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An American National Standard

Designation: D 1941 – 91 (Reapproved 2001)

Standard Test Method for

Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water with the Parshall
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1941; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.2.2 head—the height of a liquid above a specified point;

1.1 This test method covers measurement of the volumetric that is, the flume crest.
flowrate of water and wastewater in open channels with the 3.2.3 hydraulic jump—an abrupt transition from supercriti-
Parshall flume. cal to subcritical flow, accompanied by considerable turbulence
1.1.1 Information related to this test method can be found in or gravity waves, or both.
ISO 1438 and 4359. 3.2.4 normal depth—the uniform depth of flow for a given
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the flowrate in a long open channel of specific shape, roughness,
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the and slope.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.2.5 primary instrument—the device (in this case, the
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- flume) that creates a hydrodynamic condition that can be
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. sensed by the secondary instrument.
3.2.6 scow float—an in-stream flat for depth sensing usually
2. Referenced Documents mounted on a hinged cantilever.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 3.2.7 secondary instrument—in this case, a device which
D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water2 measures the depth of flow at an appropriate location in the
D 2777 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias of flume. The secondary instrument may also convert the mea-
Applicable Methods of Committee D-19 on Water2 sured depth to an indicated flow rate.
D 3858 Test Method for Open Channel Flow Measurement 3.2.8 stilling well—a small reservoir connected through a
of Water by Velocity-Area Method2 constricted passage to the main channel, that is, the flume, so
2.2 ISO Standards: that a depth measurement can be made under quiescent
ISO 555 Liquid Flow Measurements in Open Channels— conditions.
Dilution Methods for Measurement of Steady Flow— 3.2.9 subcritical flow—open channel flow at a velocity less
Constant Rate Injection Method3 than the velocity of gravity waves in the same depth of water.
ISO 1438 Liquid Flow Measurement in Open Channels Subcritical flow is affected by downstream conditions, since
Using Thin-Plate Weirs and Venturi Flumes3 disturbances are able to travel upstream.
ISO 4359 Liquid Flow Measurement in Open Channels— 3.2.10 submerged flow—a condition where the water stage
Rectangular Trapezoidal and U-shaped Flumes3 downstream of the flume is sufficiently high to affect the flow
over the flume crest and hence the free-flow depth-discharge
3. Terminology relation no longer applies and discharge depends on two head
3.1 Definitions: For definitions of terms used in this test measurements.
method, refer to Terminology D 1129. 3.2.11 supercritical flow—open channel flow at a velocity
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: greater than that of gravity waves in the same depth, so
3.2.1 free flow—a condition where the flowrate is governed disturbances cannot travel upstream, and downstream condi-
by the state of flow at the crest overfall and hence can be tions do not affect the flow.
determined from a single upstream depth measurement. 3.2.12 throat—the constriction in a flume.
4. Summary of Test Method
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-19 on Water 4.1 Parshall flumes are measuring flumes of specified ge-
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.07 on Sediments, Geomor- ometries for which empirical relations of the form
phology, and Open-Channel Flow.
Current edition approved Jan. 25, 1991. Published March 1991. Originally Q 5 C Han (1)
published in 1962. Last previous edition D 1941 – 67 (1975)e 2.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Floor, New York, NY 10036.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 1941 – 91 (2001)
corrections for non-standard geometry are only estimates. The
inside surface of the flume should be at least as smooth as a
good quality concrete finish.
7.2.2 The measurement location for depth Ha is shown in
Fig. 1. In submerged flow a second depth, Hb, must be
measured in the throat as indicated. However, in the 1, 2, and
3-in. (2.54, 5.08, and 7.62-cm) flumes, this measurement is
made at Hc instead, because disturbances have been observed
at the Hb location in these sizes ((1) and (2)). See Fig. 2 for the
relation between Hb and Hc.
7.3 Stilling Well and Connector:
7.3.1 Stilling wells are recommended for accurate depth
measurements; they are required when wire- or tape-supported
cylindrical floats are used or when the liquid surface is
7.3.2 The lateral area of the stilling well is governed in part
by the requirements of the depth sensor. For example, the
clearance between a float and the stilling-well wall should be at
FIG. 1 Parshall Flume least 0.1 ft (3 cm) and should be increased to 0.25 ft (7.6 cm)
if the well is made of concrete or other rough material, the float
have been established so that the flowrate, Q, can be diameter itself being determined in part by permissible float lag
determined from a single depth measurement, Ha, in free flow. error (see 11.4.2). Other types of depth sensors may also
If the flow is submerged, an addition downstream depth, Hb, impose size requirements on the stilling well, and the maxi-
must be measured and suitable adjustments made. mum size may be limited by response lag.
7.3.3 Provision should be made for cleaning and flushing
5. Significance and Use the stilling well to remove accumulated solids. It may be
5.1 Flume designs are available for throat sizes of 1 in. (2.54 necessary to add a small purge flow of tap water to help keep
cm) to 50 ft (15.2 m) which cover maximum flows of 0.2 to the well and any connector pipe and the sensor parts clean. This
3000 ft3/s (0.0057 to 85 m3/s) (1) and (2)4. They can therefore flow should be small enough for any depth increase in the
be applied to a wide range of flows, with head losses that are stilling well to be imperceptible.
moderate. 7.3.4 The opening in the flume sidewall connecting to the
5.2 The flume is self-cleansing for moderate solids transport stilling well either directly or through a short perpendicular
and therefore is suited for wastewater and flows with sediment. pipe must have a burr-free junction with the wall. The hole or
pipe must be small enough to dampen surface disturbances; an
6. Interferences area of about 1/1000th of the stilling-well area is considered
6.1 The flume is applicable only to open channel flow and is adequate for this purpose. However, the diameter should not be
inoperative under full-pipe flow conditions. so small (or the pipe so long) that it is difficult to keep open or
6.2 Although the flume has substantial self-cleansing capac- a lag is introduced in the response to changing flows (3); hole
ity, it can be clogged by debris or affected by accumulation of and pipe diameters of about 1⁄2 in. (1.3 cm) should be
aquatic growth and cleaning or debris removal may be re- considered a minimum. If changes are made in pipe sizes, they
quired. should be done sufficiently removed from the flume wall that
no drawdown will occur. The intake dimensions cited in this
7. Apparatus paragraph should be regarded as suggestions only.
7.1 A Parshall flume measuring system consists of the flume 7.4 Depth-Discharge Relations:
itself (primary) and a depth-measuring device (secondary). The 7.4.1 Free Flow—The values of C and n for use with Eq 1
secondary device can range from a simple scale for manual are given in Table 2, along with approximate limiting flow-
readings to an instrument which continuously senses the depth, rates. The maximum submergence ratios, Hb/Ha, for which free
converts it to flowrate, and provides a readout or record of flow will occur are:
instantaneous flowrate or totalized flow, or both. Hb/Ha< 0.5, for 1, 2, and 3-in. (2.54, 5.08, and
7.2 The Flume: 7.62-cm) flumes;
7.2.1 Parshall flumes are characterized by throat width; Hb/Ha< 0.6, for 6 and 9-in. (15.24 and 22.86-cm) flumes;
dimensions and flowrates for each size are given in Fig. 1 and Hb/Ha< 0.7, for 1 to 8-ft (30.48 to 243.8-cm) flumes;
Table 1, respectively. The dimensions must be maintained Hb/Ha< 0.8, for 10 to 50-ft (304.8 to 1524.0-cm) flumes.
within 2 %, because the flume is an empirical device and
7.4.2 Submerged Flow: Discharge rates for submerged-flow conditions are
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of given for 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9-in. (2.54, 5.08, 7.62, 15.24, and
this test method. 22.86-cm) flumes in Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, and

D 1941 – 91 (2001)
TABLE 1 Dimensions and Capacities of Standard Parshall Flumes

NOTE 1—Flume sizes 3 in. through 8 ft have approach aprons rising at 25 % slope and the following entrance roundings: 3 through 9 in., radius = 1.33
ft; 1 through 3 ft, radius = 1.67 ft; 4 through 8 ft, radius = 2.00 ft.
Wall Vertical distance be-
Widths Axial lengths, ft Gage Points, ft
Depth in low crest, ft Converg- Free-flow Capacities,
Down- Con- ing wall H , wall HT ft3/s
Upstream Converg- Throat Diverging verging Lower end length
Throat, stream Dip at length up-
end, WC, ing Sec- section, section, Section, of flume, A
C , ft stream of
WT end, WD, Throat, N
ft tion, LC LT LD D, ft K a b Minimum Maximum
ft crest B
1 in. 0.549 0.305 1.17 0.250 0.67 0.5–0.75 0.094 0.062 1.19 0.79 0.026 0.042 0.005 0.15
2 in. 0.700 0.443 1.33 0.375 0.83 0.50–0.83 0.141 0.073 1.36 0.91 0.052 0.083 0.01 0.30
3 in. 0.849 0.583 1.50 0.500 1.00 1.00–2.00 0.188 0.083 1.53 1.02 0.083 0.125 0.03 1.90
6 in. 1.30 1.29 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.0 0.375 0.25 2.36 1.36 0.167 0.25 0.05 3.90
9 in. 1.88 1.25 2.83 1.00 1.50 2.5 0.375 0.25 2.88 1.93 0.167 0.25 0.09 8.90

1.0 ft 2.77 2.00 4.41 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 4.50 3.00 0.167 0.25 0.11 16.1
1.5 ft 3.36 2.50 4.66 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 4.75 3.17 0.167 0.25 0.15 24.6
2.0 ft 3.96 3.00 4.91 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 5.00 3.33 0.167 0.25 0.42 33.1
3.0 ft 5.16 4.00 5.40 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 5.50 3.67 0.167 0.25 0.61 50.4
4.0 ft 6.35 5.00 5.88 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 6.00 4.00 0.167 0.25 1.30 67.9
5.0 ft 7.55 6.00 6.38 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 6.50 4.33 0.167 0.25 1.60 85.6

6.0 ft 8.75 7.00 6.86 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 7.0 4.67 0.167 0.25 2.60 103.5
7.0 ft 9.95 8.00 7.35 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 7.5 5.0 0.167 0.25 3.00 121.4
8.0 ft 11.15 9.00 7.84 2.0 3.0 3.0 0.75 0.25 8.0 5.33 0.167 0.25 3.50 139.5
10 ft 15.60 12.00 14.0 3.0 6.0 4.0 1.12 0.50 9.0 6.00 ... ... 6 300
12 ft 18.40 14.67 16.0 3.0 8.0 5.0 1.12 0.50 10.0 6.67 ... ... 8 520
15 ft 25.0 18.33 25.0 4.0 10.0 6.0 1.50 0.75 11.5 7.67 ... ... 8 900

20 ft 30.0 24.00 25.0 6.0 12.0 7.0 2.25 1.00 14.0 9.33 ... ... 10 1340
25 ft 35.0 29.33 25.0 6.0 13.0 7.0 2.25 1.00 16.5 11.00 ... ... 15 1660
30 ft 40.4 34.67 26.0 6.0 14.0 7.0 2.25 1.00 19.0 12.67 ... ... 15 1990
40 ft 50.8 45.33 27.0 6.0 16.0 7.0 2.25 1.00 24.0 16.00 ... ... 20 2640
50 ft 60.8 56.67 27.0 6.0 20.0 7.0 2.25 1.00 29.0 19.33 ... ... 25 3280
For sizes 1 to 8 ft, C = WT/2 + 4 ft.
HC located 2 / 3 C distance from crest for all sizes; distance is wall length, not axial.

TABLE 2 Free-Flow Values of C and n for Parshall Flumes

(See Eq 1)
Throat Width CA Q, min B Q, max B
inch- n m3 3
ft-in cm SI ft 3/s ft 3/s m3/s
pound 10 3/s
0-1 2.54 0.338 0.0479 1.55 0.01 0.28 0.2 0.0057
0-2 5.08 0.676 0.0959 1.55 0.02 0.56 0.5 0.014
0-3 7.62 0.992 0.141 1.55 0.03 0.85 1.1 0.031
0-6 15.24 2.06 0.264 1.58 0.05 1.42 3.9 0.11
0-9 22.80 3.07 0.393 1.53 0.09 2.55 8.9 0.25
1-0 30.48 4.00 0.624 1.522 0.11 3.1 16.1 0.46
1-6 45.72 6.00 0.887 1.538 0.15 4.2 24.6 0.69
2-0 60.96 8.00 1.135 1.550 0.42 11.9 38.1 0.93
3-0 91.44 12.00 1.612 1.566 0.61 17.3 50.4 1.42
4-0 121.92 16.00 2.062 1.578 1.3 36.8 67.9 1.92
5-0 152.40 20.00 2.500 1.587 1.6 45.3 85.6 2.42
6-0 182.88 24.00 2.919 1.595 2.6 73.6 103.5 2.93
7-0 213.36 28.00 3.337 1.601 3.0 85.0 121.4 3.44
8-0 243.84 32.00 3.736 1.607 3.5 99.1 139.5 3.95
10-0 304.8 39.38 4.709 1.6 6 170 200 5.6
12-0 365.8 46.75 5.590 1.6 8 227 350 9.9
19-0 457.2 57.81 6.912 1.6 8 227 600 17.0
20-0 609.6 76.25 9.117 1.6 10 283 1000 28.3
25-0 762.0 94.69 11.32 1.6 15 425 1200 34.0
30-0 914.4 113.13 13.53 1.6 15 425 1500 42.5
40-0 1219.2 150.00 17.94 1.6 20 566 2000 56.6
50-0 1524.0 186.88 22.35 1.6 25 708 3000 84.9
NOTE 1—1 ft = 30.48 cm Listed values of C should be used in Eq 1 with Ha in feet to obtain flowrate in
cubic feet per second. Listed values of C (metric) should be used with Ha in
FIG. 2 Relation Between Hb and Hc for 1, 2, and 3-in. (2.54, 5.08,
centimetres to obtain flowrate in litres per second.
and 7.62-cm) flumes (Reference (2)) B
From Ref (1).

D 1941 – 91 (2001)
TABLE 3 Flume, 1-in. (2.54-cm), Submerged—Flowrate, ft3/s
Ha, ft
Sub- 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.80
50 0.0033 0.0044 0.0067 0.0095 0.0180 0.028 0.039 0.052 0.066 0.082 0.097 ... ... ... ... ...
55 0.0032 0.0043 0.0066 0.0094 0.0180 0.028 0.038 0.052 0.065 0.081 0.096 ... ... ... ... ...
60 0.0032 0.0042 0.0065 0.0093 0.0179 0.027 0.038 0.051 0.064 0.079 0.094 ... ... ... ... ...
65 0.0031 0.0041 0.0064 0.0090 0.0173 0.026 0.037 0.050 0.061 0.076 0.091 ... ... ... ... ...
70 0.0030 0.0040 0.0062 0.0087 0.0165 0.025 0.035 0.047 0.058 0.072 0.087 ... ... ... ... ...
75 ... 0.0038 0.0059 0.0083 0.0156 0.024 0.033 0.044 0.055 0.068 0.081 0.096 ... ... ... ...
80 ... 0.0036 0.0055 0.0077 0.0145 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.051 0.063 0.074 0.088 0.100 ... ... ...
85 ... 0.0032 0.0050 0.0069 0.0130 0.020 0.028 0.036 0.045 0.056 0.066 0.077 0.090 0.100 ... ...
90 ... ... 0.0042 0.0060 0.0112 0.017 0.024 0.031 0.038 0.046 0.055 0.064 0.074 0.083 ... ...
95 ... ... 0.0034 0.0048 0.0089 0.014 0.018 0.024 0.030 0.037 0.042 0.050 0.056 0.062 0.075 0.090

TABLE 4 Flume, 2-in. (5.08-cm), Submerged—Flowrate, ft3/s

Ha, ft
Sub- 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
50 0.0086 0.0189 0.0350 0.0554 0.080 0.103 0.137 0.165 0.200 0.230 0.271 0.314 ... ... ... ...
55 0.0086 0.0188 0.0350 0.0550 0.079 0.103 0.136 0.163 0.198 0.229 0.270 0.314 0.382 ... ... ...
60 0.0085 0.0185 0.0345 0.0549 0.078 0.102 0.134 0.161 0.194 0.226 0.268 0.312 0.377 ... ... ...
65 0.0083 0.0182 0.0340 0.0534 0.077 0.101 0.132 0.158 0.190 0.223 0.263 0.307 0.371 ... ... ...
70 0.0080 0.0175 0.0332 0.0520 0.075 0.098 0.129 0.154 0.186 0.216 0.254 0.296 0.361 ... ... ...
75 0.0077 0.0164 0.0312 0.0498 0.072 0.093 0.123 0.148 0.179 0.207 0.242 0.282 0.344 ... ... ...
80 0.0071 0.0152 0.0289 0.0458 0.067 0.087 0.114 0.139 0.167 0.193 0.228 0.261 0.326 0.396 ... ...
85 ... 0.0138 0.0258 0.0409 0.060 0.080 0.101 0.126 0.151 0.176 0.203 0.235 0.300 0.358 ... ...
90 ... 0.0117 0.0212 0.0346 0.049 0.067 0.087 0.104 0.129 0.150 0.177 0.200 0.259 0.315 0.369 ...
95 ... 0.0088 0.0158 0.0244 0.035 0.047 0.064 0.078 0.092 0.111 0.130 0.150 0.198 0.250 0.300 0.350

TABLE 5 Flume, 3-in. (7.62-cm), Submerged—Flowrate, ft3/s

Ha, ft
Sub- 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
50 0.037 0.057 0.082 0.117 0.156 0.195 0.240 0.287 0.335 0.397 0.450 0.562 0.700 0.841 0.977 1.31 ... ...
55 0.037 0.057 0.082 0.117 0.156 0.194 0.239 0.286 0.334 0.394 0.448 0.561 0.696 0.836 0.974 1.31 ... ...
60 0.037 0.057 0.082 0.116 0.155 0.192 0.238 0.285 0.333 0.390 0.443 0.559 0.686 0.826 0.967 1.29 ... ...
65 0.037 0.057 0.082 0.115 0.154 0.191 0.236 0.282 0.331 0.383 0.436 0.557 0.680 0.817 0.958 1.27 ... ...
70 0.036 0.056 0.080 0.113 0.150 0.188 0.230 0.277 0.325 0.374 0.425 0.545 0.665 0.800 0.935 1.25 ... ...
75 0.036 0.055 0.077 0.108 0.144 0.182 0.221 0.264 0.312 0.359 0.408 0.520 0.642 0.763 0.900 1.19 1.49 ...
80 0.034 0.052 0.073 0.101 0.136 0.171 0.206 0.247 0.293 0.339 0.383 0.488 0.604 0.712 0.841 1.12 1.41 ...
85 0.031 0.047 0.066 0.092 0.123 0.153 0.188 0.223 0.263 0.309 0.350 0.439 0.545 0.651 0.758 1.00 1.28 ...
90 ... 0.041 0.057 0.081 0.104 0.134 0.163 0.192 0.225 0.264 0.304 0.379 0.465 0.562 0.653 0.853 1.09 1.33
95 ... 0.033 0.045 0.062 0.081 0.098 0.125 0.148 0.174 0.198 0.228 0.290 0.355 0.422 0.500 0.648 0.815 0.988

Table 7 (Table 8, Table 9, Table 10, Table 11, and Table 12), normal depth of flow in the channel downstream of the flume
which were compiled from published curves (2). and the assumption that the resulting surface elevation prevails For all larger flumes, that is, 1 to 50 ft (30.48 to 1524 approximately at the Hb location. Design examples are avail-
cm) throat widths, flowrates under submerged-flow conditions able in the References.
are given as corrections to be subtracted from the free-flow 7.5.2 The flow entering the flume should be tranquil and
discharge at the same Ha. These corrections are found in Table uniformly distributed across the channel. For this purpose,
13, Table 14, Table 15, and Table 16 (Table 17, Table 14, Table uniform velocity distribution can be defined as that associated
18, and Table 16), which were compiled from published curves
with fully developed flow in a long, straight, moderately
smooth channel. As a general guideline, a straight upstream It is recommended that submergence be avoided if
approach length of 10 to 20 times the throat width will meet
possible and that ratios not be allowed to exceed 0.95.
7.5 Installation Requirements: this entrance condition. The adequacy of the approach flow
7.5.1 It is highly desirable that the Parshall flume installa- must be demonstrated on a case-by-case basis using current-
tion be designed for free flow. The depth-discharge relations meter traverses, experience with similar situations, or analyti-
for free flow are more accurate than those for submerged flow, cal approximations.
particularly at high submergence ratios. Further, the secondary 7.5.3 If the approach flow is supercritical, the installation
instrumentation for free flow is simpler and more readily should be designed so that a hydraulic jump is formed at a
available. Design for free flow requires an estimate of the distance upstream of at least 30 Ha. If the existence of the

D 1941 – 91 (2001)
TABLE 6 Flume, 6-in. (15.24-cm), Submerged—Flowrate, ft3/s
Ha, ft
Sub- 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
60 0.050 0.162 0.300 0.462 0.655 0.870 1.12 1.40 1.70 2.00 2.34 2.68 3.03 3.38 3.77
62 0.050 0.160 0.297 0.458 0.651 0.865 1.12 1.39 1.67 1.98 2.32 2.65 3.00 3.36 3.74
64 0.050 0.158 0.291 0.455 0.646 0.859 1.11 1.38 1.66 1.96 2.29 2.63 2.97 3.33 3.71
66 0.050 0.156 0.287 0.452 0.639 0.854 1.10 1.37 1.64 1.94 2.26 2.60 2.94 3.30 3.67
68 0.050 0.154 0.285 0.445 0.633 0.849 1.09 1.35 1.63 1.93 2.24 2.56 2.90 3.26 3.64
70 0.050 0.152 0.283 0.440 0.624 0.839 1.07 1.34 1.60 1.90 2.20 2.53 2.85 3.22 3.60
72 0.050 0.150 0.278 0.432 0.617 0.828 1.06 1.33 1.57 1.86 2.16 2.49 2.80 3.17 3.54
74 0.050 0.147 0.274 0.424 0.607 0.817 1.04 1.30 1.54 1.83 2.13 2.44 2.75 3.11 3.47
76 0.050 0.144 0.270 0.414 0.593 0.802 1.02 1.26 1.52 1.80 2.09 2.39 2.70 3.04 3.40
78 0.050 0.141 0.263 0.402 0.580 0.782 1.00 1.23 1.47 1.75 2.04 2.33 2.64 2.97 3.32
80 0.048 0.137 0.252 0.389 0.564 0.764 0.97 1.20 1.44 1.70 1.97 2.26 2.56 2.89 3.22
82 0.045 0.131 0.243 0.377 0.540 0.741 0.94 1.16 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.19 2.48 2.80 3.10
84 0.042 0.125 0.235 0.356 0.520 0.709 0.90 1.12 1.34 1.59 1.83 2.11 2.39 2.68 2.99
86 0.040 0.121 0.224 0.342 0.498 0.674 0.87 1.07 1.29 1.52 1.75 2.02 2.29 2.56 2.85
88 0.038 0.115 0.211 0.322 0.471 0.638 0.82 1.02 1.23 1.44 1.67 1.92 2.17 2.44 2.72
90 0.035 0.106 0.196 0.300 0.438 0.593 0.76 0.95 1.15 1.36 1.57 1.80 2.04 2.30 2.55
92 0.030 0.100 0.175 0.278 0.402 0.544 0.70 0.88 1.07 1.26 1.47 1.67 1.91 2.14 2.38
94 0.028 0.088 0.155 0.250 0.359 0.487 0.64 0.80 0.97 1.15 1.35 1.54 1.74 1.95 2.17
95 0.025 0.083 0.145 0.230 0.330 0.453 0.60 0.75 0.86 1.03 1.21 1.45 1.64 1.85 2.06

TABLE 7 Flume, 9-in. (22.86-cm), Submerged—Flowrate, ft3/s

Ha, ft
Sub- 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
60 0.093 0.276 0.490 0.750 1.05 1.37 1.75 2.17 2.57 3.02 3.52 4.06 4.57 5.10 5.65
62 0.093 0.276 0.486 0.747 1.05 1.37 1.75 2.16 2.56 3.01 3.50 4.04 4.55 5.07 5.62
64 0.090 0.272 0.479 0.745 1.04 1.36 1.74 2.15 2.55 3.00 3.48 4.01 4.52 5.04 5.58
66 0.090 0.269 0.476 0.739 1.04 1.35 1.73 2.13 2.53 2.97 3.45 3.97 4.48 5.00 5.54
68 0.089 0.262 0.472 0.732 1.03 1.34 1.72 2.12 2.52 2.95 3.43 3.94 4.44 4.96 5.50
70 0.087 0.259 0.469 0.726 1.02 1.33 1.70 2.10 2.49 2.93 3.40 3.90 4.40 4.91 5.45
72 0.084 0.252 0.466 0.719 1.01 1.32 1.68 2.07 2.46 2.90 3.35 3.85 4.34 4.85 5.39
74 0.081 0.247 0.459 0.707 1.00 1.31 1.66 2.04 2.44 2.87 3.32 3.80 4.30 4.80 5.33
76 0.077 0.240 0.450 0.697 0.98 1.30 1.64 2.02 2.40 2.83 3.26 3.74 4.23 4.73 5.25
78 0.076 0.234 0.440 0.687 0.96 1.27 1.62 1.98 2.36 2.79 3.21 3.68 4.16 4.65 5.16
80 0.074 0.231 0.431 0.671 0.94 1.25 1.59 1.94 2.32 2.73 3.15 3.61 4.09 4.57 5.06
82 0.071 0.223 0.421 0.658 0.92 1.23 1.55 1.90 2.26 2.67 3.07 3.52 4.00 4.46 4.95
84 0.065 0.213 0.407 0.639 0.90 1.20 1.50 1.84 2.20 2.60 3.00 3.42 3.89 4.34 4.80
86 0.061 0.200 0.397 0.619 0.85 1.16 1.46 1.77 2.13 2.50 2.90 3.30 3.74 4.20 4.64
88 0.058 0.193 0.377 0.593 0.81 1.10 1.40 1.70 2.04 2.39 2.76 3.14 3.59 4.00 4.44
90 0.055 0.183 0.361 0.562 0.77 1.05 1.33 1.61 1.94 2.25 2.60 2.97 3.37 3.76 4.20
92 0.048 0.169 0.334 0.521 0.72 0.97 1.23 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.41 2.75 3.10 3.47 3.87
94 0.039 0.155 0.300 0.470 0.65 0.87 1.11 1.36 1.64 1.90 2.20 2.47 2.80 3.10 3.43
95 0.035 0.141 0.276 0.438 0.61 0.82 1.05 1.28 1.55 1.80 2.05 2.31 2.60 2.90 3.19

TABLE 8 Flume, 2.54-cm (1-in.), Submerged—Flowrate, L/s

Ha, cm
Sub- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 21 24
50 0.142 0.263 0.419 0.586 0.767 0.971 1.19 1.44 1.70 1.98 2.27 2.55 ... ... ... ... ...
55 0.139 0.261 0.416 0.586 0.762 0.960 1.17 1.43 1.67 1.95 2.24 2.52 ... ... ... ... ...
60 0.136 0.258 0.413 0.578 0.748 0.949 1.16 1.40 1.64 1.90 2.18 2.41 ... ... ... ... ...
65 0.133 0.249 0.399 0.561 0.725 0.917 1.12 1.37 1.59 1.81 2.10 2.41 ... ... ... ... ...
70 0.130 0.241 0.382 0.535 0.694 0.878 1.07 1.29 1.50 1.73 1.98 2.27 ... ... ... ... ...
75 0.125 0.229 0.362 0.510 0.665 0.841 1.02 1.21 1.42 1.64 1.87 2.12 2.38 2.66 ... ... ...
80 0.116 0.212 0.337 0.473 0.623 0.779 0.934 1.11 1.33 1.53 1.76 1.95 2.18 2.44 ... ... ...
85 0.105 0.190 0.303 0.425 0.555 0.697 0.841 1.00 1.16 1.33 1.36 1.73 1.93 2.12 2.78 ... ...
90 ... 0.160 0.261 0.362 0.467 0.595 0.725 0.858 0.99 1.13 1.27 1.44 1.61 1.78 2.79 ... ...
95 ... 0.133 0.207 0.289 0.374 0.462 0.555 0.665 0.76 0.91 1.02 1.13 1.22 1.39 1.73 2.10 1.49

hydraulic jump closer to the flume is unavoidable, the ad- 7.6 Secondary Instrumentation:
equacy of the entering flow should be demonstrated as in 7.5.2. 7.6.1 A minimal secondary system for continuous monitor-
7.5.4 The flume should be constructed and installed so that ing would contain a depth-sensing device and a depth indicator
the floor of the converging section is level to within a slope not or recorder from which the user could determine flowrates
to exceed 0.01 ft in any dimension, or a re-rating is necessary. from the depth-discharge relations. Optionally, the secondary

D 1941 – 91 (2001)
TABLE 9 Flume, 5.08-cm (2-in.), Submerged—Flowrate, L/s
Ha, cm
Sub- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
50 0.28 0.52 0.82 1.15 1.53 1.98 2.44 2.86 3.45 4.05 4.59 6.37 8.67 ... ... ... ...
55 0.28 0.52 0.82 1.15 1.52 1.95 2.41 2.86 3.43 4.02 4.53 6.34 8.67 10.62 ... ... ...
60 0.27 0.51 0.80 1.14 1.50 1.93 2.38 2.83 3.40 3.96 4.47 6.26 8.61 10.48 ... ... ...
65 0.27 0.50 0.79 1.12 1.48 1.90 2.35 2.80 3.34 3.91 4.39 6.17 8.47 10.31 ... ... ...
70 0.26 0.48 0.77 1.09 1.44 1.87 2.29 2.72 3.26 3.79 4.28 5.97 8.16 10.02 ... ... ...
75 0.25 0.45 0.72 1.03 1.38 1.78 2.18 2.61 3.11 3.62 4.11 5.75 7.79 9.54 ... ... ...
80 0.23 0.42 0.67 0.95 1.27 1.67 2.04 2.44 2.89 3.40 3.85 5.35 7.22 9.03 10.96 ... ...
85 0.20 0.38 0.60 0.85 1.13 1.47 1.84 2.24 2.61 3.03 3.48 4.87 6.48 8.30 9.91 ... ...
90 ... 0.32 0.50 0.71 0.96 1.22 1.50 1.87 2.21 2.58 2.89 4.16 5.55 7.16 8.72 10.22 ...
95 ... 0.24 0.37 0.52 0.68 0.88 1.08 1.30 1.61 1.90 2.15 3.06 4.13 5.47 6.88 8.30 9.68

TABLE 10 Flume, 7.62-cm (3-in.), Submerged—Flowrate, L/s

Ha, cm
Sub- 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
50 1.19 2.27 3.57 5.04 6.65 8.38 10.36 12.46 14.53 16.76 19.31 23.25 27.04 31.7 36.4 ... ... ...
55 1.19 2.27 3.57 5.01 6.63 8.35 10.31 12.40 14.47 16.74 19.20 23.11 26.96 31.4 36.3 ... ... ...
60 1.19 2.27 3.54 4.98 6.57 8.33 10.25 12.26 14.39 16.62 18.94 22.82 26.73 31.1 35.7 ... ... ...
65 1.19 2.27 3.51 4.96 6.54 8.24 10.11 12.06 14.27 16.54 18.80 22.60 26.48 30.9 35.1 ... ... ...
70 1.19 2.21 3.45 4.84 6.37 8.10 9.91 11.78 13.93 16.17 18.38 22.12 25.85 30.3 34.5 ... ... ...
75 1.16 2.12 3.31 4.67 6.12 7.73 9.51 11.30 13.34 15.49 17.73 21.12 24.86 29.3 32.8 37.1 41.3 ...
80 1.10 2.01 3.09 4.42 5.72 7.22 8.95 10.62 12.52 14.55 16.68 19.74 23.22 27.2 30.9 35.1 39.1 ...
85 0.99 1.84 2.80 3.96 5.21 6.51 8.10 9.71 11.33 13.08 15.04 18.01 20.98 24.4 27.8 31.4 35.4 ...
90 ... 1.59 2.46 3.43 4.53 5.61 6.91 8.41 9.80 11.27 12.86 15.52 18.07 20.8 23.6 26.9 30.0 33.4
95 ... 1.25 1.90 2.58 3.45 4.33 5.27 6.31 7.45 8.61 9.83 11.69 13.82 15.9 17.9 20.2 22.6 24.9

TABLE 11 Flume, 15.24-cm (6-in.), Submerged—Flowrate, L/s

Ha, cm
Sub- 4 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
60 2.41 4.50 8.30 12.80 18.12 24.1 30.9 38.5 47.0 55.2 64.6 74.2 83.8 93.4 104.2
62 2.38 4.45 8.21 12.69 18.01 24.0 30.9 38.2 46.4 54.7 64.0 73.3 83.0 92.9 103.4
64 2.36 4.39 8.04 12.60 17.87 23.8 30.6 37.9 45.9 54.1 63.1 72.8 82.1 92.0 102.5
66 2.35 4.33 7.93 12.52 17.67 23.6 30.3 37.7 45.3 53.5 62.6 71.9 81.3 91.2 101.4
68 2.32 4.28 7.87 12.32 17.50 23.5 30.0 37.4 45.0 53.2 62.0 70.8 80.1 90.0 100.5
70 2.31 4.22 7.82 12.20 17.25 23.2 29.4 36.8 44.2 52.4 60.9 69.9 79.0 88.9 99.4
72 2.29 4.16 7.70 11.98 17.05 22.9 29.2 36.5 43.6 51.2 59.7 68.8 77.6 87.5 97.7
74 2.27 4.08 7.59 11.75 16.76 22.6 28.9 36.0 42.8 50.4 58.9 67.4 76.2 85.8 95.7
76 2.24 3.99 7.48 11.47 16.40 22.2 28.3 34.8 41.9 49.8 57.8 66.0 74.8 84.1 98.7
78 2.21 3.91 7.28 11.16 16.03 21.6 27.8 34.0 40.8 48.4 56.4 64.3 73.1 82.1 91.7
80 2.15 3.79 6.97 10.79 15.57 21.1 26.9 33.1 39.9 47.0 54.4 62.3 70.8 79.9 88.9
82 2.04 3.62 6.71 10.45 14.92 20.5 26.1 32.0 38.8 45.6 52.7 60.3 68.5 77.3 85.8
84 1.93 3.48 6.48 9.88 14.36 19.6 24.9 30.9 37.1 43.7 50.7 58.5 66.0 74.2 82.7
86 1.84 3.37 6.20 9.49 13.76 18.6 24.1 29.4 35.7 41.9 48.4 55.8 63.4 70.8 78.7
88 1.76 3.20 5.83 8.92 13.00 17.6 22.7 28.0 34.0 39.9 46.2 53.0 60.0 67.4 75.0
90 1.61 2.94 5.41 8.33 12.09 16.4 21.0 26.3 31.7 37.7 42.3 49.8 56.4 63.4 70.5
92 1.47 2.78 4.84 7.70 11.10 15.0 19.3 24.4 29.4 34.8 40.5 46.2 52.7 59.2 65.7
94 1.33 2.44 4.30 6.91 9.91 13.4 17.6 22.1 26.9 31.7 37.4 42.5 48.1 53.8 60.0
95 1.22 2.29 4.02 6.37 9.12 12.5 16.4 20.7 23.8 28.3 33.4 39.6 45.3 51.0 56.9

system could convert the measured depth to an indicated or Electrical sensors, such as, resistance, capacitance,
recorded flowrate, or both, and totalized flow, and further could and oscillating proves.
transmit the information electrically or pneumatically to a
central location. 8. Sampling
7.6.2 Continuous depth measurements can be made with 8.1 Sampling as defined in Terminology D 1129 is not
several types of sensors including, but not restricted to, the applicable in this test method.
following: Floats, such as, cylindrical (3) and scow types; 9. Calibration Pressure sensors, such as, bubble types (3) and (4), 9.1 An in-place calibration of the entire flume system is
diaphragm gages; recommended for highest accuracy. However, calibration of Acoustic sensors; the secondary instrument alone can sometimes be a sufficient

D 1941 – 91 (2001)
TABLE 12 Flume, 22.86-cm (9-in.), Submerged—Flowrate, L/s
Ha, cm
Sub- 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
60 2.52 7.67 13.6 20.8 29.2 37.9 48.4 60.0 71.1 83.5 97.4 112 127 141 156
62 2.52 7.67 13.5 20.7 29.0 37.9 48.4 59.7 70.8 83.3 96.8 112 126 140 155
64 2.45 7.56 13.3 20.6 28.7 37.7 48.1 59.5 70.5 83.0 96.3 111 125 139 154
66 2.45 7.48 13.2 20.5 28.7 37.4 47.9 58.9 69.9 82.1 95.4 110 124 138 153
68 2.42 7.28 13.1 20.3 28.6 37.1 47.6 58.6 69.7 81.6 94.9 109 123 137 152
70 2.38 7.19 13.0 20.1 28.3 36.8 47.0 58.0 69.1 81.0 94.0 108 122 136 151
72 2.29 6.99 12.9 19.9 28.0 36.5 46.4 57.2 68.2 80.1 92.6 106 120 134 149
74 2.21 6.85 12.7 19.6 27.8 36.2 45.9 56.9 67.4 79.3 91.7 105 119 132 147
76 2.10 6.65 12.5 19.3 27.2 36.0 45.3 55.8 66.5 78.2 90.3 103 117 131 145
78 2.07 6.48 12.2 19.0 26.6 35.1 44.7 54.7 65.4 77.3 88.9 102 115 129 143
80 2.01 6.40 11.9 18.6 26.1 34.5 43.9 53.5 64.3 75.4 87.2 100 113 126 140
82 1.93 6.17 11.6 18.2 25.5 34.0 42.8 52.4 62.6 73.6 85.0 97 110 123 137
84 1.76 5.92 11.2 17.7 24.9 33.1 41.6 51.0 60.9 71.9 83.0 95 107 120 133
86 1.64 5.55 11.0 17.2 23.5 32.0 40.5 49.0 58.9 69.1 80.1 91 103 116 129
88 1.56 5.35 10.4 16.4 22.4 30.3 38.8 47.0 56.4 66.0 76.5 87 99 111 123
90 1.47 5.07 10.0 15.6 21.2 28.9 36.8 44.5 53.5 62.3 71.9 82 93 104 116
92 1.30 4.67 9.2 14.4 19.8 26.9 34.0 41.3 49.8 58.0 66.8 76 86 96 107
94 1.05 4.30 8.3 13.0 18.1 24.1 30.6 37.7 45.3 52.7 60.9 68 77 86 95
95 0.93 3.91 7.6 12.1 17.0 22.7 28.9 35.4 42.8 49.8 56.9 64 72 80 88

TABLE 13 Flume, 1-ft (30.48-cm), Submerged—Flowrate Correction, ft3/s, To Be Subtracted from Free-Flow Discharge
Ha, ft
Sub- 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5
60 0.067 0.071 0.075 0.082 0.090 0.100 0.113 0.130 0.149 0.193 0.250 0.32 0.40 0.49 0.59 0.69
72 0.072 0.076 0.083 0.092 0.104 0.117 0.135 0.154 0.178 0.237 0.31 0.40 0.49 0.60 0.71 0.83
74 0.077 0.082 0.093 0.165 0.120 0.139 0.162 0.189 0.220 0.292 0.38 0.44 0.60 0.74 0.90 1.07
76 0.083 0.092 0.105 0.121 0.143 0.168 0.197 0.234 0.270 0.36 0.47 0.60 0.74 0.90 1.10 1.30
78 0.089 0.102 0.121 0.143 0.172 0.204 0.242 0.284 0.33 0.44 0.57 0.72 0.90 1.12 1.34 1.59
80 0.097 0.116 0.140 0.172 0.209 0.250 0.298 0.35 0.41 0.55 0.71 0.90 1.12 1.37 1.63 1.92
82 0.109 0.132 0.165 0.203 0.252 0.31 0.37 0.44 0.52 0.68 0.87 1.12 1.38 1.66 1.98 2.33
84 0.123 0.155 0.198 0.250 0.31 0.38 0.45 0.54 0.64 0.83 1.09 1.36 1.67 2.01 2.38 2.78
86 0.142 0.185 0.240 0.300 0.38 0.47 0.56 0.67 0.79 1.04 1.33 1.66 2.03 2.43 2.87 3.34
88 0.166 0.221 0.292 0.37 0.47 0.58 0.70 0.83 0.97 1.28 1.64 2.03 2.46 2.94 3.45 4.00
90 0.200 0.274 0.367 0.47 0.60 0.73 0.88 1.03 1.20 1.58 2.00 2.47 2.98 3.53 4.12 4.75
92 0.245 0.340 0.46 0.59 0.74 0.91 1.09 1.29 1.49 1.95 2.46 3.01 3.61 4.26 4.95 5.68
94 0.300 0.430 0.59 0.75 0.93 1.14 1.36 1.61 1.87 2.42 3.03 3.69 4.41 5.17 5.97 6.83
95 0.338 0.482 0.66 0.84 1.05 1.28 1.53 1.80 2.10 2.71 3.38 4.10 4.88 5.71 6.58 7.50

TABLE 14 Multiplying Factors for Larger Flumes 9.2.2 The depth indicated by the secondary instrument is
Throat width Multiply amount in compared with the reference depth (9.2.1). If the secondary
cm ft Table 13 or Table 17 by
45.7 1.5 1.4
readout is in terms of flowrate, the indicated flowrate is
61.0 2 1.8 compared with the flowrate computed from the reference
91.4 3 2.4 depth, Eq 1 and Table 1. Repetition of this process over a range
121.9 4 3.1
152.4 5 3.7
of depths will indicate whether zero or span adjustment is
182.9 6 4.3 needed. Repetition of individual points will provide data on the
213.4 7 4.9 precision of the system.
243.8 8 5.4
9.3 Calibrating the Complete System:
9.3.1 Methods for in-place flume calibration include:
procedure provided the flume itself meets all the fabrication Velocity-area traverse (Test Method D 3858);
and installation requirements of 7.2 and 7.5 and provided Dye dilution (ISO 555);
further that the basic error associated with such a standard Salt velocity;
flume (see 11.1) is acceptable for the specific measurement Volumetric;
purpose. Comparison with reference flowrate meter.
9.2 Calibrating the Secondary System: 9.3.2 There is no single method that is applicable to all field
9.2.1 To check the secondary instrument, it is necessary to situations, and in many cases only the methods in and
make independent reference depth measurements with a scale can even be considered. For example, suitable basins
or preferably a point gage. This measurement is most accu- and connecting conduits for direct volumetric calibration of
rately made in the stilling well or in an auxiliary well as large flows are seldom available and a reference flowmeter,
needed. The zero of the scale or point gage must be carefully such as, Venturi meter, weir, for which published standards
referenced to the crest elevation. exist, can be used only where there is adequate approach length

D 1941 – 91 (2001)
TABLE 15 Flume, 10-ft (304.8-cm), Submerged—Flowrate Correction, ft3/s, To Be Subtracted from Free-Flow Discharge
Ha, ft
Sub- 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
80 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.60 0.76 0.94 1.15 1.37 1.59 1.84 2.15 2.92 3.82 4.84 5.90 7.25 8.50
81 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.64 0.84 1.08 1.35 1.60 1.92 2.25 2.64 3.00 4.12 5.36 6.85 8.36 10.34 12.3
82 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.64 0.88 1.17 1.45 1.81 2.18 2.62 3.00 3.52 4.06 5.56 7.24 9.24 11.6 14.0 16.5
83 ... ... ... ... ... 0.60 0.86 1.19 1.50 1.94 2.43 2.88 3.46 4.00 4.65 5.41 7.34 9.60 12.5 15.0 18.4 21.8
84 ... ... ... 0.50 0.63 0.78 1.13 1.50 1.99 2.57 3.11 3.79 4.45 5.24 6.06 7.00 9.67 12.8 16.2 19.8 24.7 28.6
86 ... ... 0.61 0.81 1.03 1.30 1.83 2.50 3.21 4.08 5.00 6.09 7.28 8.48 9.90 11.7 15.7 20.5 26.6 32.1 39.2 46.4
88 0.50 0.69 0.94 1.27 1.58 1.95 2.78 3.79 4.91 6.27 7.69 9.29 11.2 13.2 15.0 17.7 24.5 31.6 39.8 49.1 60.0 70.4
90 0.71 0.99 1.35 1.76 2.25 2.78 3.92 5.32 6.97 8.84 11.1 13.4 15.8 18.6 21.6 25.6 34.4 44.7 57.4 69.4 85.6 101
92 0.99 1.39 1.87 2.48 3.10 3.85 5.50 7.45 9.81 12.7 15.2 18.6 22.4 26.3 30.0 35.2 48.1 63.0 80.0 99.1 120 140
94 1.35 1.86 2.55 3.33 4.21 5.21 7.38 10.0 13.4 16.8 20.7 25.5 30.0 35.0 40.2 47.4 64.8 84.8 108 132 160 190
95 1.52 2.42 2.89 3.82 4.80 5.95 8.44 11.8 15.0 19.3 24.1 28.8 34.5 39.8 46.6 54.4 73.7 97.3 122 150 184 218

TABLE 16 Multiplying Factors for Larger Flumes precision and bias cannot be estimated due to the variability of
Throat width Multiply amount in Table the sources of potential errors listed in this section and the
cm ft 15 or Table 18 by
365.8 12 1.2
temporal and spatial variability of open-channel flow. Any
457.2 15 1.5 estimate of these errors could be very misleading to the user.
604.6 20 2.0 11.2 In accordance with 1.6 of Practice D 2777, an exemp-
762.0 25 2.5
914.4 30 3.0 tion to the precision and bias statement required by Practice
1219.2 40 4.0 D 2777 was recommended by the Results Advisor and con-
1524.0 50 5.0 curred with by the Technical Operations Section of the execu-
tive Subcommittee on June 15, 1990.
11.3 The accuracy of the free-flow discharge relations (Eq 1
for the standard to be applicable. On the other hand, velocity-
and Table 1) can be considered to be within 6 5 %, for flumes
area traverses may involve using intrusive current meters in
that meet the standard fabrication and installation require-
difficult liquids such as raw sewage. Whatever method is used,
ments. The submerged-flow data are considerably less accurate
the calibration tests should be conducted at enough flowrates
and the uncertainty depends on the conditions at each instal-
with enough repetitions to determine the depth-discharge
lation. For flumes that are calibrated in-place, an uncertainty
relation. A scale or point gage should be used to measure
for the resulting depth-discharge relation should be estimated
depths during these tests. The secondary should be calibrated
based on the method of calibration and the manner in which the
separately from the primary, so that future routine performance
tests were performed. This uncertainty should be combined
checks need only involve the secondary provided that condi-
with an estimated uncertainty for the secondary instrumenta-
tions related to the primary remain unchanged.
10. Procedure 11.4 Error Sources:
10.1 After initial calibration according to 9.2 or 9.3, the 11.4.1 The Flume—There is an insufficient experimental or
secondary measurement should be compared daily with a analytical base to evaluate errors due to non-standard flume
reference measurement until a suitable frequency of monitor- construction or installation. However, for smaller flumes such
ing can be determined from the accumulated data. as 1 to 3 in. (2.54 to 7.62 cm), if the throat deviates from the
10.2 Some aspects of routine maintenance depend upon the prescribed width by a small amount (no more than a few
nature of the flowing liquid. There are numerous equipment percent), it appears reasonable to estimate a corrected flow by
checks that should be made frequently at first—in some cases, applying the actual-to-standard width ratio to the standard
daily—until a more suitable frequency can be derived from the discharge. Measurement tolerances should not exceed 1⁄64 in.
performance history. These include, but are not limited to, (0.4 mm) for width and 1⁄32 in. (0.8 mm) for all other
purge flows, sediment accumulations, depth-sensor condition, dimensions. The flume must be installed and maintained so that
flume sliming or surface deterioration, etc. In addition, main- the converging section is level, both laterally and longitudi-
tenance should be performed on secondary instrumentation as nally, to obtain accurate readings. If a Parshall flume is used
recommended by manufacturers’ instructions. with shallow depth, excessive errors will result from the
influence of fluid-flow properties and boundary conditions. A
11. Precision and Bias practical lower Ha limit of 0.1 ft (30 mm) is recommended. The
11.1 Determination of the precision and bias for this test approach section must be kept clear of moss or other accumu-
method is not possible, both at the multiple and single operator lation of debris.
level, due to the high degree of instability of open-channel 11.4.2 Secondary Instruments:
flow. Both temporal and spatial variability of the boundary and Some potential error sources are associated with
flow conditions do not allow for a consent standard to be used specific types of secondary instruments. Examples include, but
for representative sampling. A minimum bias, measured under are not limited to, the following:
ideal conditions, is directly related to the bias of the equipment (a) Acoustic depth-measuring devices may incorrectly
used and is listed in the remainder of this section. A maximum sense foamy surfaces;

D 1941 – 91 (2001)
TABLE 17 Flume, 1-ft (30.48-cm), Submerged—Flowrate Correction, L/s, To Be Subtracted from Free-Flow Discharge
Ha, cm
Sub- 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
70 1.93 2.12 2.44 2.92 3.60 4.53 5.55 6.9 8.5 10.2 12.2 14.5 16.8 19.0
72 2.07 2.32 2.80 3.43 4.28 5.44 6.8 8.5 10.5 12.7 15.0 17.6 20.1 22.9
74 2.21 2.61 3.20 4.08 5.24 6.71 8.5 10.5 13.0 15.6 18.4 21.8 25.6 29.4
76 2.44 2.94 3.77 4.93 6.46 8.21 10.5 13.0 15.9 19.0 22.7 26.3 31.3 35.7
78 2.63 3.37 4.50 6.00 7.84 10.2 12.7 15.6 19.2 22.9 27.8 32.8 37.9 43.6
80 2.89 3.91 5.47 7.36 9.63 12.5 15.9 19.5 23.8 28.6 34.3 39.9 46.4 52.7
82 3.26 4.62 6.51 9.1 12.2 15.9 19.5 24.1 29.4 35.7 41.9 48.4 56.1 64.0
84 3.74 5.52 7.93 11.0 15.0 19.5 24.1 30.0 36.2 43.0 50.8 58.6 67.1 76.5
86 4.36 6.68 9.63 13.9 18.4 24.1 30.0 36.8 44.2 52.4 61.6 70.8 81.0 92.0
88 5.13 8.10 12.2 17.0 22.9 29.4 36.8 45.3 54.1 63.7 74.5 85.5 97.4 110.2
90 6.26 10.2 15.3 21.5 28.6 36.5 45.6 55.2 65.7 77.6 89.8 102.8 116.4 131.1
92 7.70 12.7 19.0 26.9 35.7 45.3 56.1 68.0 80.4 94.0 108.5 123.7 139.9 156.9
94 9.51 16.4 24.1 33.4 44.5 56.6 69.7 83.8 98.8 115.0 132.2 150.1 168.8 188.6
95 10.70 18.1 27.2 37.7 49.8 63.7 77.9 93.4 109.9 127.7 146.4 165.7 186.0 207.3

TABLE 18 Flume, 304.8-cm (10-ft), Submerged—Flowrate Correction, m3/s, To Be Subtracted from Free-Flow Discharge
Ha, cm
Sub- 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
80 ... ... ... 0.0178 0.0258 0.0357 0.0459 0.0589 0.0731 0.0883 0.105 0.123 0.143 0.162 0.186 0.211 0.234
81 ... ... ... 0.0252 0.0371 0.0498 0.0651 0.0827 0.103 0.124 0.147 0.174 0.202 0.230 0.265 0.300 0.340
82 ... ... 0.0218 0.0348 0.0496 0.0677 0.0867 0.111 0.139 0.168 0.199 0.235 0.275 0.320 0.362 0.408 0.453
83 ... ... 0.0294 0.0450 0.0665 0.0895 0.116 0.148 0.184 0.222 0.264 0.314 0.368 0.413 0.473 0.535 0.600
84 ... 0.0215 0.0379 0.0597 0.0858 0.116 0.151 0.192 0.241 0.292 0.351 0.413 0.479 0.544 0.629 0.716 0.790
86 ... 0.0357 0.0626 0.0957 0.138 0.189 0.245 0.320 0.394 0.473 0.564 0.671 0.782 0.883 1.008 1.141 1.274
88 0.0235 0.0535 0.0949 0.147 0.212 0.289 0.379 0.484 0.609 0.736 0.869 1.017 1.175 1.348 1.543 1.744 1.937
90 0.0337 0.0765 0.133 0.208 0.306 0.413 0.538 0.699 0.864 1.036 1.229 1.455 1.688 1.911 2.195 2.49 2.78
92 0.0470 0.106 0.187 0.294 0.421 0.578 0.759 0.963 1.201 1.453 1.730 2.039 2.367 2.721 3.09 3.48 3.85
94 0.0637 0.143 0.250 0.399 0.569 0.784 1.008 1.294 1.620 1.960 2.330 2.75 3.17 3.62 4.13 4.67 5.21
95 0.0722 0.163 0.292 0.450 0.663 0.895 1.150 1.489 1.846 2.231 2.670 3.14 3.60 4.13 4.73 5.35 6.00

(b) Bubbler-tube tips placed in a flowing liquid may be measurement of the force needed to overcome friction and
subject to errors due to dynamic pressures, unless properly application of physical principles.
shaped; Regardless of the type of secondary device em-
(c) Grease coatings may affect some types of wire probes; ployed, any error in referencing the zero depth to the flume
(d) Float systems are subject to a lag error if a measurable crest will introduce an error in depth that is constant in
change in water level is needed to overcome the internal magnitude and therefore relatively more important at low
friction of the movement. flows.
Except for the last example, these errors cannot be quantified Humidity effects on recorder chart paper can intro-
and only cautionary statements can be made. Each situation duce errors of about 1 %.
must be individually evaluated based on experience, manufac-
turers’ information, and the technical literature. In the case of 12. Keywords
float systems, the potential lag error can be estimated from a 12.1 flumes; streamflow; water discharge flow measurement


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 For additional information relating to the subject of Fluid Meters—Their Theory and Application, Sixth Edition,
this test method, refer to the following publications: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1971.
Schuster, J. C., Ed., “Water Measurement Procedures Irriga-
tion Operations’ Workshop,” (REC-OCE-38, Bureau of Recla-
mation), U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970.

D 1941 – 91 (2001)

(1) Kilpatrick, F. A., and Schneider, V. R., “Use of Flumes in Measuring Stations,” Techniques of Water Resources Investigations of the U.S.
Discharge,” Techniques of Water Resources Investigation of the U.S. Geological Survey, Book 3, Chapter A-7, U.S. Government Printing
Geological Survey, Book 3, Chapter A-14, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968.
Office, 1983. (4) Craig, J. D., “Installation and Service Manual for U.S. Geological
(2) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, “Water Measurement Manual,” Second Survey Manometers,”Techniques of Water Resources Investigations of
Edition, Revised Reprint, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984.
the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983.
(3) Buchanan, T. J., and Somers, W. P., “Stage Measurement at Gaging

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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