Internet Marketing Based On Electronic Commerce
Internet Marketing Based On Electronic Commerce
Internet Marketing Based On Electronic Commerce
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1 author:
Li-Fu Hsu
Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Li-Fu Hsu on 13 May 2014.
Li-Fu Hsu
Dept. of Information Management
Hwh Hsia Institute of Technology
Taipei, Taiwan
Abstract—Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce or EC) is market was estimated at $200-300 billion, but is predicted to
possibly the most promising application of information rise to $3000 billion, by 2010.
technology witnessed in recent years. E-Commerce has been Many commercial web sites have catalogues and online
defined in several ways depending on the context and research transactions, but EC is much more than these. It includes
objective. In this study, We proposed a research model that everything from sourcing to settlement and all the underlie
suggested five factors in internet marketing: keyword, internet trading.
auction, e-mail, Blog and advertising marketing. Inspired by Internet marketing is the integral part of E-Commerce,
the technology acceptance model and other relevant research and E-Commerce includes Internet marketing. Internet
in the area, we also identified four factors that influence
marketing will be the entry point of small and medium
electronic commerce adoption: organizational readiness, price,
enterprises to carry to the E-Commerce when the overall
evaluate, and perceived usefulness. To validate the research
model, we collected data from top corporate website by using environment of E-Commerce is not yet very mature.
an Internet survey and show the experimental results of the Therefore, the Internet marketing is as a method of the
Internet marketing influence. enterprise management to realize commodity exchange, it is
the very important and basic internet business activities of
Keywords- E-Commerce; information technology; internet enterprise E-Commerce activities.
marketing At present, business-to-business EC seems still greater
volume than business-to-consumer EC, but it will change in
I. INTRODUCTION the future. These trends are important to global economy
and to the economy of individual countries since EC
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is a popular topic contributes to economic efficiency. EC contributes to
in the mass media and in informatics area as well. Many E- economic efficiency in five important ways. They are as
Commerce initiatives have risen in a short period of time. follows: (1) extreme distances and time limitation, (2)
Those initiatives include innovative smart cards to facilitate speeding products development, (3) reducing distribution
E-Commerce, remote payments and electronic checking [1], and transaction costs, (4) public information for buyers and
online trading of stocks, bonds and related financial sellers and (5) enlarging customer choice and supplier reach
instruments, online banking, and online retailing (e-tailing). [6].
For this study, we have taken two definitions of e-commerce The organization of this paper is as follows: Section 2
[2],[3] and adapted them in a B2C context: ‘‘the process of presents the concept and relationship between EC and
buying and selling products or services using electronic data Internet marketing. Section 3 examines the five factors in
transmission via the Internet and the www.’’ E-commerce Internet marketing and developing model of E-Commerce on
provides many benefits to both sellers and buyers; e.g. Internet marketing is proposed in Section 4. Section 5 shows
Napier et al. [4] pointed out that by implementing and using the experimental results of the Internet marketing influence.
e-commerce sellers can access narrow markets segments that Finally, Section 6 presents a summary of finding and
are widely distributed while buyers can benefit by accessing conclusions.
global markets with larger product availability from a variety
of sellers at reduced costs. Improvement in product quality II. THE CONCEPT AND RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN E-
and the creation of new methods of selling existing products COMMERCE AND INTERNET MARKETING
are also benefits [5]. E-Commerce is a popular area that accomplishes
We have witnessed a revolution with the growth of the processes directly or indirectly related to buying, selling and
Internet and Internet use in twenty century, and we are trading of products, services and information via internet. E-
experiencing a second Internet revolution which is called Commerce is a new communications technology. It includes
electronic commerce. The E-Commerce applications such as all aspects of trading, including commercial market
inter-bank electronic funds via the Internet to do conversion, development, ordering, supply chain management and the
electronic payments between enterprises, as well as the transfer of money [7].
enterprises use the Internet to process all underlie trading. E- The Internet markets in Taiwan are growth rapidly,
Commerce is growing very rapidly, in 2002 the global EC especially in recent ten years. Table 1 shows the growth
ratio of B2C and C2C in recent five years. The Internet and
WWW offer the opportunity to expand EC activity in the
contract cycle to enable new suppliers to service new
customers electronically.
Internet Growth rate of
Growth rate of Growth rate of
Year Marketing online
(Billion) shopping
2006 1340 46.5% 36.2% 66.5%
2010 3583 21.5% 23.6% 18.7% Figure 2. Relationship between E-Commerce and Internet marketing
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Commerce. To make Internet marketing based on E-
Commerce, is conducive to play the functions of each other
and the overall advantages.