The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
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a Digitized by the Internet Archive
Bi in 2022 with funding from
Kahle/Austin Foundation
American Indians in the Pacific
Archaeology of Easter Island
Art of Easter Island
Early Man and the Ocean
Kon-Tiki Expedition
Ra Expeditions
Tigris Expedition
First published in Great Britain by George Allen & Unwin
(Publishers) Ltd. 1986
First published in paperback by Unwin® Paperbacks, an imprint of
Unwin Hyman Limited, in 1988
Allen & Unwin New Zealand Pty Ltd with the Port Nicholson Press
60 Cambridge Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Heyerdahl, Thor
The Maldive mystery : a new adventure in
1. Maldives —— Antiquities
I. Title
934-9'5 DS486.5.M3
ISBN 0-04-440194~9
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A Thousand Island
Buried Images and the Sacrifice of
BITS OF BLACK soil and green moss spilled over the red carpet in
the President's Palace as our old potato sacks were cut open and
the heavy stones rolled out. They were fresh from the jungle,
and still covered by lichen and moss.
His Excellency Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the
young Republic of Maldives, made no attempt to conceal his
joy, nor did the high officials in dark suits who stood respect-
fully at his side. But the servants and soldiers who had brought
in the sacks withdrew puzzled, with a mixture of awe and
bewilderment. Nothing like this had ever been brought in
amongst the elegant furniture of the Palace. Nor, for that matter,
would they ever have dumped it on the floor of their own huts.
On the carpet before us lay a row of weatherworn limestone
blocks, once neatly carved out of the white island rock, but now
dark grey with age, with reliefs still clearly to be seen on one
side under the covering of lichen. Their opposite sides were
shaped with a neck and shoulders designed to fit into a wall.
The carved symbols had been cut to stand out, by about a
finger’s thickness, from the rest of the stone. The most striking
of these were the big sun-symbols. Big as dinner plates. A
round central disc representing the sun was surrounded by a
series of raised rings one enclosing the other. This has always
been the classical image of the solar deity among sun-worship-
pers since the oldest civilisations of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
Some of the stones had a more elegant decoration. They had
The Maldive Mystery
A Thousand Island Mystery
too have an old history, just like our neighbours on the con-
The stones still lay on the red carpet as we left the Palace. The
guards were to carry them back to the nation’s only museum
where they had temporarily to be tucked away in a corner, for
they did not fit in at all among the Islamic art and history to
which the building was devoted.
I myself left the Palace with a beautiful whalebone model of a
Maldive sailing dhoni, and with a personal invitation from the
President to organise the first archaeological excavations ever to
be attempted on the 1,200 or so islands in the archipelago that
made up his nation.~
The Maldive Mystery
A Thousand Island Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
A Thousand Island Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
nobles either. Big ear plugs, just like those used by the Inca
nobles and the ‘Long-ears’ on Easter Island, had recently been
excavated in large numbers at Lothal, the prehistoric port of the
ancient Indus Valley civilisation.
Was it pure coincidence that remote oceanic islands like the
Maldives and Easter Island had been found and settled by
navigators whose gods and nobles were supposed to wear big
discs in their ear lobes? Perhaps yes. Perhaps no, because we
were dealing with people, and migrating families, whose re-
mote island discoveries had proved them to be skilled, long-
range ocean explorers.
Whether the statue in the picture depicted Buddha or one of
his long-eared predecessors, I knew at least that I was looking at
an image sculpted in the Maldives before the introduction of
Islam had outlawed any art depicting the human form. What
was more, the picture showed a statue buried almost to the
shoulders in the ground, so how much more was there to
discover through excavation?
It was now only a week since I first came to the Maldives. And
only five weeks since I received that photograph. My suitcase
was ready even as the photograph arrived, and a flight ticket for
Japan was in my hands. There was no time to organise a visit to
the Maldives, so] left it to a friend to answer the Director of WIF
on my behalf. He was to say that I would come to the Maldives
on a detour from the airport at Bangkok if somebody could be
there to meet me with travel instructions on the day my con-
gress ended in Japan.
It was with some feeling of uncertainty, however, that I left
the airplane in Bangkok a fortnight later and went through cus-
toms and immigration. I had heard no more from the Maldives.
Butin the crowd outside I recognised acameraman I had recently
met in Oslo, Neil Hollander, asmall man witha bushy beard and
large glasses. He grabbed my hand andassured me thataside trip
to the Maldives was all organised. He was coming along himself
to film the unique sailing vessels of the Maldives, called dhonis.
They had a curious bow, swung up high and ending in a fan
shape, like the papyrus stem ofancient Egyptian ships. Neil said
that he was in Asia to shoot a film about the last working sailing
people in the world, so now he volunteered to join me in the
Maldives. The next day we flew on together to Sri Lanka.
A Thousand Island Mystery
The Maldive Mystery-
A Thousand Island Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
Three days later the dots on the map became alive as we had our
first glimpse of the Maldives from the air. From the windows of
the plane it was like looking at an exhibition of green jade
necklaces and scattered emerald jewellery placed on blue velvet.
The Indian Ocean under us was as boundlessly blue as only the
sea can be when it reflects a cloudless tropical sky. The sun,
straight overhead, made the islands seem lustrous green with
no shadow on the palm crowns that formed a compact roof over
them. Each little islet was a separate gem set in a ring of golden
beach sand and with another wider ring of glass green water
outside where the coral reef approached the surface, rising like
giant mushrooms from the bottomless blue.
The airliner was filled to the last seat with pale Europeans in
organised tours who crawled over each other to get a glimpse of
this incomparable display of nature’s splendour. As for me, I
was no longer travelling alone. In addition to Neil Hollander
and the two cameramen accompanying him, Bjérn Bye had also
come along and brought with him two of his Sri Lankan film
students, in the hope of finding something they could photo-
graph as a training project.
The first island slid past under us, the next grew bigger,
nearer. Then the narrow airstrip came into view, all by itself in
the water, with the city-covered islet of Male, green with
gardens, next to it at the edge of the same calm lagoon. A slight
jolt, and we had landed in the Republic of Maldives, the ancient
home of a people of unknown origins.
We had come as guests to the home of a very old civilisation,
A Thousand Island Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
ourselves, for there were very few rooms. Our luggage was sent
ahead by taxi while Abdul guided Bjorn and me along the
bustling waterfront to visit Abdul’s boss, the man who had
asked Bjorn to send me the photograph of the long-eared statue.
His name was Hassan Maniku, and he was the Director of
Maldive Television and of the Ministry of Information.
When we entered the large antechamber of the Director’s
office upstairs in the Ministry, the atmosphere was distinctly
unpromising. A large number of young Maldive girls were
sitting, noses down, typing or reading detective stories. No-
body welcomed us. We could see the boss behind a glass wall,
but between phone calls and making notes he was so busy that
he had no time for visitors, even though we sent in messages
and signalled through the glass partition. Something was
obviously wrong. I gave up and returned to the hotel. Then the
telephone rang, with a message that the Director wanted to
receive us immediately.
Hassan Maniku was very short by European standards, but
average for the Maldives, yet broadly built with a round face
that unjustly made him look like a gourmand. As his mask of
officialdom melted away he turned out to be an exceedingly
friendly man and, what was more, surprisingly well informed.
Even so, he poured cold water on our hopes when we came to
the point — the statue, the stone image with the long ears.
‘The statue has already been dug up,’ Maniku said bluntly. ‘It
was a complete bust.’
‘Dug up,’ I said. ‘By an archaeologist?’
‘By the local people,’ was the quiet reply. ‘They smashed the
body to bits.’
This was shocking. Roland Silva’s suspicions were confirmed.
‘Religious fanatics,’ admitted Maniku, and shrugged his
shoulders. ‘We have saved the head. You can see it in the
museum in Sultan’s Park.’
‘But I want to go to the island where it was found.’ I was
deeply disappointed. ‘Perhaps there is more to be found by
digging in that same place.’
‘No. There is nothing more to be found there.’
‘It is worth looking. I have come a long way.’
Nothing doing. Maniku put on his official mask again.
Absolutely nothing to see on that island any more. Everything
A Thousand Island Mystery
had been dug up and smashed. Even the remains of some sort
of old temple had been razed to the ground and smashed.
Nothing. Maniku was so stubbornly negative even at the mere
idea of us trying to go there by boat that I realised further
discussion would be useless. Either there was absolutely
nothing more to be seen, or for some reason they did not want
us to go there.
At least I could see the head in the museum. Maniku grabbed
the phone and gave some orders to the museum staff.
The Sultan’s Palace had been torn down when the Maldives
had become a republic, but an old villa in the garden had been
turned into the National Museum. A couple of rusty cannons
and an old German torpedo lay beside the steps at the entrance
where a small army, of pensioners was sitting idly at a ticket
table or standing in the doorway. With instructions from
Maniku to let us study and photograph the stone head, four of
the old men came struggling out of the building and down the
steps to the park lawn with a huge, heavy, chalky white head
carried upon a length of sackcloth. It looked like a ghost peeping
out of a hammock. The faces of the men reflected the disgust
they felt for such a heathen sculpture, but they lowered it
carefully on to the lawn.
The beheaded ghost lay in the baking sun staring at us with
wide open eyes and a peaceful smile. Huge, but as realistic as a
death mask. This was the head of a Buddha, a beautiful Buddha,
with body and limbs missing. It had been a large monument,
twice the size of a normal man and masterfully carved from
white limestone, the product of a great artist. The face I recog-
nised from the photograph: expressive, with the lips closed ina
faint smile. Originally the eyes had been painted to give life to
the friendly expression. The hair was adorned by fine curls and
drawn up into a topknot. The ears were damaged where they
had been broken loose from the shoulders, but they were still
unnaturally long. It also seemed as if somebody, long ago, had
attempted to cover the face and the eyes with a thin coat of white
plaster, as though to prevent the lifelike image from seeing any
more. Perhaps this was done by the former worshippers them-
selves when they were obliged to turn their backs on the
venerated Buddha as a new religion was imposed upon them;
eight centuries ago.
The Maldive Mystery
A Thousand Island Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
A Thousand Island Mystery
Back in the hotel on this first day of my visit to the Maldives I sat
down to reflect on all our new and unexpected observations.
The long-eared statue I had come to excavate had been reduced
to a beheaded Buddha, but instead we had found a closet full of
other long-eared stone heads that belonged to a still older
civilisation which had also voyaged to the Maldives indepen-
dently, of course, of the Buddhists and the Moslems.
With the navigation map spread out over my knees I was
tempted to take a seafarer’s look at this increasingly complex
Maldive riddle. Who could say that nothing more was to be
detected on these islands when already so much had come to
light on the first day of our visit? At the least, I did not want to
The Maldive Mystery
A Thousand Island Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
and made us hurry for the little airport shelter. Even the airport
employees stood lumped together under a canopy that gave
protection from the burning vengeance of the one-time solar
deity. Man had left nothing of nature’s shelter here. The forest
was gone, and with it the canopy of foliage fostered by the sun
itself to shelter and nourish all tropical life.
This was the island where Bell, in 1922, had seen a man-made
mound about 9 metres (30 feet) in height, ‘buried in heavy scrub
jungle, interspersed freely with closely growing trees’.‘ But
there was neither jungle nor mound in the flat landscape sur-
rounding the airstrip, so we asked the oldest people under the
canopy for advice. Where could we see the ustubu, the big
mound which Bell had suspected to be the ruins of a Buddhist
stupa? They gestured along the asphalt runway. Some of them
had learnt a little English when the British Forces were stationed
on Addu atoll during the Second World War.
‘The ustubu was down there, near the end of the runway,’ one
of them said with a grin.
When Addu atoll was chosen for a military base, and Gan
picked for the airport, the old mound was an obstacle which had
to be removed. Not a bump was visible in the perfect landing
This was tragi-comic. The islanders had managed by them-
selves to smash that beautiful Buddha statue, a monument to
their own past. And here British bulldozers had helped them
erase every trace of a colossal structure which a former British
Commissioner had considered a possible prehistoric temple.
The cameramen began to laugh. Had it not been for the
blistering heat of the asphalt they would have asked me to go
out on the runway with them so that they could film while I
pointed down between my shoes at the prehistoric site. Tragi-
comic indeed; but it was also slightly embarrassing, both for me
who had come to look for prehistoric remains, and for those
who had deprived posterity from seeing, and perhaps recon-
structing, a remarkable island monument.
Apart from our disappointed group of eight foreigners, the
passengers on the flight were all Maldivians who disappeared
with family and friends. There was little we could do but accept
the offer of tourist facilities in one of the former air force
barracks. It was now run by the Maldivians as a sort of guest-
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
We had just passed Midu island and left the lagoon to enter
the open Equatorial Channel. Out here was an incredibly fast
current, listed as up to 5.5 knots. The tub started rolling, the
passengers got sleepy and some women and babies could no
longer keep down what they long since had swallowed. Bjorn,
unaccustomed to the sea, lost interest in Bell and I had to read on
by myself.
The island we were heading for had no harbour, no lagoon,
no safe anchorage. It was the only island in the Maldives that
had no exposed reef to shelter its coast. A steep beach of coral
shingle, into which the feet sink at every step, falls straight
down to a submariné reef. ‘Within a few hundred yards of the
surrounding reef there are virtually no soundings, so sheer is
the drop. To such a shore, approach is necessarily fraught with
danger at all times; at seasons it becomes well nigh impossible,
except under gravest risk.’
We looked at the dark squalls that surrounded us on all sides,
but the captain of the rolling tub was completely undisturbed,
sending the cook-boy tumbling around with hot tea and with
green leaves containing chopped-up betel nuts to be chewed
with lime.
Halfway to our destination we lost sight of the Midu coconut
palms which were the last of Addu atoll we saw behind us, but
just then I sighted a black spot on the horizon ahead. I first took
it fora ship until it proved to be a cluster of trees on some hillock
higher than the crowns of the palms, which gradually also rose
to the horizon. This started to look exciting. We were clearly
heading for a completely different world, rarely visited, and
here perhaps would be a prehistoric mound not yet levelled.
Bell had only come in the morning and left by noon. He wrote
regretfully that fate had not allowed him to unravel the secrets of
what he termed ‘this lovely gem of the Maldive seas, still
practically unknown. Such good fortune may perchance some
day fall to a luckier wanderer: for us “Isle of Beauty, fare thee
I had to close the pages and put the copy away in a waterproof
bag. The palms were standing as a green wall very near us now.
The Maldive Mystery
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
The Maldive Mystery
shingle which obstructed any view of the sea from the house.
Once up on the sand bar I had full view of the naked coast.
Where I stood was a tiny boat turned keel up, with two islanders
busy caulking some cracks. Our two friends were already far out
in deep water, waving merrily with their arms. They were in the
dancing waves outside the submerged edge of the shallow reef,
and I found it hard for a moment to separate a feeling of
annoyance at their carelessness from admiration for their
courage and skill. But, strangely, they went on waving after I
had waved back twice with both my arms.
Suddenly I realised they were not waving for fun at all. They
were in danger.
I knew only too well that I could not manage to swim past the
reef and bring anybody ashore through that surf. I would be
chopped to pieces against the sharp coral wall, and so would
they if they tried to get closer to the edge of the reef than they
already were. They were safe only as long as they kept on
treading water outside the breakers at the edge of the reef.
I ran to the two islanders who calmly went on working on
their boat. The continuous thunder of the surf all along the coast
made it impossible for anyone ashore to hear anyone out at sea,
no matter how much they yelled. I grabbed the nearest man by
the arm and turned his face, pointing at the two who were now
clearly waving in despair and battling with the ocean swell. The
man looked, then brusquely shook himself loose from my grip
and bent down to continue his work. He and I had no language
in common, sol pulled him around again and made it very clear
with signs that the two out there were drowning, and that we
had to launch the little boat together and row out to save them.
Now he got visibly angry and, with flashing eyes, he snarled
something at me and nervously started to fumble again with his
own work. So did the other man. Before I could interrupt once
more, our Maldivian interpreter, Abdul, was at my side and
immediately saw the danger. He yelled something to the two
boatmen, who answered back without looking up from their
‘They say they have no oars,’ Abdul translated.
‘Never mind,’ I shouted furiously, ‘tell them we can paddle
this little boat with our hands!’
By this time a small crowd of curious islanders had gathered
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
The Maldive Mystery
the trees. First wading, and then paddling with their hands,
they reached the two men out in the deep water and pulled one
into their boat. Neil came tumbling in by himself with a huge
wave, either because he was a master swimmer or because he
had Allah on his side. Groping to find his way to land without
glasses, he was grabbed by strong arms and pulled up on the
beach, joined in the big wave by the boatmen with John. John
staggered up the steep shingle slope without help, white as a
moon and with all the signs of shock. A moment later somebody
else came carrying Harald, lifeless as a corpse. He began to move
as Bjorn started resuscitation and pumped water out of him in
rhythmical jets.
As the sun set, Fua Mulaku was lost in tropical darkness,
Harald and John got their voices back and sat up with the rest of
- us around a kerosene lamp to tell their story. Abdul came with
the island chief and told us that the village population was
furious with the two men in the boat who had come right up to
the drowning foreigners and then had left them to their fate.
John and Harald had seen the boat all the time from the moment
a sudden undertow had pulled them off the reef. They said they
had shouted ‘help, help!’ until the boat came and was almost
within reach. Then the two rowers had abruptly turned their
boat and one of them had scornfully repeated ‘help, help’ as
they leaned to the oars and rowed away.
‘Why?’ we asked.
None of the islanders gave any answer. If they knew why,
they kept it to themselves. They certainly did not approve of
such hostile conduct, even to non-Moslem strangers.
A thunder-storm rumbled over the island all night and at5 am
our three friends had suddenly decided to break their Maldive
adventure. They asked if the chartered vessel could take them
back to Gan where they would wait for the first flight to Male.
Bjorn and I agreed so long as they sent the boat back for us. Left
with Bjorn and me was Abdul, our interpreter, and Bjérn’s two
Sri Lankan pupils with their video equipment.
As the sun rose I went back to the place of near disaster to see
if it was possible to take a morning bath in the shallows without
risking getting out near the abrupt edge of the reef. I was not
going to take any chances, but I felt like a coward when I waded
out to my knees and lay down in lukewarm water. Little more
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
than ripples flowed in from the ocean now because the tide
was low. Even so I placed myself by a big ball-shaped coral to
hang on to if an unexpected sea should tumble in.
Life felt wonderful. The eastern sky was purple-red around
the newborn morning sun that barely twinkled behind the
coconut palms. Suddenly the water level rose. As an unexpected
wave came from the beach, I felt a drag on my body and grabbed
the stony coral with both hands, hanging on with all my
strength. The suction increased and tore my feet off the bottom.
If I had let go I would have been swept into the ocean like our
friends the day before.
This was absurd, the terrific flow had not come in from the
sea. Then the rushing current died down, and before anything
worse happened I waded quickly back onto dry land. Now I
understood why evén the utmost care was not enough here. A
big wave had obviously tumbled in against the steep beach
somewhere further up the coast and been forced sideways along
the shore until it found an open channel out across the coral
ledge, just where we had found it deep enough to take a bath.
The Maldive Mystery
When Bell finally came back to the Maldives in 1922, his brief
morning visit to Fua Mulaku permitted him merely to measure
the remains of the ancient structure. It was still a good 7 metres
(25 feet) high, covered by trees and coconut palms. Part of the
walls had been trenched and robbed but enough of the original
casing masonry of hard, dressed coral blocks still remained to
convince him that it was definitely the remains of a former
Buddhist dagoba, or stupa. The Moslem islanders had carried
away the best part of the squared facing slabs, but the big
hillock formed by the inner filling of the structure nobody had
managed to remove. Of the standing Buddha, however, nothing
was remembered and nothing seen. Bell concluded that what he
heard in 1879 ‘may have then been true; but nothing was known
— at any rate not divulged — about any Buddhist images forty
years or so later’.’
It was with great anticipation that we ourselves, another sixty
years later still, set out to see the remains of the hawitta, as the
islanders called it. Now there was wheeled trafficon Fua Mulaku:
a few hand-carts and quite a number of bicycles. The flat island
is about 4 miles long from north to south and roughly 2 miles
wide. On borrowed bicycles we rode through the wide village
streets and along a narrow footpath into the dense evergreen
forest. Near the north-east end of the land the trail passed right
by the foot of a steep, stony hillock that rose above us, thickly
covered by shrubbery and palm-like pandanus trees. Wejumped
off and hid the bicycles in the undergrowth. Crawling up the
hill on all fours we followed a ravine running up one side and
ending in a crater on the summit.
The big mound had been plundered.
Certainly not by Bell during his lightning morning visit. The
wound in the structure was fairly free from vegetation and filled
with crude lumps of coral of all sizes mixed with a few nicely
squared limestone blocks, clearly fallen in from a former outer
From the top we could see only a green wilderness, and no
houses; the whole area around the hawitta had been left empty
and uncultivated. There was a stony plain with some coconut
palms on the seaward side, and thick jungle on the village side.
Beyond the coastline the blue waters of the Equatorial Channel
stretched to the horizon. An old man confirmed my suspicion
that this hawitta had served him and the other island mariners
as a landmark for navigation, especially when the stone walls of
the hawitta had still been covered by a coat of white lime
As we crawled through the dense underbrush around the
mound, we were closely followed by islanders who never for a
moment let us out ef sight. We discovered occasional carved
blocks elegantly shaped to serve as pedestals, plinths, foun-
dations for walls, pillars and other architectural structures, to
our minds better sifted to ancient Greece than on this small
island. This reminded us, nevertheless, of what we had seen
scattered about in the mole and garden walls on Midu.
A little further along the trail we could not miss stumbling on
another irregularity in the ground, a low but wide mound that
again proved to be littered with plinths, lintel segments and
other profiled stones. This was the meagre remains of Kudu
Hawitta, ‘Little Hawitta’, as someone in our steadily growing
escort admitted. This hawitta had been much bigger, but people
had carried away all the stones, another man added. We asked
for permission to clear away the big-leafed plants and creeping
shrubbery that covered the mound, and a number of adults and
children joyfully gave us a hand.
Optimistically we asked if there were still other hawittas on
the island. No, they all agreed. There were only these two.
At that moment we heard a shout from Mohamed Waheed,
the usually silent officer of the Island Administration. He was
standing on some elevation, hidden inside a thick wall of
foliage, and called out that there was another hawitta there.
Everybody seemed greatly surprised, and slightly embarrassed,
insisting that this was a new discovery. To make this clear in the
face of our obvious doubt, they decided to name this third ruin
Waheed Hawitta, in honour of its proud discoverer.
Most of the area was made impenetrable by the tight growth
of leathery, long-leafed pandanus palms of all heights, their
edges densely set with thorns, sharp as needles. Other ruins, no
The Maldive Mystery
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
centimetres (8-10 inches) long and was carved from hard lime-
stone, with a long nose and tusks. It was brought to the village
but lost. I asked him to make a drawing from memory. He drew
something that looked more like a match with four legs and
hanging head and tail. But when others came to listen he had no
more to say.
The midday sun was scorching, we all had empty stomachs,
and a long line of bicycles and pedestrians soon headed back to
the village.
It had been made amply clear to us that these people did not like
to talk about things they considered to be heathen when others
were present. However, with the aid of our two friends from
Male, Abdul and Waheed, and the island chief, we located an
elderly man who had accompanied Bell to the hawitta, and we
invited him along to our house that evening. Magi Eduruge
Ibrahim Diddi gave his age as 74. He did not remember much
about Bell’s visit except that Bell took many measurements,
collected old objects and was unable to read the foreign script
above the steps in the hawitta. This was surprising he said, for
Bell could read both European and Singalese letters as his father
was British and his mother Singalese from Sri Lanka.
Bell had not seen the image, he added.
‘Which image?’
‘The stone image of Mahafoti Kalege.’
‘Who was he?’
‘That was the image of the man with the fish. Mahafoti Kalege
means “Owner of the Fish’’. That was the name the old islanders
had given to this image. But they invented this name themselves,
because the stone figure held a piece of fish hanging on a rope.’
We had never heard of Buddha holding a piece of fish on a
rope. Nor did our visitor believe that the ‘Owner of the Fish’
depicted Buddha.
Our visitor could remember that, after Bell’s visit, somebody
else had come from Male and it was that person who had dug
the huge trench in the hawitta. They had found four stone boxes
and a stone incense burner. Each of the four stone boxes had
two chambers, one full of charcoal and ashes, and the other with
‘things’ like gold strips. At that time many of the parts of broken
stone images, such as hands, were lying about the hawitta.
The Maldive Mystery
Our next visitor was Ahmed Ali Diddi. He was about the
same age and recalled the hawitta with a conical summit with
large slabs on top. He had no comments on the writing, but had
heard about the stone statue. It was called Mahafoti Kalege and
represented a man with a piece of fish hanging ona rope. Maha
meant ‘fish’, foti meant ‘slice’ and Kalege was not just ‘man’, but
‘gentleman’. Allah was called Maikalege in their language which
meant ‘Big Gentleman’.
This was beginning to get complicated. As these people were
Moslem, they would never carve a statue of any man. The
hawitta was identified by Bell as a Buddhist structure, but
Buddhists would never offer betel nuts to a man witha fish ona
Instead of inviting the old people to visit us, which would
involve long walks for a generation who did not know how to
use a bicycle, we went in the evening to the widely scattered
huts of the elders, and sat with them in their wooden hammocks
to hear their stories. We realised perfectly well that whatever
they told us would not be as dependable as archaeological
remains which we could see with our own eyes. There would be
many reasons to be sceptical about details in their stories,
whether intentional or not. On these islands, to touch upon
other religions than Islam was a most delicate affair. Besides,
human memories were not always reliable. Our objective was to
extract from their statements any fragment of information which
might imply that other people, besides their own ancestors, had
been present on this island in former times.
Ali Mussa Diddi was 75. He had been present when the big
hawitta was plundered. He had seen the human bones they
found. Just under the present ground level they had dug up a
slab and under it was no box but a skeleton with a skull. They
had taken the bones and buried them near the mosque. He had
also seen the double-chambered stone boxes which he said
were thrown back with the rubble into the hawitta while the
contents were taken to Male. He had seen Mahafoti Kalege
standing near the small hawitta. It was still there in Bell’s time,
but he did not touch it. It was the statue of anaked man without
beard or hair, with the penis broken, and witha piece of fish on
a cord. He had also seen the elephant. It was definitely an
elephant, about one foot tall.
The Maldive Mystery
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
of other statues. But the digging had been a search for treasure
only, so all this had been thrown back into the first trench and
buried there. If we wanted to know more he could take us to an
old relative who had been the foreman during the digging.
Hussain Kalefan, who was 73 and the relative to whom
Kennari was referring, told us that a certain Adam Naseer
Manik had come long after Bell’s visit. He said he had been sent
from Male to dig the hawitta. Hussain had therefore helped him
to find workmen and, as they dug into the hawitta, they found
some stone boxes with lids on. There was gold inside which the
visitor had taken to Male. Deeper down there had been another
stone box containing a small image. This image was not taken to
Male, nor was it destroyed. It was not the same image as
Mahafoti Kalege withthe fish, it was only about 30 centimetres (1
foot) tall. Nor was it like Buddha, but naked, and standing with
hands and long fingers straight down the sides. It had eyes,
nose and mouth made to look more like a man than a devil, and
it had no ears and no teeth exposed. The ‘leader’ from Male had
not cared for it. In any case, it was forbidden to show a human
figure in Male. People could be put in jail for less, even if they
only drew a human figure in the sand.
This was important information. The statue was said to be
still there, in the same stone box, left under the coral rubble they
had thrown back into the wound in the hawitta. It could be
easily recovered without damaging the old structure. All we had
to do was to dig where it had been dug before, and extract the
stone box.
We chose Kennari as foreman for a team to reopen the trench,
but first we wanted our companion Waheed from the Atoll
Administration to obtain authorisation from Male. Each atoll
had an atoll chief who had daily radio contact with Male.
Waheed spent hours with the little radio in the chief's office
trying to get our message through. Finally we got word back.
They had appointed a National Moslem Committee to decide
whether the hawitta could be reopened. We must not touch the
mound until we had heard from Male again.
In the meantime, we lost no time in obtaining more infor-
mation from the village people. Another old islander, Ibrahim
Didi Kalo Sehigé, had looked into the stone boxes as they were
extracted from the hawitta. Each of them had two chambers and
The Maldive Mystery
a vaulted lid jutting from the walls like the roof of a house. In
one he had seen gold ina brass tin, in another a fire burner with
charcoal and ashes. He confirmed that a small standing statue
had been left buried in its own stone box.
An old woman, Kadija Ibrahim Kalifan, was pointed out as
the widow of the chief at the time that the gold was taken from
the hawitta. It was taken by a person she referred to as a ‘leader’
from Male. Everything he had found in the hawitta he had kept
in her home until he left the island. He had only shown her two
bowls full of amber and small gold objects, and some charms
that had to do with witchcraft. But she knew they had also found
a skull and other human bones. These had not been buried near
the mosque, but beside the hawitta.
Bjorn Bye and his two Singalese students were tape-recording
songs and rhymes, when a middle-aged man, Ahmed Mussa,
contributed a very rhythmical poem that proved to be known
even to the young people on the island. This was the first time
we heard about the Redin.
Probably nobody would have thought of, or even volunteered
to mention the Redin, had it not come to us in a local poem. It
was a rhyme praising their own island, with one particular
verse dedicated to the great hawitta:
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
accept the poet’s claim that it had been built by Singalese. But
who was Redin? And if the Singalese had built the hawitta, how
could it first have been created by Redin?
It was only along time afterwards that the implications began
to dawn upon me. During those first days and nights in a
strange community of mixed secrecy and confidence, there was
too much to digest to draw meaningful conclusions. We also
received a visit by a young islander from the northern atolls,
sent here as a school teacher, who wanted me to know that, on
this island, there was more knowledge of early history and more
non-Moslem beliefs than the people dared to admit to outsiders.
He was probably right, yet new fragments pertaining to the
island’s past continued to fill my notebooks. I was particularly
keen to obtain information on the mysterious Redin. Then, in
rechecking Bell’s report, I found a casual reference to Redin ina
note concerning a mound Bell had visited on an island in
Haddummati atoll: ‘No tradition exists regarding this mound,
beyond the attribution of its construction to so-called “Redin”,
as the reputed ancient builders of all such colossal work.’
So Redin was not a person, but a people. Later Bell says about
another such structure up in the northern atolls, at Miladu
island: ‘From superstition, the Islanders are afraid to dig into
the mound, which they call “Redinge Funi’’.”*
Redinge Funi means ‘Redin’s Hill’. The two atolls where Bell
had heard about Redin were at opposite ends of the long chain
of the Maldive Islands. And now we learned that Redin was also
remembered as the initiator of the large mound on Fua Mulaku.
In our efforts to learn more about the days of the legendary
Redin people we found, to our surprise, that it was a general
conviction among the population that, when the Redin created
the hawitta, Fua Mulaku had been an atoll with a lagoon inside.
In very ancient times, they all said, ships could sail right into the
middle of the island and anchor or dock where now there was
cultivated land. They had heard from their ancestors how, very
long ago, a terrific storm had tossed up coral blocks and sand
that blocked the entrance to the lagoon and gradually trans-
formed it into fertile fields with a freshwater lake in the centre.
They were so firm in this belief that they took us to the place on
the south coast, now an uninterrupted steep boulder beach,
where the entrance was said to have been.
The Maldive Mystery
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
The Maldive Mystery
wanted to know what the Redin looked like, but nobody knew.
Perhaps they had only been some Hindu, our host suggested.
As the boy kept on insisting that he had seen Redin in this
house I asked his parents if they had had a Hindu visitor. They
both laughed shyly and said no, but a foreigner like us had come
to the island and had stayed in their house. His real name was
Michael. They had only nicknamed him ‘Redin’ because he had
brown hair and looked like a Redin.
We were grateful to the little boy for this unintended piece of
information from his father. So, the image these people had of
the Redin was that they had brown hair and looked like us!
Legendary references to seafaring people with fair skin and
brown hair are well known from pre-Columbian Mexico and
Peru, and even on Easter Island. Certainly these early seafaring
stone-masons in the legends had not come from Europe. But
people fitting this description had also existed outside Europe.
There were brown-haired people with fair skin in the Middle
East and western Asia. The only thing we could deduce with
certainty from what these people told us, was that the present
population on Fua Mulaku did not believe that the big mounds
had been left by their own ancestors, but by an earlier people
who looked to them like foreigners. So a strange old legend,
common in other parts of the world, was also present on these
lonely islands in the Indian Ocean.
We were soon to learn that probably every adult on Fua
Mulaku, and most people throughout the Maldives, had heard
about the Redin; but few admitted openly that they believed in
these ancient stories. To the modern Maldive youth the word
Redin meant no more than did jinni and other terms for spirits
and fairies. Soon it will be too late to save even the last remnants
of pre-Moslem legends in the Maldives.
While we waited for permission from Male to reopen the
trench where the islanders said the small buddu had been
reburied in its box, the village people began to disagree on
whether or not it was wise to search for that pagan figure again.
Some of them were suddenly eager to assure us that it would be
a waste of time. One old man came to testify that it was not true
that a buddu had been found in any of the stone boxes. On
checking his reliability we learned from the foreman of the dig
at that time that this ‘eyewitness’ had not been anywhere near
The Great Mound of Fua Mulaku
A FEW HUNDRED yards from the big hawitta, a tiny old mosque
lay abandoned all by itself at the side of the forest trail. By any
scale it was small and modest, but even more so in comparison
with what was still left of its titanic neighbour. The Redin who
had built the pyramidal colossus would surely have frowned
at the modest house of worship that took its place when
Mohamed’s faith reached Fua Mulaku.
The contrast in dimensions between these two old religious
shrines seemed to testify to the victory of faith over purely
physical might. Whoever the Redin were, they had put an
enormous amount of wealth, skill and physical labour into their
mountainous structure. The mosque, in contrast, had been built
with minimal effort by some mason who had quite simply
fetched the ready-shaped stones from the fine walls of the giant
Redin structure.
This was confirmed to us by the village elders. The little
mosque was the oldest Moslem structure on the island. The fine
polished limestone slabs in its walls had been shaped by the
Redin to form the fitted walls that had once covered the loose fill
which was now all there was left of the former temple. When
Islam was embraced by the local people, they had stripped the
blocks from the hawitta and carried them to this place to build
the first mosque to Allah. In front of this mosque was the
tombstone of Yusuf Naib Kalegefan, who had converted the
people of this island to Islam. Yusuf was the son of Yahya Naib
Kalegefan who had come sailing from some distant land soon
after Male had been converted.
The walls of Yusuf’s mosque had attracted my attention from
the very first day. Never had I seen more beautifully carved and
The First Fingerprint
The Maldive Mystery
The First Fingerprint
se Ee ee Se
The Maldive Mystery A
technique was
My next encounter with this peculiar masonry
in Moroc co to meet
quite unexpected. I had come to Lixus
before I built a reed ship of my
builders of the local reed boats
ic. Nowhe re else on the Atlant ic coast
own for tests in the Atlant
boat buildi ng surviv e except in this former
of Africa did reed
port of Lixus. I had come to study reed boats, not to
ntory where the
look for stone walls, but on top of a high promo
al stone walls of
navigable Lixus river enters the Atlantic, coloss
d to find
megalithic masonry rose against the sky. I was amaze
fittin g as in Peru and on Easter
here the same peculiar stone-
this same African
Island. A year later, in 1970, we sailed from
of papyrus
coast to Barbados in the Mexican Gulf with a ship
reeds, the Ra II.
Who had left behind the prehistoric ruins of Lixus?
Nobody knows. But archaeologists agree that they
Phoeni cians or by some unkno wn
either built by the early
. Whoev er they were, there is genera l
Phoenician predecessors
the founde rs of Lixus had come sailing from the
agreement that
distant Middle East to build their astronomically
later the Romans
megalithic temple to their sun-god. Ages
reached this port and built a temple on top of the old ruins to
their own ocean god, Neptun e.
Since nobody disputed that it had been possible to sail from
o, as the
the inner Mediterranean to the Atlantic coast of Morocc
Lixus people had done, it would have been superfluous for
must have sailed in
to repeat this voyage. The mariners of Lixus
n throug h the Straits of
fleets of prehistoric craft from Lebano
Gibraltar to settle just where the powerf ul Atlanti c current starts
its flow straight to tropical America.
Since the architects and masons who built the Lixus sun-
temple had their roots among the great civilisations of
were masters in
Middle East, it was not surprising that they
handling colossal stones. Megalithic temple walls of giant blocks
brought from distant quarries were common in the Middle East.
They were typical for most of the civilisations that suddenly
began to sail the inner Mediterranean in the millennia just
before European history began.
But what about the type of stone-fitting, the ‘fingerprint
I had followed backwards from Easter Island to
The First Fingerprint
The Maldive Mystery =
The First Fingerprint
years ago the Sumerians had written on their clay tablets that
their forefathers had landed in Dilmun after the Great Deluge.
From Dilmun they had come by sea in ma-gur, their largest kind
of reed ship, to form the first Sumerian dynasty at Ur in lower
Mesopotamia. According to the writings on numerous tablets,
Sumerian merchant mariners constantly returned to the sacred
fatherland of Dilmun for the purpose of trade.
Dilmun remained but a legendary name until it was recently
identified by archaeologists as the island of Bahrain in the
Persian Gulf. About 100,000 large and small burial mounds from
the Sumerian period inspired the Danish archaeologists, P. V.
Glob and G. Bibby; to bring a major team of excavators to
Bahrain. They discovered, completely buried in sand, a pre-
historic harbour city and a temple of beautifully cut stones, built
as a smaller version of the ziggurats or stepped pyramids in
As we landed in Bahrain with Tigris, Geoffrey Bibby flew
down to see the kind of reed ship that had frequented Bahrain
from Mesopotamia in the Dilmun period. He took us down into
the streets of his buried city.
The city was laid out in orderly blocks with streets running
north-south and east—west, in the manner that is characteristic
of sun-worshippers. The main gateway opened from the city
square straight on to the port, which is also characteristic of a
maritime population.
Bibby pointed out the shallow coral bottom of the harbour,
where no keeled ship could have entered. He therefore noted
with interest that the double bundle body of our reed ship, with
its very shallow draught, could easily have come in here at high
tide and rested firmly on the bottom, ready to load or unload as
the tide went out.
The Dilmun people, too, had clearly been reed ship builders.
Bibby showed me that the last old-timers on this island still
went sea-fishing from reed boats like those of Easter Island,
Peru, Lixus, Egypt and Mesopotamia. I was therefore not
altogether surprised when the fingerprint masonry also turned
up in Bibby’s excavations.
It was on this island of Bahrain that I was to pick up the tracks
I had lost by moving down river from Hittite territory into the
mud flats of Sumer. Some of the oldest stone walls in the port
The Maldive Mystery
city Bibby showed us, deep below the present ground level,
were fitted together in precisely this way. If the Sumerians had
come from this island, they would have known this distinctive
stone-shaping art while they still had access to quarriable rock.
The mere fact that the Sumerians frequented Bahrain for trade,
which they carried up river to Hittite territory, shows that there
was no geographical barrier between the Dilmun people and
the Hittites.
Since the Sumerians had ancestral links with Bahrain, and
since the Hittite culture was younger than the Sumerian, I felt
sure that Bibby was showing us something closer to the source
than anything I had seen before; but I was not a little puzzled
that we seemed to go further back in time with each step we
took towards the east. Bahrain was halfway between Sumer and
the Hormuz Strait, the gateway to the Indian Ocean. And yet
Bahrain was certainly not the place of origin of this eccentric
masonry form. There was not even any stone on Bahrain of the
type that had been used for fitting these peculiar walls together.
Bibby told us that this fine limestone could be found nowhere
on the island. Hundreds of thousands of tons of quarried blocks
must therefore have been brought by sea from some locality not
yet identified.
With permission from the government of Bahrain to visit the
prison island ofJidda, a few miles offshore, however, we found
the missing quarries. Large areas of the limestone hills on Jidda
had been carried away by experts in both stone work and
navigation. The seafarers who had built the port city and the
mini-ziggurat on Bahrain were no primitive drift voyagers.
They must have come from some part of the world where the
people were already expert in selecting the best kind of rock, in
the art of carving it to shape, and in transporting it by sea to the
building site. Some of the blocks brought from Jidda to build
the structures on Bahrain were truly colossal and perfectly
shaped. But none of the masonry impressed us more than what
we saw when Bibby took us down the steps to a large ceremonial
bath he had excavated at the foot of the mini-ziggurat. I wrote at
that time:
Dilmun blocks and the way they were fitted together . . . all
were made to fit adjacent blocks with such precision that no
crack or hole was left between them. My friends from Tigris
looked at me like some kind of Sherlock Holmes trying to find
fingerprints or tool-marks that might lead us on the track of
those who did it. The beautifully dressed stones were shaped
and joined together in a special manner I began to know all
too well by now. I had to tell my puzzled companions why
these stone walls had any bearing upon our voyage and upon
the voyage to this same island by the people who had once
made them.”
The Maldive Mystery
The First Fingerprint
omers studying the path of the sun, they had a double reason for
finding this Equatorial Channel interesting.
A fantastic possibility then dawned upon me down in this old
bath. I had almost forgotten that I had also seen a prehistoric
swimming pool in Peru, the largest of them all, and also witha
broad flight of stairs down one wall. It had been built from sun-
baked bricks by the pre-Inca sun-worshippers of Chan Chan on
the Pacific plains of Peru. The architects of that bath had also
built large and small step pyramids of the ziggurat type. Further-
more, they lived in the main centre of pre-Inca reed boat
navigation. A common motif in their pottery decoration was
ancestral heroes who travelled by sea on large reed ships. And
their moulded ceramic jars always represented their own royal
ancestors as men with-huge discs in greatly extended ear lobes.
Could there be a connection?
The idea seemed at first too fantastic to consider seriously. I
had long suspected that Middle East culture had reached tropical
America by sea centuries before Columbus, but direct from
Africa, not from distant Asia. There were also those scholars
who had speculated on prehistoric voyages from India, by way
of the Pacific, to America. I myself, like almost everybody else,
had rejected such conjectures as geographically without sense.
By the time the prehistoric voyagers from India had reached the
Asiatic shores of the Pacific, they would still have half the cir-
cumference of this planet left to cross before reaching America.
The Pacific coast of south-east Asia and the Pacific coast of
South America are antipodes. Furthermore, upon entering the
Pacific any prehistoric type of sailing craft would be pushed
back by the prevailing winds and currents. In this part of the
world they head full force from tropical America to tropical
Asia, set in permanent flow by the rotation of the earth itself.
Nobody seemed to realise that America lay much closer to
India westwards by way of the Atlantic Ocean; nor that this
course would, furthermore, be favoured by the elements.
Now, as we had discovered that prehistoric seafarers had
established a foothold on the Maldive Islands, we could see that
they had been ina good position to sail on even to America. The
winter monsoon from the north-east would give Maldive sailors
a fair wind for the southern Cape of Africa and there the Atlantic
Ocean begins. At any time of the year the South Atlantic
The Maldive Mystery
The First Fingerprint
The Maldive Mystery
The First Fingerprint
When our captain reported that the propeller of the Midu was
working once again, we embarked and temporarily left Fua
Mulaku. We headed for the islands lining the northern edge of
the Equatorial Channel, full of anticipation at what we might
run into there. We left at night, so that we could reach the
islands on the other side at sunrise.
Against a tropic sky where the Southern Cross twinkled amid
a host of constellations, the low atoll of Fua Mulaku showed up
merely as a rugged silhouette of feathery palm crowns that
barely rose from the sea. The individual crowns slowly joined to
form a long black wall that diminished in size and sank behind
our stern.
Five hours later, just before the sunrise, we sailed slowly into
the calm lagoon of Gaaf atoll, formerly known as Huvadu.
Pyramid in theJungle
A Sun-temple on Gaaf-Gan
Pyramid in the Jungle
The Maldive Mystery
Pyramid in the Jungle
selves Singalese, the ‘Lion people’. There never had been lions
on Sri Lanka, but the local Singalese claimed descent from
ancient sea voyagers who came to Sri Lanka from India and
celebrated a legendary lion as their royal ancestor. For this
reason the Singalese carved lion statues and used lion symbols
such as ferocious masks with feline teeth to distinguish them-
selves in war and peace.
Lions would indeed be ‘very big cats’ to Maldive islanders
who had never seen any of the larger feline species. And there
was every reason to believe that the Lion people had come to the
Maldives. Bell recognised the big hawitta on Fua Mulaku as a
ruined Singalese stupa. The broken Buddha heads and the
Buddha bronze figurine we had seen in Male were proof enough
that Buddhists had come here before the Moslem period. And
yet these Buddhists Had found people of a still older religion.
The Lion people of Sri Lanka were devout Buddhists. No other
Buddhists lived closer to the Maldives. Singalese raiders masked
as lions might have been the large cats from the sea who were
sufficiently ferocious to scare an entire population into flight.
I was close on the heels of the ‘owner’ when he stopped and
pointed into the jungle. Abdul translated what he said. Down
there, near the other coast, were the ruins of a ‘Buddhist castle’.
Very little was left to be seen.
I asked if the Redin had been Buddhists. But no, the Redin
were those who had built the hawittas. Somebody else had built
the ‘Buddhist castle’. When we got back to Gadu in the evening
he would get some of the really old men together who might tell
us what they knew.
We reached a small opening in the forest where again we gota
glimpse of the sea. Turtles had dug big craters in the sand. In the
short grass at the centre of this glade was a deep stone-lined well
where our companions were drawing clear drinking water with
the half of a coconut tied to a long rod. An overgrown trail
turned off towards the inland. Here the ‘owner’ asked his two
companions to go ahead in front of him. From here on they had
to cut a fresh passage with their long machete knives.
This slowed us down markedly. Proceeding step by step we
had time to admire the huge trunks of jungle trees that sur-
passed in dimensions all we had seen so far. Lianas hung like
ropes from the jungle roof, and the thick branches that stretched
The Maldive Mystery-
Pyramid in the Jungle
The Maldive Mystery
Pyramid in the Jungle
The Maldive Mystery
Pyramid in theJungle
The Maldive Mystery
Pyramid in theJungle
people who had fought each other in the Maldives before the
Moslem faith was embraced in ap 1153. As this took place so
long ago, it was tempting to dismiss the stories as fairy tales,
except for the fact that the Buddhist and the Hindu images had
actually been found. I checked my notebook and found that the
two small bronze images stored with the big stone heads in the
Male Museum closet had both come from Gaaf-Gadu, from this
very island. One of them was Hindu, the other was Buddhist.
The Hindu one was the older and more eroded. That supported
the hypothesis that the Hindu, in agreement with the Khanzi
tradition, had come here first, and the Buddhists, alias the cat
people, later.
The introduction of Islam over eight centuries ago marked the
beginning of the present era also to these people. They still
a :
recalled the name of the first person who converted their ances-
tors from Buddhism to Islam. His name was Al Fagir Hafis
Hassan Fali Takur, and it was his tombstone they had pointed
out for us next to the ‘Buddhist castle’ on Gan. The location of
his burial adjacent to the Buddhist sanctuary could indicate that
he was not himself an immigrant Arab, but a local islander
converted from Buddhism to Islam. The ‘Takur’ added to his
Moslem name might even suggest some royal Khanzi relatives
among his ancestry.
From the days of the Moslem missionary, Al Fagir, images of
any sort were forbidden, the old men reminded us. They knew
that their own ancestors ‘in the Singalese time’ had images of
Buddha sitting with crossed legs. The Khanzi people, they said,
worshipped other kinds of images. Even today the people from
Gadu, when digging in the yam fields on Gan, still found such
old images.
I was surprised to find these people speaking about a Singal-
ese, or pre-Moslem, period in their atoll as if it was common
knowledge. Although the sultans in Male had, through the
centuries, done their best to erase any memories of periods
ante-dating their own genealogy, their success had clearly
decreased with the distance from the capital island.
Both the Redin and the Khanzi people had worshipped fire as
well as images, said one of the old men.
No, only the Redin worshipped fire, corrected the other.
According to him the Khanzi worshipped only images.
The Maldive Mystery
For a moment the two old men could not agree. There was
even a vague suggestion from one of them that the Khanzi were
here before the Redin. But in the end they agreed that the Redin
had been the first. And the Redin had worshipped both fire and
The last point our two old informants repeated before they
staggered away was that there were supposed to be many
valuable objects hidden inside the Vadamaga Hawitta. They
agreed that this big building had been much higher before,
with stairways running way up on one side. Don Futa had
heard from old people that this hawitta had in former times
been square, and flat on top where there had been a ‘room’. This
room had caved in because it had been ‘hollow’. In all likelihood
it had been a small shrine or temple on the summit, but they
remembered nothing further.
When the old men left we were fetched by the village chief for
a late but sturdy meal of turtle eggs and curried fish served by
the women of the house. Then we returned to our beds on the
white shingle floor. The last things I saw, before I blew out my
lamp, were the two glassless windows crammed full of curious
faces of both sexes and all ages. They had probably never seena
foreigner go to bed before. Their human faces gradually faded
into those of the cat people and the Redin, as I drifted smoothly
into a dream world from which not even a cloudburst of mos-
quitos could wake me.
Shortly before the sun rose I was called back to life by a
delightful smell of tea and freshly baked Arab bread. I sat up
and found our spectators already back at the windows. Or had
they been there all night? I managed to wriggle on my trousers
and made it clear that I needed to visit a certain place. They
showed me through a narrow door into a tiny garden plot with
exceptionally big tomatoes, and with walls so tall that nobody
could peep over. There I was handed a heavy iron crowbar that
stood waiting for visitors. I caught on, and ran a hole into the
ground: one deep and narrow toilet per person per visit. No
wonder the size of those tomatoes!
It was still early morning when we climbed into a nutshell of a
rowing boat to return from overcrowded Gadu to uninhabited
Gan. Our friends of yesterday came with us again. Today they
by-passed the first sand-bar where we had landed the day
Pyramid in the Jungle
before as they found the tide high enough for us to pole and row
on along the very shallow lagoon side of Gan. This would save
us a good deal of walking.
The shallow water by the shore in the lagoon was so calm and
clear that the corals which almost scraped the bottom of our boat
seemed to be out of the water. Broken bits of coral tossed up on
the beach lay there like dead bones and as white as the sand
they had helped to form. But in the water they revealed wonder-
ful colours as we slid along a spectacular rock garden which we
could touch with our hands. There were no limits to the forms
and the colours. Corals, corals and more corals; a petrified
nature with no sign of waving seaweeds or soft sea anenomes.
Some lay there, as round as eggs or mushrooms of all sizes;
others were as flat as trays, curved like fans or shaped like jars,
while most of them branched out like fantastic, crooked shrub-
bery or even elegant candelabra. Seen as a whole, the bottom
shone at us in all the colours of a giant painter’s pallet. Yet, while
warm and spicy perfumes were wafted to us from the jungle
ashore, the beautiful corals had a nasty fishy smell if we lifted
them out of the water. These fancy-shaped apartment houses,
with their myriad minute coral polyps waving from the win-
dows, were designed for the marine world where tiny multi-
coloured fish fluttered about sniffing at them like peaceful
butterflies. Larger, predatory fish shot away from our keel as if
caught with guilty consciences, while the little fish seemed
perfectly at ease, or at the worst hid within the branches of the
sharp corals. I was surprised at the complete absence of sea-
urchins and starfish, which are otherwise so common in such
marine gardens.
We hung nose down over the gunwales until the boat hit solid
limestone and we had to jump out and wade ashore. We were
early, and yet the ‘owner’ showed us traces in the sand of boys
who had already walked around the shoreline collecting turtle
eggs. Today was the great weekly day of harvest. Soon all the
people from Gadu would be coming over to cut yam and give
our friend his one-eighth share. He would also get one-eighth
of the turtle eggs. He expected they would gather today about
400 turtle eggs from three turtles. Every month about thirty-four
turtles came ashore at Gan to lay eggs. They came back and laid
eggs every thirteen days, and some 30,000 eggs were collected
The Maldive Mystery
Pyramid in the Jungle
one with the concentric solar rings we had left behind yester-
day, but one on which the sun also had wings.
They had simply found another sculpture.
No sooner did they realise their mistake than they were off
again to look for the right stone. Almost an hour later they came
back again, this time with one sun-stone each. There was
evidently no shortage of these stones around the remains of the
The Maldive Mystery
Pyramid in the Jungle
The Maldive Mystery
Pyramid in the Jungle
betel nuts; and the fourth by Bul Hadakene, who took care of
people’s heads, hair and headwear. The island was divided into
four parts, each with its own mosque.
Pyramid in the Jungle
look for the buried statue. We should not touch the old pagan
hill. It was better to let this sleeping dog lie.
Our eight-day charter of the good ship Midu from Addu atoll
had expired, and the next day we crossed the other half of the
Equatorial Channel on our way back to the airport island of
Addu-Gan. We selected the five finest specimens among the
stones from the sun-temple of Gaaf-Gan, which we brought
with us in the airplane to Male. The captain of the Midu prom-
ised to bring all the others next time he sailed north for the
We had found what we had come to look for in the Equatorial
Channel. After slightly more than a week’s absence we returned
to Male with proof to the effect that early sun-worshippers, long
The Maldive Mystery
before the Arabs arrived, had built temples to honour the sun
on the equatorial line. Another old civilisation with a different
religion had preceded Islam. The Maldive origins were compli-
cated indeed. The people on these islands had been converted
time and again, until they ended as Moslems.
What we least of all suspected was that more surprises awaited
us behind the door of the little closet in the museum. When we
pushed open the door to help the guards store our sun-
ornamented temple stones on the floor in company with the
non-Moslem images, we noticed that the door hit a pile of
broken stones. The pile was tucked away in the corner behind
the door and could not be seen when the door was open. I had
noted these stones on our previous visit but taken them for
broken bits from the wall which the museum custodian had
swept out of sight after some repair. But this time, having seen
the nature of broken limestone rubble from the ruins of slab-
covered temple mounds, Bjorn grabbed one of the biggest
fragments from behind the door and turned it over.
‘How strange — Ai-ai, what is this?’ I heard him mutter.
In front of our feet lay a corner fragment of a stone plaque with
one side polished flat and smooth as a marble floor, and covered
by engraved symbols.
‘Hieroglyphics!’ I exclaimed. ‘This is obviously hiero-
glyphics. But they are different from the Egyptian. What
they resemble most are the hieroglyphics from the Indus
Above the line of strange hieroglyphic signs was an orna-
mental row of swastika symbols, a symbol typical of the early
Indus Valley civilisation and which only later spread to Nazi
Germany. Originally it was an Indus Valley symbol for the
sacred sun. Below the hieroglyphic line, emerging from the
broken edge, were the remains of a large wheel with numerous
spokes: the well-known sun-wheel of that same early civil-
isation. And around the outer edge was a broad frame with the
characteristic lotus decoration, again another ancient symbol
for the divine sun, the rising sun. Sun-symbols in three varieties
dominated the stone tablet.
Yet it was the central line of hieroglyphics that more than
anything else struck the eye. First, the marine symbols: a fish-
hook, a conch, and two fishes, each carved standing upright.
Pyramid in the Jungle
The fish was indeed one of the most common signs in the
undeciphered Indus Valley script. There were also two barbed
sticks resembling rods for hooking fish. Then there was some-
thing else also common among the Indus valley signs, which
resembled a beaker but was believed by scholars to represent a
sacred drum. Centrally placed in the line was a complex sign in
the form of a jar with a neck, from which emerged three arrows
with triangular heads. The arrow was an important sign in the
Indus Valley script.
The row of hieroglyphic signs continued to the broken part of
the tablet, which was missing. Some other strange nondescript
symbols were incised beside the broken sun-wheel.
Important pieces were missing. They were not among the
stones behind the door.
When we showed the stone to the museum custodians they
merely shrugged their shoulders. This was nothing particular,
just something old found somewhere in the Maldives. That was
all they knew.
_ Where was the rest of the broken plaque? Missing?
Nobody knew. But the fractures were clearly recent, so it
seemed probable to us that the rest of the plaque was still where
these pieces had been found. Somewhere on one of these many
atolls lay the fragments that would make this hieroglyphic
plaque complete.
‘We must launch an expedition,’ I heard myself exclaim as we
rose from squatting beside this precious fragment.
‘No way out!’ Bjorn laughed.
We were still overwhelmed with all we had seen during the
week, and had not yet digested our discovery behind the
museum door, when word of it all came to the ears of the
And this was how the stones we had brought to the museum
in soiled potato sacks from Gaaf atoll came to be first opened on
the red carpet in the President's palace.
This was also why the President, every bit as excited at what
we had found as we were, asked me to start excavations.
The Maldive Mystery
Pyramid in the Jungle
had been invited to come back and search for the local truth.
This was a challenge I had to accept.
So I did accept.
Next day Bjorn and I left the Maldives. It was late November
1982. I wanted to be back there again by the end ofJanuary, and
bring a team of archaeologists to begin excavations before the
rains started. The rains in the Maldives start in the spring, at the
time when the monsoon reverses its course from north-east to
The sun and the monsoon winds had sent the early voyagers
on the first expeditions into these open parts of the Indian
Ocean. The sun still-suggested the best place to search, and the
monsoon the best time to come, for a modern archaeological
expedition. —_
Archaeologists Come to
the Maldmves
Should Sleeping Dogs Be Disturbed?
The Maldive Mystery
There was not time to look fora hotel. We left the girl in charge
of our luggage while Abbas took us to meet the important man
who now occupied Hassan Maniku’s office.
Behind the familiar glass walls in the Ministry of Information
we were now received by the Minister of State for Presidential
Affairs, His Excellency Abdulla Jameel. After cordial greetings
he explained that the provisional Moslem Committee, which
had been unwilling to let us look for the stone image in Fua
Malaku, had now been officially replaced by a group of fifteen
persons who formed the new National Council for Linguistic
and Historical Research. Mr Jameel regretted that this National
Council was ignorant about what we wanted to do, for no real
archaeologists had visited the Republic so far, and in the absence
of the President, nobody had the authority to make decisions.
The glass walls around us must have vibrated at the conflicts
in my own mind. The official representative of the Maldive
government on the other side of the desk was an extremely
pleasant and polite person, now speaking on behalf of a com-
mittee that had the right to act against a foreigner coming to dig
up an image forbidden by Allah and yet found on their own soil.
On the other hand, the same foreigner would never have come
to start excavations if he had not been expressly requested to do
so by the head of that government.
The two Maldivians were friendly and sympathetic, and
understood that this problem had somehow to be solved to our
mutual satisfaction. They immediately ordered rooms to be
booked for us at the Hotel Alia, and it was agreed that we should
all meet there for further talks in the cool of the evening.
In the hotel we were never left alone for a moment. Maldive
visitors called to make certain that we did not feel abandoned
and reassure us that everything would work out with time and
patience. There was Abdul, our lively young interpreter from
last time, and the more serious, middle-aged Mohamed Waheed
who had been sent with us then by the Atoll Administration.
Most impressive was a new acquaintance, Mohamed Loutfi, a
high official from the Ministry of Education and one of the
fifteen members of the new National Council for Linguistic and
Historical Research. Mr Loutfi was a tall, broadly built man,
above middle-age, with a friendly face and with a stature and
dark skin that reflected what he later told us. His ancestors had
The Maldive Mystery
uniforms, the only risk being that of bumping into one of the
occasional Male taxis which swerved from side to side to avoid
the same puddles. The men seemed as peaceful and inoffensive
as the women. No shouting, no quarrels, no arrogant behavi-
our. ‘Peace be.on you’ was the wish brought from all the little
mosques into the Moslem community, and it seemed to work.
And yet Male was no longer the quiet place it must have been
only ten years earlier when this country was opened to the
outside world. The long wharf on the lagoon side and the central
shopping area were as busy as if they had been in existence fora
hundred years, although the waterfront was still dominated by
home-built dhonis, and the streets by imported bicycles. But
motorised transport was rapidly coming in.
So far most of the houses in Male had a single floor, in the
shopping streets many had two, and in the centre cranes were
busy lifting iron bars for the first three- or four-storey govern-
ment buildings. Among them was a new and truly colossal
mosque donated by other Arab nations and designed with a
golden dome that would shine in the tropical sun far out over
the surrounding ocean.
In this busy part of the town small tourist shops selling turtle-
shell carvings, black coral necklaces, shells, shark jaws and
model dhonis had begun to sprout like mushrooms, and in be-
tween them were shops which, country-store fashion, tempted
Maldivian visitors from other islands with everything under
one roof from oil drums, corrugated iron and nylon ropes to soft
drinks, chewing gum, tinned goods and plastic bottles. In a
machine shop they sold fresh tomatoes from the Canary Islands
and cucumbers from Holland. In another place we saw a whole
shelf full of cans of air freshener!
In the daytime the very few foreigners visiting from the
tourist islets could easily be spotted by their red, perspiring
faces, as they hunted for souvenirs or looked in vain for a bar or
sheltered place to sit down.
Most of the city area still consisted of modest village roads
flanked by low huts of crushed coral and mortar. Many, how-
ever, were painted in pale colours — light blue, light green, pink
and yellow. A few homes still had walls and roof made of the
plaited leaves of coconut palms, but today these were more
usually kitchen annexes. In the baking sunlight windows
The Maldive Mystery
were rare or absent, but through open doors we could see people
sitting on beds or in wooden hammocks, often with a couple of
bicycles by their beds. Perhaps because it happened to be a
Friday, the Moslem holiday, transistor radios were blaring
music or voices at full blast from almost every home.
Each house was usually linked to its neighbour along the road
by a high coral wall which enclosed a luxuriant tropical garden.
Tall coconut palms, huge banana leaves, crooked branches of
evergreen bread-fruit trees and magnolia towered everywhere
high above these modest buildings, and left the impression of a
large park or botanical garden. The damp sound of an empty
bucket dropping into a well was followed by splashes as the
bucket was lifted higher than the garden wall to pour cool fresh
water over someone enjoying a shower.
These were clean people. Again we noticed the long-robed
women bending double to sweep the dirt road from side to side
with their short wisp brooms. When they rose and walked away
they moved as if they were gliding along on roller skates, their
bodies straight and motionless — characteristic of women accus-
tomed from childhood to carry trays and water jars on their
Somehow the whole atmosphere reminded me of Polynesia —
Polynesia at the time of Gauguin, where barefoot women with
brown skins, long black hair and Victorian dresses reaching to
their ankles radiated feminine charm that bewitched the sea-
faring visitors. The setting of palms and banana plants un-
doubtedly reinforced this impression. But in spite of their
choice of dress — like the Polynesian vahines, in the brightest
and most alluring colours rather than black — the Maldivian
women were renowned for their chastity, at least if approached
by anon-Moslem.
In most of Male the men too were dressed in Polynesian
fashion, with a loin cloth wrapped around the waist. Rather
colourless compared to what the women wore, this loin cloth
usually also reached to the ankles, more rarely to the knees. One
young man made us jump, however, as he zoomed by on a
motor bike, unconscious of the noise he was making because he
was enjoying his own taped music on headphones. Young men
here did not look very different from young men in the outside
world; and their parents would certainly like to see them go
The Maldive Mystery
The tall wall on the other side of the road was new, yet it
enclosed fragments of a much older era of local history, though
passers-by would normally only notice the big sign on the gate:
‘Maldives Engine Service Centre’. The wall, taller than our-
selves, was built from the usual crude chunks broken from the
coral reef and bound together by mortar. But a few of the stones,
haphazardly set in among the rest, had an appearance very
familiar to us by now. They had been worked square with traces
of decorative mouldings. Reused temple stones. Displaced frag-
ments of Maldivian prehistory.
We were not in doubt about the origins of these building
blocks. This was as far east as it was possible to go on this island.
This was where the virgins had been brought in pre-Moslem
times. Out there in the endless expanses of ocean had appeared
the many lights under the full moon which marked the monthly
appearance of the evil jinni from the sea.
The big gate was left half open. Nobody there. Some boats
and engine parts lay scattered around. A small boat was propped
up by some stones. One of them was an old temple stone, while
another one lay tossed on to a pile of rubble and refuse.
A young man came out of a shed.
No engine trouble? Why then had we come? He was sur-
prised. If this was the place of the images and virgins?
The young Maldivian gave us a suspicious look as he wiped
an oily hand on his blue jeans and with polite but fumbling
gestures brought us back to the gate, which he slowly bolted
behind us.
We had found the place. We had seen stones from the jinni’s
temple and the pagan footmarks set in the wall. But Allah’s
youngest generation had exchanged modern engines for former
We walked back by following the ocean shore all around the
island, and soon came to the fill-in area. Vast coral shallows,
barely awash, extended offshore with short reeds growing on
parts already reclaimed from the sea by large quantities of
refuse. A hand-cart was just being rolled out and dumped. Two
men were burning what would otherwise have floated away,
and raked the ashes into the shallows. Most of the area seemed
to consist of rubble from torn-down houses mixed with common
Archaeologists Come to the Maldives
The Maldive Mystery
outside the harbour wall, all nicely painted white, and green
below the water-line. Across the broad stern was painted ‘Golden
Ray, Male’.
This was the government’s hospital ship, donated to the
Maldives by the British forces when they left Addu-Gan at the
end of the Second World War. Abbas explained that the Golden
Ray was almost 24 metres (78 feet) long and manned by eleven
Maldive officers and crew. She was just waiting to take us ona
tour anywhere we desired.
This did not make the situation any easier for me. I went to
bed that evening knowing the archaeologists were due to arrive
in Male the next afternoon at 1 pm.
Next day was Sunday, but the shops were open. In despair I
appointed Bjorn quarter-master general, and with lists all ready
we began shopping for an expedition of at least twenty-two
men who would be cut off from further supplies for thirty days.
After an hour and a half a messenger from the Ministry of
Information came and told me that I was needed immediately
for a meeting with his boss.
I rushed to the Ministry of Information, only to learn that the
meeting had already been convened somewhere else in Male. I
rushed to the address they gave me, only to learn that the
meeting had been cancelled, as it was not necessary.
Back at the Ministry I now found a handwritten note that ‘Dr
Hydral’ was to come to the Amini Building at 12.30. This was
exactly when I was due to be at the airport island to meet the
Bjorn was therefore delegated to fetch the archaeologists by
boat while I headed for the Amini Building. As I had refused to
sit down and discuss with a fifteen-man committee what I had
come to do on request from their President, Abbas had asked if I
were at least willing to talk to two members of that group, and |
had agreed. For balance I now went to the meeting in company
with Arne Fjortoft, the Norwegian President of Worldview
International Foundation, who had come from Sri Lanka with
the journalists to see us off. His personal friendship with
Mr Abbas had made him an important helper in the strange
wrestling match that now seemed to be going on.
In the Amini Building we were met by two exceptionally
pleasant and friendly government officials, both representing
The Maldive Mystery
were very afraid, he said. Many people were of the opinion that
the hawittas had been left in peace for hundreds of years, so
why take risks, why not let this continue?
We were not there to plunder the hawittas, I explained. If they
did not want us to, we would not even touch them. We would be
just as interested in looking for other remains, for instance early
habitation sites, any refuse from former times that could tell
us something about their own ancestors. This was what the
President had wanted us to do.
A big cloud seemed to drift away. We could dig anywhere we
wanted within the Republic, as long as we let the hawittas
alone. To my surprise, after some discussions between them in
Divehi, unintelligible to us, the friendly speaker turned back to
us and said in English that we could even excavate hawittas. But
if we wanted to dig more than three of them, we hadtosendina
new request.
Various amendments were now made all through the contract
I had proposed, but nothing of any importance. I left the
meeting greatly relieved, and rushed to the hotel to meet the
archaeologists who had come with Bjorn from the airport. At
4 pm the National Council was to send the amended contract
back to me, retyped and signed by the responsible authorities.
I waited the rest of the day, but no contract came back. In fact,
it never came back. I never saw it again, nor any other paper
signed by the National Council or any other government office.
But Mr Loutfi came with a broad smile and assured us that now
we could sleep soundly, there were no more problems. They
had left it to him to decide where we could dig, and I could trust
him, so I needed nothing in writing.
That evening, after dark, I was permitted to inspect the Golden
Ray which was to be ready for departure by 7 am the next
morning. It was a fine ship with a large room down below
ideally suited for the storage of digging equipment and pro-
visions. Appropriately, this former hospital room was also full
of field-beds. There were even three small single-berth cabins
on deck in addition to a berth behind the steering wheel,
reserved for the Maldive captain.
But on inspecting the single small wooden lifeboat, I found a
hole in the bottom big enough to put my head through. It had
clearly been in contact with a reef! I refused to go to sea without
any kind of landing craft. It was already late at night, and I was
told not to worry because there was a walkie-talkie radio on
board so we could always talk to the atoll chief when we reached
any island, and he could send out a dhoni to take us ashore.
But I refused point blank. We could not depend on some chief
ashore each time we wanted to land, particularly since the
majority of Maldive islands were uninhabited. Besides, there
was hardly any more dangerous navigation area in the world,
with its labyrinth of tidal currents, submerged reefs and sand
bars. The one argument that finally resolved this issue was that,
with my experience of the sea, I was able to insist that it was an
offence in international law to navigate the ocean with twenty-
two men on board a ship that did not even possess a life raft.
Telephones rang and messengers criss-crossed Male by bike
all night. As the sun rose a big, flat-bottomed metal launch,
ideally suited for our purposes, was towed out and tied by a
strong rope to the stern of the Golden Ray.
It was hard to get out of bed for all the sacks, crates and baskets
mixed with shovels, jerry-cans, cooking pots, jungle knives,
coils of rope and kerosene lamps; all our new acquisitions had
been delivered yesterday and were piled up high around our
beds. Here were all the larger tools the archaeologists had
not brought from Norway, field equipment, provisions and
medicine. As the expedition members and our Maldivian
friends started to carry it all on to big hand-carts waiting
outside, I checked with red marks all the items already cancelled
by a blue stroke on the various lists in my notebooks. Nothing
was missing that we could not do without. In high spirits we
helped the owners of the carts to manoeuvre the towering loads
through the town and down to the docks.
It took time to row it all on board, and it was 8.30 am instead of
7 am as agreed when the anchor chains of Golden Ray began to
rattle and Mr Loutfi looked anxiously at his watch.
‘We are an hour and a half late,’ he said. ‘We will not get as far
as I hoped before the sun sets. And the captain wants us to
anchor in some lagoon before night. It is too risky to move
between all these reefs in the dark.’
The captain of the Golden Ray was a little wiry Maldivian
above middle age by the name of Mohamed Maniku, who liked
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
stones must have been taken from some earlier and larger
For the first time in the Maldives I noticed square blocks with
shallow depressions from dovetailed mortices at each end — the
traces of former metal clamps intended to hold the stones tightly
together. Not only had the clamps been removed or had fallen
out, but when the stones were reused in the mosque they were
placed together in such a way that the mortices in one stone no
longer matched those in another.
Nearby was a huge, flattened rubble mound which Loutfi
confirmed was the scattered remains of a long since devastated
hawitta. Next to it was a deep depression in the ground where
the soldiers had thrown all sorts of branches and leaves they
wanted to burn. Much to our excitement we discovered that this
was a large, circular ceremonial bath. One fair-sized section of
the wall was still exposed as soon as we removed some leaves
and branches, whereas the main part of the bath was totally
buried. The walls in the bath had been built from perfectly
shaped rectangular blocks with the empty mortising sockets
still to be seen in their original positions, like butterfly designs
at all joints between the building blocks.
At only one place in the world could I remember having seen
this particular kind of stone jointing, and that was the prehis-
toric Phoenician port of Byblos in Lebanon. The blocks from the
former harbour construction, slightly submerged outside the
present port, had been joined together precisely in this way,
and there the ‘butterfly’ joints of bronze were still in their
original sockets. Whoever the Redin had been, they had been
sufficiently civilised to be familiar with copper or bronze. And
they must have had contact with the mainland since no form of
metal could ever be locally available within an archipelago
formed entirely out of coral. The Phoenicians were not known to
have sailed beyond the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean,
except when the joint Egyptian—Phoenician fleet of Pharaoh
Necho circumnavigated Africa in about 600 Bc. Yet this highly
characteristic ‘butterfly’ type of prehistoric stone jointing was
so specialised that the Maldive Redin must have learnt it abroad
from people who, directly or indirectly, had contact with the
Loutfi had heard that a stone phallus of the type which the
Hindu called a lingam had been found on this island. It had been
measured before it was destroyed and was said to have been
‘one foot and three inches long, and one foot in cross-section at
the base’. He asked the soldiers if they had heard about this
sculpture and one of them volunteered to show us where it had
been found. We walked right across the island to a place where
there still was a large and tall hawitta which had been plun-
dered in the past, for a big crater had been left in the centre. At
the side lay a finely carved, stepped pedestal block with a square
‘depression on the top. The soldier told us that this had been the
base of the stone ae Loutfi had heard about. The base of the
lingam stone.
Before we left the Redin island we witnessed a spectacular
sunset behind the palms. Next morning, as the sun rose, we
were on our way out of the lagoon.
Excavations Beg
The Buried ‘Phallus Temple’ on
Excavations Begin
The Maldive Mystery
Excavations Begin
The Maldive Mystery
Excavations Begin
The Maldive Mystery
Excavations Begin
The Maldive Mystery
Excavations Begin
The Maldive Mystery
Excavations Begin
The Maldive Mystery
Excavations Begin
had heard of the Redin and the Holin. Of the Redin he knew
nothing but that they were great builders and had been here
first. The Holin had been here later, they had even come back by
ship to try to conquer the Maldivians and re-enforce their own
religion after Nilandu had been converted to Islam. But the
Holin had been driven away and had to return to their own
I asked where the Holin lived, only to be answered that, since
they were Holin, they probably lived in the Land of the Holin.
Domaniku had nothing to add except that they worshipped
statues and were not Moslem.
According to Domaniku the Holin had been Buddhists, but
here Loutfi interrupted and explained that these people called
all non-Moslems Buddhists. Domaniku had not heard of
cannibals, but he knew that there was some ‘business’ between
the Maldivians and the people of Azékara. Some Maldivians
even intermarried with people from Azékara. They came to
Nilandu with textiles, pottery, plates and ‘food’ which they
exchanged for cowrie shells, dried fish and coconut rope.
While the island workmen were digging test trenches in
search of the remains of the seven walls and the treasures of
Domaniku’s father, another islander came to us bearing the
upper half of a strange tombstone. Moslem tombstones are flat
with a rounded top for women and witha sharp central point for
men. The one this man brought had three points side by side,
however. It was very old and deeply pitted from erosion. Our
friends from Male had never seen Moslem tombstones of this
shape. Even the local islanders said that this was not a Moslem
The man who brought the carving was willing to show us
where he had found it. He took us for a long walk on a wide trail
right through an extremely beautiful forest of coconut and areca
palms mixed with bread-fruit and big jungle trees. We must
have been on the opposite side of Nilandu by the time he made
us crawl through a thick undergrowth of ahi bushes. Loutfi told
us that ahi was popular for making red dye.
Inside the thickets we entered an area where the upper parts
of tombstones barely emerged from the ground wherever we
crawled. Some of them had the normal Moslem shapes, but
many had three and some even had five points, almost like a
The Maldive Mystery
Excavations Begin
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
then on the food was secretly put into his hut while he was away
at the mosque for his morning wash.
We passed along a dream island where the early morning sun
sent rays low in between the forest of coconut palms, lighting
up the red dress of a woman watching us motionless from
amongst the greenery. A Gauguin masterpiece brought alive.
Johansen said he would do anything to be sent to prison there.
Further away we could just discern some palm tops above the
distant starboard horizon.
‘Had we time to spare we should have called there,’ said
Loutfi. ‘That is Maadeli, also known as Salazar or Temple Island.
It is full of ruins.’
We had no time to spare. This was a pity for, according to
Loutfi, this was the next Redin island along our route. That
morning I had again been studying Loutfi’s marks on my map.
After our unexpected visit to the first Redin island, Loutfi had
written in green ink on my map the names of all the others
where he knew the Redin had lived, according to local tradi-
tions. What was more, he had marked with green arrows their
legendary migration route.
From old Maldive informants we later learned that the Redin
had made their first landfall at Ihavandu island, a tiny speck of
land which was the extreme north-western point of Maldive
territory. From up north Loutfi drew his arrows straight south to
Ari atoll where we, on board the Golden Ray, had picked up the
Redin’s trail southwards at Ariyaddu. From there we followed it
to Nilandu. Although now missing Maadeli we would pick up
the Redin route again in Kuda Huvadu, which we had to pass
anyhow. From there again the Redin had moved southwards
from one atoll to the next until reaching the Equatorial Channel.
There the last settlement had been one on Addu atoll, the
southernmost of all, before they left the Maldives altogether. As
far as time permitted we would take a quick look at all the other
Redin islands along our route southwards.
I was half dozing in the sun on the foredeck when I sighted
the huge, round dorsal fin of a whale-shark with its white dots.
Then Bjorn shouted, calling my attention to a strange fish I had
never seen before, although we found it to be common in the
Maldives. It shot from the surface of the lagoon as if it were a
flying fish ready to take off. But it never did take off. Long and
In the Wake of the Redin
Ler > avenoee
“ i =A?) Nalanau
L 6 eee Pandy
Lumbo Kandu NOONU
| s° 28 vg
ia << > a m
yi = E120
Hukuru Ethi @ eo
{-3° Nilandu Pe
(5) Hitadu
(18) Gan
Lo X19) Vadu
Pais EN ene
Se be apesfc
oR fee:
yr as |Midu
Hitadu® i:
Left: The atolls of the archipelago. The numbers indicate the successive
settlements of the legendary Redin. The islands of Rasgetimu, Gira-
varu, Male and Isdu played important roles in the Hindu and Buddhist
periods of the islands before the introduction of Islam in 1153.
Above: The islands of the Equatorial Channel. Enlarged detail showing
individual islands (black) and coral reefs.
The Maldive Mystery
In the Wake of the Redin
head of a man, so big that they could barely reach around it.
They had buried it again near the mosque. An eager search for
the place was now started, but the underbrush was so thick that
they could not recognise the exact spot. Instead they recalled
that they had also found a small stone animal. It turned out, to
our surprise, that they had sent it to Male.
‘When?’ asked Loutfi. They figured out it had been in 1942.
That was a great pity, according to Loutfi. The museum had not
yet been created then, and nobody would ever know the fate of
that animal image.
The best description of the large image head was given to us
by the atoll chief, Mohammed Kaleyfan, who had come to this
island to see it personally before it was buried. A bit of the body
was attached to the head. The face resembled a human being
and not a demon. Thé lips were closed with no teeth or tongue
showing. There were marks on the sides suggesting very long
ears. When we showed him photos of the big Buddha head and
the diabolic demon heads from Male Museum he immediately
pointed at the Buddha. It was just like that, he said, but more
Did Kaleyfan know what the Redin looked like? People on
this atoll and on Nilandu said that the Redin had red hair, he
answered, but they said nothing about the skin colour. The
sculptures the Redin had left behind showed, however, that
sometimes they looked like people and sometimes they looked
like a pudding.
‘A pudding?’ we queried.
‘Yes,’ the interpreter repeated. ‘He says badibai and that is the
kind of a pudding he has seen in Male.’
We asked them to draw a pudding in the sand and indicate
the size. We were shown a drawing of a vaulted image which
indeed resembled a ‘pudding’ but still more the shape and size
of the phalloid sculptures we had excavated in large numbers
on Nilandu. The atoll chief had obviously seen some such
images among the shattered pagan ruins and assumed that
they, as well as the human statues, represented self-portraits
carved by the mysterious Redin in the dim Maldive past.
There was nothing more to learn but that the Moslems had
long ago broken all such carvings and used them in their own
The Maldive Mystery
In the Wake ofthe Redin
The Maldive Mystery
the world at the time that the Arabs came to introduce their
Moslem faith to the Maldives. There was no reason for the early
Redin to have come from the east, they might well have come
from the north, as had the Arabs when they, the last arrivals,
expelled Buddhism from the Maldives. After all, the Arabs were
not the first seafarers to roam the Indian Ocean north of the
Maldives. To judge from archaeological evidence in the Indus
Valley, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, merchant sailors and
explorers had travelled in that part of the ocean earlier than
anywhere else in the world.
As we drew nearer to Isdu, and could discern the surf break-
ing from the east, right at the foot of this colossal structure, we
marvelled at its dimensions. It rose like a giant black dome
above the surrounding palm forest. Another and quite different
question now puzzled us. How was it possible that no modern
archaeologist had come to investigate these strategically located
islands when they contained prehistoric ruins like this man-
made mound on Isdu, which could even be detected from far out
at sea? There was only one answer. Modern seafarers, who did
not set foot ashore, would have taken it for some kind of recent
structure, or depot, and never suspect it to be a prehistoric relic.
We rounded the easternmost cape of the Haddummati atoll
where the reef was drawn out like a long finger pointing
eastwards with Isdu at its extreme tip. And on Isdu again the
big hawitta stood with its base almost in the sea on the eastern
promontory of the island. Thus we were able to admire it from
three sides while we rounded the cape and continued down the
opposite side of the reef. Apart from the impressive size, and
the location which would have been ideal fora lighthouse, there
seemed to be nothing left of interest. Former facing stones were
stripped away and there was nothing else to make a visit
worthwhile, unless there was a long period of time for properly
conducted excavations.
We were soon sailing past the next little island on the same
reef. This was Dhambidu and, according to Loutfi, an attempt to
re-establish Buddhism had been made here sixty years after the
Maldives were converted to Islam. I noted Loutfi’s word ‘re-
introduced’ with interest. This was the first time I heard a senior
Maldivian official openly referring to a Buddhist period ante-
dating their own Moslem history.
In the Wake of the Redin
The Maldive Mystery
In the Wake of the Redin
distance from the ruins, and the atoll chief, who had come with
us, said it had been done on his order when the Male radio
announced that we were travelling in order to see such things.
This gave us a clear view of a small hawitta just to the south-
west of the big one. It had not been touched by Bell and some
fine blocks carved with ornamentation still lay on top. Close by
also was the top ring of a large circular bath of which only a few
of the upper tiers of squared masonry blocks emerged from the
ground. It had been used for normal bathing until only forty
years ago. Until then cool, fresh water had seeped in through
round holes in the bottom slabs.
A wide road, with the remains of stone walls on each side, ran
due west from this temple area through what had once been a
big ceremonial gate, nowall iin ruins. Shaped ornamental stones
could be seen here and there in the road walls, but they had
possibly been taken from elsewhere and reused.
Skjdlsvold came crawling out of the bushes and reported that
he had counted six man-made mounds in this area. As we
crawled around visiting them we came upon two men with
sledge hammers who were breaking up beautifully ornamented
facing stones which they then piled up in heaps ready to be
carried away on a big raft to a neighbouring island. Loutfi
estimated that they had broken up enough hawitta dressing
stones to build four houses. The atoll chief put the two men
under arrest. At our suggestion the President had already
issued a new law forbidding further destruction of ancient
monuments of any sort. The two men said in their defence that
people had to build houses somehow, and it was forbidden also
to cut down the leaves of the palm trees, which were reserved
for building tourist houses on the islands around Male. To cut
coral from the reef was a much more difficult job than smashing
up old pagan ruins. Besides, it was no longer any secret that
breaking up the barrier reef had begun to cause havoc on the
coast with the loss of breeding grounds of inshore fish. When
arrested, the two men showed no sign of either remorse or
dismay and Loutfi commented, with a smile, that it was now
their turn to benefit from temporary exile on some other island.
The area around the big hawitta, where those two limestone
prospectors had made their harvest, was referred to by the
islanders as [hu Ma-Miskit which Loutfi translated as the ‘Old
The Maldive Mystery
In the Wake of the Redin
The Maldive Mystery ——_—_
In the Wake of the Redin
The Maldive Mystery
white cowrie shells the size of small birds’ eggs. This was the
first time we had seen in quantity what used to be the most
important trade item of the Maldives in former times. The boy
thrust his hands into the contents of his basket and let the little
empty mollusc shells fall through his fingers as if they were
silver coins. Indeed this is precisely what they had been in the
Maldives since before written history.
Although he clearly treasured his basketful of ‘boli’, neither
he nor his family could imagine how much this little mollusc
meant in our efforts to trace the capacity and range of early
Maldive voyagers.
We were not to see any more cowrie shells in the Maldives
except the handfuls which other little boys picked up for our
curiosity along the beaches. But in Bell’s time they were still
common currency within the group and he mentions that, at the
turn of the last century, each man on Isdu had to pay 18,000
cowries in tax to the Sultan for himself and one wife.”
Both Bell and Maloney stressed the extreme importance of the
cowrie shell in the early economic life of these islanders. The
cowries had placed the Maldives on the map of the outside
world, even before their own written history began. The fact
that this archipelago functioned as a sort of bank or mint for
the surrounding continental nations impressed the business
oriented Arabs, even before they brought the Moslem faith
The Arabs had barely started to take over the ancient trade
routes off the coasts of India when Sulaiman the Merchant, in
the period ap 850-900, recorded how travellers had visited the
Maldives and witnessed the importance of the cowrie shells. He
first stated that there was an ocean on either side of India and
that between these two oceans lay numerous islands.
In the Wake of the Redin
The Maldive Mystery-
With these shells for ballast many ships are laden for Bengal
and Siam, where they are used for money, just as we use small
copper money for buying things of little value. And even to
this kingdom of Portugal, in some years as much as two or
three thousand quintals [100-150 tons] are brought by way of
ballast; they are then exported to Guinea, and the kingdoms
of Benin and Congo, where they are used for money, the
Gentiles of the interior in those parts making their treasure of
it. Now the manner in which the islanders gather these shells
is this: they make large bushes of palm leaves tied together so
as not to break, which they cast into the sea. To these the
shellfish attach themselves in quest of food; and when the
bushes are all covered with them, they are hauled ashore and
the creatures collected.”
In the Wake of the Redin
The Maldive Mystery
In the Wake of the Redin
BLUE OVER, blue under. Intensive light. The fine line where the
blue above met the blue below rose slowly above deck level on
one side to sink again and come up as slowly on the other side.
Those who were suffering from the gentle rolling fumbled for
anything they could hang on to and staggered below. Others
blessed the fresh sea breeze in the shade of the canvas. Like a
cradle or a rocking chair, a friendly rolling ship allows the mind
to relax.
We needed this break away from land. Away from all the
stones. We had been overwhelmed by all we had seen in the last
few days. Indispensable clues to the riddle of the Maldives were
churning about in our minds’ computers, requiring time for
digestion. Time to draw a deep breath before we dived into
more revelations. For we were wasting no time.
We were now sailing into the real realm of the sun-god. It was
unbearably hot outside the canvas shade. The sun would be at
full power when we landed on the next islands ahead. Just
below the horizon in front of us lay the large atoll of Suvadiva,
also known as Huvadu, alias Gaaf. That is the sun’s real domain.
That is where it lured the early sun-worshippers to sail into the
Equatorial Channel. That was where the unknown architects of
the past had quarried limestone blocks to build the big ‘sun-
temple’ on Gaaf-Gan.
We were still on the trail of the Redin. We would actually be
calling at two other Redin islands on the north and east side of
the Gaaf ring-reef before we reached Gan on its southern
Return to the Equatorial Channel
extremity. The ring-reef of Gaaf stretched all the way from the
One-and-Half-Degree Channel down to the Equatorial Channel.
Gaaf-Gan was uninhabited, but the two other Redin islands we
would pass on the way were both inhabited. The first had no
traces of any earlier population, but the second one had, Loutfi
said. t
The first was Viringili, or sometimes Viligili. We entered Gaaf
lagoon through the northern reef and anchored off that island
just as ‘Mangiare’, as we now called him, cleared the lunch table.
This was the present seat of the atoll office, with a population of
some 1,200. There had been a big hawitta on this island, said
Loutfi, and there was’still a street in the village called Hawitta
magu, which meant Hawitta road. It ended at the coast where
the former hawitta had been lost to the sea.
With some doubt in our minds we accepted Loutfi’s assur-
ance that there was nothing of interest left for us to see on this
island, and the rest of us remained on board as he and Wahid
were set ashore with three of the crew to fetch rainwater, fresh
fruit and dried fish.
Because of many coral reefs we left the Gaaf lagoon again only
to enter it once more in the late afternoon through another
opening near Kondai, the next Redin island. We counted
twenty-two low palm islands around us on the horizon as we
dropped anchor off Kondai. Nothing could stop us from going
ashore here when the island chief came out in his dhoni and
told us of a strange bird they had just found in the forest.
‘A bird?’
‘A bird.’
‘With feathers?’
‘With feathers. But of stone.’
Full of curiosity and expectation we jumped into the dhoni
and landed in Kondai together with the chief.
Ashore was a village of some 250 souls. Many of them had
seen the stone bird, but nobody knew where it was now. It was
gone. The man who had found it in the forest had already lost it
in the village. The stone bird had simply disappeared.
But Redin? Had anybody something to tell us about the
Redin? They had never heard the word. There had been
nothing on this island before the mosque was built.
The Maldive Mystery
nearest beach and followed the open sands around the coast
back to the village.
There was little to see but stars and silhouettes of roofs as we
fumbled our way into the unlit village streets where we stopped
among dark walls to give Loutfi a last chance to locate the stone
bird. A growing crowd of silent people came slowly out of the
huts to stare at us as much as the sparse light from the stars
permitted. They seemed to have the night vision of bats and
owls, however, unspoiled as they were by sharper lamps than
the little flame on their own oi! burners. Even Loutfi seemed to
have no trouble moving about as he left us in the crowd and
disappeared in the dark night.
Somebody had come out with a smali oil lamp flickering in
the wind. In the faint Jight I could see a happy flash of triumph
in Loutfi’s face when he finally came back and grabbed my arm.
He whispered that he had found the bird. But perhaps it wasn’t
a bird. Maybe it was the head of an elephant. I was to follow
We sneaked away together. As Loutfi had suspected, he had
found the sculpture in the hut of the caller of the mosque. That is
where we went. This religious leader confessed that he had
hidden the stone figure merely to save it from destruction by the
village population who argued that the Prophet forbade pagan
images of any kind.
Before I knew it I was holding in my hands a limestone
sculpture as big as a cock and black with age. It was a head. I
could see an almond-shaped eye staring at me with a devilish
expression. It didn’t look like a bird. In the dark night it seemed
dominated by a coiled up snout that looked more like an
elephant’s trunk than the hooked beak of a bird of prey. The
shrewd expression in the eyes was also that of an elephant, yet
there were clearly feathers to be seen on top of the head and all
around. But there was also a row of large molar teeth exposed
below the coiled up snout. It was some sort of demonic mon-
strosity, the head of a grotesque monster broken off at the neck.
I could not help feeling that I had seen something like this
before. In some museum, perhaps. Loutfi had never seen any-
thing like it in the Maldives. The caller of the mosque had no
comment. He was only too pleased when we carried the heathen
image away.
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
had slid down from above and covered the base. Each stone was
carefully inspected for evidence of carving before it was carried
away and discarded. We had seen a section of a straight wall on
our previous visit of discovery. And now others appeared. As
we suspected, it was the late Moslem removal of the retaining
walls that had caused the core fill to slide down and form a
round hill. But before the Moslems arrived the lower part of the
temple was already buried in a growing layer of forest soil and
wind blown sand.
When we removed the fallen rubble and began excavating the
sides of the building, we found the full lengths of the buried
base walls were indéed preserved. But to our bewilderment the
walls seemed to take unexpected turns. At the first corner which
we exposed the wall-turned left, and at the next, when we
expected it to turn left again to form a square, it turned right. We
began to suspect some sort of irregular or star-shaped founda-
tion. But at the end of the first day’s work it was clear that the
main building was perfectly square and oriented to the sun.
What had at first seemed to be irregularities were the adjoining
walls of ramps centrally placed on all four sides, just as so
commonly seen on Mexican pyramids.
As work began on the second day the outline of the pyramidal
structure, with its four ceremonial ramp approaches, was
evident. And in the process of clearing we had already sorted
out from the fallen rubble a large collection of shaped and
decorated blocks. The solar symbol in high relief dominated,
but now we had also found suns carved so small that there was
room for two on the same stone. One cornerstone had four such
suns, two vertically above each other on each side of the corner.
Particularly artistic were some stones decorated with pairs of
suns intercepted by triple staffs, running as a continuous
One small limestone corner fragment was so completely
covered by a complex design of tiny suns, indentations and
rows of miniature columns, that only a highly skilled designer
could have composed it and only a master craftsman carved it.
The carving went deep into the stone and all the details were so
minute that it had to be part of some exceedingly elegant frieze,
or perhaps the corner knocked off some small shrine. There
were also fallen cornice slabs with different designs. Some had
The Maldive Mystery
‘ ibs
The Maldive Mystery
that the stupa itself had a suspiciously phallic form. The stupa
was known to symbolise rebirth, so perhaps it represented the
male phallus rather than the pregnant female womb as has
commonly been suggested.
When we reached the original ground level on which the
hawitta had been built, Skjdlsvold climbed up to measure the
full height. From the top of the mound he took a horizontal
sighting to the hand of Johansen who had climbed a nearby
jungle tree and let his tape measure hang down straight to the
ground. In its present reduced state the remaining structure still
rose 8.5 metres (28 feet) above the ground. The original walls
now completely exposed at the base measured 23 metres X
23 metres (about 75.5 feet square), which gave a ground area for
the pyramid of 529 square metres (5,700 square feet).
During our work we made another interesting discovery. The
temple walls had once been covered by white plaster. A thick
coat of very hard lime plaster still stuck to the most protected
sections. Where the soil had been most humid this covering had
softened and come off. A perfectly preserved section was the
corner where the east side of the ramp adjoined the south wall.
Here the plaster coat was so thick and solid that no contour
could be seen of the stones beneath. This helped us to
understand why we had found crumbling remains of white
plaster plugging up the deep concavities in the ‘skull’ stones.
We also found ‘sun-stones’ with only a segment of the solar disc
visible because plaster still caked the rest. Many building blocks
did indeed appear not to be ornamented until we broke off the
thick plaster cover which hid the decoration from sight.
Why had the ancient sculptors gone to all the trouble of, first,
carving these elaborate motifs, and then hiding them under a
cover of plaster so thick that they could not be seen?
The answer seemed obvious. The original artists had not
smeared the plaster cover over their own decorations. This had
been done by other people with a different creed, who had come
subsequently and remodelled the pyramid for their own use.
Again we encountered this evidence of two different periods
reflected in the religious architecture before the Moslems came
and stopped the use of the hawitta. Originally built for sun-
worship this pyramidal structure had in its last phase been
taken over by people who no longer paid divine honours to the
Return to the Equatorial Channel
The Maldive Mystery
Return to the Equatorial Channel
where and when the pot had been made. I could have explained
that pottery to an archaeologist is what stamps are to a
philatelist, identifiable as to place and time, but I realised that
our audience had never seen a stamp. Never mind, they all used
pottery, imported from India. And they knew potsherds well
enough not to let the smallest fragment escape their attention.
They tried to tell us that they would find the buried potsherds
and bones much faster if they could dig with their own big
tools, like in their taro fields. Why scrape with those little
spoons, and only 5 centimetres at a time?
Not only because fragile objects could be broken by picks and
shovels before they were seen, but also because it was important
to keep a record of how deep everything was found below the
surface. Anything found, say, at the depth of 20 centimetres (8
inches) would be older than what was found only 5 centimetres
down, and oldest of all would be anything found on the rock
bottom. The deeper down the further back in time. As every-
body knew, the freshest humus and the most recent human
waste would always be on top.
The side walls had to be straight and smooth, so the layers
would show up clearly in profile. This would show us if the soil
had been disturbed by someone digging in the past; for in-
stance, a hole would be seen filled with soil or sand of a different
colour than the ground beside it. Like a wall painting, different
types of soil, ashes or sand will show up in layers above each
other. They will tell their own story of climatic changes, forest
fires, sand storms, floods, or various forms of human activity. If
the workmen dug the trench so that the wall became rough and
uneven, none of these natural lines of unwritten history would
show up.
After these explanations, our Maldive helpers were divided
into teams of four, two scraping and two sieving. And no
archaeologist could ask for a more eager, attentive and meticu-
lous group of field workers.
The Maldive Mystery
Return to the Equatorial Channel——
Loutfi and the chief led us in silence through the main village
street. It was the cleanest, most orderly and best swept village
street we had ever seen, and that is saying a lot in the Maldives.
Well-groomed women sat busy working in front of the pic-
turesque little houses, some white, built from limestone, some
tanned and plaited from sun-baked palm leaves. Martin Mehren
remarked that we had not seen any foreigner but ourselves
since we left Male. No beach on the Riviera was as tidy and well
raked as the white sand between the rows of houses where the
women, squatting or sitting on low stools, paid little or no
notice to us as we passed. Nobody greeted us. Here, as in Male,
there is no word for salutation. Not being an expert, I could only
see that the women were lacing or somehow weaving or twin-
ing together a multitude of brightly coloured yarns with weights
on their ends and hanging over a large satin covered ball held on
the lap. The result was a broad, curved band more multicoloured
than the rainbow, which they attached as a neckpiece on their
full-length Victorian style gowns. This was the traditional
womans attire in the Maldives, explained Loutfi. Formerly all
women used to wear it. This immediately brought to mind the
ancient Egyptian fashion. Nefertiti. Once in a while we even
saw a Maldive woman who matched that proud pharaonic
beauty in bearing and the refinement of her features.
Where the broad village road ended an equally wide and
well-swept street turned right between the low walls of a
Moslem cemetery. Sticks with small banners of white cloth
fluttered in the wind. Moslem tombstones, old and beautifully
carved with scrolls and other artistic decoration, were half
hidden in weeds. Abandoned. Many were broken. Loutfi said
that the inscriptions were written in the second oldest of the
three known kinds of Maldive script, called dhives akuru. Like
tana akuru, the script used today, it was written from right to left.
The oldest script known had been evella akuru, which had been
written from left to right.
At the end of the short road lay a mosque and the large tomb
of an important Moslem saint, a gabled hut built of white-
washed stone slabs, and flying white flags. Here rested Vadu
Dhanna Kaleyfanu, also known by the Moslem name Moham-
med Jamalu Ddeen, perhaps the first person to embrace Islam
on this island. This was where the Khanzi people had found
The Maldive Mystery
refuge after they fled from Gaaf-Gan, according to the old men
on Gadu. But the Singalese cat people who drove them away
had later come here too and killed them all, according to the
same stories. If Singalese they would have been Buddhists. And
if the tradition was founded on fact, the saint under these flags
might have been a Buddhist who embraced Islam, which was at
last triumphant.
The mosque was not big but well built with beautiful wood
carvings as full of arabesques as the tombstones. The high
window openings looked out over the low stone wall that
enclosed the sacred ground, to what seemed like a refuse dump,
a long low heap of sand and broken slabs of stone. Loutfi
climbed over the wall and stepped on to the rubble. We fol-
lowed. This was where the inscribed slab had been dug up, he
said. He had seen it himself, here, complete.
The archaeologists scratched their heads as we walked back
and forth over broken pieces of limestone. Disappointed, they
affirmed that there was nothing here that they could do. It was
too late. Everything had recently been turned upside down. No
possibility for any stratified archaeology. No sense in scraping
away 5-centimetre layers where old and new all lay muddled
together in complete chaos.
Loutfi regretted this. The local people had dug here recently
looking for squared stones which they could re-use for new
houses. That was how they had hit upon the plaque. Loutfi had
seen it right here. That fellow, he said, pointing at the chief who
sat gloomily and with a guilty conscience on the wall, that fellow
had promised to send it to Male. And now he could not even
remember where the missing fragments were. His people had
searched everywhere but found nothing.
‘Perhaps there will be other things if we search through this
mess,’ I suggested.
‘It won’t be an archaeological dig,’ responded Skjélsvold. ‘But
there could be pieces worth saving.’
The Vadu men were sent by their chief to fetch shovels.
Without much enthusiasm they began lifting away stones
and digging sand from one end of the long pile. They knew
there was nothing of interest to be found for they had
already turned everything upside down themselves. But work
started. We checked every bit of stone rubble before it was
Return to the Equatorial Channel
carried aside, while the chief sat morose and motionless on the
We had barely started when Johansen shouted. The mortised
base of a round column appeared under the sand and was
brushed clean. From previous experience Loutfi suggested it
was a pedestal, perhaps of a column mortised together in
sections. Gradually we found four more. We had barely pulled
part of a beautiful plaque decorated with a band of lotus motifs
out of the sand, when all the workmen dropped their shovels
and even the archaeologists turned away from the excavations.
On the other side of the wall came a long column of women,
dressed in green, red and other bright colours, some of them
very pretty. Many wore the Egyptian-style rainbow band as
collar and cuffs. They carried mugs and glasses with sweet
rosewater for us and the workmen to drink. Even though the
sullen chief sat undisturbed on the wall and refused to drink,
there was a trace of satisfaction in his face when he saw the way
we all rose and enjoyed the refreshments. He had organised it
himself, wishing to make up for his previous misdemeanour.
The visiting ladies were neither timid nor frivolous, but so
charming and gentle that their presence with the rosewater was
like a merry cocktail party being celebrated on arubbish dump.
How different these women were from their shy and secluded
sisters in other Moslem countries. Here, as elsewhere in the
Maldives, was a clear survival of a pre-Arab society where
women were not only the men’s equal in privilege, but where all
existing records from foreign visitors state that the ruler of these
cowrie islands was customarily a queen. Even the legendary
Khanzi ruler of Gaaf-Gan had been a queen.
The work of checking the limestone rubble was now resumed
with greater enthusiasm, but the schemes of the repentant chief
were not exhausted. The equatorial sun was scorching and we
were again parched with thirst when another procession of
different women appeared with fresh supplies of the same cool
In spite of these delightful interruptions, or perhaps because
of them, work went on at full speed with singing and laughing.
Stones rejected or overlooked by those who had dug here before
us were hauled out of the sand and placed in the shade of nearby
trees. There we brushed them clean and could inspect them,
The Maldive Mystery
Return to the Equatorial Channel
the pagan temple that had once stood where the mosque was
now, just on the other side of the stone fence.
A visit to the mosque convinced us that local memories were
right. The mosque stood on the beautifully shaped foundation
wall of an earlier temple. Now this foundation was covered up
with plaster like the sun-stones, but where the plaster had
peeled off we found the same classical mouldings we had first
seen when we dug the buried temple in Nilandu. The people
told us there were also the remains of a low mound on the
opposite side of the mosque. A man had found decorated
plaques there too when he dug to plant maize but nobody knew
the fate of those plaqués.
Searching the brush-covered neighbourhood in vain for other
ruins, I came back to find Skjélsvold and Johansen very excited.
They had found the fragment of a plaque with incised but
nondescript symbols, and a thick block with one broken sun-
wheel and one engraving of a sign resembling the Buddhist
symbol for the baby Buddha. While admiring these discoveries
we had to give way to Johansen who was carrying a large and
heavy block. A huge sunflower with a pattern of rays which
spread out over its eight petals stood out in high relief from a
slightly larger, decorated disc which again rose from a cubic
base. This magnificent sun must have stood on top of a square
post or else projected from the temple wall. One central and four
peripheral holes had been drilled straight into the ornamenta-
tion as if intended to hold pegs.
Just as the mudimmu was calling for prayer in the mosque and
the workmen were putting down their tools, Wahid bent down
and picked up a bead, an ochre-coloured bead of agate, perfor-
ated as if part of a necklace. Agate does not occur naturally on
coral islands. This bead had made a long sea journey.
Seeing our excitement over the bead, one of the workmen
claimed he had found about 200 of them digging in this place.
They had been brought to the atoll office. And lost. Two had
been saved by the mudimmu, and after prayers he willingly
passed them on to us. One was of agate but slightly bigger and
brighter than the one we had found. The other was of shell, and
not round but long and slender, slightly thicker at midpoint and
perforated lengthwise. Not long after, one of our workmen
picked up one of that same type from our dig. I was sure I had
The Maldive Mystery
Return to the Equatorial Channel
recent months. That was due to the indifference of the chief who
now sat on the wall looking down on the havoc. Completely
covered by plaster as they were, the beautiful solar discs and
sunflowers had probably never been seen by any Moslems, not
until we uncovered them from the thick coat of ancient plaster.
The Maldive Mystery
laughed and rejoiced with him. Even the stout chief came down
from the wall with his big white teeth exposed in an uncertain
smile. The least happy was the mudimmu when he came out from
the mosque and saw the bare mud around the well as we carried
the inscribed plaques away.
Return to the Equatorial Channel
The Maldive Mystery
Return to the Equatorial Channel
The men work fast and efficiently. They always learn quickly
and demonstrate intelligence. Men and women have a great
sense of humour. There seems to be no sex discrimination.
The women are completely unafraid and self-confident.
Wahid claims that on this island women have more to say
than men. The young boys and girls are extremely bright and
very good-looking. Some of the young girls on this island are
among the prettiest I have seen.
The Maldive Mystery
not square but round, without a single wall stone carved with
ornaments, but with clear evidence of a former coat of white
plaster. A crude stairway of unworked beach boulders curved
up the side of the slope. Perhaps this was a secondary feature,
since the blocks in the wall were carefully squared, although not
flat and smooth like the facing slabs we had seen on this and
other islands.
Skjélsvold pointed out traces of four walls above each other in
terraces, each one stepped in from the wall below. An old man
claimed to have seen six such tiers when the hawitta was still in
its proper shape.
It was impossible to say from surface observation whether or
not this Buddhist dagoba had been shaped around the core of
an earlier structure. When the Moslems came it must have
looked like a terraced conical pyramid, plastered white and
dominating the island and the surrounding sea.
Loutfi was missing from the dig. He had been limping for a
few days since scratching his leg and getting an infection. Now!
learned to my dismay that he felt ill and had gone to see the
‘doctor’. Everybody in the expedition had bandages around
their legs because of small cuts and scratches. Everybody but
me. I instead had my head bandaged because of running into a
broken branch in the jungle. Luckily these jungle germs never
seemed to climb higher from the ground than to infect grazes
and cuts below the knees.
The ‘doctor’ proved to be the only island health worker, a fine
young Maldivian of 19 years with two weeks training at the
hospital in Male. We found him with his patients on a sort of
verandah at the entrance to the atoll office. In a wooden ham-
mock Loutfi lay wrapped up to his nose in stacks of thick
blankets, shivering with cold. Ona camp-bed beside him lay, to
my great surprise, an elderly gentleman. Martin! One of his legs
was swollen like a melon with two tiny stings side by side,
rubbed by the young man with a grey piece of cotton wool.
Martin was not happy at all. He had taken his own snake
medicine, had vomited, and now had pains in both leg and
stomach. Seeing Martin’s foot I could not help thinking of six of
our workmen on Gaaf-Gan, six out of sixty, who had elephan-
tiasis in one or both legs. Some tropical mosquitos spread the
microscopic worm that causes elephantiasis, but the growth is
The Maldive Mystery
the right moment. Four towering waves rose behind each other,
tumbling in across the reef, followed by an interval of smaller
breakers when we had to hurry out to the open sea as fast as our
four island experts could swing their oars. At a sign from the
helmsman, who jumped on board first, the oarsmen pushed off
while big Loutfi, wise from experience, let himself be carried
dry-foot into the dhoni. Too proud, Martin waded, and was
pulled into the little boat which met the first surf with a leap,
and leap by leap carried them all to safety in the open rolling
waters. It was a relief to see them and all our equipment safe up
the ladder of Golden Ray. Two more trips and we were all back
The Maldive Mystery
on the fine little hospital ship, southward bound for Addu atoll
with the airport.
Martin was still on his feet when we parted from him and
Wahid on Addu-Gan. Next morning the little plane was due in
for its flight back to Male, while we began our cruise back there
by sea. We were later to learn that our unfortunate friend
reached Male in desperate condition. He was saved by a visiting
lady doctor from India who arranged for an emergency seat ona
full plane to Germany where he was rushed to the tropical
department of a Frankfurt hospital. And from there to quaran-
tine for unidentified diseases in Oslo. The source of his infection
was never in fact identified, and although he recovered he never
quite cleared the trouble out of his leg. The old Arctic explorer
had never thought he was risking his life by stepping down the
broad stairways to aswimming pool.
Our own voyage northwards went smoothly, with only one
unforeseen event. We crossed the Equatorial Channel and most
of Gaaf lagoon on the first day and, after a night at anchor off
Kondai island, we reached Viringili in the same lagoon late the
next morning. We anchored again because the captain was afraid
of reaching land and reefs on the other side of the One-and-Half-
Degree Channel before daylight broke the morning after.
Some distance from our ship lay a strange kind of watercraft
full of children playing and diving. It looked like a huge raft
with a hut on it. Not the type of log raft we use in the Maldives,
said Loutfi. He shouted a question to two men in a passing
dhoni, and we learned that the mysterious craft had been found
on the outer reef off the east coast of Viringili yesterday. Some
fishermen had found it and, perhaps from superstition since
they saw no crew on board, they had set it on fire. Then they
towed it into the lagoon. Nobody wanted it until the children
had pulled it to pieces, then the separate parts would be sold at
auction in the village tomorrow.
We launched our barge and hurried over before the strange
craft was completely destroyed. Little boys were busy tearing
down parts of the cabin wall, but as we approached they dived
overboard and swam ashore.
It was a raft indeed: large, and built from giant bamboo. I had
never seen bamboo as thick as this. Thick as telegraph poles and
tied together in three layers under eight cross beams of wood
Return to the Equatorial Channel
We left the Maldives on this second visit well aware that the
mystery we had hoped to solve became more complicated the
more we learnt. It was clear enough that Buddhists from Sri
Lanka or the continent beyond had a firm hold on this oceanic
archipelago before the Moslems arrived, and yet others had
been here before them. But one new question that gradually
emerged was not easy to answer. With Buddhism so well
established throughout the Maldive territory, and with the
mighty Buddhist nation of Sri Lanka, with powerful kings and
armies, as their nearest neighbour, how could a handful of
Moslems from distant Arabia come sailing here to tear down all
the beautiful temples and succeed so thoroughly in converting
the entire population to Islam?
The Maldives, a
Crossroad in Antiquity
The Pre-European Epoch of Free Trade
The Maldive Mystery" 0 nt
began. The last king was made a sultan by a pious foreigner
started local history. He caused all the kings to
came by sea and
disappear into oblivion, except one, the one he himself
in his
verted. With neither arms, nor with any Maldive blood
d the
veins, he introduced a new faith, new laws, and founde
present Moslem Maldive state.
In the great Friday Mosque in Male hangs a long board,
beautifully sculpted, with entwining Arab letters raised
relief. Carved in the century after the event, it commem orates
the arrival of Abu al Barakat, the intrepid Arab voyager who
brought Islam to the Maldives and built this mosque. The
mosque itself, the oldest in the nation, is one of those where
ly to the corner because the
worshipper must kneel oblique
older foundation is facing the sun instead of Mecca.
The board with its Arab inscriptions probably made no
impression on foreign visitors until seen and described by the
famous Moorish Arab traveller and author, Ibn Battuta, who
came to the Maldives in 1343. Two centuries had then passed
since the local people had embraced Islam. Ibn Battuta was one
of the many great Arab globe-trotters of his day, and yet his
journeys are among the few known to us, thanks to his own pen.
He came to the Maldives from his home in Tangiers. That is,
long before Vasco da Gama, he had come from his home on the
Atlantic coast to undertake extensive voyages in the Indian
Ocean and reach Cambay in north-west India. It was from this
port area of the former Indus Valley civilisation that he ended
up in the Maldives on his way around the southern tip of India.
Before he continued to China he made a long sojourn in the
Maldives. These islands were known to him before he left the
continent, because he wrote: ‘I resolved to go to the Dhibat
Almahal [the Arabic name for Maldive Islands], of which I had
heard much... These islands are among the wonders of the
In the Friday Mosque of Male, Ibn Battuta copied the Arab
inscriptions from the carved board, and rendered the name of
the historic hero who brought Islam to these islands the way he
believed he should read the letters: Abu al Barakat Yusuf, with
the geographical suffix al Barbari, which means ‘from Berber
The Maldive Mystery
C5 SAN aries
esp pte
As is well known to Moslem historians, Tabriz played an
important part in the spread of Islam into mainland Asia and
down the Mesopotamian waterways to Bahrain in the Persian
Gulf and beyond. Even though the globe-trotting Ibn Battuta
personally came from Tangiers in the remotest corner of ‘Berber
land’, he too crossed the river Tigris to visit Tabriz, which
greatly impressed him. In particular he admired ‘an immense
bazaar called the Qazan bazaar, one of the finest bazaars I have
seen the world over’, he wrote. And in a footnote the translator
of his travelogue explains: ‘Tabriz was at this time at the height
of its prosperity as the entrepdt between Europe and the Mongol
Loutfi was not alone in his revision of Ibn Battuta’s reading.
He had barely initiated us in the secret of the missing dots when
a British expert on Islamic studies, A. D. W. Forbes, published a
report on Maldive mosques. Reading the inscriptions on the
wall of the Male Friday Mosque, he wrote: ‘Lines 2-3 of the
inscription read: ‘Abu’! Barakat Yusuf al-Tabrizi arrived in this
country, and the sultan became a Muslim at his hands in the
month of Rabi’al-Akhir 548 [i.e. ap 1153]’’.. He commented:
‘The chief difference between this inscription and the abbrevi-
ated version recorded by Ibn Battuta lies in the use of the nisba
«Tabrizi» instead of «Barbari».™
But this first page of Maldive history was not only carved and
painted in Arab letters in the mosque. The Maldivians had short
history books written in their own Divehi letters on thin copper
strips bound together as proper books. These state chronicles
were called tarikh, and through them and later paper documents
they know the names of all their sultans. The list began with one
ruling as a non-Moslem king from 1141 until he was converted
to Islam in 1153. It ended with the one ruling until 1968 when
the Maldives became a republic.
Bell had studied these old written records and wrote:
The Maldive Mystery
Clearly the most pious Shaikh Yusuf of Tabriz had not come
to Male on a drift voyage, but with the preconceived plan to
bring Islam to idolaters in a nation already famous everywhere
the Arabs advanced. The Shaikh from Tabriz sailed from Meso-
potamia as well informed as did later his Arab compatriot Ibn
Battuta from the Indus Valley port of Cambay. In fact, the easiest
navigation route for early sailing ships would be that of our first
leg with the reed ship Tigris from Mesopotamia to the Indus
Valley. The next leg would simply be to turn the bow.due south
to the equator, then to turn for the sunrise, and the Maldive
hawittas would show up on the horizon.
Knowing that the devout Shaikh from Tabriz came to the
Maldives intent on converting the population, the question is:
how did he succeed? Why did the King and all his people so
willingly accept the new faith and tear down their splendid
ancestral hawittas?
The old Divehi tarikh and the later Arab account by Ibn
Battuta give two different reasons, both suggesting that the
foreigner succeeded through the use of miraculous powers. The
tarikh has it that he conjured forth a jinni ‘whose head almost
reached the sky’. Nothing but a kite could have been sent that
high at the time, and kites with heads of demons, trailing long
streamers behind were a speciality among the early Asiatic
peoples. But the sending up ofa kite, or any other such trick bya
foreign visitor, would hardly suffice to convert the people
throughout the Maldives.
Ibn Battuta, on the other hand, from personal experience
believed in the local memories of the virgins and the demon
from the sea. His version of the legend, written down six and a
half centuries ago, was more detailed than the one we heard:
Memories of how this demon from the sea was first scared
away were still fresh in Male when recorded by Ibn Battuta:
The story and the motive for the conversion of the Inhabitants of
these Islands to Islam . . . Trustworthy men among the inhabi-
tants, such as the lawyer Isa al- Yamani, the lawyer and school-
master Ali, the Kazi Abd Allah, and others, related to me that
the people of these islands used to be idolaters, and that there
appeared to them every month an evil spirit, one of the Jinn,
who came from the direction of the sea. He resembled a ship
full of lamps. The custom of the natives, as soon as they
perceived him, was to take a young virgin, to adorn her, and
to conduct her to the budkhdana, that is to say, an idol temple,
which was built on the sea-shore and had a window by which
she was visible. They left her there during the night and
returned in the morning, at which time they were wont to
find the young girl dishonoured and dead. Every month they
drew lots, and he upon whom the lot fell gave up his daughter.
At length arrived among them a Maghrabin Berber, called
Abi'l-barakat, who knew by heart the glorious Koran. He was
lodged in the house of an old woman of the island Mahal
[Male]. One day he visited his hostess and found that she had
assembled her relatives, and that the women were weeping as
at a funeral. He questioned them upon the subject of their
affliction, but they could not make him understand the cause,
until an interpreter, who chanced to come in, informed him
that the lot had fallen upon the old woman, and that she had an
only daughter, who was now about to be slain by the evilJinni,
Abu'l-barakadt said to the woman: ‘I will go to-night in thy
daughter’s stead.’ At that time he was entirely beardless. So,
The Maldive Mystery
like a ship full of lamps whenever the jinni came, was probably
just what it looked like: a ship full of lamps. The fiend from the
sea and the fear-stricken population ashore hardly shared the
same faith. This would indicate that the people ashore, at the
advent of Islam from the Arab world, were no longer Hindus,
but Buddhists.
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldives, a Crossroad in Antiquity ——
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldives, a Crossroad in Antiquity
Ibn Battuta tells us that the Queen, then Sultana, was married
to her own Chief Justice. Every day he and the other Ministers
had to present themselves in her audience hall. There they made
a salutation, and when the eunuchs had transmitted their
respects to Her Majesty, they retired. ‘The army of this Queen
consists of about a thousand men of foreign birth, though some
of them are natives. They come every day to the hall of audience
to salute her and then go home. Their pay is in rice.’
This number of foreign soldiers, paid in rice imported from
Bengal according to Battuta, reflects the habits of a nation with
ample contact with the outside world. Loutfi’s descent from
some early royal bodyguard of tall black slaves brought from
Yemen shows that this custom of importing warriors for protec-
tion was no isolated phenomenon. And the reason seems clear.
Ibn Battuta describes the local islanders thus:
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldives, a Crossroad in Antiquity
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldives, a Crossroad in Antiquity
Of Ormuz (Hormuz) the same early Arab wrote that it has not
its equal on the surface of the globe. Merchants from all climates
make their way to this port, he says, and he mentions Egypt,
Syria, Turkistan, China, Java, Pegu (Burma), Bengal, the
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldives, a Crossroad in Antiquity
avoided India and headed with their cargo direct to the Red Sea.
When this became known to the Portuguese viceroy he gave
orders that his son ‘should proceed with the armada, and see
what was going on at these islands, and whether ships could be
seized’. The armada set sail for the Maldives but, trapped by the
current, they ended up on Sri Lanka, where the Portuguese
established themselves ashore instead. The Maldives were left
in peace a few years more. But soon Portuguese pirates from
India and Sri Lanka began to raid these islands, where one
record shows that they seized two rich ships from Cambay. In
1519, the Portuguese, despatched an armada intent on con-
quering the Maldives also. This fleet reached Male where the
Portuguese built a fort and the commander compelled the
islanders to deliver their products, ‘paying for it according to
his pleasure’.
Some Maldivians stole away in a boat to fetch a noted Indian
corsair from the Malabar coast. They came back escorted by
twelve Malabar vessels, seized the Portuguese ships which lay
unmanned in Male harbour, and joined by the other islanders
they entered the fort from the unprotected water-side. Thanks
to the battle experience of the Indian corsairs all the Portuguese
were put to the sword, and the corsairs and the islanders
divided a rich booty.
Although the Portuguese continued sporadic piracy in the
Maldives, real trouble began for the islanders in 1550 when their
Sultan, Hassan IX, left the archipelago to join the Portuguese in
India where he was converted to Christianity. This encouraged
the Portuguese to come back and attempt to take over the
Maldives. They failed twice, but in 1558 they succeeded in
conquering Male and for fifteen years the Maldivians were
under foreign rule, the only dark period in their history. This
rule was granted to a hated local traitor, a Portuguese Christian
with a Maldive mother, Andreas Andre, locally known as Adiri
Adiri. The tarikh says:
The Maldive Mystery
The tarikh, full of names of those who joined the revolt, tells of
how a little group of sworn freedom fighters started nightly
guerilla warfare throughout the archipelago until all foreigners
were restricted to Male. Joined once more by volunteers from
the Malabar coast, the guerilla force, under cover of night,
stole into Male harbour. The next day had been fixed by the
Portuguese garrison for the execution of all those who refused
conversionto Christianity. But before sunrise it was Adiri Adiri
who died, together with the entire Portuguese garrison.”
As the modern Maldive historian, our friend Hassan Maniku,
expressed it: ‘Every Portuguese colonist departed our shores
through the portals of death, never to return to disturb the
tranquillity of our independence.’®
‘Later nobody has interfered in our internal affairs, although
we were a British protectorate from 1887 to 1965,’ added Maniku,
and he showed me his impressive list of close to one hundred
sultans and sultanas who had succeeded each other through six
dynasties of Moslem history.
We, of course, had been digging in the Maldives to find out
what had happened before them. A modern-day President had
requested us to look for anything that would reveal what this
long line of sultans had wanted their subjects to forget.
A Lost Chapter in
World History
The Lions and the Bull in the Sun-
The Maldive Mystery
A Lost Chapter in World History
The Maldive Mystery
A Lost Chapter in World History
The Maldive Mystery
who came to tell me the story in Loutfi’s office, was a giant too
by Maldive standards.
When these two fair strangers and their dark little Maldive
companion beached on the former Redin island of Landu, all the
people ran away. From their stature and colouring the unexpec-
ted visitors must have looked like the legendary idea of the
Redin. As they walked up the empty village street they saw
people peeping through the door cracks. They entered the un-
locked island office to spend the night there. When the chief atlast
came out the others followed and the old people kept on pointing
at the tall blond men. They were shown the house where food
was left every night for the jinnis. Every morning it was gone.
Next day they went to see the great Redin mound which Dave
estimated to be 15 metres (50 feet) high, in the midst of marshy
land. There was no trail or track near the mound, and nobody
from the village dared to follow the three visitors there. A huge
banyan tree grew on top and other trees and bushes covered the
slopes. There was a temple inside, Dave had been told, but he
had seen nothing except big crude blocks scattered about. I met
nobody else who had seen this ‘Great Cooking Place’ where the
Redin were supposed to have lit their kitchen fires.
From these northern atolls the Redin had established them-
selves along the whole chain of Maldive islands right down to
Addu atoll south of the Equatorial Channel. One of their last
hold-outs had been Addu-Gan, where the airport engineers
had now destroyed their large hawitta. But when the new
inhabitants of the Maldives had come there too, the Redin had
retreated for a while to Hitadu in the same atoll but right on the
Equatorial Channel. Disturbed by the arrival of the new immi-
grants there also, they had in the end gone to live on a small islet
off Hitadu, called Kabo-Hura. Here the Redin continued to
perform their own rites. They danced. The people of Hitadu
could hear the sound of their dumari trumpets when they
danced. The Redin were normally peaceful, but not when they
danced. When the people of Hitadu heard the trumpets some
were irresistibly drawn to that place because of the sound of the
ritual. When they saw the performers they became spellbound
and were unable to return to their own homes. They died on
Kabo-Hura. Their bones were found there when the Redin
left. For the Redin did leave, they did not all die in the
A Lost Chapter in World History
Maldives. They went away in the end, but nobody knew where.
The dance the Redin performed was called deo. This meant
‘demon’ to the Maldivians although it meant ‘god’ to the Hindu,
and old folks in Addu said that many of their ancestors died
from the deo dance. Not only people in Hitadu but in all parts of
the Maldives had died from the deo dance. They were naked
when they danced this dance, men and women, for it was a
sexual dance. They ‘did things connected with sex’ during this
performance. The deo dance was prohibited now. About twenty
years ago a letter was sent from Male to all the islands saying
that this dance was forbidden, like alcohol and adultery.
Loutfi was born on Hitadu. He recalled from his own boy-
hood that there had been a small stone house with a corbel-
vaulted roof left by theRedin on Kabo-Hura islet. The islet and
the view from there was so beautiful that the British com-
mander had destroyed the Redin house and built his own
bungalow on the site during the Second World War.
Nobody knew how people used to die during the Redin
dance, but in his book Maloney describes a traditional Maldive
dance which he believes to be of Persian or West Asiatic origin. A
prayer is said and incense is burnt before the drummer begins.
As the music warms up and frenzy mounts, the dancer begins
stabbing his own skull repeatedly with an iron spike and the
blood runs. This tdra dance may well be some remnant of the
Redin deo dance.
Blood sacrifice, although not of human beings, was once
common in the Maldives, but it was certainly of neither Moslem
nor Buddhist origin. Many of our dependable informants in-
sisted that blood sacrifice to the god of the sea, Rannamaari, still
occasionally took place all over the archipelago. In the northern
atolls strange masked dances are still performed where words
from a forgotten language are used to summon supernatural
The blend of cultures behind the old Maldive nation became
even more apparent when the chiefs explained that they fol-
lowed three different calendar systems on their islands. They
had the modern year divided into January, February, etc. Then
they used the Islamic lunar calendar. But their own old one was
the solar year of 27 months with the interpolation of an extra
month every eleven years. This solar calendar year was used for
The Maldive Mystery
A Lost Chapter in World History
The Maldive Mystery
A Lost Chapter in World History
we floated right across the reef which was 400 metres (about 440
yards) wide. Before the sun set we had followed the inside of the
reef back to Nilandu and dropped anchor a few yards away from
the piers. Last time-we were only able to come in here with the
flat-bottomed barge.
Nilandu again.
As darkness fell we were not a little surprised to see a light
twinkle rhythmically out on the reef. Two sharp flashes, a long
pause, then two flashes again. A light-buoy! It was another sign
of how the Maldives were racing into the technological age. We
had seen nothing like this, except in Male, on our visit the
previous year. And Nilandu was well away from any shipping
lane, so this was just marking the reef for the benefit of the local
fishermen. The buoy was powered, we learned to our increased
amazement when we came ashore, by solar energy. We also
learned that, since we last left, a boat from Male had been
here with some Japanese visitors. No doubt this explained the
miraculous light-buoy.
Ashore we noticed other changes since a year ago. The music
from modern Japanese transistor radios blared and screamed at
us from a number of huts in violent discord with the rustling of
palms and the atmosphere of the village, the stars, the lagoon.
Tastes may differ, but this to me was an unhappy blend, like
drinking milk with caviar or playing Beethoven at a football
Perhaps the sound was set at its loudest to impress and
welcome us. As we reached our little sand-filled temple mound
among the palms, the noise faded away, but here too things had
changed. The mound was untouched, but the sandy area around
the trench where we had found the phalloid sculptures had been
turned upside down like a potato field.
‘They took away only one stone,’ said the chief when he saw
how upset we were.
‘They? Who were they?’
‘The Japanese. They came to film what you had found. And
then dug like you did.’
‘Were they archaeologists? Scientists?’
Nobody understood. Loutfi had to intervene. No, we learned.
They were film people. They had chartered a Male boat to film
what they heard we had seen.
The Maldive Mystery
A Lost Chapter in World History
sand for their cement. At the bottom of the pit we could see the
top of another buried wall.
The old people were able to tell us that beach sand had been
brought in to bury the pagan bath in front of the mosque. We
dug a test trench through loose sand and found the upper stone
steps of an elegant stairway which led down into the ground.
More men were brought with shovels. There was a half-moon
shaped stone where the stairs began and a beautifully dressed
and fitted line of blocks forming the upper rim of a buried
structure. It was large and circular. As we dug our way down
through loose sand wefound broken bits of limestone, part of a
Moslem tombstone and a phalloid sculpture, all thrown in with
the sand to fill the structure. From the upper rim a broad flight of
stairs with seven stepslanked by vertical stone walls led down
to a stone bench 50 centimetres wide (about 20 inches) which
ran out in a wide circle in both directions.
Just below the bench we hit water. Freshwater. It sank with
the tide as we worked to clear a large segment including half the
rim. The perfectly circular bath was 7.2 metres (23 feet 7 inches)
in its inside diameter. Where the straight walls of the stairs and
the round ones of the bath butted together, the blocks of the
former had been shouldered to withstand the water pressure.
The large ceremonial bath had been built with the same tech-
nical ability and aesthetic perfection as the square bath in Fua
Mulaku; but here all the walls and steps had been covered with
a coat of lime plaster, almost certainly at a secondary stage since
the stones themselves had been smoothly dressed and polished.
The compass showed that the stairs entered precisely on the
south side, from a former causeway that went from the east wall
of the mosque on the now cement-plastered temple foundation,
straight eastwards to the nearby lagoon.
A shout from Mikkelsen and Johansen left no doubt about
their trench having hit the legendary boundary wall of the
former temple complex. There it was indeed. Running exactly
east-west. An amusing interlude came when one of the work-
men shouted that he had caught a ‘modern crab’ on his shovel.
A hermit-crab, of the kind that normally runs around with its
soft body hidden in an empty snail shell, was struggling to get
up from the trench with the lid of a plastic bottle on its back.
Bits of carbon appeared. And pieces of thick pottery. ‘Rumba
The Maldive Mystery
moshi’ the workmen called it. This was the kind they used
themselves for storing water in their own houses. But deeper
down Mikkelsen picked up a piece of a greenish ware. ‘Tashi
moshi,’ said the workmen. Loutfi translated ‘Chinese pottery’,
and that was indeed what it looked like to us too.
‘Bardbaro,’ said Johansen, and he put the green sherd in its
proper plastic bag. That was the Divehi term for ‘good, fine’.
This was the first Maldive word we learnt, the most useful one,
and one that served also as a piece in our detective puzzle, for
the Maldivians shared this word and this meaning with old
Urdu, the Indo-Aryan language of the Indus Valley region.
Further down the trench the archaeologists hit upon more of
the Chinese-type potsherds. It had a very special cracked green
glaze and really looked like ancient ware from the Far East. They
found it as well as other ware, shell fragments and carbon right
down to the ground level of the old wall.
At the depth of 90 centimetres (36 inches), Mikkelsen scraped
up a strange bead of red and black mosaic, oblong and perfor-
ated lengthwise. It was a delicate composition and a unique
piece. Our island friends had never seen anything like it. We
had. In some museum. But where?
The buried wall, which proved to be just where the old
islanders indicated, enclosed the whole legendary temple area.
Test pits showed that it ran in a square covering more than two
acres of ground.
The wall itself provided mute information from an epoch
unknown to Moslem tradition. It was built with squared stones
outside and with coral fill inside, and was as wide as a man
could stretch his arms. Way down inside the fill was imbedded a
big limestone piece from a cornice decoration of a former
temple. It was carved with a pattern of knobs and notches that
resembled classic Greek design. A sophisticated temple had
been built on this island, and later it had been destroyed or
fallen into disuse before this pre-Moslem wall was built. Again,
this confirmed our findings on Gan and Gadu.
‘Two peoples seem to have succeeded each other as temple
builders here,’ commented Johansen. ‘And both before the
mosque was built.’
The temple mound indicated the same to Skjdlsvold. His team
had trenched the interior fill of coral sand to the bottom. Only
A Lost Chapter in World History
sand, some dirt, and an odd lump of coral made up the solid
pyramid. No charcoal. No relic chamber. No burial. But right
down at ground level, and smack in the centre of the square
base, lay a big conch. A complete marine conch placed there on
purpose, perhaps for magico-religious reasons, by the architects
of the building. Next to the conch lay some unusual reddish or
rather ochre-coloured stones, cut to the size and shape of
modern bricks. Only one was whole; they all lay tossed in as
base fill among loose cora! blocks. We had never seen brick-
coloured sandstone like this before on these islands.
‘We have it, but not much. We call it rat-ga, ‘‘red-stone”’,’
explained Loutfi.
This was one of three types they could quarry. Most common
was veli-ga, ‘sand-stofie’, the smoky-white, coarse-grained
limestone used as building blocks in the temple and all the walls
we had excavated. It formed the foundation of all these islands.
Then there was hiri-ga, or ‘white-stone’, which was quarried
from the outer reef or the bottom of the lagoon. That was the
fine-grained shiny white limestone used as outer dressing
stones by the original temple builders and usually removed by
the Moslems for use in their own mosques.
The presence of the red-stone, which we had never seen
before, was therefore not so surprising. But these discarded red-
stones had been carved as part of some decorated temple wall
and not for fill where we found them.
‘Two temple periods,’ concluded Skjélsvold too. ‘We cannot
say any more until we get the conch carbon-dated.’
Next Gaaf-Gan, for our third time. We could not wait to find out
whether the Japanese had also damaged the sun-temple.
Asim had a firm trust in Allah and was not afraid to take
calculated risks. In the channel between Gaaf-Gan and Gadu he
and Hassan rowed ahead in the dinghy, and dived, until he
came back and steered Shadas right in over the outer reef.
‘It is high tide,’ he explained, ‘and yet the reef is so shallow
outside that the surf breaks before it reaches us.’
Then he and Hassan dived again to fasten a whole array of
ropes from the ship along the bottom of the coral formations
around us; so that when the tide went out we were left as
sheltered as ina swimming pool of calm and crystal clear water,
The Maldive Mystery
with coral showing above the surface all around and so little
water under our keel that the largest of the colourful fishes had
to swim around to get past. Porpoises tumbled in through the
unsheltered channel next to us, but there was no room for them
in our pool.
A boat came out with the ‘owner’ of Gan on board, and before
we had time to ask he told us that the Japanese had been here.
They had asked to see what we had found, and were taken to the
great hawitta. But they had not been able to dig, said our tall
friend with a broad smile, because the people of Gadu had
refused to lend them pick and shovel.
The site of the sun-temple was indeed as we had left it. The
great hawitta still lay there complete with the giant kandhu tree
as a spire. Nor did we ourselves intend to open this colossal
mound in search of any hidden relic chambers. That needed to
be done by a major expedition able to build up walls holding the
rubble from caving in when deep trenches or exploring shafts
were opened. Looking instead for datable carbon and potsherds,
we trenched to the bottom of all four walls outside the pyramid,
and ran other trenches at intervals out into the surrounding
terrain. Work was repeatedly interrupted by torrential rain
which came in true tropical style. We hung a huge canvas sheet
up between the trees, and under it sixty of us were cramped
together, being entertained by laughter-loving workmen and
drinking the water that gushed down from the canvas covering.
Then the sun came out again and we were back at work.
The pieces of carbon, bone splinters and potsherds that
fascinated the archaeologists did not particularly appeal to
Loutfi. He was looking for bigger game, and used all the spare
labour to cut trails and clearings in search of more hawittas. And
he found them. In the jungle immediately surrounding the large
hawitta were six more mounds, low, but some of considerable
extent. On top of one of them lay large, long building blocks
covered by green moss but revealing a beautiful decorative
relief of staffs and concentric rings as the moss was peeled off.
Shaped stones lay everywhere, and square blocks with a central
pit that looked as if they could have been pedestals for posts.
Dead east of the great hawitta, and only some 70 metres (230
feet) away, was a marked depression into which I almost fell.
When we pulled away the ferns and branches it proved to be
A Lost Chapter in World History
The Maldive Mystery
A Lost Chapter in World History
sometimes sit with one foot bent up but then the other hangs
Then we heard a shout of excitement, turning into triumph-
ant singing. It came from a group of workmen who were
struggling to tear up the huge stump of a tree still left on one of
the ramps. In the deep cavity where the roots had been lay a
stone bull facing upwards. The horned animal was carved front
view, standing with head, forepart and two legs shown, as if in
the process of emerging from the stone. There was a strangely
Mesopotamian feel to this particular carving. As a motif, how-
ever, the lion and the bull were two main symbols of divinity
which ancient Mesopotamia shared with their great neighbours
in India.
Next day we went te work after a full night’s thunderstorm
had passed over. Heavy clouds still hung around. Crazy weather
for the dry season! Damp and rheumatic. A number of the
workmen were missing, although they never seemed to worry
much about getting wet. It was almost noon when Johansen
scraped out what looked like a stone phallus but, when brushed
clean, resembled more the bud of a large lotus flower. Amoment
later he began to yell, and his Maldive team jumped and danced
around him.
It was another lion, this time a complete one with the front
paws bent forwards under the head. It was roughtly 40 centi-
metres long and 21 centimetres high (16 inches by 8% inches),
carved as if lying down but with the hind parts merely squared
to enter into the wall, as was the case with the bull and the sun-
stones. Most strikingly, there was again this mysterious cup-
shaped pit on top of the lion’s head.
Some moments later Mikkelsen came across a third lion
sculpture in the same area, but this one was only a fragment
showing the feline muzzle with mouth and nostrils, and the
right side of the body behind. Whoever had assailed this
magnificent monument of art had done a thorough job. But it
was not the Moslems. For the bull was found thrown in as
part of the building material for the ramp. The Moslems had
destroyed the final structure, but they did not build the ramp.
The Maldive Mystery
fish in the lagoon. He was not afraid of jinnis or feretas, but after
a while we heard him shouting wildly for Zakkaria to fetch him
in the rubber dinghy. Zakkaria took some time putting aside his
pots and pans, and when he finally rowed to fetch Hassan the
latter was beside himself with rage and fear. A jinni had come
behind him and thrown sand on his head. Hassan was still
brushing it out of his hair. Perhaps a flying heron, we sug-
gested, or a big bat. But Hassan sneered at these suggestions.
Herons do not throw sand. Jinnis do. Next day in broad daylight
he took Zakkaria to the place to look for footprints. There were
none. Only those of Hassan’s big bare feet. This convinced
Hassan. Only jinnis can move on a beach without leaving
Pressed by other duties both Skjélsvold and Loutfi had to
leave before the rest of us, so with Shadas we crossed the
Equatorial Channel to the airport island of Addu-Gan.
On our way south from Gaaf-Gan we made a hasty call once
more at Fua Mulaku. Nilandu and Gaaf-Gan had yielded very
little variety in types of potsherds compared to what we had
seen here. Understandably enough, Fua Mulaku must have
been a favourite call for all foreign ships passing through the
Channel, because of its fertility and its unlimited water supply.
This time we had a rowing boat carried from the beach to the
larger of the two lakes which made Fua Mulaku different from
all other coral atolls I had seen or heard of. Lakes do not form on
coral islands, but this had once been an open atoll with a
passage into an inner lagoon. Local traditions still spoke of a
time when ships and rafts would sail in from the sea to find
shelter where today were marshy taro fields and the lakes.
The lakes were slowly filling up, and gradually turning into
bogs and taro fields. On our first visit Bjorn Bye and I had tried
to swim on the surface of the larger lake, head above water, but
we came out with our swimming trunks full of brown mud. This
time Johansen and | rowed out with two islanders, scaring the
tall cranes and white waterbirds up into the treetops. The lake
was only some 350 metres (380 yards) long but stunningly
beautiful without a ripple in the water, and in all shades of
green mirroring the coconut palms, banana plants and the
dense wall of foliage that closed in on the water from all sides.
But merely dipping the oars to row we turned up patches of
A Lost Chapter in World History
The Maldive Mystery
field near the village? On the edge of the taro fields? No and no.
Even if we dug right through the upper layer of black humus
and the next of sterile gravel down to the veli-ga bedrock. In
some places there were no potsherds at all, and then we realised
we were digging where the lagoon had been. In the other test
pits we usually found one basic type of simple brick-coloured
ware with little variation except in the flaring of the rim and
the size of the pot. Sometimes this ware was decorated with
grooves. Only occasionally did we scrape up a different, plain
yellow ware, or some of the Chinese type crackle-glazed green
sherds. The spectacular variety showed up only in the coral
sand near the landing places, or on the surface of barren places
near the village with very little soil.
There could be only one interpretation. The local people had
never used such a wide variety of foreign pots. These had been
left over the centuries by ships’ crews who spent short periods
ashore in transit or during barter. The local population, then as
now, had no need of other pots than the large jars at their doors
and the smaller ones used in the kitchen. These, as the early
Arabs wrote and local traditions confirmed, were standard
merchandise brought from ports in south-west India in ex-
change for cowrie shells.
Even in Fua Mulaku and on Addu atoll the weather was
unseasonal, with thunder-storms and violent rain; and our
return trip with Shadas northbound across the Equatorial
Channel proved to be much more difficult than rowing on Fua
Mulaku’s palm-encircled lake. A full storm blew up as soon as
Addu atoll was out of sight, and nowhere in the oceans are the
waves more inclined to jump into a wild maelstrom than where
a major current opposes them, or joins them in chasing through
a channel.
We were heading back for Gan and Gaddu in Gaaf atoll to
continue our excavations. Since Loutfi, together with Skjdlsvold,
had left us in Addu atoll, an experienced sailor from Gaddu,
named Fauzi, joined us fora free ride home while serving as our
pilot. Fauzi confirmed what we knew, that the currents were so
strong and variable in the Maldives that one should never trust
a compass so long as there is a chance of getting a bearing on
visible land.
Maniku Don Maniku, our quiet companion from the Atoll
A Lost Chapter in World History
The Maldive Mystery
A Lost Chapter in World History
The Maldive Mystery
The mystery and suspense that the Maldives hides among the
many islands and the reefs . . . the thrill and the satisfaction
that one derives from the exploration of these cannot be
described. It has to be savoured rather than felt. For it is the
joy of seeing what has hitherto been hidden from broad
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Buddhists?
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Buddhists?
That story I was to learn the same night from a group of Sri
Lankan scholars. Sri Lanka had a wealth of written records left
by Buddhist monks who were collecting legends and historic
facts more than 1,000 years ago. As in the Maldives, the texts
were bound into regular books, some had pages of copper
sheets hinged together, some had pages of palm leaves bound
between wooden covers. Recent excavations had brought to
light some precious books of thin sheets of pure gold. Apart
from China, no other nation in Asia can pride itself on such a
detailed history recorded meticulously over more than 2,000
The Maldive Mystery
These old chronicles show that Sri Lanka was reached in the
late sixth century Bc by Aryan invaders who came by sea from
the Gulf of Cambay on the north-west coast of India. These
seafarers called themselves Singalese, or Lion people, because
their leader, King Vijaya, claimed to have lion blood in his
veins. According to this tradition, his royal grandmother had
wedded a sacred lion. Upon conflict with his father the king,
son of the lion, Prince Vijaya had taken to the sea in two ships
with 700 followers, men, women and children. Vijaya’s ships
called first on some other islands, but finally they ended up on
the north coast of Sri Lanka and established their first settle-
ment near Puttalam on the west coast. The subsequent Sri
Lankan calendar is counted from the year of this landing. While
we, at the time, had reached our year 1982 (after Christ) the
Singalese had reached their year 2525 (after Vijaya’s arrival).
The Lion people accordingly reached Sri Lanka about 543 Bc,
and their language reveals that they are of Aryan stock.
But were these Lion people the first to reach Sri Lanka?
Had nobody else managed to cross from the nearby continent
before the sixth century Bc?
The Singalese archaeologists have admitted there was mount-
ing evidence that at least one earlier civilisation was already
present on the island when the Lion people arrived; but little
has so far been done to unravel its identity. In the Buddhist
period the monks who wrote Sri Lanka’s chronicles did much to
erase any memory of these earlier Sri Lankans. They referred to
them as three classes of ‘demons’: the Yakkha, the Naga, and the
Rakkhasa, who worshipped water, fire and fertility.
As in the Maldives, these people also from religious pride try
to erase their own early history, I thought to myself as I parted
from my Singalese company to go to bed. But today, when
modern science was finding human traces of these presumed
demons, they too had to be taken into account in our search for
Maldive origins. Whoever they were, I thought, they must have
been descendants of boat builders, for this great island had
never been linked to the continent in human times. Thus, in
looking to Sri Lanka for possible pre-Moslem arrivals in the
Maldives we could not concentrate solely on its Buddhist period.
Even the Lion people sailed the seas before they became
Buddhists, and they did not convert to Buddhism until the third
Whence the Buddhists?
century BC, that is, three centuries after their arrival. In this early
period the Lion people must have maintained their ancestral
religion as they brought it from the former Indus Valley civil-
isation, modified, perhaps, through contact and intermarriage
with the Yakkhas and their contemporaries who already pos-
sessed the land.
The Yakkhas, who were they?
‘The Yakkhas were the true engineers behind Sri Lanka’s
hydraulic civilisation,’ I said to myself, repeating what one local
scholar had tried to hammer into my mind a few days earlier
when he insisted I read his publication.
‘A crackpot,’ I thought when I saw the title: “The Ancient
Hydraulic Civilisation of Sri Lanka’.
Never heard of hydraulic civilisations. Neolithic yes. And
even megalithic. But not hydraulic. Yet the scientists who had
that day shown me the impressive dams and waterworks of
the Lion people had also called their culture ‘hydraulic’. So
apparently it was a legitimate term in this region.
If the Yakkhas had been real people like the Lion people, they
must have shared their fate with the Redin of the Maldives. Like
the Redin they had faded away in the memory of later invaders
until they survived only in legends as mythical beings.
If the Yakkhas had left archaeological traces behind them,
then the ‘demons’ of the land referred to in Buddhist records
had very likely suffered the same fate as the American Indians
when they were ‘discovered’ by the Christians: they were not
all killed by the invaders, but through intermarriage and contact
they lost their identity. Their descendants and their culture
were assimilated, to live on as inherent parts of the later
Singalese society. This society was characteristic for the Sri
Lankan nation and for them alone. The Buddhists had done in
Sri Lanka what the Moslems had done in the Maldives. They
had intentionally underplayed the importance of their own
national past. In their eagerness to give credit to the founder of
their own religious faiths, both nations had played down the
cultural level and the impressive age of their own root ancestry.
I grabbed the book from my suitcase to see what the ‘crackpot’
had to say about the Yakkhas. On the first page I read: ‘I
dedicate this book to the Yakkhas, to whom we owe a greater
debt than is still realised’. The author was A. D. N. Fernando. It
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Buddhists?
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Buddhists?
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Buddhists?
back to life; walls rose and got back their roofs, and the colourful
crowds of visitors filled the streets and steps of the sanctuaries,
as in olden times. What we could see were enormous vaulted
domes which rose like gigantic igloos above the forest, some
whitewashed and shining in the sun, others conquered by the
jungle growth to resemble grassy hillocks. It was a fairy-tale
world that, with ample reason, drew spectators from all over the
world, although Sri Lankans themselves were now in the
majority. They were all impressed at the almost incredible
dimensions of these structures built by man in bygone cen-
turies when no force other than elephants and combined man-
power was availableto the architects and engineers. Here were
well-preserved stupas, also called dagobas, built in the first
centuries AD yet larger than any of the buildings of the con-
temporary Roman Empire. Each was built as a solid mound of
brick vaulted like a soap bubble with mathematical precision,
yet enshrining nothing larger than some relics of the Buddha.
The bulkiest of them all, the Jetavana stupa, was completed in
the third century AD with a height of almost 120 metres (nearly
400 feet), at which time there were no larger buildings in the
world except the two greatest pyramids of Egypt.
Roland Silva pointed to a group of young girls all in brightly
coloured robes. The people of the past must have dressed much
like that, the women in saris and the men with dhotis wrapped
around their waists. The Mahawamsa chronicle states that
Anuradhapura, in addition to all its colossal shrines, had four
outer suburbs, large monasteries, hospitals, hot baths, a public
cemetery, and the king employed 500 street-sweepers and 200
sewage cleaners. No mean city. I had to agree with my distin-
guished guide that the local sense of aesthetics reached a climax
in an elegant WC where the marble floor itself was an artistic
masterpiece of relief sculpture surrounding two neat pedestals
above a sunken conduit.
The hydraulic system functioned thanks to the Yakkha and
Singalese founders of the city who had dug out a swampy area
and built a dam. From the reservoir water streamed through
clay pipes and open conduits into the city aqueducts and the
irrigation canals of the entire surrounding district. The monks
had even built a swimming pool larger than Olympic dimen-
sions for their own ritual and pleasure bathing.
The Maldive Mystery
Nigmeete . AW eo jaan
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Buddhists?
The Maldive Mystery
Following Footprints
Buddha’s Road from a Hindu Cradle
The Maldive Mystery
Following Footprints
The Maldive Mystery
Following Footprints
The Maldive Mystery
hall. In the Maldives it was broken, had pieces missing, and was
hidden from sight behind the door of the closet containing
Hindu and Buddhist images.
Here were the same symbols: the fish-hook, the conch, the
fish, the jar, even the sun-wheel and the frame with lotus motif
and row of swastikas. But the signs were scattered about on the
plaque in no order. On the Maldive fragment they were grouped
together in a line, like script. In both cases, however, they were
obviously symbolic and not merely decorative.
On the Sri Lanka specimen they were carved as if to increase
the magic strength of the elegantly carved impression of two
large feet. ‘A double paduka,’ explained the helpful lady Director
of the Museum. ‘A pair of Buddha’s footmarks.’
On the Maldive fragments it was difficult to detect any foot-
prints until we found the missing pieces in Vadu. When all
the pieces were fitted together the outlines of two large feet
appeared. In the same refuse pit we also dug up a chunk of
broken limestone which had a carved depression of a single
footmark but with no decoration or symbols.
But were all these footprints intended to represent those of
Very likely. But not definitely so. Hindu images were also
found in the Maldives. And the Sri Lankan plaque had been
found at the northern tip of the island where the Tamils pre-
dominate. The Tamils have remained Hindu right up to the
present day. And Tamil kings also reigned for a time in Sri
Lanka. After King Tissa was converted to Buddhism in about
250 Bc, his descendants lost the throne, but the official tourist
guide to the former capital of Anuradhapura scarcely acknow-
ledges the interregnum: ‘After King Tissa we pass on quickly to
the reign of Elara. Just as the Singalese arrived in Sri Lanka four
centuries before, now a new wave of invasion from India
arrived, which put Tamil kings on the throne.’
These Tamil kings, in fact, ruled Sri Lanka until 161 Bc when
the throne returned to the Singalese. More than likely, since this
faith survives among their descendants, these Tamils were
Hindu. No fixed date can be assigned to the old plaque on the
wall in the National Museum, however. It carries no informa-
tion but that it predates the period of Buddhist images in Sri
Lanka and must belong to a very early period.
Following Footprints
The Maldive Mystery
were carved. Why did none of them write in their own charac-
ters any sacred phrase or message that they wished to convey?
Clearly these symbols represented the survival of a proto-
script or pictorial way of conveying thoughts to an already
initiated viewer. Were these signs carved by Buddhists or by
Hindus? I have tested them on people of both religions, and
each recognises them as symbols belonging to their own faith.
In that case, the Buddhists must have inherited them from the
Hindus. For Buddha was a Hindu reformist who carried on
much of the tradition in which he was brought up, just as the
later Christians, and after them the Moslems, never totally
abandoned the old Hebrew Testament.
How much the Hindus must have passed on to the Buddhists
began to dawn upon me when the task came to separate the
footprints of the one from those of the other.
The sun-wheel on the plaque was seen by Sri Lankan
Buddhists as the sign of Buddha, for it was the symbol of his
mythical solar descent. But in the provincial museum of Trivan-
drum in southern India I was shown a tall bronze statue of the
Hindu god Vishnu. He was long-eared like Buddha, had a sun-
disc on his back and held in one hand a large sun-wheel with
spokes, just like the one carved on the footprint plaques of Sri
Lanka and the Maldives.
‘This sun-wheel we call a chakra,’ explained the local curator.
‘It is a very common symbol in our Hindu religion.’
Next to this big bronze image was an equally large wooden
statue of the same god, Vishnu, covered with sun-symbols and
with a large sun over his head. In his left hand he carried aconch.
‘The conch is the special symbol of Vishnu. We call it shanka,’
said the curator. ‘All the gods are descended from the sun, but
shanka is the special symbol for the god Vishnu.’
Other visitors joined us and wondered why I was so inter-
ested in Hindu signs. I pulled out a photograph of the slab
fragment from the Maldives, and showed them the carvings of
the sun-wheel and the conch. One of them pointed to the pot
with three arrows.
‘That is a purna ghata, it means a full pot,’ he said. ‘A vase of
plenty,’ another tried to explain.
These people were not scientists. But to them this was not
science. It was their religion.
Following Footprints
The Maldive Mystery
Following Footprints
The Maldive Mystery
seafaring Shiva resting on his snake raft with his right arm
stretched out to touch a lingam painted separately at his side. It
was illustrated as a dome on a square-stepped platform, like
a miniature stupa. Here we were again; similar sculptures
excavated in Sri Lanka were considered to be miniature stupas.
The image was the same, the difference was in the interpre-
Who then had brought this image to the Maldives? I returned
to Sri Lanka and then again to the Maldives with a feeling that
the question was still open.
Aska Maldivian where he believes his own people originated,
and he is likely to leave all possibilities open. Belonging to a
nation of ocean navigators, he knows that a thousand miles
more or less is not the decisive factor for watercraft at sea. It is
the buoyancy of the boat itself, and the weather. For a trained
seafarer, even food and water provisions are far from decisive
factors. So: Sri Lanka? Yes perhaps. But why not the Arab world
where Islam came from? Tangiers in North Africa, or Tabriz in
Iran? Everything is possible.
The only two sources from which we could draw reliable
information on previous opinions about Maldive origins were
Bell and Maloney. The former was an experienced old-time
archaeological commissioner of Sri Lanka while the latter, as a
professional modern anthropologist who ignored Bell’s ruins,
had studied the living people.
It was tempting to suspect that, of the two, Bell would have
the best cards when it came to reconstructing past events on the
islands. He had gone straight to the old ruins left by the
prehistoric population, while Maloney had drawn his indirect
conclusions from a study of the islanders living today. In spite
of the actual observations made by Bell, Maloney shared the
common view that archaeology had no future in the Maldives
due to the sterile sand and low water table. Although he was
wrong in this assumption, the more we learnt from our own
investigations, the more I became inclined to suspect that it was
Maloney who was on the right tack.
Bell, working in a difficult epoch and hampered by the
Moslem monopoly on Maldive history, tried to explain the
original Maldive culture as a direct offspring of the Buddhist
civilisation on Sri Lanka. Maloney did not share Bell’s opinion,
Following Footprints
and he showed that Bell had personally been the first to admit
the total absence of references to the Maldives in the historic
records of Sri Lanka. In fact, Bell had even written:
The Maldive Mystery
The Teacher, who was free from passion, saw the most excel-
lent island of Ceylon. At the time the plain of Lanka had big
forests and great horrors: different kinds of Yakkhas ...
Rakkhasas . . . Pisakas . . The assembled army of Yakkhas saw
the Exalted Buddha standing; they did not consider him to be
the Buddha but another Yakkha. The Buddha told them: ‘All
of you ask me for fire; I shall quickly produce great heat as
prayed for by you, big fire and great heat’.
low land ... like the plain of Lanka ... in the midst of the
sea... Beautiful, pleasing, green and cool, having lovely and
excellent groves and forests here, trees stand bearing fruits
and flowers, empty and solitary, there is no master. In the
great and deep ocean, in the midst of the water of the sea,
waves always break, surrounded by the inaccessible chain of
mountains, it is difficult to go inside against the wish.
The Maldive Mystery
The Maldive Mystery
There was a king of India who was a hunter. Once, while out
hunting with a net, he saw a creature like a human, but which
walked on all fours, and which disturbed the people. This
creature would also take hunters’ nets and steal their prey, so
the king couldn’t get any catch. ... One day, the king, with
the help of many men, put the net over the creature, which
could not get out because of the large stone weights. The king
took the creature to the palace and looked after him well, and
because he knew no language, the king taught him language,
which took a long time. The creature started helping the king
by showing him treasures in the forest, and the king came to
respect him. The king had a daughter who fell in love with
Whence the Hindu?
The Maldive Mystery
The Moslem record claims that this first king sent his two
ships back to Sri Lanka to bring over other people of ‘the Lion
Race’, whereupon his son ‘reigned as a Buddhist for 12 years,
and was then converted to Islam, ruling for 13 years more before
finally departing for Mekka’. Then his daughter in turn reigned
as anominal sultana until her son ‘married a lady of the country.
From them the subsequent Rulers of the Maldives were des-
Even Bell concluded that this record boiled down to a mini-
mum what was many centuries of pre-Moslem Maldive history.
The possibility of a twelfth-century prince from Sri Lanka
taking over the Maldive throne cannot be excluded, but if so this
event has totally escaped the Sri Lankan records. Furthermore,
no Sri Lankan prince would first land in Rasgetimu up in the far
north-west, precisely where local records attributed the very
same story to the man-beast and the princess. The interesting
detail in this sultanic version is that it admits that earlier
aborigines lived both in Noonu atoll and Male atoll. And that, in
their effort to claim descent from a prince of the Lion people
rather than a man-beast, they end up with a feline as their royal
progenitor in any case.
It is not surprising that Maloney later collected in Male an oral
version in which Koimala was the son of a prince exiled by a
king in India. ‘The Indian King was angry with his son and sent
him off with his wife in two boats; they had 700 soldiers. They
came to Rasgetimu in Raa Atol, and when he became king there,
people called that island Rasgetimu (King’s Island). Then the
king and queen came to Male, and Koimala was born there of
that Indian couple.’”
Only at the time of my own research in the archives of the
Moslem Cultural Centre was a second copper-plate book from
the twelfth century translated and made public. This was the
earlier cited Loamaafaanu manuscript which made no reference
Whence the Hindu?
to any king named Koimalaat all. On the contrary, this early text
lists the names of the five last kings of the Lunar Dynasty who
succeeded each other on the throne in Male from ap 1105 until
Islam was embraced and the first mosque built. None was
named Koimala.
This seems to confirm Maloney’s suspicion that Koi-mala was
a composite term alluding to a whole group of individuals and
not to a single monarch. He showed that Koi was the Divehi
word for ‘Prince’ and Mala could well be derived from Mala-div,
the Male islands. Koi-mala would then be the ‘Princes of Male’,
and thus represent all the pre-Moslem rulers lumped together
until the day when Islam was introduced. He showed that Koya
means ‘Prince’ in southern India, derived from the Dravidian
root Ko, ‘King’. ae
With the arrival of Koimala in Rasgetimu island reduced to an
allegory about the beginning of animmigrant dynasty approved
of by an earlier population, Maloney was justified in accepting
the man-beast version as the genuine origin myth: ‘All image of
a lion got lost in the Maldives because of isolation, so it was
replaced in the myth by the man-beast, while in Sri Lanka some
image of the lion was maintained by contact with north-
western India’.
Could the lion myth have come from Sri Lanka to the
Maldives? In the case of a direct transmission it would have
gone in the opposite direction. The Maldive version has it that
the man-beast came straight from India to become their king.
The Sri Lanka version has it that the one who came there, after
discovering some islands on the way, was the grandson of the
lion. The names of two of these islands were recorded by the
early monks and may have some significance. The seafaring
migrants, not only men but also women and children, sailed in
two large ships. The Dipawamsa chronicle says: ‘The ship in
which the boys ascended, came to an island uncontrolled,
which was then named as Naggadipa. The ship in which the
women ascended, came to an island uncontrolled, which was
then named as Mahila kingdom (Mahilarattham).’
According to the Mahawamsa chronicle, the men landed onan
island called Naggadipa and the women in Mahiladipaka. Both
chronicles concur that the men first raided their own home coast
and there plundered Supparaka (or Suppara) and Bharukaccha
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Hindu?
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Hindu?
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Hindu?
The Maldive Mystery
I have liked crows ever since I had a tame one as a boy. Now!
looked at them with new eyes. I had just read a report on early
navigation in this part of India written in the first century AD by
the Greek geographer and author of Periplus Maris Erythraei
(‘Circumnavigation of the Erythrean Sea’). He states that crows
served as navigation aids to the early seafarers from Bharuch.
They took them along on their ships and let them loose at sea to
study their flight. If the crow took off without returning they
knew there was land nearby and where it was. This had made
me ponder over the strange fact that the crow was a common
bird in the Maldives, where other birds are extremely rare.
During our meals at the hawitta in Gaaf-Gan crows were sitting
in the trees waiting to clear away the remains. Crows cannot
fly as far over the ocean as to reach the Maldives, and on
Gaaf-Gan we saw no other feathered species but seabirds. Yet
the crow was mentioned in the myth of the discovery of the
Maldives. When the man-beast and the princess reached the
first island they saw a crow. They took this as a bad omen and
continued to the next. Perhaps they figured that the crow was a
sign to the effect that other mariners had come there before
That morning the crows were a good omen. Thanks to a
personal introduction from Indira Gandhi I had a letter to Sri
B. M. Pande, Superintendent Archaeologist of the Archaeolo-
gical Survey of India, with headquarters in Baroda. As one of the
watchmen led me through the patio to his office, I caught sight
of a small group of stone statues of very great age, as evidenced
by the erosion. I could hardly believe my eyes. There was a
squarish stone image, a head about 60 centimetres (2 feet) tall
with a face on each of its four sides, just like the main pre-
Buddhist image dug up in Male. I had barely greeted Sri Pande
in his office before I invited him out on to his own patio and
pointed to the image.
‘That is a Shiva,’ he said. ‘We have just brought it from a site
we are excavating near Goraj on the Deo river. In the area of the
old Bharuch kingdom.’
The faces were so eroded that traces of the corner teeth and
tongue could scarcely be seen in the coarse sandstone, but on
one of the sides a huge disc was clearly visible in an ear lobe.
The size and all the details of the sculpture were so intimately
Whence the Hindu?
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Hindu?
Whence the Hindu?
The Maldive Mystery
Whence the Hindu?
the surface. We shall never know who, but man brought the
cultivated Indus Valley cotton by sea to the Maldives.
The botanist R. A. Silow, basing his conclusions on indisput-
able genetic evidence, had boldly suggested that, at some time
since cotton cultivation began, it must have found its way from
the Indus Valley to America. But how? Neither he nor I nor
anybody else had considered the Maldive Islands. With this
oceanic kingdom having had contact with the Gulf of Cambay at
least a millennium prior to the voyage of Columbus, and prob-
ably long before, the geographical barrier crumbles. Vessels
already able to bring cotton to the Maldives were at a favourable
starting point for clearing the southern tip of Africa and being
carried on by the natural elements to the Gulf of Mexico.
The sun-temple at Modhera proved to be worth the visit
although it was several hours drive into the inland of Gujarat
and quite different from what I expected. Built as late as the
eleventhcentury AD, itrepresented acompletely different culture
period from what I had seen near the coast in Bharuch. The
superstructure of the building, known to have consisted of a roof
shaped like a stepped pyramid, had gone, and one was left with
an impression of a multitude of colossal, richly ornamented
columns supporting what remained of the massive pyramid’s
base. But the impressive structure still standing was sufficient
to demonstrate the superb craftsmanship of the early Gujarati
engineers, and it was considered amongst the best of Indian art
and architecture.
A local guide pointed out that the temple faces due east and is
so designed that the rising sun at the equinoxes shines into the
shrine through the doors of the mandapas and makes the entire
structure ‘radiate in the glory of the presiding Sun-god’. That
main solar image was missing, but there were twelve other
huge statues of the sun-god, as well as twelve smaller ones,
carved, as our guide explained, after the idols of Mithra, the
sun-god found in Iran and Middle Asian countries.
By this time I had made an observation of my own which took
me away from the little group of Indians following the guide.
Here were some mortice marks of former ‘butterfly’ joints again,
but displaced and out of order. This ancient sun-temple was
built at the site of an earlier, demolished structure. Some of the
The Maldive Mystery
large blocks forming the floor were still in the original position
so the adjoining ‘wings’ of the ‘butterfly’ mortice matched from
stone to stone. A few others had been set in the wall at random
with no regard for the right combination of the old marks. This
meant that, in antiquity, this type of specialised stone fastening
must have had a wide distribution in this part of India. It also
showed that this fancy eleventh-century sun-temple was not
the original form in this area.
The concept of a stepped pyramid as a religious structure was
known to the builders of this temple, as was shown not only by
the roof but also by the dominant motif outside. At the east
entrance I caught up with the guide again who had finished
explaining the myriad large and miniature figures in combat
and love that filled the walls and columns. In front of the temple,
on its east side, he showed us an enormous ceremonial bath. Its
dimensions matched the temple itself. Known as the Surya
Kunda, or ‘The Sun’s Tank’, it was a water-filled rectangular
basin with walls rising in steps and terraces up to the surface of
the ground, touching the base of the sun-temple. Not only was
this bath of the sun built like the mirror image of a ziggurat,
upside down, but, as if to make the recurring motif clear, a
multitude of tiny step pyramids were built as decoration, one
next to the other, along every terrace.
In the central position on the west wall was a sculpture of
Vishnu resting at sea on board his eternal serpent raft. It was a
rather unlikely vessel. I could not avoid thinking of Con-Tici,
the pre-Incaic sun-god of Peru, and Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec sun-
god of Mexico. They also travelled on this peculiar type of
watercraft. In the legends of both areas they were bearded white
foreigners who had come to bring to their forefathers sun-
worship and the arts of civilisation. Even cotton cultivation. In
Aztec tradition Quetzalcoatl travelled the ocean on a raft of
snakes. In the iconographic art of the pre-Incas on the coast of
North Peru Con-Tiki is also shown travelling with his entourage _
on a serpent raft. A coincidence? Those of us who crossed the
Atlantic on the bundles of the reed ship Ra had felt as if we were
travelling on a bunch of undulating serpents.
Did these people share their legend because they had a
common watercraft, or did they have a common watercraft
because they shared their legend?
Whence the Hindu?
On the road back to the Gulf area the driver stopped to show me
some of the oao (vav) — enormous underground waterworks —
for which Gujarat is renowned. Basically they are wells built as
temples, artistically decorated and accessible by ceremonial
stairways. Sometimes the well is huge and the water so far
down that the stairways go from one level to the next like
the access to a modern underground station. These amazing
engineering feats are extremely ancient, and some go back to
prehistoric times. Gujarat was clearly within the expansion
area of the interrelated hydraulic civilisations that flourished
throughout western Asia from the third millennium Bc.
Sumerian texts are full of references to the great navigation
channels and complex irrigation systems which their kings
built and continuously dredged with enormous effort. On the
island of Bahrain, Danish archaeologists had already discovered
amazing underground aqueducts of a most ingenious sort
otherwise famous from Persian archaeology. And on the other
side of the Hormuz Strait I had been stupefied by the prehistoric
falaj of Oman. Built as stone-lined tunnels they ran for many
kilometres under barren deserts at the depth of 10 metres (over
30 feet), with shafts for maintenance running at intervals up to
the surface. To get the required pressure one falaj started way
up a canyon and came down on one side higher than the river,
then dipped in a tunnel under the river bed and came up to
continue as high up as before but on the opposite side. These
early people knew how to manipulate water. No wonder the
voyagers to Sri Lanka arrived as hydraulic experts and those
who ended on the Maldive Islands at least excelled in building
elegant baths, regulating freshwater at their will through bottom
vents. Most modern castaways would perish at the beach of the
salt lagoon before they could figure out how to draw fresh water
from the solid limestone bedrock of a coral atoll.
Filled with admiration for all this evidence of early human
intelligence, taste and dexterity which I had seen in Gujarat, I
stood the following day in the baking sun and stared down into
the stagnant water in a huge prehistoric tank built from baked
bricks. According to a local poster it was 218 metres long, 37
wide and 4.15 deep (in feet, 715 x 121 x 13%), with vertical
walls on all sides. There was no stairway into this unusual
basin, but one short wall was interrupted with an open gate
The Maldive Mystery
When I last came to see this port I was struck by the narrow
entrance which could admit no vessel larger than could easily be
drawn up on the beach. Puzzled, I told Professor Mehta who
had brought me to the site that there must have been another
way in, another canal entrance.
‘That is what Rao concluded also,’ said Mehta laughing, ‘but
we have dug test pits outside the other walls and found the
same hard, sterile ground everywhere. There cannot have been
another way in. That’s why some of us now wonder if it was
only built to collect rain water.’
‘Impossible,’ I exclaimed. “You have just shown me the large
anchor-stones Rao found inside, and the old well a few steps
away. Nobody would dig a well next to a water basin. And if
they cared to collect rain or flood water it was simpler and more
efficient to dig a catchment with sloping sides, like a pond
where man and beast could get at the water as the level sank.
They would not build high vertical walls where the water had to
be hoisted up in buckets!’
Everybody around agreed. And yet no ship could have got
through sucha narrow entrance into this splendid harbour. Still,
there was the large mud-brick wharf at the dockside with all the
warehouses beside it. It seemed so obvious from all that Rao
had found and demonstrated that this was a dock, that I asked
for permission to dig an additional test pit. Two men came with
shovels and dug a hole in the ground outside the wall where the
narrow entrance was and a few feet to the side of the present
Whence the Hindu?
The Maldive Mystery
The Verdict
The Maldive Mystery
The Verdict
The Maldive Mystery
The Verdict
The Maldive Mystery
Maldive trade quickly turned to the Far East at the opposite end
of the Old World.
‘Ancient Chinese ware,’ said Johansen and sorted out a pile of
familiar green potsherds. ‘This is what we dug up in Nilandu,
Gaaf-Gan and Fua Mulaku. I showed it to oriental archaeolo-
gists on my tour of south-east Asia. They all identified it as
Chinese from about the eighth century, when the ancient trade
with China increased and ceramic was the principal export.’
Johansen had also learnt that J. Carswell of Chicago’s Oriental
Institute had visited Male where he had picked up hundreds of
surface sherds from the Chinese Sung and Ming dynasties (AD
960-1279 and 1368-1644). Carswell had been surprised to find all
this evidence of traffic from the Far East in the Arab period,
since he had hardly found any Islamic pottery. Also a certain
J. V. Allen had found some surface pottery on an island just
south of Male, which the oriental experts believed might be
Sassanidian, that is from the innermost part of the Persian Gulf.
The rest of Allen’s sherds had been identified as south-east
Asiatic and Chinese.
We heard of nobody else who had picked up Maldive pot-
sherds except Ivar, the 6-year-old son of our Male friends Eva
Jonsson and Mohamed Hameed, who might have found the
prize specimen. Playing with his parents he had dug in the sand
of another Vadu island, Kaaf-Vadu, just south-west of Male,
when he pulled up an ancient sherd of fine hand-pressed and
painted grey ware, with a very special leaf ornamentation. This
ware and its decoration recalled the particular pottery of the
ancient Indus Valley civilisation. The tiny islet of Vadu seemed
to hide many secrets of the past in its deep sand. I had briefly
visited the local tourist resort to see a little bronze Buddha
somebody had found when digging sanitary installations.
We were still admiring little Ivar’s sherd when Johansen
pulled out a small box to show us his trump card. He had now
also visited Vadu island, and hetold us his story while unwrap-
ping the pieces in his box.
As part of our joint programme, Johansen had just been back
alone to the Maldives, hoping to visit the island of Maalhos in
Alifu atoll, west of Male. The reason was that a Swedish tourist
had gone to that island the same year because he had heard
rumours of a stone head said to have been found there seven-
The Verdict
teen years ago. The Swedish visitor told us that when he arrived
the islanders first denied the existence of any sculpture. But in
the end they showed him a stone mask which lay upside down
on top of a refuse mound. It had been dug up from an ancient
well. He insisted that the head be sent to Male. And there we
were shown the limestone mask, about 30 centimetres (1 foot)
tall, just as we were leaving. Beautiful. The realistic face had the
symbol of the ‘third eye’ on the forehead, and above its ornate
headband rose a tall ridged cap.
The sole purpose of Johansen’s return to the Maldives had
been to dig test pits in the area where the stone mask had been
found. But for some reason our friends on the Council did not
allow him to go to Maalhos, and he ended up on the islet of Vadu
instead, where the boy-had found the precious sherd we now
had in front of us. Everywhere in the sand of Vadu Johansen had
been able to pick up ancient potsherds. The island must once
have been important. He knew the tradition that it had once
been much larger, so he waded into the lagoon. Just with his
hands he had been able to scoop up potsherds from the sand at
the bottom. These were some of them.
He showed us some ancient sherds of fine hand-pressed,
unpainted pots of grey ware with a very specific surface decora-
tion of so-called cord-stamp impressions.
‘Ishowed these to the archaeologists in the National Museums
of Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Manila. I did not say where I
had found them. But this is what I found in the Vadu lagoon.
Independent of each other they all said it was neolithic pottery,
of a type that ceased to exist about 2000 Bc.’
In silence we all looked at our wide variety of sherds one by
one as they were passed around. Some such Maldive sherds
may one day perhaps tell the story of how prehistoric Madagas-
car had been peopled from Indonesia.
Then came my turn to tell what I had learnt from our Moslem
friends on the National Council. They had finally confided to me
the full story behind the large Buddha stone head that had
brought me to the Maldives in the first place. It was correct that
it had been part of a complete statue smashed up by religious
fanatics. And it had been found on Toddu island just west of
Male, off the northern tip of Alifu atoll. But there was more to
the story than that.
The Maldive Mystery
The Verdict
The Maldive Mystery
The Verdict
The Maldive Mystery
The Verdict
Bell (1940).
Maloney (1980) pp. x, 48.
Maniku (1983).
Bell (1940) p. 119.
Ibid, p. 122.
Ibid, p. 104.
Ibid, pp. 126-7.
TF Ibid, pp. 105, 106.
\o Heyerdahl (1958).
10 Bibby (1969).
11 Heyerdahl (1980) chap. 5.
12 Heyerdahl (1980).
13. Maloney (1980) p. 172.
14. Maniku (1983) p. 33.
15 Bell (1940) p. 116.
16 Ibid, p. 125.
Vem lbid pati.
18 Ibid, p. 131.
19 Ibid, p. 151.
20 Ibid, p. 105.
21. Ibid, p. 112.
22 Ibid, p.95.
23 Maloney (1980) p. 417.
24 Bell (1940) pp. 17, 76.
25 Gray (1888) p. 444.
26 Maloney (1980) pp. 420-1.
27 Gray (1888) p. 478.
28 Ibid, pp. 484-5.
29 Ibid, pp. 236-7.
30 Bell (1925) pp. 132-42.
31 Maloney (1980) p. 155.
32 Gray (1888) pp. 434-6.
33 Battuta (1354) vol. II, p. 344.
34 Forbes (1983) p. 71 footnote.
35 Bell (1940) pp. 18-19.
36 Ibid, p. 203 and Hassan Maniku in an unpublished manuscript on ‘Islam
in Maldives’ (Male, Dec. 1982, ref. no. MOE/82/CISSEA/12, p. 3) quotes
the old Maldivian chronicler Hassan Thaajuddeen (d. 1727) who also uses
the wrong name, Shamshuddeen al Thabreezi, but adds the interesting
information that he left Thabreezi in the eleventh year of Khaleefa
Mugthafee Li-Amrillah’s reign, which would be Ap 1147. If this was
correct, the traveller from Tabriz must have made various calls on his
journey from Tabriz to arrive in the Maldives as late as 1153.
37 Gray (1888) pp. 446-8.
38 Loamaafaanu manuscript, English translation by National Council for
Linguistic and Historical Research, with foreword by His Excellency
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of the Republic of Maldives, Male
Gray (1888) pp. 439-50.
Ibid, pp. 468-71.
Ibid, pp. 472-3.
Bell (1940) pp. 26-7.
Maniku (1977) p. 3.
Rasge-timu means ‘King’s Island’. The Maldive legend referring to this
island as the first settlement of Maldive rulers is discussed in Chapter XI.
Maloney (1980) pp. 165-6.
Ibid, pp. 146-7. a
Letter from Sri LankaMinistry of Cultural Affairs, 29 August 1983. Signed
Roland Silva and S. U. Deraniyagala.
Maniku (1983) p. 3.
Fernando (1982).
Gray (1888) pp. 454-7.
Sastri (1955) p. 183.
Bell (1940) p. 16.
Maloney (1980) pp. ix, 48.
Ibid, p. 57.
Ibid, pp. 41-9.
Ibid, p. 57.
Ibid, pp. 54-67.
Ibid, pp. 31-2.
Bell (1940) p. 16.
Maloney (1980) p. 30.
Ibid, pp. 33-6.
Ibid, pp. 38-41.
Hutchinson et al. (1947, 1949); Silow (1949); Heyerdahl (1952) pp. 446-53.
Rao (1965) pp. 30-7.
Letter of 31.10.84 from Esa Anttonen based on information from IIdiko
Lehtinen; L. Meri (1984) p. 174.
Burgess (1970) p. 343.
‘A Roman Republican Denarius of c. 90 Bc from the Maldive Islands,
Indian Ocean.’ Manuscript by Andrew D. W. Forbes. National Centre for
Linguistic and Historical Research, Male.
Ammianus Marcellinus, Book XXII, 7.10.
Plinius, Book VI, pp. 398-401, 416-19.
Maloney (1980) p. 53.
Battuta, Ibn (c.1354) The Travels of Ibn Battuta. Trans. with revisions
and notes from the Arabic text, edited by C. Defrémery and B. R.
Sangvinetti, by H. A. R. Gibb, Vol. II (Cambridge: Hakluyt Society,
Bellekia Ge P25(1925)i 7A Description of the Maldive Islands: c.1683’,
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch (Colombo) no. 78.
Bell, H. C. P. (1940) The Maldive Islands. Monograph on the History,
Archeology, and Epigraphy. Published posthumously (Colombo:
Ceylon Government Press).
Bibby, G. (1969) Looking for Dilmun (New York).
Burgess, C. M. (1970) The Living Cowries (New York, London).
Fernando, A. D. N. (1982) ‘The Ancient Hydraulic Civilization of Sri
Lanka in Relation to its Natural Resources’, Journal of the Sri Lanka
Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (Colombo) N.S., vol. XXVIIL,
special no.
Forbes, A. D. W. (1983) ‘The Mosque in the Maldive Islands. A
preliminary historical survey’, in Etudes Interdiciplinaires sur le
monde insulindien (Paris) Archipel 26, Archéologie Musulmane.
Gray, A. (1888) The Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies,
the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil. Trans. and annotated by
Albert Gray assisted by H. C. P. Bell (London: Hakluyt Society)
2 vols.
Heyerdahl, T. (1952) American Indians in the Pacific. The Theory Behind
the Kon-Tiki Expedition (London, Chicago).
Heyerdahl, T. (1958) Aku-Aku. The Secret of Easter Island (London:
Allen & Unwin).
Heyerdahl, T. (1980) The Tigris Expedition (London: Allen & Unwin).
Hutchinson, J. B., Silow, R. A. & Stephens, S. G. (1947) The Evolution of
Gossypium and the Differentiation of the Cultivated Cottons (London,
New York and Toronto).
Hutchinson, J. B., Silow, R. A. & Stephens, S. G. (1949) ‘The Problems
of Trans-Pacific Migration Involved in the Origin of the Cultivated
Cottons of the New World.’ Abstract from the Seventh Pacific
Science Congress, New Zealand, Feb. 1949.
Maloney, C. (1980) People of the Maldive Islands (Madras).
Maniku, H. A. (1977) The Maldive Islands, a Profile (Male).
Maniku, H. A. (1983) The Islands of Maldives (Male).
Abbas Ibrahim 103-6, 111, 219, 301 Babylon 253, 286, 311
Abdul 21-2, 25, 34, 36-7, 42-4, 48-9, 54, 56, Baghdad 199, 213
59, 75, 77, 79, 104, 117-18, 124-5, 129, Bahrain 63, 67-70, 75, 82, 187-8, 200, 286,
155, 176 292, 297, 300, 311
Abu al Barakat Yusuf 198-204 bamboo raft, see raft
Adam 94, 264-5, 267 Bangladesh 41, 195-6, 264
Addu atoll 31-3, 35, 37, 39, 76, 92-3, 95, 97, barabaro 230, 291, 303
~ 137, 140, 142-3, 149, 187, 222, 238-9, Baroda 73, 285, 288
278 bat 78, 85, 102, 167, 236
Addu-Gan 30-7, 44-5, 59, 97, 112, 142-3, bath, ceremonial 34, 48, 61-2, 68-71, 74-5,
149, 186, 191, 222, 236 95, 102, 120, 151, 187-9, 193, 228-9,
Adiri Adiri, see Andreas Andre 233, 256-7, 296-7
Africa 12, 27, 63-4, 70-2, 82, 93-4, 120, 124, Battuta, see Ibn
199, 220, 225, 252, 256, 272, 294, 302, Bay of Bengal 196
305, 311 bead 33, 183-4, 230, 233-4, 244, 299-300,
agate 183, 233, 246, 300, 303 303
Ake, see Karlson Bell, H. C. P. 18-19, 26, 28, 32-3, 35, 38-9,
Al-Biruni 157, 305 41, 45-6, 49-50, 53-5, 76, 79, 93-4, 149,
Alexander the Great 197, 263, 276 151-4, 156, 166, 201, 205-6, 221, 244-5,
Al-Idrisi 157 272-3, 277, 279-80, 292
Allen,J.V. 306 Bengal 157-8, 209, 212-14
Ambola Keola (Ambola Keu) 51, 56-7 Bengt, see Jonson
Ammianus Marcellinus 309 Berber 27, 198-200, 2034
Andreas Andre 215-16 betel nut 39, 48, 50, 96
Anuradhapura 250-1, 254-60, 264, 266, Bhagatrav 285, 287, 300, 303
271, 287 Bharuch (Bharukaccha) 257, 281-9, 293,
Arab 12-13, 94, 96-8, 100, 107, 109, 123-4, 295, 302-3, 311
144, 148, 152, 156-7, 160, 196-202, Bibby, G. 67-8
205, 207-8, 214, 217, 238, 256, 304, Bjorn, see Bye
310-11 boats 12, 15-16, 21, 29, 63, 93, 159, 186-7,
Arabian Sea 94 211, 214, 236, 248, 272, 277, 294, 298—
areca 135 300, 309, 313; see also reed boat
Ari atoll 118, 140, 142 Bolgaria 304
Ariyaddu (Ariyadu) 119-22, 125, 140, 142, Brazil 72
226 bronze 25-6, 28, 79, 87, 96, 120, 152, 155,
Arne, see Skjdlsvold 261, 268-70, 298, 305-6
Aryan 248 Buddha 15-16, 23-9, 32, 45-6, 49, 53, 73,79,
Ashoka (As6ka) 46, 264 84, 87, 96, 123, 145, 147, 150, 166, 173,
Asia 14-16, 18-19, 29-30, 35, 58, 71-3, 82, 183, 193, 196, 206, 234-5, 255, 260-8,
84,96, 124, 127, 146, 159, 170, 172, 197, 270, 274-5, 278, 282, 292, 305-8
200, 212, 220, 223, 244, 247, 252, 256, Buddhism 17-19, 24, 26-7, 32, 46, 50, 54,
283, 297, 302, 305-6, 312 79, 82, 85-7, 91, 96-7, 124-5, 127,
Asia Minor 63, 65-6, 124 134-5, 143, 147-53, 166, 170, 175, 180,
Asim 226, 231, 239-41 183, 189-90, 193, 195-6, 204-8, 223,
asphalt 70, 286 244, 247-52, 254, 256, 259-70, 272-4,
astrology 224 276-80, 292, 312
Atlantic Ocean 64-5, 71-3, 120, 199, 212, budkhana 26-7, 203
294, 305 bull, stone 235, 243, 289-91, 303
Azékara 92-3, 135 burial 67, 81, 85, 135-6, 141, 144, 160, 179,
Aztec 72, 93, 212, 293, 296 231, 292
Burma 97, 195-6, 213, 261, 312 Dilmun 66-8, 75, 187, 311
Bye, B. R. 11, 15, 17, 20-2, 25, 29-30, 34, Dipawamsa 274, 281
37-9, 44, 48, 54, 57, 59, 80-2, 84, 86, 96, Divehi 11, 13, 19, 57, 76, 109, 114, 155, 179,
98-9, 101-3, 106, 112, 114, 128-9, 140, 200, 205, 208, 217, 226, 230, 273, 277,
149, 166-8, 182, 191, 195, 236-7, 254 291, 308
Djibouti 70
calendar 223-4, 248 Doppler, Dave 221-2
Calicut 94, 212-14 Dravidian 281
Cambay, Gulf of 158-60, 198, 202, 212,
214-15, 248, 257, 278, 282, 285, 295, ear extension, also ear plug 14-16, 23-5,
299, 310-13 71-4, 96, 145, 193, 254, 257, 262, 269,
cannibalism 91-3, 135 278, 285, 288
carbon dating 169, 176, 228, 231-2, 257,302 Easter Island 14, 16, 58, 63-4, 67, 72-3, 117
Carswell, J. 306 Ecuador 29
Caspian Sea 304 Egil, see Mikkelsen
cat 77-9, 85-6, 233, 278 es Egypt 9-10, 16, 29-30, 65-7, 69, 73, 83-4, 98,
cat people 86-8, 180, 208, 243; see also Lion 103, 120, 179, 192, 197, 199, 213, 224,
people 247, 255, 262, 294, 300, 309-11
caury, see cowrie elephantiasis 190-1
ceramic, see pottery oe equator 29, 31, 38, 82, 98, 170
Ceylon, see Sri Lanka Equatorial Channel 29-31, 33, 35-9, 47, 59,
chakra, see sun-symbol 61, 70-1, 74-5, 77-8, 92-5, 97, 102, 116,
Chichen Itza 72, 172 137, 140, 142-3, 149, 162-3, 167-8, 170,
China 198, 211-13, 220, 247, 306, 312 178, 186, 194, 222, 236, 238, 257, 267,
Chinese 157, 230, 237-8, 306 278, 310, 312
Chola 269-31 Ethiopia 124
climate 217, 219, 225, 238 Euphrates, river 65-6, 94
cock, gold 123, 126-7 Europe 58, 63, 84, 94, 96, 109, 128, 157-8,
coin, Roman 308-9 170, 200, 212-13, 220, 226, 294, 301,
Colombo 15, 17, 103, 258, 273-4 304-5
Columbus, Christopher 12, 66, 71, 94, 155,
192, 212, 267, 294-5, 302-3 Faaf (Faafu) atoll, see Nilandu
conch 98, 231, 266-8 fereta 85-6, 95, 102, 236
Cook, Captain 72 Fernando, A. D. N. 249-54
Con-Tici-Viracocha 72, 296 Finland 256, 304, 312
copper 12, 120, 200, 203, 205-6, 208, 211, fire worship 87-8, 248, 275
233, 244, 247, 279-80 Flavius Claudius Julianus 309
coral 18, 20, 28, 33-6, 39-42, 46, 61, 78, 80, footprint, stone 264-9, 303
89, 119, 143, 150-1, 169-70, 185, 230-1 Forbes, A. D. W. 200, 308
cotton 211, 293-6 Fua Mulaku 37-63, 70-1, 74-5, 79, 82, 84,
cowrie shells 135, 156-60, 170, 178, 210-13, 91, 94-5, 100, 104, 117, 128, 142-3, 152,
238, 256, 300, 304-5, 311-12 186-93, 229, 236-9, 306
Crete 73
crow 279, 287-8 Gaadu (Gadu) 77, 85-9, 91, 94, 143, 155,
crystal ball 173 167, 169, 178, 180, 208, 230-3, 238
Cuzco 141 Gaaf (Huvadu or Suvadiva) atoll 75-6, 95,
Cypraea moneta, see cowrie 142-3, 149, 162-3, 238
Cyprus 66, 73 Gaaf-Gan 76-90, 97, 130, 142-3, 149, 154,
162-3, 167-78, 180-2, 184, 186, 190,
dagoba, see stupa 192-3, 205, 208, 230-2, 236, 238-9, 241,
Deluge 67 243, 256-9, 278, 288, 292, 302, 306
demon 24-8, 77, 84, 96, 106, 138, 145, 152, Galapagos Islands 117, 294
165-6, 202-4, 208, 248-50, 254, 269, 276 Gan, see Addu-Gan; Gaaf-Gan; Laamu-
deo 223 Gan
Dhall atoll 141 Gandhi, Indira 288
dhoni 11, 16, 21, 30, 41, 109, 154, 187, 192, Ganges 97, 195-6, 263, 309
221, 224, 256, 277 Garden of Eden 94
The Maldive Mystery
Lebanon 64-6, 120 82-4, 94, 130, 170, 197, 200, 202, 213,
lime 39, 48, 220-1 218, 224, 235, 262-3, 286, 291, 294
lingam 121, 125, 127-8, 271-2, 289, 303 Mexico 25, 58, 72-3, 93, 171-2, 234, 291,
lion 79, 243, 245, 261, 263, 278-9, 281; see 293-6, 311-12
also stone lion Midu 36-7, 39, 47, 93, 95, 143
Lion people 79, 86, 206, 244-5, 248-51, Midu 37-8, 40, 59, 75-6, 97
253-4, 257-60, 264, 274, 278, 280, 283, Mikkelsen, E. 192, 225, 228-30, 234-5, 239,
287, 290, 302-3 241, 301, 303, 305, 310, 312
Lixus 64, 67,73 Ming Dynasty 306
loamaafaanu 205-6, 208, 280-1 Modhera 292, 295-6
Long-ears 16, 24, 63, 72-5, 244-6, 258, 260, Mohenjo-Daro 69-70, 73, 159, 187-8, 254,
268, 271, 285; see also ear extension 263, 292-3, 303
Lothal 16, 70, 73-5, 159-60, 184, 233, 254, monsoon sailing 71, 101, 309-10
256-7, 285-6, 298-300, 302-4, 311-12 Morocco 64
lotus 10, 84, 98, 155, 172, 181, 187, 243, 246, Moslem, see Islam
260, 266-7, 269, 287, 289, 291, 303, 305 mosque 28, 33, 37,50, 54, 60-2, 96, 102, 107,
Loutfi, Mohamed 97, 104-5, 113-16, 118- 119-20, 123, 127-8, 132-3, 137-8,
20, 122-8, 131-7, 139-41, 144-51, 154, 140-1, 144, 152, 155, 163, 169, 179-80,
159-60, 163-5, 175, 178-81, 184-8, 190, 182-3, 187, 193, 198-201, 218, 228,
192-5, 199, 201, 205-6, 209, 217-20, 230-1, 237, 281
222-39, 256 Muna Fushi 142, 147
Lowick, N. M. 308
Lunar Dynasty 205, 208, 281 Naga 248, 250, 273-4, 276, 282-3
Naggadipa 276, 281-2, 284, 303
Nair, D. A. 292
Maadeli 140 Nandi 289
Maalhos 306-7 Narayan Vyas 289-90
Madagascar 93, 307 Necho, Pharaoh 120, 311
Mahafoti Kalege 49-53, 57 Nepal 97, 166, 196, 256, 261, 285, 292
Mahawamsa 250-1, 255, 274, 281-2 Nilandu (Nilandhoo), Faaf atoll 97, 122—
Makan 311 38, 139-40, 142, 144-5, 152-3, 170,
Makara 163, 165-7, 256, 285 183-4, 188, 192, 226-31, 234, 236, 257,
Malabar 214-16, 271 302-3, 306, 312
Male 10-11, 13, 20-1, 26, 28, 44-5, 52-3, Noonu (Milandu) atoll 142, 279-80
58-60, 84, 87, 90, 92-3, 95, 103, 106-9, Norway 105, 111, 115, 128, 243, 256, 304-5,
123-4, 127, 133, 142-3, 178-9, 203, 312
207-8, 215-16, 218, 225, 227, 277, 279- numerical system 83-4, 311
80, 306
Maloney, C. 19-20, 74, 156, 2234, 272-3,
Olmec 72, 234
275-83, 311
Oman 69, 82, 292, 297, 311
Malta 73
Ormus, see Hormuz
Maniku, Hassan 22-3, 26-8, 30, 76, 103-4,
Oslo University 117, 219, 225
106, 122, 205-7, 216-17, 241, 308
Oystein, see Johansen
marble 218, 255
Mari 304
Marquesas 294 Pacific Ocean 29, 63, 71, 195, 283
Martin, see Mehren Pakistan 69, 92, 261
masonry, see stone masonry Palk Straits 284
Mauryan Empire 264 Pande, Sri B. M. 288-9
Maya 10, 25, 72, 83-4, 170, 172, 246, 293 Parmentier, Jean and Raoul 38-9, 94
Mecca 132-3, 198, 241, 280 Persia 94, 199, 223, 297, 311
Mediterranean 64-6, 120, 199, 243, 312 Persian Gulf 63, 65-7, 69, 94, 148, 199-200,
Mehren, M. 102, 117-19, 160-1, 179, 189-94 213, 263, 304, 306, 310, 312
Mehta, R. N. 285, 298 Peru 14-15, 58, 63-4, 67, 71-3, 141, 154, 172,
Meluhha 311 293-4, 296
Meri, L. 304-5 phalloid sculpture 97, 120-1, 125-9, 136-7,
Mesopotamia 9-10, 12, 29, 65-7, 69-70, 73, 145, 173-4, 227-9, 271, 289-90, 303-4
The Maldive Mystery
plaster 23, 47, 166, 172, 174-5, 182-5, 190, 255, 261-2, 266-7, 273-7, 303, 312; see
229, 234, 243, 245, 256, 259, 261, 290 also Lion people
Pliny 309-11 Skjolsvold, A. 97, 117, 122, 127, 129, 136,
Polonnaruva 260, 270-1 151, 166, 168, 173-6, 178, 180, 182-3,
Portuguese 109, 157-8, 160, 197, 214-16, 185, 187, 190, 192, 225, 228, 230-1, 236,
293 238, 301-2, 309, 312-13
pottery 48, 66, 71-2, 135, 176-7, 192, 211, Somalia 93
229-30, 232, 236-8, 287, 290, 293, 299, South America 25, 63, 71-2, 82-3, 212, 252,
302, 306-7, 312 293-5, 302
President of Maldives, see Gayoom Spaniards 72
pyramid 65-9, 71, 73, 81-2, 93, 97, 130-1, Sri Lanka 13-21, 45, 49, 52, 54, 78-9, 86,
170-2, 174, 192, 232-4, 255-7, 290-2, 92-3, 102-3, 112, 127, 147, 153-4, 173,
295-6 175, 195-6, 205-8, 212, 215, 237, 243
Pyrard, Francois 158 60, 261-2, 264-82, 284, 287, 291, 297,
303, 309, 311-13
statue, see stone image
Ra (land II) 64-5, 72, 296, 301
Stephens, S. G. 293
Ra atoll 142, 220-1, 279-80
raft 12, 41, 63, 97, 154, 194-6, 236, 294, 296,
box 49-50, 53-4, 58, 123, 126, 134, 308
301, 312
bull 235, 243, 289-91, 303
Rajaraja I, King 271
image 14~-17, 19-20, 22-9, 32, 45, 48-54,
Rakkhasa 248, 250, 274-6
57-9, 63, 65-6, 72, 74, 79, 82, 84, 96-7,
Rao, S. R. 286, 298-300
100, 104, 125-7, 135, 144-5, 150, 163,
Rasgetimu 142-3, 221, 279-81, 315n
Redin 54-61, 77, 79, 86-8, 95, 100, 102, 165-6, 2534, 261, 264-71, 278, 288-91,
119-22, 135, 140-1, 143, 145-9, 152,
lion 79, 177, 193, 218-19, 234-5, 243,
155, 160, 162-3, 169, 178, 220-3, 243,
249, 256, 289, 312 246-7, 257, 259-60, 270, 278, 289-91,
Red Sea 148, 197, 199, 212, 215, 310-12 303
mask 26, 96, 307
reed boat 12, 63-7, 69-72, 74, 224, 240, 262,
299, 309-11 masonry 36-7, 46-8, 60-75, 82-5, 90-1,
relic casket, see stone box 98-9, 110, 119-21, 127-38, 141, 148-51,
rope 126, 135, 187 153, 155, 160-1, 170-5, 181, 218, 232-4,
244, 251-2, 256-9, 289-90, 295-6
skull 172, 174
sacrifice 93, 223 turtle 25, 84
sails 30, 109, 220, 224, 256, 310 stupa (sthupa) 19, 32, 45-6, 54, 79, 82, 97,
Sanskrit 19, 76, 224, 251 127-9, 137, 149-50, 152-4, 166, 170,
script 10-13, 21, 25, 28, 48-9, 52, 65, 69, 173-5, 189-90, 196, 206, 228, 255-6,
83-4, 96, 98-9, 123-4, 134, 144, 178-80, 258-9, 261, 267, 272, 291-2, 303, 308
183-5, 195, 198-200, 205, 208, 245, Sumatra 94, 157
247-8, 265-8, 303, 311 Sumerians 65-70, 240, 291, 297, 299-300,
Senake Bandavanayak 244-5, 247 311
Shadas 218, 225-6, 231, 236, 238-40 sun-symbol 9-10, 82-4, 91, 96, 98, 103,
Shams-ud-din 201 170-1, 174, 182-5, 233, 235, 243, 246,
shanka 268 256-61, 266-9, 278, 286-7, 291, 303
Shiva 26, 152, 173, 264-5, 267, 269, 271-2, sun-worship 9-10, 12, 29, 67, 70-3, 82,
288-9, 291, 303-4 97-8, 162, 170, 173-4, 193, 197, 257, 296
shivalingam, see lingam Suvadiva, see Gaaf
Siam 157, 261 swastika 98, 185, 266-7, 269, 287, 291, 303
Sigiryia 244
Silow, R. A. 293, 295 Tabriz (Tabrizi) 199-202, 207, 272, 304,
Silva, Roland 17-18, 20, 22, 237, 254-5, 315n
258-60 Takur 86-7
silver 211, 214, 308 Tamil 52, 266-7, 276-8, 303
Sindh 311 Tangiers 198, 200, 272
Singalese 49, 52, 54-5, 57, 79, 86-7, 124, taro 177, 236, 238
152, 180, 195, 206, 208, 244-5, 248-50, Thailand 157, 261
Tigris, reed boat 12, 14-15, 66-7, 69-70, 73, Vasco da Gama 94, 157, 198, 212, 214, 310
195, 199, 202, 286, 299 Vijaya, King 248, 250-1, 282
Tigris, river 65-6, 94, 199-200, 309, 311 Vilufushi 146
Tissa, King 264, 266, 274 Viringili, Viligili 28, 97, 142-3, 163, 194-6
Toddu 28, 142, 307-8 Vishnu 268-9, 296
topknot 14, 23 Volga 304
Tree of Life 218
Trivandrum 268, 292 Wahid 163, 183, 189, 191, 194
turtle 79, 84, 89-90, 141; see also stone Worldview _ International Foundation
turtle (WIF) 15-17, 103, 112
writing, see script
Ur 67, 69, 299
Urdu 230, 291 Yakkha 248-55, 259, 273-6
Yemen 93, 105, 209, 211-13
Vadu 142-3, 178-86, 228, 241, 257, 306-7
vagra 270 ziggurat, see pyramid
The Maldive Mystery
Thor Heyerdahl investigates the mystery of the early history of the
Maldive islands which lie ‘like twelve hundred tiny dots on the map of the
Indian Ocean’. The islands have been Moslem since AD 1153 and,
officially, all archaeological evidence prior to that date has been ignored.
Heyerdahl’s expedition turns into a fascinating detective story ashe
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