6276 6277 6278 Spill-Kit-Instructions
6276 6277 6278 Spill-Kit-Instructions
6276 6277 6278 Spill-Kit-Instructions
This document is intended to be a guideline only and does not replace the need for appropriate training. Always follow your organization’s
policies and procedures and consult your supervisor or safety professional if you have any questions or concerns.
1. Assess the Nature of the Spill 2. Notification 3. Select Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Before you take action, make sure the scene is safe to proceed. Warn affected employees and nearby people of the release and Identify and don the proper PPE needed to safely cleanup the spill
Determine the source of the spill, the product(s) involved and pro- deny entry into the area. Notify your supervisor, health and safety (chemical resistant gloves, shoe covers, splash goggles, face protec-
tect yourself from any hazards that may be present. Ensure that you representative or any other appropriate personnel (Fire, EMS, Haz- tion, etc). Refer to the product Material Safety Data Sheet or consult
are properly trained and equipped to perform the spill cleanup. Mat) as required by the situation and your organization’s policy your supervisor and or health and safety professional for assistance.