Marketing Reviewer
Marketing Reviewer
Marketing Reviewer
Corporate Strategies
Corporate strategy determines the means
for utilizing resources in the functional
areas of marketing, production, finance,
Organizational Mission Statement and Goals research and development, and human
Mission statement is a long-term view, resources to reach the organization’s
or vision, of what the organization wants goals
to become o The broadest of the three levels of
The goals of any organization should strategy (corporate, business unit,
derive from its mission statement and marketing) and should be
An organization’s mission statement developed with the organization’s
should answer two questions: overall mission in mind
o Who are our customers? Who are our customers? What
o What is our core competency? is our core competency?
Corporate Identity Corporate strategy planners are
Companies develop and manage their concerned with broad issues such as:
corporate identity—their unique o Corporate culture
symbols, personalities, and philosophies o Competition
—to support all the firm’s activities, o Differentiation
including marketing o Diversification
Managing identity requires:
o Interrelationships among business products and overall portfolio
units strategies
o Environmental and social issues
Match the resources of the organization
with the opportunities and threats in the
Business – Unit Strategies
Business-unit strategy should be
consistent with corporate strategy
Figure 2.3 – Growth Share Matrix
o Strategic business unit (SBU) is a
division, product line, or other profit
center within the parent company
o Each of these units sells a distinct
set of products to an identifiable
group of customers, and each
competes with a well-defined set of
o The revenues, costs, investments,
and strategic plans of each SBU can
be separated from those of the
parent company and evaluated
Strategic planners should recognize the
strategic performance capacities of each Growth Share Matrix
SBU and allocate scarce resources Stars are products with a dominant share
among those divisions of the market and good prospects for
o A market is a group of individuals growth O
and/or organizations that have needs Cash cows have a dominant share of the
for products in a product class and market but low prospects for growth O
have the ability, willingness, and Dogs have a subordinate share of the
authority to purchase those products market and low prospects for growth
o The percentage of a market that Question marks have a small share of a
actually buys a specific product growing market and generally require a
from a particular company is large amount of cash to build market
referred to as that product’s (or share
business unit’s) market share Long-term health of an organization
Market Growth/Market Share Matrix depends on having some products that
The market growth/market share matrix generate cash and others that use cash to
is a helpful business tool, based on the support growth
philosophy that a product’s market Assessing Organizational Resources and
growth rate and its market share are Opportunities
important considerations in determining The strategic planning process begins
its market strategy with an analysis of the marketing
o All the companies SBUs and environment, including a thorough
products should be integrated into a analysis of the industry in which the
single, overall matrix and evaluated company is operating or intends to sell
to determine strategies for individual its products
o Any strategic planning effort must much as possible, offer organic
assess the organization’s available and hormone-free foods, and
financial and human resources and use less energy than typical
capabilities as well as how the level grocery stores
of these factors is likely to change in
the future
o The application of knowledge and
tools to solve problems and perform
tasks more efficiently
o Impacts of technology: The influences in a society and its
Dynamic change culture(s) that change people’s:
Ability to reach customers o Attitudes
Self-sustaining in nature; spurs o Beliefs
more development o Norms
o Rapid technological growth and o Customs
change are expected to accelerate o Lifestyles
Impact of Technology Determine what, where, how, and when
o Mobile devices and consumers’ people buy products
increasing use of the Internet have Demographic and Diversity
changed: Characteristics
How people communicate o Changes in a population’s
How marketers reach demographic characteristics lead to
consumers changes in how people live and
o Can improve productivity and consume products
opportunities for e-commerce Increasing market of retired
o Negative impacts include: Baby Boomers
Concerns over privacy Generation Y
Growing Hispanic/Latino
market in the U.S.
o A more diverse customer base
means marketing practices must be
modified and diversified to meet
changing needs
Cultural Values
o Changes in cultural values alter
people’s needs/desires for products
Health, nutrition, and exercise
growing in importance (sales of
organic foods, herbal remedies,
and vitamins have escalated)
Definition of family is changing
Children continue to be very
Trend towards eat-out and take-
out meals
Green marketing helps establish
long-term consumer
Both strategy and tactics require a broad
relationships by maintaining,
understanding of the target audience,
supporting, and enhancing the
their taste and preference and motivation
natural environment
to buy products apart from
Strategic marketing vs Tactical marketing
understanding the status of the industry,
In simple terms, strategy marketing is a
the company’s status and that of the
plan to achieve a target or a goal – it
could be achieving more sales volume in
o Market share and strength of the
rural areas, it could be getting more
women votes in the Assembly election or
How much of the market share
it could be emerging number one in
you have in the industry and
cosmetics market and so on.
how you fare against the
How you execute the plan is called
competition is vital for making
tactic. To gain women votes, politicians
a marketing plan.
may distribute shares for free in an area,
A comprehensive SWOT
to emerge the leader in cosmetics
analysis (Strength, Weaknesses,
industry, a company may spend heavily
Opportunities and Threats ) are
on mass media campaigns and
required to do a situation
sponsoring beauty pageants.
According to Jim Joseph, marketing Market strength refers to
expert and author, tactics are important number of your brands in top
in the sense that it connects with the five selling category, weakness
customers and motivates them to buy. could be a saturated market or a
lack of experienced people in
marketing and sales.
Opportunities could include
legislative changes, new
markets opening up or the
disintegration of a market tactics to be undertaken to
leader. achieve the objectives and the
The product needs to be execution of the tactic brings
positioned in the market- entry, the desired impact on the
mid or premium. It depends on product and in the market.
your competition, which all o Create a Marketing Budget:
buyers are likely to buy the At the outset whether it is a
product and at what price. start-up or an established,
o Identify the target audience: creating annual marketing
A marketer should be able to budgets is of paramount
clearly identify the target importance. A mix of
audience for its products and newspaper, television, social
services. It should be defined in media, hoardings and banners
terms of demographics age, sex, may be required to develop the
family, income, lifestyle levels brand and achieve more sales.
among others. It is very important to keep the
Are they conservative or margin on sales as a barometer
traditional, do they have higher of how much should be spent on
disposable incomes and advertising promotion. In
motivated to spend more? Are industries with thin margins,
they business class, salaried and spending too much on
at marginal income levels? advertising may not be the
Long term marketing goal desired tactic.
should be defined: On the other in industries such
A marketing goal can be as drinking cola where the
attain number one production costs are low
position in geography or compared to selling price,
with respect to a particular companies can afford to raise
brand or it could be to the marketing budget to get
achieve more sales.But it increased market share.
is very important to Effort should be taken to keep
specify in quantitative marketing costs within the
terms, say 10 or 25% budgeted costs or else it may be
increase in sales. difficult to get finance approval.
o Marketing Communication strategy o Tactics-Everything revolves around
to be developed: the 4 P’s
Once the product has been It was once believed that if you
developed and target audience knew the four P’s of marketing
have been defined, the next step you knew everything- Product,
is to devise marketing Pricing, Place and Promotion.
communication strategies to However, market involves
reach the target and persuade much more complexities and
them to act. not easily understood by
It could be through mass media common man.
advertisements, social media Strategic marketing involves
campaigns (Twitter, FaceBook, adjusting the price of your price
Pinterest, Reddit).Then position, place of marketing and
marcomm strategy outlines the perhaps the product itself. For
example, Maruti Suzuki Ltd, the Pricing has a greater leverage
leading seller of passenger cars on products that have high
in India re-launched its elasticity of demand as it can
premium brands that didn’t cause significant increase or
succeed in the market through decrease in revenue. There are
design changes and re- two types of pricing –strategic
positioning the models in a new Marketing and tactical pricing.
showroom called Nexa. Strategic Marketing pricing
And results are to be seen the S- takes into account long-term
Cross premium cross over brand profit objectives of the
clocked sales of 50,000 in six organization while tactical
months after relaunch, pricing is about achieving short
according to Suzuki. term objectives such as festival
o Pricing the basic tactic offer, end-of-season sale at 50%
Pricing is the basic tactic off and so on.
adopted by the companies to o Product Dynamic
attain their objectives. However, Sometimes the product may
it is also the most complex of have to be altered or abandoned
the tactics to be pursued by and a new product developed in
marketers. view of the competition.
Too high a price could dissuade Musquito repellents in India
buyers away from the product were initially smoke coils which
and get attracted to competitive caused breathing problems for
offers while a price that may be many people and also littered
perceived as too low may cause the place with the ash.
buyers to doubt its quality and Thereafter, companies started to
value. develop liquid repellents that
Contrary to popular perception, worked on electric current by
price is not calculated on the slowly discharging the liquid
basis of cost plus a reasonable and smell driving away
profit. It is based on the brand mosquitoes.
image created in the consumer o Place and Geographic Targeting:
minds and a level the market is Most products are sensitive to
willing to bear. geographies and cultural
According to experts, pricing as differences. What sells in the
a marketing instrument is rural market may not appeal to
difficult to leverage effectively the urban market.
as it involves decision making Low priced cars may be more
horizontally and vertically suitable for emerging markets
within an organization. than developed markets while
Pricing tactics are usually made places with extreme cold,
on the basis of supply and humidity and hot conditions
demand, its elasticity and other require different kinds of
parameters. Price elasticity products specifically for that
refers to a percentage change in region.
quantity demanded in response o Promotions and the changing
to a change in price upward or technologies
Marketing promotion involves tactics are the best ways to
communicating the brand conceptualise a marketing plan. A
message to the consumer goal is a broad primary outcome
through mass media, email while strategy is the plan, objective
campaigns, social media, is the measurable step and tactics are
hoardings, banners, taking part the tools and techniques used to
in events, trade fairs. implement the strategy.
Marketing communication o Any marketing strategy will not help
activities are part of the unless both strategic marketing and
marketing strategy to achieve tactical marketing are employed in
certain long term objectives of combination.
branding, achieving more sales, o The pre-requisites for a successful
more market share, or related campaign are knowing the status of
objectives. the company vis-as-vis competition
o (market share), developing
The millennials were those born marketing communication and
in the US between 1980 and understanding the target audience.
2000 have a different mindset o With a proper understanding of all
towards buying, spending and the above factors any campaign may
consumption patterns. They end up to be a failure not able to
comprise 79 million people with achieve the objectives.
a purchasing power of $170 bn o Strategic marketing is vital for
a year. achieving long term goals of the
This group are more disposed company and those only adopting
online, social media and mobile tactical marketing on an adhoc basis
technologies. Therefore, more risk the possibility of not able to
effort needs to be taken to convert potential leads.
address this target group. What o Disruptive technologies,
sets apart Millennials from recessionary market conditions, new
boomers and Gen Xers are they competition from other industry
tend to share everything with verticals and competition within the
friends online. industry are all factors that could
Therefore, brands can capitalize impact the fortunes of brands and
on that behavior by giving hence marketers need to be
Millennials positive customer constantly on their toes to stay
experiences to share a tweet ahead.
about the company or let others o No marketer would be wise enough
know they have bought your to ignore the inbound marketing
product. strategies now in vogue thanks to
Conclusion rise in internet penetration, websites,
o Changing market dynamics requires blogging and search engine
change in marketing strategies and optimization (SEO) techniques.
tactics. The Marketing Environment
o Sometimes a refusal to change with SWOT Analysis
the changing times can cost a o SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing
product dear an organization and its environment.
o According to Mikal E Belicove, It is the first stage of planning and
GSOT- goal, strategy. Objective and
helps marketers to focus on key today, and where it could be in
issues. SWOT stands for strengths, the future.
weaknesses, opportunities, and It should always be specific.
threats. Strengths and weaknesses Avoid grey areas.
are internal factors. Opportunities Always apply the tool in
and threats are external factors. A relation to your competition i.e.
strength is a positive internal factor. better than or worse than your
A weakness is a negative internal competition.
factor. An opportunity is a positive Keep your audit short and
external factor. A threat is a negative simple. Avoid complexity and
external factor. over analysis
It is subjective.
o Strengths and weaknesses are
internal factors.
Your specialist marketing
A new, innovative product
or service.
Location of your business.
Quality processes and
o We should aim to turn our procedures.
Any other aspect of your
weaknesses into strengths, and our
business that adds value to
threats into opportunities. Then
your product or service.
finally, SWOT will give managers
A weakness could be:
options to match internal strengths
Lack of marketing
with external opportunities. The
outcome should be an increase in
Undifferentiated products
‘value’ for customers – which
or services (i.e. in relation
hopefully will improve our
to your competitors).
competitive advantage.
Location of your business.
o The main purpose of the analysis
Poor quality goods or
has to be to add value to our
products and services so that we can
Damaged reputation.
recruit new customers, retain loyal
o Opportunities and threats are
customers, and extend products and
external factors.
services to customer segments over
the long-term. If undertaken
A developing market such
successfully, we can then increase
as the Internet.
our Return On Investment (ROI).
Mergers, joint ventures or
o Tips in making SWOT
strategic alliances.
Be realistic about the strengths
Moving into new market
and weaknesses of your
segments that offer
improved profits.
It should distinguish between
A new international
where your organization is
A market vacated by an government policy may impact
ineffective competitor. on an organisation or a specific
A threat could be: industry. This would include
A new competitor in your political policy and stability as
home market. well as trade, fiscal and taxation
Price wars with policies too.
competitors. o Economic Factors:
A competitor has a new, These factors impact on the
innovative product or economy and its performance,
service. which in turn directly impacts
Competitors have superior on the organisation and its
access to channels of profitability. Factors include
distribution. interest rates, employment or
Taxation is introduced on unemployment rates, raw
your product or service. material costs and foreign
PESTEL Analysis exchange rates.
o A PESTEL analysis is an acronym o Social Factors:
for a tool used to identify the macro These factors focus on the
(external) forces facing an social environment and identify
organisation. The letters stand for emerging trends. This helps a
Political, Economic, Social, marketer to further understand
Technological, Environmental and their customers’ needs and
Legal. Depending on the wants. Factors include changing
organisation, it can be reduced to family demographics, education
PEST or some areas can be added levels, cultural trends, attitude
i.e. International. changes and changes in
o Technological Factors:
These factors consider the rate
of technological innovation and
development that could affect a
market or industry. Factors
could include changes in digital
or mobile technology,
automation, research and
development. There is often a
tendency to focus on
developments only in digital
technology, but consideration
must also be given to new
methods of distribution,
manufacturing and also
o Environmental Factors:
o Political Factors: These factors relate to the
influence of the surrounding
These determine the extent to
environment and the impact of
which government and
ecological aspects. With the rise
in importance of CSR The major difference between
(Corporate Sustainability SWOT and PESTEL analysis is
Responsibility), this element is that PESTEL is used to analyse
becoming more important. a company’s external
Factors include climate, environment while SWOT can
recycling procedures, carbon be used for both internal as well
footprint, waste disposal and as external evaluations.
sustainability SWOT Analyses can be used to
o Legal Factors: identify the current market
An organisation must position of the company while
understand what is legal and PESTEL is used to identify the
allowed within the territories impact of external
they operate in. They also must environmental factors which
be aware of any change in may affect the business
legislation and the impact this operations, especially when
may have on business expanding the business
operations. Factors include operations into various other
employment legislation, regions.
consumer law, healthy and Marketing Research
safety, international as well as Market research is a critical component
trade regulation and restrictions. when you’re launching a product, try to
Political factors do cross over improve your existing service, or when
with legal factors; however, the you’re just looking to be a step ahead of
key difference is that political your competitors. It will provide you
factors are led by government with all the information you need to
policy, whereas legal factors make a better business decision.
must be complied with. o It is crucial for a better
o Why do we need PESTLE Analysis? understanding of your customers
A PESTEL analysis helps an Who will buy your product?
organisation identify the Who are your ideal customer
external forces that could personas? How often will they
impact their market and analyse buy? What do they need? What
how they could directly impact do they want, expect?
their business. It’s important The more answers you have the
when undertaking such an more understanding you’ll get.
analysis that the factors This will result directly in
affecting the organisation are meeting the customer’s needs
not just identified but are also better than your competitors.
assessed – for example, what Market research will help you
impact might they have on the map out the full profile of your
organisation? The outcomes of ideal customer. Knowledge of
a PESTEL analysis can then be your customers will help you
used to populate the determine the market size and
opportunities and threats in a what triggers them to buy.
SWOT analysis. You’ll gain valuable insights
Conclusion like their age, location, gender
o What is the difference between & income, which will help you
PESTLE and SWOT? in creating effectively tailored
marketing and pricing marketing the product. You’ll
campaigns. also find the key message that
o 2. Knowledge about your resonates with clients.
competitors, and how they approach o You won’t go out of business
the market “It is not the strongest or the
The competitors are taking most intelligent who will
away your customers and win in survive but those who can best
the marketplace. That’s because manage change.” — Charles
they’ve done their research Darwin
ahead of you. And now, you We’re not exactly sure if
need to do the same if you want Darwin did some market
to stay in the game. research in his free time. But,
Market research will help assess his words are so important and
the market to identify both key still echoing today in possibly
players and those on the rise. the most innovative era in the
Furthermore, it will help you history of mankind.
find the weaknesses in your We all saw how giant brands
competitor’s approach. These like now-bankrupt Blockbuster
are gaps that you can utilize to and Nokia that still struggles to
gain more customers. You can get back in the mobile game
also learn what performed the failed in their market
best for the competition. In turn, predictions and are nearly
you will be able to think more forgotten by consumers today.
creatively while modeling your Netflix and Apple did their
new strategy. market research right prior to
Knowing as much as you can any other competitors and
for your competition will be utilized every open gap in the
pivotal to the success of your movie shows and mobile phone
business. segments.
o Testing your product before launch So, in order to remain in
Testing is a very important part business and stay relevant, you
of learning what works before should not only anticipate
jumping into the business change, but you need to be able
world. Every business decision to predict change too. That’s
should be tested before fully how good your market research
exposing to your target needs to be!
audience. By market testing o Business growth
your idea or product, you will Market research helps you
save yourself from additional comprehend the demands of
expenses and most importantly, your customers, detect more
from delivering a bad product to business opportunities, plan the
the marketplace. perfect marketing campaign,
You can never be 100% sure minimize losses, and keep track
that your product will instantly of the competition. It allows
connect with your potential organizations to classify their
customer. With market research, objectives while following the
you’ll find out what approach current trends and take
you should take when
advantage by reaching out to equipment will be required only
their target audience. if sales are expected to exceed
Identifying problems before five hundred units. But as soon
they happen is crucial if you as the business buyer’s sale
want to grow. Effective market exceeds five hundred units, he
research will not only help you will buy another equipment,
predict some of the pitfalls that increasing the sale of business
can occur but also it will save marketer’s product by hundred
you a lot of money too. Your per cent. As a result, there is no
solution may look like a proper direct one-to-one relationship
market fit, but if it’s not the between the business buyer’s
case, you’re in big trouble. sales fluctuations and the
The process of market research business marketer’s sales. This
itself is designed to reduce the makes the sales to business
risk and to make the marketing buyers more volatile than
strategy cost-effective for your changes of demand experienced
business. in consumer markets by a
Conclusion. retailer.
o To conclude, market research iv. When business buyers see
provides you with important prices starting to decline, they
information that will help you may postpone buying in the
identify and analyze the market expectation of obtaining an
needs, your customers, and your even lower price later. The
competitors. opposite happens if the business
Consumer and Business Markets buyer anticipates continuing
Business Markets in Comparison to price increases.
Consumer Markets: In this case, when prices began
o Market Structure: to rise, more volume than is
i. Business markets have fewer immediately needed is
sellers and buyers in any market purchased to avoid paying even
segment than do consumer higher prices later. Such reverse
markets. price elasticity of demand is
ii. Customers in consumer rare in consumer markets.
markets initiate a direct demand v. Business markets include the
with their purchases. The various early, value-adding
demand for business products or stages of manufacturing and
services depends on the level of distributing consumer goods,
activity that the buying and also the sales of business
organization can create in its goods and services to
own markets. Thus business manufacturing, processing,
demand is derived. This derived commercial, institutional and
demand would not exist if the government organizations. The
buyer organization could not business market is significantly
find customers for its own larger than the consumer
products or services. market.
iii. The business buyer may buy vi. The organizational buying
an equipment to produce five unit called decision-making unit
hundred units a day. A second involves several individuals
because various departments of Business goods are less
an organization are affected by dependent on regional tastes
the purchase. The purchase of and preferences. Also, their
an equipment may affect the specialized technologies and
quality control department, the limited applications require that
plant manager’s budget, the customers be sought outside
operator’s productivity and the home markets to achieve
purchase department. economic production volumes
vii. Businesses tend to and to justify high R&D costs
concentrate geographically and capital investments.
because of the availability of Therefore business marketers
natural resources or of skilled must have more global
work force, the distribution perspectives of markets, in
advantages, or the desire to be terms of both customers and
close to customers. Thus, competitors.
business markets tend to be iv. Most consumer marketers
geographically concentrated and seek market share and sales
business marketers have to volumes. Business marketers
travel long distances from one are more likely to have a
cluster of customers to another. sizeable share of highly
Consumer markets are more segmented, smaller, specialized
diffuse markets, resulting in more
o Marketing Perspective: restricted sales volumes. Thus
i. Consumer marketers use business marketers focus on
demographic variables like age, improving profits in the short
income, location and socio- run.
psychological variables like v. In consumer markets,
attitudes, preferences, innovation involves greater
personality and lifestyle to emphasis on style and
segment their markets. Business incremental changes to products
marketers are segmented on the that can justify model changes.
basis of industry, end market Innovation tends to be more of
served, level of technology, demand-pull type, i.e., new
ownership and characteristics of products are developed as a
the buying unit. result of research of customer
ii. Business markets have higher needs. Innovation in business
investments in capital markets is characterized by
equipment’s and R&D. R&D inspired technological
Consumer marketers’ push and radical-breakthroughs
investments are directed more that may revolutionize the entire
toward marketing activities like industry. Such innovations
researching their huge customer would not come by trying to
base and promoting to mass identify with unsatisfied
markets. customer needs.
iii. Consumer marketers seek vi. Business marketers deal with
regional or national markets smaller number of customers,
because their products are frequently on a face-to-face
created to appeal to local tastes. basis. They are more sensitive
and responsive to their marketer’s sales volume and
customers’ requirements. Thus profitability. These important
business marketers are far more customers are called key
customer oriented than accounts. The marketer must
consumer marketers. Consumer maintain close contact with
marketers’ relations are these important customers to
distanced by long, indirect retain its business with them. A
channels of distribution and are similar situation is absent in
reduced to a mass of indifferent consumer markets. A small set
transactions. Business buyers of customers will not be able to
and sellers usually enter stable, affect the sales of a consumer
long-term relationships in which product severely because the
each party depends on the other number of customers is very
for continuing business success. large.
Thus strong loyalty is ix. For many business marketers
developed between buyer and educating their customers is an
seller in business markets. important task. Business
Consumer marketers are marketers send their technical
desperately trying to engender and other staff to the facility of
loyalty among their customers. the buyer for long periods.
They have not been much Employees of the buyer and
successful. Loyalty in business seller organizations work
markets is the result of together to solve problems.
dependence that buyers and Business goods like
sellers have on each other. equipment’s have more
Unless the state of such complete instruction manuals,
dependence is replicated in specification sheets and
consumer markets, customers of maintenance books than
consumer products will remain consumer equipment’s.
fickle-minded. o Customer Behaviour:
vii. In business markets, two i. Because their number of
organizations can be buyers of customers is small and there is
each other’s products. An frequent face-to-face contact,
automobile manufacturer may business marketers are closer to
require computers for its customers and more in tune
employees and the computer with customers’ buying
manufacturer may require behavior.
automobiles for its employees. ii. The number of customers in
In such situations reciprocity business markets are small, but
may be practiced i.e., they their per order size is normally
decide to buy from each other. high. They buy to keep in
Reciprocity is rarely possible in inventory so that the item can
consumer markets. be used in future. They buy in
viii. Among the customers of bulk because they want to
business marketers there are minimize transportation cost
some customers whose business and the cost incurred in placing
is so important that its loss an order. They also buy in bulk
would seriously erode the and keep inventory to minimize
chances of disruption in their on business in the future, or if
work if a supplier failed to the order represents a sizeable
supply on time. Business buyers portion of the marketer’s
may have contracts to purchase business, the customer can exert
items for a year with a supplier. a strong influence on the
Long-term contracts lasting for business marketer’s price,
the life-time of the component product design, delivery and
are becoming common in other dimensions of the
business markets. Buyers and supplier’s operations. The
sellers become interested in aggressive use of buying power
each other’s operations in many by a buyer organization to
ways. Such intrusive persuade a supplier to make a
relationships are not very product that more closely meets
frequent in consumer markets. the buyer’s requirement is
iii. The purchasing motives of called reverse marketing. Such
business buying are maintaining buying power does not exist in
and furthering organizational consumer markets.
goals. These motives are vi. Business buyers show strong
rational, economic, objective loyalty to their current supplier.
and profit or efficiency oriented. Such supplier loyalty is an
Business buyers are technically outcome of the strong
qualified purchasing specialists. interdependence between
They may have taken business buyers and their
specialized training. In large suppliers. The business buyers
companies they may be who change suppliers face high
specializing in certain type of switching costs, such as the
products. A purchaser may be costs of training a new supplier
responsible for buying paints in the intricacies of the buyer’s
only. Emotions and self- business, the possible loss of
gratifying motives underlie confidential trade secrets if the
most consumer purchases. supplier is abandoned, and the
iv. Business buyers may impose high cost of identifying an
substantial penalties for non- alternative supplier. In
performance by suppliers. Such consumer markets, customer
penalties may be built in the loyalty to retailers or brands is
contracts with the suppliers. A weak and the consequence of
contract may specify that a supplier or brand switching is
supplier pay a certain amount not severe to customers.
for every day’s delay in delivery vii. The business buyer’s
of an order or in the completion involvement in a purchase is
of equipment installation in a much greater than that of a
plant. Such penalties have not customer in consumer market.
yet become part of consumer The business buyer must plan
markets. his requirements and specify
v. If a business marketer’s plant technical and delivery
is running under capacity, or a requirements of the purchase,
customer’s order today has the often with the assistance of the
potential of significant follow- supplier. The business buyer
may help the supplier to reduced by purchasing from
develop the capability needed to large, well-known and reputable
supply the item. Negotiations suppliers and by continuing to
may go on for a long time about buy from the same supplier. In
specifications, quality and price. consumer markets the risks to
The buyer monitors supplier customers are less.
performance over the life of Marketing Segmentation, Market Targeting,
contract. and Market Positioning (STP)
viii. The business buying How to use Segmentation, Targeting and
decision process is complex and Positioning (STP) to develop marketing
involves several functional strategies
areas of the buying o Today, Segmentation, Targeting and
organization. Each function Positioning (STP) is a familiar
may have a different point of strategic approach in Modern
view and interest in the Marketing. It is one of the most
purchase. Committees discuss a commonly applied marketing
purchase using documented models in practice. In our poll
data, proposals, specifications asking about the most popular
and supplier analysis. Business marketing model it is the second
buyers often have the option of most popular, only beaten by the
making the product themselves venerable SWOT / TOWs matrix.
instead of buying it. The This popularity is relatively recent
business decision making since previously, marketing
process is observable and approaches were based more around
moves through distinctive products rather than customers. In
stages. The decision making the 1950s, for example, the main
process for major supplies may marketing strategy was 'product
take a long time. In the differentiation'.
consumer markets the customer o The STP model is useful when
decision making process is creating marketing communications
comparatively simple and short. plans since it helps marketers to
It takes place in the buyer’s prioritise propositions and then
mind and cannot be observed. develop and deliver personalised
The option of making the and relevant messages to engage
product himself is generally not with different audiences.
available with the customer
ix. The business buyer’s risk
can be very high. It is greatest
in the new-task situation, in
which the buyer has not
encountered such a buying
situation. Risk is least in the
straight-rebuy situation, in
which the item just has to be
reordered. But even in straight
rebuy there are risks such as the
item not being delivered on
time. Performance risk is
o The needs of each segment are the
same, so marketing messages should
be designed for each segment to
emphasize relevant benefits and
features required rather than one size
fits all for all customer types. This
approach is more efficient,
delivering the right mix to the same
group of people, rather than a
scattergun approach.
o Well known ways to segment your
audience include:
Breakdown by any
combination: age, gender,
income, education,
ethnicity, marital status,
education, household (or
business), size, length of
residence, type of
residence or even
Applying Segmentation, Targeting and profession/Occupation.
Positioning to digital communications Psychographics
o STP is relevant to digital marketing This refers to 'personality
too at a more tactical and emotions' based on
communications level. For example, behaviour, linked to
applying marketing personas can purchase choices,
help develop more relevant digital including attitudes,
communications as shown by these lifestyle, hobbies, risk
alternative tactical email customer aversion, personality and
segmentation approaches. leadership traits.
magazines read and TV.
While demographics
explain 'who' your buyer
is, psychographics inform
you 'why' your customer
This refers to Hobbies,
recreational pursuits,
entertainment, vacations,
and other non-work time
Belief and Values
Refers to Religious,
political, nationalistic and
cultural beliefs and
How to use STP values.
Life Stages In the example here, I’ve taken
Life Stages is the some cars available in the UK.
Chronological This isn’t a detailed product
benchmarking of people’s position map, more of an
lives at different stages. illustration. If there were no
Geography cars in one segment it could
Drill down by Country, indicate a market opportunity.
region, area, metropolitan
or rural location,
population density or even
Refers to the nature of the
purchase, brand loyalty,
usage level, benefits
sought, distribution
channels used, reaction to
marketing factors.
Benefit is the use and
satisfaction gained by the
o Market Targeting
Criteria Size: The market must
be large enough to justify Lesson 4: Developing Marketing Mix
segmenting. If the market is Marketing Research
small, it may make it smaller. The systematic design, collection,
Difference: Measurable interpretation, and reporting of
differences must exist between information to help marketers solve
segments. specific marketing problems or take
Money: Anticipated profits advantage of marketing opportunities
must exceed the costs of o It is a process for gathering
additional marketing plans and
information that is not currently
other changes.
available to decision makers
Accessible: Each segment must
o Purpose is to inform an organization
be accessible to your team and
the segment must be able to
Customers’ needs and desires
receive your marketing
Marketing opportunities for
particular goods and services
Focus on different benefits:
Changing attitudes and purchase
Different segments must need
patterns of customers
different benefits.
o The importance of Marketing
o Product Positioning
Positioning maps are the last
Facilitates strategic planning
element of the STP process. For
Assesses opportunities/threats
this to work, you need two
Ascertains potential for success
variables to illustrate the market
Helps determine feasibility of a observe interaction
strategy when members are
Improves marketer’s ability to exposed to an idea or
make decisions a concept
o Types of Research Conclusive Research
Marketing research can involve Research designed to
two forms of data: verify insights through
Qualitative data yields objective procedures and
descriptive non-numerical to help marketers in
information making decisions
Quantitative data yields What percentage of
empirical information that consumers will
can be communicated consider an electric
through numbers car purchase?
Marketers conduct either Used when the marketer
exploratory research or has one or more
conclusive research alternatives in mind and
Exploratory Research needs assistance in the
Research conducted to final stages of decision
gather more information making
about a problem or to Descriptive Research –
make a tentative Research conducted to
hypothesis more specific clarify the characteristics
To better understand a of certain phenomena to
problem or situation solve a particular problem
and/or to help identify Demands prior
additional data needs or knowledge
decision alternatives Assumes problem is
Customer advisory boards clearly defined
Small groups of May require
actual customers who statistical analysis
serve as sounding Experimental Research –
boards for new- Research that allows
product ideas and marketers to make causal
offer insights into inferences about
their feelings and relationships
attitudes toward a Provides strong
firm’s products and evidence of cause and
other elements of its effect
marketing strategy Need a dependent
Focus group variable and
A study in which a independent
small group of 8-12 variable(s) in order to
people are set-up research
interviewed often project
informally, without a o Marketing Research Process
questionnaire, to
Accepted or rejected
hypotheses act as
conclusions for the
Step 1: Locating and Defining research effort
problems Reliability and Validity
Focus on uncovering the Reliability – A
nature and boundaries of a condition that exists
situation when a research
The first sign of a technique produces
problem is a almost identical
departure from results in repeated
normal or expected trials
results Validity – A
Define the problem condition that exists
Marketers must when a research
define the nature and method measures
scope of the situation what it is supposed to
in order to pin down measure
the pr Step 3: Collecting Data
Determine precisely Primary Data
what is the aim of Data observed and
research O recorded or collected
Researchers and directly from
decision makers respondents
should remain in the Is collected to address
problem or issue a specific problem
definition stage until that cannot be
they have determined answered by
precisely what they secondary data alone
want from marketing Secondary Data
research and how Data compiled both
they will use it inside and outside the
Research will often be in- organization for some
depth purpose other than
Step 2: Designing Research the current
Project investigation
Research Design Methods of Collecting
An overall plan for Data
obtaining the Population – All the
information needed to elements, units, or
address a research individuals of interest
problem or issue to researchers for a
Hypothesis specific study
An informed guess or Sample – A limited
assumption about a number of units
certain problem or set chosen to represent
of circumstances the characteristics of
a total population
Sampling – The to calculate the
process of selecting likelihood that a
representative units specific element of
from a total the population being
population studied will be
- Quota – in which
researchers divide
the population
into groups and
then arbitrarily
participants from
each group
Survey Methods
Mail survey – A
Sampling research method in
Probability Sampling which respondents
– A type of sampling answer a
in which every questionnaire sent
element in the through the mail
population being Telephone survey – A
studied has a known research method in
chance of being which respondents’
selected for study answers to a
- Random – All questionnaire are
units in a recorded by an
population have interviewer on the
an equal chance phone
of appearing in - Telephone depth
the sample, and interview – An
the various events interview that
that occur have an combines the
equal or known traditional focus
chance of taking group’s ability to
place probe with the
- Stratified – The confidentiality
population is provided by
divided into telephone surveys
groups with a Personal interview
common attribute survey – A research
and a random method in which
sample is chosen participants respond
within each group to survey questions
Non-probability face-to-face
Sampling – A - In-home (door-to-
sampling technique in door) interview –
which there is no way A personal
interview that Statistical
takes place in the interpretation –
respondent’s Analysis of what is
home typical and what
Shopping mall deviates from the
intercept interview – average
A research method Data requires careful
that involves interpretation
interviewing a Managers must
percentage of understand the research
individuals passing results and relate them to
by “intercept” points a context that permits
in a mall effective decision making
- On-site computer Step 5: Reporting Findings
interview – A Prepare a formal, written
variation in which document
respondents Determine level of detail
complete a self- Clear and objective
administered presentation
questionnaire Consider the intended
displayed on a audience
computer monitor Point out deficiencies in
Online survey – A the data
research method in Researchers often give
which respondents their summary and
answer a recommendations first
questionnaire via e- For decision makers
mail or on a website who do not have time
- Marketers can use to study how the
digital media result were obtained
forums such as Products vs Services
chat rooms, blogs, Goods are basically objects or products
newsgroups, which have to be manufactured, stored,
social networks, transported, marketed and sold.
and research Services on the other hand are output of
communities to individuals and they can be a collective
identify trends in or individualistic action or performance
interests and by an individual
Step 4: Interpreting Findings
The first step in drawing
conclusions from most
research is displaying the
data in table format
The data must be analyzed
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