Flight Paramedic Certificate Study ٢
Flight Paramedic Certificate Study ٢
Flight Paramedic Certificate Study ٢
Trauma Management 9
Aircraft Fundamentals, safety and survival 12
Flight Physiology 10
Advanced Airway Management Techniques 5
Neurological Emergencies 10
Critical Cardiac Patient 20
Respiratory Patient 10
Toxic Exposures 6
Obstetrical Emergencies 4
Neonates 4
Pediatric 10
Burn Patients 5
General Medical Patient 16
Environmental 4
Take as many practice questions as possible. You only get faster by running
faster, stronger by lifting heavier weights, and better at taking tests by
answering more sample test questions. When taking my FP-C course you
will take two 135 question tests modeled after the BCCTPC exam. The first
one is taken before the class begins, and the last one is taken on the final
day of the course. Every day you will take quizzes over each subject to
further increase your test-taking skills. My course typically has a high pass
average (my first-time pass rate is well above 80%, the national average
pass rate is 62%), this is because my students take a lot of practice
If you find that you are unable to do the above mentioned strategies by
yourself, find a study partner. BE SELECTIVE! A study group should be
small. If you have too many people in your study group it turns into a time
to talk about things other than the material. Ask your partner questions
without leading them, and if they don’t know a particular subject they need
to study that subject more. Bottom line-if you don’t know a question when
your study partner asks, you probably won’t know it when the written exam
asks the same thing
Gay-Lussac’s Law
Directly proportional relationship between temperature and
P1 / T1 = P2 / T2
Example- an oxygen cylinder left outside overnight will have a
lower pressure reading in the morning due to temperature drop.
This is the gas law that explains the reason you need to add air to
your tires in the winter
colder temps lead to lower pressures
Pulmonary Overpressurization
Related to Boyle’s Law
A syndrome that occurs when “breath holding” compressed air
during ascent
The greatest pressure differences are just below the surface
of the water (≤ 4 ft. depth)
Causes lung overexpansion and ruptures the alveoli
Causes pneumothorax or mediastinal emphysema
Common in inexperienced divers
Atmosphere Calculations
Every 33 feet below water 33ft = 1 ATM (atmosphere)
Sea Level= 1 ATM
33 ft. under water = 2 ATM
66ft. under water = 3 ATM
99ft. under water = 4 ATM
EXAMPLE: If you pick a patient that was diving at a depth of 33ft, they
were exposed to 2 ATM of pressure. This may also be written as 2
atmospheres absolute (2 ATA).
Example- If you were in an altitude chamber at 30k ft. and took your
oxygen mask off, you would normally have around 90 seconds of
consciousness. If you took your mask off and the chamber was rapidly
decompressed, you would only have 45 seconds consciousness.
Types of Hypoxia
Hypemic “Anemic”
Reduction in the O2 carrying capacity of blood
Anemia, hemorrhage
Histotoxic “Poisoning”
Limits the use of available oxygen due to poisoning of the
cytochrome oxidase system
Cyanide (CN), Alcohol, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitroglycerin
(NTG), Sodium Nitroprusside (Nipride), Sildenafil (Viagra)
Hypoxic “Not enough Oxygen in the air”
↓partial pressure of oxygen at altitude
Deficiency in alveolar O2 exchange
Cardiovascular & Pneumothorax patients are more susceptible to
this type of hypoxia
Stagnant “Blood isn’t moving”
Reduced cardiac output or pooling of blood
High G forces, cardiogenic shock
The Indifferent stage is most important (because you can still think)
Stressors of Flight
Self Imposed Inherent
Exhaustion 4, Humidity
Tobacco Fatigue
G Forces
Gravitational Force Direction of force Toleration Example
Altitude Effects
A cold, dry, high altitude environment has the greatest negative
outcome to your patient
Every 1,000 foot increase in elevation causes temperatures to
drop 2° C
Temperature is inversely proportional to altitude
Barondontalgia (Teeth)
Occurs on Ascent
Air trapped in fillings expands due to Boyles law
Also referred to as “Aerodontaligia”
Barotitis (Ears)
Occurs on Descent
Air trapped in the middle ear can't vent through the blocked
Eustachian Tube
(Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)
This is why you MUST be able to Valsalva before flying
(clearing your ears to equalize pressure)
“Ear Block”
Barosinusitis (Sinuses)
Can occur on BOTH Ascent and Descent
Epistaxis common after rupture of sinus membranes
Can also cause pain the maxillary teeth
This is not the same as barodontalgia (that occurs only on
“Sinus Block”
(12 Questions)
(Commission for the Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems)
CAMTS is the commission that accredits companies to become medical
transport systems. This is similar to a hospital getting accreditation from The
Joint Commission (TJC). They also set safety standards, as well as professional
conduct standards. Go to www.camts.org for the latest published guidelines.
Sterile cockpit
Only essential communication during all phases of flight except
straight and level flight
Critical phases of flight: Takeoff, Landing (short final), Refueling,
and Taxi (ground or air)
Flight following
15 min flying, 45 min sitting on the ground
Emergency action plan activated 15 minutes after failure to report in
The Emergency Accident plan is the trigger to launch a search
and rescue team
Example: if your aircraft took off at 1600hrs, and checked in with Air Traffic
Control (ATC) at 1615hrs, the next check in time is 1630hrs. If the aircraft is 15
minutes late for check in (1645hrs) the Post Accident Emergency Action Plan is
Miscellaneous CAMTS
Required to do 5 live intubations before beginning missions
Quarterly intubations thereafter
Flame retardant clothing (flight suit) – must be able to pull 1/4” away
from body
Safe operation of the aircraft comes before patient care!
Long range flights are any flight >3 hours
The only time you don’t need to wear a seat belt is during straight
and level flight
Or when the PIC directs you to (the PIC has ultimate authority of
the mission)
Weather Minimums
(CAMTS Rotorwing Standards, 05.00.000)
Night (w/
NVG's or 800' - 3 miles 1000' - 3 miles 1000' - 3 miles 1000' - 5 miles
Marginal Weather: weather that is very close to or at minimums (can fly, but
accepting risk) Below minimums: weather that is UNDER weather minimums
(can’t fly)
If bad weather is encountered while enroute, divert to the nearest
#1 cause of crashes is weather (#2 is night flight)
Flight Rules
Visual Flight Rules (VFR): This means that you can fly only in weather
conditions that you can see where you are flying
Visual Meteorological Conditions [VMC]
There is NO intended instrument flying under these rules.
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR): This means that the weather condition do not
allow safe flight by sight alone, and the pilot must be able to use his/her
instruments to fly
Instrument Meteorological Conditions [IMC]
If the weather conditions allow VFR/VMC, a pilot may still fly
under these conditions.
Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IIMC): This means that
the pilot began flying in VMC weather and unexpectedly encountered weather
that required flying by instruments.
Referred to as “Double IMC”
In-Flight Emergencies
Land immediately – engine failure/fire/RPG in your tail boom
Land as soon as possible – low transmission pressure/chip light
Land as soon as practical – go to closest convenient place to “check
something non-emergent out”
Crash Procedures
Pre-Crash Sequence
Lay the patient flat
We are able to absorb the most G forces in this position
Turn off any oxygen
Assume the crash position
Seat belt secured
Sit up straight (seats are designed to absorb impact)
Helmet strap tight & visor down
Knees together, Feet 6” apart, flat on the floor
Not underneath the seat (they will get broken)
Arms crossed on chest
Chin to chest
Post-Crash sequence
Turn off in order;
1. Throttle
2. Fuel
3. Battery (don’t actually touch the battery though)
Exit the aircraft (assist anyone who needs assistance)
Assemble at the 12 o’clock position
Begin building a shelter, build a fire, gathering water, create a signal
(shelter is the first priority) (This is not the same as military survival
(Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act)
You must act if someone requires emergency care to sustain life or is
actively giving birth
“250 Yard rule” – if someone is injured within 250 yards of a
hospital, they must be treated
Sending physician is responsible for the patient until they arrive at
next facility
Duty to Report
Child abuse
Elder abuse
Violent crime
Advanced Airway Principles
(5 Questions)
Intubation Indications
Unable to swallow
Patient can’t ventilate/oxygenate
Failed airway algorithm
GCS <8
Expected clinical course
Inhalational burns
Circumferential neck or chest burns
Airway obstruction
Foreign object, maxillofacial trauma, etc.
Respiratory failure as indicated on ABG
pH <7.2, CO2 >55, PaO2 <60
Only one value needs to be off to indicate the need to
Evaluate 3-3-2
3 fingers in mouth, 3 fingers between the jaw and hyoid, 2
fingers between hyoid and thyroid
Mallampati (I-IV)
Neck Mobility
(Airway Grading)
Mallampati I - Soft palate, uvula, anterior/posterior tonsillar pillars
Tall, thin neck
No difficulty
Mallampati II - Tonsillar Pillars hidden by tongue
No difficulty
Mallampati III - Only the base of the uvula can be seen
Moderate difficulty
Mallampati IV - Uvula cannot be seen
Short, fat or muscular neck (difficult airway)
Intubation Review
Macintosh- Curved blade
Lifts the vallecula
Miller- Straight blade
Lifts the epiglottis
Visualization Aids
Sellick’s Maneuver : Direct downward pressure on the thyroid cartilage,
occludes the esophagus and prevents aspiration during intubation
BURP : Backward, Upward, Rightward Pressure
Placement Confirmation
Chest X Ray- Gold standard of placement confirmation
Distal tip of ETT should be:
2-3 cm above the carina
1” above the carina
At the level of the T2 or T3 vertebrae
Next most reliable confirmation method- visualization of the
tube passing through the vocal cords
NOTE: When inflating the distal cuff on an ETT the pressure should be
between 20-30 mmHg to prevent mucosal tissue damage (only use the
amount of air required to make a good seal)
Tube Check- bulb placed over the ETT after intubation to confirm
placement. Remember that that esophagus is a hollow muscular tube, and
will collapse around the ETT (Bulb attached to the ETT does not re-inflate
if the ETT is in the esophagus)
End Tidal CO2- if the ETT is in the trachea, there will be CO2 in expired
air (End-Tidal CO2 or ETCO2)
Colimetric Device- a one-time use device that will change colors
(yellow) when CO2 passes through it
“Yellow is yes, Purple is poor”
CapnocheckTM- a reusable ETCO2 device that gives both ETCO2 and
respiratory rate (displayed as numbers)
This device is now called the “EMMA Emergency
Tip- use a finger pulse ox and an EMMA Capnometer together and you will
get HR, SpO2, RR, and ETCO2
7 P’s
Preparation (Make sure equipment is serviceable)
Preoxygenate (3-5 minutes, 10-15 LPM if possible)
Pretreatment (LOAD)
Paralysis with induction (Neuromuscular blockade (NMB), induction
agent, and pain control)
Protect and position (Sniffing position; place a towel under the patient’s
shoulder blades)
Placement with proof (Tube passing through the vocal cords, Chest xray,
Capnography, etc)
Post intubation management (Maintain sedation, oxygenation, etc.)
(RSI Pretreatment)
Lidocaine (Head / Lung Injury) (blunts the cough reflex preventing ICP
Opiates (blunts the pain response)
Atropine for infants (prevents reflexive bradycardia in infants <1
Vecuronium (Norcuron)
Non-Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocking (NMB) agents
Does not cause fasiculations (muscle twitching)
Used after succinylcholine to keep the patient paralyzed (slow
onset, long acting)
Defasiculating doses of a non-depolarizing agent reduces
increase in ICP during intubation (LOAD)
1/10th of normal dose
Slower onset (4-6 min), longer duration of action (30-45 min)
Vecuronium Dosing:
0.04-0.06 mg/kg IVP if following succinylcholine, PLUS
Maintenance: 0.01-0.015 mg/kg IVP 20-45min post initial
It is supplied as a powder that needs reconstitution
Rocuronium (Zemeron)
Non-Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocking (NMB) agents
Does not cause fasiculations
Defasiculating doses of a non-depolarizing agent reduces
increase in ICP during intubation
1/10th of normal dose
Used after succinylcholine to keep the patient paralyzed (slow
onset, long acting)
Slower onset (4-6 min), longer duration of action (30-45 min)
Rocuronium Dosing
Maintenance: 0.1-0.2 mg/kg IV q20-30 min
REQUIRES REFRIGERATION (good for 14 days once
removed from refrigeration)
“Rocuronium Refrigerate”
Propofol (Diprivan)
“Milk of Amnesia”
Dose varies based on intended use (utilize your local protocols)
1.5 mg/kg IV
15-45 second onset, 5-10 minute duration
Decreases Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP) and Mean Arterial
Pressure (MAP)
Do not use in the patient with a head injury!
Not a good choice for patients that are hemodynamically
unstable (in shock)
Ketamine is a safer induction agent in shocky patients
Ketamine (Ketalar)
Hypnotic (sleep producing), Analgesic (pain relieving), and
Amnestic (short term memory loss) drug
Has the unique ability to preserve laryngeal reflexes (helps with
airway protection)
Dosage varies based on intended use (utilize your local
1mg/kg IV
2 mg/kg IM
45-60 second onset, 11-17 minute duration
Used to stop pain impulses (remember that NMBs and Etomidate
Potent bronchodilator, use in the RSI of asthmatic patients
Ketamine DOES NOT dry secretions in the airway (it actually
can increase them)
Excessive secretions evidenced by Laryngospasm
Suction and
0.01 mg/kg IV Atropine or
0.4mg IV Scopolamine slowly
Can have hallucinations upon awakening
Can also be given intraosseous (IO) and Intranasal (IN)
Nasal Atomizer is available from LMA North America (the
same company that makes the LMA Airway)
Note: Ketamine is VERY safe for use in trauma! It DOES NOT suppress
laryngeal reflexes, which helps maintain the patient’s airway.
Opioid Analgesic
Dose based on intended use (utilize your local protocols)
2 mg IV/IM/IO for mild pain control (Q4H as needed)
5 mg IV/IM/IO for moderate pain control (Q4H as needed)
Onset within minutes, lasts 2-3 hours
IV is the preferred route
Avoid in patients with head injuries and respiratory depression
Causes hypotension, pruritis (itching), nausea and flushing
Often requires an antiemetic (Zofran 4mg IV/IO/IM or
Phenergan 25mg IV/IO/Deep IM)
IV is the preferred route
Naloxone (Narcan) 0.4-2 mg is the reversal agent (IV/IO/IM/ via
Opioid Analgesic (100 x more powerful than morphine)
Dose based on intended use (utilize your local protocols)
50 – 100 mcg (micrograms) IV Q2H as needed
Also administered as a lozenge (Actiq) 400mcg or 800mcg
Actiq lozenge is only FDA approved for pain control in
cancer patients (trauma use is off-label)
Onset within 1-2 minutes, 45-60 minute duration
Avoid in patients with ↑ICP, hypoventilations (can cause chest
wall rigidity), hypotension and bradycardia
Often requires an antiemetic (Zofran 4mg IV/IO/IM or
Phenergan 25mg IV/IO/Deep IM)
Naloxone (Narcan) 0.4-2 mg is the reversal agent (IV/IM/ via
Ventilator Patient Management
(10 Questions)
(Ventilation / Perfusion)
V/Q Scanning is a nuclear medicine study used to evaluate the
circulation of air and blood within a patient's lungs in order to
determine the ventilation/perfusion ratio.
The ventilation part of the test looks at the ability of air to
reach all parts of the lungs
The perfusion part evaluates how well blood circulates within
the lungs
The Fick formula is used to tell you how much O2 a person is
Formula: Cardiac output measurement based on the principle
that oxygen uptake by the lungs <VO2> equals oxygen
Respiratory Failure
Hypercarbic respiratory failure
“Inability to remove CO2”
Evidenced by respiratory acidosis
Treatment- ↑ tidal volume, then the rate
Respiratory Patterns
Apneustic respirations are an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized
by deep, gasping inspiration with a pause at full inspiration followed by a
brief, insufficient release.
Associated with Decerebrate Posturing
Ataxic respirations are an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by
complete irregularity of breathing, with irregular pauses and increasing
periods of apnea.
Caused by damage to the medulla secondary to trauma or stroke
Very poor prognosis.
Ventilator Pearls
The first word in the mode describes the interaction the patient
has with the ventilator
Controlled- the patient’s breathing rate (F) is set by the
Intermittent- the patient can take intermittent breaths
(against the resistance of airway tubing)
Synchronized- the ventilator synchronizes delivery of breath
with the patients inspiratory drive
Assist- the ventilator assists the patient with their breathing
(must have intact respiratory drive)
If on a ventilator, check tidal volume first (Vt), then the rate (F)
If you are comfortable the patient is getting an adequate tidal
volume increase the rate of ventilations
Think of a ventilator as an automated bag valve mask (BVM).
You don’t start squeezing the BVM faster to increase O2 sats;
you make sure you are delivering a slow, steady squeeze to
ensure quality ventilations.
Gold Standard for oxygenation- pulse oximetry (SpO2)
Gold Standard for ventilation- capnography (ETCO2)
Ventilator acquired pneumonia (VAP) is the #1 cause of
iatrogenic death in the U.S.
Curare Cleft Tick marks (cleft) are seen on capnography, the patient is
choking, check the ETT
Patient needs to be resedated and reparalyzed
Use Etomidate, Versed or Propofol AND Succinylcholine,
Rocuronium or Vecuronium
Pick one of each (sedative and paralytic)
Ventilator Settings
Vt (Tidal Volume) = 6-8 cc/kg IBW (ideal body weight)
The volume of air delivered per breath
Excessive Tidal Volume can lead to Ventilator-Induced Lung
Injury (VILI)
F (Rate) = 8-12/min
How many times a minute the patient is breathing (respiratory
Ventilator Modes
Controlled Mandatory Ventilation (CMV)
Used in sedated, apneic or paralyzed patients
Sometimes referred to as Continuous Mandatory Ventilation
All breaths are triggered, limited, and cycled by the ventilator
Patient has NO ability to initiate their own breaths
If the patient tries to take a breath in this mode they later
describe it “like sucking on an empty bottle.”
Example: SAVe Ventilator
Indicated for use in pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
asthma, status asthmaticus, etc.
The ventilator method is often chosen in order to decrease WOB and lessen
the need for intubation.
CPAP and BPAP are similar to SIMV because they are all
spontaneously triggered by the patient
Pressure Alarms
Low Pressure
Patient disconnection from machine (most common cause)
Chest tube leaks
Circuit leaks
Airway leaks
High Pressure
Kinked line (most common cause)
Secretions or mucus in the airway
Patient biting the tube
Reduced lung compliance (Pneumothorax, ARDS)
Increased airway resistance
Preoxygenation Required
(Give 10L/min via NRB for 15 Minutes prior to takeoff)
Obese patients (Bariobarotrauma)
Bariobarotrauma is caused by a sudden release of nitrogen
stores in lipids when going to altitude
Pregnant patients
Pediatric patients
PEFR (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate) = 500 to 700 L/min for males, 380 to
500 L/min for females
A person’s maximum speed of expiration, as measured with a
peak flow meter
Helps quantify the severity of an asthma exacerbation
Cardiac Output
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR)
Measures afterload of the Right Heart (Normally 50-250
'1`PVR: Acidosis, Hypercapnia, Hypoxia, Atelectasis, ARDS
PVR: Alkalosis, Hypocapnea, Vasodilating drugs
Heart Sounds
Normal Heart Sounds
S1 “Lub” (bicuspid/tricuspid valve closure)
S2 “Dub” (aortic/pulmonic valve closure)
Abnormal Heart Sounds
S3 “Kentucky” Excess filling of the ventricles
Causes: CHF, chordae tendineae (heart string) dysfunction
S1 “Ken”
S2 ”Tuck”
S3 “Y”
Auscultation Points
Murmur Grading: Grade I – Barely Audible, Grade VI– Loud
Coronary Circulation
Right Coronary Artery (RCA)
Supplies the right ventricle and in most of the population the SA
Node (60%)
Inferior MI
Bradycardia due to SA node involvement
ST Depression or dynamic T wave changes in 2 contiguous leads
ST Depression is caused by a lack of O2 to cardiac tissue
(either occurring now or due to an old infarct)
Dynamic T wave changes are T wave inversion (point down
instead of up)
(+) Positive Cardiac markers/enzymes
Unstable Angina
Angina that is not relieved by rest, nitro, or is different quality
that the patients ”normal” chest pain
May have ST segment depression (ischemia)
Cardiac Enzymes
Cardiac Panel= Troponin I, CK-MB, MB
x This panel is run at set intervals (content and time based on local
facility protocols)
Creatinine Kinase
Moderate 4 to 8 hours 12 to 24 hours
Myoglobin (CK-MB)
Reciprocal Changes
Posterior LCX MONA
V1, V2, V3, V4
2L Fluid Challenge
Inferior II, III, aVF RCA NO Nitro or
Beta Blockers
Posterior MI
Reciprocal EKG changes in V1, V2, V3, V4
Reciprocal change = Inverted QRS Complex or ST segment
ST depression predominantly in V1, V2
Treat with MONA
Anterior MI
ST segment changes in V2, V3, V4
Treat with MONA
Inferior MI
ST segment changes in II, III, aVF
Papillary muscle dysfunction (“heart strings”)
Can cause Bradycardia, 1°,2° AV Block
Treatment - 2L fluid challenge
No nitro or Beta blockers!
Lateral/Posterior Wall ST segment changes in I, aVL, V5, V6
Treat with MONA
Anteroseptal MI
ST segment changes in V1,V2,V3,V4
Left ventricle and septum affected
Papillary muscle dysfunction- leads to cardiogenic shock
Treat with MONA
Summary of EKG Changes
This can be placed directly over a 12 lead EKG to correlate area of infarct
Morphine, Oxygen, Nitro, ASA (Aspirin)
Beta Blockers
Reduces heart rate, thus reduces myocardial oxygen demand
DO NOT use in bi-fasicular blocks or BBB
Amiodarone V/F & Pulseless V tach 300mg 1st dose / 150mg 2nd dose
Narcan, Atropine, Epinephrine, Lidocaine and Vasopressin can be given via ETT
(increase the dose 2 – 2.5 x normal) Defibrillation in-flight is safe, be sure to use
standard precautions and inform the pilot
Class I (Sodium Channel Blockers)
Lidocaine, Phenytoin, Procainamide
Interferes with Sodium (Na+) channels
Class V (Other)
Adenosine, Digoxin, Magnesium Sulfate
Works by “other” mechanisms (no good way to classify/stratify the
Vasoactive Drugs
'I SVR (Systemic Vascular Resistance): Dopamine, Neo-synephrine,
Epinephrine, Levophed
NorEpi (Levophed) - used for patients in profound hypotension
Relative Contraindications
History of chronic, severe, poorly controlled hypertension
Severe uncontrolled hypertension on presentation (SBP >180 mm Hg
or DBP >110 mm Hg)
Traumatic or prolonged (>10 min) CPR or major surgery less than 3
Recent (within 2-4 week) internal bleeding
Non-compressible vascular punctures
For streptokinase/anistreplase - Prior exposure (more than 5 days ago)
or prior allergic reaction to these agents
Active peptic ulcer
Current use of anticoagulant (Warfarin, Heparin, Lovenox, etc.)
Surgical Reperfusion
Percutaneous Trans luminal Coronary Angioplasty “Cardiac Cath”
Administer GP2B3A inhibitors
This class of medications prevents platelet activity. The difference
between this medication and Aspirin (Thromboxane A2 inhibitor) is
that aspirin irreversibly binds for 3-5 days, whereas GP2B3A
inhibitors can be titrated and have a half-life of about 8 hours (binding
stops when half-life ends).
GP2B3A examples- Reopro, Integrilin, Aggrastat
Keep the leg straight during transport and hold direct pressure for 30
minutes after cardiac catheter removal
This is to prevent the femoral artery from re-bleeding
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft “Cardiac Bypass”
Heart Transplant
If a heart transplant patient is decompensating, immediate
cardioversion is indicated
Dopamine and Normal Saline fluid bolus should be used in the setting
of bradycardia
Can also use Neosynephrine (sympathomimetic)
DO NOT use atropine (it won’t work)
Inflammation or infection on the outside of the heart (peri = around)
Substernal chest pain when breathing or laying supine (pericardium
rubs against the sternum)
Most common cause is Idiopathic (80%)
Idiopathic means the cause can’t be identified
Lasix is the most important drug therapy (high dose)
Nitroglycerin (second most important drug therapy)
CPAP/BPAP is often used to decrease work of breathing (WOB)
ACEi (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitor) to prevent
ventricular remodeling (Enalipril, Captopril)
Beta blockers (Carvidolol)
Note: There are often conflicting views on the use of Lasix vs. Nitroglycerin in
heart failure.
Aortic Dissection
Described as a “Ripping or Tearing” sensation between the shoulder
Pain can also present in the chest or abdomen (still described as “ripping
or tearing”)
Common with Marfan’s syndrome
Ascending Aorta most common site of dissection
CXR shows widened mediastinum, loss of aortic knob, pleural effusion
A difference of 20 mmHg Systolic B/P in the arms is a common
finding with dissection
Treat FIRST with β Blockers (Labetalol [Normodyne]), then
Vasodilators (Nitroprusside [Nipride])
Pain meds
Morphine, Fentanyl, Ketamine
Restrict fluids unless hypotensive
Aortic Aneurysm
Aneurysm is an “out pouching” of either the cardiac aorta or the
abdominal aorta
Typically found on routine CT scans for other medical problems or
during physical exam
abdominal aorta palpation >5cm
Surgically repaired when >5cm, or symptomatic
Hemodynamic Monitoring
(Swann Ganz Catheter)
A Swan-Ganz catheter is used to measure how much pressure blood is under
when it goes into the pulmonary artery. It also provides measurements of right
heart afterload and left heart preload. A pulmonary artery catheter and Swann-
Ganz Catheter utilize the same vascular access site (central line in the subclavian
Distal tip is used to measure pressures
Do not exceed 1.5cc air in distal cuff
Do not take wedge pressure readings for >15 seconds or 3 breaths
Take readings at the end of exhalation
PA port only for monitoring /lab sample blood draw (not fluid
When transporting a patient with a PA catheter, deflate the balloon
(prevents an inadvertent wedge pressure)
This is because the balloon size increases at altitude due to Boyle’s Law
The catheter may advance to an inadvertent wedge
Note: There are several terms that describe the pressure readings in regards to the
Swan Ganz. The terms below are describing the same reading!
PAWP (Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure)
PAOP (Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure)
PACP (Pulmonary Artery Capillary Pressure)
Normal Values
CVP (Central Venous Pressure)
“Right Atrial Pressure”
Measures Right heart preload
Normal = 2 to 6 mmHg
CO (Cardiac Output)
4-6 L/min
Catheter Whip- If the monitor shows this waveform, the tip of the catheter needs
to be “floated” into the PA. Allowing the catheter to remain in the right ventricle
may result in V-Fib
Inflate the cuff with 1.5 cc of air
Have the patient cough
Lay them on their side
“Wedge Waveform”
Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure (PAWP)
Wedge pressure = 8-12 mmHg
Right Heart Afterload and Left Heart preload
This waveform is caused by a blockage of the pulmonary artery by
inflating the distal balloon. This is what allows the machine to get a
“PAWP” (Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure)
Referred to as a “low amplitude rolling waveform”
Cardiac Output Transducer
Utilizes a machine that is hooked up to the Swan-Ganz Catheter (this is not a
separately inserted line)
Placed at the phlebostatic axis (pictured below)
4th ICS, Mid Axillary Line
IABP Pearls
If there is a power failure, manually pump every 3-5 minutes to
prevent blood from clotting on the balloon
There is no need to purge IABP when going to altitude
(the machine will purge itself)
Ensure you carry extra helium tanks prior to transport
(it is bad form to run out while in flight)
If you see brown or rust colored flakes in IABP tubing, the tubing has
(the brown flakes are clotted RBCs inside the tubing system)
IABP Waveforms
Obstetrical Emergencies
(4 Questions)
Normal Maternal Changes
HR increases 15-20 BPM
B/P decreases 5-15 mmHg 2nd tri
Pregnancy Terms
Preterm- before 38 weeks
Full term 38-42 weeks
Post Term- after42 weeks
Assessment “DES”
Dilation (0-10 cm)
Effacement (thickness of the cervix)
Normal is 2 CM
Station (fetal head in relation to the pubic bone (measured + or –
in centimeters)
Fetal Monitoring
Internal Fetal monitoring
Gold Standard- internal fetal monitoring (scalp transducer) with
uterine pressure monitor (tocometer)
Can use external fetal monitoring with Doppler
Normal HR 120 to 160 BPM (baseline)
Fetal tachycardia is most commonly caused by maternal fever
Fetal bradycardia is most commonly caused by hypoxia
The single most important predictor of fetal well being
This is measured from beat to beat
10-15 bpm = normal variability
#1 cause of poor variability- fetal hypoxia
Are in relation to uterine contraction
Example: early decel means the fetus’ heart rate decelerates
early in the uterine contraction cycle
Accelerations are ALWAYS good
Decelerations can be bad
Early Decelerations
Mirrors contractions
Associated with head pressed against the cervix
Late Decelerations
Always indicates ureteroplacental insufficiency causing the fetus
to experience a hypoxic bradycardia
Commonly associated with PIH / DM / Smokers / Late
Deliveries/ Pre Eclampsia
Always concerning!
Variable Decelerations
Caused by cord compression during uterine contraction
Nucchal: Cord is wrapped around the fetus’ neck
Clamp and cut cord if needed
Prolapsed: Cord is protruding from the mother’s vagina
Raise cord to relieve pressure, knees to chest, tocolytics, and saline
gauze over exposed cord
Sinusoidal Variations
Caused by accidental tap of the umbilical cord during
amniocentesis, fetomaternal transfusion, placental abruption
Fetal Hypovolemia
Fetus is acidotic
Emergency C-Section is indicated!
Stages of Delivery
1. Crowning (cervix is fully dilated)
2. Delivery of body
3. Delivery of placenta
Emergency C- Section Indications
Multiple decelerations with poor rate / variability
Sustained Bradycardia (<120 BPM for >10 minutes)
Sinusoidal waveform
Delivery Complications
Pre-Term Labor
Labor prior to 38 weeks gestation
True labor presents with regular uterine contractions WITH
cervical change (effacement)
Most common cause of preterm labor is Hypovolemia
Preterm Delivery
(<38 weeks)
1. Administer Tocolytics
Terbutaline (fast acting, short half-life)
Magnesium Sulfate ( slower acting, long half-life)
3. Prevent infection
Avoid vaginal examinations, if exam is needed use sterile gloves
(Drugs that stop uterine contractions)
Terbutaline (Brethine)
Stops tetanic contractions of the uterus IMMEDIATELY
“Terbutaline for Tetany”
Subcutaneous 0.25mg q 15 min
This is a short acting medication!
Think of it like Succinylcholine for RSI (works fast, but not for
very long)
“Mag Check”
Deep Tendon Reflexes (DTRs)
0: absent reflex
1+: trace, or seen only with reinforcement
2+: normal
3+: brisk
Baby defecates while in the womb
Meconium is sterile (the baby has not eaten anything yet)
Meconium inactivates surfactant (leads to atelectasis)
Deep suction only if baby is not vigorous (strong cry, pink,
Intubate and suction below the vocal cords before the first cry
(Pregnancy Induced Hypertension)
New onset hypertension (HTN) with pregnancy
Can cause placental insufficiency
Treatment options:
Labetolol (Beta Blocker)
Hydralazine (Alpresoline)
Methyldopa (Levodopa)
Shoulder Dystocia
Shoulders will not pass through the pelvis
Apply gentle traction to baby while applying suprapubic
McRobert’s maneuver: Pulling the woman’s knees towards her chest &
applying suprapubic pressure to assist with delivery
Turtle Sign: Appearance and retraction of the fetal head (like a turtle going
back into its shell)
Breech Delivery
Don’t touch until umbilicus is delivered
Don’t attempt a footling breech
Mauriceau’s maneuver
Fingers relieving pressure off the baby’s nose so they can breath
Downward suprapubic pressure while the baby is rotated out of the
birth canal
HELLP Syndrome
(Hemolysis / Elevated Liver Enzymes / Low Platelets)
Commonly seen with PreEclampsia and Eclampsia
RUQ pain (liver), jaundice, malaise
Give Mag Sulfate (4-6 G over 30 minutes)
Steroids (Celestone or Dexamethasone) to stimulate fetal lung
Hypertension- use Labetalol, Hydralazine, or Methyldopa
HTN/ Proteinuria/Edema
Risk factors- extremes of age, 1st pregnancy
HTN/ Proteinuria/Edema
Seizures are treated with a benzo (Valium, Ativan, or Versed)
Give Mag Sulfate to depress seizure activity
Sign of Mag toxicity is ↓ DTRs (hyporeflexia), pulmonary edema
Antidote for Mag Sulfate toxicity is Calcium Gluconate
Note: Benzos are usually contraindicated in pregnancy; they are
only indicated in the treatment of seizures in pregnancy
Maternal Hemorrhage
Placental Abruption EMERGENCY
Painful bleeding
Any MVA or blunt trauma is placental abruption until proven
Needs an O/B workup prior to discharge/realease
Causes exsanguination & placental insufficiency
Drug that causes contraction of the uterus to help stop bleeding
Released by the pituitary in large amounts;
After distension of the cervix and uterus during labor, facilitating
After stimulation of the nipples
During breastfeeding
This is one reason why babies are placed on mothers chest
after birth
Uterine Rupture
“Stomach is as hard as a board”
Caused by peritonitis
“Fetal parts presenting under the mother’s skin”
Rh Negative Mothers
Rhogam prevents mothers immune response to the baby’s Rh
positive cells (prevents mom’s immune system from attacking
the baby).
If a mother is Rh negative, ALWAYS give Rhogam!
This means the mother has Rh antibodies
The majority of the population is Rh positive
Miscellaneous OB Pearls
Do not pull on the umbilical cord after delivery of the baby,
this can cause uterine inversion
Uterine inversion requires manual replacement
Condition Treatment
Seizures Valium
Meconium is sterile (consists of hair, teeth, skin cells, etc.)
Deep suction (below the vocal cords) is ONLY indicated if the
neonate is not vigorous if meconium is present at birth
Surfactant is inactivated by meconium
IsoletteTM (Incubator)
Device to put any preterm or term infant into to maintain heat,
provide supplemental oxygen, and to protect from the
environment. (IsoletteTM is a brand name)
Commonly used for preterm infant
Preterm neonate <5 kg
Distress in a baby less than 28 days from date of birth (neonate)
Infants and Peds lose heat quicker than adults because of their
large body surface area to mass index ratio
Patient must be secured inside the incubator during flight
Neonatal Sepsis
Most commonly caused by Group B Strep
Occurs in utero, often occurs after a Premature Rupture Of
Membranes (PROM)
Treatment: Ampicillin + Gentamycin (Amp + Gent)
Infant Seizures
Infant Seizures- S/Sx include lip smacking and tongue thrusting,
eye fluttering, lowered O2 sats
Referred to as “Subtle Seizures” or “Complex Partial Seizures”
Common causes:
Opioid withdrawal
Interventricular hemorrhage (preterm infant bleeding inside the
ventricles of the brain)
Febrile Seizures
Rate of temperature increase is the most important factor (not
overall temp)
Fever- Each 1° change >37°C (98.6° F) HR increases 10 BPM
Does not require further workup if the cause is known (ear
infection, viral illness, etc.)
Choanal Atresia
A congenital disorder where the back of the nasal passage
(choana) is blocked, usually by abnormal bony or soft tissue
formed during fetal development
Remember that Infants are obligate nasal breathers for the first 6
Likely will require intubation
“O” Abdominal ring, protrusion of viscera (arrest of development of the
abdominal wall)
Is attached to the umbilical cord
This condition is WORSE than Gastroschesis (high morbidity)
Treat like an abdominal evisceration!
Maintain body temperature
Cover with moist, sterile dressings
Keep NPO
Will require surgical repair
Defect with completed development of internal organs. Abdominal contents
are coming out of the body on one side of the umbilical cord.
Treat like an abdominal evisceration!
Maintain body temperature
Cover with moist, sterile dressings
Keep NPO
Will require surgical repair
This is less severe than an Omphalocele!
Miscellaneous Neonates
An umbilical cord normally has 2 arteries and 1 vein
If the newborn only has 1 artery and 1 vein in the cord (referred
to as a "single artery cord"), the Renal system is likely to be
Pediatric Emergencies
(10 questions)
Age Ranges
Classification Age
“2/3/4 Rule”
2 x ETT Size = Suction/NG Foley diameter (ex. 5.0 ETT = 10fr Foley)
3 x ETT Size = ETT Insertion depth (ex. 7.0 ETT = 21cm insertion
4 x ETT Size = Chest Tube (ex. 5.0 ETT = 20fr chest tube)
NOTES: If the ETT size required for a child is >5.5 mm use a cuffed ETT!
Once intubation is complete, place a Nasogastric Tube (NG Tube) to
decompress the stomach
(Swelling of the bronchiole walls) Usually not life threatening
>90% viral
Cough, shortness of breath, nasal flaring, wheezing/crackling on
Often caused by RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
Isolation required (highly contagious)
Treatment: Supportive care, O2, Fluids, Isolation
Watch for apnea!
(Swelling around the vocal cords) Usually not life threatening
Gradual onset with URI, no drooling
“Seal Like” barking cough
Steeple Sign on A/P neck x-ray
“The crow lives in the steeple”
Treat with racemic epinephrine and steroids (Decadron)
Racemic epinephrine is used because it is nebulized (aerosolized)
(Swelling of the epiglottis) LIFE THREATENING
Sudden onset, DROOLING
Patient presents in the “tripod position”
Thumb sign on lateral neck x ray (looks like a thumbprint)
Do not disturb the child due to possible rapid airway loss
Treatment: Antibiotics, humidified O2
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Lower respiratory tract infection
More common in those with:
Congenital heart defect (CHD)
Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD)
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
Treatment is limited to supportive care and oxygen therapy
Pediatric Trauma
Waddel’s Triad ∆ (child hit by a car)
1) Car hits them
2) They hit the car
3) They hit the ground
Injury Pattern involves head injury, intrathoracic/intrabdominal injury, and
femur fractures
When falling, children strike their heads first
Most common cause of traumatic death in Peds is Motor Vehicle
Most commonly organ injured is the skin
Children do not show signs of hypotension until >25% blood
loss (they compensate with tachycardia)
Accidental Ingestion
Narcotics- Decreased respiratory drive and altered mental status
If unknown cause of ingestion, give Narcan and Flumazenil
All other agents, give supportive care (Airway, IV, O2)
Pediatric Abuse
Multiple fractures or bruises in different stages of healing
Retinal hemorrhages
Signs/Sx of Herniation
Change in LOC
Fixed & Dilated pupil (“blown pupil”)
Decorticate/Decerebrate posturing
Decorticate “to the core”, associated with brainstem herniation
Cushing’s Triad ∆- results from increased ICP leading to brainstem
Increased Pulse Pressure (Systolic and diastolic numbers are
far apart, ex 180/60)
Respiratory Changes
Cheyne-Stokes: breathing becoming shallower until it stops for a
while (apnea) and then breathing starts again and rapidly
crescendos to a peak before decreasing away
Skull Fractures
Diastatic Fracture: along the suture lines of the skull, leads to a separation
of the sutures
Linear Fracture: extends towards the base of the skull
Associated with Epidural Hematoma and infection
Dirt and hair getting in the opening into the cranial vault
Orbital Fracture- a fracture of the orbital rim (eye socket) that is caused
by a direct blow
Potentially serious complication of the inferior rectus eye muscle
becoming trapped
Have the patient look up, if one eye doesn’t go up (and causes
double vision) it is a surgical emergency
Head injuries are the leading cause of death in the trauma victim!
Mild - knocked out, no memory loss
Classic – memory loss
Diffuse Axonal injury – Coma
Spontaneous 4
To Loud Voice 3
To Pain 2
None 1
Verbal Response
Oriented 5
Inappropriate 3
None 1
Obeys 6
Localizes 5
Withdraws (Flexion) 4
Abnormal flexion
Extension Posturing 2
None 1
Minor Injury 13 – 15
Moderate Injury 9 – 12
Severe Injury <8
Hypertensive Urgency/Emergency
Hypertensive Urgency
Condition where a patient has extremely elevated blood pressure
with NO signs or symptoms of end organ damage
Blood pressure should be lowered slowly
Not an emergency (yet)
Hypertensive Crisis/Emergency
Condition where a patient has extremely elevated blood pressure
WITH signs and symptoms of end organ damage
Headache, Nausea/Vomiting, Visual Changes
Creatinine/RBCs in Urine
Lower B/P no more than 25% per hour, and no lower than
patients “normal” pressure
Use Labetolol and Nitroprusside (Nipride)
Cerebral Bleeding
Subdural Hematoma (SDH) “Venous Lakes”
Results from a tearing of the bridging veins to the subdural space
This has a slow onset (over several hours)
Often in the elderly, kids
More common and more lethal than epidural hematomas
Interventricular hemorrhage has increased mortality
Important dermatomes: T4 nipples, T10 umbilicus, C3/4/5
innervates the diaphragm
Autonomic Dysreflexia
“Autonomic Hypereflexia”
Common occurrence in the paralyzed patient that does not have
a Foley in place
The bladder becomes extremely distended
Common in spinal cord injuries
Increases B/P, H/R, ICP
Insert and drain a Foley catheter slowly
Neurogenic Shock
(Distributive Shock)
Causes a decrease in sympathetic nervous system outflow
Unable to vasoconstrict and increase HR
Occurs due to spinal cord swelling after trauma
Decreased Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) and normal
heart rate
SVR <800
Warm red skin
Treat with IV fluids & Vasopressors (Levophed, Dopamine, etc.)
Caused by inflammation of the meninges
Disease is carried in the Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)
Treatment is based on cause (bacterial, viral, fungal, etc.)
Triad of nuchal rigidity (neck stiffness), photophobia
(intolerance of bright light) and headache
Brudzinki’s Sign: the appearance of involuntary lifting of the legs when
lifting a patient’s head with the patient lying supine
Kernig’s Sign: Severe stiffness of the hamstrings causes an inability to
straighten the leg when the hip is flexed to 90 degrees (“Kicking Kernigs”)
Use personal protective measures
Neuroprotective Agents
Currently, the only approved medical therapy for acute ischemic
stroke is Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA), a thrombolytic
agent that targets the thrombus within the blood vessel
Generalized Seizures
Absence seizures are an abrupt and sudden onset impairment of
consciousness, interruption of ongoing activities, a blank stare
Atonic (drop seizures or drop attacks) are a brief lapse in muscle tone
that are caused by temporary alterations in brain function. The seizures are
brief - usually less than fifteen seconds
Tonic-Clonic (grand mal seizures) are a type of generalized seizure
that affects the entire brain. Tonic–clonic seizures are the seizure type most
commonly associated with epilepsy and seizures in general
Myoclonic involve brief, involuntary twitching of a muscle or a group
of muscles
90 mmHg 100%
60 mmHg 90%
30 mmHg 60%
27 mmHg 50%
pH 7.35 - 7.45
CO2 35 - 45
HCO3 22 - 26
PaO2 80-100
ABG Interpretation
1. Is the pH Acidotic (<7.35) or Alkalotic (>7.45)?
a. CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is an Acid, so more CO2 makes the
ABG more acidotic (moves left)
Technically CO2 is not an acid. CO2 combines with H2O
to form H2CO3 (Carbonic Acid) which is an acid.
This makes CO2 a reliable indicator of acidosis.
b. HCO3 (Bicarb) is Basic, so more HCO3 makes the ABG more
Alkalotic (moves right)
2. If Acidotic (<7.35) look at the CO2 levels.
If CO2 levels are >45, it is a Respiratory Acidosis
If CO2 levels are normal or <35, it is not a Respiratory Acidosis
(it is likely a metabolic acidosis )
4. Is it compensated?
a. The compensatory mechanism is the opposite of the primary problem
An acidosis is compensated by HCO3 (bicarb)
An alkalosis is compensated by CO2 (acid)
Metabolic Alkalosis
pH > 7.35, Bicarb >26
Too little H+ or too much HCO3
Usually the result of H+, K+, NA+, CL- Loss
Common causes are vomiting, Nasogastric (NG) suctioning,
diuretics, corticosteroids, antacid poisoning, Diamox
Treat the underlying cause
Metabolic Acidosis
pH <7.35 Bicarb <22
Too much H+ or too little HCO3
#1 cause is lactic acidosis (lactate >4)
Ketoacidosis- diabetics/alcoholics
Treat the underlying cause
Respiratory Alkalosis
pH > 7.35 CO2 <35
This is a result of alveolar hyperventilation (breathing too fast)
Increased pH, decreased CO2 (<35)
Often caused by ASA poisoning (respiratory center stimulant),
or Hyperthermia (heat injuries, hypermetabolic states, fever)
If on a ventilator, check tidal volume first, then rate (Vt- volume,
F- rate)
Respiratory Acidosis
pH < 7.35 CO2 >45
This is the result of a failure to remove CO2 (breathing too slow)
Causes include: chest wall injury, CNS depression, lung injury
Decreased pH, Increased CO2 (>45)
Anion Gap Acidosis
Sodium (+), Chloride (-), and Bicarb (-) are added together to determine the
“Anion Gap”
Anion Gap = (Na+) - (Cl- + HCO3-)
If ≥16 the patient has an anion gap metabolic acidosis
Normal Anion Gap is 12 (+/- 4)
The worse the gap (indicated by a larger number), the worse the acidosis
Offending Agent Treatment
IV Ethanol (ETOH) or
Methanol Alcohol poisoning
IV Fluid Resuscitation
DKA Diabetic Ketoacidosis
& Insulin
K+ 3.5 - 5
Cl- 95 - 105
CO2 22 - 26
BUN 6 - 24
Cr .7 - 1.4
Glucose 80 - 120
(Complete Blood Count)
HGB/HCT 15/45 (Hemoglobin/Hematocrit)
Hemoglobin- oxygen carrying capacity of blood
Hematocrit- the concentration of RBCs (the higher the hematocrit, the
“thicker” the blood is)
PLT 150k – 400k (Platelets)
WBC 5k – 10k (White Blood Cells)
CBC-primary serum protein is albumin, produced by the liver
(maintains colloid osmotic pressure)
“Coag Panel”
PT 11 sec (Prothrombin Time) extrinsic pathway
PTT 21 - 35 sec (Partial Thromboplastin Time) intrinsic pathway
INR 1.0 (International Normalized Ratio)
“Normal” INR should be 1.0
If the person is anticoagulated (e.g. Coumadin) the INR will
around 2 to 3
Urine Output
Infant 2cc/kg/hr
Child 1cc/kg/hr
Adult 0.5 cc/kg/hr
Average urine output for an adult is 30-50cc/hr
Remember that cc (cubic centimeters) and mL (milliliters) are
the same thing
Osmolarity is the measure of solute concentration
Defined as the number of osmoles (Osm) of solute per liter (L) of
Normal serum osmolality 280-295 mOsm/L
Osmolality of blood increases with dehydration and decreases
with over hydration
This is an EXTREMELY basic explanation
Medical Emergencies
(16 Questions)
(Diabetic Ketoacidosis)
Most common in Type I diabetic teens/children
Elevated glucose (>350mg/dl)
Elevated Ketones (ketosis) this is what causes fruity breath
ACIDOTIC (metabolic acidosis)
Kussmaul's respirations (the body is blowing off CO2 to correct
(Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone)
ADH = Anti-Diuretic Hormone (Desmopressin)
There is too much of this hormone in the body
Hyponatremia is the problem (Na <135meq/L)
<130meq/L = Symptoms typically begin
<120 meq/L = Coma
Treat with Hypertonic saline if symptomatic
Do not correct Sodium faster than 0.5 meq/l/hr
Central Pontine Myelinolysis (CPM) can occur if Sodium is
corrected too quickly
CPM is irreversible brain damage evidenced by cerebral palsy,
quadriplegia, death
ORAL FLUID RESTRICTION (500 to 1,000 mL/day)
This is to prevent a dilutional hyponatremia
(Diabetes Insipidus)
Hypothyroidism/Myxedema Coma
Patient presents with fatigue, cold intolerance, weight gain,
puffy eyelids, sparse hair, possibly goiter
Primarily occurs in women
> 90% cases in winter (because the patient has cold intolerance
and is now suffering from hypothermia)
Becomes “Myxedema Coma” upon LOC change
Treat with IV Levothyroxine (T4) or Triostat (T3)
Levothyroxine is “Synthroid”
Cushing’s Syndrome
Buffalo hump, moon face, thin arms and legs, purple striae on
Excessive use of corticosteroids (iatrogenic- condition caused by
Adrenal gland tumor (the adrenal cortex secretes
Usually resolves when corticosteroids are stopped or tumor is
Liver Failure
Caused by hepatitis, alcoholism, Tylenol overdose, etc.
INR > 1.5 (due to decreased Albumin and coagulation factor
Liver breaks down ammonia
Increased ammonia leads to increased ICP
Treatment is mainly supportive
Treat with Lactulose (removes ammonia)
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Any disease process affecting normal liver functions can lead to
hepatic encephalopathy
Various neurologic symptoms including changes in
consciousness, behavior changes, and personality changes
Asterixis :
Coarse "flapping" muscle tremor of the hands
Often described as “bird-like flapping hands”
This is from the loss of fine motor skills often seen with Hepatic
Treat with Lactulose
Septic Shock
Someone who is in shock 2° to sepsis (infection in the
Hypotensive with normal heart rate
Hypotensive while being refractory to fluids
Patient needs IV fluid therapy and vasopressors
Levophed (Norepinephrine) is vasopressor of choice in profound
Do not use Etomidate in RSI (due to its adrenal suppression)
Pain that is usually centered in the upper middle or upper left
abdomen. Often radiates from the front of the abdomen through
to the back, begins or worsens after eating, lasts a few days, and
may feel worse when a person lies flat on his or her back.
The digestive enzymes in the pancreas are destroying the
Increased lipase levels (usually >3 times normal)
(K+ >5.0)
Caused by either increased intake or decreased excretion of
Patient may present with abdominal cramps, nausea,
hypotension, bradycardia, numbness (especially in the legs)
EKG will show “Tall,” “Tented,” or “Peaked” T-Waves
Push K+ into the cells: Bicarb, Insulin, D50, Albuterol
Excrete excess K+: Lasix (urine) and Kayexalate (feces)
Prevent V-Tach : Calcium Gluconate
K+ will change about 0.6meq for every 0.1 change in pH
K+ <3.5
Patient often presents with malaise, weakness, history of poor
dietary intake
Lasix is a common iatrogenic cause of hypokalemia
EKG will show “Depressed,” “Inverted,” of “Flattened” T
Give oral potassium 60 mEq (preferred route)
If hypokalemia is severe, can give 10mEq IV potassium
NEVER give as a bolus (could be fatal)
IV Potassium is used in lethal injections
Ca <8.2mg/dL
Decreased Calcium or Vitamin D intake/ increased calcium
Anxiety, confusion, delirium
Hyperactive Deep Tendon Reflexes (DTRs 3+ or 4+)
Prolonged QT interval on EKG, narrow QRS, possible U wave
Chvosteks Sign: cheek muscle spasms when the facial nerve (CN VII)
tapped (just in front of the ear)
“Chvosteks = Cheek”
Arterial Occlusion
Usually embolic (from DVT or clot in the heart)
Presents with claudication (Latin for “limping”). This is cramping
pain felt in the extremities, usually referenced in how many blocks
someone walks before the pain occurs (i.e. pain after walking a
single block would be “1 Block Claudication”)
Blood is not getting into the limb, this is why it is cold
Paresthesia Numbness
Non-Surgical: Smoking cessation, lipid control, exercise
Surgical: Only if life or limb-threatening condition exists
Environmental Injuries & Toxicology
(10 Questions)
After Drop: return of cold blood to the core induced by external rewarming
and peripheral vasodilation
(Heat Injuries)
Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion, and Heat Stroke
Heat cramps are caused by Hyponatremia
Primary cation lost in heat injuries is Sodium (Na+)
Heat exhaustion typically occurs at core temps > 40° C (104° F)
Patient often has respiratory alkalosis due to hyperventilation
(blowing off CO2)
With heat exhaustion there is no neurologic impairment
Heat stroke is any heat injury with LOC change
Patient doesn’t have to stop sweating to have a heat stroke
Administer crystalloid fluids (NS/LR)for volume replacement
(minimum 2 liters)
Never use colloids for heat injuries (Hextend/Hespan)
↑Hematocrit (HCT)
↑Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
↑ Specific Gravity (SG)
Ketones (Ketonuria)
“The blood and the urine are more concentrated due to fluid loss”
Give a minimum of 2L crystalloids (NS/LR)
NS is the preferred fluid for heat injuries because of the often
coexisting Hyponatremia
Cold Water
Dry drowning (no water gets in the lungs)
Due to laryngospasms
Spinal immobilization & treat hypothermia
Warm Water
Wet drowning (water gets in the lungs)
Spinal immobilization & treat hypothermia
High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE): onset occurs 2-4 days after rapid
ascent > 10,000 ft.
Symptoms: rales, tachycardia, tachypnea, dyspnea at rest, non-
productive cough (although can have pink frothy sputum)
Potentially life threatening
Treatment: descend, Acetazolamide (Diamox 125 or 250 mg PO
BID), Dexamethasone (Decadron, 4-8mg PO/IV/IM QD),
Nifedipine (promotes pulmonary vasculature dilation) 10mg SL
Q6H (max 90 mg/day), Oxygen, Hyperbaric therapy (Gamow Bag)
Gamow Bag
Note the Silver watch altitude reading (10,050ft) vs. the Yellow altitude
reading (15,620ft) The person inside the Gamow bag is at a physiologic
altitude 5,570ft below his actual altitude
125-250 mg PO
AMS >8,000ft Within 24 hrs. BID
4mg PO BID
125-250 mg PO
HAPE >10,000ft 2-4 Days Decadron
4mg PO BID
10mg SL TID
Can be caused by crush injuries, hyperthermia, excessive exercise,
drugs, etc.
The breakdown of muscle fibers that leads to the release of muscle
fiber contents (myoglobin) into the bloodstream
Myoglobin is harmful to the kidneys
Patient usually has dark cola or tea colored urine (myoglobinuria)
Creatinine Kinase (CK) will be greatly elevated (≥ 5 times normal
First line treatment is crystalloid IV fluid resuscitation (maintain a
UOP of 100ml/hr)
Bicarb (Alkalinizes the urine, prevents cast formation in the
Lasix (Loop diuretic)
Mannitol (Osmotic diuretic)
Dilantin Overdose
Dilantin (Phenytoin) is used to treat and prevent seizures
Overdose can cause Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) and
Ventricular dysrhythmias
Coma, confusion, tremors
Dilantin overdose can cause Diabetes Insipidus (DI) like symptoms
treat under Diabetes Insipidus protocols
Supportive care (airway, IV, O2)
Gastric Lavage (charcoal use is controversial)
Iron Overdose
Typically from elemental iron supplements
Common in children
Antidote is Deferoxamine
Pink urine "vin rose urine" indicates a therapeutic level of
Beta Blocker Overdose
Drugs like: Labetolol, Carvidolol, and Esmolol
Symptoms- hypotension, bradycardia, conduction delays
Glucagon is the antidote
Consider cardiac pacing
Fluids for hypotension
Digitalis Toxicity
Flu like symptoms, visual disturbances
Yellow / Green halos (life looks like Van Gogh paintings)
Slurred upslope on QRS
Treat with Digibind (Digoxin Immune Fab)
Avoid electricity (cardioversion, pacing, etc.)
Alcohol Poisoning
Drinking too much alcohol (liquor, wine, beer)
Hypoglycemia is common in alcoholics (due to poor dietary intake)
Treatment is supportive (protect the airway, IV fluids, etc.)
If seizures occur from withdrawals (delirium tremens) treat with a
benzo (Valium, Ativan, or Versed)
Delirium tremens is Latin for “shaking frenzy”
Drinking volatile chemicals like gasoline, diesel, paint stripper, etc.
Decreased viscosity leads to aspiration
Aspiration causes chemical pneumonitis
DO NOT induce vomiting
Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastroenteritis,
Atropine (anticholinergic)
2-Pam Chloride "2-Pam Crowbar," pulls the organophosphate off the
If seizures are present, use a Benzo (Valium/Ativan/Versed)
Anticholinergic Poisoning
Drugs like: Atropine, Scopolamine (motion sickness), Chlorpheniramine
(Deconamine), Hydroxyzine (Atarax),
Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Meclizine
(Antivert), Promethazine (Phenrgan)
Physostigmine is the antidote
Initial: 0.5-2 mg slow IVP (not to exceed 1 mg/min); keep atropine
nearby for immediate use
If no response, repeat q20min PRN
Cocaine Overdose
Tachycardia, elevated temps, miosis (constricted pupils),
hyperthermia, hypertension
Hypertensive crisis is why people often have stroke while using
Antidote is benzos- Valium, Ativan, Versed
Do not give β blockers (leads to unopposed α adrenergic activity)
DO NOT use drugs like Esmolol, Propanolol, etc.
Benzodiazepine Overdose
Drugs like: Valium, Ativan, Versed
Use Romazicon (Flumazenil)
Pushing Romazicon too fast can lead to seizures!
Remember the 1/2 life of the benzo is usually longer than the 1/2 life
of the Romazicon (1/2 life approx. 40 to 80 minutes)
Opioid Overdose
Drugs like: MS Contin, Oxycodone, Norco, Fentanyl, Morphine, Demerol,
Percocet, etc.
Use Naloxone (Narcan)
Any altered mental status, consider use of Narcan
Remember the 1/2 life of the opioid is usually longer than the 1/2 life
of Narcan
Narcan 1/2 life is approximately 45 minutes
When pushing Narcan , use the lowest dose possible to avoid
complete blockade of the opioid receptors
Anticholinergics Physostigmine
Calcium Channel
Calcium Gluconate
Cocaine Benzodiazepines
Protamine Sulfate
Hydrocarbons Intubate
Hydroflouric Acid Calcium Gluconate
Antidepressants (TCAs)
Tylenol Mucomyst/Acetadote
(5 Questions)
4th Degree extends through all layers of skin down to the bone,
often requires amputation
Burn Formulas
Brooke 2ccx kg x BSA = fluids over 24hrs (1st half in 1st 8 hours from
time of burn)
Universal 2-4ccx kg x BSA = fluids over 24hrs (1st half in 1st 8 hours
from time of burn) Also called the “Consensus Formula”
Parkland 4cc x kg x BSA = fluids over 24hrs (1st half in 1st 8 hours
from time of burn)
ISR “Rule of Tens” For burn patients weighing 40-80 kg and with
burns >20% BSA
Amount of fluids required = %BSA x 10cc/hr
This is a bolus rate
For every 10kg above 80kg, ↑fluids by 100cc/hr
LR is the fluid of choice
Can use Hextend (max 1,000ml) or Normal Saline if LR is not
The reason to avoid NS if possible is to prevent Hypernatremia
Goal UOP is 30-50ml/hr
Hemorrhagic shock resuscitation takes priority over burn fluid
Electrical Injuries
Predictors of severity= Voltage and Amperage (amperage is a better
Low voltage <1000 volts
High voltage >1000 volts
Resistance of internal body structure and tissue (dense parts of the
body resist injury better)
Type of pathway and current
Duration and intensity of contact
Most likely cause of death in electrical injuries is cardiac insult
Flexor crease burns are the hallmark of true conductive injury
Oral commissure (corners of the mouth) burns common in
children <2 y/o
From biting electrical cords
Chemical Burns
Any chemical burn patient should be flushed with copious water
prior to transport if the patient is stable
Irrigation takes priority over transport
Examples: swimming pool products, model glue, fertilizer
Cause coagulative necrosis
Dilute with copious amounts of water
Neutralize hydrofluoric acid with calcium gluconate
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: When a force is applied to a body, the body
accelerates, and the acceleration is directly proportional to the force applied
and inversely proportional to the mass of the body
Force = mass x acceleration
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction
Killers in Flight
Tension Pneumothorax
Pericardial Tamponade
Gunshot Wounds
High velocity weapons fire projectiles >2000 fps (feet per
Velocity is the most important factor in GSW damage
Weapon Level Velocity
The most commonly damaged organ is the skin
LACTIC ACIDOSIS (lactate >4 Mmol/L)
Injury Patterns
Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC)
Side Impact
Rib fractures,
Splenic rupture secondary to rib fracture (hypovolemia, (+) Kehr’s
Clavicular fractures
Femur fractures
Front Impact
Rib fractures (with possible hemo/pneumothorax)
Concussion, skull fracture
Dislocated hips, acetabular fractures
Rear Impact
T12-L1 most common back injury
T12 Fracture is also called a “Chance fracture,” has increased
chance of splenic injury
C2 (Hangman’s) Fracture also common
Unpredictable injury pattern
Possible C1 (Jefferson’s) Fracture from axial loading
Lap belt injuries are evidenced by ecchymosis over the abdomen
and chest
“Clasp knife effect”
ANY seat belt bruising should cause a high index of suspicion
for internal injury!
Motorcycle Crash
Front Impact
All lower extremities from impact with handlebars while moving
forward, abdominal injuries
Side Impact
Open lower extremities fracture
“Other” Crashes
ATVs: Clavicular and sternal Fx
Snowmobiles: C2 (Hangman’s) Fx
Falls from 15-20 feet (or 3 x standing height) are associated with
severe injury
One Story home = 15 ft.
Two Story home = 30 ft.
Adults land on their feet if fall is >15 ft. (land on their head at
<15 ft.)
Calcaneal fractures
Compression Fractures T10, T12-L1
Bilateral wrist fractures (FOOSH- Fall on out-stretched hand)
FOOSH often causes a Colle’s Fracture (distal radius)
Children land on their head no matter what height
This is due to their large heads
Abdominal Trauma
Spleen Fracture/Rupture
Most commonly injured solid organ in blunt trauma
Most blunt trauma in the abdomen is due to MVC
Massive hemorrhage due to vascular supply of spleen
Diaphragmatic Hernia
Most common cause is blunt force trauma during MVC
Most commonly occurs on the left side (right side is protected
partially by the liver)
Scaphoid abdomen (looks like an empty bowl)
Abdominal contents are forced into the chest
Bowels sounds auscultated during chest exam
Genitourinary Trauma
Involves the kidneys bladder, urethra and genitals
Usually from blunt force trauma
Suspect if patient has blood at the urethral meatus, blood in the
scrotum (Coopernails sign), pelvic fracture, high riding or non-
palpable prostate
Hematuria is the hallmark sign
Blunt trauma to the bladder is highly associated with pelvic
Lateral pelvic fracture (from MVC) rarely has life threatening
Unstable pelvic fractures are always life threatening (“Open Book”
with A/P force)
Vertical shear is the worst (due to the rupture of the great vessels)
Blood at the urethral meatus is the most important sign of
urethral injury
Urinary catheter is contraindicated
Chest Trauma
Cardiac Tamponade
Accumulated fluid around the heart either due to blunt or
penetrating trauma
>150mL of blood accumulation can be fatal
Kussmauls Sign- Rise in venous pressure on inspiration
Beck’s Triad ∆
Muffled heart tones
Hypovolemia with narrowed pulse pressure (systolic and
diastolic numbers are close together, ex 90/70 mmHg)
Jugular venous distention (JVD)
“Electrical Alternans” on EKG
Remember, the EKG is a “camera.” In electrical alternans the
heart is getting closer to and further away from the camera as it
moves around inside the sac of fluid (pericardium)
Accumulation of air in the thoracic cavity, can be from blunt or
penetrating trauma
Spontaneous pneumo is from rupture of blebs (tall, thin males)
Sudden increase in PPLAT indicates probable tension pneumo
Jugular Venous Distention (JVD) is a late sign (due to increased
intrapleural pressures)
In order to be a “Sucking Chest Wound” the chest wall defect
must be >2/3 of the diameter of the trachea
Air prefers to go into the hole in the chest as opposed to the
Accumulation of blood in the thoracic cavity
Often from a laceration of the Inferior Mammary Artery (IMA)
Massive Hemothorax is defined as >1500mL of blood (or 1/3 of
patient’s blood volume)
Facial Trauma
Avulsed teet- put in gauze soaked in NS, milk, or between the
cheek and gum
Tripod fracture- involves the Zygoma, most commonly at the
zygomatic arch
Hyphema- blood in the anterior chamber of the eye
Tracheobronchial injury- presents with hoarseness, stridor,
Hamman’s Crunch, subcutaneous emphysema Hamman's
Crunch- Crunching, rasping sound, synchronous with the
Leforte Fractures
Le Forte I: Horizontal across the maxilla, maxilla and maxillary teeth are
Le Forte II: Bridge of nose and around the mouth, usually from a
downward blow to the nose
LeForte III: Transverse Fracture, aka “Craniofacial Disassociation” (goes
through the orbits)
Fluid Resuscitation
Fluids are used to bring up B/P in trauma (not vasopressors)
Hypotension starts at 30% blood loss
Average circulating blood volume in an adult is 5L (75ml/kg)
Normal Saline (NS), Lactated Ringers (LR)
Crystalloid fluid replacement ratio is 1:3 (blood loss to crystalloid
Hextend (6% Hetastarch in LR), Hespan (6% Hetastarch in NS),
Albumin (a natural colloid)
Hextend is the colloid of choice in trauma
Blood Products
Packed RBCs (PRBCs), Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), Cryoprecipitate
(Cryo), Platelets
A patient with a HgB <6 and HcT <18% almost always requires blood
HgB >10 and HcT >30% rarely requires blood transfusion
A base deficit (BE >-4) is indicative of the need for blood transfusion
Blood Products
Packed RBCs (PRBCs)
Made by removing 90% of the plasma and adding an anticoagulant
Reduced risk of febrile reactions due to low plasma levels
Transports oxygen and nutrients, contains NO clotting factors
MUST be “Typed and Cross Matched” (ABO compatibility and Rh
Type O negative is the universal donor for red blood cells
1 Unit of PRBCs will raise HgB 1g/dL and Hct 3%
Isolated from whole blood
Used in conjunction with PRBC transfusions
Does not require ABO compatibility, should be Rh matched (if possible)
Often given as a “6 Pack,” 6 units over one hour.
1 unit = 50ml
A and B Neither AB, A, B, and O AB only
(universal recipient)
Anti-A and
Neither O only O, A, B, and AB
(universal donor)
Type O Neg is universal red cell donor when there is not enough time to type
and cross match
Transfusion Reactions
Stop the transfusion if there is any adverse reaction
Drop in blood pressure
Anaphylactic reaction
Urticaria, pruritus, hypotension, tachycardia
Caused by Anti-IgA antibodies
Rapid onset (within 30 minutes of infusion)
Stop the transfusion
Overload Reaction
Hypertension, distended neck veins
Can occur at any time
Stop the transfusion, administer Lasix
More likely in those with kidney or cardiac disease
Hemolytic Reaction
Palpitations, abdominal/back pain, syncope, “sense of doom”
Caused by ABO incompatibility
Example: giving “Type A” blood to someone who is “Type B”
Slow onset (45-90 minutes)
Stop the infusion
Keep urine output high (100ml/hr)
Urticarial Reaction
Caused by histamine response
Local erythema, hives, itching
Administer IV Benadryl
Administration can continue unless other adverse reactions occur (drop
in B/P, tachycardia, etc.)
Febrile Reaction
Caused by an antibody reaction
Fever, flushing, palpitations
Caused by bacterial lipopolysaccharides and anti-leukocyte antibodies
Administer IV Acetaminophen (OfirmevTM)
Infusion can continue if no other symptoms present
Pneumonic: CADET, face Right!" for CO2, Acid, 2,3-DPG, Exercise and
Remember: Transfusions of blood have high citrate levels and low 2, 3 DPG
levels. Thus, large transfusions can lead to hypocalcemia and lower the 2, 3 DPG
levels in the body.
Quick Reference Charts
Ventilator Setting Normal Value
F (Rate) 8-12/min
Torr Values
Reciprocal changes in
Posterior LCX MONA
Note: Posterior and Lateral MIs can be caused by either LCX or RCA occlusion.
pH 7.35 - 7.45
CO2 35 – 45
HCO3 22 – 26
PaO2 80-100
Na 135 – 145
K 3.5 – 5
Cl 95 – 105
HCO3 22 – 26
BUN 6 – 24
Cr .7 - 1.4
Glucose 80 – 120
Hypokalemia Potassium
2 x ETT
(i.e. 5mm ETT - 10fr Foley)
3 x ETT size
ETT insertion depth
(i.e. 5mm ETT - 15mm insertion depth)
4 x ETT
Chest Tube
(i.e. 5mm ETT - 20fr chest tube)
Neonate/Infant 10cc/kg
Toddler/Child 20cc/kg
Fluid Maintenance
1-10 kg 4cc/kg/h
10-20 kg 2cc/kg/hr
>20 kg 1cc/kg/hr
Neonate D10
Infant D25
Toddler/Child D50
Cocaine Benzodiazepines
Hydrocarbons Intubate
Iron Defroxamine
Tylenol Mucomyst/Acetadote
Fahrenheit Celsius
105 40.6
104 40
103 39.4
102 38.9
101 38.3
100 37.8
99 37.2
98 36.7
97 36.1
96 35.6
FP-C Recertification Requirements
CE Renewal
FP-C 's seeking certification renewal must accumulate 100 Contact Hours (continuing
education credits) within the four-year period prior to certification expiration. At least 75
of the contact hours must be in the CLINICAL category, and up to 25 may be in the
OTHER category.
Print or type all information legibly. Please refer to the CE guidelines for more
information. This form may be photocopied. Submit your verification log, copies of CE
documents and required fees to: BCCTPC, Attn: CE Renewal, 4835 Riveredge Cove,
Snellville, GA 30039
Category: Publications
me of Publication Publish or Type of Author or Clinical CE's Other CE's
Copyright Publication Editor Awarded Award
Category: Presentations/Lectures
Clinical Other
Date of
Conference Name Lecture Title CE's CE's
Awarded Award
Category: Preceptorship
(Contact hours are earned only when you provide training to a student for a quarter,
semester or trimester)
Name of Academic Month/Year Semester, Number of Clinical Other
Course (provided Quarter or Course CE's CE's
practical training) Trimester Credit Hours Awarded
student earned)
Category: Academia
Semester, Course Clinical
Name of Academic Other
Month/Year Quarter or Grade CE's
Course Credit CE’s
Trimester Awarded
Total Clinical CE: Total Other CE
Advanced Trauma Life Support Program for Doctors: ATLS. Chicago:
ACS, 2012. Print.
Bledsoe, Bryan E., and Randall W. Benner.Critical Care Paramedic. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. Print.
Commission for the Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems Standards,
9th Edition, 2012, www.camts.org Dubin, Dale. Rapid Interpretation of
EKG's: a New, Simplified Approach for Systematically Reading
Electrocardiograms. Tampa: Cover, 1970. Print.
Holler an, Renee Sem onin. ASTNA Patient Transport: Principles and
Practice. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 2010. Print.
Marx, John A., Robert S. Hockberger, Ron M. Walls, James Adams, and
Peter Rosen.Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice.
Philadelphia: Mosby/Elsevier, 2013. Print.
Pierce, Graham. "Flight Paramedic Certification Testing and
Renewal."BCCTPC. BCCTPC, 15 Jan. 2009. Web. 02 July 2011.
Rayman, Russell B. Clinical Aviation Medicine. New York, NY:
Professional Pubishing Group, 2006. Print. Reinhart, Richard O. Basic
Flight Physiology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.
Tintinalli, Judith E., and J. Stephan.Stapczynski.Tintinalli's Emergency
Medicine: a Comprehensive Study Guide. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.
Walls, Ron M., and Michael F. Murphy.Manual of Emergency Airway
Management. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2012. Print.
Axillary Lines. Photograph. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 04 July
2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org>. Cardiac Output Transducer. Photograph.
ISPUB - Internet Scientific Publications. Web. 02 July 2011.
Cardiac Tamponade Chest Xray. Photograph. BMJ Case Reports - BMJ
Journals.Web. 02 July 2011. <http://casereports.bmj.com>.
Chest X-Rays. Photograph. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web.15 June
2012 <http://en.wikipedia.org>. Congestive Heart Failure Chest Xray.
Photograph. Web.
Coronary Artery Diagram. Photograph. Texas Heart Institute. Web. 02 July
Decorticate and Decerebrate Posturing. Photograph.Web. 02 July 2011.
<http://hansmednotes.blogspot.com>. Electrical Alternans EKG.
Photograph. Web.
EKGs, multiple. Photograph. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02
July 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org>. Fetal Heart Rate and Tocometry
Strips. Photograph. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 July 2011.
Gastroschisis. Photograph. Www.cdc.gov. Web
Hyperkalemia 12 Lead EKG. Photograph. Web. 02 July 2011.
Hypocalcemia. Photograph. Welcome to Best Practice. Web. 02 July 2011.
<http://bestpractice.bmj.com>. IABP Waveforms. Photograph.
ModernMedicine - Medical Resource, Medical Information, Medical
Articles.Web. 02 July 2011. <http://modernmedicine.com>.
Intraortic Balloon Pump. Photograph. U S Food and Drug Administration
Home Page.Web. 02 July 2011. <http://www.fda.gov>.
LeForte Fractures. Photograph. Web. 02 Aug 2012.
Mallampati Scoring. Photograph Web. 02 July 2011.
Mariceau's Maneuver. Photograph. Web. 04 July 2011.
Omphacele. Photograph. Www.cdc.gov. Web
Pediatric Neck Xrays. Photograph. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web.
02 July 2011.
Phlebostatic Axis. Photograph. Wordpressblog. 02 July 2011.
Prehospital 12 Lead ECGs: Contiguous and Reciprocal Lead Charts.
Photograph. Paramedic Class Notes.
Web. 05 Aug. 2011. <http://www.rhmedicclass.com/index.php/prehospital-
Rule of Nines Burn Chart. Photograph. Medical Lecture Notes Online.Web.
02 July 2011.
TCA Overdose EKG. Photograph. Web. 05 July 2011. <http://montefiore-
Spinal Cord Injury Syndromes. Photograph. Web. 02 Aug 2012.
Swan-Ganz Catheter. Photograph. Medicalexpo.Web. 02 July 2011.
Swan-Ganz Catheter Progression. Photograph. Www.wikipedia.com. Web.
Wolf-Parkinson-White EKG and picture. Photograph. Wikipedia, the Free
Encyclopedia. Web. 02 March 2012.
Kyle Faudree is an experienced aeromedical provider with over 19 years of
experience in the field of emergency medicine while serving in the United
States Army. He holds certifications as an Aeromedical Physician Assistant
(APA-C), Nationally Registered Paramedic (NREMT-P), and is Flight
Paramedic Certified (FP-C). He has served as an Air Ambulance Flight
Medic, Special Operations Flight Medic, Parachute Infantry Physician
Assistant and as a Special Operations Aeromedical Physician Assistant.
Kyle developed the cutting-edge curriculum of the Immediate Action
Medicine, LLC Flight Paramedic Certification course, which has a first-
time pass rate well over 80% (the national average pass rate is 62%). He is
credentialed as an ER PA at his local emergency department and has taught
nearly 40 semester hours of undergraduate college courses in both core
curriculum and technical emergency medicine. He is published in the
Journal of Special Operations Medicine, and has spent over 10 years in the
Special Operations Community. He has over four years total deployment
time to both Iraq and Afghanistan as a Special Operations Flight Medic,
Parachute Infantry Medical Officer, and Special Operations Aviation
Medical Officer.
A portion of the proceeds from this book are donated by Immediate Action Medicine, LLC and
North American Rescue, LLC to non-profit organizations that provide support to Special
Operations Soldiers and their Family Members.