What Affects Usage Satisfaction in Mobile Payments? Modelling User Generated Content To Develop The "Digital Service Usage Satisfaction Model "
What Affects Usage Satisfaction in Mobile Payments? Modelling User Generated Content To Develop The "Digital Service Usage Satisfaction Model "
What Affects Usage Satisfaction in Mobile Payments? Modelling User Generated Content To Develop The "Digital Service Usage Satisfaction Model "
Mobile payment services have become increasingly important in daily lives in India due to multiple planned and unplanned
events. The objective of this study is to identify the determinants of usage satisfaction of mobile payments which could enhance
service adoption. The “Digital Service Usage Satisfaction Model” has been proposed and validated by combining technology
adoption and service science literature. First the data was extracted from Twitter based on hashtags and keywords. Then using
sentiment mining and topic modelling the large volumes of text were analysed. Then network science was also used for
identifying clusters among associated topics. Then, using content analysis methodology, a theoretical model was developed
based on literature. Finally using multiple regression analysis, we validated the proposed model. The study establishes that cost,
usefulness, trust, social influence, credibility, information privacy and responsiveness factors are more important to increase the
usage satisfaction of mobile payments services. Also methodologically, this is an endeavour to validate a new approach which
uses social media data for developing a inferential theoretical model.
Keywords Mobile payments . Digital Service Use; Service Quality . Usage satisfaction . Social Media Analytics . Big data
transfer, micro-financing, short term loans, online ticketing, In particular, our study is guided by the following research
online shopping and payment for utilities (Grover et al. questions. The first four of which are in the domain of mobile
2017). It means that there is no need to carry paper cash while payment service science and the last research question ad-
engaging in these activities of daily life. Due to the worldwide dresses a methodological gap in existing social media analyt-
growth of the internet and the growing popularity of electronic ics driven research.
commerce, mobile payments play an even more critical role in RQ1: How do users discuss about usage experiences
this economy (Yu et al. 2002). There are many efforts globally surrounding service encounters of mobile payments?
to increase the mobile payments services and to remove tan- RQ2: What are all the antecedents that impact usage sat-
gible cash in society. However acceptance of mobile pay- isfaction during service encounters of mobile payment
ments is highly dependent upon usage experiences like other across user groups?
information systems (Wixom and Todd 2005). Technologies RQ3: How are these antecedents that impact the service
have been giving new directions not only to societies but also usage satisfaction associated with each other?
industries. Finance companies and technology companies RQ4: How do these antecedents impact usage satisfaction
have come together to different new business models for mo- during service encounters of mobile payments?
bile payments (Puschmann 2017). These new models provide
an online platform between users and merchants to engage This rest of the study is divided into seven sections. In the
without the physical transfer of cash, thereby crossing the second section, we provide an overview of the related litera-
challenges of access to cash, geographic barriers, economic ture. In the third section, we describe the research questions
barriers and even on credit. Mobile wallets services allow and hypothesis which has been used for theory building. The
peer-to-peer transaction between merchants and users and fourth section describes the research methodology of the
transactions are can be done without any geographical con- study. The fifth section describes the findings of our study.
straints (Tankovic and Benazic 2018). The sixth section describes the implication of these results.
Recent review of customer experience literature also indi- The seventh section describes the conclusion which is derived
cates that there is a lack of studies measuring customer expe- from the study. The eighth section describes the limitation of
rience immediately after digital service encounters (Becker this study and concludes with future research directions.
and Jaakkola 2020). This gap may be due to the challenge
for researchers whereby it becomes difficult due to the dis-
tance of the context and the researcher at the time of service 2 Literature Review
encounter; when the incident that triggers any unexpected
reaction. However firms can continue to measure it by sharing The literature review is divided into the three sections: (1)
a close-ended survey with the customer. In this context, the Adoption of mobile payments services; (2) Service experience
prime objective of this study is to identify which factors are discussion in social media; (3) Research gap and contribution
responsible for impacting the service encounter usage experi- of the current study.
ences during a specific service encounter of mobile payments
services in India. In this context, we propose the Digital 2.1 Adoption of Mobile Payments
Service Usage Satisfaction Model (DSUSM), which is vali-
dated in the context of mobile payments. Usage satisfaction is Literature indicates that technology plays a vital role in
different from user satisfaction and is tied to a single context in increasing the growth of mobile payments service in pur-
a particular instance in which a service encounter is analysed. chasing good and services. While adopting any technology
Whereas, user satisfaction is mainly captured as the sum (or facilitated service, a number of theories have been used in
average) of overall experiences of service encounters over a existing literature and adoption is one of the more popular
period of time (Wixom and Todd 2005). A novel research areas in information systems discipline. Dominant theories
methodology has also been adopted to fulfil this objective. in in the technology adoption literature are Theory of
This study is undertaken by mining the user discussions sur- Reasoned Action (TRA), Technology Acceptance Model
rounding the service consumption and subsequent experi- (TAM), Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Diffusion of
ences surrounding them. This user generated context has been Innovation (DOI), Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour
analysed using text mining approaches like topic modelling (TIB), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
and sentiment mining. Then the summarized topics have been Technology (UTAUT), Model of Adoption of Technology
mapped to constructs of technology adoption identified from in Households (MATH) and Motivational Model. Several
literature. The usage experiences have been modelled for the studies have attempted to add more constructs to explain
topics using sentiment mining. The relationship of the factors adoption behaviour better over the years. An overview of
affecting adoption and their associated service experiences the fundamental theories and their constructs are illustrated
have been validated using multiple regression analysis. in Table 1.
Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361 1343
1 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) Customer-attitude, social influence, and Aizen and Fishbein 1977
2 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM 1, 2, 3) TAM 1-Percieved usefulness, ease of use, in- Davis 1989.
tention to use, usage behaviour. Venkatesh and Davis 2000.
TAM 2-Subjective norm, image, job Venkatesh and Bala 2008
relevance, output quality, result
demonstrability, experience, voluntariness
TAM 3-Individual differences, system
characteristics, social influence, and facili-
tating conditions
3 Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) Behavioural control, subjective norm, and Ajzen 1991.
behavioural attitude
4 Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Adoption characteristics, innovation Rogers 1995.
characteristics and innovation-decision
6 Model of Adoption of Technology Attitudinal Beliefs, Normative Beliefs, Brown and Venkatesh 2005
in Households (MATH) Control Beliefs.
7 Unified Theory of Acceptance and UTAUT Effort expectancy, performance Venkatesh et al. 2003
Use of Technology (UTAUT) expectancy, social influence, and Venkatesh et al. 2012.
facilitating conditions.
UTAUT2: hedonic motivation and price
8 Motivational Model Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation. Venkatesh and Speier 1999.
Adoption literature focused on electronic payments indicates widely used to measure the perception of customer towards the
that significant effects towards use are derived out of the ease of service quality: a gap between services the customer expected to
use, perceived quality of such services and satisfaction over a receive and what they have been received, even in technology
period of continued usage (Jun and Cai 2001; Rana et al. 2013; enabled services (Parasuraman et al. 1988; Loiacono et al. 2007).
Slade et al. 2015; Teoh et al. 2013). These studies indicate that to Further literature (Dahlberg et al. 2008; Zhou 2011) highlights
promote electronic payments, it would be necessary to explore the importance of factors like risk, security, usefulness, social-
the frameworks which assess the quality of such digital services. influence, information-privacy, trust, usefulness also important
Further adoption of electronic payment services depends upon service quality factors. These frameworks like SERVQUAL
the country environment, culture, technology and government and WEBQUAL very useful to evaluate the customer expecta-
(Berthon et al. 2012). Reviews of literature on the consumption tions and their perception towards firms in terms of their service
of mobile application services identified factors such as per- delivery (Loiacono et al. 2007). Further, reviews of literature
ceived quality, usefulness, social-influence, flexibility have (Chhonker et al. 2018; Southard and Siau 2004; Hong and
played a powerful role in increasing its adoption rate Tam 2006) identified that factors like assurance, confidentiality,
(Chhonker et al. 2017). Reviews on extended theories of adop- usefulness, trust, security, customer attitude, credibility, reliabil-
tion literature indicate a plethora of additional constructs along ity, ease of use, cost, tangibility, performance, responsiveness,
with these main constructs as indicated in Table 1 are available, social influence, and information-risk which could affect the per-
like perceived trust, perceived security, price value, performance ceived quality of services significantly based on a single service
expectancy, to name a few (Slade et al. 2013; Rana et al. 2017; encounter and thus impact the adoption of digital services like
Chhonker et al. 2017, 2018; Dwivedi et al. 2019; Tamilmani electronic payments. Overview of these factors are illustrated in
et al. 2020). Adoption literature on mobile payments also high- Table 2. Literature indicates that there are many other factors, but
light the relevance of theories on user resistance to such changes we have briefly described 15 factors which have been identified
due opportunity appraisal factors like perceived value, threat as being relevant in our study, through the process of looking at
appraisal factors like consequences of using new systems and the data obtained from summarization of texts of user generated
secondary appraisal factors like sense of control while using content.
such platforms (Gong et al. 2020).
These theories on adoption are sometimes explored using 2.2 Service Consumption Discussion in Social Media
service science theories, like SERVQUAL and WEBQUAL,
using factors like responsiveness, tangibility, reliability, assur- In this digital world, seventy percent of customers used social
ance, empathy (Parasuraman et al. 1988). These models are media sites to access information, forty-nine per cent of
1344 Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361
Table 2 Factors affecting mobile payment service encounters and usage experience
1 Cost (price) Fees paid per transaction or one time for onboarding (Shon and Swatman 1998)
(Kapoor et al. 2014)
2 Usefulness Transaction requirements, Finance related issues of (Pachpande and Kamble 2018)
customers should be satisfied.
3 Ease of use The ease with which a digital transaction may be (Guriting and Oly Ndubisi 2006;
undertaken by the user Rana et al. 2013).
4 Trust Trust on the individual, system or organization facilitating Slade et al. 2014)
the service delivery
5 Performance Performance of regularity of desired outcome of the digital (Venkatesh et al. 2006;
transaction Gholami et al. 2010)
6 Security Maintaining confidentiality, authenticity, (Papa et al. 2010)
non-repudiability between users and services.
7 Social Influence Views of support or prestige associated among social (Koenig-Lewis et al. 2015)
groups and peers when a service is used
8 Information Risk The risk of information getting affected, accessed or (Slade et al. 2015; Leong et al. 2003).
misused when information interchange happens
in a transaction
9 Credibility The extent that a user’s trusts the promises of service (Parasuraman et al. 1988)
delivery by the firm.
10 Assurance Ability to convey confidence that the service provider will (Parasuraman et al. 1991)
act in the interest of the user and deliver what it was
supposed to do.
11 Customer Support The orientation of the service provider to support the (Arvidsson 2014)
(Attitude) customer’s needs for issues related to service
12 Responsiveness How quick is the service provider to address issues when a (Lin 2013)
service request is raised by a user?
13 Confidentiality Information should be restricted among the parties (Meharia 2012)
involved in the transaction.
14 Information Privacy The personal and sensitive information collected during a (Tsai et al. 2011)
transaction will not be shared or used beyond intended
usage or user groups
15 Reliability The systems will continue to provide uniform quality of (Parasuraman et al. 1988)
services outcome over time.
customers use social media sites for taking any purchase de- channel for the public (Kim and Ko 2012; Chang and Wang
cision based on information present in the social media sites, 2011). Various industries use social media sites for the mar-
sixty per cent users use social media sites only to share their keting of their products and services such as retailing, tourism,
views with others; forty-five per cent users use social media news, entertainments industry (Grover et al. 2017). Marketing
sites only for word-of-mouth (Kim and Ko 2012 ; Tan and Lee is done in social media sites for any products and services with
2019). Electronic word of mouth related to service encounters less effort and cost, it also maintains the strong relationship
and access to internet impact intention to use a technology with their customer and increases the profits of the industries
enabled service (Chaudrie and Dwivedi 2005; Ismagilova (Kim and Ko 2012). Firms also engages with customers in
et al. 2019). Social media platforms like Facebook and social media in a number of ways. First is in the traditional
Twitter play an important role in this digital world for sharing form in which there is a direct communication between cus-
information, to maintain public relation, and to exchange tomers and the organization through paid promotion. The sec-
opinion among users (Grover et al. 2017). Social media sites ond form is social communication in which users communi-
are platforms in which social or professional friends interact cate with other users then they discuss the user experiences
with each other for sharing their ideas or opinions (Trusov about the product and services delivers by any organizations
et al. 2009).In this digital world, all users using social media and industries (Paniagua and Sapena 2014; Mangold and
sites for marketing (Thackeray et al. 2008), for the promotion Faulds 2009). Communication between firms and customers
of their product and services (Neiger et al. 2012), for increas- over social media is not only cost effective, but also helps in
ing job opportunities (Henderson et al. 2013), governments building brand engagement and strengthens customer rela-
organizations use social media sites as a communication tionships (Zheng et al. 2015). Social media is one of the
Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361 1345
dominant platforms for users in which they can resolve their service quality models and further added certain constructs
queries related to new technologies, products and services to extend the already existing theories surrounding adoption.
(Kapoor et al. 2018; Rathore and Ilavarasan 2020). Users fre- We begin by discussing fifteen hypotheses that were related to
quently attempt to interact and engage with firms based on the mobile payment’s services. The dependent variable is us-
their service encounters and share their inputs for improving age satisfaction (extended from Venkatesh et al. 2003; Lin and
quality of services (Howard et al. 2014; Rathore and Sun 2009), defined as the individual probability towards the
Ilavarasan 2020). use of technology. In this study, the polarity of a user’s senti-
ment in a context of user generated content, has been used as a
proxy for usage satisfaction. If an user is satisfied, the assump-
3 Theory Development tion is that the polarity of the tweet will have a positive senti-
ment. Similarly, if the user is not satisfied from a service
Our review of literature on digital service science in general encounter, the assumption is his tweet will have a negative
and mobile payments in particular reveal the following over- polarity in terms of sentiment.
view and gaps which we attempted to address: Further it was necessary to identify antecedents which
& Studies have attempted to find antecedents to technol- would affect this usage satisfaction. For this, we had to adopt
ogy adoption a lot in existing literature but the connect an inductive research methodology whereby revisit the data
with usage experience is missing. carefully and identify factors from the summarization of social
& Studies have focused on service delivery process and ser- media discussions. This exploratory study is undertaken to
vice quality as an outcome extensively in service science address the second research question whereby we attempted
literature. to address the second research question by connecting the
& Studies indicate that service quality literature is also con- outcome of text summarization with the understanding of lit-
nected to adoption and establishes that good perceptions erature based on reviews. Based on text summarization
surrounding service quality facilitates adoption. methods, fifteen factors could be identified from existing lit-
& However there is no study to measure digital service usage erature. The methodology of identifying these factors is elab-
experience by connecting these two bodies of literature, orated in the research methodology. These independent vari-
especially by mining user generated content. ables were cost (Shon and Swatman 1998), usefulness (Davis
& Further there is no attempt to establish antecedents of ser- et al. 1989; Karnouskos 2004), trust (Yousafzai et al. 2003),
vice usage experience in existing digital service usage information-risk (Slade et al. 2015), security, social influence
behaviour, as researchers are distanced from the customer (Koenig-Lewis et al. 2015), ease of use (Venkatesh
at the time of service encounter. et al. 1996), performance (Venkatesh et al. 2006), credibility
(Wang et al. 2003), reliability (Zhu et al. 2002), information-
Usage experience at the point of service consumption is privacy (Leong et al. 2003), responsiveness (Lin 2013),
difficult to capture by researchers who are external to the en- Customer-attitude (Davis et al. 1989), confidentiality
counter. The current study is a major leap in this direction to (Meharia 2012), and assurance (Wang et al. 2003), as illus-
combine approaches of social media analytics with inferential trated in Fig. 1. In subsequent part of this theory development
analysis to develop such a large integrative perspective by pro- section, we attempt to address the third and fourth research
posing the DSUSM model. This requires us to explore the first question for developing the theoretical model for validation.
two research questions which are predominantly exploratory in
nature. Our first research question attempts to explore whether Usage Satisfaction Customer perception and satisfaction sur-
users share their usage experience on digital service consump- rounding a service encounter play a vital role for getting the
tion, and if they do, what kind of polarity are typically success of any new technology, therefore mobile payments
highlighted in such social media discussions. This enables us services get adopted only when customers have positive per-
to measure sentiments of the core tweets which will later be ception and usage satisfaction towards mobile payments ser-
used to measure usage satisfaction as a dependent variable. vices (Oliver 1994; Sun et al. 2009). Literature indicates that
Twitter is one of the popular microblogging platforms and adoption of online transaction is highly governed by customer
has the potential for capturing mutual intelligence from large satisfaction and their choices of method of transaction
numbers of users (Grover et al. 2019a). Also by this approach, (Dahlberg et al. 2008). However customer or user satisfaction
a complex theoretical model may be developed which other- typically emerges over multiple service encounters whereas
wise is not feasible to validate through survey based methods, usage satisfaction is generated at the context of service en-
since the survey instrument would be too long to collect re- counter (Wixom and Todd 2005). Such a measure for custom-
sponses without creating any stress or biases among respon- er satisfaction would be typically captured as the sum or av-
dents. We developed our hypotheses with the theoretical erage of different usage satisfaction out of numerous service
models extended from different technology adoption and encounters. Typically, most of the past literature measures
1346 Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361
Informaon risk
Social Influence
Ease of use
Usage Sasfacon
Factors from adopon literature
overall customer satisfaction since measuring usage satisfac- Cost (price) This factor captures the cost of using mobile pay-
tion is difficult due to access to the customer at the moment of ments services while engaging in a transaction. Cost of
service consumption. However firms typically ask users to onboarding into a system or for completing a transaction
rate their service encounters after a service is consumed as it should be lower for increasing the acceptance rate of digital
helps in service improvements and can create positive or neg- services (Mallat 2007; Liang and Huang 1998). Literature
ative user generated content which is a better measure for indicates that higher cost per transaction, communication cost
usage satisfaction. However getting access to individual such and subscription cost often affect the consumption of digital
ratings after service consumption may be challenging unless services in both individual and organizational setting
we use the user generated content surrounding this service (Shafinah et al. 2013; Chatterjee and Kar 2020). There are
encounter. Recent reviews of literature also highlight that evidences in UTAUT2 that price has a significant impact on
measuring customer experience at the point of service encoun- behavioural intention. Hence extending this argument, we felt
ters becomes difficult during digital service usage by cus- that cost would also impact usage satisfaction, if this cost was
tomers (Becker and Jaakkola 2020). However this user gener- associated with every usage (like cost per transaction).
ated content or electronic word of mouth may affect future use Therefore we hypothesise H1 as follows.
of the service (Ismagilova et al. 2019). In this study, a cus- H1: There is a negative relationship between cost and
tomer’s usage satisfaction from the mobile payment service usage satisfaction
encounter has been captured through a proxy of the sentiment
of a topic which is identified through text summarization in
user-generated content. The topic represents the usage context Usefulness Digital payment models facilitates the user to with-
and associated words relevant to the context which multiple draw their money anywhere at any time with very minimal
customers may have shared while sharing their experience charges (Omwansa 2009). It posits that a technology driven
regarding a service encounter. Usage satisfaction is the depen- platform should have tangible benefits which would promote
dent variable in our study which is captured using sentiment their adoption as well (Davis 1989). If the users percieve that
mining methods derived from social media analytics by mobile payments are more useful, as compared to other modes
analysing the polarity of the topic. of payments, they should have a positive impact on usage
satisfaction. Therefore we propose H2 as follows.
Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361 1347
H2: There is a positive relationship between usefulness. Security is one of the major concerns for customers. In mobile
and usage satisfaction. payments, users have their own private key or secret code for
the online transaction it developed perceived security in mo-
Trust Trust is basically used to identify how much risk associated bile payments transactions. In these digital environments, it
while doing any financial transactions i.e. trust is directly propor- required to maintain mechanisms of authentication, authoriza-
tional to usage satisfaction, if trust increases then the perception tion, non-repudiation between users, merchants and payments
of users towards mobile payments automatically increases. Trust services (Shon and Swatman 1998). Perceptions surrounding
helps to maintain the transactional relationship between merchant security is often identified as one of the biggest challenges for
and customers (Peha and Khamitov 2004). Trust plays an impor- all the users of digital services and smart technology products
tant factor in the adoption of mobile services because the online as they capture a lot of data and so digital identity systems are
transaction, besides being intangible, a significant degree of per- sometimes used to enable better security for such platforms
ceived risk and unpredictability is involved (Slade et al. 2014; (Stadler 1999; Mir et al. 2019). If users have concerns sur-
Salo and Karjaluoto 2007; Arif and Du 2019). Antecedents of rounding how others may access and use the information that
trust are factors like talent, kindness and honesty (Kassim and is shared in a digital service, they tend to use it lesser
Abdullah 2010; Sebastianelli and Tamimi 2018). Talents mean (Weerakkody et al. 2017). We extend this argument that typ-
that the service providers have knowledge and experience to ically such user may be more dissatisfied from such service
deliver the desired services. Honesty means that the service pro- encounter. As illustrated in Fig. 1, we propose H5 as follows.
vider is not perceived to cheat users and will satisfy the commit- H5: There is a positive relationship between security
ments. Kindness indicate that the service providers are expected and usage satisfaction
to satisfy the requirements of their users positively. Literature
indicates that trust helps to build preference towards the adoption
of a digital service and having higher trust on a system should Social influence Social influence play a tremendous role while
also lead to higher usage satisfaction. Hence we hypothesize H3 increasing the rate of adoption of consumer focused digital
as follows. services including mobile based services (Venkatesh et al.
H3: There is a positive relationship between trust and 2003; Shin 2009). Social groups can enable users create a
usage satisfaction perceived support system for trying new technologies, if the
confidence of using the new technology is less. For mobile
payment, social influence plays a dominant role in impacting
Information Risk Information risk plays an important factor in intention to use and subsequently adoption (Slade et al. 2014).
increasing the usage of digital services (Mustafa et al. 2020). It can become even more critical, if there is a sudden interven-
Digital payments services are required to maintain the integ- tion. Interventions in India like demonetization also encour-
rity and authorization of transactions (Slade et al. 2015). aged users to use mobile payments services for transactions
Reduced information risk instils higher user confidence be- suddenly. Because of the sudden nature of such interventions,
cause users lower their apprehension of losing their personal we hypothesized social influence to be a critical factor.
information and financial information to external entities in- Further, even if one starts using such a service, we perceived
tentionally or accidentally (Leong et al. 2003). Information it would also impact the experience associated with such us-
risk factors could be triggered by economical, performance, age, if there were support from social groups. Greater the
social, time or financial triggers (Shon and Swatman 1998; support while individuals were using it, better is the service
Mustafa et al. 2020). If the information risk increases, as per- usage experience.
ceived by the consumer, there is a greater chance that the H6: There is a positive relationship between social
consumer may not adopt or use the technology (Leong et al. influence and usage satisfaction
2003; Slade et al. 2015; Weerakkody et al. 2017). Therefore
we extend that argument that perceived information risk
should have an adverse impact on the usage satisfaction of a Ease of use For any digital service, adoption is often impacted
digital service. As illustrated in Fig. 1, we propose H4 as by ease of use of the service, as has been illustrated in adop-
follows. tion literature like TAM. Mobile payments services are easy to
H4: There is a negative relationship between informa- use therefore it should provide a positive attitude to usage
tion risk and usage satisfaction satisfaction (Guriting and Oly Ndubisi 2006). If mobile pay-
ments service is easy to use then it will remove any kind of
transaction errors and it is one of the important aspects of any
Security In this digital world, security plays a very important online financial transactions (Flavian et al. 2006). Literature
factor to maintain the relationship between merchant, users indicates that despite the progress of different adoption litera-
and with payments system (Siau et al. 2004; Mallat 2007). ture, Ease of Use from TAM remains one of the critical factors
1348 Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361
which drives technology usage (Rana et al. 2013). Extending quality of outcome, through the exchange of financial payment
this argument that users who use a technology are likely to be between intended parties, becomes critical in establishing
having greater usage satisfaction, if the platform is easier to higher reliability. Higher reliability enhances positive affect
use as compared to other platform. Therefore we propose H7 surrounding the service. As illustrated in Fig. 1, we propose
as follows. the following hypothesis.
H7: There is a positive relationship between ease of H10: There is a positive relationship between reliabil-
use and usage satisfaction ity and usage satisfaction
Performance Performance is basically used to measure how Information privacy In digital services like mobile payments,
customers feel after the use of mobile payments services, it collection and sharing of unauthorised information can have a
helps to perform the transaction online anywhere and at any significant impact on the perceived efficacy of the service
time, it also measures the risk, speed, authentication while (Tsai et al. 2011; Stewart and Segars 2002). Such concerns
performing an on-line transaction (Venkatesh et al. 2003; surrounding information privacy entails the access of informa-
Gholami et al. 2010). Evidences on mobile payment adoption tion residing in the system which is meant to be accessed by
highlight that higher is the performance expectancy, greater is the mobile payment application. Information privacy is related
the behavioural intention to use the service (Slade et al. 2014). to access rights granted to the mobile application to access
Extending the argument to usage satisfaction, we felt from the data in the mobile device like location data, messages, files
inductive research that performance is a key factor which af- on the memory, usage data and network usage data
fects usage satisfaction. Higher performance of the mobile (Albashrawi and Motiwalla 2019). Such privacy concerns
application in terms of speed, authentication and network us- could be related to access and use of sensitive personal infor-
age could have a positive impact in terms of customer’s usage mation within or outside the boundary of the firm for unin-
satisfaction. Similarly factors like crashing while running, tended usage. If information privacy is protected, customers
bugs in the application could have adverse impacts on the should be more satisfied about their service encounters. Thus
usage satisfaction. Thus we propose H8 as follows. as illustrated in Fig. 1, we propose H11 as follows.
H8: There is a positive relationship between perfor- H11: There is a positive relationship between informa-
mance and usage satisfaction tion privacy and usage satisfaction
Credibility Credibility of a service provider comes out of trust Responsiveness Mobile payment users believed that when
on the service provider that the organization will not attempt payments or transactions are done electronically, it responds
to do anything that will harm the interest of the different faster to their need than any other traditional methods used for
stakeholders. This is driven by the trust on the service provid- payments (Lin 2013). The same is expected in terms of reso-
er. The trust that an individual may have on the service pro- lution to problems encountered during a service experience.
vider has positive impacts on the usage intention of a digital Responsiveness may also influence the satisfaction of custom-
service (Slade et al. 2015). It also defines a behavioural inten- er based on any online business transaction. Higher the re-
tion to use an information system like mobile payments ser- sponsiveness of the system to the inputs provided by the user,
vices (Amin 2008). Extending the argument based on induc- lesser is the user’s time and effort which is utilised to meet the
tive evidences, we hypothesized that if the service provider objectives and more is likely to be his satisfaction from the
has greater credibility, the usage satisfaction would be higher service encounter. Responsiveness also comes into play if an
for a digital service like mobile payments (Kapoor et al. 2014). automated transaction does not fulfil intended consequences
As illustrated in Fig. 1, we propose H9 as follows. and required human intervention due to technical or process
H9: There is a positive relationship between credibility related problems. A quicker human intervention in such prob-
and usage satisfaction lems was perceived to impact usage satisfaction positively. As
illustrated in Fig. 1, we propose H12 as follows.
H12: There is a positive relationship between respon-
Reliability Reliability of services ensure that there is uniformity siveness and usage satisfaction
of expectations of the customer about the outcome of any ser-
vice (Parasuraman et al. 1988). It also determines that a firm has
the potential of delivering the promised services dependably, Customer attitude Literature on customer attitudes indicate
repeatedly over a period of time. As users indulge in repeated that users have a positive or negative intention to use a specific
usage of a technology enabled service through a mobile appli- digital service which may also impact their service experience
cation, the ability of the application to demonstrate the same (Arvidsson 2014). Literature indicates that for internet-based
Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361 1349
technologies, customer attitude has a dominant role to play in The entire theoretical model has been illustrated in Fig. 1
its adoption (Dwivedi et al. 2007). Attitude towards a service subsequently in this manuscript. Colour coding has been done
can be due to different reasons. For example, if the cost of to demarcate the foundation literature though which the indi-
these payment services is low, if it became ease to use, if it vidual constructs are derived in this study.
provides high security and privacy but the low risk then the
only customer has a positive attitude towards these payments
services (Arvidsson 2014). Users attitude towards using any 4 Research Methodology
specific information technology and application are the impor-
tant factors for determining whether individual use that system In this research, a mixed research methodology approach;
or not (Yang 2005). As illustrated in Fig. 1, we propose H13 combining both qualitative and quantitative methods; is used
as follows. for analysing and measuring the factors that are derived in the
H13: There is a positive relationship between custom- Indian context. Mix research designs have better reliability
er attitude and usage satisfaction while dealing with user generated content (Oh et al. 2015;
Karami et al. 2020). The first phase of the study draws insights
from social media analytics where algorithms can transform
Confidentiality Confidentiality is defined as the preservation of user generated content using approaches of descriptive analyt-
information within intended usage and among intended stake- ics, content analytics and network analytics (Rathore et al.
holders related at the time of transaction such an identity of 2017; Grover et al. 2018; Grover and Kar 2020). This output
users/merchant, credit card information or purchase of products is transformed through a qualitative content analysis method
or services (Meharia 2012). Confidentiality inherently means in the second phase of data analysis. Then in the third phase,
that the information should be secured among the parties in- the output of the second phase is analysed using inferential
volved in the transaction (Meharia 2012). The intended usage statistics like multiple regression analysis. Across these stages,
of a payment application is to facilitate transactions between the research methodology combines text analysis using senti-
two interested parties. However the application may have mul- ment mining and topic modelling with content analysis
tiple other access rights in the system. How the information is methods of social science research, and then multivariate anal-
collected through these access rights and regarding the transac- ysis using multiple regression analysis. These approaches of
tion information, and how subsequently such information may combining social media analytics and statistical validation of
be analysed and shared with unintended parties governs the hypothesis have shown immense potential in recent times, but
confidentiality of data usage. Evidences in data and literature multi-variate analysis has not been attempted to explain a
highlighted concerns surrounding how government may be theoretical perspective on a domain. We attempt to follow
monitoring transactions in mobile payments after demonetiza- the guidelines highlighted by Berente et al. (2019) in their
tion for the purpose of taxation and governance (Mohan and commentary towards building theory in information systems
Kar 2017). If concerns surrounding confidentiality were high, based on data driven approaches.
we envisioned an adverse impact on usage satisfaction. As il-
lustrated in Fig. 1, we propose H14 as follows. 4.1 Data Collection
H14: There is a positive relationship between confi-
dentiality and usage satisfaction For this study, data was collected from Twitter by using Python
for over a period of 9 months from October 2018 till June 2019,
by using the popular hashtags (top 5) and @mention used for
Assurance Assurance adequately increases the user’s trust and mobile payments services. These service provider are identified
decrease the risk while achieving any online transaction as the top 8 mobile payment service provider based on data
(Parasuraman et al. 1991). Higher assurance in an intangible listed by the government of India in NPCI website. Other ser-
service would indicate that the service consumption is com- vice providers had specifically local coverage and did not have
municated to the stakeholders involved effectively, thereby presence beyond three states. Discussions on Twitter surround-
enhancing positive affects about the service encounter. A ma- ing mobile payment service providers of such as Paytm,
jor concern highlighted in the data for new users that users MobiKwik, Freecharge, Oxygen Wallet, NPCI_BHIM,
involved in digital payments did not get a confirmation before PayUMoney, PhonePe, Razorpay were extracted. When the
the transaction is completed that the payment is being trans- official account of these service providers have been mentioned
ferred to the right recipient (Mohan and Kar 2017). If assur- (@mentions), the data has been collected using the Twitter API.
ance is low, usage satisfaction was also adversely impacted. Using this API, at a particular point of time, Twitter allows 5%
As illustrated in Fig. 1, we propose H15 as follows: of the discussions surrounding the searched keyword to be ex-
H15: There is a positive relationship between assur- tracted. Among these service providers, NPCI_BHIM is a pub-
ance and usage satisfaction lic service provider while the rest are private firms.
1350 Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361
Content Analysis idenficaon &
model building
Text Mining
While the original extracted tweets exceeded eight lakhs, a Stemming is a process where derivations of words are reduced
total of 400,242 tweets were identified after the cleaning pro- and mapped to the base word so that uniformity of analysis
cess. Literature highlights that many studies have been con- can be achieved. By undertaking stemming, one attempts to
ducted with sample sizes of even a lakh tweets are sufficient reduce the inflectional variations of each word which may
for theory development based on user generated content have been introduced by a very large number of users to a
(Grover et al. 2019a, b, c; Aswani et al. 2018). In the cleaning common base or root. Typically when many users discuss
process, the retweets and tweets which were not in English about a theme, they tend to use different variation of the same
were removed as this would have been difficult for our anal- word and these words needs to be mapped to the base stem
ysis based on existing capabilities of natural language process- word for better accuracy of analysis (Grover et al. 2019b). It
ing. Further tweets which had only links or images and were operates by truncating the prefix or suffix of the word found in
having text less than five words were also removed in this large volumes of text, and map the core word to an existing
tweet extraction process as they do not have significant infor- dictionary. The entire process of cleaning the tweets and stem-
mation surrounding the usage experience which can be used ming was undertaken by using the Python NLTK package
for further analysis. Further all tweets were removed which where a database of English dictionary is available for
did not originate from an user where the user profile did not Natural Language Processing.
have an image and was less than 30 days old, so as to ensure
the profile is genuinely representing an user. 4.2 Data Analysis Methodology
The extracted data was cleaned to remove stop words,
meaningless characters such as HTML tags, punctuation, The tweets were analysed subsequently using topic modelling
numbers, emoticons are removed through stemming. for tweet summarization. Topic modelling encompasses
Fig. 3 Overview of sentiments in Percentage polarity in mobile payment tweets across service providers
discussions surrounding mobile 35
All Tweets PayTM MobiKwik PhonePe NPCI Bhim FreeCharge Oxygen PayUMoney RazorPay
Very Negave Negave Neutral Posive Very Posive
Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361 1351
different algorithms which provide an approach in social me- which emerged, we went back to literature to identify factors
dia analytics whereby large volumes of tweets can be analysed which appear relevant from the topic models. There were 100
to identify dominant themes within such discussion based on topics of fifteen words each that were computed at this stage
similarity of cooccurrences of the words (Rathore et al. 2017). for further analysis.
In this study, Latent Dirichlet Allocation or LDA algorithm After the topic models were used to identify potential
(Blei et al. 2003) has been used for topic modelling as it factors, we went back to the methodology of content anal-
provides a mechanism to control the number of words and ysis in consumer research (Kassarjian 1977). In the content
topics whereby an analysis towards an empirical model can analysis methodology, coders would look at a context of
be developed (Grover et al. 2019a, b, c). Based on the topics text and map scores to relevant themes obtained from
Independent Variables: Predictors: (Constant), Assurance, Confidentiality, Usefulness, Trust, Security, Customer
Attitude, Credibility, Reliability, Ease of use, Cost, Information Privacy, Performance, Responsiveness, Social-
influence, Information-Risk
Dependent Variables: Usage satisfaction, captured through sentiment mining (polarity) of topics
Note: *represent [p(significance value) < = 0.05]
1352 Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361
literature or from data. Content analysis approaches has After the topic modelling output was created, it was neces-
been recently adopted in consumer centric marketing and sary to evaluate how the topics are interconnected with each
information systems literature for mapping topics with other. A network diagram typically can enable a visualization
themes for theory development (Grover et al. between such topics which co-occur together based on text
2018; Grover et al. 2019a, b, c), however such a methodol- summarization. Network science is typically used in social
ogy has never been used for inferential statistics. A word media analytics to find out connects among key entities like
can be a unit of measurement which can be mapped to a users and the entities are connected with each other through
theme, which in our case was the identified construct. edges which are typically the strength of the ties (Rathore
Category reliability and inter-judge reliability was ensured et al. 2016). The reviews of social media analytics in general
by creating a three member research team whereby one was and network analytics in particular indicate by doing this ac-
having a background of telecommunications research, an- tivity, it is possible to find out different attributes about the
other coder was having a background in linguistics and the entities which are connected to each other like cluster infor-
third (author) had a background of information systems mation, community size, their community strength and many
research (Kassarjian 1977). The members evaluated all more (Börner et al. 2007; Barabási 2013). The network anal-
the topic models and assigned scores on a Likert scale to ysis among the topics enabled us to revalidate the connect of
the fifteen factors. Each of the 100 topics could be assigned our choice of factors which are used in inferential analysis. In
a score on 15 factors which were identified from the litera- this analysis, individual words within topics, after removing
ture (revisit Table 2). The coders agreed on 1438 scores stopwords and completed, were treated as nodes while entity
whereby the difference of the mapping among the group resolution stage, and their cooccurrences is treated as edges.
of coders did not exceed beyond 1 point on a 5 point After this stage we proceeded to evaluate the sentiment of
Likert scale. The coders did not meet initial inter-judge these topics using polarity analysis.
reliability on 62 decisions. In these 62 decisions, the team Sentiment mining was done to identify the polarity of the
went back to revisit the tweets based on a corpus wide word topics based on natural language processing using a semantic
based search whereby after looking at the tweets, the scores approach (Rathore et al. 2017). Sentiment analysis can be
were decided consensually after a discussion. done on twitter using a variety of approaches to understand
the user generated content (Chang and Chen 2019). In this low scores of correlation analysis among the independent con-
study, the Stanford CoreNLP toolkit was used for this scoring structs validated this assumption. The flowchart of the se-
of sentiments in terms of polarity (Manning et al. 2014). quence of activities undertaken for this analysis is illustrated
Twitter based studies attempting to infer theoretical meaning for simplification in Fig. 2.
from user generated content has often used this package
(Grover et al. 2018; Grover et al. 2019a, b, c). This model is
adopted since this approach allows tokenization, have a very 5 Results and Findings
large semantic library and has reasonable high accuracy for
analysis of English library (Manning et al. 2014). For each In this research, collected data were analysed to identify cus-
topic, a 5 point sentiment score was computed using this tomer perception of mobile payments services using a mix of
methodology and then mapped with the outputs of the content methods of social media analytics which emerge from com-
analysis of the topic models. This was the matrix which was puter science and inferential statistical analysis which has its
taken forward for the inferential analysis in the subsequent roots in terms of applications in social science research.
The multivariate analysis undertaken was conducted with
5.1 Insights from Social Media Analytics
multiple regression analysis to bring out the relationships
among the factors along with inferential impacts on the de-
First we illustrate the results of the sentiment analysis (polarity
pendent variable, namely usage satisfaction, to validate the
analysis) of the tweets mentioning the service provider, indi-
hypothesis proposed in the theoretical development stage.
vidually and collectively. In general, it is seen, more tweets in
Since the content analysis methodology had met high inter-
such mentions are having a negative polarity, as has been
judge reliability and validity, the inferential analysis safely
illustrated in Fig. 3.
assumes that there are very low multi-collinearity effects, if
From Fig. 3, it is evident from the polarity analysis of
any, with the data and thus multiple regression analysis is
tweets that majority of the users mention a service provider
sufficient for inferential analysis (Gefen et al. 2000). The
only when they are somewhat dissatisfied with the service. A
Fig. 5 Word cloud of cleaned topics derived with LDA after tweet summarization
1354 Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361
manual investigation of the tweets which are neutral indicated square column to identify p-value, only those hypotheses were
that these are mostly those which have no emotional words accepted whose p-value is less than or equal to 0.05.
associated and mostly reflected news or informational content Therefore, the hypothesis surrounding constructs such as cost,
from blogs. Alternatively, users have to be delighted in some usefulness, trust, social-influence, credibility, tangibility, re-
way that was unexpected for them to mention a payment ser- sponsiveness was significantly associated with user’s percep-
vice provider in tweets. tion towards mobile payments service because the signifi-
Subsequently, we attempted to visualize the 100 topics cance value of this hypothesis was less than 0.05. Therefore,
which were identified from the tweets by using a word cloud hypothesis such as H1, H2, H3, H6, H9, H11, and H12 was
based method. The stop words which were identified were accepted. However hypothesis such as information-risk (H4),
deleted in the topics which were computed. Further the incom- security (H5), ease of use (H7), performance (H8), reliability
plete words in the topic models or words which had spelling (H10), Customer-attitude (H13), confidentiality (H14), assur-
mistakes were corrected before this analysis. In this approach, ance (H15) were not accepted because the p-value of this
words which appear more frequently among the topics has a relationship were greater than 0.05. The result of the regres-
larger font size as compared to the words which have lesser sion analysis is illustrated in Table 3.
frequency among the topics. The model summary is illustrated in Table 4, was devel-
From the wordcloud created from the topics derived oped to identify the value of R 2 which explains the
through the LDA algorithm, it is evident that a lot of focus explainability of the model. In this model, the value of R2 is
is on words like mpay, payment, usage experience, epay, wal- 0.567 for the constructs usage satisfaction for mobile pay-
let, internet, problems, connectivity, trust and many others. ments services in India which interprets that assurance, confi-
However from the word cloud it is not possible to understand dentiality, usefulness, trust, security, customer attitude, credi-
how these words or themes are connected with each other, bility, reliability, ease of use, cost, information privacy, per-
which can be understood with a network diagram. formance, responsiveness, social- influence, and information-
Subsequently, we attempted to develop the network dia- risk variables can explain the variance towards predicting us-
gram based on association among the words derived out of age satisfaction to the extent of 56.7%. The significance value
topic modelling. This network diagram could help us cluster of this model was 0.009, therefore, this model is accepted.
the associated words together into closely occurring themes. In Table 5, an overview of the hypothesis which were val-
The network diagram should validate the nature of constructs idated and the results of the validation is illustrated. Out of the
that was identified from existing literature from different the- 15 constructs which were identified from the topic models, 7
oretical models, based on the words co-occurring together in a relationships were accepted. The relatively lower number of
cluster. The network diagram is illustrated in Fig. 4, where relationships being accepted could be due to the noise which
classes are indicated with a colour, and each class indicates a typically is present in social media discussions. While topic
concept that is captured by words co-occurring together in a modelling captures the variety of discussions, it also captures
topic derived from tweet summarization using LDA. factors which demonstrate low occurrences among the tweets
The network analysis highlighted there were 17 themes, in general and topic models in particular.
based on association among the words. Such association can
be defined by using constructs, if one attempts to look back
into existing literature to find out possible names for the clus- 6 Discussion
ters. It is however possible that more than one cluster based on
the association among words, may be used to represent a In this study, we attempted to identify factors that affect usage
construct representing a concept which could be useful for experience from service encounters in mobile payments. The
explaining a theoretical model. study attempted to extend and connect different theories of
Finally, after completing the analysis of the topic associa- technology adoption with service science and service quality
tion which emerged after tweet summarization and mapping literature to predict the usage satisfaction of mobile payment
the topics to the constructs from existing literature, we based on user generated content surrounding a specific service
attempted to validate the model using multivariate statistics encounter. The validation was done using user generated con-
like multiple regression analysis. tent which was mined on the service provider in Twitter. In
this study, 400,242 tweets were mined using methods of social
5.2 Insights from Multiple Regression Analysis media analytics like topic modelling, sentiment mining and
network analysis. Then using content analysis method, the
Multiple regression analysis was done to identify which fac- descriptive outputs were mapped objectively to key constructs
tors have a positive influence on mobile payments services. identified from literature. This allowed us to propose the new
For this, we defined the fifteen hypotheses, and to test each of theoretical model, namely DSUSM. Subsequently, multi-
the hypotheses independently by considered Pearson’s chi- variate analysis was undertaken to validate the proposed
Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361 1355
DSUSM model. Our first thematic contribution in the domain In the second finding (Fig. 5), we had identified the major
of digital services in general and mobile payments in particu- themes from the topic modelling using LDA, which was un-
lar addresses a gap in existing customer experience literature dertaken for summarizing the core focus of the tweets. The
where for digital services, accessing customer experience at wordcloud demonstrates the key topics which were discussed
the point of service consumption or service encounter be- in such tweets. Words which are available in the word cloud
comes difficult to measure (Becker and Jaakkola 2020). This can easily be mapped to existing constructs in service science
is where the dependent variable of our study, namely, usage and adoption literature. However there was a need to group
satisfaction, addresses and highlights a novel way to words so that thematically they can be grouped together based
operationalize this measure. In such a background, we attempt on usage among many customers. The network science out-
to discuss the individual findings of our study. The second come (Fig. 4) highlights which of the words co-occurred to-
thematic contribution is showcasing an approach within big gether in the topic models and it helped us to identify possible
data analytics driven research, whereby theory building in factors from existing literature. Fifteen clusters were derived
information systems can be attempted through a combination from this analysis, as indicated in the colour coding. Then
of computational and social research methodologies. Such looking at the words in the cluster and reflecting upon existing
directions are often highlighted in existing editorials that stud- literature, fifteen factors could be identified for developing the
ies in big data need to move away from the data towards DSUSM for further validation.
theory building (Berente et al. 2019; Grover et al. 2020). The initial proposed model integrated technology adop-
Within the domain contribution, our first finding (Fig. 3) tion literature, extended technology adoption literature and
indicates that a much larger corpus among the tweets which service science literature. Fifteen constructs were identified
were obtained in this approach were having negative polar- from the analysis of unstructured data for proposing the
ity, as compared to positive polarity. This finding could be DSUSM model. However our inferential analysis as illus-
triggered due to multiple reasons as per existing literature trated in Table 5 indicates that in the context of mobile
(Jansen et al. 2009). Often users do not share their experi- payments usage in India, seven factors like cost, usefulness,
ences unless they are extremely delighted about a product trust, social-influence, credibility, information privacy and
or service which may have aspirational features. Mobile responsiveness have higher impacts. Subsequently, it was
payments would be used predominantly as a service to ac- also identified that the remaining eight factors like informa-
cess a different product or service which may trigger aspi- tion risk, security, ease of use, performance, reliability, cus-
rational emotions or delight. Since mobile payments do not tomer-attitude, confidentiality and assurance have lower
have too many aspirational features for most people, the impacts. It is important to note that the sample who use
service encounters of positive experiences did not trigger social media are technically more savvy than new technol-
tweets on the positive encounters of the service. However, ogy users. So while adoption and service quality literature
many users when they are dissatisfied often complain to the highlights the importance of factors like ease of use, per-
brand in the hope for a timely resolution for the complaint formance and reliability, they are not considered by the
(Sparks et al. 2016). This leads to having higher number of users as being important while estimating usage satisfac-
tweets with slightly negative and negative polarity. Further tion. We have defined this and elaborated usage satisfaction
many tweets, which often do not have highly polarizing a bit more in this context. In this context, it is important to
words, may be reflected as a neutral tweet, which is basi- note that despite all evidences of ease of use being extreme-
cally the methodological limitation of many algorithms for ly critical to adoption of new technology (Rana et al. 2013),
sentiment analysis (Rathore et al. 2017). it does not have any significant impact on the usage
Informaon privacy
Factors from adopon literature
Factors from extended adopon literature
Responsiveness Factors from service science literature
1356 Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361
satisfaction of technologies that users frequently use. This conditions, risk and operational constraints impact the use of
difference in importance could be because the user groups mobile payments (Pal et al. 2020). Further technology readi-
are already very technology friendly and do not face chal- ness and privacy concerns impact adoption of mobile pay-
lenges while using this technology. So factors which often ments in India. However, none of these studies attempted to
have very high impact in the adoption of new technology explore the antecedents which impacts usage satisfaction
has less relevance in the usage satisfaction of digital ser- among the users. In fact, it is interesting to know that, which
vices once they are used frequently. The technology is also customer experience during service encounter has been a
somewhat mature, and so reliability issues of the applica- widely explored topic, antecedents of usage satisfaction or
tion crashing may be very less. Further, the theories we customer experience in the digital context is yet to be explored
have adopted is from IS adoption and service quality liter- in existing literature (Becker and Jaakkola 2020). Usage sat-
ature. However it is important to note that our dependent isfaction has been identified in existing literature as being key
variable, usage satisfaction, which we have attempted to towards impacting adoption and use of technology enabled
measure using topic modelling and sentiment mining, is services. Our study highlight that among the digital literate
very different from both adoption literature and service population, factors like cost, usefulness, trust, social-influ-
quality literature. Hence while a different exploration of ence, credibility, information privacy and responsiveness
research on usage as a dependent variable, may continue drive mobile payment service experiences and affect the usage
to have these factors being relevant, the usage experience satisfaction. These antecedents extend understanding sur-
is not being explained statistically through these parame- rounding established factors like responsiveness, price ben-
ters. These factors definitely have some importance, as has efits and information security and privacy for engagement
been brought out in our topic modelling, but statistically and customer satisfaction which are already identified in
lower importance in explaining the variation of the depen- existing literature based on user generated content in social
dent variable “usage satisfaction”. Recent literature has in- media (Agnihotri et al. 2016; Grover and Kar 2020). The
dicated that value of such mobile payment platforms are impact of these constructs have never been explored in the
driven by self congruence and novelty but also faces threat context of satisfaction from any technology or technology
from unintended consequences of usage of new technology enabled service usage. The proposed DSUSM model is one
(Karjaluoto et al. 2019; Gong et al. 2020). Our findings are of a kind, whereby we develop a relationship among these
complementing these findings that for users who are tech- theoretical frameworks and connect technology adoption
nology friendly, such challenges and theories of resistance models, extended technology adoption models and service
are minimal in impacting usage satisfaction. science literature for estimating usage satisfaction. Since
the individual constructs are well established, future re-
6.1 Implications for Theory search can also attempt to revalidate this model or its ex-
tension, in different cultural context, technological context
The theoretical implications of our study are in two folds. First or service context. Figure 6 illustrates the final model that
we make theoretical contribution in proposing a new model was derived after validating the model with multiple regres-
for measuring digital service usage satisfaction. Further we sion analysis.
also make a methodological contribution in which we present In this study, we have taken the mixed research methodol-
an approach to develop inferential theoretical models using ogy approach by combining social media analytics with mul-
social media data. tivariate analysis to identify the salient factors for successful
Mobile payments services are one of the convenient and and effective implementation of mobile payments services in
effective methods for winning greater market share in this real India. Qualitative analysis is used to analyse the text data by
environment (Bohle et al. 2000). An initial look at the over- performing content analysis, content analysis is used to per-
view of large volumes of user generated content and then form sentiments analysis and topic modelling in the data that
connecting it with adoption and service science literature in- is collected from social media sites such as Twitter
dicates factors like cost advantage, usefulness, trust, informa- (Bhattacherjee 2012). The approach of using content analysis
tion risk, security, social influence, ease of use, performance, method for converting topic models to factors which can be
credibility and information privacy could be relevant (Slade validated for an inferential theoretical model, has not been
et al. 2013, 2015; Kapoor et al. 2014; Pachpande and Kamble attempted in existing literature. Since we used social media
2018; Gong et al. 2020). In this study we extend the under- sites such as Twitter for data collection instead of data collect-
standing surrounding the use of mobile payment services and ed from survey forms, therefore its approach presents a nov-
its impacts on the consumer in an emerging economy like elty in itself when applied to connect methodologies for theory
India. Existing literature on mobile payment usage in India building which are otherwise disconnected in existing litera-
indicates that facilitators like price benefit, network external- ture (Wang et al. 2018; Buntain et al. 2016; Grover et al.
ities, trust, and habit and barriers like lack of facilitating 2018). These methods have never been connected for
Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361 1357
validating inferential models based on user generated content, influencers with credence. To build trust, sharing evidences
and this approach is another major contribution in this study. of audits from third parties who are trusted may be helpful.
The need for integrating inferential model or statistical Customers may have greater trust on the mobile payment ser-
analysis with the output of social media analytics is highlight- vice provider if frequently evidences of positive experiences
ed in this study itself. The descriptive findings which typically and growth of “satisfied customer base” can be shared with
are obtained from social media analytics through network sci- customers. For example, after every transaction if customers
ence or text mining, while is very information rich, it also has are asked about the feedback or rating, and periodically, the
a lot of noise. As indicated from the outcome of the topic service providers could share with the customer, how many of
models and community analysis among topic modelling the service encounters were absolutely delightful. Further, at-
words, fifteen constructs were identifiable very distinctly. tempts may be made to frequently communicate when users
However, the statistical analysis whereby we attempted to share their data in transactions, that their information is not
regress these constructs with the dependent variable (namely, only secure, but it will not be shared without their explicit
usage satisfaction) indicated that seven factors are actually permission within or outside the firm, for any unintended us-
statistically significant. This indicates, while inferences direct- age. Such communication on how the firm is respecting and
ly from the visualization outputs may always not be very withholding the privacy of the user can help a lot in driving
statistically significant, although the information may be rele- usage satisfaction. Also attempts may be made not to access
vant. Thus, for better reliability of the theoretical model and information or seek access rights for which the mobile appli-
propositions, it is necessary to convert all such visualization cation may not have explicit connect. For example, a mobile
output of “Big Data” to a form where they can be statistically application may not seek access rights to the camera, unless
validated, to the extent possible. Methodologically, this re- there is a face recognition component in the software for ver-
quires a methodological move away from the approach, many ifying the credentials of the user who is initiating the transac-
of the studies which use “Big Data” adopt for theorizing in tion. Similarly, a mobile application may not need access to
social, political or industrial domains of management litera- location data unless specific use cases require permissions for
ture. Such an approach which extends descriptive findings of using location data for providing specific utility to the user of
social media analytics with statistical analysis is likely to en- the service. Feedback surrounding the efficacy of such
hance the internal and external validity of the research meth- implementations can also be sought in social media (Grover
odology and hence the generalizability of the findings. and Kar 2020).
Last but not the least, if problems are faced by users and
6.2 Implications for Practice they complain, an instant acknowledgement that their com-
plaint is registered and frequently updating them on the status
Our study highlights that factors like cost, usefulness, trust, of their complaint, can help to address concerns surrounding
social-influence, credibility, information privacy and respon- responsiveness of the service provider. Further to impact re-
siveness drive mobile payment service experiences and affect sponsiveness, the firms could enhance the speed at which
the usage satisfaction. So in line with these findings, service complaints raised across channels surrounding failures of
providers in India should attempt to minimize the cost of transactions are addressed through artificial intelligence driv-
transactions. This could be positively impacted by reducing en technologies like chatbots whereby the platform helps first
any fee per transaction during such mobile payments between by getting the complaint recorded, second by communicating
parties. Higher cashbacks may also positively impact the fac- the time to be taken for the issue to be resolved and third
tor like cost which has a positive impact on the usage satisfac- ensuring the resolution as per promised timelines by defining
tion. Further, the usefulness of these apps can be enhanced, if a problem escalation workflow based on criticality. Such
they serve not only as a payment platform, but their usefulness chatbots may hugely impact the customer relationship man-
can be enhanced towards availing other related services. For agement and impact positively the responsiveness perceived
example, if the platform can enable payments not only which by the customer when any challenge is faced from the use of a
are peer to peer, but also for bills and utilities like electricity, digital payment platform. Responsiveness in social media en-
phone bills, credit card bills, gas bills, fee payment, road taxes, hances overall customer satisfaction (Agnihotri et al. 2016).
ticketing needs and other payments, it will enhance the use-
fulness of the mobile application extensively. A market re- 6.3 Limitations and Future Research Directions
search can be undertaken for identifying such related services.
In this context, social media discussions may also be mined This study has certain limitations, First, in this study, 400,242
for establishing complementary needs based on users of other tweets were collected in which we apply social media analyt-
similar services (Hall-Phillips et al. 2016). ics and multi-variate analytics techniques. This sample is tech-
Trust and credibility can be built by service providers nology friendly and uses the internet extensively and thus less
through efforts made in branding, possibly through representative of users who may be using such digital
1358 Inf Syst Front (2021) 23:1341–1361
payment platforms less frequently. So findings are likely to be information-privacy and responsiveness have been identified
based on user groups who are technology friendly and have to have a significant influence on the adoption of mobile pay-
high usage. Second, this study was focused only on popular ments services. If these factors are addressed perfectly by the
mobile payments services used in India. Most of the findings mobile payments service providers, then the adoption rate of
and tweets were related to PayTM and BHIM. While sam- mobile payments services is expected to increase automatical-
pling was attempted across studies, the usage behaviour across ly. This is the first study which identified factors relevant for
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