Design and Analysis of An FTTH-GPON in A Residenti
Design and Analysis of An FTTH-GPON in A Residenti
Design and Analysis of An FTTH-GPON in A Residenti
Abstract - FTTH design is a crucial step to ensure the best performance of the optical link. In this paper,
an FTTH-GPON network is designed, and its performance is analyzed using an optical link power and
rise time budget. In the residence of 254 users, at least eight feeder cable cores are needed, with
respective ODCs and ODPs. The design satisfies the link power budget with the lowest power margin
of 2.469 dB/2.826 dB upstream/downstream in its furthest distance. The highest rise time for the system
is 0,2236 nm. The FTTH configuration satisfies ITU-T G.984.1 GPON standard.
Keywords: FTTH; GPON; Link power budget; Rise time budget; Fiber optics
INTRODUCTION to fiber optic cable problems (Ab-
To satisfy the ever-growing need for Rahman et al., 2022). Two categories of
internet connection, the network providers network failures exist in a Passive Optical
continuously increase their reach to the Network (PON) system. The first is a link
deepest and furthest parts of a country, using failure, and the other is a node failure. Link
fixed and mobile networks. The fixed failure refers to the fiber disconnection
broadband technology had its peak while occurring between components. Some
optical fibers were developed, creating an detection and system, however, has been
entirely new communication process. Fiber developed to automatically switch the
To The Home (FTTH) is a new optical fiber leading network to a secondary one during
link configuration trend to bring data link failure (Ab-Rahman et al., 2022).
transmission straight to our homes. Based on Therefore, the protection and restoration of
passive optical network technology, it can be an FTTH network must be considered during
implemented from a further distance and the design process. For protection, one needs
carry a higher bandwidth than the to employ redundant fibers and splitters.
conventional copper network. FTTH offers a This paper will consider redundant fibers
range of entertainment in a single fiber and connection slots during FTTH design.
cable, i.e., voice, data, and video (triple play) Previous works (Fahmi et al., 2018;
while being "future-proof" (Ridho et al., Santika et al., 2016; Ulfawaty & Fausiah,
2020). It supports easy configuration and 2019; Utami et al., 2022) show the steps in
future enlargement of a network. designing FTTH networks in both rural and
The employment of optical fiber urban areas. The simulation method can also
cables in any area is challenging work. A lot be utilized to analyze the performance of
of design and calculation is necessary to FTTH devices (Awalia & Pantjawati, 2018).
ensure the quality of service and network Because of the flexibility of the Gigabit-
performance. According to cases reported to PON (GPON) network, multiple
the Federal Communication Commission configurations can be applied to the same
(FCC), more than one-third of service problems (Jamal et al., 2021). The only other
disruptions are due consideration might be the cost of materials.
Volume 8 No. 2 December 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT)
In fact, for areas occupied by both residential Since introduced by British Telecom
customers and businesses, GPON is the most in 1987, PON has been growing
cost-efficient solution (Abdellaoui et al., continuously due to its flexibility. From the
2021). increasing data rate, there are Broadband
In this paper, an FTTH network is PON (BPON), Ethernet PON (EPON), and
designed for rural residents. The number of Gigabit PON (GPON), the basis of FTTH
users and distances from the nearest networks which operates at 2.5G/1.25G
communication station are considered. The DS/US (i.e., downstream/upstream). The
actual performance of the network is then standardization of PON architectures was
analyzed to find the prospect of the network developed by the International
to be deployed. Telecommunication Union
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
RESEARCH METHODS (ITU-T) and Institute of Electrical and
GPON and FTTH Optical Networks Electronic Engineers (IEEE) (Bakarman et
Fiber to The Home (FTTH) is a type of al., 2021) . GPON design should fulfill ITU-
optical network, which refers to the T G. 984.1 recommendation.(ITU-T, 2008)
deployment of optical fiber from a central Recently, new PON standards have
office switch directly into a home (Keiser, been approved by both the ITU-T and the
2006). The O/E (optical to electrical data IEEE to increase toward 10 Gb/s speed and
conversion) is located in the user’s premises beyond: XG-PON operating at 10G/2.5G,
or SDU (single dwelling unit). FTTH is one symmetrical XGS-PON operating at
of many FTTX alternatives, some of them 10G/10G DS/US, 10G-EPON and NG-
are Fiber To The Building (FTTB), Fiber To PON2.5 (Hernandez et al., 2019). the higher
The Curb (FTTC), Fiber To The Tower capacity of PON, more wavelength and
(FTTT), or Fiber To The Zone (FTTZ). Of transmission schematics will be needed.
late, a new branch called FTTW which Besides the data rate, PON differentiates the
stands for Fiber To The Wireless is also data sharing process, which are TDM-PON
added (Sugumaran et al., 2021). (Time Division Multiplexing), WDM-PON
FTTH is based on Passive Optical (Wavelength Division Multiplexing), and
Network (PON)(ITU-T, 2005), an optical Hybrid-PON. GPON itself uses the TDM
network architecture where there are no technique(Tarigan et al., 2022). Topology of
active components between the central the PON can be distinguished into tree, bus,
office and the customer’s premises, in or ring.
contrast to conventional networks. A PON
architecture is based on a shared point-to- FTTH Components
multipoint architecture with one or two The general components of FTTH are
wavelengths in the downstream direction Optical Line Terminal (OLT), Optical
and one wavelength in the upstream. In other Network Unit (ONU) or Optical Network
words, optical signal passes through passive Termination (ONT), and the fiber link. OLT
elements only, which are fiber optics and has the electrical-to-optical (E/O) device,
splitter/combiner. PON is a third-generation which is directly connected to the metro-
of the optical network after point-to-point ethernet (backbone, or the larger network) in
fiber and Active Optical Network (AON), central office. In other words, this is where
where an optical switch is needed. the binary data signal is converted to light
pulses to propagate along the fiber optics.
Volume 8 No. 2 December 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT)
Volume 8 No. 2 December 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT)
2006). Every active element in the optical degradation of the system 𝑡𝑠𝑦𝑠 should not
link has its own rise and down-time, while exceed 70% of bit period for the NRZ system
passive element such as the optical fiber has or 35% of bit period for the RZ system. One
material and intermodal dispersion. The rise bit period is defined as the reciprocal of
time budget analysis becomes necessary to bandwidth.
guarantee the FTTH system is able to deliver 0.7
t sys ≤ ; NRZ (non-return-to-zero) (4)
information with the proposed bandwidth 0.35
t sys ≤ ; RZ (return-to-zero) (5)
and bit rate, despite the effect of pulse BW
The total rise time t sys of the link is the
Table 1. Components contributing to pulse rise- root-sum-square calculation of the rise times
time degradation. from each contributor ti to the pulse rise-time
Rise time Remarks Typical Values
degradation, shown in eq. 6 (Keiser, 2006).
components in 1
eq. 7 t sys = (∑𝑁 2 2
𝑖=1 𝑡𝑖 ) (6)
𝐭 𝐓𝐗 Trans- The time it takes 0.2 ns for an
mitter rise the light source LED and 0.1 ns
time power to increase for a laser diode In an FTTH system, the components
from the 10 source that contribute to pulse rise-time degradation
percent to the 90
percent point. are the transmitter, fiber dispersions, and
𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝 Modal Caused by For singlemode receiver. During the signal propagation
dispersion different group fibers, t mod = 0 inside the fiber, the signal undergoes modal
velocity for each
dispersion, chromatic dispersion, and
𝐭 𝐂𝐃 Chromatic t CD ≈ |DCD | 𝐿 ∆𝜆 D1550 = polarization mode dispersion. These values
dispersion where ∆𝜆 is 17 ps⁄(nm. km) substituted to eq. 6 so the total rise time can
spectral width of D1310 =
be expressed as follows:
light source in 3.56 ps⁄(nm. km)
nm, L is fiber for G.652.D t sys = √t TX 2 + t mod 2 + t CD 2 + t PMD 2 + t RX 2 (7)
length, and DCD is optical
fiber chromatic fiber(ITU-T,
dispersion 2016)
The remarks of notation and typical values
∆λ = 1 nm for are shown in Table 1.
laser diode
𝐭 𝐏𝐌𝐃 Polarizati- t PMD = DPMD × DPMD =
on mode √fiber length 0.2 ps√km Design of FTTH Network in Residential
dispersion where DPMD is the for G.652.D Area
polarization mode optical fiber
Pesona Alam Dramaga is a residential
measured in units area currently being developed in rural areas
of ps√km of Bogor, Indonesia. Figure 1 shows the
𝐭 𝐑𝐗 Receiver t RX = 0.7⁄BW 0.05–0.5 ns for aerial image of the residence, where the area
rise time The time it takes InGaAs pin
of interest is about 500 meters from the main
the detector photodiode
output to increase 0.1–0.5 ns for provincial road. Current progress indicates
from the 10 InGaAs that only some houses finished being built in
percent to the 90 avalanche
C and E blocks. Therefore, the scope of
percent point. photodiode
design is for those blocks, comprising 254
The total pulse dispersion must not houses, shown more clearly in figure 2. The
exceed the bandwidth capacity or some data design and planning depicted in this research
will be lost. In general, the total time are for future use, by calculating the number
of houses and listing them in groups of
Volume 8 No. 2 December 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT)
Volume 8 No. 2 December 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT)
than upstream transmission as an effect of generally has a lower data stream, hence the
higher fiber loss. Overall, both the power lower standard of rise time. It also considers
margin and maximum optical loss are the ONT specification which is generally
acceptable in all users based on FTTH lower than OLT, because it only handles the
standards. data transfer at the end user and covers a
small area, in FTTH case, a home.
Table 3. Link Power Budget Results
Downstream Upstream Table 4. Parameters used in rise time budget
min max min max analysis
Total 22.092 22.151 22.436 22.504 Parameters
Distance 𝐭 𝐓𝐗 100 ps
Power 2.849 2.909 2.496 2.564
Margin 𝐭 𝐑𝐗 200 ps
min max min max 𝐃𝐂𝐃,𝟏𝟓𝟓𝟎 17 ps/(nm. km)
Total 22.107 22.174 22.454 22.531
Furthest 𝐃𝐂𝐃,𝟏𝟑𝟏𝟎 3,56 ps/(nm. km)
Distance ∆𝛌 1 nm
Power 2.826 2.893 2.469 2.546
Margin 𝐋, 𝐦𝐢𝐧 0,002 km
𝐋, 𝐦𝐚𝐱 0,072 km
Rise Time Budget Analysis 𝐃𝐏𝐌𝐃 0,2 ps/√km
The rise time budget analysis is
implemented in the designed FTTH Table 5. Result of Rise Time Budget Analysis
Rise time
network. The rise time calculated is for the
Rise time (ns) allowed
minimum and maximum distances in both (ns)
downstream and upstream transmissions. Upstream min 0,223607
The parameter used is shown in table y. For (1310 nm) max 0,223607
GPON links with NRZ format, the Downstream min 0,223607
maximum data rate based on ITU-T (1550 nm) max 0,223610
standards is 1,25 Gbps for upstream, and 2,5
Gbps for downstream transmission. From Network Safety
equation 3, the maximum rise time can be ITU-T Recommendation G.983.5
calculated as follows, which results in the describes the functions needed to extend
allowed rise time budget being 0,56 ns and GPON to enable survivability and network
0,28 ns for upstream and downstream protection enhancements for delivering
transmission, respectively. highly reliable services (Keiser, 2006).
Generally, there are 3 forms of protection:
0.7 type A (spare feeder fiber), type B (duplicate
t sys (upstream) ≤ 1,25 ×109 ; and
0.7 OLT), and type C (duplicate PON). Another
t sys (downstream) ≤ 2,5 ×109 ; so standard, the ITU-T Recommendation
t sys (upstream) ≤ 0,56 × 10−9 seconds G.984.1(ITU-T, 2008) describes the use of
t sys (downstream) ≤ 0,28 × 10−9 seconds protection switching. This allows several
different types of PON configurations,
The parameters for rise time including redundancy of links and
calculation are shown in table 4, while the equipment for network protection (Ab-
result is viewed in table 5. It can be Rahman et al., 2022; Keiser, 2006).
concluded that the FTTH design will be able Network protection refers to the
to handle the data rate up to 2,5 Gbps, prevention and action plans to ensure the
especially in the OLT-ODC segment which transmission continues both ways to and
transmits data for all users. The upstream from the users in case there is a network
Volume 8 No. 2 December 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT)
faulty. There are two types of network GPON protection procedure. In this type of
faulty, i.e., link faulty and node faulty. The protection, 1 spare cable is available for a
network protection for link faulty is group of users, completed with an optical
managed by leaving redundant fibers during switch on the source and destination side.
the first installation. Figure 3 shows the 1:N
The 1: N protection is applied in the splitters. Table 6 shows the allocated ODC
proposed FTTH in the form of redundant capacity and the current need in the proposed
connection slots. Looking back to figure 3, design. In the current design, there are 56
there are 32 ODPs with a maximum capacity empty ODC slots for development if there
of 256 users while only 254 houses are are more users using FTTH links in the
currently listed in the designated area. The residence. New ODP and ONTs will have to
empty slots function as backup if the fiber be installed since its easier and cheaper but
link is damaged for any reason. The feeder ODC allocation must be carefully
cable installed to the ODC is also given extra considered.
2 cores, which works as protection fiber in
the 1:N scheme. Based on the fiber Table 6. Allocation of ODC ports
installation standards, there are also Max Current
Capacity design need
requirement for giving up to 10 meters in
Port feeder 12 8
length for splice and connection slacks in
Port distribution 48 32
bigger networks. Port development 36 56
The determination of ODC capacity is Total 96
also considered since there are various ODC
capacity. In this design, ODC with 96 port CONCLUSION
capacity is used, because there are future A simple FTTH network based on a
developments to be considered. In the 96 gigabit passive optical network scheme has
port ODC, the allocated ports are 12 for been designed for use in a rural residential
feeder cables (input), 48 for distribution area. The 254 users are supported by optical
cables (output), and the rest are empty slots fiber, 8 cores of feeder cable, going through
for development. There are at least 8 1:4 ODC, ODP, and terminated in the ONT in
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