T, D: deletionCarmenCiancia PHD Thesis
T, D: deletionCarmenCiancia PHD Thesis
T, D: deletionCarmenCiancia PHD Thesis
Carmen Ciancia
November 2020
To my beloved grandmother, Angelina, to whom I promised
to dedicate this thesis before she left this world.
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………...ix
Chapter 1 – INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………...17
1.1 Motivations to examine (t,d) and (t) in East Anglian English ......................17
3.4 Neutral contexts .................................................................................................65
3.5 (t,d) in Sociolinguistic theory.............................................................................67
3.6 A brief diachronic development of (t,d)............................................................68
3.7 Empirical findings from North American studies ..............................................70
3.7.1 (t,d) in AAVE ........................................................................................71
3.7.2 (t,d) in US English dialects..........................................................................74
3.7.3 (t,d) in varieties influenced by Spanish: Chicano English and Tejano
3.7.4 (t,d) in Creole varieties: mesolectal Jamaican Creole and Standard
Jamaican Creole...................................................................................................79
3.7.5 (t,d) explored on theoretical grounds .....................................................82
3.8 (t,d) in British English dialects .....................................................................90
3.8.3 York .......................................................................................................90
3.8.4 Manchester.............................................................................................92
3.8.5 Northeast of England .............................................................................94
3.8.6 Mersea Island .........................................................................................95
3.9 (t,d) in Standard British English ...................................................................96
3.10 Summary .......................................................................................................97
Chapter 4 - (t,d) DELETION: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..............................100
4.1 Analytical procedure - linguistic constraints ..............................................100
4.2 Analytical procedures – Rbrul ....................................................................104
4.3 Overall Results – model with glottal variants included in the (t,d) dataset 106
4.4 Overall Results – model with no glottal variants included in the (t,d)
4.4.1 Following environment ........................................................................113
4.4.2 Voicing agreement ...............................................................................117
4.4.3 Style-shifting........................................................................................119
4.4.4 Morphological Class ............................................................................121
4.4.5 Preceding segment ...............................................................................129
4.4.6 Non-significant predictors – Overall Results ......................................133
4.5 Treating Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich separately ...............................135
4.5.1 Results from Colchester .......................................................................135
4.5.2 Results from Ipswich ...........................................................................140
4.5.3 Results from Norwich ..........................................................................143
4.5.4 Interaction between locality and other predictors ................................147
4.6 Summary .....................................................................................................149
Chapter 5 - (t) GLOTTALING: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................151
5.1 Articulatory description of the plosive /t/ and its variant [Ɂ] ......................151
5.2 T-Glottalisation in Phonological Theory ....................................................155
5.3 T-Glottalisation in Variationist Sociolinguistic Theory..............................159
5.4 Diachronic development of [Ɂ] ...................................................................162
5.5 T-Glottalisation in Southern England .........................................................166
5.5.1 East Anglia (1889 - 2007)....................................................................167
5.5.2 London vernacular (1938 - 2013) ........................................................172
5.6 T-Glottaling in Cardiff ................................................................................175
5.7 T-Glottaling in Northern England ...............................................................176
5.8 T-Glottaling in Scotland..............................................................................179
5.9 T-Glottaling beyond the British Isles. .........................................................181
5.10 Summary .....................................................................................................182
Chapter 6 - (t) GLOTTALING: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................185
6.1 Analytical procedure – linguistic constraints ...................................................185
6.2 Analytical procedure – Rbrul ......................................................................188
6.3 Overall Results and Individual Variation for word-final /t/ ........................189
6.3.1 Preceding environment - word-final /t/................................................191
6.3.2 Style-shifting in word-final /t/ .............................................................195
6.3.3 Following environment in word-final /t/ .............................................198
6.3.4 Non-significant factors – overall findings for word-final /t/ ...............201
6.4 Treating the three localities separately........................................................204
6.4.1 Results from Colchester – word-final /t/ .............................................205
6.4.2 Results from Ipswich – word-final /t/ ..................................................207
6.4.3 Results from Norwich – word-final /t/.................................................209
6.5 Overall results and individual variation for word-medial /t/.......................212
6.5.1 Non-significant factors – word-medial /t/............................................226
6.6 Treating Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich separately. ..............................226
6.6.1 Results from Colchester – word-medial /t/ ..........................................226
6.6.2 Results from Ipswich – word-medial /t/ ..............................................228
6.6.3 Results from Norwich – word-medial /t/ .............................................230
6.7 Summary .....................................................................................................232
7.1 Terminological Remarks .............................................................................234
7.2 Status of the two phonological variables in East Anglia ............................235
7.2.1 Research questions for intersection .....................................................236
7.3 Covariation between linguistic variables ....................................................236
7.4 A brief account of lenition ..........................................................................239
7.5 A brief account on rule ordering – feeding and bleeding ...........................243
7.6 Analytical procedure ...................................................................................245
7.7 Overall Results and Individual Variation....................................................249
7.7.1 Preceding phonetic segment ................................................................251
7.7.2 Following phonetic segment ................................................................253
7.7.3 Stress on the following syllable ...........................................................255
7.7.4 Style-shifting........................................................................................257
7.7.5 Sex .......................................................................................................258
7.7.6 Syllable stress ......................................................................................259
7.8 Summary .....................................................................................................260
Chapter 8 - CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE WORK.........................261
REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................268
Appendix I .................................................................................................................294
Appendix II ................................................................................................................296
List of Tables
Table 1.3.1 Census 2011 - Employment and unemployment data in Colchester, England
and Wales (Nomis, 2011). ...........................................................................................25
Table 1.3.2 Census 2011 - Employment and unemployment data in Ipswich, England
and Wales (Nomis, 2011). ...........................................................................................27
Table 1.3.3 Census 2011 - Employment and unemployment data in Norwich, England
and Wales (Nomis, 2011). ...........................................................................................29
Table 2.1.1 . Fieldwork sample design employed in the East Anglian study. .............35
Table 2.8.1 A comparison between Zipf values and fpmw, adapted from SUBTLEX-
UK website (van Heuven et al., 2014).........................................................................57
Table 2.8.2 Collapsing ESeC classes. Adapted from Rose et al. (2010). ....................58
Table 3.10.1 (t,d) deletion: Comparison of seven studies.. ........................................97
Table 4.2.1 Constraints of the (t,d) variable in the East Anglian dataset, with glottals
Table 4.3.1 Multivariate analysis of (t,d) in East Anglia, including glottal variants.107
Table 4.4.1 Constraints of the (t,d) variable in the East Anglian dataset, without
Table 4.4.2 Multivariate analysis of (t,d) in the whole dataset..................................112
Table 4.4.3 Regression analysis of morphological class. ..........................................122
Table 4.4.4 Estimates of the value of pr in the East Anglian dataset. .......................127
Table 4.5.1 Multivariate analysis of (t,d) deletion in Colchester. .............................138
Table 4.5.2 Multivariate analysis of (t,d) deletion in Ipswich. ..................................142
Table 4.5.3 Multivariate analysis of (t,d) deletion in Norwich. ................................145
Table 5.1.1 Phonetic variants and glottal variants of /t/. ...........................................155
Table 5.3.1 Most frequent and least frequent environments for t-glottaling to occur.
Table 6.2.1 Constraints on the (t) variable for the WF and WM dataset. ..................189
Table 6.3.1 Multivariate analysis of (t) glottaling in the whole dataset. ...................191
Table 6.4.1 Multivariate analysis of WF /t/ glottaling in Colchester. .......................206
Table 6.4.2 Multivariate analysis of word-final /t/ glottaling in Ipswich. .................209
Table 6.4.3 Multivariate analysis of word-final /t/ glottaling in Norwich.................210
Table 6.5.1 Multivariate analysis of (t) glottaling in the whole WM dataset. ...........217
Table 6.6.1 Multivariate analysis of WM /t/ in Colchester. ......................................227
Table 6.6.2 Multivariate analysis of WM /t/ in Ipswich. ...........................................229
Table 6.6.3 Multivariate analysis of WM /t/ in Norwich. .........................................231
Table 7.6.1 Constraints on the intersection between (t) deletion and (t) glottaling. ..248
Table 7.7.1 Multivariate analysis of /t/ deletion vs. /t/ glottaling. .............................250
List of Figures
Figure 5.4.1 Evidence of glottaling in the Linguistic Atlas of England. Adapted from
Orton et al. (1978)......................................................................................................164
Figure 5.5.1 Distribution of glottal variants. Adapted from Trudgill (1974). ...........169
Figure 6.3.1 Overall results for word-final /t/ glottaling. ..........................................190
Figure 6.3.2 Probability of WF /t/ glottaling between EA and RP. ...........................193
Figure 6.3.3 Rates of /t/ glottaling for the preceding environment. ..........................195
Figure 6.3.4 Rates of (t) glottaling by three speech styles.........................................196
Figure 6.3.5 WF (t) glottaling by preceding environment in casual speech ..............197
Figure 6.3.6 Rates of (t) glottaling by following environment. .................................199
Figure 6.3.7 Rates of (t) glottaling by following environment in casual speech. ......201
Figure 6.3.8 Rates of WF /t/ glottaling by individuals' age. ......................................202
Figure 6.3.9 Rates of word-final /t/ glottaling by class and age. ...............................203
Figure 6.4.1 Restrictions on the application of (t) glottaling. Adapted from Trudgill
(1974). ........................................................................................................................212
Figure 6.5.1 Overall results for word-medial /t/ glottaling. .......................................213
Figure 6.5.2 Rates of (t) glottaling by syllable type. .................................................214
Figure 6.5.3 Rates of WM /t/ glottaling by preceding environment and sex, ............218
Figure 6.5.4 Rates of WM /t/ glottaling by preceding environment and age. ...........219
Figure 6.5.5 Rates of /t/-glottaling by following environment and sex .....................222
Figure 6.5.6 Rates of WM /t/-glottaling by following environment and age ............222
Figure 6.5.7 Rates of WM /t/- glottaling by sex and age...........................................224
Figure 6.5.8 Percentages of WM /t/ by individual speaker. ......................................225
Figure 7.7.1 Distribution of /t/ across the lenition scale……………………………249
Figure 7.7.2 Probability of deletion according to the preceding phonetic segment..251
Figure 7.7.3 Deletion by preceding phonetic segment and sex…………………….252
Figure 7.7.4 Probability of deletion according to the following phonetic segment..253
Figure 7.7.5 Deletion by following phonetic segment and sex…………………….254
Figure 7.7.6 Probability of deletion by stress on the following syllable…………...256
Figure 7.7.7 Probability of deletion in the C(C)t linguistic context, across style…..257
Figure 7.7.8 Probability of deletion by sex of participants…………………………258
Figure 7.7.9 Rates of deletion by style and sex…………………………………………259
Figure 7.7.10 Probability of deletion by syllable stress…………………………….260
This thesis examines two well-studied phonological features - (t,d) deletion and (t)
variationist paradigm (e.g. Wolfram 1993; Patrick 1999). It also investigates, for the
first time, the covariation between the two linguistic variables by exploring the
intersection of (t) deletion and (t) glottaling in word-final consonant clusters (e.g.
different). (t,d) deletion has been largely investigated in US English dialects, yet it has
received comparatively little attention in the UK. (t) glottaling has been widely
1988) and Scotland, yet little research on this variable has been carried out in Ipswich
Data was gathered in three East Anglian speech communities: Colchester, Ipswich
and Norwich, where 36 participants, equally distributed, have been recorded by means
(t,d) results are in line with previous US studies showing that (t,d) absence is
primarily conditioned by linguistic factors and its profile is that of a stable variable. A
For (t) glottaling, this thesis also proposes a closer inspection of the following
previous studies - plays a notable role. While word-final /t/ glottaling has completed its
The covariation between (t) glottaling and (t) deletion shows that the transition
glottaling → deletion, in the lenition scale, is in feeding order and is mostly linguistically
driven. In this analysis, women exhibit a higher use of glottal variants, whereas males
I would like to gratefully acknowledge the invaluable assistance that the following
people provided during my PhD. First and foremost, I wish to express my deepest
gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Peter Patrick, for his invaluable advice and
support throughout the whole process. I am very grateful for his guidance and
assistance at every step of this research - I have learned a lot from his vast expertise.
Ella Jeffries (University of Essex). I would like to thank Prof. Peter Trudgill, Prof.
Gregory Guy and Prof. Josef Fruehwald for their suggestions. Thanks also to the
am also grateful to all of the Department faculty members for their help offered at
different stages of this research: Prof. Monika Schmid, Prof. Enam Al-Wer, Dr. Ella
Jeffries, Dr. Laurel Lawyer, Dr. Yuni Kim and Dr. Rebecca Clift. I am particularly
grateful for the assistance given by Dr. Uri Horesh with Rbrul. I would like to thank
Kerri Butcher and her cousin, Hannah Buckle and David Provan, for their assistance
with the collection of part of my data. I must also gratefully acknowledge all the East
Anglian people who volunteered to participate in this project. My greatest thanks must
go to my parents, Mariolina and Antonio, for putting me through the best education
possible and for their constant encouragement and support throughout the completion
of this work. My special thanks also go to my brother, Giuseppe, whose immense love
has helped me to get through the difficult times. To my fiancé, Francesco, for his
constant and invaluable support, for his patience and understanding, and for his
Giuseppe and Pietro, for always believing in me and for their love and encouragement.
Thanks to my aunt Titina, aunt Lina; to my mother-in-law Maria, and to my cousins
Rosamaria, Tuglio, Costantino. Finally, my life during PhD would not have been
memorable without my special friends and colleagues: Amanda Cole and Siham
Rouabah, who have also helped me throughout this journey. And thanks to my lovely
Structure of the thesis
This thesis begins with an introductory Chapter which outlines the purpose of this
work; it explains the motivations to study East Anglian English, starting with a
discussion which aims at defining what is meant by linguistic East Anglia. It provides
an insight into Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich from which the data has been collected
and addresses the research questions of the present survey. Finally, this Chapter briefly
summarises the origin of the sociolinguistic paradigm and reviews the use of social
Chapter 2 focuses on fieldwork and the methods employed in the present study, with
considerations on the coding procedure. It provides a brief outline of the two dependent
variables - (t,d) deletion and (t) glottaling – as well as a brief outline of the internal and
variable tracing also its diachronic profile. It selectively reviews the empirical findings
from North American (t,d) studies along with systematic research carried out in the
Chapter 4 presents and discusses results of (t,d) deletion in East Anglian English.
Firstly, the overall results from the three localities (Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich)
are examined together; secondly, the three urban areas are explored separately in order
to investigate the behaviour of the independent variables and their related patterns in
each locality.
Chapter 5 reviews the literature of (t) glottaling and its diachronic development, starting
with a phonetic and phonological description of /t/. This variable is explored within
phonological and sociolinguistic theories, with a summary of empirical findings in the
Chapter 6 presents and discusses the findings of (t) glottaling in East Anglia. Initially,
the overall results (the three localities together) are investigated; secondly, the three
Chapter 7 explores (t) deletion and (t) glottaling at their intersection in word-final
variables as well as the notion of lenition. Finally, it presents and discusses the overall
Chapter 8 summarises the findings, draws conclusions and summarises the research
This work is a synchronic survey of urban East Anglian English and it is rooted in the
making community possible and how communities shape their languages by using
them” (Coulmas, 1997: 2). The two variables selected for this survey are two well-
studied phonological features: (t,d) deletion in word final consonant clusters, which has
received wide attention in many US English dialects, and (t) glottaling, which has been
largely explored in the UK. Through the employment of quantitative methods, this
study attempts not to reach conclusions based only on single details, but also takes into
account patterns of variation distinguishing “the shape of the forest through all the
This research project, which is carried out in the South East of England –
precisely in East Anglia - is largely inspired by the Labovian framework, which laid
The East Anglian English variety has been widely investigated by Trudgill (1974, 1988,
1999, 2003) over the years. While most of his systematic work is devoted to a particular
region – Norfolk1 - little systematic research has been carried out in Suffolk (Kokeritz
It should be noted that the borders of Norfolk, or more precisely of Norfolk dialect as intended here,
do not line up with political borders. Indeed, linguistically, its definition also includes some northern
Suffolk towns, such as Southwold and Lowestoft (Trudgill, 2004a).
1932; Potter, 2018) or Essex (Altendorf, 2003). Britain (2020: 14) has recently claimed
that despite a few multilocality studies, “no research has been able to provide a picture
of the state of the traditional dialect across the whole [East Anglian] region”. This
study provides a contribution in this respect as it investigates (t,d) deletion and (t)
‘speech community’, let us firstly define East Anglia in both geographical and
linguistic terms.
The constitution of East Anglia as we know it today seems to date back to the fifth
century when Angles, Saxons and Jutes, from the north-west European continent,
began their settlement in the British Isles. On their arrival, the Angles who occupied
the east part of Britain mainly settled in Norfolk and Suffolk, including the bordered
areas to the south and to the west; whereas, “Essex and Cambridgeshire – were distinct
from the very beginning by reason of being mainly Saxon” (Trudgill, 2003: 23). During
the Roman invasion, the north Essex town of Colchester was the capital of Britain and
the queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe was Boudica (Finchman, 1976). The Iceni, or
the Brittonic tribe of eastern Britain, included the current county of Norfolk, parts of
Buckinghamshire, and Hertfordshire) and Trinovantes (the current north Essex and
south Suffolk). The first significant battle in East Anglian history was documented
around AD 61 when the uprising of the East Anglian Iceni tribe against the Romans
was taking place - the latter ended with the death of the queen Boudica (Finchman,
Martin (1999) reports that the names “Suffolk” and “Norfolk” were first
recorded in the 1040s (cf Dymond & Northeast 1985). These two place names, which
referred to the self-governing area in the British Isles, literally mean “the north/south
folk of the Kingdom of East Anglia”, yet it is unknown when the two current counties
became separate. It is assumed that this might have happened during the 5th - 7th
centuries when the Germanic tribes settled in Britain. The dialectal similarities between
Suffolk and Norfolk could be explained by the fact that, originally, the Kingdom of
East Anglia was considered one cultural and linguistic area (Trudgill, 2003). However,
Trudgill (2003) adds that cultural and dialectal differences between these two entities
subsequently surfaced owing to difficulties to traverse the land around the River
Waveney – a barrier of communication between the ‘north folk’ and ‘south folk’ which
limited the dialectal contact. In his commentary on boundaries of East Anglia, Trudgill
(2004a: 163) reveals that the borders of this area are still a debated issue:
“As a modern topographical and cultural term, East Anglia refers to an area
with no official status. Like similar terms such as “The Midlands” or “The
Midwest”, the term is widely understood but stands for an area which has
no clear boundaries. Most people would agree that the English counties of
Norfolk and Suffolk are prototypically East Anglian, although even here
the status of the Fenland areas of western Norfolk and north western
Suffolk is ambiguous: the Fens were for the most part uninhabited until the
17th century, and the cultural orientations of this area are therefore less
clear. The main issue, however, has to do with the extent to which the
neighbouring counties, notably Cambridgeshire and Essex, are East
Anglian or not.”
part of East Anglia - two counties which embrace all the traditional East Anglian
features (see footnote 4) and meet the North Sea. The issue is how to interpret the
western and southern borders (Martin, 1999). As pointed out by Britain (2001) the Fens
were largely unpopulated until lately, hence its status made it onerous to assess.
Trudgill (2001) adds that if the Fenland were not to be included in East Anglia, even
the Fens which are part of Norfolk will have an ambivalent status. Moreover, he
explains that if the label “East Anglia” comprises the Fens, then Lincolnshire,
included. Other historical sources (e.g. Wilson 1977) also include Essex, Bedfordshire
and Hertfordshire; this means that the status of these counties should also be taken into
(2001a) draws isoglosses which illustrate the distribution of seven linguistic features4
by using data from The Survey of English Dialects (SED). His map (p. 11) demonstrates
that the geographical extent of what he calls ‘linguistic East Anglia’ can be divided into
Currently, this area is part of Cambridgeshire (Trudgill, 2001).
Currently, this area is part of Cambridgeshire, but historically belonged to Northamptonshire (Trudgill,
The seven features illustrated include (1) verbal -s marking (also referred to as third person singular
zero); (2) lack of /h/ dropping; (3) presence of glottaling and glottalisation; (4) the realisation of the
BATH vowel with the open front [a:], as in bath; (5) the realisation of the NURSE vowel as /ɐ/, in words
like church; (6) short /ɪ/ realised with the schwa, as in suet; and (7) the realisation of the GOAT vowel
with /ʊ/ in road and both. With respect to the GOAT vowel, Trudgill (2004a) notes that words like rowed
are realised as [ʌu] in the northern region, whereas words like road are realised as [uː~ʊ]; in the southern
region road and rowed are both commonly articulated as [ʌu]. See Butcher (2019) for recent research
on the GOAT vowel in Suffolk.
a core zone surrounded by nearly all Norfolk and Suffolk, whose boundaries are
delimited to south and west by a transition zone. The latter is partly marked by the
Fens5 and represents both a geographical and linguistic transition. Britain (2013)
observed that linguistic features which represent a transition from East Anglia to the
East and Midlands include /h/ dropping, with the dropped voiceless fricative to the west
and Midlands, and present [h] in East Anglia; /ɪ/ in unstressed syllables is articulated
as [ɪ] to the west, while to the east it is realised as a schwa; the MOUTH vowel is realised
with the open-mid form [ɛː] to the west, similarly to the Midlands, whereas to the east
is realised as [ɛu]; the typical East Anglian verbal -s marking was found not to be
present in dialects spoken in the Fens. Not only does the Fenland function as transition
area between East Anglia and the Midlands, but it sets linguistic boundaries between
the north and the south of England, such as the TRAP- BATH split, and the FOOT- STRUT
split.6 Having highlighted some of the most notable differences between west,
Midlands, and east of England, let us turn to the starting point: establishing the East
See Britain (2001, 2013) for further details on linguistic variation in the Fens.
See Britain (2001, 2013) for further details.
Figure 1.2.1 Map representing linguistic East Anglia and the transition zone. Adapted
from Trudgill (2001, 2018).
North Essex, as Trudgill (2004a, 2018) explains, includes the town of Colchester and
its neighbouring area. This survey employs the above definition of linguistic East
Anglia, despite the decrease in size of both core and transition zones due to supralocal
This section firstly explains what is meant by “urban” area and secondly provides a
brief review of the concept of speech community. The definition of “urban” area,
(1994: 651) states that an urban area “exceed[s] the thresholds of population size and/or
density which are frequently used in census definitions of urban places.” Cloke et al.
(2014: 688) uphold that the concept of “urban” is sometimes taken for granted and used
is not taken for granted is that of speech community. Traditionally, the term speech
community is referred to as “all people who use a given language” (e.g. Lyons, 1970
cited in Patrick 2002: 579). However, Patrick (2002) shows that the concept of speech
community intersects with many issues within sociolinguistic theory and, sometimes,
has been considered onerous to explore (e.g. Fasold, 1984). The most influential
theories by Hymes or Gumperz (Patrick 2002: 584)7. Indeed, Labov (1994) argues that
community has been subject to criticism. Britain and Matsumoto (2005: 7), for
instance, criticise the fact that he did not include non-native speakers in his New York
sample yet, Patrick (2002: 589) points out that “the legitimacy of analytical choices [...]
Speech communities may also overlap with one another, thus it is suggested to
Having outlined the difference between urban area and speech community, let
us now explore more closely the three urban areas selected for this study.
Colchester, a historic market town in the county of Essex, is considered Britain’s oldest
Colchester encompasses an area of 125 square miles (320 km2) from Dedham Vale
(Suffolk border) to Mersea Island. The population growth started between 1914-92,
with an approximate increase of 10,000 between the two World Wars (Baggs et al.,
See Patrick (2002) for a more detailed account on the conception of speech community.
1994). The 1801-1981 census recorded a population size of 43,452 in 1911; in 1951,
the total population was 57,449, whereas in 1981 it grew by 82,227. This steady
increase was influenced by the central government legislation for housing and town
planning in 1921 as well as by the wide ancient boundaries within which Colchester
was able to expand. After the Second World War, the community increased both
southwards towards London as well as inwards from neighbouring villages and towns.
Despite the marginal bomb damage, some slum clearance and new buildings were
public and private houses were built between 1945 and 1961, housing a total population
of 65,080. Many schools and Churches were built around 1914, and the University of
49.3% males, and 50.7% females. In terms of ethnicity, Colchester hosts 88% of White
English/ Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British; 0.6% is White Irish; 0.4% is White
Gypsy or Irish Traveller; 4% belong to the Other White ethic group; the rest of the
Black Caribbean (0.5%), White and Asian (0.5%), White and Black Africans (0.2%),
Other Mixed (0.4%), Indians (0.8%), Pakistani (0.2%), Bangladeshi (0.2%), Chinese
(0.9%), Other Asian (1%), Black African (1%), Black Caribbean (0.3%), Other Black
(0.1%), Arab (0.5%), and 0.4% is included in the Other ethnic group.
of the demographic density since the 2011 Census, with an estimate of 190,100
inhabitants. The ONS Annual Population Survey 2017 reveals that, in this town, the
Location Economically active Unemployed Retired
With respect to business demography, there has been a 12% rise in the number of
four categories: AB, which is the highest grade, covers “higher and intermediate
“skilled manual occupations”; DE, the lowest grade, includes “semi-skilled and
2013). 23% of the population holds the highest social grade (AB); 35% consists of non-
manual workers (C1); 20% is involved in skilled manual occupations (C2); whereas
The town of Ipswich is located about 80 miles north-east of London and it is a non-
metropolitan district. The population started growing since the early 1800s when the
number of inhabitants was 11,277, and had reached 66,630 by 1901 (Malster, 2000).
A significant expansion of the town was recorded after the Second World War, as
numerous houses were built owing to bomb damage in the town8. As per request of the
people were included in the envisaged resettlement during the 1960s. Malster (2000)
states that the expansion plan included local services such as schools, the town centre,
etc. The 2011 Census shows that the Ipswich population is equal to 133,384 or 144,957
(49.8% males and 50.2% females) depending on the precise borders which surround
the urban town (Nomis, 2013). 85.4% of people who live in this town belong to the
White English/ Welsh/ Scottish/ Northern Irish / British ethnic group category; 0.5% is
White Irish; 0.1% is White Gypsy or Irish Traveller; 5% is Other Whites; the rest of
the demographic density is composed of mixed/multiple ethnic groups, such as: 0.4%
is White and Black African, 0.4% is White and Asian, 1.75% is White and Black
Caribbean; 0.7% of the population is composed by Other Mixed; 1.16% by Indians and
ethnic groups; 0.1% by Arabs, and 0.6% by any other ethnic group.
The Census carried out in 2011 also reports 74% of the population are
The Chantry estate, studied by Straw (2006), is an example.
Location Economically Unemployed Retired
Table 1.3.2 Census 2011 - Employment and unemployment data in Ipswich, England
and Wales (Nomis, 2011).
The Suffolk Haven Gateway Employment Land Review 2009 describes the changes
which occurred in the Ipswich economy over the last twenty-five years. During this
time period, there has been a notable increase in tertiary sector activities, with an
approximate rate of 80% of the total employment. According to the East of England
Forecasting Model (2016), this town has recently experienced a steady growth in job
numbers as, between 2001 and 2016, 5,330 additional jobs were registered.
The approximated social grade provided by the UK government shows that 18% of the
Ipswich population has the highest social grade (AB); 28% is included in the C1
category; 25% is included C2, whilst 30% holds the lowest social grade (DE).
82.5% of the Ipswich population holds NVQ1 and above, whereas 8.4% holds no
setting by Charles Dickens for his novel The Pickwick Papers, and it is also mentioned
The city of Norwich is located in the county of Norfolk, along the River Wensum, and
lies about 100 miles from London. The city lays north of the A47 – the principal
connection which links Norwich with Great Yarmouth to the east and Kings Lynn to
the west. It is well-connected to London Liverpool Street via the National railway
Norwich is deemed to be the capital of East Anglia as, for centuries, it was the second
largest city in England (after London). This suggests that it is “of considerable cultural
and commercial importance for the surrounding area of Norfolk and indeed for East
Anglia as a whole” (Trudgill, 1974: 6). The Second World War brought about notable
damage in large parts of the city, with the highest number of casualties in the East of
England. In 1945, the City of Norwich Plan was developed to supply a massive
According to the Census carried out in 2011, the population of Norwich had
132,512 inhabitants, with 49% males and 51% females. With respect to ethnicity, the
English /Welsh /Scottish /Northern Irish /British; 0.7% is White Irish; 0.1% is White
Gypsy or Irish Traveller; 5.4% of the population represents the Other White ethnic
group category, where the largest growth (2.7% points) has taken place9. The rest of
Black Caribbean (0.5 %), White and Black African (0.5%), White Asian (0.7%); Other
Mixed groups (0.6%), Indian (1.3%), Pakistani (0.2%), Bangladeshi (0.4%), Chinese
(1.3%), Other Asian (1.3%), Black African (1.3%), Black Caribbean (0.2%), Other
It is believed that this rise is prompted by immigration from Eastern Europe.
68% of the population is economically active – a rate which is slightly lower
Table 1.3.3 Census 2011 - Employment and unemployment data in Norwich, England
and Wales (Nomis, 2011).
83.5% of the Norwich population holds NVQ1 and above, whilst 10.6% holds no
that 20% of the Norwich population holds the highest social grade (AB); 31% consists
of non-manual workers (C1); 18% consists of skilled workers (C2); whereas 30% holds
Having described the settings, the demographic density, and the economic profile of
Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich, let us turn the attention to the research questions
which aim at exploring the language use of these three East Anglian localities from a
variables selected for this study include (t,d) deletion and (t) glottaling. But why study
(t,d) deletion and (t) glottaling in East Anglia? (t,d) deletion has been largely
investigated in many North American studies, where the profile of (t,d) is that of a
stable variable; comparably (t,d) has received little attention in the UK, where (t,d) was
Temple, 2005), Manchester (Baranowski & Turton, 2020) and in Tyneside English
studies; conversely, opposite results were found in the UK: in York (Tagliamonte &
Temple, 2005) (see section 3.8.1) morphological class did not reach statistical
significance, whereas data from Manchester (Baranowski & Turton, 2020) (see section
3.8.2) and Tyneside English (Woolford, 2018) (see section 3.8.3) exhibit the usual
robust morphological effect in line with US findings (see Chapter 3 for further details).
In view of these conflicting findings, the present survey set out to shed light on the
doing so, (t,d) will be treated as a single variable following the vast majority of studies.
phonological feature of East Anglia – which intersects with (t) deletion, as in the
(t) glottaling has been widely investigated in this area (e.g. Norwich) in both apparent
time and real time (Trudgill 1974; 1988), yet little systematic research has been
conducted in Ipswich and Colchester. Previous work reports lack of gender and social
class effects in some communities (e.g. Manchester), accompanied by high rates, hence
With respect to (t,d) deletion, the research questions addressed in this survey broadly
3) Is it worth providing a more fine-grained analysis of the following phonetic
A far more detailed account on research questions with descriptive and theoretical
inquiries, and hypothesis is provided in Chapter 3 (section 3.6) and Chapter 5 (section
5.10), following the respective literature reviews of (t,d) deletion and (t) glottaling.
With respect to the intersection of (t) deletion and (t) glottaling in word-final consonant
1) How does (t) glottaling and (t) deletion behave when the two variables are
In previous (t,d) studies, as will be outlined in Chapter 3, social factors played a marginal role.
However, in Tyneside English (Woolford (2018) external factors were marked as significant constraints.
This survey is an urban sociolinguistic study and it is not integrated into a spatial framework. While
geographical space was found to be of importance for language variation and change (e.g. Britain, 2013),
this study does not employ the use of wave and gravity models to investigate the diffusion of these
variables across geographical space.
1.5 Summary
This Chapter sought to explain the motivations of investigating (t,d) deletion and (t)
will be discussed in more detail in sections 3.7 and 5.10). It has also provided a
communities examined.
This Chapter primarily focuses on the fieldwork and methods employed to carry out
brief overview on the early techniques adopted prior to the development of modern
The sampling procedure is a valued step that challenges any sociolinguistic researcher
in order to guarantee representativeness. The latter - a key for social scientific studies
enumerating the relevant population, and by randomly selecting the individuals from
that particular research site. This random sampling method, pioneered by Labov
take part in the case study by ensuring objectivity and avoiding bias. Consequently,
Labov developed a secondary random sample. Schilling (2013) argues that lists such
as telephone directory used to randomly select the informants are themselves biased.
In the case of directory lists, for instance, people with only mobile phones are excluded
Trudgill (1974)’s sample was defined as quasi-random and was taken from four ward
voter registration lists. The label quasi-random springs from the methodology adopted
which is random in the selection of names, but it is not random in the selection of the
Vineyard (1963), has been generally adopted in sociolinguistic research, such as in the
Veeton study (Patrick, 1999) where social network approach and a judgment sample
were combined. Participants, with this sampling technique, are chosen to fill pre-
selected cells related to social factors. In other words, “the researcher (1) identifies in
advance the types of speakers to be studied; and, (2) seeks out a quota of speakers who
fit the specified categories” (Tagliamonte, 2006: 23). Schilling (2013) argues that this
method ensures that social variable cells are filled, providing a trait d’union between
This means that if one’s aim is to describe the whole population, selecting speakers
only from a sub-group would be a clear bias. Romaine (1980) considers the validity of
sampling procedures claiming that very small samples might not ensure statistical
researcher is interested.)
Milroy & Gordon (2003) suggest that researchers should be aware of the way they
adopt the definition of sampling universe as it may have an influence on their results.
To assess the variation within the community, Trudgill (1986) shows that the definition
of ‘native speaker’ may be problematic as some people have lived in Norwich all their
lives, yet they did not acquire the Norwich accent. Similarly, Payne (1980) shows that
it is onerous for the children whose parents speak different dialects to acquire the
dialectal pattern of the community in which they were born. This decision, as shown
by Horvath (1985), may lead to relevant theoretical observations, such as the role of
ethnic minority speakers who were leading linguistic changes in the speech community
of Sydney. Another example of this kind is provided by Wolfram (1969) who focused
on African American English in Detroit - a unique ethnic dialect. Since many African
Americans speak Standard English natively, Wolfram et al. also included European
Americans in the sample to compare the standard end of the dialect continuum.
& Gordon (2003) suggest that if researchers aim to analyse informants from four social
classes, both sexes and four age groups, they will need 32 cells. To balance the social
parameters, for the present survey, I adopted a judgment sample which consists of 36
East Anglian speakers, as illustrated in table 2.1.1. For class divisions see section 2.8.
East Anglia
Working Class Middle Class
Young Middle Old Young Middle Old
(18-28) (35-50) (60+) (18-28) (35-50) (60+)
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Table 2.1.1. Fieldwork sample design employed in the East Anglian study.
Since the main goal of this study is to investigate East Anglian English, the boundary
to define the sampling universe is taken from Trudgill’s (2001a) definition of linguistic
East Anglia, as outlined in the previous Chapter. On the basis of what Trudgill defines
as linguistic East Anglia, I identified three research sites for the sample design:
Similar research designs relate to contemporary studies carried by Watt et al. (2019)
and by Leemann et al. (2019). Watt et al. (2019) examined the correspondences
analysed. Leemann et al. (2019) investigated the FOOT - STRUT split as well as the
Peterborough, Sheffield, York), with an average of 10-12 speakers per locality, aged
After selecting the communities and obtaining the ethical approval of research
collection. Carrying out successful fieldwork is a central, if not the most crucial, part
of a study. However, Schreier (2013) notes that despite its pivotal role, it is
uncontroversial that fieldwork process does not usually have a prominent place in some
sociolinguistic PhD theses, where usually the discussion on how the data was gathered
lack details. The fieldworker needs to have an in-depth knowledge of the community
that will be investigated (its setting, the population density, the social and economic
character, history of both community and speakers, work and leisure, etc.), but this is
not a great problem if researchers study the community where they grew up (e.g.
Trudgill in Norwich, Britain in the English Fens, etc.). However, Schreier (2013: 25)
points out that a wide number of fieldworkers, if not the majority, conducts research in
unfamiliar communities and they are known as fieldworkers who work “away from
home”- (e.g. Eckert in Detroit, Wolfram in Washington DC and North Carolina, Nagy
in Faetar (Italy), Kasstan in the Monts du Lyonnais (France) and in the Canton of Valais
an exhaustive knowledge of both the local culture and speech prior to data collection
home.” Many theoretical linguists praise native speaker investigators considering the
linguistics research (e.g. Caribbean creole studies) is based on data collected by non-
native or even non-speakers of the creole language investigated (Patrick, 1999). The
Living in Colchester for several years has also helped me to absorb the local
culture, political events, leisure activities, local geography and many other aspects of
Fieldwork for this project started in July 2017 and was carried out for 11 months. I
have lived in Colchester during the data collection and I would make constant trips to
Ipswich and Norwich. There is no need to deny that the first stage of my data collection,
especially in Ipswich and Norwich, was comparable to the nightmares that Eckert
For the first two months, the data was gathered in the three communities to conduct a
small-scale pilot study. The latter is a key factor for a good study design (Feagin, 2002)
which provides two salient benefits: (1) valuable insights into the variables under
investigation; (2) it “helps you see what kind of an interviewer you are” (Johnstone,
conduct an unstructured interview where the informants lead the topic shift, or whether
researchers manage to stick closely to the pre-designed topics being aware that in this
case the data gathered will not be representative of the everyday casual speech (see
section 2.4).
To enter the three communities, I adopted two basic strategies: (1) the friend-
of-a-friend technique (Milroy, 1980) and (2) “through persons who are centrally
located in social institutions” with an overview on the community (Labov, 1984: 31).
The first approach allows the fieldworker to be an observer and a member in the
community at the same time due to entangled obligations, which spring from the help
2006). Labov (1982: 173) states that “a linguist who has gathered data in a speech
when they have need of it”. In some cases, he suggests paying back the community by
using the knowledge gained from the data for the benefit of the community,
maintaining the confidentiality of their data. To this “Principle of the debt incurred”,
Johnstone (2000) adds that sometimes this is not always practically possible, as some
participants might not be interested in the results. Hence, an additional option could be
helping the participants with their daily activities1 - as was the case in this study.
David Britain, for instance, brought groceries for his participants, Jenny Amos gave lifts to her
informants, others would help with children’s homework, etc.
The second approach I adopted to enter the communities (via institutions) should be
considered carefully as making contacts only with people who hold an official status
could bias the data towards the standard speech style, and the study will not be
representative of the whole (Tagliamonte, 2006). In this respect, Labov (1984) found
in the present survey, I employed this technique to interview mainly working class
informants, and secondarily members of the middle class in the Ipswich community.
The institution I turned to is one of the local Homecares, which provides personalised
care and support to convalescents, elderly people, etc. The tasks performed by personal
carers are related to daily routine and include assisting patients with bathing, dressing,
moving and further personal needs, and they do not take over tasks which require a
wide medical knowledge or training. When I contacted one of the supervisors in that
Homecare, she showed promptly interest in my research and, after volunteering2, she
to interview many personal carers, as well as a limited number of office workers. Some
of them, however, were not Ipswich born and bred, hence they were excluded. I also
contacted by email other institutions, in both Ipswich and Norwich, such as libraries,
theatres, student unions explaining the research project and asking for volunteers who
were willing to participate, yet that proved fruitless. With some staff members,
eventually it turned out that most of them were extremely busy to take part in an hour,
These approaches aimed mostly at recruiting speakers from the young and
middle generations, but seeing how unfruitful it was, to expand my network I signed
Given her office-based position, as a supervisor, she was classified as a middle class member (see
section 2.8, for more details related to the social stratification).
up to a Meet Up smartphone App which connects you with local people and events
allowing you to make new friends. To expand my network towards the elderly residents
in both Ipswich and Norwich I went to the respective conservative clubs, which are
typically frequented by local people yet, sadly, I was told that the approval committee
do not allow researchers to recruit participants in these clubs. Finally, some office
student, who is Norwich born and bred; with the help of a PhD student at the University
of East Anglia, and with the help of a barman who kindly recommended some clients.
At the end of each interview, I would ask each participant to recommend other friends
or relatives who could be interested and willing to take part in this study.
The snowball method was also adopted in Colchester, where my social network
is wider having done my Master’s at the University of Essex and having lived in the
community for several years. I firstly contacted, via telephone, a friend who I used to
attend lectures with; she introduced me to young and middle-aged working class
well as some employees at the University of Essex, who kindly guaranteed me to their
fieldwork: I was careful to dress appropriately wearing shirt and stockings especially
when meeting elderly informants, yet I would occasionally wear blue jeans when
The term supervisor, here, is not to be intended as “the lower salariat” of the ESeC model (Rose et
al., 2010) which includes supervisory occupations, yet it is referred to the lower supervisory category
belonging to class 6. (See section 2.8 for further details).
make the interview less formal, paying particular attention in the selection of biscuits
Ipswich where I met several participants with a surprising fervent passion for the Italian
culture. In one particular occasion, while I was interviewing a middle class woman
from Colchester, she drew my attention to the Italian flag lapel pin she was wearing as
a strong admiration symbol for the art, fashion and food of Italy4. In Ipswich, I tape-
recorded a middle-class man who kindly asked me to teach him some Italian words, at
the end of the interview. On later visits to the community, I offered to give free Italian
Before each interview was carried out, I carefully followed the ethical protocol.
Milroy & Gordon (2003) claim that a non-fulfilment of ethical guidelines may cause
funding, etc. Each participant, prior to the recording session, was given a Consent Form
emphasizes the importance of this stage as the participants gain awareness of what is
involved in taking part in a research study, also becoming aware of their rights (e.g. the
provided a brief introduction of the topic, explained why I am doing this project; what
the participant will have to do if they agree to take part; and ensured them that the data
will remain confidential. I also explained which are the advantages of taking part in a
research project, and the disadvantages (e.g. feeling uncomfortable being recorded),
and explained to them how I was going to use my data. Trechter (2013) points out that
Note that all of my participants identified themselves as monolingual.
this moment of formality can increase the unwanted observer’s paradox (see section
2.4), while the researcher is trying to elicit casual speech. A crucial step, at this point,
requires breaking the ice without diminishing the role of the consent form that the
Labov (1984) suggests that a typical sociolinguistic interview should last at least one
hour or two hours per speaker. Milroy & Gordon (2003), however, point out that
sometimes it can be onerous to be categorical about the interview length, claiming that
phonological data can be gathered in 20 or 30 minutes. In this study, the length of each
one-to-one interview is about 50 or 60 minutes - only one lasted roughly half an hour.
Milroy & Gordon (2003: 58), citing Douglas-Cowie (1978), claim that “even when
everyday interactional style after about the first hour.” This is one of the principal
would usually meet with my older participants a couple of hours before the actual
interview started, while I would normally hang out for a couple of days with young
outlined earlier in the Chapter, a sociolinguistic interview is not synonymous with free
speech (e.g. conversations which arise among friends) due to the presence of a
recording device. This may give rise to the observer’s paradox which clashes with the
used by a speaker or a community for every day and home interaction) in order to “find
out how people talk when they are not being systematically observed; yet we can only
games, the “danger of death”, etc. Carrying out an unplanned interview can turn out in
phenomena such as hesitations and false starts. Labov suggests that it should take less
than five seconds to deliver planned questions, and that questions should be formulated
on (a) previous successful subjects which engaged the participants in the conversation,
and (b) topics which may yield information on neighbourhood norms and on more
general ones. Each module, in my interviews, began with general questions, such as
‘Did you go to one of the schools in the neighbourhood?’ (Tagliamonte, 2006: 38) to
engaged with that topic, the interviewer moves on to further memorised questions
which are more personal experience-based, such as “Did you ever get blamed for what
you didn’t do?” (Labov, 1984: 34). The order of topics such as childhood5, games,
family, dreams, work, marriage, Brexit, etc., was not always strictly followed as I had
planned. This means that a shift of topic or a topic initiated from the participant has
always been accepted to allow the speaker to feel relaxed and produce speech
Such as, “Getting back when you were a kid, was there anyone you didn’t like?” etc.
representative of their everyday language. Semi-structured approaches, therefore, also
proved productive.
Even if the informants cooperate, the interview should not be governed by “the
cooperative principle” according to which they answer the questions briefly (Levinson,
1983: 100). Indeed, a crucial part of the interview is “the additional material that the
speakers provide, beyond the initial question” (Labov, 1984: 38). Since it is onerous to
elicit casual speech from the sociolinguistic interview, researchers typically ask
questions that involve emotional reactions; in this case, the interviewees are more
focused on what they say rather than how they say it, therefore their speech is likely to
However, this technique has not always proven successful. Trudgill, for instance,
reports a weak effect in Norwich, suggesting that perhaps the eventful lives of people
who live in this community differ from those who live in New York City.
among old participants who remembered, with tears in their eyes, the difficult times
they went through during World War II when some areas of East Anglia were bombed
by Germans. This question evoked different reactions in the middle generation, who
would usually remember the loss of their loved ones (rather than fearing for their own
lives) and how they were coping with this traumatic time. This technique, however,
was found unsuccessful among young speakers from the three communities, perhaps
for the same reasons suggested by Trudgill. Some researchers when faced with this
difficulty would hit upon a topic that will engage the speakers in a similar way, such as
asking the informants to tell ghost stories (Herman, 1999). Instead of using this strategy
with young participants, I replaced the unsuccessful ‘danger of death’ question and the
‘ghost’ story with the question ‘Which was the worst day of your life?’, as some of
them might not be familiar with ghost stories, but it is likely that all of them have had
a worst day that might have marked their lives. Some of them talked about the divorce
of their parents and how difficult it was to be raised up by a stepmother; others talked
about particular memories from their childhood (e.g. how they were bullied at school),
It was not extremely difficult to make the informants feel at ease and to let them
speak - perhaps my friendly and warm personality played a paramount role. I always
respected their privacy and adapted to local customs. Some elderly people shared with
me personal memories before the famous “danger of death” or “the worst day of your
life” questions were asked; some welcomed me in their houses, some offered to pick
me up at the train station in both Ipswich and Norwich to drive me to their places,
others showed me photographs and paintings. I have become friends with several others
and periodically we meet to attend social events. Usually, recording sessions were
scheduled in advance, but I did not attempt to record the informants on every visit, as
mentioned above, although I always took recording equipment along6. Before turning
to the use of instrumental techniques employed for data analysis, let us take a brief step
speech for later analysis, until the advent of the tape-recorder in 1960s, and field
methods were restricted to a small portion of population such as non-mobile older rural
The interviews were conducted by using a PMD661MKII recorder, and recordings were made in
.wav files.
males (NORMs) as called by Chambers and Trudgill (1998). In this section, I will
selectively review early techniques adopted in three main studies, namely On Early
English Pronunciation, The English Dialect Grammar and The Survey of English
Ellis (1889) throughout the 19th century. In this corpus of British, Welsh, Irish and
Specimen, which consists of a fifty line reading passage with the purpose to obtain
“dialect renderings” of daily words; Dialect Test, aimed at the identification of vowel
sounds as well as features of speech through a further short reading passage; whilst the
Classified Word List technique involved a large-scale of tokens, the purpose of which
The English Dialect Grammar conducted by Wright (1905), sets out the most
striking features of all British dialects, classified following Ellis’ (1889) suggestions,
as mentioned above. In order to carry out his research, he composed a 2,431-word list,
including both the literary language and the spoken dialect. Two main procedures were
used to arrange the grammar: the first involved lists concerning Old English phonemes,
The Survey of English Dialects, conducted under the direction of Orton between
1950s and 1960s at the University of Leeds, is considered a striking archive. The survey
includes 313 localities from the Isle of Man, Wales and England7 and is composed of
a three-part elicitation method: (a) the use of questionnaires consisted of more than
London and West Yorkshire which, conversely, were included in The Atlas of English Dialects (Upton
& Widdowson, 1999).
traits; (b) diagrams and pictures were used to facilitate the respondents’ identification
of objects concerning local information; whilst, (c) spontaneous speech entailed the
women and those living in urban areas; in addition, a detailed investigation of complex
methods which saw the employment of statistics in data analysis. The use of
single cases with the attempt to develop general rules or patterns. Fasold (1972: 33),
for instance, adopted the chi-square test not only to provide a correlation between
linguistics and social factors, but also to establish the role of variability within the
Sankoff Varbrul program, where databases grouped speakers all together rather than
analysing them as individuals, had a great impact on early sociolinguistic studies. Guy
(1980) suggested to find out whether the variation within the speech community is due
to diversity within the group or whether it is present with the same structure in each
random variable with a mean of zero and unknown variance (Baayen, 2008), allowing
the intercept term to vary across subjects (Barr et al., 2014). This way we can observe
which individuals contribute most or least strongly to the variation under discussion.
to handle variationist analysis due to the impossibility to deal with a large number of
The program extensively used and designed for linguistic variation is known as
Varbrul (Cedergren and Sankoff 1974; Sankoff 1988), an early realisation of binary
logistic regression. The latter is a validated theory which allows linguists to model,
hypotheses and re-examine the data. Multivariate analysis was then conducted by
Goldvarb 2.0 (Rand & Sankoff, 1990) and Goldvarb X (Sankoff, Tagliamonte and
Smith 2005), also known as the variable rule program and an extremely productive tool
Rbrul, introduced by Johnson (2009), is one of the current tools which provides
both individual and by-group behaviour. In designing the Rbrul program, Johnson
(2009) set some crucial goals, such as maintaining multiple logistic regression as well
as cross-tabulations like Goldvarb, but also endowing this software with specific
functions which were absent in the Goldvarb package. Among these new functions
there is the support for continuous predictors (independent variables), for continuous
effects. This way we can observe which individuals contribute most or least strongly
to the variation under discussion. It provides the outcome of effects in log-odds as well
as factor weights supported by R-squared and can tackle knock-outs8. Unlike some
Since this tool is more user-friendly than R, Rbrul has been employed in this research
for an attentive data analysis and to account for the variation it describes. Data has been
Rbrul does not report the significance of differences between levels in a factor group
as p-values refer to the whole factor group. This study follows previous work in how
The comparison of different nested models was carried out with the log-likelihood ratio
test, which performs significant tests with mixed models by comparing the likelihood
of one model to the likelihood of another model (Winter, 2020). This is also known as
‘deviance tests.’ The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), which provides a means of
The importance of statistical modelling moves beyond some basic points, such as the
distinct influences, both social and linguistic” (Guy, 2014: 209). This output, also
phonological and/or pragmatic level (Tagliamonte, 2006). The two dependent variables
of this survey are (t,d) deletion and (t) glottaling which, throughout this work, will be
Knock-outs refer to categorical distribution of tokens: zero or 100%.
both referred to as phonological variables - an umbrella term commonly adopted in
most studies (Foulkes, 2006) to include the subtle difference highlighted by Hudson
Hudson’s (1996: 170) terminology, are those in which “the same phonological pattern
has different phonetic realisations”, such as the articulation of the phoneme /t/ with [t],
[Ɂ], and other forms of variation like taps. Phonological variables, are those in which
“the same lexical item has alternative phonological structures”, such as /h/ dropping in
Data for both variables was coded auditorily, as “it is not always possible or
practical to undertake acoustic analysis of large bodies of data” (Docherty et al., 1997:
The first phonological variable examined in this survey is (t,d) deletion - the alternation
between [t,d] and Ø – also known as coronal stop deletion (CSD). The type of logistic
regression analysis carried out is binary: deletion vs. [t,d]. Even though it is common
practice to code tokens realised with glottal stops or glottalisation in the retained
category, along with [t,d], in the present study glottal realisations of word-final /t/ were
excluded from the (t,d) dataset as (t) glottaling holds social meaning in British English
and thus I believe is a different phenomenon9 (see Chapter 4 for additional excluded
cases). A total number of 4,879 tokens was coded into an excel spreadsheet,
more closely those predictors which suggest that there is a universal constraint on this
For a similar view, see Amos et al. (2020).
variable and which are in line with universal phonetic and phonological properties of
In British English, (t) is governed by two closely related processes: T-glottaling, the
replacement of /t/ with the glottal stop [Ɂ], as in butter [bʌʔə]; and glottal reinforcement
reinforcement of /t/ with [tʔ] (n = 8) or [ʔt] (n = 24), and the few cases where a period
of creaky voice occurred (n = 4) are all coded the same. As Straw & Patrick (2007:
388) note, the term glottalization is vaguely used in the literature “to refer to one or
more such elements (e.g. now including complete stops, now excluding them),
especially when generalising across studies”. Docherty & Foulkes (1999: 54) propose
due to the high number of tokens with alternating production of [t] and [Ɂ] in the
dataset, compared to the relatively low number of other types of glottal variation. 4,923
tokens were collected; in 3,051 cases (62%) /t/ occurred in word-final position (e.g.
that), while in 1,872 cases /t/ was found in word-medial context (e.g. nightmare).11
Each realisation of (t) was coded into an Excel spreadsheet 12, along with internal and
Further terminological details will be provided in Chapter 5.
The total number of tokens does not include cases realised with the alveolar tap [ɾ], as they were
excluded prior coding.
For the excluded cases see Chapter 6.
binary: glottal variants vs. /t/. To potentially contribute to the variability of (t), one of
the main purposes of this study is to also explore (t) glottaling in environments which
received little attention in the literature (e.g. the preceding phonetic segment) and in
linguistic contexts where (t) glottaling was considered to be blocked (e.g. after a non-
these environments have not been excluded from the analysis will be discussed in
The linguistic factor groups included in this survey are the same for both variables,
with the exception of voicing agreement (homovoiced vs. heterovoiced) which was
only coded for (t,d). The remaining linguistic predictors are listed as follows: preceding
and following phonetic environment, and syllable stress; whereas the external
predictors include lexical frequency,13 socio-economic class, age, sex, and style. Both
preceding and following environments were coded on the phonetic surface. Following
/h/, for instance, was coded either as [h] when the voiceless glottal fricative was
consonantal, or as a vowel when /h/ was dropped. Each case of /h/ dropping was coded
as (h)-Vtype, implying that the following phonetic segment was realised with a particular
vowel type in those tokens where /h/ was underlyingly present. The same procedure
of coding on the phonetic surface was applied to the so-called ‘David variable’ – the
alternation between the ‘standard’ form [ɪ] and the ‘non-standard’ [ə], as in wanted
Location was initially included in the model to control for variation in geographical space yet, as
expected, this predictor turned out not to be statistically significant, therefore it was subsequently
excluded from the analysis. However, statistical details related to this factor group will be presented in
Appendix I and Appendix II along with other non-significant predictors.
[wɑnʔəd] rather than [wɑnʔɨd]14. Historically rhotic tokens /-rt/, /-rd/ were excluded
prior to coding in both (t,d) and (t) datasets. In the (t,d) dataset, /-lt/ /-ld/ sequences
were only coded when /l/ was phonetically consonantal. In the (t) dataset, /l/ was coded
as a vowel when the lateral-approximant was vocalised, whereas when /l/ had
intersection between /t/ deletion and /t/ glottaling in the C(C)t_Pause context (e.g. good
point.). Tanner et al. (2017: 8) point out, that a following pause is commonly treated as
consonant or following vowel. However, they state that “beyond a certain pause length, it
is very unlikely that an upcoming word would be planned, and in this limiting case pause, or
The criterion I adopted to measure pause is largely based on the pause duration
following Fors (2015). Along the line of Fors (2015), in the Production and Perception
of Pauses in Speech, a typical pause lasts only about a quarter to half a second. Since
the presence of a glottal indicates some reflex in the signal (creaky vocal fold pulses or
a spike in voicing offset), in this study, a pause is considered to begin after the voicing
bar either ceases abruptly or fades out. Based on this criterion, an interruption of the
voicing bar early in the pause indicates a glottal variant, whereas no evidence of /t/ or
glottal gesture early in the pause implies /t/ deletion. Figure 2.8.1 illustrates an example
This characteristic feature of East Anglian English is found to apply in unstressed, closed syllables
(Trudgill, 1986) and in unstressed open syllables (Potter, 2018).
L-vocalisation is considered a distinctive feature of London English (Wells, 1982), and it is also
present in the North, especially in Yorkshire (Ihalainen,1994). However, some areas of East Anglia
inhibit /l/ vocalisation (Johnson & Britain, 2007). It is argued that vocalisation of /l/ is more likely to
occur in dialects which have a clear distinction of ‘clear’ and ‘dark’ /l/ and, in Northern East Anglian
dialects, the use of /l/ was found to be clear until the 20th century (Johnson & Britain, 2007). Indeed,
common pronunciations of hill as [hɪl] are typical of rural East Norfolk (Trudgill, 1999).
Tanner et al. (2017) use pause length as a proxy for prosodic boundaries in their CSD analysis, showing
that “longer pauses gradiently decrease deletion.”
of /t/ deletion in the word amusement realised by an eighty-two year-old man from
Colchester: the duration of the pause is nearly half a second and both auditory analysis
and spectrogram reveal neither coronal nor glottal gesture evidence early in the pause.
Figure 2.8.1 /t/ deletion after the alveolar /n/ and before a following pause.
Filled pauses (FPs), or non-silent hesitation phenomena, such as uh, um, and em are
excluded from the analysis.17 Praat was also employed to detect /t/ deletion and /t/
glottaling in some other critical cases, as shown in figure 2.8.2 and figure 2.8.3. Figure
2.8.2 illustrates an example of /t/ deletion in the word sequence went in produced by a
working-class middle-aged man from Norwich. The spectrogram displays visible vocal
folds vibrations in the realization of /n/ which precedes the underlying oral stop /t/ and
it is immediately followed by the next sound. Hence, the absence of the voiceless
coronal /t/ is represented by the transition from the alveolar /n/ to the following
For a detailed account on filled pauses see Fruehwald (2016).
Figure 2.8.2 Example of /t/ deletion: transition to the following phonetic segment.
Figure 2.8.3 illustrates an example of (t) glottaling in the word sequences didn’t allow
realized by a working class middle-aged man from Norwich. The spectrogram shows
vocal fold vibration of the segment /n/ which is followed by an audible glottal stop.
The latter is not defined for voice, but it allows some vibration whether the glottal
constriction is weak; whereas, a total glottal occlusion would obstruct all airflow. The
Syllable stress is a further predictor taken into account in the analysis of both variables,
and it was coded as a binary factor: stressed syllable or primary stress (e.g. left; sit) vs.
The Zipf-scaled SUBTLEX-UK corpus (van Heuven et al., 2014) was adopted
psychology (Brysbaert & New 2009) and it is also becoming a popular tool in
linguistics (Tamminga 2016; Baranowski & Turton, 2020). The 201.3 million words
included in this corpus are obtained by film and TV subtitles from BBC broadcasts.
The standard measure which researchers typically adopt to account for word frequency
is based on the frequency per million words (fpmw), a measure which is usually
independent of the corpus size. In corpora made of only 1 million words, a measure of
1 seems to be the lowest value; however, van Heuven et al. (2014) point out that more
than half of a word frequency list contains items whose frequency value are lower than
employing a typical Likert rating scale, from 1 to 7, without using negative values.
In addition, van Heuven et al. (2014) uphold that “the middle of the scale should
separate the low-frequency words from the high frequency words.” Values 1-3, in the
high frequency ones. A comparison between Zipf values employed in the SUBTLEX-
UK corpus and fpmw is provided in the table to follow, where words whose fpmw is .1
get a value of 2.
Note that stress has been included in few studies which have examined the variability of (t)
glottaling (e.g. Tollfree 1999; Roberts 2006; Eddington and Taylor 2009; Barrera 2015).
Zipf values Fpmw Examples
Table 2.8.1 A comparison between Zipf values and fpmw, adapted from SUBTLEX-
UK website (van Heuven et al., 2014).
The socio-economic class is also employed for multivariate explanatory analysis in this
survey, yet it is not the main focus of examination. As Patrick (1999: 82) highlights:
“The variationist paradigm retains its structuralist roots to the extent that it
seeks first to account for variation through system-internal, linguistic
explanations as far as possible, before turning to system-external elements
such as the social characteristics of speakers.”
This study goes in this direction without downplaying the considerable role of social
factors. As outlined in the previous Chapter, the use of this factor as an indicator has
been a debated issue over the years in the social sciences. For the stratification of social
al., 2010), which is mainly based on economic and division of labour criteria rather
than cultural ones, and household and family are used as a unit rather than the
individual. The 10 classes proposed by Rose et al. (2010) can be collapsed into six,
10 version 6 class 5 class 3 class
ESeC class class version version version
Higher salariat 1
Lower salariat 2 1+2 1+2 1+2
Higher white collar 3 3+6 3+6
Petit bourgeois 4
Small farmers 5 4+5 4+5
Higher grade blue
collar 6 3+6 3+6 3+4+5+6
Lower white collar 7 7 7
Skilled manual 8 8
Semi-/unskilled 9 9 8+9 7+8+9
Unemployed (10) (10) (10) (10)
Table 2.8.2 Collapsing ESeC classes. Adapted from Rose et al. (2010).
The benefit of using this class model in sociolinguistic research is twofold: (1) the
sociolinguists to employ this schema in small-scale surveys; (2) since this model is
merged with the European socio-economic classification this schema could be used as
a point of comparison between studies carried out across Europe to control for the effect
of this variable.
Since the sample for the present study is stratified by working and middle class,
I adopted the three-level version by excluding class 1+2 - the combined group of higher
and lower salariat19. Hence, the speakers were stratified based on the following classes:
7+8+9 (what I refer to as working class in this study) and 3+4+5+6 (what I refer to as
middle class), as illustrated in table 2.8.2. In detail, class 7 includes “non manual
workers”, such as shop workers, care workers, etc. Class 8 includes “skilled workers”
Lawyers, scientists, higher education teaching professionals, etc. belong to the 1+2 group.
piece or hourly paid. Cleaners, labourers, messengers, etc. are to be found in this
administrative assistants, jobs which require working alongside managers, etc. Classes
4 and 5 comprise small employers and self-employed, with the latter referring to those
who neither buy nor sell labour. Class 4 includes non-professional occupations; while
class 5 covers “the self-employed and small employers in agriculture, fisheries and
forestry.” The informants were assigned to a specific occupational level based on their
whole occupational history, not merely on their most recent occupation; while students
A further social factor employed in this survey is the age of participants, which
is usually taken into account in most variationist studies to control for linguistic change
(Schilling, 2013). While (t) glottaling is considered a change in progress, as “the results
for older speakers […] seem to reflect the traditional stigma of T-glottalisation,
particularly in intervocalic contexts” (Tollfree, 1999: 171), the profile of (t,d) deletion
is that of a stable variable in previous research, and the age of participants is usually a
speakers stratified by three age cohorts: young (18-28), middle (35-50), old (60+). This
stratification is mainly etic (by chronological age), but it includes some emic qualities
(by cultural life stages) which mirror the British society, such as the entrance of
The informants were also stratified by the binary category of biological sex (males vs.
females) following the traditional variationist approach in order to compare results with
previous studies. This constraint is not explored in terms of gender as this approach is
See Eckert (1997) who explains that culture plays an important role.
beyond the purposes of this thesis; indeed, the identity of participants is not the
Finally, the variation of (t,d) and (t) is explored in the dimension of style – a
pivotal construct in sociolinguistic studies (Eckert & Rickford, 2001). In this survey,
style is to be intended as attention paid to speech (Labov, 1972) with attention being
“the cognitive mechanism that links social to linguistic factors” (Eckert & Rickford,
2001: 2). In some English varieties, the use of a particular speech style is adopted to
convey the high social position of speakers, such as the Speaky-Spoky Jamaican speech
style22 (Patrick, 1997). Foulkes and Docherty (2007) emphasize that the speech is not
formality increases), but audience, interpersonal dynamics (e.g. Eckert & Rickford
2001; Eckert 2008), cognitive and interactional factors (Sharma, 2018) play a notable
role. Trudgill (1986), in the Norwich study, found variation in his own use of the glottal
stop in relation to glottal rates adopted by his interviewees. These approaches, however,
are beyond the purposes of this survey. In the present work, stylistic variation will be
elicited through sociolinguistic interviews, reading passages and word lists. The latter
aims at observing the two phonological variables when tokens are mostly realised in
It should be highlighted, though, that all my participants identified as males or females, none of them
identified themselves otherwise.
This style is stereotypically associated with female speech. See Patrick (1997) for further details.
2.9. Summary
This Chapter has focused on the present sample stratification, on the field techniques
employed to enter the three speech communities, and has discussed data analysis
instruments. It has also presented a brief description of the two dependent variables,
also providing a short discussion on analytical procedure (e.g. coding), and has
This Chapter reviews previous studies on (t,d) deletion in both US English dialects -
where (t,d) has been a “showcase variable” (Patrick, 1999: 122) - and in British English
dialects where little research on this phonological variable has been carried out.
Firstly, I will provide a phonetic description of /t/ and /d/ as well as a description of
we will see how this linguistic feature has diachronically developed, and then emphasis
will be placed on quantitative and qualitative analysis carried out on (t,d) across English
varieties. Since this variable has been widely researched in numerous North American
vocal tract. A feature matrix for /t/ is [-continuant] [-sonorant] [+coronal] [-voiced]
(Roca and Johnson, 1999)1. Similarly, /d/ is an occlusive whose distinctive features are
lip position of /t/ and /d/ is highly affected by that of the adjacent segment, particularly
that of following vowels or glides (e.g. /w/). Moreover, the alveolar stop is sensitive to
sociolinguist standpoint, both /t/ and /d/ are commonly treated as one variable due to
their similar behaviour in word-final consonant clusters (for an opposite argument see
See Chapter 5 for a more detailed account on /t/ phonetically.
3.2 A brief note on terminology
In the (t,d) literature terms employed to refer to the absence of realisation of word-
simplification, reduction, removal, loss or absence. However, the term deletion can
or Jamaican Creole (JC). Terms like removal or loss imply that “the basilectal
69).2 By way of contrast, in the present study these terms will be used
production of coronal stops /t/ and /d/ will be used as synonyms throughout this
lenition, which weakens by having a null realisation of apical stops /t/ and /d/ in word-
final consonant cluster /Ct/ and /Cd/ or /CCt/ and /CCd/3, as shown in (1):
However, the assumption that Creole is underlyingly simpler in terms of linguistic structure does not
hold for the mesolect from a variationist perspective (See Patrick 1999 for further details).
(t,d) deletion differs from the more general final stop deletion rule (see Guy, 1980 p.4). Most of the
stops which fall under this rule are mainly /t/s and /d/s, as velars and stops occur in final consonant
clusters very rarely; most of the cases as listed by Guy (1980) are: /sp, sk, lp, mp, lk, ŋk,/. Apical stops
are the only plosives that can occur in a cluster preceded by many other consonants including stops,
hence the above rule is restricted to final /t,d/ deletion. Moreover, Temple (2014) also considers it
alongside other word-boundary sequences, including simple-codas, yet this approach is beyond the scope
of this PhD.
It is claimed that all English speakers delete /t,d/ at least occasionally, but no one does
English dialects and, despite slight differences in constraint ranking, phonetic and
morphological constraints were found to be largely uniform. Patrick (1999: 124) claims
that some conditioning factors mirror speech community rules, whereas others are
(1989: 90), show that the rule application below (2) is favoured in:
/s/ > stops > nasals > other fricatives > liquids;
n’t > monomorphemes > semi-weak verbs > regular past verbs
Although morphological class has been proven to have a robust effect on (t,d), this
distinct morphological contexts4, yet in the same phonological one (i.e. in word-
final consonant cluster). Indeed, the (t.d) variable rule does not apply when the past
In monomorphemes (mist), semi weak verbs (left), regular past tense verbs (called).
tense form has epenthetic schwa (e.g. wanted) or when /t,d/ is preceded by a vowel
(e.g. played).
contexts in which the production or the absence of /t/ or /d/ cannot be reliably
detected. The neutral environments which are usually excluded from previous (t,d)
studies concern tokens followed by homorganic tops /t/, /d/ (e.g. you can’Ø tell; I
can’Ø drop the key); occurrences followed by post-alveolar fricatives /tʃ/, /dʒ/ (e.g.
I can’t choose), and interdental fricatives /θ/, /ð/ (e.g. my husbanØ thinks that…; I
missØ the train). Interdental fricatives are considered neutral contexts as in British
English, for instance, they may be realised as their corresponding stops (Bayley,
1994). Cases of exclusion include the approximant /r/ in the preceding environment
as, in some English dialects (e.g. many British English dialects; Chicano English),
/r/ is not consonantal, as in card [kɑːd]. In a similar vein, tokens not considered are
those where preceding /l/ occurs in a cluster, yet /l/ has vocalic features (i.e. /l/
vocalisation). The features assigned to [l] and [r] in phonological theory are [+cons;
+ voc] (Chomsky & Halle, 1968), yet, in the case of non-rhotic accents or vocalised
/l/, the lateral [l] and the approximant [r] have [-cons; +vocalic] features5. In some
American dialects, clusters of alveolar nasal plus final stop preceded by unstressed
vowels are also excluded due to the intersection with the nasal flap formation rule
(Labov, 1989), hence it is onerous to establish whether the coronal stop is realised
The distinctive features of [r] have been a debated issue over the years. Chomsky & Halle (1968: 302),
for instance, define [r] as consonantal due to its radical obstruction, “even if it does not make a complete
contact with the roof of the mouth”. However, in their discussion the feature of [+cons] is not assigned
to glides [y] and [w]. In this respect, Fasold (1972: 89) questions that the obstruction of English [r] is
more "radical" than that of glides.
or reduced. High frequency lexical items are also excluded, such as and, just (e.g.
Patrick 1999). Temple (2017) argues that there are further consonants which could
be treated as neutralising contexts, yet which seem never to be mentioned. The most
remarkable is [n], realised with apical occlusion at the alveolar ridge. She claims
that when nasality occurs within a token, a following nasal may be distinguished
from coronal stops, and other stops, especially when the latter are voiceless.
with other features of the segment. In (3), for instance, the sibilant [s] seems to be
Temple (2017) argues that it is not easy to establish whether the aspiration is a reflex
/t/ followed by nasal assimilation or whether the coronal stop is deleted and the nasal
is devoiced.
She also suggests inspecting carefully masking effects. The term “masking” (p. 135)
In the above example, despite lack of evidence of coronal [t] in the spectrogram and
deletion as
“the relatively short duration of the closure in kept compared to the /p/ of
occupied is ascribable to a rapid deceleration of speech rate and cannot
necessarily be taken as an indication of /t/ deletion”.
A further aspect of masking effects brought to attention is contributed by assimilation,
especially with nasals which often tend to assimilate to the place of articulation of a
following consonant, as in different plane, sound box, combined court (Temple, 2017).
While discussing the masking effects for (t,d), she states that the glottal stop is a
Along this line, Temple (2017: 145) suggests that: “it would be necessary to carry
of glottals to establish whether there is, for example, a pattern of variation […].”
This suggestion is mostly related to the length of the glottal stop as in worked, where
[Ɂ] and [th] may be considered sequential reflexes of /k/, versus a shorter glottal
reflex found in work, for instance. The measurement of glottal length, however, is
beyond the purpose of this survey. In terms of phonetic gradience, Purse and Turk
variable and provided an overview of the neutral contexts, let us now supply some
this variable.
ways of saying the same thing. ’Variant’ refers to the phonetic realisation of a phoneme,
The term categorical in this context means articulatory categorical, which differs from the variationist
use of the term (e.g. 100% of application) (Temple, 2014).
while the more abstract representation of the source of variation is known as variable.
progress, yet the two or (more) surface forms may co-exist for centuries, with no
evidence that one variant is pushing out its counterpart (i.e. the new item does not
replace the old variant in underlying representation). The relationship between stable
variables and social factors mainly concerns sex and social class, as outlined in Chapter
1. The age of participant, however, typically plays a marginal role in stable variables
as there is no evidence from generational change that newer forms may become
lexicalised. Reynolds (1994), with respect to (t,d), claims that the influence of solely
social factors does not explain how the change originally moved.
all variable rules spring from diachronically categorical ones (Romaine, 1984).
According to Labov, all rules initiate as variable ones and, over time, they gradually
spread according to the environments until they reach the final stage of completion (i.e.
to become entirely regular in its application) 8. Bailey (cited in Romaine 1984) claims
that the change from categorical rule to variable rule is unnatural and argues that the
(i.e. slower vs. faster). His prediction is that heavier environments are subject to a faster
application of the rule compared to lighter environments. This kind of change is usually
For the definition of marker, in sociolinguistic theory, see section 5.2.
Reaching completion most of the time may never occur as the two variants may compete for many
faster and earlier while, based on Bailey’s Principle 20, little quantitative evidence
means that the application is slower and later. However, Romaine (1984: 247) argues
that “there are cases where a temporally earlier rule or environment can produce a lower
quantity of output than a later one, and in which newer rules may have typically larger
outputs than older ones.” (t,d) is a well-documented process which has been a common
practice since at least the late 14th century (Wyld, 1927). Evidence from earlier
documentation shows that bimorphemic clusters spring from the suffixation of /t,d/ to
some verb stems, a phenomenon which is also known as Germanic dental preterite 9.
Romaine (1984) shows that in the 16th century, preterite and past participle forms end
in -it, with only few items ending in a cluster as promist. Verbs which are usually
referred to as “semi-weak” in the (t,d) literature (i.e. stem vowel change and suffix past-
marking) can be found with /t/ absence in Middle English, from the beginning of the
period. An early example (e.g. slep) arose from the Peterborough Chronicle, as
Wright (1905) notes that /kept/ is commonly realised as /kep/ in the Midlands as well
as in northern dialects, yet this is not due to /t/ loss, while the loss of apical stops /t/
and /d/ after a preceding /n/ as in blyn ‘blind’ in also found in the Modern period (Wyld,
1927). Wyld also provides numerous examples of /t,d/ absence word-medially followed
See Prokosch (1939) for further details and for debated issues.
Similarly, Cruttenden (1994) reports the loss of apical stops in medial position in clusters of three
consonants in Present-day English, such as exactly, handsome, windmill, handbag, friendship,
landlord, restless, landscape, etc.
However, as Reynolds (1994) notes, all of the examples provided by Wyld refer
to monomophmes or compounds. During the 14th century, /t,d/ did not occur in final
consonant clusters, except for a few irregular Old English (OE) verbs, such as geseald
‘sold’, geteald ‘told’, as well as gelegd ‘laid’. Indeed, past-marking in both OE and
Middle English (ME) was /-ədə/ (e.g. worshipede) (Luick, 1921). The schwa started to
disappear in late 15th century, at the end of the ME period and this linguistic change
Milroy (2007) reports that /d/ absence after [n] appears around 1700. Its
hypercorrections which survived over years, such as sound from ME soun < Fr soun.
Romaine (1984: 242), however, argues that there is “no reason to reconstruct a period
in the history of English in which final t/d was uniformly present in mono- and
bimorphemic clusters.” She suggests that there is no reason for doing so due to lack of
(t,d) deletion as a sociolinguistic variable has raised interest among variationists since
the 1960s. Empirical findings show that it is markedly conditioned by the following
phonological context and the grammatical status of the word-final apical stop, while
(Guy, 1980: 20). This variable has been initially explored through quantitative analysis
and examined under the effect of external constraints in African American Vernacular
English (AAVE) in New York City (Labov & Cohen 1967; Labov et al.1968).
The variability of (t,d) has been then investigated in Detroit (Wolfram, 1969); in
Washington (Fasold, 1972); in New York (Guy, 1980), Philadelphia (Guy 1980;
Tamminga 2016); and Buckeye English (Ohio) (Tamminga & Freuhwald, 2013); also
in first language acquisition by children (Labov 1989; Roberts 1994; Lacoste 2012)
and second language acquisition (Bayley 1991, 1994); in English varieties influenced
by Spanish, such as Chicano English in Los Angeles (Santa Ana, 1991), Tejano English
in San Antonio (Bayley, 1994); in creole varieties, such as mesolectal Jamaican Creole
Labov and Cohen, (1967) interviewed 100 random speakers in the main area of
South Central Harlem, and investigated (t,d) deletion along with other variables, such
as (-ing), /r/, -s absence of copula, etc. With respect to (t,d), only two categories were
distinguished for the following phonological environment: following vowel vs. non-
following vowel, with the latter including (liquids, pauses and maybe glides). A binary
distinction also concerns the grammatical status of /t, d/, resulting in mono-morphemic
vs. bi-morphemic items. Results show that the effect of the morphological class
surfaced as a remarkable constraint, with regular past tense verbs (e.g. passed)
undergoing simplification in all age groups, yet the rates of deletion increased in
whilst, in the speech of middle-class members the cluster reduction increased when
Rican speakers, Labov et al. (1968) examined (t,d) in 3,359 tokens collected in Central
Harlem. The regularity of (t,d) absence, once again, was found in each group of
respondents, regardless of the age level or the neighbourhood they lived in. This study
has shown that some speakers had categorical deletion of /t/ when the coronal stop
followed the voiceless sibilant /s/ (i.e. –st). Also, this work has revealed that the
in the consonant cluster, and that (t,d) is less likely to undergo deletion if the first
member of the cluster is a sonorant. With respect to the grammatical category, 74% of
past-marking presence surfaced in regular verbs; whilst, unmarked cases are believed
included. It is with Labov et al. (1980) that we have a three-way distinction between
Detroit by taking into account the ethnicity, social class, age and gender of the
middle-class speakers and, for comparison, 12 white upper middle-class speakers. The
comparative table between (t,d) studies. In Wolfram’s study, the following phonetic
environment seemed to have a notable impact on the cluster reduction, despite the lack
of a hierarchical ordering. It has to be noted, though, that following pause was treated
vowels, was less likely to be deleted among middle-class members. Wolfram’s (1972)
data did not provide a clear explanation on how much the age of the informants may
affect (t,d) deletion. He claims that the reduction of the second item in the consonant
cluster occurs if: (1) the second member is a stop; (2) the two items share the same
voicing specification11.
Along the line of Wolfram (1969), Fasold (1972) divided the following segment
consonants are the most preferred environment for (t,d) reduction. Initially, Fasold
(1972) distinguished following pause from following consonants, yet due to the nearly
identical result between the two categories, they were collapsed. His corpus was
class informants of all ages were interviewed through one-to-one interviews, reading
passages and word games, and 883 tokens were analysed. He treated separately the
simplification of [d] after vowels, whilst he did not isolate the [st] cluster as Labov did.
With the use of chi-square tests, he aimed to provide a correlation between linguistic
and social factors, and to also establish the role of variability within the linguistic
findings show that deletion occurred the most when /t,d/ was followed by spirants and
stops, and that preceding /s/ (e.g. cast) increased deletion more than other voiceless
spirants. Voicing, however, is not a significant constraint for the Washington data.
bi-morphemic ones followed by vowels (29%). Irregular verbs (i.e. left) were treated
separately, showing a 98% rate of past-marking. He also noticed that the voiced
alveolar [d] is devoiced in verbs, such as send-sent. Similar findings are reported for
Jamaican Creole (Patrick, 1999), where the devoicing processes is extended to five
[ld] clusters were excluded in the Detroit study (Wolfram, 1969).
Patrick et al. (1996), in the U.S. South, investigated the behaviour of (t,d) in 11 ex-
Lower reduction rates are reported for bi-morphemic words: 44% for those followed
by consonants, and 26% for those followed by vowels. The increasing of deletion was
associated to the increasing of sonority, with preceding /l/ being the most conditioning
Neu (1980) and Guy (1980) carried on with the distinction between monomorphemes
(i.e. mist), regular verbs (i.e. called) and ambiguous verbs (or semi-weak verbs, e.g.
told). The latter refers to those verbs which undergo a stem vowel change as well as
past-tense affixation. Neu’s (1980) findings did not show a marked deletion difference
in ambiguous verbs. She examined 2,217 tokens in the speech of 15 white informants
from the U.S. North12, and employed chi-square tests to validate the ranking constraint.
Her study shows that the lexical item and turned out to be nearly categorical, indeed,
when it was included in the monomorpheme category, deletion rates increased sharply.
She explored (t,d) in both following manner and place of articulation. The latter,
however, was not marked as a significant constraint. Her findings report a high-level
the others. With respect to the preceding phonetic segment, results were reported in
The participants were from: California (n = 5), Ohio (n = 2), Michigan (n = 2) Baltimore (n = 2),
Nebraska (n = 1), Missouri (n = 1), Massachussetts (n = 1) and New York City (n = 1). As for the age
of participants, 5 speakers were aged between 19 and 23, 8 speakers aged between 27 and 35, 2
speakers aged between 48 and 53
two parts, as they differ for males and females. Males exhibit the following ranking:
sibilant > nasal [excluding and] > stops; by contrast females’ hierarchy shows partially
reversed result with preceding stops leading the ranking: stops > sibilant > nasal
[excluding and].
Guy (1980) conducted his (t,d) study in the speech communities of Philadelphia
(19 speakers) and New York (4 speakers). In this study, the consonant category of the
and vowels, while for the preceding phonological segment a five-way coding was
employed: sibilants, non-sibilant fricatives, nasals, stops, and laterals13. Results show
that a following pause has the same effect as following consonants in promoting
deletion amongst New Yorkers, whilst for the Philadelphians a following pauses
considered a relatively weak constraint, with more reduction when /t,d/ follows /s/, and
more coronal stop retention when preceded by the lateral /l/. With respect to the
Guy & Boyd (1990) found that the treatment of semiweaks changes
This highly significant correlation exhibits age-grading only for this class of words.
Other external factors, however, (e.g. sex, social class, geographical background,
ethnicity as well as style) did not play a salient role. Deletion in the semi-weak class
revealed a good clustering of children (aged 0 - 18), with a probability value above .75,
while younger adults (aged 19 - 44) and adults (aged 45+) exhibit a mean of .65 and
.60, respectively. These findings were summarised into three deletion patterns: pattern
Preceding /r/ was coded as a vowel.
M (monomorphemes), A (ambiguous), P (past tense of regular weak verbs).
I, with high probability of deletion in semiweaks; pattern II, with a probability value
between .60 and .75; pattern III, with a probability lower than .60. From a
as, for them, final coronal stops are not underlyingly present. This means that the past
tense is only marked by the stem vowel change15. The differentiation of semiweaks
from strong verbs begins in the second stage of acquisition (pattern II), where speakers
notice /t,d/ in the underlying forms, yet those verbs are still treated as morphologically
uninflected. In the last stage (pattern III), speakers can finally distinguish between the
apical stops in the semi-weak class and those in regular past tense verbs (e.g. -ed).
This pattern was also found by Labov (1989) in a study of a single family, where
a 7-year-old child was found to exhibit the same deletion rates as their parents in all
morphological classes, yet in the semiweak class the child had a greater rate of
Roberts (1997) examined (t,d) in language acquisition to find out how this
variable behaves in child language and when it is acquired. She interviewed 16 children
(aged 3-4) as well as 8 Philadelphian mothers. The children were recorded in their
Data was coded by morphological status and following phonological environment 16,
employing the use of GoldVarb 2.0 to carry out the linguistic analysis. The data was
firstly analysed as a group, and then by individual. 13 out 16 children were individually
analysed in relation to the following environment, whilst all the 16 children were
included in the individual analysis for grammatical contexts. Overall, her results reveal
that each child had acquired the following phonetic constraint on (t,d), exhibiting
According to Guy & Boyd (1990) children, in their mental lexicon, only distinguish between weak
verbs and strong verbs.
The breakdown of the following environment is: obstruent, liquid, glide, vowel, or pause.
retention of apical stops when followed by a pause. This finding, linked to the fact that
deletion before following pause varies geographically (Guy, 1980) and that
Philadelphians take seriously the origin of their dialect, suggest that “it is a dialect that
is being learned rather than a universal process being applied” (Roberts, ibid: 362) as
children’s speech pattern, by the age of three, resemble their parents even in the
With respect to the morphological class, while Guy & Boyd (1990) show a
findings /t,d/ reduction in the semi-weak class among children equally occurred as in
monomorphemes. Since there seems to be a deviation from the adult pattern, she
universal tendencies. The children were divided into groups: ten 3-year-olds and six 4-
year-olds, yet no significant difference was detected between them. Finally, (t,d) was
than by style.
following segment effect on coronal stop deletion (CSD) by syntactic boundaries. She
analysed 118 interviews of the Philadelphia Neighbourhood Corpus (PNC) (Labov &
Rosenfelder, 2011). The corpus used is composed of white upper working class and
lower working class participants from Philadelphia containing 15,874 tokens for (t,d).
Since in white Philadelphian English there are no /rt/ and /rd/ clusters, preceding /r/
was excluded before coding. The syntactic boundaries coded are of two types: strong
vs. weak. The former includes Matrix CP + Matrix CP; Matrix CP + Conjunction + Matrix
CP (e.g. And then I make my crust ‖ and I fill it up) sequences referred to the position of
apical stops between two independent (matrix) clauses; High adjunct + Matrix CP (e.g. When
you get old, ‖ everything bothers you) refers to the presence of a preposed adjunct (e.g.
temporal or adverbial phrase); Matrix CP + High adjunct (e.g. I thought he was a good friend
‖ until that point) is a right-adjoined adjunct placed higher than the verb which carries the
target segment. The weak syntactic boundary refers to Verb + Direct (e.g. You can’t find ‖ a
cork today) object sequences. Results, obtained from monosyllabic target words, show that
the influence of the following segment is stronger across weak syntactic boundaries than across
strong ones – a result which is in line with the Production Planning Hypothesis (Tanner et al.
2017). While the inhibition of (t,d) before a following vowel is significantly weakened when
the apical stops occur across stronger syntactic boundaries, deletion before a following
This variable also received notable attention in many Hispanic varieties. Hartford
(1975), analysed (t,d) in Mexican American English of teenagers in Gary, showing that
men reduced /t,d/ clusters more than women. Galindo (1980) explored the same
variable in Austin, where the same pattern of deletion was found between Mexican
more deletion than stressed ones. He tested the existence of an exponential relationship
in the rate of coronal stop deletion. 4,857 tokens were gathered, with 3,724
monomorphemes, 297 semi-weak verbs and 83617. With respect to age, adolescents
Details about his findings will be provided in section 3.4.5
seemed more likely to adopt vernacular features than their parents, who are less likely
to reduce /-t,d/ in cluster position. Bayley (1994), examining Tejano English, explains
that although their parents are all bilingual, English is not usually adopted as their
The absence of final apical stops has also been subject of discussion for Creole
languages18 (Akers 1981; Patrick 1991, 1999; Lacoste 2012). Akers’ (1977) results
reveal a high rate of /t,d/ absence in JC word-lists (99%) in contrast to other forms
investigated (54%), while in SJE word-lists rates of deletion are lower in weak verbs
2,323 tokens for 10 speakers in Kingston. Internal factors include preceding19 and
encompass age (from 14 to 82), sex, social class, style. His findings are parallel to the
pan-English effects, with more deletion before following consonants (87%) 20 and less
reduction before following vowels (63%). Similar to New York (Guy, 1980), a
following pause (70%) boosted /t,d/ deletion in mesolectal JC. Patrick (1991, 1999)
also points out that the exclusion of /nt/ tokens is an onerous decision to make, as the
majority of apical stops in final cluster preceded by nasals are negative contractions
An early suggestion was that “Creoles […] have no initial or final consonant cluster” (Romain 1988,
cited in Patrick 1999). Patrick (1999) shows that underlying clusters are present in the mesolect and often
may be reduced, especially before following consonants.
JC is non-rhotic in the environment C__V (Wells, 1973, cited in Patrick 1999), hence post-vocalic /r/
was excluded from the analysis.
A slightly higher deletion rate was found for following rhotic (78%) compared to that of glides (74%).
(i.e. morpheme n’t)21 and the latter, as also claimed by Labov (1989), heavily favour
deletion. Along this line, Patrick (1999: 142) emphasises that n’t morphemes
“generally show the highest rates of (TD)-absence of any morphological class.” The
latter, indeed, exhibits 87% of /t,d/ simplification in negative contractions, despite the
treated separately a small class of irregular devoicing verbs (e.g. send, spend, lend,
bend, build) which end in a cluster of sonorants, but form the past by devoicing the
voiced alveolar stop. The ranking n’t (87%) > regular verbs (79%) > monomorphemes
(71%) > semi-weak verbs (59%) > irregular devoicing (38%) reveals a very high
probability of deletion in weak verbs, which usually tend to favour /t,d/ retention.
Through the intersection with past-marking, Patrick (1991, 1999) proves that, in JC,
the high deletion rate (79%) in regular verbs (e.g. called) is prompted by morphological
absence (i.e. non-marking of past tense) rather than phonological deletion. Similarly,
in semi-weak verbs tense marking surfaced only almost 50% of the time. His study also
shows that ranking of constraints was consistent across the social and linguistic range
of informants.
Lacoste (2012) explored the acquisition of (t,d) among children in rural Jamaican
SJC. Recordings were conducted within the classroom, including teacher’s speech, and
when the class was no longer engaged. The latter only involved children. Results with
respect to the preceding segment show that the fricatives + stop sequence was acquired
first by Landforest children as the findings reveal 50% cluster absence, while the lowest
rate of (t,d) deletion was found in preceding nasals in Bareton and Damont with a rate
Only few studies have included n’t tokens in the analysis (e.g. Labov 1989, Patrick 1999). They are
usually excluded from sociolinguistic studies of (t,d) owing to possible interaction with -nt tokens.
+ stop sequence as deletion is categorical in this context, reaching 100% of /t,d/
absence. Overall, Lacoste (2012) claims that Bareton children adopt clusters in a
homogeneous way (76% - 93%), whilst Landforest and Damont children show a more
irregular absence rate which fluctuate between 50% - 100% for Landforest, and 68% -
100% for Damont. Teachers’ rate of absence differ from that of children, as preceding
stops are consistently realised in the teachers’ speech giving a rate of /t,d/ absence equal
to 51%.22 The closest rate of performance between teachers (69%) and children (70%)
relates to fricatives. Results for the following environment exhibit a higher /t,d/ absence
after consonants, whilst vowels disfavour deletion. Following pause behaves like
vowels and disfavours at .378. Similar results were also reported for all teachers. Rates
of /t,d/ presence were lower in homovoiced than heterovoiced tokens, yet voicing
agreement alone was not found to be a powerful constraint. Social factors were
The reduction rate of /t,d/ in childrens’ speech is 89%.
3.7.5 (t,d) explored on theoretical grounds
monomorphemes or regular past verbs, and whether (t,d) absence in regular verbs
phonology (Kiparsky, 1982, 1985). Under the lexical phonology approach, (t,d) is
explored at a derivational level at which the final consonant cluster is acquired. Guy
(1991) applied this theory to empirical findings obtained from seven native English
features of this theoretical framework related to Guy’s (1991: 6) purpose are listed
arranged into levels, where all morphological processes and many phonological ones
are carried out in the lexicon. Within the lexicon there are two or more ordered levels
but, as claimed by Harris (1989), two levels are enough to account for variable patterns
in English (in Guy 1991). Hence, irregular inflections (e.g. found) occur at level one,
whereas the attachment of regular inflectional affixes occurs at level two (e.g. called).
Apical stops in monomorphemes are underlyingly present from the earliest stage of
derivation (e.g. mist); semiweaks, which are subject to stem vowel change, are treated
as undergoing affixation at level one (e.g. left); regular past verbs undergo /t,d/
The informants speak North AmE varieties.
affixation at level two. Phonological rules, instead, may not be allocated to particular
levels. With the fraction 1 – pa , or pr, Guy (1991) measures retention probability.
He argues that coronal features which were introduced early in the derivation are more
likely to undergo deletion, whilst the proportion of items where the rule has never
applied will be smaller at each level. Therefore, this theory predicts an exponential
deletion rule operates 50% of the time, it is expected to find a 50% of pa (or retention)
for those forms in which the rule operated only once; in forms where the rule operated
twice the retention rate would be 25%; while, when the rule operated three time, rates
of retention will be 12.5%. This means that regular verbs undergo /t,d/ deletion once,
after affixation at level two and bracket erasure 24, as at earlier levels apical stops are
not morphologically present. Monomorphemes, instead, undergo the deletion rule three
times: at an earlier morphological stage, after affixation at level one and bracket
erasure, and after affixation at level two. Along this line, Guy explains that speakers
to the rule application twice: after undergoing affixation at level one and bracket
erasure as well as after affixation at level two25. Guy’s (1991) prediction of deletion in
retention equal to .914 for monomorphemes; .877 for semiweak verbs, and .918 for
regular verbs26 and he argues that “the rate of application in each class is not
That is, the rule application occurs postlexically.
However, not all individuals treat semiweaks this way due to an age-graded acquisitional pattern
(Guy & Boyd, 1990).
These are the estimate of pr in four adults.
Santa Ana (1992) tested Guy’s approach and provides evidence of the
exponential hypothesis for 45 Los Angeles Chicanos. His findings fit tightly within the
novel prediction. He argues that combining following /r/ and /l/ as sharing a common
sonority feature is not quite accurate. Indeed, he split the liquid category by treating /l/
and /r/ separately due to syllabification processes. This means that while *tl- and *dl-
onsets are prohibited in English, tr- and dr- are acceptable syllable onsets as both apical
stops can resyllabify onto the following segment. This prediction is confirmed by his
data revealing that /l/, which favours deletion at .80, patterns with obstruents in
classical (t,d) deletion studies ought to be revised as, along with regular verbs, they
based on the use or certain forms or class forms which diverge amongst speakers from
In Tejano English, however, Bayley (1994) reports a categorical realisation of /-d/ in the context of a
preceding /r/. In Chicano English /-d/, in the same phonological environment, is deleted even though at
a very low rate. The influence of Spanish, in both Tejano and Chicano English, concerns the effect of
preceding /r/. Indeed, the distinctive features of /r/ Spanish are [+consonantal, -vocalic], while in
General American English /r/ is [+consonantal, -vocalic, + central].
Figure 3.7.1. Competing morphological grammars. Adapted from Fruehwald (2012).
showing 93% of /t/ presence in semiweak verbs in the Buckeye Corpus, with only 7%
was also explored in Jamaican Creole (Patrick, 1991) whereby the highest deletion rate
occurred in regular past verbs. This tense marking surfaced only 50% of the time, hence
Patrick (1991) concluded that, in JC, the past tense is variably marked.
segment effect because, as Guy (1991) claims, they do not spring from derivational
history but are due to phonetic and phonological properties, as well as phonotactic
principles. Therefore, to theoretically explain why the most deletion occurs before a
following consonant rather than before a following vowel, and to explain why the effect
of pause varies depending on the dialect, Kiparsky (1994) employed Optimality Theory
(OT)28. The main principle of OT is that the constraint inventory is universal, or innate,
and it is part of a universal grammar (UG). A pivotal notion of this theory is the
Unlike the Variable Rule (VR) which is non-categorical and non-deterministic, OT is non-
categorical and deterministic.
leading to variable results. In this output-based model the input is retrieved in the
output. Through graphical evaluation, OT illustrates the surface form and other
potential contenders which may be logically obtained, as illustrated in the table below.
Candidate 1
Candidate 2
To answer the above questions, in relation to (t,d), Kiparsky (1994) adopted three
constraints: (1) SYLL-WF29, divided into (a) *COMPLEX (no tautosyllabic clusters); (b)
*CODA (no codas); (2) ALIGN, divided into (a) ALIGN-LEFT-WORD (no
consonants are not deleted); and (3) PARSE30. As part of the theory, the constraints are
assigned a hierarchical order, and in case of contrast between them, the higher-order
constraint wins. The constraint ranking reported by Kiparsky (1994) shows that there
is no deletion if PARSE >> SYLL-WF, while if SYLL-WF is ranked higher than PARSE,
2. ALIGN >> SYLL-WF >> PARSE, yields /t,d/ absence before consonants and vowels;
3. SYLL-WF >> PARSE >> ALIGN, yields/t,d/ deletion before consonants and pause.
To account for the preceding segment, Guy & Boberg (1997) took a generalised version
of the Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP). The OCP effect predicts that a preceding
SYLL-WF stands for Syllable-well-formedness (Kiparsky 1994).
In OT, the constraint PARSE refers to “underparsing” the input, and in other cases corresponds to a
“deletion repair strategy” (Prince & Smolensky, 2004: 48).
segment triggers deletion if it shares the same features with /t,d/ [+cor, -son, -cont],
creating OCP clashes. Guy & Boberg’s (1997) findings, with a total number of 1,071
tokens, exhibit more deletion after preceding sibilants [+cor, -cont], stops [-son, -cont]
and /n/ [+cor, -cont] which share two features with the target segments, than after
preceding fricatives /f, v/ [-son], /l/ [+cor], /m, ŋ/ [-cont] which share only one feature.
In regard to the preceding segment, Santa Ana (1996) argues that its effect on
according to which less sonorous preceding segments (stops and fricatives) tend to
favour deletion, whereas more sonorous segments disfavour it. However, as Patrick
(1991) noted, there seems to be no explanation as to why the place of nasals in the
hierarchy is usually higher than that of fricatives in previous (t,d) studies (e.g. Labov
1989). Patrick’s (1999) findings, instead, reveal that, in JC, the sonority hierarchy is
re-ordered, yielding the ranking: sibilants > stops > fricatives > nasals > laterals.
conditioning of sounds (Bybee, 2002). It is argued that even if a gradual change will be
relates to the influence a sound change has on the lexicon. A rapid sound change will
affect all words in a language in the same way; while, a gradual lexical change would
affect words at different rates or different times31. Schuchardt (1885) claims that a
The Neo-Grammarian prediction that a sound change is lexically regular is supported by the fact that
when a dialect undergoes a sound change, this change is constantly spread across all items that have the
suitable phonetic context (Bybee, 2002). Labov (1994: 542) suggested two types of sound change: (1) a
gradual regular sound change is influenced by phonetic reasons, it is not lexically conditioned and has
no social awareness; (2) lexical diffusion change occurs with a rapid replacement of one phoneme for
another in words where that phoneme is present. He also claims that this can occur often “in the late
stages of internal change that has been differentiated by lexical and grammatical conditioning”. (t,d)
deletion is treated as a “lexical diffusion” change (Labov, 1994) probably due to the rapid phonological
reduction of a phoneme.
ones. Bybee (2002) tested this theory on (t,d) deletion on data from AmE, arguing that
permits a change to be both phonetically and lexically gradual. Her assumption that
(t,d) is a change in progress contrasts with sociolinguist findings. The data employed
for this analysis include n’t morphemes, regular past tense verbs, and unstressed -nt
tokens. Her findings reveal that deletion occurred at a higher rate in words with high
frequency (54.4%) than in a number of words with low frequency (34.3%). Similar
monosyllabic tokens, where word frequency was found to be one of the strongest
A positive correlation between (t,d) deletion and lexical frequency was also
found by Guy et al. (2008), who captured the frequency effect by using frequency
counts taken over the corpus which they analysed. Their results show interaction
between the frequency constraint and morphological class: the cluster reduction rose in
effect on regular past tense verbs. Higher deletion rate was found in cliticized negative
-n’t, while the lexical item and was found to interact with the following word, when
the latter was a hesitation. Indeed, in phrases like ‘and uh’, /d/ is more likely to be
corpora, including frequency measures taken over the analysed dataset. His conclusion
This corpus is made of telephone conversations between monolingual American English speakers.
Renwick et al. (2014) explored lexical frequency, along with morphological class,
adopting the Audio British National Corpus. Data consists of word pairs (e.g. past
eleven) with the target feature for a total of 5191 tokens (2037 test tokens). To capture
phonetic reduction, they also measured intensity (dB) each 5ms. Results reveal that the
intensity of frequent words is shorter and higher compared to that of less frequent words
whose intensity is longer and lower. Renwick et al. argue that less frequent words are
that is a separate frequency value is assigned to each unique affix whatever semantic,
flower, flowers, meat and meet obtain a different value, while right (direction) and right
(verb) obtain the same value. As Root frequency, instead, “the frequency of each item
is calculated as the sum of Wholeword frequencies sharing its stem”. This type of
lexical frequency measure best captured the (t,d) data from the Philadelphia
Neighborhood Corpus (PNC) (Labov & Rosenfelder, 2011). They also measured
given the Root.” Purse & Tamminga’s (2019) results, hence, reveal that previous
This section has explored (t,d) on theoretical grounds through Lexical Phonology
1994), Obligatory Contour Principle (Guy & Boberg, 1997), sonority hierarchy (Santa
Ana, 1996), with a different take on the sonority hierarchy proposed by Patrick (1999),
and word frequency (Bybee 2002; Guy et al. 2008; Walker, 2012; Purse & Tamminga
While this variable has been extensively investigated both empirically and theoretically
in many North American dialects, it has received comparably little attention in the UK.
Indeed, it was explored only in York (Tagliamonte & Temple, 2005), Manchester
(Baranowski & Turton, 2020), in standard British English (Pavlík, 2017), in Mersea
Island (Amos et. al, fc), and in Tyneside English (Woolford, 2018). Pavlík (2017) and
Amos et al. (fc), however, distance from the usual treatment of (t,d) as one variable.
3.8.1 York
The first attempt to replicate North American (t,d) studies on a British English variety
was carried out by Tagliamonte & Temple (2005). To account for this sociolinguistic
variable the data was taken from the York English Corpus (Tagliamonte, 1998) which
includes native British English speakers living in York or nearby the city. The sample,
for this analysis, includes 38 speakers equally distributed in terms of sex, while age is
interdental fricatives (e.g. called them) were excluded from analysis. 1232 tokens - 125
of which were realised with glottal stop or glottalization33 – were analysed. The coding
These reflexes of /t,d/ were treated as nonapplication of the reduction rule.
semiweaks (e.g. kept) and past tense verbs (e.g. missed), while suppletive (e.g found),
Similar to previous US findings, results confirm the greatest conditioning effect of the
following phonological segment, with obstruents (.83), glides (.70), /r/ (.60) favouring
deletion, whereas vowels (.30) and pause (.20) disfavour it. However, the neutral
position of /l/ (.50) in York is not consistent with the re-syllabification process
constraint, surfaced as the second most significant predictor in York yielding the
sibilant > nasal > liquid > stop > non-sibilant fricative,
where sibilant is the only favouring factor. The most surprising finding from the York
morphological class is one of the strongest paradigmatic constraints of (t,d) in all North
American (t,d) studies. By contrast, in York, the morphological effect failed to reach
statistical significance. Even after they reanalysed the data leaving out preterite went,
replacive verbs and strong preterites, the outcome did not change as the morphological
class was still not selected as a significant predictor. The interaction between
operates similarly for each morphological class; the preceding segment was not marked
as significant for the semiweak class due to the low number of tokens in this category.
Preceding /s/ was found to be high across monomorphemes, semiweaks and regular
past tense verbs, while preceding stops were higher for the semiweak class. The
argument which supports the lack of morphological effect in British English is due to
the high presence of preceding sibilants, such as /s/, in monomorphemes; hence coronal
Preterite went and replacive verbs were found to exhibit categorical /t,d/ retention.
stop deletion might not be due to the morphological class itself, but it is influenced by
the preceding phonetic environment (Temple, 2009). A similar finding was also
reported by Sonderegger et al. (2011), who claim that there is no morphological effect
in British English, as when the preceding phonological context is taken out from the
model, the morphological effect disappears. Sonderegger et al. (2011) investigated (t,d)
the light of this result, Tagliamonte & Temple (2005: 282) claim that “our findings call
into question the universality of the morpho-phonological effect and have led us to
phonetic/phonological.” They concluded that (t,d) behaves variably, and that the
theoretical explanations advanced for this feature (OCP, Lexical Phonology and
resyllabification) do not hold for the York data. As regards social factors, age was not
3.8.2 Manchester
While the data from York report no evidence for the largely reported morphological
effect found in American English dialects, data from Manchester exhibit the usual
“robust morphological effect” (Baranowski & Turton, 2020). Hence, (t,d) in the British
speakers, aged 8-85, who were raised in Manchester. The sample includes 64 White
middle, and upper-middle. The external factors also include ethnicity, style (casual,
careful, language, minimal pairs, word list) and word frequency from the SUBTLEX-
UK corpus (van Heuven et al. 2014). The dependent variable is coded as binary (i.e.
[t,d] absent or present), with glottal stop replacements coded as [t,d] presence. Besides
the usual neutral environments, they also excluded following /j/ (e.g. last year)35,
negative contractions and following /h/. The latter was excluded since the analysis was
based on orthographic transcriptions only, and the Manchester dialect exhibits a mean
of 30% of /h/ dropping (Baranowski & Turton, 2015). A total of 19,550 tokens - 18,274
of which come from spontaneous speech – was analysed through mixed-effects models
in R, with speaker and word as random effect36. The morphological effect turned out
regular past tense verbs disfavour it. Result from the preceding phonetic environment
yield the following ranking: sibilants > affricate > nasal > stop > fricative > lateral.
Post-sonorants /n/ and /l/ (e.g. aunt, halt) were subsequently excluded from this
environment as they were found to be obligatorily realised with glottal variants. They
argue that glottaling blocks deletion, especially among monomorphemes where the
highest rate of post-sonorant tokens occurred. The hierarchy for the following phonetic
context exhibits more deletion in consonants, whereas pause and vowel disfavour the
cluster reduction. Word frequency was marked as a significant predictor, with a higher
deletion rate occurs in more frequent tokens, as shown below, while social factors do
The palatal glide was initially included in this study, yet removed later on due to onerous reliability in
distinguishing between deletion and palatalization.
Their final converging model was an “intercept only model for speaker” due to the little inter-speaker
variation in their dataset. Standard deviation for word was higher than for speaker.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Similar findings have been reported in other northern British varieties. Woolford
(2018), has examined 24 speakers taken from the Newcastle Electronic Corpus of
Tyneside English reporting the expected morphological effect for (t,d), and a nearly
monomorphemes is slightly higher). Social factors (age, sex, and social class) were all
& Turton (2016), that is: (t,d) is advancing through the life cycle of phonological
by applying at lower levels of the grammar, such as at the word level (e.g. effecting
missed and mist) and over time it spreads to the stem level (e.g. mist only). Thus, British
English is behind US English dialects in the stem level (Baranowski & Turton, 2016;
Woolford, 2018).
3.8.4 Mersea Island
Amos et al. (forthcoming), on the contrary, take a different approach in exploring (t,d):
they suggest to treat the two coronal stops separately. Johnson & Amos (2016) argue
for a separate analysis of /t/ and /d/ as they appear not to share the same distribution in
word-final consonant clusters as well as in the various morpheme forms. This suggests
that in British English /t/ is more likely to glottalise rather than delete following /n/ and
/l/; therefore, they argue that /t/ glottalization and /t/ deletion are in complementary
distribution. They also argue that in monomorphemes /t/ may only occur after /p, f, s,
The sample for the Mersea Island38 (Amos et al., forthcoming) study consists
of 8 speakers, two males and two females aged 19-24, and two males and two females
aged 60-75. The internal factors taken into account are the preceding and following
phonetic segment, morpheme type and inflectional status (free and bound morphemes),
regular past tense verbs, semiweaks, irregular strong verbs, regular adjectival forms,
and irregular adjectival forms. Results from a total of 897 tokens39 show that deletion
rates were higher for (d) (24.1%) than for (t) (17.6%). Neither age nor gender were
variable, that is: the following phonetic environment and intonation boundary surfaced
as significant factors in the (t) analysis, whereas the following and preceding phonetic
segments emerged for (d) deletion. The following environment for (t) yields the
following ranking:
obstruent > nasal > glide > liquid > pause > vowel
However, this statement does not hold for words like ant.
Mersea Island is located in North Essex near Colchester.
491 tokens for (t) and 406 tokens for (d).
with pause and vowels disfavouring deletion. The intonation boundary, which surfaced
for (t), exhibits a near categorical deletion rate for medial (91%) as opposed to final
(9%) position of the target word.40 As regards (d), the following context yields the
with pause and vowels disfavouring the cluster reduction, while the preceding context
shows that nasals and sibilants favour coronal stop simplification, but stops and liquids
disfavour it. Morphological class and external factors show little significant influence.
The approach of treating separately the two apical stops has been also adopted by
Pavlík (2017) investigated (t) and (d) through BBC radio bulletins, in word-final
grandfather, exactly, etc.). The coding of morpheme-final (e.g. landlord) along with
word-final /t/ and /d/ is not a common practise in the study of this variable, hence it
The classification of /t,d/ retention includes both released [t,d] and glottal(ised)
tokens, while the commonly excluded neutral environments, such as /t/, /d/, /tʃ/, /dʒ,
/θ/, and /ð/ were also taken into account. This news-reading study does not lead to an
informal speech style, indeed, Pavlík (2017) emphasises that in such a formal context
/t,d/ was not categorically simplified in Ct#t or Cd#d sequences, or in the highly
Amos et al. (forthcoming) provide the following examples for medial and final position: 1) That was
the last film I saw (medial); 2) He saw my keys last (final).
frequent lexical item and. His findings confirm the strong effect of the following
the preceding environment varies (e.g. it influences the /d/ presence, yet this does not
have an effect on /t/). The interaction between preceding and following contexts shows
that the reduction of /t/ and /d/ occurs more frequently when the neighbouring segments
clash with the coronal place of articulation of /t,d/ and with the occlusion stricture.
3.10 Summary
This chapter has reviewed (t,d) deletion in both North American and British English
studies. The pan-English effect shows a notable internal agreement among US English
dialects, while in England contrasting findings have been found with respect to the
morphological effect in those studies where (t,d) was treated as one variable.
Creole variety
sib, stop, other fric, n't, R, M, S,
Patrick (1999) nas, lat C, R, G, P, V ID
UK studies
Tagliamonte & Temple sib, nas, liq, stop, obstr, G, /r/, /l/, non-
(2005) non-sib fric V, P significant
Baranowski & Turton sib, affric, nas, stop,
(2020) fric, lat C, P, V M, S, R
Woolford (2018) M, S, R
In the light of the above findings, this study addresses the following descriptive and
Descriptive aims:
- The hypothesis is that if major constraints are generally parallel across dialects
of English, location should not be an essential factor in East Anglia (or Britain);
2) Since the following phonological environment strongly affects the deletion of /t,d/
across the English varieties, we may want to explore this linguistic context more
Therefore, is the classical coding (e.g. obstruents > glides > /r/ > /l/ > vowels >
3) This study also set out to shed light on the unsolved problem of morphological
predictable constraint;
Theoretical aims:
A similar question could be addressed for following vowels, yet they are consistently marked as a
disfavouring factor due to resyllabification processes. Obstruents, on the contrary, surface as the most
favouring predictor.
- The hypothesis is that less sonorous preceding segments tend to favour
the British context, it would not be surprising to find a similar result in East
- The hypothesis is that the more features of phonetic context are shared with
/t, d/, the more likely deletion is to occur (Guy & Boberg 1997).
Chapter 4 - (t,d) DELETION: RESULTS AND
Before attempting to answer the questions previously raised, this Chapter briefly recaps
the analytical procedures employed in the present survey and identifies some issues in
the formerly discussed (t,d) literature (e.g. the treatment of the following phonological
environment). I will then present and discuss the overall results (all three localities
localities are firstly combined, as they are part of what Trudgill (2001a: 10) defines as
“linguistic East Anglia”; secondly, the three urban areas will be treated separately so
environments) for the (t,d) variable have been mostly analysed according to the manner
of articulation (e.g. Labov et al.1968; Wolfram 1969; Guy 1991; Patrick 1991;
Tagliamonte & Temple 2005; Baranowski & Turton 2020). Data of the present research
was initially coded according to both manner and place of articulation 1, however the
latter showed a lower proportion of the variance in the response and exhibited a small
effect size, which was measured with the standardized R2 (Winter, 2020)2. Parallel
findings were reported by Neu (1980) whose study shows that the place of articulation
Manner and place of articulation were not included in the same run since they are collinear, and thus
highly correlated.
See section 2.6 for model comparison.
is a non-significant constraint. The final model (see table 4.1), therefore, includes only
In early studies on (t,d), only two categories were distinguished for the following
phonological segment: following vowel vs. non-following vowel (Labov et al, 1968)
following vowel included liquids, pauses and glides. Pause was then excluded from the
consonant factor group and started to be coded as a separate constraint with Fasold
(1972)3. Subsequently, linguists broke down the consonant category into: obstruents
(stops, fricatives and nasals), glides, /r/, /l/, vowels and pause (Tagliamonte & Temple
20054). This study continues to break down the consonant category further and treats
a. stops
b. sibilant fricatives
d. nasals (sonorants).
The reason for examining more closely this factor group is twofold:
(1) the following phonological environment has proven to be the most weighty
constraint, hence it is worth speculating on the effect that each and every factor may
have on the deletion rate. Since the manner of articulation exhibits a higher proportion
of variation for this variable, the degrees of closure of a following phone could be taken
into account5. From an articulatory viewpoint, the degree of stricture differs for
However, since the effect of a following consonant (38.6%) and that of a following pause (39.1%) was
nearly identical, the following phonetic segment was consequently coded as: following consonants vs.
following vowels.
In Tagliamonte & Temple (2005: 288) the obstruent category for the following phonetic segment
includes nasals.
To describe the manner of articulation, phoneticians sometimes divide the sounds based on the degree
of closure, distinguishing between: closure, close approximation and open approximation (e.g. vocoids,
in which the airflow is smooth). Further distinctions encompass whether the air flows through the nose
(nasal) or otherwise (oral).
plosives, fricatives and nasals. Plosives and nasals could be grouped together since they
both exhibit a complete closure. However, while plosives have a complete closure in
the vocal tract followed by an explosive release of the airflow (e.g. [p,b,k,g]) 6, for
nasals the degree of closure decreases and the airflow escapes through the nose.
Fricatives, instead, are realised through a close approximation of two articulators and
(2) If sounds are classified based on their noise components, only plosives and
fricatives can be included in the obstruent category7, where “the constriction impeding
the airflow through the vocal tract is sufficient to cause noise” (Cruttenden, 2014: 31).
Nasals, instead, show no noise component and are more vowel-like (Cruttendan, 2014).
However, they have also been treated as obstruents as the flow of air through the mouth
is blocked.
recommended to combine factor groups which are correlated with the response or if
they represent the same manner of articulation to reduce the deviance (Tagliamonte,
2006). However, I believe that collapsing predictors without testing how individual
factors behave could obscure some relevant influences on the variation of the target
separately in the following phonetic context is also conceptually validated as /s/ and
preceding /t,d/ (Bayley 1994; Patrick, 1999; Tagliamonte & Temple 2005). Therefore,
Following [t] and [d] are excluded from the analysis, therefore not mentioned here.
Affricates are also classified as obstruents, but they are excluded from the following segment here,
for the purposes of this study.
they might have a statistically distinct influence on (t,d) deletion even in the following
In the (t,d) literature, following vowels (e.g. dent in) are usually grouped
the apical stops /t/ and /d/ onto the following segment, I determined to break down the
deletion is consistently disfavoured in all three cases. Initial Rbrul runs, indeed, showed
that the realisation of [t,d] is inhibited when followed by any vowel type. To obtain the
neatest and most accurate model, these three factor groups were then collapsed.
Occurrences followed by /t/, /d/, interdental fricative /θ/, /ð/, post-alveolar fricatives
/tʃ/, /dʒ/, the lexical item and, tokens where /t,d/ is preceded by the approximant /r/
(i.e. historically rhotic), as well as word-final /t/ tokens realised with a glottal stop were
excluded from the analysis8. Final clusters following /l/ (e.g. halt) were only coded
when /l/ was consonantal; whereas, cases in which /l/ was vocalised were also excluded
from the analysis as the apical stops /t/ and /d/ would no longer be in a final consonant
cluster. Glottal variants are excluded from the main (t,d) regression analysis as (t)
glottaling carries social meaning in East Anglia and in other UK speech communities,
thus I argue that (t) glottaling is a different variable even though clusters containing
glottal variants (e.g. silent) have been included in previous (t,d) studies (see
Tagliamonete & Temple 2005; Baranowski & Temple 2020). The decision of
excluding glottal variants from the (t,d) analysis also aligns with Amos et. al’s (2020)
In most cases, the dependent variable is categorically coded as [t,d] presence vs. deletion of /t,d/.
Unlike other English varieties, in British dialects /t/ can be frequently glottal(ised), hence UK (t,d)
studies have treated the glottal variant as a case of [t,d] presence.
However, as a point of comparison with Manchester (Baranowski & Turton 2020) and
York (Tagliamonte & Temple 2005), I will firstly present a model with spontaneous
speech only, where glottal variants are coded together with [t,d] presence (see section
Across the 36 interviews conducted in the three cities, a total of 4,879 tokens was coded
into an Excel spreadsheet. To have sufficient data for statistical analysis, at least 30
tokens per cell are recommended (Guy, 1980)9. The large number of tokens in the East
Anglian dataset, however, is well above this statistical threshold averaging 135 tokens
per speaker, and it is evenly distributed between age, class sex, and location, as shown
in Appendix I.
variationist analysis is Rbrul. The initial model was run with all factors to identify the
most important predictors as well as any potential interaction. In the second step of the
analysis, I run step-up and step-down separately to test for their respective relevance
The type of response in the model is binary, with deletion as application value and
individual speaker and word included as random effect. Along the line of Baranowski
& Turton (2020), the most complex model tested included by-speaker as random slope
for following phonetic segment and morphological class10. Since these constraints were
found to vary across varieties, they might also vary across speakers. Crosstabulations
See also Milroy (1987).
Besides random intercepts, mixed-effects models can also include random slopes. This means that the
model allows speakers “not only to differ in the rate at which they use a variant, but also to differ in the
size of the effect between-word constraints, such as phonological context” (Gorman & Johnson, 2013:
between the response and each linguistic and social factor were carried out to observe
for potential knock-outs before building the final model, illustrated in section 4.4.
Constraints Factors
Preceding environment nasals (e.g. remind)
sibilants (e.g. cost)
fricatives (e.g. raft)
laterals (e. g old)
stops (e.g. strict)
Following environment nasal (e.g. soft moan)
sibilant (e.g. best source)
stops (e.g. second could)
laterals (e.g. don’t like)
glides (e.g. second world)
rhotics (e.g. planned reunion)
vowels (e.g. went on)
pause (e.g. […] was lost.)
Morphological class monomorphemes (e.g. mist)
semi-weak verbs (e.g. left)
regular verbs (e.g. called)
Voicing agreement homovoiced (e.g. bold)
heterovoiced (e.g. bolt)
Syllable stress unstressed (e.g. happened)
stressed (e.g. left)
Style Spontaneous speech
Word frequency low frequency (1-3); high frequency (4-7)
Social class working class, middle class
Age young (18-28), middle (35-50), older (60+)
Sex female, male
Table 4.2.1 Constraints of the (t,d) variable in the East Anglian dataset, with glottals
The difference between the model illustrated in section 4.4 and the model above is that
the latter includes glottal variants, it excludes n’t tokens and it is based on spontaneous
speech only, whereas the model in section 4.4 examines (t,d) deletion across all styles
(spontaneous speech, reading passages and word lists), it includes the morpheme {n’t}
in the morphological class, and excludes glottal variants from the dataset.
4.3 Overall Results – model with glottal variants included in the (t,d)
This section briefly presents the results from the mixed-effects regression analysis with
glottal variants included in the (t,d) model, along the line of Tagliamonte & Temple
(2005) for York, and of Baranowski & Turton (2020) for Manchester. The number of
glottal variants in the East Anglian dataset equals 384. In York, glottals represented
10% of the data (N = 125), whereas in Manchester 82% of /nt/ and /lt/ clusters were
glottalled11. In line with previous UK (t,d) studies, this section excludes n’t tokens from
the dataset.
The statistical information contained in the table to follow includes: R2, which
is a measure of the ‘goodness of fit’ (Winter, 2020); log-odds, which reflect the strength
of the relationship between a predictor and the response – if log-odds are above 0, there
is a positive correlation between the variables, whereas if they are negative there is a
negative correlation between them; factor weights are relative probabilities within the
range of 0 – 1.00 and are related to log-odds; AIC “is a goodness-of-fit measure for
/t/ in post-sonorant position (e.g. halt, aunt) where excluded in Manchester as they categorically
realised with glottal variants.
Moreover, in the logistic regression with a binary response, p-values come from a
Following env.
nasals 1.221 0.772 63 145
sibilant fricatives 1.215 0.771 67 124
stops 0.933 0.718 61 222
/l/ 0.65 0.657 55 40
glides -0.043 0.489 40 272
fricatives -0.167 0.458 34 228
vowels -0.9 0.289 22 979
pause -1.091 0.251 22 715
/r/ -1.818 0.14 16 25
class p<.001
semiweak verbs 0.452 0.611 44 329
monomorphemes 0.221 0.555 38 1762
regular verbs -0.673 0.338 13 659
Table 4.3.1 Multivariate analysis of (t,d) in East Anglia, including glottal variants.
Results from the multivariate analysis revealed that, in East Anglia, when only
reached statistical significance. Table 4.3.1, which displays results obtained from the
best step-up/step-down model, shows that heterovoiced tokens favour more deletion
than homovoiced ones – a finding which goes against previous (t,d) studies (see section
4.4.2). In the preceding environment, the only favouring predictors are nasals and
sibilant fricatives, with nasals being at the top the ranking; whereas, preceding /l/, stops
and non-sibilant fricatives disfavour deletion. While the behaviour of most predictors
is in line with Manchester and York, the high position of nasals in East Anglia contrasts
with the two northerner cities. Results from the following environment reveal that
sibilant fricatives and non-sibilant fricatives behave very differently (see section 4.4.1).
Nasals, sibilant fricatives, and /l/ favour the absence of /t,d/, whilst glides, non-sibilant
fricatives, vowels, pause and /r/ are marked as disfavouring predictors. The different
behaviour of /r/ and /l/, in East Anglia, is consistent with previous US (t,d) studies (see
section 4.4.1) whereas, in York, /l/ is in a neutral position. Vowels and pause also
disfavour /t,d/ in both Manchester and York, yet following glides favour the
verbs appear at the top of the ranking favouring deletion at 0.611, monomorphemes
favour at 0.555, while regular verbs, as expected, disfavour it. In a further run (not
shown here) glottal variants were excluded from the above model (with spontaneous
speech only). Results revealed that the difference between the two models is not
statistically significant (see section 2 for model comparison). In other words, the model
with glottal variants is not significantly different from the model without glottal
variants. AIC for the model with no glottals equals 2431.785, which is lower that the
AIC displayed in table 4.3.1. This means that “the smaller the AIC, the better the fit”
(Levshina, 2015: 149). Moreover, since I contend that (t) glottaling is a different
sociolinguistic variable in British English, in the next section, glottal variants will be
excluded from the (t,d) dataset, all styles (spontaneous speech, reading passages, word
lists) will be examined and negative contractions n’t will be taken into account for a
4.4 Overall Results – model with no glottal variants included in the (t,d)
Figure 4.4.1 displays the overall findings for (t,d) deletion across the East Anglian
sample where the stability of this variable surfaces. The simplification of word-final
/t,d/ appears to be equally distributed across the three age cohorts, sex and social class.
Middle class females exhibit a relatively lower deletion rate in the middle-aged (22%)
and in the old (19%) groups. On the other hand, young middle class females, along
with young middle class males, show a slightly higher (t,d) absence rate compared to
working class males and females. Further negligible differences between social factors
will be commented on later in the Chapter. Let us now turn the attention to the mixed-
25 WC females
% deletion
20 WC males
15 MC females
10 MC males
young middle old
Constraints Factors
Preceding environment nasals (e.g. remind)
sibilants (e.g. cost)
fricatives (e.g. raft)
laterals (e. g old)
stops (e.g. strict)
Following environment nasal (e.g. soft moan)
sibilant (e.g. best source)
stops (e.g. second could)
laterals (e.g. don’t like)
glides (e.g. second world)
rhotics (e.g. planned reunion)
vowels (e.g. went on)
pause (e.g. […] was lost.)
Morphological class monomorphemes (e.g. mist)
semi-weak verbs (e.g. left)
regular verbs (e.g. called)
negative contractions (e.g. can’t)
Voicing agreement homovoiced (e.g. bold)
heterovoiced (e.g. bolt)
Syllable stress unstressed (e.g. happened)
stressed (e.g. left)
Style spontaneous, reading styles, word lists
Word frequency low frequency (1-3); high frequency (4-7)
Social class working class, middle class
Age young (18-28), middle (35-50), older (60+)
Sex female, male
Table 4.4.1 Constraints of the (t,d) variable in the East Anglian dataset, without
Results of the best model achieved in the step-up/step-down analysis are presented in
table 4.4.2. In the step-up analysis, the programme adds predictors one at a time,
beginning with those which have the greatest effect on the dependent variable. This
process is repeated until no more significant predictors can be added. In the step-down
analysis Rbrul fits the full model and removes those independent variables which are
not significant. The findings pattern with previous North American studies, as the
whilst none of the social factors (social class, age and sex) has a significant influence
on the dependent variable. Parallel to previous studies on (t,d), this research confirms
that the explanatory factors for this variable are linguistic rather than social (see section
Application value = deletion; overall proportion = 0.257
R2 = 0.672; log likelihood = -1588.162; N = 4,879
4.4.1 Following environment
The extensive literature on (t,d) deletion has shown that this linguistic variable is
strongly constrained by the following phonetic segment. Early empirical (t,d) findings
with consonants being the most favoured and vowels the least favoured predictor.
Results from the East Anglian analysis confirm that following phonetic segment has a
robust effect on (t,d) with nasals, sibilants, stops and /l/ favouring deletion, whereas
glides, /r/, non-sibilant fricatives, vowels and pause disfavour it. Nasals turned out to
trigger deletion the most at .816, along with sibilants (.809). The latter differs greatly
from non-sibilant fricatives which, by contrast, disfavour deletion at .418. This result
suggests that previous research that merged these two factors (sibilants and non-sibilant
fricatives) in the obstruent category, may have obscured this difference12. A likelihood
ratio test revealed that treating sibilants and non-sibilant fricatives separately is
statistically significant (x2 (1) = 52.24, p < .001). It is worth noting that non-sibilant
fricatives outnumber sibilants in this dataset, with 343 tokens and 192 respectively. The
low position of non-sibilants in the hierarchy, at this point, requires some more detailed
comment. Firstly, it should be noted that spirants included in the East Anglian dataset
are following [f], [v] and [h], but let us briefly go back to the classification of
obstruents. These sounds are articulated with the obstruction to the airstream in the
mouth and, consequently, the glottal [h] is not included in this category (Roca &
Johnson, 1999). Thus, it could be assumed that: (a) previous studies grouped following
Similarly, since laterals and rhotics have different status, Guy (1991) argued for subdivision of
the liquid category and found that the effect of /l/ is dissimilar to that of /r/.
/h/ with obstruents; or (b) following /h/ has been excluded from the analysis, as in
Manchester (Baranowski & Turton, 2020). Moreover, following /h/ has been recently
referred to as a problematic case to establish whether the deletion rule applies post-
consonantal, but may be phonetically a vowel especially in accents which exhibit (h)-
dropping. East Anglia, however, is one of the parts of England where /h/ is retained
In the present analysis, following /h/ was coded on the phonetic surface. Thus, when
underlyingly /h/ was phonetically consonantal it was coded as a spirant 13, when it was
non-sibilant fricatives and following phonetic segment revealed that before following
labio-dental [f]14 /t,d/ was retained at a rate of 45%. Before following /v/ the variable
The term spirant, here, refers to non-sibilant fricatives only.
80 out of the 147pre-[f] tokens were deleted.
sporadically occurred and the deletion rule did not apply. Hence, among non-sibilant
fricatives, following /h/ plays a notable role in disfavouring deletion, as 84% retention
occurred before following [h] (e.g. stand here)15, and even more retention (95%) was
found when the following /h/ was dropped (see section 4.4 for the behaviour of non-
sibilant fricatives and following /h/ in the three locations separately analysed). This
result might be due to the open glottal constriction of /h/, compared to the close oral
% deletion
Following [h]
% deletion
dropped /h/
Only 28 of the 179 tokens of pre-consonantal [h] were deleted.
If this finding is consistent across the three East Anglian locations, it will reveal new
The third favouring predictor, in order or ranking, is represented by stops (.69). Even
though these factors (nasals, stops and sibilants) are treated separately in this analysis,
these findings seem to match the literature as the obstruent category has constantly
highly influenced deletion and so do nasals. So far, what stands out in this category is
The approximants /l/ and /r/, in line with previous research, behave differently in the
East Anglian dataset. The lateral shows a value of deletion equal to .535, whilst the
(1991), can be explained by the resyllabification process according to which final stops
may resyllabify onto the following segment as in went round, where final /t/ is more
likely to retain since English allows for the following syllable onsets /tr-/ and /dr-/. On
the contrary, */tl-/ and */dl-/ are prohibited in all English varieties16. However, results
from the York data (Tagliamonte & Temple, 2005) is not consistent with the
resyllabification explanation as all consonants were found to favour deletion except for
/l/ (.50), being in a neutral position. This finding might be linked to the
Glides, which divide /l/ and /r/ in the hierarchy, along with vowels and pause are
referred to as an arbitrary factor (Patrick, 1991). In New York City (Guy, 1980),
Due to the similarity of /l/ with other consonants, in making unacceptable syllable onsets following /t/
or /d/, laterals and the other consonants have been grouped in a single factor in some studies on (t,d) (e.g.
Jamaican Creole), whilst rhotics were treated separately (Patrick, 1999). In Manchester, both laterals and
rhotics have been merged in the consonant category (Baranowski & Turton, 2020).
Jamaican Creole (Patrick, 1991), Tejano English (Bayley, 1994) and Manchester
(Baranowski & Turton, 2020) following pause boosted /t,d/ deletion more than
following vowels17. In other southern and southwestern US dialects (Santa Ana, 1996),
in Philadelphia (Guy 1980; Tamminga 2016), York (Tagliamonte & Temple, 2005) and
In terms of sonority, Guy (1991) claims that the less sonorous a following segment is,
the higher the reduction of the coronal stop. However, in East Anglia, the sonority
effect does not surface for the following environment despite glides and vowels
The second most powerful constraint in the regression analysis is agreement in voicing
a rule by which the second member of a consonant cluster can be deleted provided that
the second member is a plosive and that both members agree in voicing. Indeed, typical
findings show more deletion in homovoiced tokens than in heterovoiced ones (Labov
1989; Bayley 1994). However, in the East Anglian dataset the reverse occurs:
heterovoiced tokens (e.g. bolt) promote deletion, yet homovoiced tokens (e.g. bold)
disfavour it. Heterovoiced tokens make up only 18% of the data but are deleted at a
much higher rate (64%), as opposed to 17% deletion for homovoiced tokens. This
scenario does not change even when glottal variants are included in the dataset, indeed
heterovoiced tokens remain the most favouring predictor (see section 4.3). The
Even though following pause boosted deletion more than vowels, they were both statistically
disfavouring predictors in Manchester.
To begin further investigation let us zoom into this factor group. Recall that Johnson
& Amos (2016) suggested to split the (t,d) variable in British English, since /t/ and /d/
do not share the same distribution in word-final clusters. Along this line, the East
Anglian dataset was split and /t/ and /d/ were treated separately for a careful
consideration of this unconventional finding. However, splitting the dataset is not going
to help as the only data for /d/ are two irregular devoicing tokens.
Turning to the analysis of /t/ only, heterovoiced was marked as disfavouring predictor
even though the deletion rate is much higher18. Possible linguistic explanations could
be due to (a) interaction with preceding phonetic segment or (b) interaction with
morphological class if nearly all heterovoiced tokens are monomorphemes. The /t/
dataset was reanalysed again excluding the preceding context19. Results finally show
that heterovoiced tokens strongly favour deletion. Hence, this unconventional finding
that 70% of heterovoiced tokens are preceded by nasals, whilst 29.5% are preceded by
% heterovoiced tokens
40 nasals
30 /l/
preceding segment
The deletion rate of disfavouring heterovoiced is 64%, whereas it is 19% for favouring homovoiced.
Note that the Variance Inflection factor (VIF) was high in this run. VIF quantifies multicollinearity in
the regression analysis.
Additional analysis was then conducted including the preceding environment and excluding
morphological class, yet this run turned out not to be significant.
Even though the lateral’s rate of deletion is also relevant, the effect of /l/ goes in the
right direction disfavouring the word-final simplification. Thus, the prime issue for
this constraint remains preceding nasals. Further investigation shows that in the /t/-
analysis all preceding nasals (n = 794) are also included in the hetero-tokens category
(n = 887), therefore there is massive overlap and the condition of orthogonality is not
‘orthogonal’ i.e. there must be minimal overlap between them (Clark & Trousdale,
4.4.3 Style-shifting
Results show consistency in the literature with more (t,d) absence in spontaneous
speech than in reading style (Labov, 1967). To account for stylistic variation in the
and word lists. Figure 4.4.6 illustrates a linear effect for the East Anglian pattern.
% deletion
Informal formal word lists
Typically, the literature suggests that individuals are able to differentiate
monomorphemes from regular past tense verbs only in careful speech (Roberts, 1994).
reveals that East Anglian speakers largely delete /t,d/ in negative contractions (e.g.
don’t) in both spontaneous speech and reading styles. Comparably, in both styles, lower
when monomorphemes and n’t tokens are realised in isolation (i.e. word lists). More
deletion occurred among semiweaks in the spontaneous speech, whilst reading styles
and word lists show a lower incidence of (t,d) absence. Noticeably, low rates of /t,d/
absence were found among regular verbs, where 5% of deletion surfaced in word lists.
% deletion
n't M S R
which individuals eschew non-standard forms (e.g. (t,d) deletion) as their level of
awareness increases (e.g. in reading styles and word lists). Similar findings are reported
study, however, shows that speakers produced the least tongue tip raising in word list tasks.
4.4.4 Morphological Class
The fourth significant predictor is the morphological class (Ciancia & Patrick, 2019).
Chapter 3 we came across the conflicting results between York (Tagliamonte &
Temple, 2005), Manchester (Baranowski & Turton, 2020), and Tyneside English
conversely, Manchester and Newcastle exhibit the usual ‘robust morphological effect’
with more deletion in monomorphemes (e.g. mist) than inflected forms (e.g. missed).
Group results. The following graph, matching the North American pattern, shows that
East Anglian speakers are more likely to delete /-t,d/ from negative contractions (e.g.
can’t) and monomorphemes (e.g. mist) than semi-weak (e.g. left) and regular past tense
n’t > monomorphemes > semi-weak verbs > regular past tense verbs.
N = 196
% deletion
N = 2204
N = 687
20 N = 1792
n't contractions monomorphemes semi-weak verbs regular verbs
It is worth-noting that, despite the low number of tokens, negative contractions are the
most favouring predictor, similar to Jamaican Creole where /t,d/ was found to be
deleted at a rate of 87% (Patrick, 1999). Patrick (1999) emphasises that n’t clusters
generally show the highest rates of (TD)-absence of any morphological class. King of
Prussia’s informants were also found to exhibit a greater deletion rate variance across
speakers in negative {n’t} (Labov, 1989). However, few studies took into account n’t
morphemes. These tokens were also included in the Tejano English study (Bayley,
1994), yet they are only mentioned in the preceding phonological segment to evince
that a sonority hierarchy which governs (t,d) is less compelling. Labov (1986) excluded
both [nt] and [nd] tokens as considered “hard to tabulate” owing to the nasal flap
formation rule in which the stop feature is realised by a flap holding characteristics of
nasality. Negative {n’t} tokens have also been removed from both the York
(Tagliamonte & Temple, 2005) and Manchester (Baranowski & Turton, 2020) studies.
Along the line of Patrick (1999), I believe that it is worth considering this
control for the sonority hierarchy of the preceding phonetic segment. When comparing
the East Anglian morphological effect with that of York and Manchester, n’t tokens
were excluded from the analysis, yet the monomorpheme (M) factor group still remains
a favouring predictor at .61; semi-weak verbs (S) favour at .54, whereas regular verbs
Morphological class
Factor logodds Tokens % FW
M 0.464 2204 37 0.614
S 0.173 687 21 0.543
R -0.636 1792 7 0.346
The coding procedure for monomorphemes in previous studies includes strong
preterites (e.g. went) and replacive verbs (e.g. sent) “under the assumption that such
verbs fulfil the structural description of -t,-d deletion from the earliest lexical insertion”
The lexical phonology model which has strengthened the theoretical framework
of the (t,d) variable rule claims that all morphological processes and many
morphological ones are carried out in the lexicon. This theory suggests that different
types of morphological processes operate at two ordered levels within the lexicon:
irregular inflections are found at level one, whilst regular inflectional affixes occur at
level two. “A form must pass through all levels before surfacing” (Guy, 1991: 6). Thus:
a. Monomorphemes
In York, suppletive forms (e.g. found), replacive forms (e.g. sent) and preterite went20
were coded separately (Tagliamonte & Temple, 2005), whilst they were all coded
together with semi-weak verbs in the East Anglian study. However, the East Anglian
dataset exhibits a low number of tokens for the above categories: found (n = 12), sent
(n = 12) and went (n =25). It is unlikely that the exclusion or reclassification of these
In note 12, Tagliamonte & Temple (2005) note that a high number of went tokens were realised with
glottal stop or were glottalized (45%), hence they suggest that it should be treated separately. In the
East Anglian dataset, however, tokens realised with final /t/-glottaling/glottalization were excluded
from analysis.
inflectional forms would have an effect on the statistical significance for this constraint,
given the high number of tokens in the four morphological categories. Indeed, the
strong morphological effect does not disappear when preterite went is excluded from
the analysis.
category is higher in all three studies, whilst semi-weak verbs nearly pattern with
regular verbs in both York and Manchester21. In East Anglia, instead, there is a strong
40 York
% deletion
East Anglia - all styles
Figure 4.4.9 Rates of deletion by morphological class in East Anglia, York and
Manchester.M = monomorphemes, S = Semi-weak verbs, R = Regular past verbs.
Baranowski & Turton (2016) discussed earlier findings from Manchester under the
theory, which is associated with phonological change and models the development of
phonological features over time, suggests that a phonological process initially applies
Note that morphological class, in York, was not marked as a significant predictor.
When only spontaneous speech is taken into account (including glottal variants) rates of deletion for
monomorphemes (44%) and semi-weak verbs (37%) are slightly higher than Manchester, whereas
deletion rates for regular verbs (13%) are lower than the two northern studies.
at lower levels of the grammar, i.e. at the word level,23 as its access to the morphological
structure is blocked. This suggests that, over time, this process may apply to the stem
level, affecting only monomorphemes, since the stem level does not have access to the
regular past tense affixes and, consequently, they do not undergo (t,d) deletion. They
also suggest that the strong morphological effect which is commonly found across US
English varieties may be due to the maximum rates at stem level reached by US
individuals. Thus, the British pattern would suggest that Britain is behind the US in
Comparatively, levels of deletion in East Anglia are lower than Manchester and even
lower than York, except for monomorphemes. Viewed through the lens of the above
theory, it could be assumed that (t,d) deletion is at an early point in East Anglia,
suggesting that it has already been applying at a stem level and that, probably, it will
not go to much higher overall levels if it only applies at its maximum rate late in change.
One of the core claims of life cycle theory is that some phonological processes merge
progress across a speech community, as opposed to e.g. Guy & Boyd’s findings which
manifest an age-grading process across the individual lifespan. However, results from
age was not marked as a significant predictor, indeed all three age groups delete /t,d/ at
even though some speakers treat them as monomorphemes, others as regular past tense
verbs (Guy & Boyd, 1990). Despite being a disfavouring predictor in East Anglia, the
In this case mist and missed would be affected at the same rate.
This links to Bybee’s (2002) assumption of a change in progress as discussed in section 3.3.5. It is
worth noting, though, that social factors do not show significant conditioning of (t,d) in Manchester
(Baranowski & Turton, 2020), but they do in Tyneside English (Woolford, 2018).
deletion rate of semi-weak verbs is closer to that of monomorphemes than regular
verbs. Indeed, when negative {n’t} tokens were excluded from analysis, results showed
the gap between the two predictors, the semi-weak class could be considered an
intermediate category (see table 4.4.3 ). Fruehwald (2012: 85) argues that semi-weak
verbs and regular past tenses should be treated “as being identical in terms of
that there is morphological variation in the semi-weak class. Along this line, he claims
that there are two processes to reach the surface form [kɛp]: (i) morphological absence
of /t/; (ii) phonological deletion of /t/ which was morphologically present. Fruehwald
(ibid), in the Buckeye Corpus, found young speakers to delete near categorically in the
semi-weak category; whilst Patrick (1999) found a distinctly higher rate of (t,d) absence
in regular past verbs in JC. This result from Jamaica Creole is due to an additional
suggests a low rate of morphological absence (i.e. non-marking of past tense). To the
extent it occurs, it may be due to adult speakers who have never realised semi-weak
The exponential model – an explanatory factor for the morphological effect for
some English dialects (see Guy, 1991) – does not hold for the East Anglian data. While
Guy’s (1991) values obtained from monomorphemes and regular past tense verbs are
very close25 and confirm his hypothesis, in East Anglia the estimated value of pr
deletion rate, hence it would be expected that rates of retention are lower in both high
frequency of words26 reveals that rates of retention are lower among frequent
.914 and .918, respectively in adult speakers.
As mentioned in Chapter 2, values 1-3, in the SUBTLEX-UK corpus, represent low frequency words,
whereas values 4 -7 represent high frequency ones.
Inter-speaker variation. If there is a pan-English effect, speaker differences
should show consistent range across categories. In East Anglia, the degree of inter-
speaker variation is clustered for monomorphemes and regular past verbs as in the
% deletion
60 M
18 + 87
Figure 4.4.12 also includes individual speakers’ age, yet there seems to be no pattern
The variability within the semi-weak class motivated Guy & Boyd (1990) to
study the effect of age demonstrating that children are all tightly clustered with high
probabilities of /t,d/ deletion in the semi weak class, but as they get older they treat
Guy & Boyd’s (1990) findings cannot be replicated in the present study as the East
% deletion
60 young
n't M S R
Figure 4.4.12 Interaction between morphological class and age, (p < 0.01).
In the North American English literature, the preceding phonetic segment has usually
“tertiary constraint” (Guy, 1980: 20)27. However, in York (Tagliamonte & Temple,
2005) its effect is far stronger than the morphological one. Similarly, Sonderegger et
al. (2011) claim that once the preceding environment is included in the model,
Group results. The East Anglian pattern resembles North American English dialects in
the statistical significance of this constraint and in its weak effect on the response but
differs in its phonetic conditioning. While the literature reports the typical following
ranking with more deletion after a preceding alveolar fricative and least deletion after
a preceding liquid:
/s/ > stops > nasals > other fricatives > liquids (Labov, 1989)
the East Anglian pattern exhibits more (t,d) absence after preceding nasals and less
Santa Ana (1996), by contrast, reports factor weightings for the preceding environment as analogous
to the morphological class and greater than the following phonological context for Chicano English.
nasal > sibilant fricatives > /l/ > stops > non-sibilant fricatives.
The high position of nasals does not line up with previous studies and does not
change even when glottal variants are included in the dataset, as illustrated in the
graph below.
Labov et al. (1968) suggested that /t,d/ reduction after /s/ is governed by a separate rule
which could explain the high position of sibilants in (1). This correlates with the
theoretical sonority predictions, whereby the conventional expectation would be: less
sonorous preceding segments favour deletion (e.g. stops and fricatives), whilst more
sonorous preceding segments disfavour it (e.g. nasals)28 (Santa Ana, 1991). However,
the sonority hierarchy does not hold for the East Anglian pattern as the findings go in
a direction opposite to the usual claim. Indeed, nasals greatly influence the /t,d/
simplification at .669, followed by sibilants (.616), whilst /l/, stops and non-sibilant
Note that Santa Ana (1991) treated preceding liquids as exceptions and concluded that, in Chicano
English, preconsonantal /l/ is less resonant than General American English /l/. Hence it is attributed a
“lower sonority value to ChE /l/ less than to certain fricatives”.
fricatives have a negative effect and disfavour at .447, .412 and .353, respectively. The
association of increased sonority with increased deletion was also reported in Chicano
English (Santa Ana, 1991), and in African American Vernacular English (Patrick et al.,
1996) where preceding /l/ was the most highly influential phonetic segment. This
negative effect of the sonority hierarchy in East Anglia seems to hold for both York
and Manchester too, due to the high place of resonants and the low position of less
sonorous segments:
Thus, in the light of these findings, (t,d) seems not to be governed by a sonority
sonority hierarchy was found in Jamaican Creole (Patrick, 1999), where phonetic
This exchanging of place between nasals and fricatives “unites the two natural classes
of segments, which are neighbours in the sonority hierarchy” (Patrick, 1999: 144).
The high position of nasals and sibilant fricatives in the East Anglian ranking (2) is
by Guy & Boberg (1997), whereby preceding segments trigger the absence of the final
coronal stop if they share two or more features. Along the line of autosegmental
phonology, the features shared with the target variable differ among the nasals /m/, /ŋ/
and /n/: /m, ŋ/ share only [-cont]; /n/ shares [+cor, -cont]. Hence, a preceding /n/ is
more likely to favour deletion. However, in the present study, due to the low number
of tokens in the preceding /m/ environment (e.g. dreamt), all nasals were combined29.
fricatives, which share the features [+cor, -son]. What is surprising, under this
approach, is the high place of /l/ which precedes stops in the ranking. If adjacent
[-son, -cont] would create OCP clashes more than preceding /l/, which shares with
/t,d/ only the [+cor] feature. Non-sibilant fricatives, as expected, are the least
environment to favour deletion being identical with the target variable only in the [-
son] feature.
Comparision with York and Manchester. Figure 4.4.14 compares results from East
The number of tokens with preceding /m/ equals to 93, whilst tokens with preceding /n/ are equal to
Both stops and fricatives show low rates of deletion, and notably higher rates of
deletion after sibilants, with East Anglia resembling York. Yet, after nasals East Anglia
/l/ and stops is not consistent in terms of the OCP. In York, however, not only is the
probability of deletion parallel between /l/ (.43) and stops (.43), but they are also
comparable to the behaviour of nasals (.45) 30. Temple (2009) points out that high
deletion rates with a preceding /n/ and /s/, such as in East Anglia and Manchester, might
be due to the homorganic place of articulation with the final coronal stop.
When reporting statistical results, it is suggested that “all independent variables tested
is an important finding” (Guy, 2018). Along this line, this section presents results from
model with the hypothesis that they might have an effect on the response, but which
were not marked as significant predictors (see Appendix I for further details).
Fasold (1972), Wolfram (1972), Labov (1989), Bayley (1994)31, and Roberts (1994)
found that (t,d) deletion is more likely to occur in unstressed syllables than in
stressed ones. In the present study, even though the findings are in the right direction
from what we would expect, this predictor failed to reach statistical significance,
similar to Tejano English (Bayley, 1994). Moreover, social factors such as sex, age
These are probabilities; however, percentages differ more.
In this case, I refer to the results of adult speakers, where unstressed syllables undergo (t,d) deletion
at a rate of 51%, whilst in unstressed syllables the word final cluster reduction is less likely to occur
(34%). Results among young Tejanos, instead, go in the opposite direction.
In East Anglia, males delete slightly more than females; working class speakers do
not delete considerably more than middle class members with a rate of 27% and
25%, respectively, and all age-groups exhibit (t,d) absence at the same rate. In view
of these findings, the profile of (t,d), in East Anglia, is that of a stable variable.
Location does not surface as a conditioning predictor of /t,d/, and the effect of locality
depends on the level of other predictors as shown in section 4.5.4, where the interaction
Since phonetic reduction is also highly conditioned by word frequency, this predictor
was initially included in the model with the hypothesis that deletion occurs more in
high-frequency words than in low frequency ones (Bybee 2002). However, the East
Anglian database did not reveal a significant variation between low and high frequency
words, hence this factor group was excluded post-coding. Figure 4.4.15 indicates the
higher deletion rate. Overall, however, the lexical frequency of this database also shows
Purse & Tamminga (2019), as outlined in chapter 3, take a different view on lexical
frequency and argue that previous invisible significance of frequency effects emerges
So far, we have discussed results from the three combined East Anglian locations.
Let us now analyse Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich separately to explore whether the
linguistic and social constraints indicate consistency across the urban areas.
The overall results revealed a contrastive behaviour between sibilant fricatives and
deletion mostly due to following retained [h]. If location is not a necessary predictor
for (t,d) since constraints across the English dialects are parallel, with the exception of
following pause, as evinced in the literature (Labov, 1989), we should expect all
linguistic constraints – including the different behaviour of sibilant fricatives and non-
sibilant fricatives as well as the role of following /h/ - to be consistent across the three
localities examined. Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich will be singly analysed, in this
section, and the dataset will be split accordingly. Firstly, I will show how each locality
patterns with the overall East Anglian findings; secondly, results will be theoretically
discussed, and finally I will show the interactions between locality and other predictors.
as a random effect, showing that following phonetic segment, voicing agreement, style,
of (t,d).
Following environment. Analogous to the overall findings, following nasals trigger
deletion the most (.812), followed by sibilant fricatives which favour at .768; liquids
do not behave differently in Colchester, indeed table 4.5.1 suggests that both /l/ and /r/
affect the word-final cluster reduction at .698 and .672, respectively. This variable is
also significantly affected by a following stop (.672) with the same weight as a
following /r/. On the contrary, glides (.389), non-sibilant fricatives (.343), vowels
(.187) and pause (.112) disfavour deletion. Among non-sibilant fricatives, the
remarkable role of /h/ is confirmed since the high /t,d/ retention is due to following
underlyingly consonantal [h]. These findings resemble the overall East Anglian
(4) Colchester:
nasals > sibilants > /l/ > /r/ > stops > glides > non-sibilant fricatives > vowels > pause.
Why do liquids behave differently with respect to the East Anglian pattern? The
deletion rate before a following /l/ (71%) is higher compared to the rates of (t,d)
absence before a following /r/ (41%; though the factor weights are quite close, above).
This suggests that resyllabification does not provide an explanation that holds for the
Colchester data.
This could be due to: (a) the relatively low number of tokens in these categories,
When the three locations are combined the dataset shows 81 occurrences before a following /r/ and 44
tokens before a following /l/. In York, however, the number of tokens in the following /r/ and following
/l/ contexts is lower and equals to 32 and 26 occurrences, respectively.
Following (b), Baranowski & Turton (2016) suggest that the place of articulation of a
following /l/ may play a notable role. That is, in varieties which exhibit dark initial /l/s,
such as Manchester and American dialects, the tongue tip gesture is missing or delayed
thus /-t,d/ is more likely to be deleted owing to the lack of coronal place.
This explanation might account for the relatively higher deletion before laterals in
Colchester and perhaps Ipswich, compared to Norwich where at least post-vocalic /l/
has a history of being clear after high front vowels (Trudgill 1974). Johnson & Britain
(2007: 299) note for northern East Anglia, “/l/ was clear in all positions… well into the
20th century”.
voicing agreement. The reversed and unexpected finding, as discussed in 4.4.2, holds
for Colchester with heterovoiced tokens favouring the cluster simplification at .763,
Style. Style is the third predictor to affect this variable, with a notable reduction in
spontaneous speech (.793), whilst in reading passages and word lists the apical stops
are more likely to be retained, indeed they disfavour deletion at .499 and .208,
Application value = deletion; overall proportion = 0.263
R2 = 0.667; log likelihood = -536.001; N =1615
Morphological class. The influence of morphological class, in Colchester, is consistent
with the overall East Anglian results and matches the pan-English pattern: negative
whereas semi-weak verbs (.429) and regular past tense verbs (.30) exhibit a negative
of (t,d) is the preceding phonetic segment. Differently from the overall findings,
(.644), followed by nasals (.621) and /l/ (.551). Consistently with the findings of
(6) Colchester:
sibilant fricatives > nasals > /l/ > non-sibilant fricatives > stops
Theoretically, the exchanging of position between nasals and sibilant fricatives on the
one hand, and stops and non-sibilant fricatives on the other, seems not to be problematic
with respect to the East Anglian pattern. In the first case, under the OCP approach, both
sibilant fricatives and /n/ share two features with the target variable. Since the present
study combines all nasals, this result could be justified if preceding /m/ triggered the
most deletion. However, crosstabulations revealed that 59% of (t,d) absence occurs
after a preceding /m/, whilst 81% of deletion was found after a preceding /n/. In the
second case, even though both predictors are marked as disfavouring factors, deletion
rates after non-sibilant fricatives are slightly higher than deletion rates after stops – a
result which goes in a direction opposite to what the OCP predicts. Thus, taking also
into account the high place of /l/, it appears that the OCP does not hold for the
Colchester data. With respect to sonority, despite the high position of sibilants in the
In Ipswich, the following context remains the strongest predictor for (t,d) deletion,
whereas the interpretation in terms of sonority is not straightforward. Indeed, the high
place of nasals in the hierarchy persists. Table 4.5.2 indicates results of a multivariate
analysis with following phonetic context, voicing agreement, style, preceding phonetic
Following environment. The greatest effect is provided by sibilant fricatives and nasals
with no difference in probabilities (.832) following stops and following /l/ also favour
deletion at .758 and .615, respectively, whereas glides (.481), non-sibilant fricatives
(.392), vowels (.258), /r/ (.179) and pause (.153) strongly disfavour. The phonetic
factors mirror the East Anglian pattern despite some slight ranking differences,
fricatives is repeated in Ipswich and, once again, following consonantal [h] highly
In section 4.5.1, we saw that, in Colchester, the magnitude of the liquids effect is nearly
the same, with both /l/ and /r/ favouring deletion. By contrast, in Ipswich, liquids
behave as in previous empirical findings of North American dialects, with
Voicing Agreement. The reversed order of heterovoiced and homovoiced tokens also
holds for Ipswich. The former favours deletion at .808, whilst the latter disfavours at
Style. The third significant predictor of the multivariate analysis is style, with /-t,d/
being more likely to be simplified in spontaneous speech (.833) and reading styles
the regression analysis is slightly stronger than the morphological one. Nasals (.695)
show the most deletion, followed by sibilant fricatives (.618) and stops (.601), where
the difference in terms of factor weight is negligible. Preceding consonantal /l/ (.428)
and non-sibilant fricatives (.194) disfavour deletion. These findings are consistent with
the East Anglian pattern, despite the exchange of position between /l/ and stops,
indicated in (10).
(10) Ipswich:
nasals > sibilant fricatives > stops > /l/ > non-sibilant fricatives.
Application value = deletion; overall proportion = 0.26
R2 = 0.714; log likelihood = -518.733; N = 1658
Constraints Logodds FW % Tokens
Following Env.
sibilant fricatives 1.599 0.832 82 55
nasals 1.598 0.832 68 65
stops 1.141 0.758 58 133
/l/ 0.469 0.615 64 14
glides -0.076 0.481 42 101
non-sibilant fricatives -0.439 0.392 29 123
vowels -1.058 0.258 20 496
/r/ -1.521 0.179 27 26
pause -1.712 0.153 11 645
Voicing Agreement
heterovoiced 1.437 0.808 69 286
homovoiced -1.437 0.192 17 1372
speech 1.608 0.833 36 973
reading styles 0.509 0.625 21 353
word lists -2.118 0.107 2 332
Preceding Env.
nasals 0.825 0.695 42 695
sibilant fricatives 0.480 0.618 21 419
stops 0.410 0.601 10 257
/l/ -0.291 0.428 21 86
non-sibilant fricatives -1.424 0.194 4 201
class p<.01
n't contractions 0.435 0.607 82 70
semi-weak verbs 0.326 0.581 23 229
monomorphemes 0.197 0.549 37 750
regular verbs -0.959 0.277 7 609
Theoretically, this reordering of stops and /l/, in the Ipswich pattern, is far from being
problematic as it is in the direction predicted by the OCP: the more features are shared,
greatest effect on (t,d). However, the final model reports the following ranking:
n’t contractions > semi-weak verbs > monomorphemes > regular verbs, with the latter
being the only predictor to exhibit a negative correlation. Table 4.5.2 indicates that the
equals .549. Why? Step-down analysis shows that when the preceding segment is
dropped from the model monomorphemes and semi-weak verbs are reordered: n’t > M
> S > R, and they both favour deletion. Cross-tabulations showed that there is an
interaction with the preceding environment. A closer inspection revealed that there is
absence of tokens after preceding sibilant fricatives in the semi-weak category. With
respect to the high place of semi-weak verbs, Tamminga & Fruehwald (2013) also
monomorphemes (or regular past tense verbs) for the Buckeye corpus (Pitt et al., 2007).
It is worth noting that, whatever the order, both monomorphemes and semi-weaks
favour (t,d) deletion. Let us find out, in the following section, how (t,d) behaves in
Following environment. Nasals (.817) are the most favouring factor followed by
sibilant fricatives (.813) which, once again, behave differently from their non-sibilant
counterpart. Stops (.70) trigger the cluster simplification as well as following /r/ (.631).
The latter, however, is inconsistent with the resyllabification theory and does not match
the behaviour of /r/ in Ipswich, where the underlying liquid blocks the deletion of /t,d/
and it is in line with previous US English studies (e.g. Guy, 1980). Following /l/ (.22),
by contrast, disfavours deletion along with non-sibilant fricatives (.497), glides (.389),
pause (.218) and vowels (.204). The reversed behaviour of liquids in Norwich might
be due to the clearness/darkness of onset /l/, that is: the coronal place of articulation of
clear /l/ is suggested to favour retention of (t,d), as for York speakers, owing to the non-
Hence, the same explanation might account for Norwich, where at least post-vocalic /l/
has a history of being clear after high front vowels (Trudgill, 1974). Johnson & Britain
(2007: 299) note for northern East Anglia, “/l/ was clear in all positions… well into the
20th century”. Overall, these results mirror the East Anglian pattern, apart from the
and glides.
Style. Parallel to Colchester and Ipswich, /t/ and /d/ are more likely to be deleted in the
spontaneous speech , which favours at .838, than in reading styles (.548) and word lists
Application value = deletion; overall proportion = 0.248
R2 = 0.688; log likelihood = -497.504; N = 1606
Constraints Logodds FW % Tokens
Following Env.
nasals 1.493 0.817 57 76
sibilant fricatives 1.467 0.813 72 60
stops 0.849 0.7 55 155
/r/ 0.535 0.631 24 33
fricatives -0.012 0.497 35 110
glides -0.450 0.389 38 103
/l/ -1.241 0.224 31 13
pause -1.278 0.218 11 617
vowels -1.364 0.204 16 439
infomal 1.641 0.838 37 844
reading passages 0.193 0.548 19 403
word lists -1.835 0.138 2 359
heterovoiced 1.157 0.761 65 294
homovoiced -1.157 0.239 16 1312
Preceding Env.
nasals 0.916 0.714 43 624
sibilant fricatives 0.493 0.621 22 388
/l/ -0.316 0.422 13 178
fricatives -0.455 0.388 8 185
stops -0.638 0.346 5 231
class p<.001
n't contractions 1.347 0.794 92 60
monomorphemes -0.146 0.464 35 728
semi weak verbs -0.280 0.431 22 227
regular verbs -0.922 0.285 6 591
males 0.36 0.589 29 803
females -0.36 0.411 21 803
Voicing agreement. The previously discussed unconventional finding, which is due to
interaction with the preceding phonetic segment (see section 4.4.2), also holds for
segment is stronger than the morphological class. The greatest effect is contributed by
nasals (.714) followed by sibilant fricatives (.621), whereas /l/ (.422) along with non-
sibilant fricatives (.388) and stops (.346) show a negative correlation. Similar to the
East Anglian pattern, the findings from Norwich only exhibit a marginal change at the
end of the hierarchy. In terms of the OCP, not only is the high position of /l/ surprising,
(14) Norwich:
nasals > sibilant fricatives > /l/ > non-sibilant fricatives > stops
predictor following the ranking n’t > M > S > R. Table 4.5.3 shows that when the
negative contraction category is included in the model it is the only favouring predictor
(.794); however, when n’t tokens are excluded from the analysis monomorphemes
Sex. So far, none of the social variables presented any statistical significance except for
sex in Norwich. Results from this location show that men delete significantly more than
females, despite the low rate difference between the two factor groups. In the light of
what has been presented and discussed so far, overall (t,d) seems to behave uniformly
across the three East Anglian locations. The next section, indeed, will demonstrate this
This section sets out to discuss significant and non-significant interactions between
exhibit minor divergences between them, which are mainly due to slight ranking
differences. Figure 4.5.1 illustrating a significant interaction, shows the trend of (t,d)
% deletion
stops fricatives sibilants nasals /l/
Figure 4.5.2, figure 4.5.3 and 4.5.4 illustrate probabilities of deletion in the following
environment across the three localities and highlights some dissimilarities with the East
strongly diverge in the overall East Anglian pattern, with the latter favouring the /t,d/
reduction and the former heavily disfavouring deletion. As discussed in section 4.4.1,
this result is due to a following consonantal /h/ which plays a considerable role in
The interaction between locality and following environment is not statistically significant (p > .05).
disfavouring deletion among non-sibilants. The consistency of this finding in the three
urban areas proposes that (t,d) is highly retained before following initial /h/ - whether
/h/ is realised or dropped. Therefore, this result suggests that the null hypothesis may
prove false. Following pause, which typically varies across speech communities
and Norwich.
non-sibilant fricatives
sibilant fricatives
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
non-sibilant fricatives
sibilant fricatives
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
non-sibilant fricatives
sibilant fricatives
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4.5.5 illustrates the consistency of the morphological effect across the three
urban areas, proposing the emergence of the expected morphological effect for (t,d) in
East Anglia. Even in this case, the interaction between locality and morphological class
% deletion
40 S
Colchester Ipswich Norwich
Figure 4.5.5 Morphological class across the three East Anglian localities.
4.6 Summary
This apparent-time survey on (t,d) deletion in East Anglian English has contributed to
the field expanding on the (t,d) literature: a) new phonological insights were revealed
after breaking down the consonant category for the following phonological
differently. Moreover, this Chapter reports local dialectal variation after laterals, yet
not before /h/. b) It has shed light on the unsolved problem of morphological class in
British English suggesting the emergence of the expected morphological effect for (t,d)
in East Anglia. Finally, (t,d) deletion does not seem to vary due to morphological
absence in semi-weak verbs. (t,d) is not governed by a sonority hierarchy and does not
report visible OCP effects. (t,d) absence is not the only phonological phenomenon that
can apply word-finally in British English; another typical feature of East Anglian
English which is common in most British dialects is (t) glottaling, the subject of the
next chapter.
This chapter extends the discussion on coronal /t/. In Chapters 3 and 4 we have
discussed the reduction of /t,d/ in final consonant clusters but, deletion is not the only
type of variation that /t/ can undergo in British English dialects. In this Chapter, I begin
with a phonetic description of the coronal /t/ and its allophone [Ɂ], with some
amplify the envelope of variation for (t) (Straw & Patrick, 2007). Before exploring the
theory, I will critically review the diachronic development of the glottal stop in British
innovation for (t) glottaling as well as other southern phonological changes. Since the
literature on (t) glottalisation and (t) glottaling is quite extensive, it will be reviewed
selectively here, with the goal to outline previous studies which are relevant to the
5.1 Articulatory description of the plosive /t/ and its variant [Ɂ]
As a starting point, I will describe the manner of articulation of plosives which involves
three stages: (1) closure in the vocal tract, (2) compression of lung air behind the
obstruction and (3) airstream release (Hughes et al., 2012). A feature matrix for /t/ is
articulated by the contact between either the tip or the blade of the tongue and the
alveolar ridge. Its released voiceless segments can be of various kinds: when the
release of the underlying plosive is accompanied by a strong burst of air, the phoneme
/t/ is called aspirated and it is articulated as [tʰ]. The latter may be often used before
stressed vowels, whilst unaspirated [t] can be found elsewhere. In final pre-pausal
environment, instead, the distribution of aspirated [tʰ] and unaspirated [t] is in non-
Cruttenden (1994) observed that the alveolar stop /t/ contact is conditioned by
the place of articulation of a following consonant. Hence, when the following segment
is represented by the approximant /ɹ/, as in try, there will be a post alveolar contact [t̠ ],
whilst when followed by /θ, ð/ as in eighth, the contact will be dental [t̪ ]1. Moreover,
syllable-final /t/ can undergo assimilation processes, generally regressive (i.e. that man
[ðæp mæn]) or coalescent (/t/ + /j/ in What you want [wɒtʃʊ wɒnt), implying variation
finalised; spectrograms, indeed, reveal that some traces on the alveolar ridge
happens when the energy of release reaches affrication which is described as a short
“period of audible friction” (Laver, 1994: 363). In many English varieties, /t/ may be
realised as a flap [ɾ], articulated with the tip or the blade of the tongue at the alveolar
The articulatory uniqueness of the glottal stop, in the English language, lies in the fact
that it is the only non-oral obstruent-allophone (Pointer, 1996). Its primary articulation
springs from the airstream obstruction and the total closure of vocal folds which
suddenly release. Since there is no air passing during the glottal closure, [ʔ] is
Both dental and alveolar variants of /t/ are also referred to as apical or laminal.
physiologically a voiceless sound (Gimson 1980; Roca & Johnson 1999). This explains
why the glottal stop is mostly used as an allophone for voiceless obstruents /p, t, k/, as
it shares significant and intelligible features with the phoneme it replaces2. In this case,
[ʔ] shares two features: stop and voiceless, and differs in the place of articulation
(Pointer, 1996).3
It has to be underlined that the articulatory description of the glottal stop given
above is referred to glottalled plosives, and diverges from the articulation of glottalised
variants, which may also involve either a ‘creaky voice’ or ‘harsh voice’.
when /p, t, k/ are followed by a consonant, such as Scotland (Hughes, et al, 2012)4.
Hence, these variants are often called glottalled plosives, and the total replacement of
As mentioned above, articulatory features for the glottal stop diverge from the
accompanied by a secondary stricture of the glottal level” but this articulation fails to
create a glottal constriction since it does not reach the utmost stricture of the full glottal
From a taxonomic-phonetic standpoint, the glottal stop violates the biuniqueness requirement by which
“one speech sound must be uniquely assigned to a given phoneme…in a unique way”; see Wells (1982:
54) and Lass (1984) for further details.
Other features such as lip rounding and tension are not mentioned here as they are not relevant to the
The use of the glottal stop as an allophone of /p/ and /k/, however, is more restricted and depends on
the place of articulation of the following consonant: if both following consonant and the segment that is
being replaced share the same place of articulation /p/ and /k/ will be more likely to be glottalled, as in
back garden [baʔ ˈɡɑː(r)d(ə)n].
Since in southern England the accent is non-rhotic, there would be hiatus if non-prevocalic /r/ would
encounter a following vowel, therefore hiatus is resolved by linking /r/, which can also be replaced by
the glottal stop. The latter, in addition, can also stand in place of intrusive /r/. A more detailed description
is provided by Pointer (1996).
stop (Laver, 1994: 330). In many British accents glottal reinforcement is linked to the
cases, the glottal stop follows the consonant [tɁ] (Trudgill, 1974) and takes the name
of T-glottalisation when /t/ is the plosive reinforced. However, Straw and Patrick
(2007) observed that the term glottalisation is sometimes used vaguely in the literature
to indicate both glottal substitution and glottal reinforcement; Docherty and Foulkes
(1999: 57) adopted the label ‘glottal(ised)’ claiming that it covers “two distinct
[acoustic] factors”.
usually called creak can be produced (Laver, 1994). Cruttenden (2014) describes creak
as a creaky voice which involves energy to the vocal tract as well as a slow vibration
of the vocal folds. He also distinguishes creaky voice from harsh voice with the latter
egressive stream of air. In other words, when the oral closure is realised, a total glottal
closure is held. Ejectives resemble glottalised variants due to the glottal constriction
involved during the articulation, yet the relative release timing is different. In the case
of ejective stops, indeed, the oral release is the first (Laver, 1994). As claimed in the
literature, this articulation can also occur with voiceless and affricate /p, k, ʧ/ indicating
that they are more similar to glottalised variants than t-glottaling, however this question
will not be addressed in this thesis as it is beyond the purpose of this study. To amplify
and redefine the envelope of variation for (t), Straw & Patrick (2007: 395), in the
Ipswich study, noted the following variants [th] [t ̚ ] [t’] [d] [ɾ] [ø] [ʔt] [tʔ].
Creaky voice refers to the slow rate of vibration of the vocal folds (Laver, 1980).
So far, we have made some terminological remarks and explored the
This helps explain the place of t-glottaling within two branches of linguistic theory:
This section attempts to provide a brief overview of how t-glottalisation has been
as weak including a segment’s contexts or its intrinsic properties is not under scrutiny
From a phonological standpoint, (t) glottaling can be classified under the label
of lenition processes. Hyman (1975: 165) explains lenition in the following terms: “a
way to zero.” This process, also known as debuccalisation, refers to a consonant losing
For a more detailed account on the current perspectives on lenition see Honeybone (2008).
Zuraw (2009) corroborates Hyman’s (1975) definition of lenition arguing that
Harris and Kyne (1990), cited in Docherty et al. (1997: 286), claim that lenition
is divided into two stages: breaking and element-loss: “breaking involves rearranging
the occlusion and coronal elements into a contour structure which is parallel to that
as a saving in articulatory time and effort: since the glottal stop lacks oral articulation,
the tongue is free to assume its position for the following phonetic segment. However,
explaining that /t/ can be glottalled on the basis of independent parameters of the
phonological structure. Along this line, Kirchner (2004) proposed a constraint ranking
suggests the following hierarchy as the most likely for /t/ to debuccalise:
Pre-consonantal syllable > preceding a vocalic nasal > word final preceding a vowel
Lass & Anderson (1975) believe that one criterion for the classification of consonantal
strength is the resistance to airflow through the vocal tract, that is, the less resistance,
glottalisation. By weakening Carr refers to the process by which /t/ is realised as [ɾ] or
[ɹ]8. As Docherty et al. (1997) highlight, Carr’s prediction is that English feet are
trochaic, hence glottalisation is not likely to occur in words such as attack, at Easter,
etc. He claims that, unlike weakening, glottalisation can be found in nouns, adjectives,
However, due to variability within the postulated claim, he proposes that “weakening
applies to feet formed under cliticization post-lexically” (p. 283) which occur before
glottalisation is applied, and tokens such as fitter and fit her (glottalised and weakened
The Sonority Sequencing Principle (Goldsmith 1990, Laver 1994) has been also
Barrera’s (2015) results revealed that the more sonorous the following segment, the more
it promotes the glottal stop. However, word-medial /t/ glottaling was found not to follow
completely the sonority scale as vowels were ranked at the bottom of the hierarchy in
Kirchner’s (2004) hierarchy does not contain the process of vocalisation, although this phenomenon
needs to be included in the lenition scale.
This phenomenon is also known as the T-to-R rule (Wells, 1982).
intervocalic context. She claims that the low position of vowels in this phonological context
could be due to the fact that the glottal stop has long been stigmatised intervocalically and
Halle and Kaye (1990) who, in line with the Complexity Condition, point out that the
replacement of /t/ with [ʔ] is blocked when /t/ is preceded by an obstruent, particularly
if the latter has undergone vocalisation. By contrast, Docherty et al. (1997: 306), from
indeed, exhibit the use of the glottal stop and [ɹ] in monosyllabic verbs across word
boundaries, even though glottalisation was predicted not to occur in such a context 9.
Moreover, they point out that forms attested during the fieldwork are “frequently forms
that are not predicted by theorists” (p. 288) and disconfirm Carr’s claim that
It is clear that a union between phonology and sociolinguistics is yet unachieved and
that the divergent stances taken by these two disciplines on (t) glottalisation are
“On the one hand, socially situated language samples which have been
systematically collected and analysed constitute a legitimate –indeed often
vital – source of evidence to be utilised by linguists for assessing and
refining theoretical models. On the other hand, variationists cannot operate
in isolation from theoretical concerns, and can benefit from an evaluation
of the competing theoretical frameworks available to them.”
Results from this analysis are based on Hartley’s (1992) recordings.
Variationist approaches usually diverge from theory-led approaches since initial
(1991), for instance, collected real data associated with specific social categories before
and having briefly explored some dissimilarities between theoretical phonology and
constructed on the bases of external evidence (Docherty et al., 1997) and explores the
correlation between specific linguistic features and social factors. The social factors
found to significantly constrain /t/ glottaling are listed as follows: style (e.g. Holmes,
1997), age (e.g. William and Kerswill, 1999), gender (e.g. Milroy et al. 1994) and
social class (e.g. Trudgill , 1974); this explains why glottal variation in /t/ is a variable
working-class British speech (Trudgill, 1974, 1988; Macauley 1977) as it has diffused
in all social classes and styles, yet still exhibits social and stylistic variation. This
definition springs from a three-fold distinction: (a) indicators, (b) markers and (c)
variables and the social stratification in a given speech community (Trudgill, 1986).
Indicators refer to stratified linguistic features occurring below the level of social
awareness, with no significant difference in the degree of formality, and to which little
or no social import is attached (Labov, 1972). Markers, instead, are variables associated
with a low level of awareness, but show consistent style effects. Linguistic variables
which become popular features of a particular group and which can be overtly
Formulaically, the status of /t/ can be illustrated as (after Trudgill, 1974: 174):
In other words, /t‘/, /tʰ/ and /t/ are deemed “extrinsic allophones which belong at the
systematic phonetic level”, whilst [tɁ] and [Ɂ] “are not extrinsic allophones, but variant
at the phonetic realisation level”, which are usually found in casual speech of young
urban working-class speakers (Trudgill, 1974: 157). In the literature, /t/ has often been
the phonotactic environment. So far, the bulk of research has predominantly focused
on the environment following /t/, and three contexts are usually compared:
preconsonantal /t/ (PreC), prevocalic /t/ (PreV) and prepausal /t/ (PreP).
In many British dialects results tend to be constant, with PreC deemed the most
influential linguistic factor that favours glottal variants. Straw and Patrick (2007),
indeed, refer to the following traditional ranking PreC > PreV > PreP as the diffusion
pattern10. Hughes et al. (2012) summarise the common findings including syllabic
This term refers to both its geographical diffusion as well as its spread through the different linguistic
Note that a following pause is not included in this hierarchy.
most frequent word-final pre-consonantal that man
Table 5.3.1 Most frequent and least frequent environments for t-glottaling to occur.
Recent studies show that [Ɂ] seems to have spread up to the upper class (including
young members of the royal family) and it is adopted by many RP speakers word-
well as in pre-vocalic and pre-pausal contexts (Barrera, 2015). These findings suggest
(2000), and later confirmed by Altendorf (2003), displaying no pre-pausal and pre-
vocalic t-glottaling in the more formal styles among upper middle-class speakers in
Barrera (2015: 13) also suggests that, in RP, “lexical frequency seems to be playing a
role in the different progressing stages of the glottal stop word-internally and across
word boundaries.”
regional variation:
glottaling at a significantly higher rate than speakers from other parts of
England in less formal styles of speech.”
According to the Survey of English Dialects t-glottaling has been traditionally found
in Norfolk, London and the Home Counties (Orton and Tilling, 1969), whilst
glottalised variants have been recognised in East Anglia (Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex)
and East Cambridgeshire. At this point, before exploring in more detail how the glottal
variants behave in southern British dialects and northern British dialects, we should
turn our attention to its diachronic development in order to understand where it has
Geolinguistics reveals that the distribution of glottal stops is extremely marked in the
South of England and that in both intervocalic and word-final environment [ʔ] is still
geographically spreading (Straw & Patrick 2007). Yet, where has it started spreading
first? Despite lack of consensus amongst linguists as to where the glottal feature started
and even though no research has shed light on its origin so far, three locations can be
identified as plausible places where it might have developed first: East Anglia, London,
“the centre where glottaling has diffused geographically” as its geographical position
might have facilitated the glottal feature to spread. After consulting the Survey of
English Dialects (SED), Trudgill (1974) demonstrated that in the 1950s intervocalic t-
glottaling was only present in one rural southern area of England: northern East Anglia.
If this plausible explanation is accurate, it implies that the glottal stop spread from East
Anglia to London. The Linguistic Atlas of England (LAE), indeed, shows evidence of
t-glottaling only in East Anglia and a small area around London, as in figure 5.4.1
London, however, is usually cited as the principal geographical source for the
spread of t-glottaling and it is generally associated with Cockney English - the working
class accent of East End Londoners. Some linguists (Matthews 1972, Wells 1994,
Williams and Kerswill 1999, Altendorf 2004) believe that t-glottaling is actually not
the only phonological innovation that spread in southern England and the rest of the
UK from London, but also other variables such as TH-fronting and L-vocalisation12.
These new variables, according to Altendorf (2004), share some characteristics since
they all stem from non-standard accents, they are all associated with London English
and, in the south-east, it appears that they have been diffusing regionally and socially,
spreading up the social scale and into formal styles. Przedlacka (2001: 48) evinces that
London is a potential and powerful source for linguistic innovations due to its political,
Johnson and Britain (2007) suggest that the origin of /l/ vocalisation is not rooted in the south-east of
England (or at least in East Anglia) as the phoneme /l/ was reported to be clear in all environments until
the 20th century. Ihalainen (1994) found evidence of /l/-vocalisation in Yorkshire between the 17th and
19th century, Orton (1933) reports its presence in South Durham and Wright (1905) observed it in the
North of England. For further details on the diachronic development of /l/ vocalisation see Johnson and
Britain (2007).
Figure 5.4.1 Evidence of glottaling in the Linguistic Atlas of England. Adapted from
Orton et al. (1978).
phonetician had previously noticed it”. In the survey carried out by Ellis (1989), entitled
among Walker (1072- 1807) and Smart (1836), who discussed Cockney, yet none of
them seems to have noticed the presence of glottal stops in earlier centuries. Only Ellis
The second origin, suggested in the literature, is Scotland. Wright (1905: 287)
found evidence of the glottal stop in “west-mid Scotland, Lothian and Edinburgh”, and
only before schwa [ə] plus liquid consonants /l/ or /r/ in the next syllable (e.g. battle,
English by Jones (1909), it is argued that [ʔ] was frequently used to replace /t/ both in
Scotland and London. Andrésen (1968) confirms the use of (t) glottalisation in Scotland
claiming that it gradually diffused in the West of Scotland (attested in 1860), in the
East part of Scotland (attested in 1889), in the North of England after twenty years, and
finally it reached the Midlands and London (1909)13. Upon consultation of previous
reference on glottalisation, between 1900 and 1930, Collins and Mees (1996) write that
a general acceptance of [ʔ] started after the Second World War, and it was introduced
indeed, is thought to be associated with the north rather than the south of England
(Wells, 1982).
Later, Macafee (1997) adds that the glottal stop has precisely emerged from
Glasgow and rapidly spread to Scotland and throughout the UK. Stuart-Smith’s (1999)
review on Glasgow studies, shows that the glottal feature has been used, since the 19th
century, in both word-medial and word-final contexts, whilst a following vowel was
less likely to foster a glottal insertion. Yet, Romaine’s (1975) findings, based on data
collected in Edinburgh, propose a different ranking resulting in PreV > PreP, where a
However, the lack of earlier descriptive evidence is not a reason to assume that the
glottal stop is a recent sound or emerged in the 19th century. As a result, Abercrombie
(1948) mentioned some studies going back to the 17th century where the glottal stop
was found at the onset of initial vowels. Cruttenden (1994) argues that it is improbable
that t-glottaling is older than 200 years in London. I believe that even if London is a
The earliest of evidence of glottal reinforcement for /p/ and /k/ appears not to be mentioned before
1909 (Andrésen, 1968).
PreC might have been excluded because it was probably categorical.
great potential source for linguistic innovations, there seems not to be strong evidence
to claim that it is the first geographical place where the glottal stop has originated. Its
more recent spread throughout the country, however, is likely due to influence from
London. The LAE, as aforementioned, shows that the glottal variant was present in a
small area of London (Orton et al., 1978), and Ward (1929), cited in O’Connor (1952),
observed that this usage did not occur among London speakers. Moreover, recent
studies propose that “the use of the (t) variable by Ipswich Anglo urban speakers does
not suggest diffusion from London” (Straw & Patrick, 2007: 404), and Schleef (2013)
London. Hence, it seems that the two plausible geographical sources - or “dual
epicentres” as called by Kerswill and Williams (1997) - where the glottal variant might
recurrent in both the north and south of England. Some studies, as discussed above,
have shown that non-standard varieties seem to undergo more recurrent changes,
have been investigated in London and the Home Counties (e.g. Tollfree 1999; Schleef
2013), Reading (Williams & Kerswill, 1999), Milton Keynes (Williams & Kerswill,
1999), Norwich (Trudgill, 1974, 1988, 1999, 2003), Ipswich (Straw & Patrick, 2007),
and Essex (Altendorf, 2003). Despite the extensive literature, this section places under
scrutiny studies carried out in East Anglian counties (Norfolk, Suffolk and north Essex)
5.5.1 East Anglia (1889 - 2007)
Early studies carried out by Ellis (1889), Kökeritz (1932) and the SED (1962) have
considered phonological and syntactical aspects of East Anglian English, yet their work
on the loss of final and medial /t/, whilst Kökeritz (1932), who provided a descriptive
phonological account of the Suffolk dialect of the 20 th century, noted that despite the
wider discussion on English dialects the Suffolk accent had not received full attention.
Earlier work (Binzel, 1912), for instance, focused on the interpretation of spelling
rather than real speech data. Hence, Kökeritz’s (1932) work seems to be the first study
to investigate the phonology of the Suffolk dialect, although the methodology adopted
Claxton (1960: 5) in the second edition of The Suffolk Dialect of the 20th Century, states
that, in Suffolk, “the consonant ‘t’ is usually articulated and not ‘swallowed’ as in the
In 1962, evidence of the glottal stop in East Anglia, was provided by The Survey of
English Dialects (SED). East Anglia, as mentioned earlier, was identified as the area
where two types of glottal variation occur: glottalised and glottalled variants. The
former was widely found in Norfolk, Essex and Suffolk (mentioned here in a
decreasing order of diffusion assuming an origin in Norfolk), whilst the latter was
Later, Orton et al. (1978) in The Linguistic Atlas of English (LAE) reported the use of
So far, it seems that little research relevant to language variation and change had been
conducted until Trudgill’s (1968) study. His work on the co-variation of phonological
See section 2.5 for further details related to early field methods.
features with sociological parameters in Norwich, follows soon after the earliest
(1974) adopted a quasi-random sample extracted from four ward voter registration lists,
where an equal number of participants was randomly selected16. The sample consisted
of 60 speakers17, stratified according to sex, age and social class. To assign each
Results from the Norwich study show that glottal variants occur intervocalically and in
syllable-final context (i.e. better, bet), yet they are blocked in stressed syllable initial
position (i.e. tea) or in /n_/ and /l_/contexts (i.e. went, felt). A further restriction was
suggested before and after schwa /ə/ or unstressed /ɪ/; however, Trudgill shows that in
the case of stressed /ɪ/, as in went into, the use of glottal stop is permitted. Glottal
variants were also found proportional to class, sex and social context since they
decrease as formality increases, confirming that women tend to use more of the
standard variant than men and that glottal variants were predominantly found in casual
speech of young urban working-class speakers. Trudgill (1988) also highlights that the
glottal stop is spreading into more formal styles and, unlike youngsters, old people tend
to avoid the stigmatised feature in certain situations, and that it may be an endogenous
The four wards were: Eaton, Lakenham, Helledson and Westwick.
Ten informants were schoolchildren from two schools.
Figure 5.5.1 Distribution of glottal variants. Adapted from Trudgill (1974).
The Norwich study, however, does not comment on phonological environments that
are significant in terms of diffusion. Further details on this point were subsequently
Despite the extensive discussion on East Anglian dialects provided in the late 20 th
century by Trudgill (1974, 1986), Fisher (2001) and Britain (2002), Ipswich appears to
2007 when Straw & Patrick’s study was carried out. The purpose of their preliminary
compare the dialect of four Anglo speakers in Ipswich to that of four Barbados-born
speakers in the same community, considering whether Ipswich Anglo urban speakers
indicate diffusion; (b) to explore whether the patterning among Barbadian speakers
mirrors dialect acquisition; (c) in response to Docherty and Foulkes’ call (1999), they
Data were collected from participants who live in the same working class
neighbourhood, and the participants were stratified according to sex and two age-
groups (elder speakers 68-74 and middle-aged 40-55). A total number of 250 tokens18
was analysed by means of acoustic analysis employing five parameters “to reduce the
perceived glottal variation: (1) presence or absence of glottal occlusion; (2) duration of
Results from auditory analysis were consistent with findings from previous British
dialects19 (resulting in the diffusion pattern, as previously discussed), but results from
acoustic analysis turned out to change the picture: glottal replacement was found not to
glottal variation in /t/ was exhibited. Hence, this peculiar pattern amongst Ipswich
Anglos, called the Ipswich pattern (after Straw and Patrick, 2007: 393), suggests that
the PreV context favours glottal variants the most: PreV > PreC > PreP. This study
concludes that “the use of the (t) variable by Ipswich Anglo urban speakers does not
suggest diffusion from the London area.” (p. 404). However, as the authors note, some
questions remain open: how similar Ipswich and Norwich are; whether the Ipswich
pattern is retained and whether there are signs of diffusion from Norwich.
Not only was Ipswich only sporadically mentioned in the discussion of East
Anglian dialects, but also Colchester, where little systematic research has been
conducted so far. Together with London and Canterbury, Colchester was chosen by
The average per speaker equals 31 tokens.
Note the PreC, PreV and PreP environments were not previously employed in East Anglia.
Altendorf (2003) to investigate Estuary English20. She explored five vocalic variables
in three types of schools: comprehensive school (two working class females), grammar
school (six middle class females) and private school (two upper class females). The
three cities were not equally stratified in terms of social class, indeed, in Colchester,
only the middle class was explored. Moreover, if the six middle class females were
proportionally distributed across the three cities, two informants only would be
representative of Colchester.
Results for (t) glottaling exhibit the following ranking: PreC > PreV > PreP >
pre-lateral /l/ > intervocalic position, where the glottal variant is favoured before
consonants more than in intervocalic position. T-glottaling was also found in all social
classes as well as in more formal styles, even though it displays both social and stylistic
variation. Middle class speakers, for instance, would reduce the use of the glottal
variant in PreV and PreP, whilst it was completely avoided intervocalically where the
The upper class informants’ speech diverges from the middle and working class
especially in PreV and PreP contexts where the use of glottal stop is highly reduced
and it is almost completely absent in the formal reading style. Intervocalically and in
result was found within members of the working class where (t) glottaling in pre-
syllabic /l/ was used with the same frequency as word-medial pre-consonantal (e.g.
Gatwick). Altendorf (2003) states that (t) glottaling is increasing in PreV and PreP
environments among middle class speakers, in spontaneous speech, with a rate nearly
five times higher than Hudson and Holloway’s (1977) study, as we will see later in the
Estuary English was defined as “a variety of modified regional speech, a mixture of non-regional and
local south-eastern English pronunciation and intonation” (Rosewarne, 1984).
chapter. As opposed to the limited research in Colchester (Altendorf, 2003), Ipswich
(Straw and Patrick, 2007) and Norwich (Trudgill 1974, 1988, 1999, 2003), (t)
with Cockney, and due to the position of London in England (as political capital) which
As noted during the historical development of /t/, Ward, in 1929, commented on the
use of glottal variants that, at that time, were not present in the speech of Londoners.
Early evidence of [Ɂ], in Cockney, was reported by Matthews (1938: 80) who claimed
that: “the chief consonantal feature of the dialect is the prevalence of the glottal stop.”
Sivertsen (1960: 199) claims that, in Bethnal Green, “the alveolar stop, at least when
it is strongly affricated in the environment [V_V], is looked upon as being too ‘posh’
for a Cockney to use: [‘'beʦə](= better) is ‘posh’, ['betə] is normal, and ['beɁə] is
‘rough.’ She found [Ɂ] intervocalically in tokens such as getting with a syllabic /n/ as
well as word-finally before vowels (e.g. right in). However, intervocalically across
boundaries, EE were more likely to adopt the alveolar approximant (T-to-R rule),
although this feature was not typically described for London English.21 In addition, the
glottal variant was adopted more often by men than women, as confirmed later by other
in the East End of London, reporting the use of glottalised /p t k/ in word-final position.
Hickey (2005) reports that the T-to-R rule is common in Northern England and in vernacular Dublin
In more detail, the proportion of glottal variants in this context was 73:4 in males’
Hudson & Holloway (1977) reported that t-glottaling was more frequent in
PreC than PreV contexts, with a larger percentage of glottaling in PreV for middle-
class males, working-class females and working class males, whilst middle-class
London22, observed that both age groups (15-30 and 54-89) of South East London
across a word boundary (e.g. ticket box), as well as in word-internal environment (e.g.
nightmare). In preceding syllabic /n/ (e.g. button) old SELRS did use the glottal feature,
yet it was stigmatised in preceding syllabic /m/, preceding lateral /l/ (e.g. bottle) and
glottalisation was sporadically used. In South East London English speakers (SELE)
glottal variants were near-categorical in PreC and PreP and, unlike SELRS, t-
glottalisation was frequently adopted in PreV context and intervocalically. She also
reported that “t-glottalisation […] operates freely between the stem and the
compounds” (p. 171) (e.g. a put-on), yet it is blocked when the segment which precedes
/t/ is a non-resonant consonant (e.g. project, sister, chapter) and in word-internal foot-
onset context (e.g. printer, botany, Saturday) it was often attested. Her results also
172) and is more likely to operate in tokens such as litter and butler, where the
The data were gathered in Peckham, Sydenham and Penge (working class), as well as Dulwich,
Beckenham and Bromley (middle class), were a total number of 90 informants was interviewed. Her
participants were divided into two groups: SELE (South East London English) and SELRS (South East
London Regional Standard).
prominence is [1 2] and [1 3 2] respectively, but the process is blocked in items like
stratified by sex and age. His results show that the variable is phonologically
controlled, but most importantly, it intersects with morphological categories and shows
evidence of lexical diffusion. Word-final /t/, in both London and Edinburgh, exhibits
the typical pattern PreC > PreP > PreV, with following nasal, liquid and fricative
favouring (t) glottaling, whereas following plosive, glide, pause and vowel disfavoured
it in both locations. As for the preceding environment, preceding nasals and liquids
disfavoured glottal realisation of /t/, whilst preceding vowels 23 favour it. Glottal
replacement was more frequent in informal style and occurred more often in word-final
position than in word-medial context, yet no gender difference was identified. It seems
that this finding is not very surprising as it suggests that when changes approach an
endpoint, the gender difference tends to disappear (Labov, 2010). From a grammatical
standpoint, function words, progressive verbs as well as past participle were found to
favour t-glottaling; on the contrary, adjectives and nouns disfavoured it. He also found
that the number of syllables plays a role in Edinburgh, as words of four and five
syllables seem to trigger t-glottaling more than words of three syllables. Finally, the
It has to be noted that both preceding and following vowel, were not coded according to their place
of articulation.
In contrast to the long history of t-glottaling in Edinburgh, this phenomenon is recently
Cardiff English.
Mees & Collins’s (1999) study explored the spread of the glottal variant in Cardiff
English. Word-final t-glottaling was analysed in PreC, PreV and PreP environments,
along with social class24 (working class, lower middle class and middle middle class),
gender, time (1976, 1981 and 1990) and style (reading passage and casual style).
Results for t-glottaling in word-final context exhibit a prestigious spreading with young
middle class females leading the change. By contrast, the glottaling rate in the same
linguistic context was found to be very low among working class speakers. In this
They also suggest that London’s lifestyle along with public figures and celebrities,
who are often heard using the glottal stop and considered trendy, have an influence on
the way people speak. Hence, t-glottaling is perceived as a prestigious and trendy
dialects, starting from East Anglia – the focal point of this study – to London and
The class stratification of speakers was based on father’s occupation.
5.7 T-Glottaling in Northern England
The FOOT-STRUT split, according to the Dialects of English (Trudgill, 1999), is one
of the foremost isoglosses (along with the BATH broadening) marking a dialect
boundary between the north and the south of England25. Like southern dialects, glottal
variants were reported for the West Midlands (Mathisen, 1999), Derby (Docherty &
Foulkes, 1999), Hull (Williams & Kerswill, 1999), Newcastle (Milroy et al., 1994;
(Llamas 2001, 2006), Manchester (Baranowski & Turton, 2015) and the Fenland
(Britain, 2015).
The Fenland represents the major dialect transition zone where northern
varieties meet southern ones (Britain, 2014). In this site, (t) glottaling is extensively
found in word initial context, if /t/ occurs in an unstressed syllable, as in tomorrow and
In the North-East, /t/ is usually studied alongside /p/ and /k/ as they all can be
/p/ and /k/, indeed, have been frequently reported in the literature as a distinctive feature
of Newcastle and Tyneside English (e.g. Milroy et al. 1994; Docherty et al. 1997; Watt
& Allan, 2003). It was also attested in Durham (Kerswill, 1987) and Sunderland
(Burbano-Elizondo, 2008). However, in spite of being examined together with the other
two voiceless plosives /p/ and /k/, this section will be concerned with glottal variation
in /t/ only.
The linguistic north delimited by these isoglosses comprises “from the Scottish border as far as a line
from the Mersey to the Humber, including most of the Midlands. It includes, for example, the
Birmingham-Wolverhampton conurbation, Leincester and Peterbourough” (Wells, 1982: 349).
In Newcastle, Milroy et al. (1994) examined five variants of (t) in the informal
speech style of 32 informants, stratified by social class (16 working class, 16 middle
class), gender and two age groups (16-24; 45-65). A total number of 2,838 tokens were
analysed in word-final environment, and results show that young middle class females
were leading the use of glottalled variants, whilst working class speakers as well as old
speakers fall behind. Hence, glottalled features were associated with middle class
members, whereas glottalised variants were more frequent among working class
speakers. Overall, it seems that females are leading the diffusion of t-glottaling in
females are leading the change for (t) glottaling, whilst glottal reinforcement [Ɂt]
exhibits a higher percentage in males (38%) than females (10%). She reported that
glottalled features are used 59.8% of the time, with a significantly increasing rate over
time (i.e. among the young) – similarly to Middlesbrough (Llamas, 2001). Comparing
(Docherty, 2007) and Middlesbrough (Llamas, 2001), it was observed that the use of
[Ɂt] decreases as the distance from the North Eastern ‘capital’ city increases, reporting
an increase of [Ɂ]. In terms of geographical diffusion patterns, the increase of [Ɂ] for /t/
contrary to any expectations which suggested that [Ɂ] would spread to larger cities first
and subsequently to smaller localities. Docherty & Foulkes (2005) investigated /t/
glottalisation in Tyneside, where the use of the glottal stop is well-established in word-
Jeffries (2011) examined the acceptability of (t) glottaling in the head of a
primary and secondary stressed foot, as in thirteen and retain. The dataset consists of
acceptability scores from West Yorkshire informants who rated (t) glottaling based on
audio clips. Her results show that the transition /t/ → [Ɂ] occurs when /t/ is not in the
head of a foot, either before an unstressed vowel (e.g. butter) or word-finally (e.g.
accounts, she suggests that glottal variants can be found before long, high vowel /i:/ or
Broadbent (2008) shows that as (t) glottaling was advancing in Yorkshire t-to-
final postvocalic /t/ (e.g. cat) and intervocalically (e.g. butter). Auditory analysis of 86
speakers, stratified by sex, age and socio-economic class27 (working class and middle
class) was conducted, and a total number of 3,727 and 2,043 tokens, for word-final
Results for word-final /t/ find age and the following segment to be the only significant
predictors, with glottal replacement less likely to occur among older speakers 28. Since
gender and social class were not marked as significant predictors, this pattern suggests
It has to be noted that, unlike the many North-East cities, Manchester displays few pre-glottalised
Age was used as a continuous variable, whilst socio-economic class was based on occupation since,
according to Baranowski and Turton (2015), other measures for social status were employed, such as
education, yet occupation has usually produced the best model.
This finding seems to be in contrast with Davies and Braber’s (2011) study, which reports a frequent
use in the older generation in the East Midlands.
completion. Even in Manchester, similarly to other studies reviewed above, young
middle class females displayed the highest rate of glottal variants, yet, according to
Baranowski & Turton (2015), this may be due to age-grading. In intervocalic context,
middle-aged working class males seem to have a remarkable tendency towards the
glottal articulation, with middle-aged middle class females falling behind. This finding
suggest that the change in the intervocalic phonological environment began in the WC
social group. Both glottalisation and glottaling were attested in the so-called -ee/oo
words (e.g. canteen, tattoo), although glottalled features in this context were rare
Moving further north, we find a second plausible epicentre of glottal(ised) variants that
stratified by sex, age (adolescents and adults) and social class (working class and
middle class). The data were collected by means of sociolinguistic interview as well as
glottals in Glasgow, with a higher rate for the working class (92.47%) than for the
middle class (56.56%) in informal speech. In the more formal style there is a clear
difference between the two classes: the former displayed a 76.32 per cent of t-
glottaling, whereas in the latter the glottal variant seems to be inhibited given the very
low rate of production (4.65%). Even in Glasgow a lack of gender difference was
reported. This study does not comment on the different phonetic contexts constraining
glottal replacement.
No gender effect was also found by Stuart-Smith (1999) who reports mandatory
use of the glottal variant in PreP and a recurrent usage in PreV as well as intervocalic
Recent research on glottal replacement has been carried out in Buckie by Smith
and Holmes-Elliot (2017), with a sample of 24 speakers and a total number of 4,898
tokens coded for linguistic and social factors. The dependent variable was linguistically
constrained by following phonetic segment (PreP and PreV) 29, ambi-syllabic segment
(e.g. bottle, bitten) and onset position (e.g. sometimes), whist the independent variables
explored were age and gender. Results display the following ranking:
Ambi#Syllabic consonant (e.g. bottle) > Coda#Vowel (e.g. that is) > Ambi#Vowel30
(e.g. pretty) Coda#Pause (e.g. I like that.) > onset (e.g. sometimes).
What is surprising from this data is that the usual highly disfavouring ambisyllabic
context, in Buckie, is the most favouring factor. This study displays a dramatic change
in apparent time, from a minor percentage of [Ɂ] in the older generation to a full 90 per
cent among youngsters. A remarkable gender difference is only found among the older
generation where males adopt the non-standard feature more frequently than women,
yet this polarity appears to be levelled in the young generations. Finally, although
glottal variants were usually blocked in prominent syllables, Smith and Holmes-Elliott
(2017) highlight some exceptions, such as the teen numerals (e.g. eighteen) and the
The PreC contexts were excluded as /t/ might assimilate to a following non-sonorant consonant.
V_V environment.
5.9 T-Glottaling beyond the British Isles.
This phonological feature has also been investigated in other English varieties, such as
Holmes (1999) examined word-medial and word-final /t/ glottaling in the speech of
young (18-30) and middle-aged (40-55) speakers from New Zealand, reporting an
increase of (t) glottaling lead by young informants. Glottal variants were found to be
more frequent among working class speakers than their middle class counterparts, with
women being in the lead in both classes. While glottal variants occurred at a higher rate
word-finally, evidence of glottaling was also found in intervocalic position (both word
medial and word final) even though not very frequently. Moreover, the pre-pausal
environment turned out to be the most favoured context for /t/ glottaling to occur.
Roberts (2006) conducted the first study on /t/ glottaling in Vermont analysing
47 speakers, aged between 8 and 80. The change is led by males, particularly by 9 year-
olds and teenagers. In terms of constraints, besides the following environment, the
preceding context was also included in the analysis revealing that preceding vowels
trigger glottaling, whereas preceding consonants inhibit it. As regards the following
environment, pre-pause, pre-nasal and pre-glide favoured the glottal stop, whilst
To examine the variability of (t), Eddington and Taylor’s (2009) study mainly
focused on formal style, excluding informal speech and word-medial tokens. Their
preceding and following stress, preceding and following vowels, gender, age and,
location: 22 speakers were from Western states, 20 were from Utah, and 16 from non-
western states. Results show that only following vowel, age and region surfaced as
significant factors. With respect to following vowels, following high vowels had a
significant effect, whereas following back vowels inhibited the use of glottal variants.
As for age, young and middle-aged females (in their 20s, 30s and 40s) adopted
glottaling more than males aged 20-30. As regards location, high frequency of glottal
stops were found among Western speakers, rather than among Non-Western ones.
Eddington & Brown (2020) examined the production and perception of word-
final and word-medial /t/ glottalization in five US states: Indiana, Mississippi, New
Mexico, Utah, Vermont. The production study shows that age is the only significant
social factor when /t/ occurs word-medially. /t/ in pre-nasal word-medial (e.g. button)
is more likely to be produced as oral releases by young speakers than by their older
counterparts. The preceding vowels of word-medial /t/ followed by nasals was found
to condition glottalization, with /ɪ/ and /ə/ favouring oral releases and /æ/ and /o/
disfavouring it. As for word-final /t/, age and gender are marked as significant
predictors, with young speakers and women being more likely to realise /t/ as a glottal
stop in the PreV environment. The perception study revealed that people who use
5.10 Summary
At this point, the above literature review leads us to make some considerations. Firstly,
some studies treat t-glottaling and t-glottalisation together (e.g. Tollfree, 1999), whilst
others only focus on glottal replacement (e.g. Schleef 2013; Baranowski & Turton
Secondly, as Schleef (2013: 205) claimed: “in some locations, T-glottaling is a new
feature; while in other locations it is not.” It is evident, in fact, that t-glottaling is in the
differences whereas, in other sites, it does not seem to be a new feature especially in
specific phonetic contexts (e.g. PreC environment). In the PreC environment, indeed,
the change seems to approach an endpoint due to high rate of occurrence and lack of
gender differences. On the contrary, a more recent change can be observed in the most
prominent syllables, where the glottal variant has started spreading and, as expected, it
is rarely used by speakers belonging to the old generation. Moreover, since [Ɂ] is the
non-standard and stigmatised variant, it is not surprising to find males using it more
(Labov, 2001). However, Milroy et al.’s (1994) findings from Newcastle show a higher
rate of glottal variants for middle-class females than for middle-class males, and
suggest that this may be associated with a supralocal change, as also observed in Cardiff
Schleef (2013) proposes that the variability of /t/ was found not to be merely
conditioned by phonological factors, but also by grammar which plays a notable role.
The usage of glottal(ised) variants has also increased dramatically in all social classes
and styles. However, as Altendorf & Watt (2008: 209) claim: “social differentiation is
phonetic contexts”. In the light of the above considerations, this study addresses the
Descriptive aims:
- Since East Anglia is considered one of the places where the glottal stop has
originated, the hypothesis is that the change, in this area, might be nearing
- The hypothesis is that social factors play a remarkable role if the change is
- Given the geographic proximity, the use of this feature is not expected to
Theoretical aims:
This Chapter presents and discusses the results of the second linguistic variable
investigated in this survey: (t) glottaling. Firstly, I will recap some coding procedures
related to the linguistic constraints; secondly, I will briefly go through the analytical
procedures adopted during the mixed-effects Rbrul regression analysis. I will then
present the overall findings (the three locations together) and afterwards the results
from each locality to observe whether the role of internal and external factors conform
to the overall East Anglian pattern. Since the (t) database is split into two parts: word-
final /t/ (WF) and word-medial /t/ (WM), the last two procedures will be repeated for
both analyses.
As outlined, the phonetic environment which has received the greatest attention in the
literature is the following phonetic segment – commonly divided into three main
contexts: PreC (e.g. that man), PreV (e.g. that apple) and PreP (e.g. what?).
This study follows Roberts (2006), Eddington and Taylor (2009)1, Schleef (2013), and
Barrera (2015) in coding for both preceding and following environments. Roberts
(2006) divided the consonant category into: obstruents, liquids, glides and nasals, and
has also coded for vowels and following pause. Schleef (2013) maintained the same
Both Roberts (2006) and Eddington and Taylor (2009) researched (t) glottaling in American English.
coding scheme for the following context but, in line with Barrera (2015), limited the
The current study, for both preceding and following phonetic segment, codes vowels
as front, central and back. Trudgill (1974) shows that /t/-glottaling is blocked when
followed by a schwa /ə/ or unstressed /ɪ/, hence, to better control the behaviour of
preceding and following schwa /ə/ - provided the restriction of the rule application -
central /ʌ/ was coded together with back vowels. It is unlikely that the reclassification
of these few tokens would have a different statistical effect on these factor groups given
liquids, stops, fricatives and glides. The coding for the preceding environment is not
only limited to the factor groups examined in previous studies, but along with vowels,
nasals and /l/4, I also included preceding stops, sibilant fricatives and non-sibilant
chapter) were found to block /t/- glottaling (Tollfree, 1999), hence they are usually
“rapid increase in the use of [Ɂ] across all dialects studied to date in the UK” (Smith &
Holmes-Elliott, 2017) and, for this reason, (t) glottaling is advancing so fast across
geographical, social and linguistic constraints, it is likely that [Ɂ] might have just started
diffusing in those linguistic contexts where /t/ was categorically retained. After all,
there are records in which the glottal stop occurs after a preceding stop, i.e. post-
glottalisation after /p, t, k/ are: keeper [kipɁə], speaker [spikɁə], water [watɁə], which
Barrera (2015) distinguished between front, central and back vowels.
Nasals and liquids were collapsed in Schleef’s analysis.
L- vocalised tokens are coded as vowels (e.g. bolt [bəʊt]).
typically occur in Tyneside (Wells, 1982). Even though the glottal stop does not occur
in word-final consonant clusters in the above examples, they show that the sequences
[pɁ], [kɁ] and [tɁ]5 can apply. Hence, /t/ after a preceding stop /p, k/ could potentially
have a glottal gesture. Docherty et al. (1997: 290) report the use of glottal(ised) variants
[Ɂt] in words like chapter, doctor, where the rhymal consonant is a stop, but claim that
“it is at present not clear whether the process also affects words like after and custard
replacement [Ɂ] of the labio-dental /f/ was found in Cockney (Cruttenden, 1994), and
occasional glottalization after fricatives (e.g. fifteen) was reported by Hartley (1992) in
Consonant clusters excluded from analysis are str- (e.g. stroke) and /tr/ (e.g.
mattress). In the latter, /r/ can syllabify with the preceding /t/, hence the alveolar stop
is less likely to undergo glottaling6. Indeed, the few tokens containing /t/ in pre-liquid
/r/ position were all near-categorically non-glottal(ised). Since there was no variation,
they were excluded post-coding from the Rbrul analysis (Johnson, 2009). /t/ at the onset
of a stressed syllable (e.g. attack) are typically excluded as the stress pattern blocks (t)-
glottaling (Schleef, 2013). In this research, however, the –ee/-oo words such as tattoo
and seventeen were taken into account, in line with the Manchester (Baranowski &
Turton, 2015) and the Buckie studies (Smith & Holmes-Elliott, 2017) which show that
This type of glottalized pronunciation [tɁ] is also commonly found in Suffolk and Norwich
(Trudgill, 1974).
In this environment, pre-glottalisation (e.g. mattress [mæʔtrəs]), seems to be more common among
English speakers (Wells, 1982).
/t/ → [ʔ] lenition after preceding high and long front (-ee /i:/) or back (-oo /u:/) vowels have also been
observed by Harris & Kaye (1990). As they highlight, these type of words (e.g.-teen items) are subject
to the English Rhythm Rule, (Prince, 1983), according to which the secondary-primary stress pattern of
a token (e.g. fourteen) turns into a primary-secondary stress pattern, if followed by a stressed word (e.g.
fóurtèen mén) as a result of primary stress clash. These findings were also reported for West Yorkshire
(Jeffries, 2011).
Word-medial /t/ was initially coded by syllable contexts, yet due to low number of
tokens in some categories they were grouped together (see section 6.5. for further
details). Tokens followed by the non-sonorant consonant /s/, such as it’s, were excluded
/t/ and /d/ were not coded. Finally, a maximum of 10 occurrences per speaker were
coded for high-frequency words such as it, at, but, out, that, not.
Across the 36 informants interviewed, 3,051 and 1,872 tokens were respectively coded
for /t/ in WF and WM positions. The number of occurrences analysed for the WF
dataset averages 84.75 tokens per speaker, while 52 tokens per participant were
Rbrul is the statistical tool employed to carry out the mixed-effects regression analysis,
with speaker and word as random effect. To spot the most relevant predictors and to
detect any potential interaction, all factors were included in the first run. Once the
salient predictors were identified, I carried out numerous cross-tabulations between the
dependent variable and each linguistic factor to control for knock-outs. In the next
step, I ran an interaction factor in Rbrul which revealed the interaction between style
and the following phonetic segment, as discussed later in the chapter. Finally, a step-
up/step-down regression analysis was carried out. The type of response is binary: /t/-
glottaling vs. plain /t/, with /t/-glottaling as application value. Table 6.2.1 indicates the
constraints and their related factor groups of the final model for both WF and WM /t/.
In both cases, the number of occurrences exceeds the common statistical threshold (Guy, 1980).
Constraints Factors
Preceding manner of articulation nasals (e.g. prevalent; printer)
sibilant fricative (e.g. machinist; sixteen)
non-sibilant fricatives (e.g. craft; fifteen)
/l/ (e.g. Walt; multiple)
stops (e.g. craft; factory)
high vowels (e.g. quit; eighty)
mid vowels (e.g. it; nightmare)
low vowels (e.g. habitat; apartment)
Following manner of articulation nasal (e.g. eat meet; nightmare)
fricatives (e.g. favourite food; itself )
stops (e.g. rent because; netball)
liquid (e.g. newest little; completely)
glides (e.g. brought you; Gatwick)
high vowels (e.g. updated)
mid vowels (e.g. upset about; potato)
low vowels (e.g. went on; regret and)
pause (e.g. what?)
Syllable stress Primary stress – (t) occurs in primary
stressed syllables (e.g. sit; eighteen);
Non-primary (e.g. operate; community)
Style Spontaneous speech, reading styles, word
Word frequency low frequency (1-3); high frequency (4-7)9
Social class working class, middle class
Age young (18-28), middle (35-50), older (60+)
Sex female, male
Table 6.2.1 Constraints on the (t) variable for the WF and WM dataset.
This section outlines the overall results of word-final /t/ and presents the step-up/step-
down regression analysis of the above model reporting the findings from the three
localities together. The figure below reveals that /t/ glottaling in word final context is
well-distributed across class, sex and age. Working class males lead the young group
Word frequencies presented as Zipf- values can be divided into low-frequency words (values 1-3)
and high-frequency words (values 4-7) (Van Heuven et al., 2014).
with 83% of glottal realisations; women of both classes are slightly ahead among
middle-aged speakers; whereas the least glottal realisations were found among middle
% glottaling
WC females
WC males
40 MC females
20 MC males
young middle old
Having delineated, in brief, the profile of word-final /t/ in East Anglia, let us turn the
findings. Model comparison was carried out through a log-likelihood ratio test, and the
best model achieved in the multivariate analysis shows that preceding environment,
following environment and style are marked as significant predictors. Class, sex and
age do not exhibit statistically significant responses. The lack of social effect is
consistent with recent research carried out in both London and Edinburgh (Schleef,
2013), yet they do not match those studies in which (t) glottaling has a social effect
(e.g. Smith & Holmes-Elliott, 2017)10 - this issue will be addressed later in the chapter.
Despite the social effect found in Buckie, these social influences were weakening over time.
Application value = glottaling; overall proportion = 0.703
R2 = 0.599; log likelihood = -1125.923; N = 3051
Constraints Logodds FW % Tokens
Preceding environment
central vowel 1.985 0.88 95 37
front vowels 1.099 0.75 80 762
back vowels 0.887 0.71 79 1411
nasals 0.846 0.70 74 350
/l/ 0.446 0.61 57 94
stops -2.062 0.113 23 126
fricatives -3.201 0.039 18 271
speech 1.656 0.84 82 2091
reading styles 0.083 0.521 53 615
word lists -1.739 0.149 30 345
Following environment
nasals 2.285 0.908 91 87
liquids 0.688 0.665 94 107
glides 0.553 0.635 87 271
stops 0.481 0.618 91 233
fricatives -0.066 0.484 80 421
central vowel -0.597 0.355 79 227
pause -0.951 0.279 50 1069
front vowels -0.962 0.276 75 533
back vowels -1.432 0.193 62 103
Table 6.3.1 reports no significant effect of lexical frequency for word-final /t/. The
following sections draw the attention to those predictors that surfaced in the mixed-
The most powerful constraint for word-final /t/, in East Anglia, is the preceding
environment. As detailed in Chapter 5, most of the studies on (t) glottaling have limited
the preceding context to vowels. Despite the restriction on the use of [Ɂ] before and
after a schwa /ə/ (Trudgill, 1974), Table 6.3.1 shows that, amongst vowels, a preceding
schwa /ə/ promotes the most glottaling (.88). Crosstabulations revealed that 82% of
tokens with a preceding /ə/ occurred in unstressed syllables. But does this also hold for
Norwich? (this question will be answered in section 6.4.3). Front vowels are the second
most favouring segment with a probability of .75, followed by back vowels which
favour at .71 and have the highest token number. It is interesting to note the strong
influence of preceding vowels since they are not divided by any other factor group in
the hierarchy. Vowels also exhibit the highest effect size amongst Edinburgh (.67),
London’s teenagers (.61) (Schleef, 2013), and in Vermont English (.57) (Roberts,
2006), while in RP the use of [Ɂ] is only favoured by back vowels (.57) - front and
central vowels disfavour it (Barrera, 2015). In phonological theory, front vowels and
coronal consonants are deemed to be members of the natural class of coronal sounds
(Clements and Hume, 1995). Hence, /t/ is more likely to be realised as a coronal feature
rather than with a glottal stop which differs in the place of articulation. However, even
though front and central vowels were marked as disfavouring factors in RP (Barrera,
2015), Barrera reports a visible variability. This means that not only has (t) glottaling
spread from one linguistic environment to another (e.g. after a preceding schwa /ə/),
but has also spread, in the same linguistic contexts, to more formal or statusful varieties.
This would explain the high use of [Ɂ] after certain central and front vowels in East
Anglian English, and it would suggest that the diffusion of glottal variants after a
preceding schwa has completed its linguistic change in the vernacular, at least in East
central vowel front vowels back vowels
The fourth most favouring effect on (t)-glottaling concerns nasals11. The difference in
probabilities between nasals (.70) and low vowels (.71) is negligible, suggesting that
the distinction between these factor groups might not be relevant. Laterals are the last
(2013) found nasals and liquids to inhibit (t)-glottaling, confirming Roberts’ (2006)
findings where preceding consonants disfavoured [Ɂ] at .34. Trudgill (1974) reported
analogous findings in Norwich English with no [Ɂ] in the /n_/ and /l_/ contexts, as in
went and felt. Preceding stops, as expected, favour /t/ retention and disfavour /t/
glottaling at .113. Fricatives have the lowest probability resulting in .039. In this study
fricatives are not treated separately (sibilants vs. non-sibilants) as a likelihood ratio test
of the model with combined fricatives against the model with separate fricatives did
not reveal a significant difference between models ( x2 (1) = 0.16, p > .05).
No comparison can be made with previous studies with respect to preceding stops and
reports a slightly visible variability of glottal variants when /t/ is preceded by stops /p,
The nasal category mainly refers to /n/ (n = 350) which hugely outnumber preceding /m/ (n = 3).
A further run not shown here, reveals that when stops and fricatives are excluded from the analysis,
nasals and preceding /l/ disfavour glottaling, along the line of Schleef’s (2013) study.
k/ and fricatives /f, s/, yet they all remain the most inhibitory factors for (t) glottaling
to occur. Since [Ɂ] is dramatically spreading, and since diffusion can also occur
linguistically (from one environment to the other) (Straw & Patrick, 2007), the use of
glottal stops in these contexts might be accounted for as an early stage diffusion into
while less sonorous segments disfavour it. The sonority scale, which refers to the
(1994) as follows: (most sonorous) vowel > glide > liquid > nasal > fricative > affricate
This ranking is nearly parallel to the East Anglian findings with preceding vowels
favouring (t) glottaling, while a reverse order occurs with respect to nasals and /l/, as
well as stops and fricatives. The exchange of place between nasals and liquids, in terms
of sonority, should not be problematic given the small probability difference between
them. If we explore in more detail the sonority scale within the vowel system, we also
find a reversed order to what is theoretically predicted: (most sonorous) low open
vowels > mid vowels > high close vowels (least sonorous) (Laver, 1994). However,
the present study shows mid vowels at the top of the ranking followed by front and
back vowels.
This phonotactic principle, whose purpose is to describe the structure of a syllable in terms of sonority,
is known as Sonority Sequencing Principle (SSP). For an in-depth discussion on the syllable structure
(onset, nucleus and coda) see Goldsmith (1990) and Laver (1994).
% glottaling
central front back nasals /l/ stops fricatives
vowel vowels vowels
The style-shifting analysis seeks to investigate the distribution of the (t) variable in
the style is closer to the vernacular, while when speech is more self-conscious it will
be more closely to the standard variety (Labov, 1966). Trudgill (1974) demonstrates
that the glottal(ised) variants, in Norwich English, are inversely proportional to social
class and social context. High classes in formal style exhibit low levels of glottalization,
Trudgill’s (1988) real time study revealed that the variable (t), intervocalically and in
word-final /t/, slightly increased in casual style. Conversely, in more formal styles there
was a dramatic spread suggesting how “a change having gone almost to completion in
casual speech, continues to spread from style to style” (Trudgill, ibid: 44). Holmes-
Elliott’s (2019) real time study in Hastings, which explores the development of (t)-
glottaling (among other linguistic variables) 14 from childhood to adolescence, found
higher rates of glottaling with individuals showing convergence over time and moving
in the same direction. The significant effect of style, in Hastings, shows lower rates in
more formal contexts15. Figure 6.3.4 displays the distribution of (t) across style-
shifting, which is the second most significant constraint in the present analysis.
This outcome, which shows that the (t) variable is highly sensitive to style-shifting,
corroborates Trudgill’s (1988) findings and it is in line with previous studies (Milroy
et al. 1994; Tollfree 1999; Williams & Kerswill 1999; Mees & Collins 1999; Stuart-
Smith et al. 2007). Indeed, the graph illustrates a very high rate of glottal(ised) variants
in spontaneous speech, followed by reading passages - where the use of [Ɂ] is almost
in a neutral position (.52) - and the word lists, which are marked as a disfavouring
factor. The question whether /t/-glottaling is losing its stigma remains open, since it is
“increasingly tolerated in more careful register” (Kerswill & Williams, 2000) and it is
This real time study also includes: GOOSE fronting, TH-fronting and /s/-realisation (Holmes-Elliott,
Kerswill & Williams (2000) argue that “children slowly gain sociolinguistic maturity in a manner
that involves a gradual increase in the number of styles that are perceived and treated in an adult way”.
diffusing to more formal styles in younger speakers (Stuart-Smith 1999; Marshall
Conversational speech style and preceding environment. It has been proven that
spread from style to style (Trudgill, 1988). Along this line, figure 6.3.5 illustrates the
If glottal(ised) variants were previously found not to occur before and after a schwa
(Trudgill, 1974), in the present sample [Ɂ] is strongly promoted by all vowels,
regardless of their highness or backness, and a preceding schwa leads the hierarchy.
The position of nasals and /l/ in the hierarchy is noticeable as are their high glottaling
rates. Stops, non-sibilant and sibilant fricatives occupy the last places in the ranking,
but they still show evidence of glottaling whose rate does not go below 26%. Let us
6.3.3 Following environment in word-final /t/
As previously discussed, the bulk of research on the (t) variable has mostly focused on
the following phonetic segment, which is considered the most fruitful constraint. This
ruling predictor, called the diffusion pattern after Straw & Patrick (2007), refers to the
ordering of diffusion in different linguistic contexts: PreC > PreP > PreV. This pattern
is repeated in many southern communities, such as London (Hudson & Holloway 1977;
Tollfree 1999; Schleef 2013), Milton Keynes (William & Kerswill 1999) and in many
northern places such as Derby (Foulkes &. Docherty 1999a), Hull (Williams &
Kerswill 1999), and Edinburgh (Schleef, 2013). In the Manchester data, PreC leads the
ranking, yet no significant difference was found between PreP and PreV (Baranowski
& Turton, 2015). Previous research (e.g. Trudgill, 1974) shows that the use of glottal
stops and glottal(ised) variants is very common in Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk
(Trudgill, 1974), however, as Straw & Patrick (2007: 392) note, “the [linguistic]
environments have not previously been applied to glottal variation in East Anglia”.
In 2007, these environments were adopted to constraint the (t) variable in Ipswich,
where the PreV context was found to favour glottal variants the most, as the following
ranking shows: PreV > PreC > PreP. Since this hierarchy differs from the diffusion
pattern, it is referred to as the Ipswich pattern (after Straw & Patrick 2007).
The extension of the following phonetic segment in some British dialects shows the
nasal (.74) > liquid (.64) > fricative and affricate (.53) > plosive (.45) > glide (.41) >
pause (.37) > vowel (.34)
in Edinburgh (Schleef, 2013):
nasal (.78) > fricative and affricate (.68) > liquid (.54) > plosive (.48) > glide (.46) >
pause (.43) > vowel (.16).
The overall results from the present East Anglian study confirm the diffusion pattern,
with more glottaling in PreC than PreP and PreV. However, when the vowel category
is subdivided a following schwa precedes pause in the hierarchy. Figure 6.3.6 shows
that, in the following environment, nasal (.908), liquid (.665), glide (.635) and stop
environments (.618) favour the glottal(ised) variants, while fricative (.484), central
vowel (.355), pause (.279), high vowel (.276) and low vowel environments (.193)
disfavour it. The social distribution in this context does not reveal prominent results,
besides all social factors, statistically, do not play a role. In Tyneside, on the contrary,
word-final /t/ pre-vocalically was found to be more common among young middle-
class men.
Following pause is usually referred to as an arbitrary facor for (t,d) (Patrick, 1991) as
deletion of apical stops, after a pause, varies across localities. Similarly, pause appears
to be localised even for the distribution of (t) glottaling as glottal(ised) variants do not
(Schleef, 2013), in Edinburgh (Schleef, 2013), yet this predictor holds true for Milton
retain their categorical use of glottals when /t/ occurs before a following pause (Stuart-
Smith, 1999).
% glottaling
The high rates of glottal variants before a following nasal or a liquid is comparable to
the London and the Edinburgh studies. By way of contrast, in East Anglia, the place of
glides and fricatives is reversed: the former favours (t) glottaling, whereas the latter
disfavours it.
glottaling in this context is already well-established in RP, where glides are the second
most favouring predictor (.63) (Barrera, 2015). However, the low place of fricatives in
East Anglia remains a mystery, for now, since (t) glottaling before this phonetic
Due to the low position of vowels in the hierarchy, the Sonority Sequencing Principle
syllable onset, but minimize it in the coda” (Clements, 1990: 177). Even in this case, a
following vowel – at the onset – maximises sonority and does not apply to the data
discussed here. Perhaps, sonority simply does not govern word-final /t/-glottaling.
Conversational speech style and following environment. Let us now explore the
Figure 6.3.7 displays a rate which goes above 85% before nasals, liquids, stops and
fricatives; while the graph line decreases when glottal(ised) variants are followed by a
schwa, pause, front and back vowels. This, as expected, suggests that the use of
glottal(ised) variants in PreC has nearly completed its linguistic change. Indeed, it has
been proven that word-final /t/-glottaling, in the PreC environment, is also well-
comments on the loss of stigma of word-final pre-consonantal /t/-glottaling having
reveals that fricatives exhibit a high rate of glottaling behaving like other following
consonants. This reconfirms that (t) is sensitive to style-shifting and shows how
The correlation between speech style and social variables has long been a key for (t)-
glottaling. However, this study does not report a significant effect for any of the social
predictors investigated. Why? The lack of statistical significance of social factors has
Age is a significant factor in Manchester. See Baranowski & Turton (2015) for further details.
It is argued that the absence of social class and gender significance of a variable
suggests that the advanced change is nearing the completion (Baranowski & Turton,
2015). Appendix II displays statistical details from Rbrul one-level analysis. Despite
being non-statistically significant, sex, age and social class are in the right direction
that we would expect. The youngsters are slightly ahead of middle-aged, while old
speakers fall behind. Indeed, Trudgill (2004a) notes that this supralocal consonant
feature is on the increase among young East Anglian speakers. This trend is illustrated
in figure 6.3.8. showing the distribution of /t/-glottaling across individuals (with the
% glottaling
+18 87
Figure 6.3.8 Rates of WF /t/ glottaling by individuals' age.
Males glottal(ise) /t/ more than females, whereas middle-class speakers fall behind
middle-class speakers were found to promote glottaling the most (Mees & Collins,
1999). The change from above for Cardiff, where glottals are borrowed, contrasts with
the old change for East Anglia where glottals are not a borrowing, hence not a change
from above.
The correlation between sex and class did not exhibit noteworthy results, yet the
relationship between age and class, as in figure 6.3.9, shows that: (1) young working-
class speakers glottal(ise) the most; (2) the degree of glottaling between middle and
working-class middle-aged speakers is levelled, while (3) old speakers use the glottal
stop [Ɂ] to a smaller extent. Altendorf (2003: 91) argues that: “T glottalling has
increased in all social classes17, styles and phonetic contexts in London and the south-
% glottaling
working class
40 middle class
young middle-aged old
with a long history of use in certain sites, despite the evaluation of some more recent
change. East Anglia, indeed, is considered one of the geographical areas where the
glottal stop started spreading first – from Norwich to London (Trudgill, 1999). Origin
aside, given the long presence of the glottal feature in this geographical and linguistic
area, it is not surprising that the three localities investigated behave similarly. Results
from one-level analysis display a high use of glottals in Ipswich > Colchester >
Norwich, with Norwich showing the smallest amount of [Ɂ], but not significantly. The
Note that Altendorf (2003) defined social class merely by type of school: working-class speakers
attended comprehensive schools, while middle-class speakers were those who attended grammar
fact that Norwich exhibits lower rates of glottaling might be due to the relatively lower
number of tokens extracted from this city. The last predictor which did not reach
high frequency words vs. low frequency words. The former refers to the SUBTLEXUK
Zipf-values 4-7, whilst the values attached to the latter are 1-3.
Finally, in the attempt to answer the question posed at the beginning of this section -
why don’t social factors play a salient role? – I believe that the lack of social effect in
East Anglia is not really surprising if compared to contemporary studies, and it adds to
So far, we have presented and discussed the results from the three locations together to
gain an overall understanding of the behaviour of (t) in the linguistic East Anglia area.
Let us now examine each location separately to monitor the consistency of linguistic
The overall findings revealed that linguistic constraints and style trigger glottaling the
most in East Anglia. The preceding environment proved the most fruitful constraint in
terms of effect size and linguistic diffusion, showing that [Ɂ] has spread into other
phonetic contexts (e.g. after a preceding schwa /ə/). The following phonetic segment
reported analogous findings with respect to the internal diffusion of glottals, which is
also conditioned by style-shifting. Since the three localities are sited in what Trudgill
(2001a) defines as ‘linguistic East Anglia’, we would expect Colchester, Ipswich and
Norwich to conform, overall, to the East Anglian pattern. However, internal difference
might surface in the behaviour of word-final /t/ when the three localities are
investigated separately.
6.4.1 Results from Colchester – word-final /t/
Results from the multivariate multiple regression analysis with speaker as random
effect show that the most powerful predictors in order of significance are style,
is the most favouring constraint. As expected, results from style-shifting match the
overall pattern with /t/ being more likely to glottal(ise) in spontaneous speech than in
more formal style, whilst in words lists /t/ is more likely to be realised as an alveolar
Preceding environment. The second most favouring predictor is the preceding phonetic
segment with a marginal change at the top of the ranking, compared to overall findings.
(2) Colchester:
front vowels > central and back vowels > nasals > /l/ > stops > fricatives
In Colchester, high vowels favour (t)- glottaling slightly more than central and back
vowels. It has to be noticed that in the Colchester dataset, central and back vowels were
grouped together in the preceding environment owing to the low number of tokens in
the mid category and due to the similarities in terms of probability weight between the
two factor groups. The rest of the hierarchy matches the East Anglian pattern, with
Application value = glottaling; overall proportion = 0.726
R2 = 0.644; log likelihood = -349.502; N = 1097
Constraints Logodds FW % Tokens
*** p<.001
speech 2.096 0.890 87 769
reading styles 0.028 0.507 49 206
word lists -2.121 0.107 23 122
Preceding Env.
*** p<.001
front vowels 1.035 0.738 81 544
central & back
vowels 1.030 0.737 78 277
/l/ 0.928 0.717 65 20
nasals 0.684 0.665 69 118
Stops -1.441 0.191 27 41
fricatives -2.236 0.097 32 97
Following Env.
*** p<.001
nasals 2.840 0.945 93 29
liquids 1.063 0.743 98 42
glides 0.693 0.667 91 92
stops 0.182 0.545 89 73
fricatives -0.188 0.453 83 169
central vowels -0.833 0.303 83 77
pause -1.002 0.268 52 378
front vowels -1.054 0.258 78 200
back vowels -1.700 0.155 65 37
significant predictor to condition (t). Factor groups within this constraint influence (t)
glottaling in the same probability order as the overall East Anglian pattern, matching
Barring the inclusion of glides among consonants.
As discussed in section 6.3.4, none of the external factors, style aside, reached
statistical significance when the three areas were combined; this result still holds for
Colchester when it is separately analysed. Let us now turn the attention to the second
This section reports the results from a step-up/step-down regression analysis, with
phonetic segment, with central & back vowels (.832), nasals (.80) and front vowels
(.735) favouring glottal(ised) variants, whilst /l/ (.493), stops (.126) and fricatives
(.071) exhibit a negative correlation. These findings go in the direction of the overall
(4) Ipswich
back vowels > nasals > front vowels > /l/ > stops > fricatives.
Vowels, in Ipswich, are separated by nasals, and back vowels trigger slightly more
glottaling than front vowels. It has to be noticed that central vowels have been excluded
from the regression analysis as the use of the glottal stop in this context turned out to
[Ɂ] (e.g. after a preceding schwa). The exchange of place in hierarchy between sibilant
Following environment. The second most powerful constraint is the following context,
with nasals (.957), glides (.668), stop (.586) and liquids (.565) promoting the use of the
glottal stop, while fricatives (.49), vowels (.37, .252, .161) and pause (.247) do not
encourage (t)-glottaling.
(6) Ipswich:
nasals > glides > stops > liquids > fricatives > central vowels > pause > front vowels
> back vowels
Previous studies show that nasals and liquids are the most preferable environments for
[Ɂ] to occur, whereas glides and plosives were found to disfavour glottal(ised) variants
in both London and Edinburgh (Schleef, 2013). However, the high place of glides and
stops in the above hierarchy confirms the strong effect of these predictors in East
Anglia - in Ipswich in particular - where glides and plosives separate nasals and liquids,
as in (6). Straw & Patrick (2007) demonstrate that, in Ipswich, word-final /t/ does not
follow the usual diffusion pattern (PreC > PreP > PreV), yet the apical stop is more
likely to be glottal(ised) before following vowels than before following consonanta and
pause yielding the following ranking: PreV > PreC, PreP – which is referred to as the
Ipswich pattern (after Straw & Patrick, 2007)19. By contrast, the findings from the
present study are not analogous to the Ipswich pattern, as all vowels strongly disfavour
This pattern was found amongst Ipswich Anglo urban speakers, whereas the use glottal variants for
Barbadians was higher in PreP position.
Application value = glottaling; overall proportion = 0.729
R2 = 0.469; log likelihood = -469.458; N = 1114
Constraints Logodds FW % Tokens
Preceding Env.
central & back
vowels 1.601 0.832 83 317
nasal 1.389 0.80 79 155
front vowels 1.021 0.735 78 488
/l/ -0.030 0.493 47 19
stops -1.414 0.196 29 52
fricatives -2.567 0.071 19 83
Following Env.
nasals 3.110 0.957 97 40
glides 0.700 0.668 90 95
stops 0.348 0.586 95 81
liquids 0.263 0.565 95 37
fricatives -0.039 0.49 84 146
central vowels -0.530 0.37 83 78
front vowels -1.087 0.252 77 198
pause -1.115 0.247 51 405
back vowels -1.650 0.161 64 34
speech 1.394 0.801 83 760
reading styles 0.038 0.506 54 244
word lists -1.392 0.195 43 110
Style. Another significant constraint which helps explaining the variability of (t)
Similar findings, with respect to style, were found in Norwich. Table 6.4.3 reports the
Application value = glottaling; overall proportion = 0.716
R2 = 0.559; log likelihood = -296.004; N = 749
Constraints Logodds FW % Tokens
Preceding Env.
central and back
vowels 1.239 0.775 79 205
front vowels 1.052 0.741 75 379
nasal 0.900 0.711 69 77
/l/ 0.363 0.59 58 55
stops -3.555 0.028 9 33
Following Env.
nasals 1.705 0.846 81 16
stops 0.927 0.717 93 74
liquids 0.830 0.696 96 26
glides 0.427 0.605 85 76
fricatives -0.147 0.463 75 98
central vowels -0.568 0.362 81 63
pause -0.993 0.27 53 249
front vowels -1.072 0.255 76 117
back vowels -1.110 0.248 60 30
speech 1.538 0.823 84 491
reading styles 0.182 0.545 63 145
word lists -1.721 0.152 25 113
Before comparing the above results to the East Anglian pattern, we should draw
attention to the number of tokens analysed in this research site. The original number of
tokens for word-final /t/ in Norwich equalled 840. However, in the pre-fricative context
(n = 91) /t/ was categorically retained, hence these occurrences were excluded from the
regression analysis, giving a total of 749 with an average of 62 tokens per speaker.
Central vowels were collapsed with back vowels as, in this environment, /t/ was nearly
categorically glottal(ised). It is unlikely that this would have a significant statistical
influence, given the very low tokens in the central vowel category (n = 10).
Preceding environment. Results from Norwich are near identical to the East Anglian
pattern: central and back, as well as front vowels (.775, .741) strongly favour the glottal
stop [Ɂ] along with nasals (.711) and /l/ (.59), while stops (.028) strongly disfavour it.
phonetic context with nasals (.846) at the top of the ranking followed by stops (.717),
liquids (.696), and glides (.605) which exhibit a positive correlation; similar to Ipswich,
stops precede liquids in the ranking, whereas fricatives (.463), vowels (.362, .255.,
It is not surprising that certain following vowels disfavour [Ɂ] as previous studies
carried out in Norwich reported some restrictions on the application of the diasystemic
rule: /t/ x <[t] ~ [tɁ] ~ [Ɂ]> (Trudgill, 1974). As discussed early in the chapter,
one of the limitations refers to the use of the glottal stop after a preceding schwa.
However, the present survey has demonstrated that (t) glottaling in this linguistic
environment has completed the change in East Anglia, as this finding was consistent
in all three localities. Moreover, /t/-glottaling after a preceding schwa has been recently
attested even in RP (Barrera, 2015). The second restriction concerns the following
as in put it [phot‘əɁ], yet in the case of stressed /ɪ/ the glottal stop can apply as in went
Figure 6.4.1 Restrictions on the application of (t) glottaling. Adapted from Trudgill
This second restriction is consistent with the findings of the present study. So far, we
have presented and discussed the findings from word-final /t/ in East Anglia, as a
linguistic area first, and secondly, we have investigated the three urban areas separately
to verify the consistence of constraint ranking. Let us now explore /t/ glottaling in word-
medial position.
This section draws attention to word-medial /t/ from the whole East Anglian dataset.
The findings suggest that the change in status of /t/ glottaling in word-medial position
is behind that of /t/ glottaling in word-final environments due to the lower rates of rule
application and to the noticeable variation across social variables. Despite the
differences between socio-economic classes, this predictor does not play a significant
statistical influence on this variable. Males of both classes are in the lead among the
young group where the least glottal realisation occurs among middle class females
(22%); middle-aged speakers seem to use a relatively similar amount glottal variants,
except for middle class females (16%); in the old group, working class males
glottal(ise) the most reaching a rate of 51%. Furthermore, the use of word-medial /t/
% glottaling WC females
WC males
40 MC females
MC males
young middle old
In the literature, word-final /t/ and word-medial /t/ are typically investigated separately
as two different phonological contexts where the rule application is not identical. The
(a) /t/ in word-medial syllable final (e.g. nightmare, before a morpheme boundary)20,
(b) intervocalic position (e.g. better)
(c) syllabic /l/ contexts (e.g. bottle), and
(d) /t/ at the onset position (e.g. seventeen, sometimes21).
Tokens with syllabic /n/ (e.g. button) were initially included in the multivariate
analysis, yet /t/ was categorically retained. While the intervocalic position includes all
the unstressed contexts, the onset position includes the stressed ones (e.g. the -ee/-oo
tokens, such as tattoo). The latter, as previously outlined, was commonly found to be
This study follows Tollfree (1999) in treating /t/ in word-medial syllable final contexts in tokens like
Word-medial foot initial tokens (e.g. canteen) were all preceded by a consonant, while word-medial
syllable final positions (e.g. Gatwick) were mostly followed by a consonant, except for 6 occurrences
out of 163, which are followed by a vowel. The latter result from the regular past -ed affixation (e.g.
adopted, reported).
the most constraining environment, yet several studies have demonstrated that, in some
British dialects22, /t/-glottaling has started spreading through the prosodic hierarchy
(Harris & Kaye 1990; Baranowski & Turton 2015; Smith & Holmes-Elliott 2017).
However, due to the low number of tokens in certain factor groups23, the four syllabic
contexts were collapsed into one more general category: word-medial /t/ - in line with
previous research (e.g. Schleef 2013; Hall-Lew et al. 2019). However, when the data
are divided by syllable context the hierarchical distribution of /t/ glottaling is the
% glottaling
morpheme boundary syllabic /l/ intervocalic onset position
Where comparison is possible, the above hierarchy seems to resemble Buckie for the
high use of non-standard variants in pre-syllabic lateral /l/ position24, yet this context
as the second least favouring environment in Hughes et. al’s (2012) ranking, illustrated
So far, there is evidence of /t/-glottaling at the onset position in Manchester and Buckie.
In Buckie, syllabic context and following environment were combined “within one elaborated
category” as the following environments result in: pause, vowel and syllabic consonant (Smith &
Holmes-Elliott, 2017: 12).
In Buckie, /t/ glottaling rates in pre-syllabic lateral position go beyond 75 per cent.
in Chapter 5. The intervocalic position follows with a modest difference, employing
However, the argument that the ongoing spread is most noticeable intervocalically,
seems to also hold for East Anglia. In Derby, for instance, only younger speakers
produced 22% of glottals, while older ones produced only four medial glottal tokens
On the other hand, the onset environment exhibits a marginal use of [Ɂ] in this
context (for a robust use of [ʔ] in onset positions see Smith & Holmes-Elliott 2017).
This finding suggests that, despite the low probability of application, in East Anglia, /t/
is not categorically retained at the onset, and that glottaling might have started the next
Bermúdez-Otero (2010) argues that a phonological process, over time, may spread
glottalization in word-initial syllable onset positions, Docherty et al. (1997: 290) argue
“It is in general unwise to make a negative claim to the effect that glottalisation
does NOT occur in this position, even if the occurrences are rare… In the
environments reviewed above which are said to block glottalisation, we can state
more accurately that the probability of glottalisation occurring is lower than in,
say, presyllabic-lateral positions.”25
From a statistical standpoint, the best model achieved in the multivariate analysis
This argument also holds for the application of glottaling / glottalisation in word-final /t/ after
preceding fricatives. As noted earlier, the phonological process is marked as a highly disfavouring factor,
but in this context glottal(ised) variants are not categorically blocked.
For the word-medial sample, style was not included as a predictor in the regression analysis as /t/ was
categorically glottal(ised) in informal speech, whilst in the more formal style (i.e. reading passages) it
was categorically realised as a plain /t/. Hence, this constraint had to be excluded from the multivariate
analysis since the only remaining factor group was the word lists, with a rate of 10% glottaling.
Preceding environment. In the word-medial sample, the greatest effect is contributed
by the preceding phonetic segment, similarly to word-final /t/. The most favouring
factors are vowels, with front ones (e.g. natter) leading the ranking (.80). Central and
back vowels (e.g. senator; cutter) favour at .555, slightly ahead of the .50 threshold and
not very far from being a neutral context. Conversely, preceding nasals (e.g. canteen),
stops and fricatives (e.g. laptop; westfield) disfavour at .441 and .203, respectively.
Comparable findings were found in London and Edinburgh where among teenagers the
glottal stop was more likely to be produced after a preceding vowel, than after a
preceding nasal or liquids. In the East Anglian database, preceding laterals are excluded
from analysis owing to the low number of tokens in this category (n = 4).
Application value = glottaling; overall proportion = 0.361
R2 = 0.530; log likelihood = -911.106; N = 1872
Constraints Logodds FW % Tokens
Preceding Env.
front vowels 1.386 0.80 50 919
central & back
vowels 0.222 0.555 32 541
nasals -0.238 0.441 12 263
stops & fricatives -1.37 0.203 7 149
high-frequency 0.689 0.666 46 1289
low-frequency -0.689 0.334 14 583
Following Env.
stops & fricatives 1.502 0.818 75 77
nasals 0.274 0.568 68 41
liquids -0.256 0.436 54 167
central & back
vowels -0.656 0.342 35 478
front vowels -0.864 0.297 30 1109
males 0.428 0.605 44 916
females -0.428 0.395 29 956
young 0.691 0.666 43 574
middle-aged -0.107 0.473 32 661
old -0.584 0.358 33 637
Syllable stress
non-primary 0.174 0.543 37 810
primary -0.174 0.457 35 1062
induce /t/ to glottal(ise): front vowels > central and back vowels > nasals > stops and
fricatives. A closer inspection revealed that the trend of males and females goes in the
same direction, yet males are ahead of females especially when /t/ follows a front
% glottaling
nasals stops and central and front vowels
fricatives back vowels
Figure 6.5.3 Rates of WM /t/ glottaling by preceding environment and sex, p > .05.
With respect to age, figure 6.5.4 shows that old speakers produce slightly more
middle-aged speakers near-categorically do not adopt the glottal stop when /t/ follows
stops and fricatives; additionally, they are also behind the two age groups after
preceding front vowels. Whereas young speakers are ahead in the central and back
vowel environment, the rates of glottaling after a preceding front vowel are slightly
higher among old speakers. In the same phonetic context, young and middle-aged show
a rate of application higher than 30% (for middle-aged) and lower than 45% (for young
% glottaling 45
30 middle
nasals stops and central and front vowels
fricatives back vowels
Figure 6.5.4 Rates of WM /t/ glottaling by preceding environment and age, p < .01.
Lexical frequency. The strong effect of lexical token frequency has long been argued
some English varieties (Bybee 2000b). By way of contrast, there seems to be a limited
number of studies which took this predictor into account to explore specifically /t/
both London and Edinburgh, whereas its effect on word-final /t/ emerged only in
phonological contexts.
words exhibit high rates of (t) glottaling in Manchester, yet the rate of change over time
is the same for high and low frequency words. Hence, there is no evidence that high
frequency words change faster. Their focus is rooted on how /t/ glottaling exhibits
lexical frequency effects, and whether or not the magnitude of this effect increases as
Quantitatively, results from East Anglia confirm that the probability of /t/-glottalling,
in apparent time, is higher in high-frequency words, whose magnitude is twice the size
of low-frequency tokens.
Following environment. The third most relevant predictor to account for the variance
of (t) is the following phonetic segment, with stops and fricatives (e.g. netball; outside),
and nasals (e.g. nightmare) favouring glottal(ised) variants at .818 and .568,
respectively. Liquids (e.g. settle) and following vowel environments (e.g. fainted27;
obscenity) are marked as disfavouring factors.28 Findings from London (Schleef, 2013)
reveal that, word-medially, obstruents (.89), nasals and liquids (.61) favour the glottal
between East Anglia and London in the behaviour of following liquids remains
unclear29. These results are at odds with Schleef’s (2013) findings in Edinburgh, where
foot initial onset context (e.g. printer, botany, Saturday) (Tollfree, 1999) even in East
Anglia, yet there seems to be no relevant influence of the following vowel type. The
fact that the following environment of word-final and word-medial /t/ vary in the
In Norwich English, final -ed can be realised as /-ət/, as in hundred [hʌndɹəɁ], where word-final glottal
replacement can occur (Trudgill, 1974). Similarly, /t/ in fainted is followed by schwa, and it is above
reported as an example of pre-central vowel.
Note that glide tokens were excluded from the analysis owing to the low number of tokens (n = 9). In
7 out of 9 tokens, /t/ was preceded by the labio-velar glide /w/ as in Gatwick, network, between etc.;
while /t/, only in two cases, was followed by the palatal glide /j/ where /t/ was retained, as in fortune. In
many varieties of English such cases, in the absence of yod-dropping, are typically palatalised [tʃ]. For
a more detailed account on /j/, in East Anglia, see Trudgill (1974) who reports a retained use of /j/ in
use, ewe, value (but not curlew).
This might be due to the fact that liquids are collapsed with nasals in Schleef’s study, yet it is inexplicit
whether these two factors were combined because they were strongly marked as disfavouring factors or
due to the low number of tokens in one of those categories.
ranking to a small degree suggests that, at least in East Anglia, /t/ glottaling is under
the control of similar phonetic constraints which move in the same direction. Indeed,
the rankings below show that /t/-glottaling is favoured pre-consonantally, but not pre-
Following consonants, which exhibit a different order ranking, diverge only in the
Let us turn attention to the interaction between the social and the linguistic dimensions.
Crosstabulations between the following environment and sex revealed that women tend
to glottalise more than men when /t/ is followed by nasals, stops and fricatives; while
before liquids and vowels men use the non-standard variants more frequently than
women. This finding is not surprising as it is in line with the literature: word-medial
1999; Altendorf 2003; Hughes et al. 2005), hence glottals are preferred by women;
environments, and thus males are ahead in the use of glottal(ised) variants.
% glottaling
40 females
stops & nasals liquids central & front
fricatives back vowels
Crosstabs by age and following phonetic segment (see figure 6.5.6 revealed that young
speakers are ahead of the middle and old ones, particularly before nasals and front
Milroy et al., 1994). Older speakers show a strong linear effect, with a decreasing of
once again fall behind, but this time in different phonetic contexts: before nasals,
% glottaling
40 middle
20 old
stops and nasals liquids central and front
fricatives back vowels
The tendency of using the glottal stop was particularly associated with young middle-class females
(Milroy et al., 1994).
Age and sex. The most marked difference between word-final and word-medial /t/ is
linked to the social dimension which surfaces only word-medially. Sex exhibits a
higher proportion of variation compared to the age of speakers. The fact that class is
not listed among significant predictors in the logistic regression analysis should not be
surprising. Indeed, it has been argued that in terms of influence on linguistic variability,
gender should be considered prior to social class, as the role played by gender is greater
than social class influences in many speech communities (e.g. Milroy et al., 1994).
In East Anglia, males produce more glottal stops than females, in line with the
assumption that “this variant is a male working-class norm” (Docherty et. al, 1997:
London (Hudson & Holloway, 1977), Glasgow (Stuart-Smith, 1999) and many others
show that males were leading the change31 (see Collins and Mees (1999) for opposite
results). Figure 6.5.7 displays a young male preference for the glottals, followed by
older males and finally by the middle-aged counterpart. Females, overall, produce
lower rates of these variants with middle-aged being slightly ahead of younger
speakers, while older speakers fall behind. Statistical details report the influence of
young speakers, whose probability weight is .66, far exceeds that of middle and older
speakers who disfavour /t/-glottaling at .47 and .36, respectively. This means that the
Docherty et al. (1997) found a female preference in the use of glottals in Tyneside, and argue that the
traditional and more common finding (males > females) may be due to the fact that many studies do not
distinguish glottal stops from reinforced stops.
% glottaling
45 young
males females
Stress. The last predictor which surfaced in the mixed-effects analysis is stress. As
outlined, in chapter 2, stress was coded as a binary factor: primary vs. non-primary –
depending whether /t/ occurred in a stressed (e.g. haters) or non-stressed syllable (e.g.
Variation in realisation of /t/ has been previously accounted for with reference
to stress (e.g. Holmes 1995; Tollfree 1999). Holmes (1995) reports that main stress
triggers the use of glottals more than reduced stress, whereas Tollfree (1999) claims
that “T-glottalisation is optional where the stress on the syllable following /t/ is less
than that borne by the preceding syllable, i.e. in non-foot-initial onset position” as in
The stress pattern found in East Anglia, for word-medial /t/, suggests that
unstressed syllables containing /t/ favour glottal(ised) variants, whereas syllables with
primary stress disfavour glottals. This predictor, however, is the least statistically
powerful and the probability difference between primary and non-primary stress is
quite small: the former exhibits a 37 per cent of glottals, whereas the latter 35 per cent.
So far, we have discussed the results of the logistic regression analysis exploring closer
those predictors which proved the null-hypothesis false. Let us now inspect the glottal
variation at an individual level to see whether each speaker is participating in the
change. The individual variation was controlled for by including speaker as a random
effect in the mixed-effects model. Figure 6.3.8 displayed a good clustering of young
individuals with respect to word-final /t/; we would expect the same result word-
medially given the leading position of young speakers. However, figure 6.5.8 exhibits
more dispersion in the young and middle age groups than in the old counterpart, where
individuals tend to be clustered. A closer examination reveals that the low rates of
glottals among young speakers are due to a relevant number of tokens where /t/ occurs
at the onset position, such as nineteen. When these words are excluded from the dataset
young middle old
Although the factors that appear to constrain word-medial and word-final /t/ are
markedly divergent, the effect size of the preceding and following phonetic segment is
remarkably similar. The statistical effect of social factors, instead, emerged only word-
6.5.1 Non-significant factors – word-medial /t/
Social class, the third social factor included in the model, is marked as a non-significant
predictor along with location. Working-class speakers adopt glottals more than their
detected for the three locations. One-level analysis shows that Colchester and Ipswich
favour /t/-glottaling, while Norwich disfavours it, but not significantly. Indeed, the
tables below illustrate the similarity in the glottaling rates among the three localities.
how /t/ behaves word-medially in Colchester, Ipswich and Norwich to inspect the
conditioned. By exploring closer the three localities, we will see whether the same
Table 6.6.1 below shows results of word-medial /t/ according to the statistically
prominent constraints. The most favouring factors, in order of significance, are the
preceding phonetic segment, the following environment, lexical frequency and sex.
Preceding environment. The influence of the preceding phonetic segment does not
seem to resemble the overall East Anglian pattern. In Colchester, front vowels favour
at .766, stops and fricatives are not very far from being a neutral context favouring /t/-
glottaling at .507, whereas central and back vowels along with nasals disfavour at .452
(1) East Anglian pattern
front vowels > central and back vowels > nasals > stops and fricatives
Clearly, the Colchester pattern is not in line with the sonority hierarchy of the overall
East Anglian pattern given the high place of stops and fricatives in the ranking, and
given the low position of nasals, which is the least favouring segment for /t/-glottaling
to occur.
such as witness yet, in Colchester, they favour production of the coronal stop. This
might be a result of the re-coding of nasals, grouped together with liquids here, owing
to insufficient number of tokens in the nasal category to carry out an accurate statistical
analysis. Following vowels, in agreement with the overall pattern, disfavour /t/-
glottaling. The exchange of place between front vowels with central and back ones is
not relevant since they all inhibit glottals. The only favouring predictors for the
following environment are stops and fricatives, showing a probability of .907. Typical
findings, indeed, show that following obstruents as in Whitby, Watford enhance the use
of glottal variants.
Lexical frequency. The third most favouring predictor is lexical frequency, with high
frequency tokens being subject to glottals more than low frequency ones.
Sex. The least favouring constraint is sex - the only social factor which reached
In Ipswich, the preceding environment, lexical frequency, following context, stress and
age have a significant influence on the response. Table 6.6.2 shows that factor groups
conditioning in Ipswich, with preceding vowels promoting the use of glottals, while
preceding consonants favour /t/ retention particularly stops and fricatives, which
strongly disfavour /t/ glottaling. This finding counteracts the Colchester pattern where
obstruents are the second most preferred environment for glottals to occur.
Lexical frequency. The second most favouring predictor is word frequency, with high
frequency tokens triggering the use of glottals more than low frequency ones.
Following environment. Results from the following phonetic segment are uniform with
Age. The penultimate significant predictor in this analysis is age - the only social factor
that influences word-medial /t/ in Ipswich - with younger speakers favouring [Ɂ], while
Stress. Unlike the findings from Colchester, stress surfaced in the Ipswich regression
stressed or unstressed syllable. The significant factors that emerged in this multivariate
analysis include the preceding phonetic segment, lexical frequency and the following
Preceding environment. When stops and fricatives are included in the analysis, they
are the only predictors to be marked as strongly disfavouring factors, as shown in the
table below. However, when obstruents are removed from the analysis front vowels
favour at .67, whilst central and back vowels together with nasals disfavour at .48 and
Similar to Colchester, nasals and liquids had to be collapsed even in Ipswich.
.35, respectively. In this case, the restriction of glottals to occur before a preceding
Lexical frequency. In line with the literature and with the trend which has been
discussed in this chapter, high frequency tokens show a probability of .629, which is
In the overall pattern, nasals were marked as a disfavouring factor.
Following environment. Similar to word-final /t/, this phonological context rejects the
null hypothesis at p <.01, whereas in both Colchester and Ipswich levels of significant
are smaller (p<.001). This would suggest that (a) (t) glottaling is completing the change
in this environment in Norwich; (b) Norwich is ahead of Colchester and Ipswich in the
When zooming into this phonological constraint both nasals and the lateral /l/ promote
from London (Schleef, 2013).34 Following vowels favour the retention of the coronal
6.7 Summary
This Chapter has examined word-final and word-medial /t/ in East Anglia.
The results suggest that word-final /t/ has completed its social change and is spreading
in phonological space (e.g. after a preceding schwa where the use of glottals was found
phonetic context have nearly completed the change in East Anglia and have also spread
to more formal varieties, such as RP. Word-medial /t/ is both phonetically and socially
conditioned with young males being ahead of females. However, in Norwich no social
When we looked at the overall results (the three localities together) nasals and /l/ were treated
separately, as the number of tokens in the nasal category was above the statistical threshold of 30.
However, when the dataset was divided according to the three urban areas, nasals and /l/ had to be
grouped together.
significance was reported, and the restriction found by Trudgill (1974) still holds before
a following schwa. The latter also holds for Colchester and Ipswich.
word-final consonant clusters, and (t) in word-final and word-medial position. (t,d) and
word-final (t) intersect in word-final consonant clusters, yet their intersection appears
to have been ignored so far. Wells (1999a, in answer to question number 12 in the list
of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’), remarks that “no-one can know what will happen in
the future: if the glottal stop is indeed a stage on the route to disappearance [elision]
[…].” In the attempt to provide an answer to the above claim – twenty years later – the
one of the main goals of sociolinguistics research. In this Chapter, the focal point will
be the co-variation of the two linguistic variables previously examined: (t) deletion and
(t) glottaling, which intersect in word-final consonant clusters. To start with, I will
variables, and a brief review of the concept of co-variation between linguistic variables;
I will then turn to the subject of lenition, and phonological rule ordering following with
an outline of analytical procedure; finally, I will present and discuss the overall results
Intersection between (t) deletion and (t) glottaling means that in words like can’t, kept,
the non-standard variants of the /t/ may be elided (e.g. [kɑːn]) or may have a glottal
gesture (e.g. [kɑːnɁ])1. To avoid any kind of terminological confusion between (t)
glottaling in word-final context (e.g. what, that) and (t) glottaling in word-final
consonant cluster (e.g. kept, event), the former will be referred to as word-final /t/
glottaling2, whilst the latter will be called (t) glottaling in the C(C)t environment.
This question does not concern the (t,d) variable, in which both /t/ and /d/ occur in
C(C)t and C(C)d positions. This analysis, instead, set out to examine only patterns of
The terms intersection and covariation will be used interchangeably in this chapter.
See Chapter 5 for further details on the use of this term throughout this survey.
variation between (t) deletion and (t) glottaling in the C(C)t environment, even though
Temple (2014) provides evidence of a small number of tokens where the /d/
[sɛʔ͡n̩ˈhant͡ʔʃɒps], where the first voiced alveolar is deleted, whilst the second is
devoiced and glottalised. Glottal realisation of /d/ is common in other English dialects,
such as AAVE (e.g Fasold, 1972) and Norwich English. With respect to Norwich
English, Trudgill (1974) demonstrates that final -ed can be realised as /-ət/; thus, the
features. We have seen that the status of (t,d), in East Anglia, is that of a stable variable;
whereas the profile of (t) is explained as follows: /t/ glottaling in word-final position is
a change in progress which has reached social completion in many parts of the UK
(Baranowski & Turton 2015), including East Anglia where glottal variants are now
These two linguistic variables are usually analysed as parallel models: non-
standard /t,d/ deletion vs. /t/ retention, or non-standard /t/ glottaling vs. coronal forms
of /t/. As indicated earlier, it is common practice to code glottal variants along with
apical stops, when examining (t,d) deletion, as the glottal gesture is treated as a
presence, as opposed to deletion – the complete loss of the segment. Even though these
two variables intersect in British English, no systematic investigation has been carried
Given that British English allows for more than two alternations in word-final
consonant cluster, as in /kept/ which can be realised as [kɛpt], [kɛɁ], [kɛpɁ], [kɛp]; and
since the results from East Anglia display a slight visible variability of /t/ glottaling in
environments previously stigmatized (e.g. after preceding stops and fricatives3), the
two non-standard features - (t) deletion and (t) glottaling – will be explored in a more
fault, kept), as the elision of apical stops (i.e. (t,d) absence) typically occurs in this
binary regression analysis to observe patterns of variation (see section 7.7). The
o of glottal forms?
Most of sociolinguistic research deals with covariation between linguistic variables and
social factors. Trudgill (1974: 64) states that “a phonological variable can be defined
or with other linguistic variables.” The traditional variationist research which focused
See Tollfree (1999).
on linguistic/social covariation has been later expanded including covariation of
explanatory linguistic factors as prime goal (Wolfram 1993; Patrick 1999). In this
Chapter, we will mainly focus on exploring the covariation of (t) deletion and (t)
mirroring dialect boundaries (Labov et al. 2006); in terms of style shifting of multiple
(Tamminga, 2019), in which speakers are compared across a range of variable features.
Comparison between speakers across phonological variables has been also carried out
in British creole (Patrick, 2004). Some linguists have looked at the intersection between
Guy and Hinskens (2016: 5) state that “the question of whether and how in a given
phenomena are interrelated has received little attention until recently.” Several studies
have addressed this matter. Horvath & Sankoff (1987) investigated 20 vocalic variants
linguistic space, rather than examining the distribution of linguistic variables in the
social dimension.
marking in Jamaican Creole. His results from the creole continuum show that the
regular affixation of /-t,-d/ as a past tense marker is not compulsory, that is some
This explains the high /t,d/ deletion rate in regular past tense verbs which is due to
Guy (2013) explored four binary variables among working class speakers of
Popular Brazilian Portuguese. Some of the variables in his work were found to be in
surfaces separately.
argue that “the orderly variables that define the community should collectively behave
in parallel (i.e. cohere), that is, variants (or rates of use of variants) that index a given
distribution. This parallel behaviour springs from the concept of speech communities
being sociolinguistically coherent; that is, speakers who belong to higher classes would
sociolinguistics, as Guy and Hinskens’ (2016) argument appears to be at odds with the
claim that speakers actively, idiosyncratically adopt the social signalling of variants in
view known as bricolage after Eckert (2008). The issue of at what point such individual
One of the questions raised by Guy and Hinskens (2016: 4) is: “Which features
correlate and which do not? To what extent, and in what ways, do the characteristic
linguistic features / domains are involved in change in progress and which tend to be
constant?” With respect to the social dimension the question asks: “Are there socially
identifiable leaders of change who tend to use all the innovative variants together, or
analysis, as studies which have addressed the issue of covariation so far have
between two non-standard features. The relationship between (t) deletion and (t)
glottaling in the C(C)t environment, here, will be mainly explored through the lens of
lenition, and through the rule ordering of feeding and bleeding, rather than that of
used in phonology (e.g. Carr 1993, Hock and Joseph, 1996) and imply a notion of
The vowels investigated include the following lexical sets: FACE, PRICE, TOOTH, DOWN, GOAT,
Guy & and Hinskens (2016) also address the matter of covariation and coherence among different
linguistic systems, raising questions related to language contact.
consonantal strength6 (Ashby & Maidment, 2005). According to Lass and Anderson
(1975: 151), “[…] strength is equated with resistance to airflow through the vocal tract,
and weakness with lack of such resistance.” Two current definitions of this process,
reviewed by Honeybone (2008), show that lenition and weakening are used as
Even though the two terms are indistinguishably used, originally, lenition derives from
the Latin lenire (to soften) and it is not associated with strength or weakness
phonology, yet no proposal seems to cover all stages which lead to the total segment
loss (Honeybone, 2012). Some hierarchies, for instance, do not include the stage of
debuccalisation (e.g. Ewen & van der Hulst, 2001). A compelling proposal, with
respect to coronal segments, has been provided by Harris (1994) who considers
It is argued that consonantal strength can be due to the stress or prosodic prominence of syllables (Ladd
1996); the place of articulation of consonants (Foley, 1977); the manner of articulation of consonants
and voicing (Honeybone, 2008). Six additional types of consonantal strength which have been identified
include “inherent strength, positionally-endowed strength, static comparative strength, strength shown
through dynamic spontaneous change, simple non-inhibitory relative strength, and strength to inhibit
process-innovation.” See Honeybone (2008) for further details.
See Honeybone (2008) for issues which arise from this definition, such as linking lenition to inter-
sonorant context.
Plosive > ʔ (Glottaling) > Ø (Deletion).
Kirchner (2004: 3) argues that lenition refers to both diachronic alternations and
synchronic sound change “whereby a sound becomes weaker or where a weaker sound
bears an allophonic relation to a stronger sound”. Despite being a debated issue in the
“reduction in constriction degree or duration” (Kirchner, 2001: 3). But what type of
changes are usually regarded as lenition? This process includes: degemination, such as
the reduction of a long to a short consonant; flapping, that is the reduction of a stop to
Wide attention has been devoted to the lenition of coronal stops in Present-Day
English, including Irish English, some other British dialects (e.g. Liverpool English),
(Honeybone 2012). In Liverpool English, all the underlying stops are affected by
lenition, especially /t/, /k/, and /d/ (Watson, 2007), where the process of affrication and
spirantization are mostly involved. The relationship between t-to-r and t-lenition has
been explored in Liverpool English by Honeybone & Watson (2013), who claim that
between /t/ and zero were also identified in Dublin English by Hickey (2009b: 400),
who suggests that “lenition can be seen as a scale with the full plosive /t/ at one end
and zero at the other, with identifiable stages in between.” These stages in between are
illustrated as follows:
See Carr and Honeybone (2007) for terminological remarks.
(1) Vernacular Dublin English (Hickey, 2009b):
t - t̪ - Ɂ - h/r - Ø
button but water water what
In more standard varieties, however, this process is only attested for the first stage.
Indeed, Hickey (2009b) claims that the transitional scale to lenition was not continued
in Supraregional southern Irish English as the latter developed among middle class
shown in (2):
Among those illustrated above, few examples occur in coda position, and none of them
occurs in word-final consonant cluster. This is not entirely surprising since C(C)t
the linguistic contexts in which they occur. The first, conditioned changes, can be
strongly unconditioned changes, where the phonological environment does not play a
prominent role; the third weakly unconditioned changes, which are not context-free,
but not brought about by the phonological properties of the neighbouring segments. He
See Chapter 5 for a detailed discussion as to why tokens in this linguistic context were
typically excluded in previous research.
suggests that “lenition involves only those types of change that can show this weakly
Despite the existence of intermediate stages in the lenition scale, tapping will not
be an object of examination in the present analysis for a twofold reason: firstly, taps
were not included in the (t) glottaling analysis; secondly, tapping is largely attested in
intervocalic position, or medially in tokens such as winter (Wells, 1982). Hence, in this
Chapter, I will mainly refer to Harris’ (1994) lenition scale where the only intermediate
segment, prior to elision, is the glottal stop. The focus on lenition, here, largely
this survey. Under the light of lenition and the theories of feeding and bleeding, I will
Determining the sequences of rule applications was a highly debated issue during the
nineteen seventies. In the early days of Generative Phonology, the assumption was that
rules need to apply in a specific order as part of the grammar of the language.
The major claim, within this aspect of Generative Grammar, is that one rule can
influence the operation of a following one. To explain this process, Nathan (2008)
provides as an example the transition from coronal stops /t,d,n/ to flaps 11 – a process
which is affected by stress. For the next stage - deletion - to occur, there must be a
condition which generates the flap formation since flaps are allophones of other sounds.
This idea of sequential rule ordering was subsequently called into question as some
rules were not structurally connected (i.e. did not have any influence on one another),
It is a hot issue in the literature (cf. Buizza 2011b) as to whether affricates account for lenition or
Flaps undergo deletion in relatively informal speech style.
hence it would be onerous to match rules which had a different output. A notable
contribution to this discussion was provided by Kiparsky (1968) who explored the
exploring those cases where the application of a rule lays the basis for a later rule to
apply. This process is referred to as feeding after Kiparsky (1968) as the previous rule
feeds the subsequent one, that is “if Rule A increases the numbers of forms to which
Rule B can apply, the order A – B is a feeding order” (Gussenhoven & Jacobs, 2011:
114). Besides the flapping and flap deletion phenomena above mentioned, another
example of feeding ordering is the rule of fortis plosive insertion which feeds pre-
examples below:
rule from applying, the rules are claimed to be in bleeding order, as the first rule bled
the second one. In other words, “if Rule A decreases the number of the forms to which
Rule B can apply, the order A – B is in bleeding order” (Gussenhoven & Jacobs, 2011:
speakers is [ɬ] even foot-internally or syllable finally in words like velar. However, if
the suffix -ity is attached to velar, the stress shifts to the next syllable resulting in a
syllable-initial clear [l]. Therefore, in this case, the stress shift blocked the application
of l-darkening. Gussenhoven & Jacobs (2011) illustrates the bleeding ordering through
the ɪ-insertion rule between the voiceless alveolar fricative /s/ and its voiced counterpart
– the plural marker /z/. The English rule related to the devoicing of segments when
these are followed by voiceless consonants, as in books [bʊks], does not apply when /ɪ/
From a maximal rule transparency viewpoint, both feeding and bleeding are
treated as natural orders due to their application transparency on the surface. Having
reviewed the main points of rule ordering, let us briefly outline the analytical
procedures employed before turning the attention to the logistic regression analysis.
The total number of tokens which intersect (i.e. occur for both variables) equals 1,275
- a lower amount than the totals of 4,879 (t, d) and 3,051 for word-final (t), due to the
exclusion of C(C)d clusters. In detail, an average of 35.4 occurrences per speaker was
analysed – a number which (a) still conforms to the general statistical law, and (b)
reaches the ideal of 30 tokens per environment (Erickson and Nosanchuk 1992). In this
regard, the present analysis will be only carried out to account for East Anglia as a
whole (i.e. by grouping the three localities together) in order not to lower the suggested
threshold per environment. Together with glottal replacement with [ʔ], the dataset
includes the few cases of glottal reinforcement of [t] with [tʔ] (n = 2) or [ʔt] (n = 12),
and the few cases where a period of creaky voice occurred (n = 4).
However, when a sociolinguistic variable has more than two alterations, multinomial
logistic regression seems the appropriate tool. In case the variants are related in an
multinomial models, however, is that we lose the precision we would obtain from the
full mixed-effects model. In this respect, Gorman & Johnson (2013: 226) state that “we
are unaware of any software that fully supports mixed-effects multinomial models.”
Since speakers in the sample produced many tokens, it would be ideal to run a mixed-
effects model with a per-subject intercept. Hence, since the previous chapters examined
/t,d/ vs. deletion, and /t/ vs. glottaling, in this last chapter I will look at /t/ deletion vs.
analysis following the order of the lenition scale proposed by Harris (1994) - plosive
> ʔ (glottaling) > Ø (deletion) - according to which /t/ glottaling is closer than /t/
deletion to what is considered the ‘standard’12. Treating word-final /t/ glottaling (e.g.
it, get) as a realisation close to the ‘standard’ is not surprising since this feature (before
The computational formula employed for this intersection analysis resembles what is
usually referred to as “Labov Deletion” (Rickford et al., 1991: 106), and commonly
C + D.
In the above formula, D stands for deletion (e.g. "He Ø talkin), whilst C stands for
contraction (e.g I'm here). Full forms (e.g. she will be here tomorrow; she was here
yesterday) are not included in the formula (cf. computational formula “Straight
Following the above, the computational formula adapted to explore the intersection of
In this analysis, treating /t/ glottaling as ‘more close to the standard’ does not mean that it is more
standard that /t/ deletion which never had the same level of stigma attached.
answer the above research questions, let us briefly review what is meant by covariation
between multiple linguistic phenomena, and how linguists are currently dealing with
this issue.
Due to the limited amount of occurrences, in comparison with the main analyses
of (t,d) deletion and (t) glottaling, several factor groups had to be collapsed to avoid
Predictors whose factor weight were the same were collapsed, such as following
unstressed syllables and pause, following stops and pause, as well as following liquids
and glides. The constraints and their related factor groups included in the statistical best
Note that morphological class, with its related factor groups: monomorpheme, semiweak, and regular
past tense, is not included in the intersection analysis as this constraint has not been explored in relation
to (t) glottaling, neither in the (t) analysis of the present survey nor in previous research on (t) glottaling.
Hence, comparing a constraint between two non-standard variables without knowing how it behaves in
the (t) vs. /t/ analysis, might lead to misleading results.
Constraints Factors
Syllable stress (on the cluster) Primary stress – /t/ occurs in primary
stressed syllables (e.g. cost)
Non-primary (e.g. different)
Stress on the following syllable Unstressed (e.g. past eleven) + pause
(e.g. agreement)
Stressed (e.g. best way)
Voicing Agreement Homovoiced (e.g. contact)
Heterovoiced (e.g. parent)
Style Spontaneous speech, reading styles,
word lists
Word frequency low frequency (1-3); high frequency (4-
Social class working class, middle class
Table 7.6.1 Constraints on the intersection between (t) deletion and (t) glottaling.
To my knowledge, the intersection between (t) deletion and (t) glottaling has
not been explored prior to this study, therefore this will prevent us from making
7.7 Overall Results and Individual Variation
This section presents the step-up/step-down regression analysis of the above model and
reports the findings for the three locations together. The best model achieved in the
on the following syllable, style, sex, and syllable stress (on the cluster) are statistically
significant. In the main two analyses of (t,d) deletion and (t) glottaling (e.g. street), as
However, when (t) deletion and (t) glottaling in the C(C)t environment are examined
at their intersection, sex emerges as a significant predictor. Further details on the effect
of sex will be provided in section 7.7.5. Even though the multivariate analysis does
not include the standard [t], figure 7.7.1 illustrates the distribution of /t/ in word-final
consonant clusters across the whole lenition scale, in the East Anglian dataset.
The sections to follow will be devoted to the predictors which surfaced in the logistic
Application value = deletion; overall proportion = 0.725
R2 = 0.532; log likelihood = -580.158; N = 1275
7.7.1 Preceding phonetic segment
The most robust predictor in the intersection between (t) deletion and (t) glottaling in
the C(C)t linguistic context is the preceding phonetic environment, with preceding
stops (.88) and fricatives (.72) favouring deletion, while preceding nasal and preceding
/l/ disfavour at .41 and .07, respectively14. This means that, in word-final consonant
probability of deletion
stops fricatives nasals /l/
Interestingly, the preceding environment is the first most weighty constraint bearing a
discussed in Chapter 6. Typically, in binomial models for both (t,d) deletion and word-
final /t/ glottaling – where non-standard versus standard features are compared – the
preceding linguistic context is not a very powerful predictor: for (t,d), it is considered
a “tertiary constraint” (Guy, 1980: 20); for word-final /t/ glottaling, the preceding
environment is left unexplored in many British dialects. This finding for East Anglia is
thus unprecedented.
It should be highlighted that when preceding /l/, a strongly disfavouring predictor, is excluded from
the analysis, stops are the only factor which favours deletion; whereas fricatives and nasals favour /t/
Rice (1992) suggested to also take into account the phenomenon of sonority
explanatory factor when moving forward to the lenition scale. The results reveal that
less sonorous preceding segments favour deletion,15 whilst more sonorous segments
favour glottal variants. These findings resemble the trend of word-final /t/ glottaling
(e.g. habit) even in the behaviour of factor groups, with preceding nasals and /l/
triggering the use of the glottal variant, while fricatives and stops disfavoured it.
When examining the distribution of /t/ between the preceding phonetic segment
and sex of participants, the trend of men and women goes in the same direction, as
illustrated in figure 7.7.3. However, men delete more than women when /t/ follows the
lateral /l/, nasals and stops; while women exhibit a greater deletion rate when /t/ follows
% deletion
stops fricatives nasals /l/
males females
back to Harris’ (1994) lenition scale (plosive > ʔ > Ø). Deletion represents an advanced
This finding is in line with previous North American (t,d) studies (e.g. Santa Ana, 1996), however
note that Santa Ana (1996) examined /t,d/ deletion over standard /t/, thus the comparison with the
above results is not entirely the same.
the ‘standard’ /t/ 16. Word-final /t/ glottaling (before a consonant) is now attested even
in RP (Kerswill 2007; Barrera 2015), and the lack of social effect found in recent word-
final /t/ research (e.g. Holmes-Elliott 2019; Chapter 6 of the present study) appears to
add to the ‘loss of stigma’ argument. This leads us to suggest that, if the glottal stop is
losing its stigma in word-final /t/ (e.g. opposite), it should not be surprising to find men
The second most significant predictor is the following phonetic environment, with
nasals (.64), fricatives (.62), stops and pauses (.56) favouring deletion, while vowels
(.35), liquids and glides (.32) disfavour it. Since the probability values for pause and
stops were the same, the two factor groups were collapsed into one category. Similarly,
Probability of deletion
This lenition hierarchy, however, does not seem to be universal as there are dialects of English which
show T-deletion but not T-glottaling. In those cases, the glottal stop cannot be considered an intermediate
stage between /t/ and zero.
Figure 7.7.4 shows that the probability of deletion slightly changes when running a
binomial model with two non-standard variables. Indeed, while the behaviour of nasals,
stops, vowels, and glides resembles (t,d) results found for East Anglia, the behaviour
disfavouring factor in the three localities, so /t,d/ is more likely to be retained 17. When
/d/ is left out of the dataset, and when deletion is compared over glottaling, pause seems
to favour /t/ reduction. The high rate of deletion before fricatives is not surprising since
they were strongly marked as a disfavouring factor in the (t) analysis (see Chapter 6).
Sonority does not play a key role in this linguistic environment, as nasals, the most
favouring predictor, are followed by less sonorous segments such as fricatives and
7.7.5, shows that women are very slightly ahead of males in the deletion of /t/ before
following nasals; while in every other environment males are leading. If compared to
figure 7.7.2 we can observe that deletion is led by males in the same factor groups
% deletion
20 females
Figure 7.7.5 Deletion by following phonetic segment and sex, p < .001.
Following pause is also a disfavouring factor for /t/ glottaling, see Chapter 6.
7.7.3 Stress on the following syllable
The third most significant predictor which surfaced in the mixed-effects logistic
regression is stress on the following syllable. This predictor has been included in the
present analysis following Rice’s (1992) suggestion to consider sonority when taking
influenced by prosodic factors (de Lacy, 2007), hence, the inclusion of this predictor is
used as a means of explaining the role of sonority in this weakening process. The
The view of treating the sonority scale as universal is at odds with recent
alternatives advocated by Prince (2001) and de Lacy (2006) who suggest to “avoid
positing universally fixed ranking.” A more gradient approach proposes that the
sonority of sounds can slightly oscillate depending on the syllable position they are in;
or it can differ based on the physiological properties of the speakers, such as intensity,
duration, etc. (Parker, 2002). Since, however, sonority is not crucial in this work, I will
not discuss this point further. In Chapter 3 we saw that sonority governs (t,d) in
numerous North American studies (e.g. Santa Ana, 1996), yet in East Anglia and other
British dialects sonority is not an explanatory factor for word-final /t,d/ reduction.
What is usually referred to as ‘strength’, as opposed to a weak sound, is also simply called sonority.
unstressed + pause
Turning back to the intersection, figure 7.7.6 reveals that following unstressed syllables
and pause are more likely to favour (t) glottaling, whereas following stressed syllables
trigger (t) deletion. Among the unstressed syllables a high number of tokens (N = 22)
is represented by following schwa (e.g. passed away) which, being a vowel, is the first
most sonorous feature of the sonority scale. Hence, the more sonorous the following
segment, the less likely is deletion to occur. This finding is not surprising, as following
vowels are typically marked as a disfavouring factor for (t,d) due to resyllabification
resyllabification of /t/ onto the following vowel since the voiced plosive is left out of
the analysis, the use of the glottal stop might suggest an approach to increase the
difference in terms of sonority between syllable coda (less sonorous than vowels) and
(N = 177/614)20 followed by stops (N= 151/614). This finding, linked to the sonority
A similar explanation was provided by Fuchs (2015), who explored word-initial glottal stop insertion
in V#ɁV and C#ɁV positions, to explain the use of glottal stop insertion after sonorants.
This shows the highest number of tokens among following stressed syllables where /t/ deletion occurs.
hierarchy, reveals that less sonorous following segments trigger /t/ deletion. Overall, it
seems that the second stage of lenition – (t) glottaling – occurs if the following segment
is not stressed; whereas the last weakening stage – deletion – takes place when followed
by stressed syllables.
7.7.4 Style-shifting
The fourth most favoring predictor which surfaced in the mixed-effects regression
analysis is style. Reading styles and spontaneous speech favor deletion at 0.67 and 0.60,
respectively; whereas word lists disfavour at 0.24. This implies that, when deletion is
examined against glottaling, a higher use of glottal stops occurs when words are
realized in isolation. Considering the increase of glottals across speech styles in the
binary analysis of [Ɂ] vs. /t/ (e.g. forget), as discussed in Chapter 6, it is not unexpected
to find a relatively high rate of deletion in spontaneous speech and reading styles in
word-final consonant cluster, where Ø vs. [Ɂ] are examined at their intersection. This
suggests that the speakers might be advancing towards the lenition scale, moving from
% deletion
informal reading word lists
Figure 7.7.7 Probability of deletion in the C(C)t linguistic context, across style.
Along this line, it should not be surprising to find word lists disfavouring deletion (and
thus favouring glottaling). Indeed, in the (t) analysis discussed in chapter 6, /t/ is
towards the lenition scale, the underlying /t/ is expected to be realised with glottal
variants first – the second stage of lenition – before being eventually deleted.
7.7.5 Sex
The fourth statistically significant predictor, and probably the most salient as a
sociolinguistic explanatory factor, is sex. Figure 7.7.8 illustrates that females adopt
glottal variants more than males, whilst males delete /t/ more than females.
males females
If deletion is regarded as the most advanced stage of lenition, if the segment loss is
Another way of saying this, however, is that for the variable which is stable males
delete more, whereas for the variable which is a change in progress women are leading
by glottalling more. This finding confirms results from chapter 4, with males being in
the right direction and leading in the deletion of /t,d/21, whilst results from chapter 6
showed that males glottal more than women when /t/ occurs word-finally (i.e. /t/ after
a preceding vowel (e.g. that) and /t/ after a preceding consonant (e.g. silent)). This
suggests that women are leaders in the use of glottal variants in a more specific
environment, that is when /t/ occurs in word-final consonant cluster (e.g. silent). A
closer inspection shows that this trend also holds across different speech styles, as in
figure 7.7.9.
% deletion
40 females
informal speech reading passages word lists
The least statistically significant predictor is syllable stress on the word-final cluster.
This constraint was included in the model as English is a stress-based language and
“East Anglian dialects of English show greater stress-effects than most others”
(Trudgill, 2018). Viewed through the lens of lenition, coronal /t/ is more likely to
However, sex was not marked as a significant predictor for (t,d).
In line with phonological theory, Schiering (2006, cited in Trudgill 2018) claims that
unstressed syllables.”
7.8 Summary
This Chapter has attempted to examine the intersection between (t) deletion and (t)
glottaling in the C(C)t environment. Overall, results show that the frequency of deletion
remains reasonably stable if results are compared to findings for the complete set of
(t,d) forms (see Chapter 4). The influence on the variation of underlying /t/ through the
lenition scale is linguistically driven, suggesting that (t) glottaling and (t) deletion in
word-final consonant cluster are in feeding order, i.e. glottalling can lead to deletion22.
Sex is the only statistically significant social predictor: when looking at the lenition
scale women seem to prefer the use of the glottal stop, whereas in men’s speech /t/
undergoes more deletion. The age of participants, social class, voicing agreement and
open to discussion (e.g. how should frequencies of deletion and glottaling in the C(C)t
This does not apply to all English dialects as, for some dialects that have both (t) deletion and (t)
glottaling, the diachronic ordering seems to be T-deletion > T-glottaling.
This research has focused on two well-studied phonological features: (t,d) deletion and
(t) glottaling by preserving the structuralist roots of the variationist paradigm (see
Wolfram 1993; Patrick 1999). Along this line, this survey has treated covariation of
explanatory linguistic factors as a prime goal and has shed light on the intersection
between two linguistic variables: (t) deletion and (t) glottaling in word-final consonant
clusters. This chapter brings together the findings of the target phonological variables,
summarises their sociolinguistic status and proposes directions for future work.
Overall results suggest that the profile of (t,d), in East Anglia, is that of a stable
variable as none of the social factors examined (social class, age and sex) reached
separately, the only social predictor which surfaced in the multiple logistic regression
analysis is sex in Norwich. The fact that age is not significant in any of the three
communities suggests that (t,d) has probably been stable over years, at least in apparent
role such as in Tyneside English (social class, age and sex). In this variety (t,d) is
advancing through the life cycle of phonological processes resulting in the incoming
stem-level progression. This suggests that BrE dialects are behind US dialects in terms
of stem-level – a result which could explain the lack of morphological effect in York.
In East Anglia, rates of deletion are lower than Manchester and even lower than York,
except for monomorphemes, yet there is no evidence of change in progress. Its status
Unlike previous research carried out on (t,d), the present study removes all
actually-glottalled/glottalized tokens from the (t,d) database. This survey has also shed
refer specifically to those studies which treated (t,d) as one variable, such as York,
morphological effect for (t,d) in East Anglia, with n’t negative contractions and
monomorphemes favouring deletion, whereas semi-weak verbs and regular past tense
verbs disfavour it. The strong morphological effect is proven by the consistency of the
into the following phonetic segment whose robust effect in British English mirrors that
of previous studies. The present survey has shown that the classical coding (obstruents
> glides > /r/> /l/ > vowels > pause) is not sufficient to account for this universal
constraint, and has revealed salient phonological differences which surfaced after
breaking down the obstruent category. It is likely that these differences, as summarised
below, might have been obscured in previous research: (a) sibilants and non-sibilant
fricatives in the following environment were found to behave very differently - the
former strongly favours deletion, whereas the latter strongly disfavours it; (b) following
initial /h/ plays a prominent role as (t,d) is highly retained whether following initial /h/
is dropped or not. This finding helps to explain why non-sibilant fricatives strongly
disfavour deletion, and points the way to future investigation on (t,d) in English dialects
Some predictors still deserve a closer examination, such as /t,d/ after a
preceding /l/. In this study, /l/ was coded as a lateral when it was phonetically
consonantal, yet when /l/ was vocalised it was coded in the vowel category. In future
research, it would be interesting to compare the rates of (t,d) deletion after a preceding
consonantal /l/ and rates of (t,d) absence after a preceding underlying /l/ which
explanation which holds for these data (the probability of retention for
monomorphemes is comparatively lower than that of regular verbs), and the Competing
Grammars approach revealed that (t,d) does not appear to vary due to morphological
absence in semi-weak verbs. The OCP, according to which the more features of
phonetic context are shared with /t, d/, the more likely deletion is to occur (Guy &
Boberg 1997), does not hold for the East Anglian data either. Sonority, whose
hypothesis is that less sonorous preceding segments favour deletion, appears not to be
an explanatory factor in East Anglia as nasals occur at the top of the ranking in the
The second target linguistic variable was (t) glottaling which has been
examined in both word-final and word-medial positions. Nearly 20 years ago, Milroy
et al. (1994) argued that linguists do not seem to have an accurate idea of the main
constraints that govern this variable. 20 years later, Schleef (2013: 202) claimed that
what was previously described by Milroy et al. (1994) “has barely changed.” Since this
environment – commonly divided into three main phonological contexts: PreC (e.g.
that man), PreV (e.g. that apple) and PreP (e.g. what?) (e.g. Williams & Kerswill 1999;
Straw & Patrick 2007), the present survey has contributed to a closer examination of
this constraint by providing a finer distinction of the above classical coding. Moreover,
this study has examined the role of the preceding phonological environment, which has
Overall results showed that word-final /t/ glottaling has completed its social
change in East Anglia, indeed none of the social factors was found to be statistically
significant. This finding resembles recent research carried out in the UK (e.g. Holmes-
Elliott, 2019), and appears to add to the general ‘loss of stigma’ argument. The largely
constraint. Glottaling in post-sonorant position (e.g. bolt, ant) did not occur
categorically, indeed overall results reported a rate of 74% and 57% for /t/ post-nasals
and post-laterals, respectively – a finding which is in contrast with the high rates of
glottaling found in Manchester in the same contexts (see Baranowski & Turton, 2020).
Findings from East Anglia suggest that word-final /t/ glottaling is diffusing in
A direction for future research relates to word-frequency. The latter was not
marked as a significant predictor in the present study, yet recent research (Purse &
frequency of the root) has a significant statistical effect for some linguistic variables.
differences and correlations between the low/high frequency of root and the low/high
medial /t/ glottaling – a change in progress which has not reached social completion
yet in East Anglia. Indeed, sex and age of participants were marked as significant
predictors. Given the above results linked to word-frequency, could there be a potential
relationship between whole-word frequency and variables which are still progressing
in the change? Word-medial /t/, in East Anglia is less advanced and it is spreading both
socially and linguistically. Overall results showed that young males are ahead of
females and that word-medial /t/ is also spreading after a preceding schwa – an
environment previously blocked, at least in Norwich. Syllable stress was marked as the
stress (e.g. community) favouring the non-standard variant and primary syllable stress
more sonorous preceding segments were found to trigger the glottal stop. In terms of
The last part of this work has focused on the covariation between (t) deletion
and (t) glottaling in the C(C)t linguistic context to explore the interplay between
multiple variable phenomena in the three speech communities. Overall results showed
that when moving towards the lenition scale (see Harris, 1994) linguistic factors play a
remarkable role, with less sonorous preceding segments favouring deletion, whereas
With respect to style-shifting, it appears that the speakers are advancing towards the
lenition scale moving from [Ɂ] to zero Ø, showing that (t) glottaling and (t) deletion are
in feeding order. Sex is the only social factor which reached statistical significance with
males being ahead of females in favouring deletion – the last stage of the lenition scale.
Future research on the intersection of these two non-standard features, in the C(C)t
deletion. Since the computational formula employed in the present survey has been
adapted from what is commonly referred to as “Labov Deletion” (Rickford et al., 1991:
Deletion” formula (Rickford et al., 1991: 106) could affect the results. The “Straight
the full form of the copula be variable (e.g. was); whereas in the present survey the
label “full form” could be intended as the first stage of the lenition scale (i.e. the
realisation of the standard plosive [t]). Rickford et al. (1991) show that the application
of different computational formula can affect the overall outcome and, along the line
of their results, it would be no surprise if the overall deletion rate was lower when
Romaine (1984: 228) suggests that “by looking at the way in which variants distribute
understanding the social meaning that are attached to them, we get some idea of relative
variable in time, social and linguistic space, I would suggest considering whether it
intersects with other linguistic variables. The examination of both linguistic and social
concepts of stability vs. change in progress and could be also valuable for
intersection, suggests that stable variables like (t,d) are only stable when they do not
intersect with ongoing changes - including late-stage changes like word-final /t/
language change is variation, but some variation involves no change and can be stable
over time. Social distribution can mark the endpoint of a change, that is, absence of
completion of a change (Labov, 2010). In the case of (t) glottaling and (t,d) deletion
in the UK, Milroy et al. (1994) argue that, in Newcastle, the glottal variant is a supra-
local change and women are instrumental in the diffusion of these non-standard
(2018) shows that, in Tyneside English, (t,d) is advancing through the life cycle of
phonological processes, as opposed to East Anglia where (t,d) is a stable variable and
word-final /t/ glottaling is a late-stage change. This suggests that when glottal forms
began to spread in some areas of the UK, (t,d) became ‘changing’ again (e.g.
completion of change)
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Appendix I
Non-significant predictors for (t,d) deletion – overall results.
Constraints % Tokens
Syllable stress
unstressed 45 773
stressed 22 4106
Males 27 2617
Females 25 2262
middle-aged 26 1631
Young 26 1595
Old 25 1653
working-class 27 2388
middle-class 25 2491
Colchester 26 1658
Ipswich 26 1615
Norwich 25 1606
Appendix II
Non-significant results for word-final /t/ glottaling – overall results.
Constraints % Tokens
Males 72 1561
Females 69 1490
young 75 1039
middle 74 992
old 65 1020
Social class
working class 72 1464
middle class 69 1587
Ipswich 73 1114
Colchester 73 1097
Norwich 64 840
Lexical frequency
high 70 2882
low 58 169
Constraints % Tokens
Social class
WC 41 887
MC 32 985
Ipswich 39 694
Colchester 39 578
Norwich 30 600