Darc Casevac
Darc Casevac
Darc Casevac
Summary: This training document outlines the setup, stowage and use of the CASEVAC drag strap as
instructed at DARC’s Advanced Urban Warfare (AUW) and Law Enforcement Counter Terrorism Courses
There is substantial emphasis on casualty management procedures in these courses. The use of the
CASEVAC drag strap over other movement options lessens the risk of additional injury to the patient and
makes movement of the casualty easier to accomplish for aid and litter personnel.
The CASEVAC drag strap is used extensively during intense practical exercises. This step-by-step guide will
ensure personnel properly implement this important procedure into their training and operations.
Supplies needed – Approximately 9 feet of 1 inch tubular nylon and 1 Snap link or carabiner.
Step 1: Step 2:
Fold the length of nylon in half and tie an Run the ends under the widest molle
overhand knot. channels available on the back panel of the
All content herein is the intellectual property of Direct Action Resource Center (DARC) and Richard A. Mason. No reproduction or use of this material & methodology
may be reproduced or used without written permission from Richard A. Mason. All inquiries may be sent to inforequest@darc1.com or call 501-307-9031.
DARC- Training Document
Casualty Evacuation Strap (DARC CASEVAC Drag Strap)
Step 3:
Don the vest and helmet. Measure the appropriate length of nylon by holding the straps on top of the helmet
with a fist. The top of the fist is the location of the next knot.
Step 4:
Use the ends to tie a water knot at the appropriate location.
All content herein is the intellectual property of Direct Action Resource Center (DARC) and Richard A. Mason. No reproduction or use of this material & methodology
may be reproduced or used without written permission from Richard A. Mason. All inquiries may be sent to inforequest@darc1.com or call 501-307-9031.
DARC- Training Document
Casualty Evacuation Strap (DARC CASEVAC Drag Strap)
Step 6:
Step 5: There are several methods to stow the drag strap:
Fully attached. rubber bands, stuffing in a pouch or the rear plate
pocket. If the wearer chooses to stow the strap, ensure
a portion of it remains visible and accessible.
All content herein is the intellectual property of Direct Action Resource Center (DARC) and Richard A. Mason. No reproduction or use of this material & methodology
may be reproduced or used without written permission from Richard A. Mason. All inquiries may be sent to inforequest@darc1.com or call 501-307-9031.
DARC- Training Document
Casualty Evacuation Strap (DARC CASEVAC Drag Strap)
Traditional drag straps and/or using the vest shoulder strap cause a dramatic shifting of the vest
during movement. This makes movement difficult and creates more injury potential to the patient’s
neck, spine and/or head.
All content herein is the intellectual property of Direct Action Resource Center (DARC) and Richard A. Mason. No reproduction or use of this material & methodology
may be reproduced or used without written permission from Richard A. Mason. All inquiries may be sent to inforequest@darc1.com or call 501-307-9031.