Aburjaile 2016
Aburjaile 2016
Aburjaile 2016
Keywords Abstract
adaptation, bacteria, culturability, growth
phases, long-term survival, Propionibacterium Aims: Propionibacterium freudenreichii is an actinobacterium widely used in
freudenreichii, viable but nonculturable. dairy industry during the ripening process of Swiss-type cheeses and which
presents probiotic properties. P. freudenreichii is reportedly a hardy bacterium,
Correspondence able to survive during the cheese-making process and when subjected to
ene Falentin, INRA, UMR 1253, Science et
digestive stresses. During this study the long-term survival (LTS) of
Technologie du Lait et de l’OEuf, Rennes,
P. freudenreichii was investigated for 11 days by means of phenotypic
E-mail: helene.falentin@rennes.inra.fr characterization in a culture medium without the addition of any nutrients.
Methods and Results: For 11 days, in a non-nutrient supplemented culture
YLL and HF share credit as senior co-authors medium, eight strains were monitored by measuring their optical density,
counting colony-forming units (CFU) and using LIVE/DEAD staining and
2015/1229: received 22 June 2015, revised microscopy observation. Under these conditions, all strains displayed high
15 October 2015 and accepted 3 November
survival rates in the culture medium, their culturability reaching more than
9 log10 CFU ml 1 after 2 days. After 11 days, this value ranged from 78 to
82 log10 CFU ml 1 depending on the strain, and at least 50% of the
P. freudenreichii population displayed an intact envelope. As lysis of part of a
bacterial population may be a microbial strategy to recover nutrients, in
CIRM-BIA 138 (the strain with the highest population at day 11), cell lysis was
assessed by quantifying intact bacterial cells using qPCR targeting the
housekeeping gene tuf. No lysis was observed.
Conclusion: Taken together, our results suggest that P. freudenreichii strains
use a viable but nonculturable state to adapt to the LTS phase.
Significance and Impact of the Study: Assessing the viability of
P. freudenreichii and understanding their mechanisms for survival should be of
great interest regarding their potential probiotic applications.
432 Journal of Applied Microbiology 120, 432--440 © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology
F.F. Aburjaile et al. P. freudenreichii survival
Bacterial strains *Bacterial strains obtained from the Centre International de Res-
sources Microbiennes (CIRM) dedicated to Bacteria of Food Interest
Eight P. freudenreichii strains (Table 1) were used during
(Bacteries d’Int
et Alimentaire, BIA) - (CIRM-BIA, UMR1253, INRA
this work. The strains were supplied by the International Rennes, France).
Centre for Microbial Resources - Bacteria of Food †Strain CIRM-BIA (alias ITG-P20), strain CIRM-BIA 138 (alias ITG-P9)
Interest – (Centre International de Ressources Microbien- and strain CIRM-BIA 139 (alias ITG-P23) were kindly supplied by Acta-
nes - Bacteries d’Inter^et Alimentaire; INRA Rennes). lia (Rennes, France).
Journal of Applied Microbiology 120, 432--440 © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology 433
P. freudenreichii survival F.F. Aburjaile et al.
434 Journal of Applied Microbiology 120, 432--440 © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology
F.F. Aburjaile et al. P. freudenreichii survival
1 1
0·1 0·1
0·01 0·01
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (h) Time (h)
CFU ml–1
1·E+06 1·E+06
1·E+04 1·E+04
1·E+02 1·E+02
1·E+00 1·E+00
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (h) Time (h)
Figure 1 Growth curves of Propionibacterium freudenreichii strains CIRM-BIA129 and CIRM-BIA138 determined at OD650 (upper panels), and
plate counting (CFU ml 1, lower panels).
Figure 2 Viability of the eight Propionibacterium freudenreichii Propionibacterium freudenreichii has a high survival rate
strains (in CFU ml 1) after 11 days in the spent culture medium (YEL) at day 11
based on a mean of two technical replicates and two biological repli-
cates. Upper bars are standard deviations. Propionibacterium freudenreichii belongs to the Actinobac-
teria, a group of Gram-positive bacteria with high GC
content genomes. This group is known for its consider-
imum proportion of 50% at day 11 (Fig. 3), suggesting able versatility (Gao and Gupta 2012), and includes
that the number of dying or dead (but nonlysed) cells members that can survive under extreme conditions
increased during the stationary and LTS phases. (Greenblatt et al. 2004). Propionibacterium freudenreichii
is reported to be a hardy species widely used in the
cheese-making industry and is also well-documented for
Assessment of lysis by quantifying bacterial cells using
its probiotic potential (Jan et al. 2000). Genome sequence
analysis has revealed the genetic basis for its hardiness:
Because both plate counting assays and epifluorescence (i) its ability to store polyphosphates as an energy reserve
microscopy showed a reduction in culturability and an and to utilize them instead of ATP, (ii) its ability to store
increase in membrane permeabilization, quantitative PCR glycogen as a carbon source, and (iii) several copies of
Journal of Applied Microbiology 120, 432--440 © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology 435
P. freudenreichii survival F.F. Aburjaile et al.
(a) (b)
Percent of green cells
(c) (d)
Figure 3 (a) Proportion of nonpermeabilized cells during the growth and survival of Propionibacterium freudenreichii strains CIRM-BIA129 (a)
and 138 (b) measured by LIVE/DEAD assay followed by epifluroscence microscopy (mean values of three epifluorescence microscopy fields at 940
magnification, and three fields at 9100 magnification). Representative epifluorescence microscopy views of P. freudenreichii (CIRM-BIA 138) cul-
tures after LIVE/DEAD staining during exponential growth (c) and after 11 days of growth (d).
Cells ml–1
chaperones to cope with different stresses (Falentin et al. mittent cryptic regrowth might be responsible for this
2010a). The eight P. freudenreichii strains studied here variability. These cryptic growths may result from some
survived well during a period of 11 days under nutri- specific metabolisms induced to adapt to starvation or
tional shortage, according to the optical density and plate the growth of a subpopulation of mutants derived from
counting assays performed (around 8 log10 CFU ml 1). the inoculated strain and with a growth advantage that
In YEL medium, lactate - the preferential carbon source was explained in the review by Finkel (2006).
for PF- was exhausted 2 days after inoculation (Dalmasso
et al. 2012). LIVE/DEAD staining followed by epifluores-
The best surviving strain did not use partial lysis to
cence microscopy ascertained that more than 50% of the
sustain viability
P. freudenreichii populations had an intact (nonpermeabi-
lized) membrane at this date. The growth curves for Previous studies had shown that some lactic acid bacteria
CIRM-BIA 129 and 138 (Fig. 1) displayed some fluctua- present in dairy products can lyse under difficult condi-
tions during long-term incubation. We suggest that inter- tions and that the cell debris released into the culture
436 Journal of Applied Microbiology 120, 432--440 © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology
F.F. Aburjaile et al. P. freudenreichii survival
medium may serve as a nutrient source to ensure survival fluorescent microscopy, and especially use of the Bac-
of the nonlysed subpopulation (Lortal et al. 1997; Light LIVE/DEAD kit; and molecular techniques (DNA
Deutsch et al. 2002; Lortal and Chapot-Chartier 2005). A or RNA) (Oliver 2009; Fakruddin et al. 2013). All of
study of the autolysis of Lactobacillus and dairy propionic the eight P. freudenreichii strains studied here displayed
bacteria showed that this autolysis is associated with sev- a loss of culturability of approx. 1 log10 CFU ml 1
eral factors, including among others the type of strain, (Table S1 and Fig. 5), when this parameter was com-
autolysins, pH, temperature and ionic strength (Lortal pared between 50 and 72 h and 11 days postinocula-
et al. 1997). For CIRM-BIA 138, the quantification of tion. LIVE/DEAD staining showed that about half of
intact cells using quantitative PCR showed that under the the bacterial cells had a permeabilized membrane. Using
study conditions applied here, lysis could be ruled out. quantitative PCR, an absence of lysis was shown on
Whether this is a general feature of P. freudenreichii still strain CIRM-BIA 138. These findings suggest that at
needs to be determined. The absence of lysis (i) could be least a part of the P. freudenreichii population entered a
confirmed by quantitative PCR on cells exposed to pro- VBNC state and that the entry into LTS is concomitant
pidium monoazide, so as to prevent any contamination with entry into a VBNC state, at least for 1 log10 (i.e.
by DNA from dead cells, (ii) needs to be confirmed in 90%) CFU ml 1. As the total bacterial population was
other P. freudenreichii strains and under different condi- stained either green (50%) or red (50%), we suggest
tions before it is generally accepted. that VBNC cells (90%) can take up both colours and
that LIVE/DEAD staining cannot be used to quantify
VBNC cells.
Propionibacterium freudenreichii probably enters a viable
The VBNC state has been described in various Gram-
but nonculturable state
positive bacteria, such as Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococ-
The experimental data reported here offer a range of cus hirae, Listeria monocytogenes and Mycobacterium
presumptions suggesting that Propionibacterium freuden- tuberculosis (Oliver 2009), and in Gram-negative bacteria
reichii enters into a VBNC state. VBNC is a survival such as Vibrio cholerae (Gonzalez-Escalona et al. 2006),
strategy adopted by numerous bacteria in response to Escherichia coli (Darcan et al. 2009) and Helicobacter
adverse conditions such as starvation, extreme tempera- pylori (Casasola-Rodrıguez et al. 2013). Many of the stud-
ture, pH, oxygen stress, antibiotic pressure, etc. Once in ies on the VBNC state have focused on pathogenic bacte-
a VBNC state, the bacteria no longer grow in routine ria (Ramamurthy et al. 2014). This state has also recently
laboratory medium and conditions, but they neverthe- been reported for bacteria of food interest and particu-
less remain viable and can be resuscitated when more larly in ripened cheese, suggesting a role for these bacteria
favourable conditions are provided (Ramamurthy et al. in the organoleptic qualities of cheeses (Martin-Platero
2014). The methods generally used to detect VBNC bac- et al. 2008; Desfosses-Foucault et al. 2012; Ruggirello
teria include bright field microscopy with nalidixic acid; et al. 2014).
Inoculation + Inoculation +
2 days 11 days
(CFU ml–1)
9 log10 8 log10
50 % permeabilized
Figure 5 Fate of CIRM-BIA138 bacterial cells cells
between 50–72 h postinoculation and the
long-term survival phase 11 days (c)
postinoculation assessed by (a) culturability on No lysis
Petri plates, (b) LIVE/DEAD staining followed
(Cells ml–1)
by epifluorescence and (c) quantification of 9 log10 9 log10
intact cells by quantitative PCR.
Journal of Applied Microbiology 120, 432--440 © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology 437
P. freudenreichii survival F.F. Aburjaile et al.
In conclusion, our findings suggest that one strategy Bruno, J.C. and Freitag, N.E. (2011) Listeria monocytogenes
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This work was supported by the CAPES-COFECUB
Falentin, H., Deutsch, S.-M., Jan, G., Loux, V., Thierry, A.,
French-Brazilian Cooperation Programme. We also thank
Parayre, S., Maillard, M.-B., Dherbecourt, J. et al.
the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
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cial and practical support. Our thanks also go to Profes- with food and probiotic applications. PLoS ONE 5,
sor Mary Bret and Vicky Hawken for English revision of e11748.
the paper. Falentin, H., Postollec, F., Parayre, S., Henaff, N., Le Bivic, P.,
Richoux, R., Thierry, A. and Sohier, D. (2010b) Specific
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Supporting Information
Lortal, S., Lemee, R. and Valence, F. (1997) Autolysis of Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
thermophilic lactobacilli and dairy propionibacteria: a online version of this article:
review. Le Lait 77, 133–150.
Loux, L., Mariadassou, M., Almeida, S., Chiapello, H., Figure S1 Kinetics of growth and survival measured by
Hammani, A., Buratti, J.J., Gendrault, A., Barbe, V. optical density in eight strains of Propionibacterium
et al. (2015) Mutations and genomic islands explain the freudenreichii
strain dependancy of sugar utilization among 21
Journal of Applied Microbiology 120, 432--440 © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology 439
P. freudenreichii survival F.F. Aburjaile et al.
Table S1 Kinetics of the growth and survival of eight freudenreichii strains measured by LIVE/DEAD staining
Propionibacterium freudenreichii strains measured by cul- followed by epifluroscence microscopy.
turability in Petri dishes.
440 Journal of Applied Microbiology 120, 432--440 © 2015 The Society for Applied Microbiology