to achieve results or showcase innovations fast(er), consider carrying out
a few sustainability projects yourself
- Force the existing organization to actively engage by funding a maximum of 50%
from the sustainability budget
- If you cannot nd a business owner within three years for a project that you initiated,
you should stop the project
- Be aware that a company is always in the process of changing
- Be alert to changes in strategy, structure systems
- Use patience and intuition to determine when to go with the flow and when not.
- Adjust the structure and the position of the sustainability team as needed
- Understand how your company works and whom or what you need to get things
- For multinationals consider local conditions
- Establish a good ow of information
- Do not just involve those people willing to contribute, but also the people you really
- Professionalize the sustainability organization
- Use a maturity model to assess the progress you have made and where you would
like to take your organization
- Trigger business ownership with effective instruments
- Understand the language of nance since this is the most important department if you
want to achieve results
- Be the three P’s: patience, passion and perseverance, and then add the C of charm
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Stimulator & Connector role: understanding the business objective, building trust and
support, creating crucial and cross-functional connection to embed sustainability into
operations and strategies
- It is different from the Coordinator role, which focuses more on the structural aspects
of integrations
- Stimulator focuses on cultural aspects, generating support without formal instruments
- Successful implementation of sustainability requires a fine balance between these
roles; balancing structure, culture and behavior
The next conditions (both structural/cultural) help to create the optimal conditions to be
effective in the Stimulator role:
- Senior management support of sustainable business: underlying intentions need to
be clear, promoted, and embedded in every department, so that employees feel
- A vision in which the why (or need) for sustainability is established
- Key external and internal stakeholders have been engaged in the creation of the
- Sustainability is organized in such a way that it triggers initiatives from within the
existing organization and leaves the responsibility for implementation there as well
- The CSR manager acts in an open, social and communicative manner, which
facilitates the organization and creates goodwill
- The CSR manager makes drivers or intentions behind employee behaviors visible
- The CSR manager creates a sustainable ‘winning team’ undercurrent in the
organization by:
- Providing a stage to colleagues who have achieved results
- Bringing an external point of view into the organization to support a key
Support is not all you need. It also needs to become clear what employees can do
themselves within the scope of their own roles.
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Sustainable behavior
Everyone can say they will act more sustainable, but that does not mean that people will
actually do so.
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Unilever's 5 levers for change: consider using these levers in your activities and
1. Make it understood: awareness and acceptance
2. Make it easy: convenience and confidence
3. Make it desirable: self and society - positive self-image
4. Make it rewarding: proof and payoff
5. Make it a habit: reinforcing and reminding
Values can be a strong compass towards a sustainable business strategy, especially when
they originate from their founders and are embedded in the mission or purpose. Other
symbolic forms and activities accumulated over time shape an organization’s unique identity
and character (myths, rituals, humor).
- Involving so-called company heroes to generate support for sustainability plans can
be very effective
- To come up with a plan, you have to understand your company from practice
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- If things in daily activities are not going well, sustainability becomes an ‘add-on’
instead of another, inspiring way of working
An extra difficulty is the vulnerability of internal support: if someone changes jobs/leaves the
company, their support is gone and you have to start all over again. In such a situation it
helps if the structural elements are in order, but there should always be a mix between those
Important tips to overcome obstacles:
1. To create executive sponsorship and recognition: it should be in the company or
organization’s DNA
2. To make the CEO accountable: they should be the ones who makes the
announcement about new commitments or achievements
3. To look further than one’s own company’s needs: find new partners and share
lessons learned
4. To use R&D, technology and operations to test new solutions
5. Have a solid and appealing story when explaining why renewable energy should be
Informal meetings helped to generate support, besides competition and engaging internal
sustainability networks and volunteers:
- Inspiring lectures
- Ideas competition
- Network session
- Speed dating with board members
- Interactive panel discussion with the public
- Information about latest sustainable initiatives
- Thematic and practice-oriented workshops
- Informational quiz
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Difference with the Stimulator role is that the Mentor works on an individual/functional level,
whereas the Stimulator focuses on engaging people on a general organizational level.
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- As a Mentor, you have to support the translation of sustainability for all functional
areas (HR, Sales, Operations etc).
- You have to note and be capable of relating to every job level from the strategic to an
operational level; each function has different job levels
Personnel and HR
Sustainability can contribute to the development of a social sustainability strategy. Identify
social aspects of sustainability:
- Diversity policy
- Long-term vitality and employability of people
- Opportunities for people with limited access to the labor market
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Public affairs plays also an important role in the integration, due to its relationship with key
stakeholders and its lobbying activities.
- It is a key source of information for the CSO
- It is an important communications channel towards relevant stakeholders
- Can also add sustainability to the agenda of networks/organization/committees which
are relevant to fulfill the sustainability ambitions
Procurement (inkoop)
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The influence of procurement managers should not be underestimated as they know the
market better than anyone else and are aware of potential sustainable alternatives.
- Proactive sustainability approach to procurement is a key opportunity
- Value of sustainability for the procurement manager is highly dependent on the
relevance of sustainability for business and management
- It is important that procurement teams have relevant and up-to-date information
about the suppliers
- Depending on the ambition of the company, as a Mentor, the CSO may work closely
with procurement and suppliers, not only to minimize risk but also to create
sustainable value, which requires the establishment of long-term partnerships
- Takes clear agreement on monitoring and steering the partnership
For companies with limited innovative capabilities, most sustainable innovations will have to
come from suppliers. It can be helpful to proactively find out which type of product/services
need to be purchased/co-developed during the coming years, so that you can anticipate and
create more time.
- Pareto principle: with 10-20 large projects, you can probably impact 80% of the
purchasing volume.
- Many suppliers also have a sustainability strategy which can create opportunities
- On one hand, IT infrastructure such as computers and servers and IT-related
activities are a significant source of energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and have
a social impact
- Computers generate heat and it often takes as much energy to cool computing
equipment as it takes to run it.
- On the other hand, IT can be a successful enabler in reaching the corporate
sustainability goals (smart energy-saving software/machine learning)
As employees in the manufacturing process usually have useful ideas about opportunities
for improvement, the Mentor role should be a facilitating role.
Depending on the type of company, there could also be a QSHE team or manager, looking
after quality, environment, safety and health and compliance with relevant regulations in
those fields.
(Internal) logistics
The logistics department plans and organizes the flow of goods through an organization.
Critical success factors include speed, reliability and the lowest costs possible and
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In the Mentor role, it is important to work with logistics (which can be outsourced) in order to
have them - and procurement - integrate sustainability criteria into their procurement
- The way in which you use and order goods in your own organization has a direct
effect on the logistics side of your sustainability plan (daily deliveries vs monthly
Facility management manages, simply put, the household of a company, so that every sta
member has all the services and resources (facilities) at his or her disposal to be able to do
the job well (catering, cleaning, heating etc).
- It is crucial for the CSO to cooperate with facilities to embed sustainability in every
supporting process
- Small-impact but very visible innovations (reducing plastic in the canteen, reusing
office equipment)
Mentoring in practice
How do you introduce sustainability to the daily lives of your colleagues to make your
organization more sustainable? If your colleagues experience sustainability as a natural part
of their specific role, you have succeeded and generated broad support
- Give workshops that enable people to translate sustainability to their own role and
area of expertise
- Publish cases and information on the intranet, LinkedIn or other social media
- Make the sustainability team very accessible, by making clear who the team is and
how they can be reached
You can ensure the inclusion of sustainability criteria in procurement by integrating it into
each step of the sustainable procurement process.
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Your tasks as an Innovator is to determine how you can make every innovation sustainable.
There are three ways to do this:
1. Investigate how and where innovations come about in the company
2. Consider how sustainability can be used as a starting point
3. Integrate sustainability into implementation plans for innovations
Sustainable innovations are generated only when those innovations that result in (more)
sustainable products and services are stimulated and selected.
- The CSO manager has to find out whether the company has an innovation process
or not
- If it does: making products and services more sustainable can be set as a
- If it does not: as a CSO, you can initiate one
In reality, there is quite a mix of making innovations more sustainable and driving
sustainable innovations
- The CSO therefore has to be flexible and apply different approaches and
interventions, intuition and entrepreneurship
Initiating innovation
There are many ways to structure the innovation process. It is key to know what is in place
and to assess whether this will deliver the innovations needed to achieve the sustainability
McKinsey’s three horizon model: differentiates the following kind of innovations projects:
- Innovations within the existing organization and with external parties focused on the
1st and 2nd horizon (making current products more efficient and renewing the
product offer)
- External innovations focused on the 3rd horizon (creation of new products/services
as well as sustainable business models)
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Smaller, visible experience innovations vouch for the sustainable nature of the company or
products. It is crucial to include some of these types of innovation in your portfolio.
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Sustainability is about understanding the constraints and opportunities around you and turn
them into opportunities
A sustainable innovation strategy might affect the entire business and value chain. As a big
company you cannot be a circular economy all by yourself. You need to have a network and
fit into the society in order to have a circular economy
Circular economy: is an economic system of closed loops in which raw materials,
components and products lose their value as little as possible, renewable energy sources
are used and systems thinking is at the core.
DSM, the organization of the SDGs, has created remarkable solutions to address several of
the world’s biggest challenges, as it states purpose-led and performance-driven, focusing
on creating a positive societal impact in various domains.
- Technology is already a great solution in reaching the SDG and to adapt to climate
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- Ensure you have plenty of ideas and innovations in the pipeline, as only a few will be
- Adjust the way you approach the Innovator role to the maturity of the organization
regarding innovation and sustainability
- Mobilize internal innovation power by positioning sustainability as an urgent driver fro
- Arrange a sufficient number of internal stakeholders that share this sense of urgency
- leverage internal innovation processes by including sustainability as a selection
- Plot on different timelines and horizons; real breakthrough innovations take time
- If there is no room for 3rd horizon innovations within the company, arrange an
external innovations process
- Innovations get better by collaborating with others
- Ask the question, what would nature do? when searching for innovative solutions
- Groundbreaking solutions require courage and people need to feel free to both
succeed and fail
- Ensure you also include visual innovations
- Be persistent
- Shield people with innovative ideas from overly critical people
- Make sure the Initiator of an idea remains the owner
- Invest energy to turn that winning idea into success, rather than investing it only in
the prevention of unsuccessful innovations
- Make use of existing innovation processes as much as possible
- Be aware of innovation trends outside the company and their possibilities and
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You need to ensure that ownership (responsibility and accountability) of the indicators and
the underlying metrics are secured at the right level in the organization and that the
underlying values are measurable.
- The data generated should provide useful information when tracking progress and
making necessary adjustments to plans or strategies
- You need to determine and agree on the processes as well as establish owners who
are responsible for this (align with existing processes)
- Agree with suppliers on the required information
- Definitions of measures, sources, methods should be made explicit and
updated regularly
Plan-Do-Check-Act Model: method used in business for the control and continuous
improvement of processes and products
- Plan: as the Coordinator, the CSO focuses on creating the sustainability plan with
focus areas and KPIs
- Do: as the Stimulator/Mentor, the CSO manager focuses on the implementation of
the sustainability plan
- Check: as the Monitor, the CSO focuses on the measurements of sustainability
- Act: based on the collected information, the CSO can adjust or modify the plans as
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It is key to measure and monitor high impact metrics more frequently than those with a lower
impact in order to give managers the opportunity to modify or adjust plans when needed to
achieve targets.
- Less frequent basis: incorporate stakeholder feedback (Networker role)
Life cycle analysis (LCA): method that maps the influence of products and human activity
on the environment.
- Considers all stages in the product’s life cycle (sourcing of raw materials, product
manufacture, packaging, distribution, product’s use and disposal)
- Used as the baseline from which to set targets
- Clear picture of the product’s main environmental impacts
Sustainability reporting
There has been a tremendous development in the field of sustainability reporting.
Sustainability measures three distinct categories: environmental, social and governance
- Environmental: topics like greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 emissions, water usage,
waste disposal etc.
- Social: information about diversity and inclusion, labor relations, product safety,
employee health and safety, community development etc.
- Governance: good practice information such as ethics, board diversity and
composition, shareholder rights, supply chain engagement
There is growing investor demand for more uniform sustainability information linked to
financial performance of global companies:
- Non-Financial Reporting: EU Directive; companies are required to disclose
information on the way they operate and manage social and environmental
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): focuses on the selection of sustainability topics
that make a difference or matter for the company creating a sustainability report,
providing indicators for most environmental, social, governance and economic topics
and a general set of topics
- Integrated Reporting (IR): making clear how an organization creates economic,
social and environmental, now and in the future. The organization needs to be
- Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB): mission is to develop and
disseminate sustainability accounting standards that help public corporations
disclose material information useful to the investor
- Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures: developed
recommendations for voluntary climate-related disclosures that are consistent,
comparable, and provide useful information to investors, lenders, insurers and other
Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP): provides accounting and reporting standards on how
companies and organizations should capture and report in a standardized way for
greenhouse gas emissions.
Two types of boundaries are important for reporting:
- Organizational boundaries: what does the organization have control of?
- Operational boundaries: scope 1, scope 2, scope 3:
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- Scope 1: direct GHG emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by
the company
- Scope 2: electricity indirect GHG emissions, purchased electricity consumed
by the company (purchased or otherwise brought into the organizational
boundary of the company)
- Scope 3: other indirect GHG emissions, a consequence of the activities of the
company, but occur from sources not owned or controlled by the company
(production of purchased materials)
To conclude, there is a wealth of information and guidance available on how to report
non-financial information in the annual reporting cycle, but there is no single sustainability
standard in the market today.
- There is a growing number of environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings
firms that assess and score ESG disclosures
- As a Monitor, the CSO should understand and prepare their boards of directors for
the implications of growing ESG transparency and the opportunities and risks that
follow on from the increased interest in sustainability information
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The roles and activities of the CSO change as sustainability is integrated more deeply into
the organization. Each phase of maturity has its own ‘most relevant’ roles:
- Starting phase: the CSO mostly acts as a Coordinator, Initiator and Stimulator
- Development: time spend as Networker increases and as this matures, more time is
spent as the Strategist and Mentor
- Maintenance: the need for Mentor will decline and so does the Coordinator
In an ever changing environment, new themes and issues will arise and time spent in the 7
roles will intensify and change again, but the CSO will always retain the role of Coordinator
to a certain extent.
The effectiveness of interventions and activities of a CSO always depends on the context in
which he is situated.
- Regardless of the level of maturity, each situation might require another mix of roles
at the same time
- This requires an assessment of a certain context or situation and accordingly, the
use of (a mix of) roles, activities and behavior that are considered to be the most
Study conclusions on the internal change agents and their contribution to sustainability
1. The success of a change agent is largely determined by contextual factors
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In the Innovator role, the CSO should proactively embed sustainable and ethical criteria in
the development of new technology
In order to deliver results, companies can only do so if they align all five of these business
design traits:
- Purpose: Strategic role
- Governance: Monitor role
- Networks: Networker role
- Ownership
- Finance
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1. Instrumental understanding
2. Project management
3. Interpersonal skills
4. CSR supporting personal characteristics: empathy, patience, persistence
- The Innovator:
1. Ability to think outside the box
2. Reflection
3. Holistic system thinking
4. Foresight thinking
5. Interpersonal skills
- The Monitor:
1. Instrumental thinking
2. Analytical capabilities
3. System thinking
Practice shows that it is especially the need for flexibility in styles and combination of
competencies to adjust to every situation that distinguishes the dynamic multidisciplinary
‘leadership by influence’ role of a CSO from other managers.
- Circular economy competencies: different competencies are important when
compared with competencies in the field of climate and energy transition:
- System thinking is most important, forward thinking and management and
entrepreneurship are also important
4 levels of jobs classifications for CSOs, CSR and sustainability managers can be identified:
1. Chief Sustainability Officer (in a multinational)
a. Able to create a sustainable system change in its market or supply chain
b. Accountable for the development of the integrated sustainable strategy and
related business models
2. CSR director/Chief Sustainability Officer (of a national organization or a division or
country of a multinational
a. Accountable for developing programs and projects to integrate the
headquarters strategy and goals within the division or country
b. Development of the integrated sustainable strategy for a national/regional
company with relatively little influence to change ‘the rules of the game’
3. Sustainability/CSR project manager
a. Usually report to the CSO director or manager
b. Operate at a more tactical level or strategy for a local operating company
c. Accountable for the realization of projects or work/initiatives that support
corporate sustainability integration
4. Team member in a sustainability team
a. No managerial duties
These four levels differ significantly in know-how, problem-solving and accountability,
justifying a separate level.
The role and competencies of a CSO are growing and becoming more demanding. As a
CSO, you should be able to speak the language of the people of the company (different in a
tech company f.e.)
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Job classifications: the criteria by which a job is graded, differ from job descriptions, roles
and competencies.
- Results are used in job grading and job evaluations to determine what salary a given
position deserves
- Often, only a selected number of jobs within a company are subjected to
- Remuneration also depends on the business sector and country or region that the
CSO is working in: business sectors or different companies
- For HR, sustainability jobs are often difficult to understand and therefore difficult to
grade, because they are new, with a broad scope and large informal influence
Career opportunities
There are many career opportunities for the CSO, CSR and sustainability managers:
- Moving up: from team member to sustainability project manager and ultimately,
overall responsibility for sustainability in an organization
- Moving around: CSO, CSR or sustainability manager in a different business sector
with completely different sustainability teams
- Moving out: might seem a strange career step, but it might be good for the
professional development of the individual to do a career switch and sometimes your
impact is bigger in the business itself than as a CSO.
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Lecture 1 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Sustainability had become a mainstream topic
Trends in sustainability
Moving from...
- Company towards supply chain: the impact is in the supply chain
- Environment towards human: air quality and pollution, but also more on the human
aspects, like child-labor, pay fair wages (social part of sustainability)
- Check the box towards making-an-impact: what are you really doing?
- Top-down toward bottom-up: initiatives from communities and asking companies to
become more sustainable
- Nice-to-have towards need-to-have: it was an extra, but now it is needed. If you don’t
comply to the sustainability regulations, you are out of business
- CSR director towards CFO: you can still find CSR, but moreover the CFO is engaged
with the sustainability topics, because it is directly affecting the balance sheets
Purpose: companies are more working with a specific purpose
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Sustainability is very broad. Is it key for companies to focus on where they should invest in,
what sustainability topics are relevant for that company. It diverse per sector.
Materiality: those topics that have a direct or indirect impact on an organization's ability to
create, preserve or erode economic, environmental and social value for itself, its
stakeholders and society at large
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Often, companies chose a few of them, depending on the industry. Ask your stakeholders
where you should invest in as a company
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An IT company like KPN plays a large role in this, by providing large communication
services. But how can such a company do this in a sustainable way?
This is linked to the 7 roles of sustainability.
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The challenge of KPN is that there is an increasing demand for more bandwidth (Youtube,
Netflix). This is done by reducing the energy consumption together with an increasing data
communication growth.
- They also do this by virtualizing: not only using the hardware itself, but ensuring that
one machine can do multiple applications, so networks become smarter
KPN Circular Program: contains seven tracks in which goals and project form the circular
Core tracks:
1. Networks and data centers
2. Products & services
3. Real estate & workspace
4. Procurement
Supporting tracks
5. Reporting
6. Employee engagement
7. Governance
We use four levers (4 ways to improve circular performance) to realize our ambition on
energy & circularity. All four levers can be applied to operations and the products/services
we provide:
Supporting actions
- Reduce: use of virgin materials (virtualization, reused products, recycled/biobased
products, dematerialization)
- Extend: use products longer and better (lifespan extensions, rates of utilization)
Goal: zero waste
- Recycle: high-end second life of products and materials (reuse, recycling)
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Joint Audit Committee: checks and balances for the Telecom industry
KPN is driving the circular economy agenda together with Orange and Telefonica.
They reward companies that perform the best
- A local factory only gets visited once a year
- When there is a nonconformity found in that audit, they are expected to be resolved
in one year. Most of these issues are resolved quite quickly due to the committee.
In order to make an impact, there is only one way to do it. That’s by engaging with
colleagues and suppliers, because you cannot do it on your own.
The sustainability department needs to stay as small as possible, because the change has
to be made in the business itself.
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It is important that there is intrinsic motivation, but there is also a very strong business case
to integrate sustainability into your business case.
A sustainable business
5 phases in the maturity of a sustainable business:
1. Compliance and philanthropy
2. Efficiency, risk management, reducing operational impact
3. Reputation building, proactive risk management, stakeholders’ co-evaluation
4. Embedded in business processes and systems including product and service
development and value chain
5. System change, redesigning rules of the game: not longer complying to the current
rules, but redesign the rules in a more circular way or fossil free.
a. System change is needed, because you can change your own organization,
but if you can’t change the system around the organization, the situation will
not be sustainable.
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The challenge
- Balancing time spend on the roles (which, when, how)
- The other business professionals: not only the sustainability professional, but also
the others should be involved. He cannot do it alone. Others should also implement
the roles needed to create sustainable success.
- Other themes coming up such as biodiversity
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Strategy refresh
- Purpose: banking for better, for generations to come
- Strategy: accelerating the sustainability shift
- Support the clients transition to sustainability
- Reinvent the customer experience
- Build a future proof bank
ABN Amro tries to combine the sustainability strategy and the corporate strategy into one,
which helped a lot in terms of reporting and communicating the ambitions. It puts
sustainability at the core of their strategy.
IR: the primary purpose of an integrated report is to explain to providers of financial capital
how an organization creates value over time
- To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance,
but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society. Companies must
benefit all of their stakeholders.
- We believe that companies are better able to deliver long-term value to shareholder
when they consider stakeholder concerns
ABN Amro aims to create long-term value that benefits all stakeholders:
- We take long-term value creation for our stakeholders seriously. We measure it so
we can manage it.
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integrate those topics into our management reporting and ultimately into our integrated
- Management reporting: ability to steer non-financials, evidence based.
Non-financials can be used as pre-financials
- Risk reporting: Strategic Risk Assessment aligned and more thorough
- Integrated reporting: alignment of management- (internal), external- and risk
Materiality analysis: a part of the process around integrated reporting, but also mandated
by GRI, where you try to assess what is material to your stakeholders and what is the impact
of those topics on the bank (materiality matrix).
Guiding principles IR
1. Strategic focus and future orientation
2. Connectivity of information
3. Stakeholder relationships
4. Materiality: how are you creation value to your
5. Conciseness: first integrated report (based on IR and GRI), based on 2014
materiality and with assurance on material metrics. First value creation model with
488, was not very concise
6. Reliability and completeness
7. Consistency and comparability
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Biggest challenges
1. Balance
- Integrated report should give a balanced overview of the year you are reporting on
and that also means that if certain topics did not go well, you should be fully
transparent around that
- Challenging to report things that did not go so well, dilemma
2. Transparency of impact
- We are investing this amount of money, but what is the true impact?
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Tutorial 1
Sustainability / CR reporting: systematic way for companies to report on CR performance,
comparable to (financial) accounting standards
- Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI): most used worldwide, used in class
- Integrated Reporting (IR)
- Transparency benchmark
CR reporting trends
- CR reporting increasingly mandated by government bodies, and/or stock exchanges
- Drives adoption among large companies
- More and more governments set the GRI for the standards
- Adoption is especially universal in sectors with large environmental impact (e.g.
mining, oil)
GRI: background
- Started in 2000. Meant to help organizations account for and for stakeholders to
understand the impact of corporate activities on sustainable development
- The Standards are issued by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB),
GRI’s independent standardsetting body
- 4 types of standards:
- Universal (foundation, general disclosures, management approach)
- 3 Topic-specific standards (economic, environmental, social (33 in total)
- Modular structure: standards can be changed depending on developments without
need for complete overhaul
- Distinction between requirements (necessary), recommendations, and guidance
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- Of the 33 topic-related standards, organization can select those that are relevant
- Impact: means material impact and refers to the impact on:
- Economy
- Environment
- Society
- Not on the organization itself
- Boundary: refers to where the impact occurs (e.g. inside or outside of the
Sustainable Development Goals: more integrated and adapted by the corporate sector
- Planetary boundaries: framework to report/design the sustainability strategy
- UN Global compact: 10 principles:
- Adopted by the financial sectors
The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world:
- GOAL 1: No Poverty
- GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
- GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
- GOAL 4: Quality Education
- GOAL 5: Gender Equality
- GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
- GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
- GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
- GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
- GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
- GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
- GOAL 13: Climate Action
- GOAL 14: Life Below Water
- GOAL 15: Life on Land
- GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
- GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
GRI document
Reporting principles: fundamental to achieving high quality sustainability reporting. The
reporting principles are divided into two groups:
- Principles for defining report content
- Stakeholder inclusiveness: identify its stakeholders, and explain how it has
responded to their reasonable expectations and interests
- Sustainability context: present the reporting organization’s performance in
the wider context of sustainability
- Materiality: cover topics that
- Reflect the reporting organization’s significant economic,
environmental, and social impacts OR
- Substantially influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders
- Completeness: include coverage of material topics and their Boundaries,
sufficient to reflect significant economic, environmental, and social impacts,
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Criteria scope 3
- C11 - Boundary: complete a scope 3 screening. If scope 3 emissions are ?40% of
total emissions, a scope 3 target is required. The scope 3 target boundary must
include the majority of value chain emissions
- C12 - Ambition: targets should clearly demonstrate how the company is addressing
the main sources of GHG emissions in line with current best practice
- C13 - Power generators that distribute fossil fuels: targets required for hte use of
sold products
- C14 - Timeframe: targets must cover 5 to 15 years from date submitted to SBTi for
an official validation
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Climate-based financial risks: set of potential risks that may result from climate change
and that could potentially impact the safety and soundness of individual financial institutions
and have broader financial stability implications for the banking system
Financial implications of climate change:
- Emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further warming the planet
- Organizations incorrectly perceive the implications of climate change to be long term,
and therefore, not relevant to decisions made today
- However, rapidly declining costs and increased deployment of clean and
energy-efficient technologies have already near-term financial implications for
- Transition to a lower-carbon economy presents significant risks, but also create
opportunities (change mitigation and adaptation solutions)
- The expected transition is estimated to require around 1 trillion USD of investments a
- Value at risks, as a result of climate change, to the global stock of assets as ranging
from 4.2 trillion to 43 trillion USD between now and the end of the century
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