Assessment of Customer Satisfaction On E-Banking Practice

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Berhanu Tesfaye Misgana
ID NUMBER SGS/0317/2008A


Mohammed Mohammednur (Ass. Professor)

June, 2017


Berhanu Tesfaye Misgana
ID NUMBER SGS/0317/2008A

Mohammed Mohammednur(Ass. Professor)

A Thesis submitted to School of Graduate Studies, St.Mary’s University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of
Business Administration in General Management


June, 2017

School of Graduate Studies




Berhanu Tesfaye Misgana

Approved by the board of examiners

Dean, Graduate studies Signature & Date

Advisor Signature & Date

Examiner Signature & Date

Examiner Signature & Date


I, the undersigned, declare that this student research paper is my original work, prepared
under the guidance of Mohammed Mohammednur (Ass. Professor).. All sources of
materials used to this paper have been duly acknowledged.

Name: Berhanu Tesfaye

Signature: ___________________

Place of Submission: St. Mary’s University School of graduate studies

Date of Submission: June, 2017


This Research has been submitted for examination with my approval as Candidate‟s


Name: Mohammed Mohammednur (Ass. Professor).

Signature: __________________________

Date: June , 2017


First, I would like to thank almighty God, the compassionate, the most merciful and source
of knowledge and wisdom, who bestowed upon me the health, the power of
communication and the audacity to accomplish this thesis.

I wish to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my advisor Mohammed

Mohammednur (Ass.Professor) for his excellence guidance, unrestricted and friendly
support to make this project real.

I would also like to thank to my friend, Yohannes Taweke his friendly support, and
I would also like to thank Tsedale Berhanu (Ass.manager) for her encouragement to finish
my study

I also wish to thank my friends for their moral support and advice to finish my study.
Last but not the least, I would also like to thank my staff and my classmates who share me
their idea and provided me moral and valuable information related to the research project.

List of Acronyms Used
UB…………………...........................United Bank

ATM……………………………………. Automated Teller machine

SMS…………………………………..…Short Message Service

POS……………………………….…. Point of Sale

List of tables

Table 1. Sample size…………………………………………………………35

Table 2. Cronbach's Alpha Reliability test………………………………….25
Table 3. Demographic Profile of E-banking Customers…………………….26
Table 4. General Information of E-banking Customers…………………….27
Table 5. ATM………………………………………………………………..29
Table 6. Hiber Online (Internet banking)……………………………………33
Table 7. Mobile banking……………………………………………………..37
Table 8. POS …………………………………………………………………41
E-Banking has become an important topic for financial institutes, especially since the business
sector of financial services is related to conditions of uncertainty. Consequently, this research
looks at the E-Banking practice of united bank s.c. The data were collected by questionnaire
survey method and interview for those who are convenient for the researcher and the total
population of those involved in E-banking practices and E-banking user were many, but those
who are convenient for the study were taken and 387 questionnaires were distributed, but only
322 of them, 83% were returned. From the survey result establishing appropriate E-Banking
environment is found to be very important for the well-being of the bank in order to maintain the
existing customers and attract the new ones. In general, the mean value of the four E-Banking
perspectives, it is found that there is a dissatisfactory E-banking practices with in united bank s.c
For instance, security, availability, easy of use since it is technology related and processing
activity of the bank in order to alleviate problems encountered by its customers should be further

Key words:
 POS, ATM, E-Banking, UB
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... I
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................. II
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................III
Abstract .................................................................................................................................. IV
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Research Questions .......................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Objectives of the Study .................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 General Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Significance of the Study ................................................................................................ 5
1.6 Scope of the Study ........................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Organization of the Study................................................................................................. 5
CHAPER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Theoretical Literature ....................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Definition of E-banking................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Forms of E-banking .......................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3. Service quality .................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Customer satisfaction ...................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Customer Satisfaction in Banking .................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 The Relationship between Service and Customer Satisfaction ...................................... 10
2.2.3 Measuring Customer Satisfaction .................................................................................. 11
2.3 Definition and Feature of Independent Variable ............................................................ 14
2.4 Empirical Evidences ....................................................................................................... 15
2.4.1 Empirical Study-Worldwide........................................................................................... 15
2.4.2 Empirical Studies in Ethiopia ......................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 19
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 19
3.1 Research Approach and Design ..................................................................................... 19
3.2 Target Population ........................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Sample size ..................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.1 Sampling Procedure ....................................................................................................... 20
3.3.2 Source of Data Collection .............................................................................................. 20
3.4 Methods of Data Collection ........................................................................................... 21
3.5 Data Analysis Method .................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Reliability Measure the Questionnaire ........................................................................... 21
DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS ............................................................................ 23
4.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents............................................................................. 23
4.3 Results on Customer Satisfaction on E-Banking Services of United Bank S.C ............ 26
4.3.1 ATM ............................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.2 Results on Customer Satisfaction on HiberOnline (Internet Banking) ......................... 29
4.3.3 Results on Customer Satisfaction on Mobile Banking ................................................... 32
4.3.4 Results on Customer Satisfaction on POS Services ...................................................... 34
4.4 Interview Analysis .......................................................................................................... 37
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 39
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ......................................................................... 39
5.1 Summary of Findings ..................................................................................................... 39
5.2 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 40
5.3 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 41
5.4 Limitation of the study ................................................................................................... 43
Appendix A: Questionnaire
Appendix B: Interview

1.1 Background of the Study

Banks play an important function in the economy of any country. They are the main
intermediaries between those with excess money (depositors) and those individuals and
businesses with viable projects but requiring money for their investment (creditors). Banks have
at least the following functions: lending money, depositing others‟ money, transferring money
locally or abroad and working as paying agent (Tefere, 2013).
When various banking products are made available to customers through an electronic
distribution channel, it is collectively referred to as e-banking (Allen et al, 2001).

In the face of rapid expansion of electronic payment systems throughout the world, the Ethiopian
financial sector cannot remain an exception in expanding the use of the system (Garedachew,
2010). E-banking plays a crucial role in the banking industry by creating value for banks and
customers. E-banking has enabled banking institutions to compete more effectively in the global
environment by extending their and services beyond the restriction of time and space (Turban,
Nowadays, people are so busy in their work lives, that they don't even have time to go to the
bank for conducting their banking transactions. Thus, banks provide e-banking facility to their
customers as an added advantage. These services enable people to carry out their banking
transactions such as – see their account balances, pay bills, view records of transactions, transfer
money to linked accounts with in the same bank, transfer money to specially selected unlinked
Daniel (1999).

E-banking is one of the most recent channels of distribution used in the financial services
organizations. This method was established in the mid-1990s, thereafter becoming more
(Allen L. &Rai A., 1996). It has been widely used in developed countries. However, in
developing economies, the spread is much limited. As suggested by Classens, Glaessner,

&Klingebiet (2002), developing countries in general have an advantage as they can learn from
the experience of advanced economies. Today, almost all banks in Ethiopia are adopting
electronic banking as a means of enhancing service quality of banking. It also increases customer
satisfaction in banking services (Shittu, 2010).
In any business the main purpose is to satisfy its existing customers and to attract new customers.
Satisfaction of customer is so basic that, it cannot be considered as a separate function in
According to Possel and Eitan (2005), improved customer satisfaction will lead to improved
customer loyalty, which will eventually improve profit. In order to satisfy customers, companies
have to focus on effective customer services to meet their needs. It is well understood that banks
are service giving institutions. And the livelihood of such types of service giving institutions
depends on their customers.According to Terrence and McDougall(1996),the rewards to firms
that establish a loyal customer base have been well documented.That is, increased loyalty leads
to lower costs of servicing the firm‟s customers, reduced marketing expenditure, increased
business from the existing customer base and greater profits.Furthermore,Terrence and
McDougall(1996) found out that improving customer satisfaction,and thereby retention rates,can
come from a variety of activities available to the firm.
A number of researchers have discussed regarding e-banking practice and customer satisfaction.
Some scholars have shown that many international internet users demonstrate similar behaviors
and preferences across nations (Quelch and Klein, 1996). Some studies have examined the issues
on the evolution of e-banking (Sohail and Shanmugham, 2003) and investigated the success
factors in various e-delivery channels in banking scenario (Ong and Cheng, 2003). Some have
investigated customer preferences of e-banking (Suganthi et al., 2001; Sohail and Shanmugham,
Empirical evidences has supported that customer satisfaction reduces the likelihood of defection
and/or is positively related with retention (Anderson and Sullivan, 1993) repurchase intention
(Mittal, Kumar and Tsiros,1999) and loyalty (Oliver ,2009) mentioned that satisfaction is not
inherent in service of product. But satisfaction is mainly present in consumer‟s perception of the
service or product attributes that relates to the specific individual. Therefore, different customers
have expressed different levels of satisfaction for the same service encounter or experience.

This study examines the bank E-banking practice and the satisfaction outcomes for united bank
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In a relatively short period of time, the Internet has moved from an occasional tool to one of the
principal ways we communicate, entertain ourselves, and do work. One main advancement
technology has brought to us is the introduction of online banking or E-banking.
Banks in Ethiopia are involved in tough competition to attract customers by delivering various
services. It is better for customers to have broad choices to select best bank for them to satisfy
their needs. For banks as well, they have to find the ways to satisfy customers and keep
competitive advantages above other banks.

Commercial banks in Ethiopia have launched e-banking services as part of ensuring service
excellence by reducing waiting time, errors, costs, and improve customer satisfaction.In pursuit
of round the clock customer services and keep abreast with the developing global banking
technology, almost all banks in Ethiopia are fast moving toward launching new technology based
products and services such as internet banking, mobile banking, ATMs, POS etc.

United Bank is working hard to provide preferable products by its customers on E-Banking. The
bank is exerting effort to improve its services, retain and attract customers and has initiated
innovative measures, all in the interest of enhancing customer‟s satisfaction. These efforts which
aim at bringing satisfaction to the customers seem to beineffective.United bank e-banking report
in Addis Ababa show that total ATM card issued to customer is 107,364 card delivered 84,156
and active card users are 56,872. Total Mobile banking registered customers are 59,916 but
active users are 5000 only. As per quarterly report of e-banking totalOnline (Internet) banking
registered customers in Addis Ababa are 10,935 but active users are 604 customers only.
Awareness creation to customer, like how they use E-Banking product of the bank is low by
employees of the bank. As my observation customers are complaining on e-banking service of
the bank, like dispute handling, card and pin delivery time and transaction processing on Internet

Electronic banking is conducted by the customer instead of a bank teller, so there is no face-to-
face interaction. Some customers refuse to use these services because they feel they are entitled
personal customer service. On the other hand, there are Customerswhich complain on the issues
with security and accuracy. These complain have made some of the Customers not frequently
use e-banks and consequently lead to an increase of queue inside the Bank. Queue inside the
Bank will lead to unnecessary overcrowding of Customers inside the Bank which affects
performance of the Bank. Therefore, this study aimed to asses United Bank‟s e-banking practices
and customer satisfaction.

1.3 Research Questions

This research intends to answer the following research questions:
 Is E-banking accessible to the bank customers?
 What are the risks involved in using E-banking?
 What is the level of customer satisfaction in e-banking in United Bank s.c?
 What are the major challenges in e-banking activities to satisfy customers at the bank?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 General Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to assess customer satisfaction in e-banking service in United
Bank S.c Addis Ababa branches.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the study was,

 To investigate the accessibility of E-banking servicesto the bank customers.
 To investigate the risk involved with e-banking service.
 To analyze the level of customer satisfaction on E-banking service.
 To find out the problems in e-banking service activities to satisfy the customers.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study may help the following stakeholders:

Understand customer satisfaction on e-banking services of united bank.Also Findings of this

research are useful for the United Bank in formulating appropriate strategies to build customer
satisfaction on e-banking services.
In addition, this study is expected to help other researchers who will be interested to conduct
further study regarding the issue under investigation by providing useful information.
Finally the study provides recommendations for the bank to accelerate the practice of the system
and to increase customer satisfaction through technological innovation.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The bank delivers e-banking services through all branches in Addis Ababa. Due to time constraint
only Grade A branches in Addis Ababa are selected. The branches areselected under the
assumption that a better application of e- banking services.So the scopewas delimited to E-
banking service, including ATM, POS, Mobile banking and Internet banking and only to
those selected Grade A branches in Addis Ababa area.

1.7 Organization of the Study

The study is organized in five chapters. Chapter one deals about Background of the study
.Introduction, statement of the problem, objective, scope and limitation and significance of the
study. Chapter two, deals about literature review which emphasizes on correlation between
the existing studies, researches, reports, etc. that would act as a basis for the proposed study.
Chapter three deals aboutresearch methodology which elaborates and identifies all possible
analysis based on the available data gathered. Chapter four, deals about data analysis and
interpretation of the study and finally chapter five emphases on conclusion and recommendations
of the study.

2.1 Theoretical Literature
2.1.1 Definition of E-banking

E-banking has a variety of definitions all of which explains similar concept. The following
section shows some of these definitions.

E-banking is a form of banking service where funds are transferred through an exchange of
electronic signal between financial institutions, rather than exchange of cash, checks, or other
negotiable instruments (Kamrul, 2009). E-banking also known as electronic funds transfer
(EFT). It is simply the use of electronic means to transfer funds directly from one account to
another rather than by check or cash (Malak, 2007).The term e-banking often refers to
online/internet banking which is the use of the internet as a remote delivery channel for banking
services (Furst&Nolle, 2002, p.5). E-banking is the use of a computer to retrieve and process
banking data (statements, transaction details, etc.) and to initiate transactions (payments,
transfers, requests for services, etc.) directly with a bank or with other financial service provider
remotely via a telecommunications network (Yang, 1997). It should be noted that electronic
banking is a bigger platform than just banking via the internet.

E-banking can be also defined as a variety of platforms such as internet banking or (online
banking), TV-based banking, mobile phone banking, and PC (personal computer) banking
whereby customers access these services using an intelligent electronic device, like PC, personal
digital assistant (PDA), automated teller machine (ATM), point of sale (POS), kiosk, or touch
tone telephone (Alagheband, 2006).

2.1.2 Forms of E-banking

There are many electronic banking delivery channels to provide banking service to customers.
Among them ATM, POS, Mobile banking and internet banking are the most widely used and
discussed below.

ATM is an electronic machine in a public place, connected to a data system and related
equipment and activated by a bank customer to obtain banking services without going in to the
banking hall. It allows customers to access banking services such as withdrawals, transfers,
inquiries about account balances, requests for cheque books, account statements, direct deposits,
foreign currency exchange etc. (Fenuga, 2010). Using an ATM requires an ATM card and a pass
code, often referred to as a PIN (Personal Identification Number).

Internet banking

Internet banking is conducted by completing bank transactions by directly accessing the bank
through the internet. Nowadays, internet banking customers can access many different services
online, which makes physical banks open even after office hours. Internet banking allows
customers of a financial institution to conduct financial transactions on a secure website operated
by the institution. Internet banking can be conducted either by accessing the internet with a
computer or by using a phone that has internet features (Alabar& Timothy, 2012).


Point of Sale (POS) also sometimes referred to as Point of Purchase (POP) checkout is the
location where a transaction occurs. A "checkout" refers to a POS terminal or more generally to
the hardware and software used for checkouts, the equivalent of an electronic cash register. A
POS terminal manages the selling process by a sales person accessible interface. The same
system allows the creation and printing of the receipt (Shittu, 2010).

Mobile banking

Mobile banking (also known as M-Banking) is a term used for performing balance checks,
account transactions, payments, credit applications and other banking transactions through a

mobile device such as a mobile phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). The earliest mobile
banking services were offered over SMS, a service known as SMS banking. Mobile banking is
used in many parts of the world with little or no infrastructure, especially remote and rural areas.
This aspect of mobile commerce is also popular in countries where banks can only be found in
big cities, and customers have to travel several miles to the nearest bank. The scope of offered
services may include facilities to conduct bank and stock market transactions, to administer
accounts and to access customized information (Tiwari&Buse, 2007).

2.1.3. Service quality

The present business era is now named as “Quality Era” because perceived quality of the product
is becoming the most important competition factor in business world (Bedi, 2010). It is now the
most powerful competition weapon and organization‟s life giving blood. Perceived service
quality refers to the consumer‟s global attitude or judgment of the overall excellence or
superiority of the service. It is a result from comparisons by consumers of expectations with their
perceptions of service (Caruana& Malta, 2002). That means it can be termed as the extent of
matching or the degree of discrepancy to which the service delivered matches customer
expectations (Parasuraman, Zeithmal, & Berry, 1988). Delivering quality service means
conforming to customer expectations on a consistent basis (Thakur, 2011).
Today one of the most dominant topics of research in services is service quality. It is necessary
for service providers to understand how customers evaluate the quality of service. When
customers consume a product, they compare the quality of experience with their prior
expectations, which leads to their satisfaction or dissatisfaction (Thakur, 2011). Therefore
services marketing researchers based their work on developing a service quality concept focused
on consumer behavior instead of using manufacturing quality concepts (Dhandabani, 2010).
Thus it had been recognized that customers evaluate service quality by comparing the actual
performance with service expectations that they held (Thakur, 2011).
2.2 Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or
surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is also defined as the number of customers
whose reported experience with a firm exceeds specified satisfaction goals (Farris, Paul et al.,
2010). Another definition of customer satisfaction refers to the extent to which customers are

happy with the products and/or services provided by a business. Further definition of customer
satisfaction states that it is a term generally used to measure a customer's perception of a
company's products and/or services (Ahmed, 2005). It's not a straight forward science. Customer
satisfaction will vary from person to person, depending on a whole host of variables which may
be both psychological and physical.

According to Saha& Zhao (2005), customer satisfaction is defined as a collection of outcome of

perception, evaluation and psychological reactions to the consumption experience with a
product/service. In other words, Saha and Zhao further defined customer satisfaction as a result
of a cognitive and affective evaluation where some comparison standard is compared to the
actually perceived performance. If the performance perceived is less than expected, customers
will be dissatisfied. On the other hand, if the perceived performance exceeds expectations,
customer will be satisfied.

In a competitive market place where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is
seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy (Carl
& McDaniel, 2005). It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of
a Balanced Scorecard. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to effectively manage customer
satisfaction. To be able do this, organizations need reliable and representative measures of

In researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customers whether their product or service has
met or exceeded expectations. Thus, expectations are a key factor behind satisfaction. When
customers have high expectations and the reality falls short, they will be disappointed and will
likely rate their experience as less than satisfying (John & Joby, 2003).

2.2.1 Customer Satisfaction in Banking

Customer satisfaction is a key determining factor why customers leave or stay with a bank.
Fornell (1992) cited in Thakur (2011) noted that although customer satisfaction and quality
appear to be important for all firms, satisfaction is more important for loyalty in service
industries like bank. Because even if the customers appear to be satisfied, they may look for
other bankers if they believe they might receive better service elsewhere (Reichheld, 1996) cited

in Thakur (2011). Thus the banking organizations need to know how to keep their customers.
However, keeping customers is also dependent on a number of other factors. These include a
wider range of service choices, greater convenience, better prices, and enhanced income (Thakur,

Ioanna (2002) cited in Thakur (2011) further proposed that differentiation is nearly impossible in
a competitive environment like the banking industry. Banks everywhere are delivering nearly
same services. Thus, bank management tends to differentiate their firm from competitors through
service quality. Service quality is a crucial element which impact customers‟ satisfaction level in
the banking industry. Generally in banking, quality is a multivariable concept, which includes
differing types of convenience, reliability, services portfolio, and critically, the staff delivering
the service (Storbacka et al., 1994) cited in Thakur (2011).

Minimum price with maximum usage and profit always breeds higher level of satisfaction (Jamal
& Kamal, 2004) cited in Afsar (2010). When pricing is not suited to the needs of the customers,
dissatisfaction usually occurs. In banking industry also, the interest rates on loans and charges on
the usage of online services such as ATM machines and the processing fee is a major source of
conflict between the bank and its customers. If customers think that the charges are more than it
should become paring to their needs, they switch. Competition is now fierce in banking industry
as it has become too easy to open an account in any other bank that results switching cost to be
very minimal. But if a customer is satisfied, the loyalty injects automatically and the customer
remains with the current banker for a longer and longer period of time (Fox &Poje, 2002) cited
in Afsar (2010).
2.2.2 The Relationship between Service and Customer Satisfaction
The status or prestige of an organization is determined by the quality of the provided services.
Organization of high quality level of its services has a high competitive position. Achieving a
high level of services meet the needs of customers. Studies confirmed that service quality and
customer satisfaction have strong relationship (Alagheband, 2006; Bedi, 2010; Keiningham,
2005). when the customer receives high quality service his behavior and attitude towards the
organization will be positive and that would strengthen the relationship with the organization and

vice versa. Customer satisfaction is the most important criteria that enable organizatio ns to
ensure the quality of their goods or services (Parasuraman et al., 1985).
In case of the banking sector, recognized standard scales to measure the perceived quality of a
bank service is not available. Thus providing high quality service is being taken as an important
weapon to survive and to gain and maintain competitive advantage (Bateson, 1985) cited in
Thakur (2011).

For commodity like products, quality can be measured easily by its features. But quality of
service depends heavily on the quality of the personnel of service provider or the provider
himself. Studies on customers‟ switching from banks have found that they do so because they
considered to be poorly serviced. Quality service improved customer satisfaction and reduced
customer erosion (Thakur, 2011).service quality is the key to measure e-banking user
satisfaction. Researchers have paid much attention to the close relationship between service
quality and customer satisfaction (Parasuraman et al., 1985).

2.2.3 Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is measured at the individual level, but it is almost always reported at an
aggregate level. Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual
manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to
product/service. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and
physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend
rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other options the customer may have
and other products against which the customer can compare the organization's products (David,

Most researchers found that service quality is the antecedent of customer satisfaction (Bedi,
2010; Kumar et al., 2010; Kumar et al., 2009; Naeem and Saif, 2009; Parasuraman et al., 1988).
Quality customer service and satisfaction are recognized as the most important factors for bank
customer acquisition and retention (Jamal, 2004; Armstrong and Seng, 2000; Lassar et al., 2000).
Service quality is considered as one of the critical success factors that influence the
competitiveness of an organization. A bank can differentiate itself from competitors by providing

high quality service. Service quality is one of the most attractive areas for researchers over the
last decade in the retail banking sector (Avkiran, 1994; Stafford, 1996; Johnston, 1997; Angur et
al., 1999; Lassar et al., 2000).

According to Tse& Wilton (1988) customer satisfaction is the consumer‟s response to the
evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between prior expectations and the actual performance
of the product. The service quality variables identified by (Parasuraman et al., 1994) are
reliability, responsiveness, competence, accessibility, courtesy, communication, credibility,
security, understanding and tangibility. Service quality leads to overall customer satisfaction. It
is one of the service factors contributing to customers‟ satisfaction judgments and can be
considered in multi- level and multi-dimensional (Caruana& Malta, 2002).

Yang, Jun, & Peterson (2004) identified five online service quality dimensions (responsiveness,
reliability, competence, access and security) and their relationships with the customer
satisfaction. Wolfinbarger&Gilly (2002) observed that reliability and fulfillment are the strongest
predictors for customer satisfaction. Lui& Arnett (2000) identified five critical dimensions of
online service quality in relations to customer satisfaction in the website. Among these, the
quality of information that is relevant, accurate, timely, customized and complete are given
priority for the customer satisfaction in the online service. Johnston (1997) identified
attentiveness, responsiveness care and friendliness as the main sources of satisfactions (satisfiers)
in banking services, and integrity, reliability, availability and functionality as the main sources of
dissatisfaction. Khalil & Pearson (2007) have found that trust significantly affects attitude
towards internet banking acceptance. To encourage internet banking adoption, banks need to
develop strategies that improve the customer‟s trust in the underlying technology. The other
factors include quick response, assurance, follow-up and empathy. Security, correct transaction,
customer control on transaction (personalization), order tracking facilities and privacy are other
important factors in the online service that affect the customer satisfaction. Joseph, McClure, &
Joseph (1999) investigated the influence of internet on the delivery of banking services. They
found six underlying dimensions of e-banking service quality as convenience and accuracy,
feedback and complaint management, efficiency, queue management, accessibility and
customization. Jun &Cai (2001) identified 17 service quality dimensions of Internet banking

service quality. These are reliability, responsiveness, competence, courtesy, credibility, access,
communication, understanding the customer, collaboration, continuous improvement, content,
accuracy, ease of use, timeliness, aesthetics, security and divers features. They also suggested
that some dimensions such as responsiveness, reliability and access are critical for both
traditional and internet banks.

Hua (2009) conducted an experiment to investigate how user‟s perception about online banking
is affected by the perceived ease of use of website and the privacy policy provided by the online
banking website. In this study, it also investigates the relative importance of perceived ease of
use, privacy, and security. Perceived ease of use is of less importance than privacy and security.
Security is the most important factor influencing user‟s adoption.

Jun et al (1999) revealed reliable/prompt responses, attentiveness, and ease of use had
considerable impacts on both customers perceived overall service quality and satisfaction. It also
indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between overall service quality and
satisfaction. Yang & Jun (2002) redefined the traditional service quality dimensions in the
context of online services, and suggested an instrument consisting of seven online service
dimensions (reliability, access, ease of use, personalization, security, credibility, and
responsiveness). Joseph et al (1999) considered banking service quality with respect to
technology use, such as ATMs, telephone, and the internet and identified six dimensions. They
were convenience/accuracy, feedback/complaint management, efficiency, queue management,
accessibility, and customization.

Zeithaml et al (2000) developed SERVQUAL for measuring e- service quality. They identified
11 dimensions: access, ease of navigation, efficiency, flexibility, reliability, personalization,
security/privacy, responsiveness, assurance/trust, site aesthetics, and price knowledge.
eithaletal(2000)developed for easuringe-

Extensive study on service quality conducted by researchers have proposed that service quality
can be measured using the SERVQUAL instrument (Parasuraman, Berry &Zeithaml 1985,
1988). The attributes of initial SERVQUAL model were tangibles, reliability, responsiveness,

competency, courtesy, assurance, credibility, security, access, and understanding. Later reduced
these ten dimensions into five by using a factor analysis (Parasuraman et al, 1988). These five
dimensions are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, and Empathy. The SERVQUAL instrument
provides the computed disconfirmation approach whereby the difference between a customer‟s
expectation and the actual performance is calculated (Dhandabani, 2010).

2.3 Definition and Feature of Independent Variable

Reliability: -Reliability refers to the ability to perform the promised service accurately and
consistently. It involves accuracy in billing, keeping records correctly, and performing the
service at the designated time. Reliability consists of providing services as promised,
dependability in handling customers‟ service problems, prompt reply to customer enquiries,
provide services at the promised time and maintaining error- free record. Reliability is the most
important factor in conventional service (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry 1988).

Transaction efficiency:-Transaction efficiency is the ability of the customers to get any of e-

banking service, find the desire product and information associated with it, and check out with
minimal of effort. Transaction efficiency also can understand as performance of e-banking base
on some elements: up to date information, response time, download time, complete product
information, tutorial/demo ns tra t io n, and help function (Leelapongprasut et al, 2005)

Customer support: -Customer support includes before sell and after sell support. Before
customer make decisions, the company should give some support to attract them, let customers
feel they are at home. The relationship is like a good friend not like a business. After customers
buy the services or products, company should solve the problem that customers met or respond
to customers‟ questions immediately and according to the problems, company can ameliorate
them. In the e-banking industries, support is also important. Not everyone is good at different
technology so they need guide on how to use the service. Sometimes, after services on the e-
banking, customers might have questions waiting to answer, so he or she also needs support. So
support is very important for customers (Rangsan & Titida, 2013).

Service security:-Security is defined as the freedom from danger, risk, or doubt. It involves
physical safety, financial security and confidentiality. It consists of employees who instill
confidence in customers, making customers feel safe in their transactions, employees who are
consistently courteous and employees who have the knowledge to answer customer question
(Parasuraman, Zeithaml& Berry, 1985). Moreover, security is defined as personal and
possessions safety of the customers. It also includes confidentiality maintained by service
providers (Johnston, 1997).

Ease of use:-Ease of use is important in using e-banking, which related to customer

apprehension about the efforts required to learn to use e-banking (David, 2010). It is considered
as the factor influencing the adoption of e-banking, and related to an easy- to- remember pin
codes and URL address, well- organized and usable software, easy of site navigability, concise
and understandable contents, terms and conditions (Alagheband, 2006).

Performance: - Performance is the operating quality of each e-banking service and feature
offered by banks. It includes whether e-banking services provide in multi- language or not, e-
banking provide 24 houres-7 days service, allow to transfer funds between banks (Garvin, 1987).

Service content:-Service content is all information that is provided to customers. For electronic
banking service, it means the content that banks provide to customers through their website,
ATM & POS terminal and Mobile. High value added content is essential.

2.4 Empirical Evidences

2.4.1 Empirical Study-Worldwide

A study conducted by Masukujjaman, (2010) on quality of Categorized Service and Customer

Satisfaction in Banking Industry. The main objectives of the study were to evaluate the customer
satisfaction of the service quality and to assess whether bank services provided by the institutions
are satisfactory to Bangladeshi customers especially in term of service categories like general
banking, credit banking and foreign exchange banking services. The study also examined
empirically the determinants of service quality in Bangladesh. A questionnaire for such purpose

was designed and different statistical methods were applied to analyze the collected data. From
the study it was found that the overall service quality in private commercial bank in Bangladesh
is moderate, where service quality in general banking services was better than the credit banking
services and foreign exchange services though its quality was not too bad. However, the study
was done in Bangladeshi. This study will be done in Ethiopia, specifically to assess e-banking
practice and customer‟s satisfaction the case of united bank.

Construct in Retail Banking in India. This study investigates customer satisfaction as the most
important factor behind loyalty in retail banking. Various study showed that satisfaction plays an
important role to establish loyal customer base. Their study points out that satisfaction and
loyalty relationship was critical for retail banks. Understanding the factors behind loyalty as well
as the antecedents of customer satisfaction was an important issue for academic research as well
as for marketing in financial services. The major aim of this study was to identify satisfaction as
the major factor behind customer loyalty in retail banking. The research has been carried out
through secondary research and primary research. Survey method were used for primary
research. Personal contact approach through questionnaire had been introduced to conduct the
survey. The findings reveal that satisfaction and loyalty were related to each other. Moreover,
satisfaction has a positive and direct impact on loyalty in banking. The study was loyalty based.
The study was good, but failed to study the effects of e-banking on customer‟s satisfaction. This
study wants to fill a gap. Jaspal and Gagandeep (2011) conducted a study on determinants of
Customer Satisfaction. The study examines customer satisfaction had been a common practice
among banking and finance researchers over the years. The main reason for continued interest in
this area of research was the ever changing banking business environment across the world. The
objective of the present paper was to investigate the determinants of customer satisfaction of
Indian (Universal) banks. Data was collected from a sample of 180 respondents using
convenience sampling technique. Factor analysis results revealed that responsiveness, tangibles,
services innovation, reliability and accessibility, assurance, pricing and other facilities, problem
solving capability and convenient working hours are the main determinants of customer
satisfaction. With all the potential of the study, the study failed to incorporate the concept of e-
banking and customers satisfaction.

Amaoko (2012) in his research on the impact of ICT on banking operations in Ghana, ICT has
contributed positively to the provision of banking services and growth of the Ghananian banking
services and growth of the Ghananian banking industry. Internet banking and e-banking is not
yet developed in Ghana. The study recommended that banks should develop user friendly
systems and applications for general population Government and banks should play a key in
enhancing ICT infrastructure, put in place incentives like tax reduction, make PC available and
affordable for every Ghanian. Financial institutions should offer programs to reassure customer‟s
safety with regards to ICT through sensitization, workshops and support the skills be a central
monitoring unit permanently mannered by personnel to the operations of all the bank‟s ATM‟s
so that shortage of funds, occasional shut downs, seizure of electronic cards etc are handled with
dispatch. Lastly the banking institutions should also come out with more electronic products and
services to reduce the turnaround time of customers, such products will give them the
opportunity to sit at the comfort of their homes, workplaces and transact business with the banks.
2.4.2 Empirical Studies in Ethiopia

(Gardachew, 2010) conducted a research on the opportunities and challenges of e- banking in

Ethiopia. The study was focused on analyzing the status of electronic banking in Ethiopia and
investigates the main challenges and opportunities of implementing e-banking system. The
author conducted a survey on the existing operating style of banks and identifies some challenges
of using e-banking system, such as, lack of suitable legal and regulatory frame works for e-
commerce and e- payments, political instability in neighboring countries, high rates of illiteracy
and absence of financial networks that links different banks.

Wondossen & Tsegai (2005) also studied the challenges and opportunities of e-payments in
Ethiopia; their objective was studying of e-payment practices in developing countries. The
authors employed interview and on site observation to investigate challenges to e-payment in
Ethiopia and found that, the main obstacles to the development of e-payments are, lack of
customers trust in the initiatives, unavailability of payment laws and regulations particularly for
e- payment, lack of skilled manpower and frequent power disruption. According to
(Wondwossen & Tsegai, 2005), an adequate legal structure and security framework could foster
the use of e- payments, which is contradicting with the finding of the previous study.

Furthermore (Assefa, 2013) conducted a study on the impact of e-banking on customer
satisfaction in two privet banks in Gondar city. The researcher employed descriptive and
inferential statistics in analyzing this study and it was limited to customers of two privet banks
only. The results of the study implied that majority of users of e-banking are the young, the
educated, salaried and students, business men and women are not actively using the service of e-
banking, e-banking currently provided for saving and current accounts holders only, e- banking
reduced frequency of bank hall for banking service, reduced waiting time for customers, there
are customers who don‟t know the fee charged for being e-banking users , the bank customers
satisfaction increased after being e-banking users, enabled customers to control their account
movements and there is high opportunity to expand e-banking service in the city.


This chapter covers the following sections namely: the research design, the study area, sample
size and sampling procedure, source of data, data collection procedures, analysis and
presentation and the ethical consideration for the study.

3.1 Research Approach and Design

Survey design was used for this study in order to collect data from several sources through
questionnaire and interview to study their opinion and perspective toward customer satisfaction
on united banks e-banking activities. According to Kerlinger (1973) survey is the best research
design for obtaining facts, beliefs and attitudes. Survey uses questionnaire as a tool for data
collection. Exactly, this will be used to elicit information about the customer‟s satisfaction on
united banks‟ electronic banking practices. Ajala (1996) proposed that descriptive survey is the
best method where there is the need to capture people‟s opinion, experience, values and
impressions about an issue.

The researcher preferred to use both qualitative and quantitative study approach. Qualitative
analysis is the analysis of qualitative data such as text data from interview transcripts. In the
qualitative research approach knowledge is constructed inductively. Quantitative data, on the
other hand, helps in removing personal biases that are created during interviews and
interpretations and further, generalizes findings to a larger group. By combining both of the
approaches, the student researcher offset the weaknesses of either approach used individually.

3.2 Target Population

The total population of study is composed of managers, front line officers, E-banking department
staff and active users of the E banking service under Addis Ababa city specifically big branches
only, grade „‟A’’ branches. The Total population of the study is 392.

3.3 Sample size
The study was conducted on 387 active E-banking customers.Also 5 E-banking department staffs
were selected to interview.Special considerations were given to the knowledge and skills of the
respondents in relation to the topic under study. Only customers will be selected randomly using
statistical formulas.
Table.1 Sample size

1 Active E-banking customers 12,500.00 387

Total 387
Source: UB‟s quarter E-payment report

3.3.1 Sampling Procedure

Purposive sampling and convenience sampling method were used for this study. The purposive
sampling allowed the picking of interview objects that fit the focus of the study (Osuala, 2001).
Also, according to Kumekpor (1989) cited in Mensah (1997), with the purposive sampling, the
sample units was selected not base on random procedure but intentionally selected for the study.
This is based on the fact that they have certain characteristics that suit the study or because of
certain qualities they possess, which are not randomly distributed in the universe but necessary
for the study.

Therefore, purposive sampling method was used for branch selection and those who are directly
related with electronic banking services. The active users of the e-banking service were also
selected using convenience sampling by clustering only grade A branches as a target using a
statistical formula a questionnaire wasalso distributed for 387 active users of e-banking.

3.3.2 Source of Data Collection

The researcher obtains data from primary and secondary data sources in order to obtain a reliable
data and achieve the stated objectives of this study.

20 Primary Sources of Data

These primary sources of data were collected from the respondents through the use of
questionnaires and Interview. Secondary Sources of Data

Secondary data was obtained from documentary sources such as books, journals, newspapers,
reports, articles and other research related to this study. These sources were very useful in the
literature review. The literature reviewed serves as both theoretical and empirical base for the
analysis of the data collected.

3.4 Methods of Data Collection

The main research instrument used for this study is the questionnaire and Interview .
The sections contain a five point Likert Scale where respondents were asked to indicate the
extent to which they agree/disagree with various statements. The Five-Point Likert‟sscale was
used. Also some higher official of the bank who are directly related with the job were also
interviewed through an arranged meeting.

3.5 Data Analysis Method

The collected data were edited, sorted and coded in readiness for analysis. The collected and
organized data were also classified and analyzed using the frequency tables with the help of the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to establish the relationship between customer
satisfaction and e-banking practice of united bank. The analyzed data were presented in tables with
frequencies and percentages in order to come up with systematic and well organized information for
decision makers.

3.6 Reliability Measure the Questionnaire

Cronbach‟s alpha was employed to test the consistency and reliability of the questionnaire.
ATM, ONLINE, POS, MOBILE had high reliabilities, all Cronbach‟s alpha=0.98. Cronbach‟s
alpha value of more than 0.7 is acceptable and ensures the reliability of items while other
research‟s suggested that Cronbach‟s alpha value of above 0.8 is preferably to be considered

reliable. Therefore the result of total items together and also each clustered items were reliable
enough for further statistics and the items are highly consistent.

Table 2.Cronbach's Alpha Reliability test.

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

0.998 40

Source: Own survey, 2017


This chapter presents the results. As discussed in the preceding chapter this study aimed at
examining the satisfaction of united bank‟s customers on its electronic banking services standing
on the surveyed data and response gained from the respondents.

A total of 387 questionnaires were distributed to customers of e-banking. Out of the total 322
questionnaires were obtained (83 response rates). Several questions were asked related to the e-
banking practice and their satisfaction to the E-banking customers of united bank in Addis
4.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents

Table 3. Demographic Profile of E-banking Customers

No Demographics Frequency Percentage

Male 223 69.3%

1 Gender
Female 99 30.7%
TVET 98 30.4%
First Degree 206 64%
2 Educational Levels
Master Degree 18 5.6%
Other - -
Less than one
96 29.8%
Experience using E-
3 1-5 years 223 69.3%
banking service
6-10 years 3 0.9%
Office worker 150 46.6%
Business person 164 50.9%
4 Occupation
Student 8 2.5%
other - -
Total 322 100
Source: Own survey, 2017

The table above presents the profile of the respondents in the study. As shown in Table 3, 69.3%
of the respondents are male and 30.7% are female. The number of males dominates in using
united banks electronic banking services.

Most of the respondents are degree holders, almost 64% of them are degree holders and about
5.6% have above BA degree. From the respondents profile we can observe that the electronic
banking is not user friendly for those who have no academic qualification. Likewise united
bank‟s electronic banking customer category is concentrated on the elite social group.

From the surveyed date we have learned that most of the respondents who uses electronic
banking service of united bank are business person around 50.9% of the respondents followed by
office workers 46.6%.This implies that the service quality in providing Electronic banking
service, which is customer satisfaction in united banks electronic banking services might
determine the customers perception for other banking services of the bank.

With respect to experience, 69.3percent of survey respondents indicated that they had between 1-
5 years of Electronic Banking exposures. The second larger number of respondents, 29.8 %,had
only less than one year of E-banking exposure. Only less than 1% of the respondents indicated
that they have more than 5 year‟s E-banking experience. From the respondents profile we can
observe that most of the respondents have medium E-Banking experience and their experience is
very viable for the researcher to find their honest opinion in their response. It will make the final
output very concrete and reliable.

4.2 General Information of E-Banking Customers
Table 4.General Information of E-banking Customers
No General information Frequency Percentage
ATM 84 26.1%
POS 9 2.8%
Type of electronic banking
1 Mobile banking 58 18%
service used by the customers
Internet banking 30 9.3%
All 141 43.8%
Daily 16 5%
2 How often the service is used Sometimes 241 74.8%
Once in a month 65 20.2%
Very advanced 59 18.3
Customers skills in using E- Advanced 56 17.4%
banking Average 133 41.3%
Basic 74 23%
Source: Own survey, 2017

As shown in Table 4, Almost 43.8%, the majority of the respondents use all type of electronic
banking service, but off all other services customers prefer ATM service 26.1% uses only ATM
services, followed by 18% of Mobile banking service users, the bank customers don‟t utilize its
POS service, this shows the service is not widely available or the customers are not well aware to
use the service.

Most of the respondents don‟t utilize the E-banking service on a regular basis form the response
almost 75% of the respondents‟ uses the service sometimes. Only 5% of the respondents use the
service daily. When looking at the level of their skill in using electronic banking service most of
the respondents are averagely rated in using the technology. Around 41.3%, the remaining 23%,
18.3% and 17.4% are basic, very advanced and advanced respectively. Therefore, so far the
service users are almost categorized at least have some knowledge about technology.

4.3 Results on Customer Satisfaction on E-Banking Services of United Bank
The detailed discussion of the respondents regarding their satisfaction on united banks E-
Banking practice has been discussed below.
4.3.1 ATM
Table 5. ATM
NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.88 1.09
Strongly disagree 7 3%

User friendliness of ATM Disagree 126 53.4

1 Neutral - -
Agree 94 39.8
Strongly Agree 9 3.8
Total 236 100
2.75 1.11
Strongly disagree 15 6.4
I have confidence with Disagree 128 54.2
2 cash availability of the Neutral 1 0.4
bank‟s ATM Agree 83 35.2
Strongly Agree 9 3.8
Total 236 100
2.6 1.11
Strongly disagree 15 6.4
Disagree 128 54.2
I feel safe with accuracy of
3 Neutral 1 0.4
transaction by ATM Agree 83 35.2
Strongly Agree 9 3.8
Total 236 100
2.88 1.12
Strongly disagree 11 4.7
Waiting time for ATM Disagree 120 50.8
4 card preparation is Neutral 2 0.8
tolerable Agree 91 38.6
Strongly Agree 12 5.1
Total 236 100

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.89 1.12
Strongly disagree 14 5.9
Disagree 110 46.6
Employee effectiveness in
5 Neutral 8 3.4
solving ATM problem
Agree 94 39.8
Strongly Agree 10 4.2
Total 236 100
2.83 1.09
Strongly disagree 16 6.8
Quick replacement of lost Disagree 108 45.8
6 Neutral 17 7.2
and damaged cards
Agree 88 37.3
Strongly Agree 7 3
Total 236 100
2.96 1.11
Strongly disagree 11 4.7
Disagree 109 46.2
ATM machine locations
7 Neutral 2 0.8
are highly secured
Agree 105 44.5
Strongly Agree 9 3.8
Total 236 100
2.64 1.15
Strongly disagree 28 11.9

The ATM functions all the Disagree 121 51.3

8 Neutral 1 0.4
Agree 78 33.1
Strongly Agree 8 3.4
Total 236 100
2.92 1.12
Strongly disagree 10 4.3
I am satisfied with Disagree 115 48.9
9 availability of advice on Neutral 5 2.1
ATM usage and security Agree 93 39.6
Strongly Agree 12 5.1
Total 236 100

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.89 1.12
Strongly disagree 12 5.1
ATMs are conveniently Disagree 115 48.9
10 Neutral 4 1.7
Agree 94 40
Strongly Agree 10 4.3
Total 236 100
2.78 1.05
Strongly disagree 9 3.8
Overall, I am satisfied with Disagree 127 54
11 Neutral 11 4.7
united bank ATM service
Agree 81 34.5
Strongly Agree 7 3
Total 236 100 2.87 1.12

Source: Own survey, 2017

The table above indicates the descending order of ten questions and one overall question in terms
of mean value. Mean value of eleven questions in general range from 2.6 to 2.96. The lowest
mean value is 2.6 of question number three and Followed by mean value of 2.64 for question
number eight, which are also less than grand mean value of 2.86, represent in a low level of
response on measurement scale. The mean value of the first question is 2.88 which represent a
weaklevel and negative response on measurement ofscale and relatively indicates that bank‟s
ATM service is not as user friendly as the bank thinks. The mean value of second, third, fourth
and fifth question are 2.75, 2.6, 2.88 and 2.89 which represent also a weakand negative response
on the level of measurement scale. The grand mean value is 2.86 which also represent a week
and negative response on measurement scale.

From the survey data we can learn that the bank doesn‟t replenish its ATM by frequently
checking the ATM machine .With this we can learn that its customers are very disappointed.
Also its employees are not cooperative or effective in solving ATM related problems that
customer‟s encounter.

The standard deviation also shows lowest variability in response, almost all respondents respond
the same way for questions raise on ATM services of united bank. This in turns indicates most
respondents are dissatisfied with the service of united bank ATM service, due to lack of money,
network, security, for its longer waiting time to get the card and many other factors.
4.3.2 Results on Customer Satisfaction on HiberOnline (Internet Banking)

Table 6.Hiber Online (Internet banking)

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.67 1.01
Strongly disagree 8 4.7
I am able to get the bank
Disagree 102 59.6
Internet Banking site
1 quickly. Neutral 1 0.6
Agree 60 35.1
Strongly Agree - -
Total 171 100
2.6 0.96
Strongly disagree 5 2.9

I have confidence in the Disagree 112 65.5

2 bank Internet Banking Neutral 1 0.6
service. Agree 53 31
Strongly Agree - -
Total 171 100
2.56 0.97
Strongly disagree 8 4.7
Disagree 110 64.3
It is easy for me to find
3 what I want on the bank Neutral 2 1.2
Internet Banking site. Agree 51 29.8
Strongly Agree - -
Total 171 100
2.67 0.99
Strongly disagree 5 2.9
Internet banking Disagree 106 62
4 transactions with the bank Neutral 2 1.2
are always accurate Agree 57 33.3
Strongly Agree 1 0.6
Total 171 100

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.54 0.98
Strongly disagree 14 5.9
Disagree 110 46.6
The bank Internet Banking
5 site launches and runs Neutral 8 3.4
immediately Agree 94 39.8
Strongly Agree 10 4.2
Total 236 100
2.6 0.98
Strongly disagree 6 3.5
I feel safe with all my Disagree 106 62
6 Internet banking Neutral 5 2.9
Agree 53 31
Strongly Agree 1 0.6
Total 171 100
2.6 0.96
Strongly disagree 6 3.5
The bank quickly resolves Disagree 108 63.2
7 problems I encounter with
Neutral 5 2.9
my Internet Banking
Agree 52 30.4
Strongly Agree - -
Total 171 100
2.57 0.96
Strongly disagree 6 3.5
The bank Internet Banking
service does have customer Disagree 111 64.9
8 support staff available on Neutral 3 1.8
e-mail and/or Agree 51 29.8
Strongly Agree - -
Total 171 100
2.5 0.98
Strongly disagree 9 5.3
Disagree 110 64.3
Using the bank Internet
9 Banking service does not Neutral 1 0.6
require a lot of effort. Agree 51 29.8
Strongly Agree - -
Total 171 100

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.57 0.96
Strongly disagree 6 3.5
The Internet Banking
Disagree 113 66.1
10 pages do not freeze, after I
Neutral 1 0.6
have entered my login
Agree 51 29.8
Strongly Agree - -
Total 171 100
2.56 0.95
Strongly disagree 8 4.7
Overall, I am satisfied Disagree 108 63.2
11 with united bank online Neutral 5 2.9
banking Agree 50 29.2
Strongly Agree - -
Total 171 100 2.59 0.94

Source: Own survey, 2017

Table 6, indicates the descending order of ten questions and one overall question in terms of
mean value. There were one hundred seventy one valid responses for this section. The
frequencies in table indicate that customers are generally dissatisfied with all issues of Internet
banking service. Mean value of eleven questions in general range from 2.5 to 2.67. The lowest
mean value is 2.5 of question number nine and Followed by mean value of 2.54for question
number five, which are also less than grand mean value of 2.59, represent in a low level of
response on measurement scale. The mean value of the third question is 2.56 which represent a
weak level and negative response on measurement ofscale and indicates thatit is not easy to find
what customers want on bank‟s internet site. The mean value of question number eight is 2.57
which indicates the bank don‟t have customer support staff either on e-mail or telephonically in
the Internet banking service. The mean value of question number ten is 2.57 which indicate that
bank‟s Internet banking pages interrupt quickly. The mean value of first, second, fourth, sixth
and seventh question are 2.67, 2.6, 2.67,2.6 and 2.6which represent also a weak and negative
response on the level of measurement scale. The grand mean value is 2.59 which also represent a
week and negative response on measurement scale.

From the survey data we can learn that highest level of dissatisfaction with aspects of Internet
banking service. Also bank‟s Internet banking site requires a lot of effort to obtain the service

with this customers are very disappointed. The standard deviation also shows lowest variability
in response, almost all respondents respond the same way for questions on bank‟s Internet
banking service and revealed their dissatisfaction on the service.

4.3.3 Results on Customer Satisfaction on Mobile Banking

Table 7. Mobile banking

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.93 1.01
Strongly disagree 5 2.5
The use of mobile banking
Disagree 100 50.3
has enabled me to
1 accomplish my daily tasks Neutral - -
quickly Agree 91 45.7
Strongly Agree 3 1.5
Total 199 100
2.9 1.05
Strongly disagree 4 2

I fear using mobile banking Disagree 103 51.8

2 because I think people will Neutral - -
access my account Agree 89 44.7
Strongly Agree 3 1.5
Total 199 100
2.88 1.05
Strongly disagree 6 3
I can access the service Disagree 102 51.3
anytime and anywhere I go.
3 Neutral 3 1.5
Agree 85 42.7
Strongly Agree 3 1.5
Total 199 100
2.9 1.02
Strongly disagree 4 2
Disagree 100 50.3
Mobile banking is the
4 cheapest way of making Neutral 6 3
banking transactions Agree 87 43.7
Strongly Agree 2 1
Total 199 100

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.86 1.04
Strongly disagree 6 3
Mobile banking service is
complex than other Disagree 102 51.3
5 electronic banking Neutral 7 3.5
services so it will take me
a lot of time to learn how Agree 81 40.7
to use it. Strongly Agree 3 1.5
Total 199 100
2.97 1.03
Strongly disagree 3 1.5
The Mobile banking menu
options are not enough for Disagree 97 48.7
6 me, I would like to do Neutral 4 2
more communication with
Agree 92 46.2
my bank.
Strongly Agree 3 1.5
Total 199 100
2.96 1.03
Strongly disagree 3 1.5
Disagree 99 49.7
Mobile banking is
7 convenient and the easiest Neutral 3 1.5
to use Agree 91 45.7
Strongly Agree 3 1.5
Total 199 100
2.89 1.01
Strongly disagree 4 2
Overall, I am satisfied Disagree 100 50.3
8 with United Bank Mobile
banking service Neutral 9 4.5
Agree 85 42.7
Strongly Agree 1 0.5
Total 199 100 2.92 0.97

Source: Own survey, 2017

Table 7, indicates the descending order of sevenquestions and one overall question in terms of
mean value. There were one hundred ninety nine valid responses for this section.Mean value of
eight questions in general range from 2.86 to 2.97. The lowest mean value is 2.86 of question

number five, which indicate that bank‟s mobile banking service complex than other electronic
banking services and followed by mean value 2.88 this indicate that customers don‟t access
bank‟s mobile banking service anytime and anywhere they go, like abroad. The frequencies in
table indicate that customers are generally dissatisfied with all issues of Mobile banking service.
The mean value of the second question is 2.9 which represent a weak level and less than grand
mean value of 2.92 and indicates that customers fear using bank‟s mobile banking service due to
peoples my access their account. The mean value of the fourth question is 2.9 which represent a
weak level and less than grand mean value of 2.92 and indicates that mobile banking is not the
cheapest way of making banking transaction. The mean value of first, sixth and seventh question
are 2.93, 2.97 and 2.96, which represent also a weak and negative response on the level of
measurement scale. The grand mean value is 2.92 which also represent a week and negative
response on measurement scale.

From the survey data we can learn that highest level of dissatisfaction with aspects of Mobile
banking service. Also bank‟s Mobile banking service not available anytime and anywhere.With
these customers are very dissatisfied. The standard deviation also shows lowest variability in
response, almost all respondents respond the same way for questions on bank‟s Mobile banking
service and revealed their dissatisfaction on the service.

4.3.4 Results on Customer Satisfaction on POS Services

Table 8. POS

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD

2.6 0.99
Strongly disagree 6 3.9
The availability of access
to use POS machine 24 Disagree 97 62.6
hours is adequate
1 Neutral - -
Agree 52 33.5
Strongly Agree - -
Total 155 100

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
2.77 1.01
Strongly disagree 1 0.6
Disagree 95 61.3
2 Using of POS machine is
safe, secure & save time Neutral - -
Agree 57 36.8
Strongly Agree 2 1.3
Total 155 100
2.76 0.99
Strongly disagree 1 0.6
Using of POS machine is Disagree 95 61.3
3 Neutral - -
Agree 58 37.4
Strongly Agree 1 0.6
Total 155 100
2.75 0.98
Strongly disagree 1 0.6
Disagree 95 61.3
POS machine allows me to
4 make my transaction Neutral - -
simple & easy. Agree 59 38.1
Strongly Agree - -
Total 155 100
2.68 1.00
Strongly disagree 5 3.2
Disagree 95 61.3
I have received available
5 aid when I face a problem Neutral - -
using the POS machine. Agree 55 35.5
Strongly Agree - -
Total 155 100
2.75 0.98
Strongly disagree 1 0.6
Using POS machine Disagree 95 61.3
6 makes my lifestyle more Neutral - -
Agree 59 38.1
Strongly Agree - -
Total 155 100

NO Items Frequencies N Valid Mean SD
3 3.45
Strongly disagree 1 0.6
Disagree 95 61.3
Cost of using POS
7 machine is expensive for Neutral 2 1.3
me. Agree 56 36.1
Strongly Agree 1 0.6
Total 155 100
2.7 0.96
Strongly disagree 1 0.6
Overall, I am satisfied Disagree 96 61.9
8 with United Bank POS
Neutral 4 2.6
Agree 54 34.8
Strongly Agree - -
Total 155 100 2.76 1.08
Source: Own survey, 2017
It is well known that all banks in Ethiopia are competing head-to head in order to win the heart
and minds of bank customers. POS service is one of the tools used for strategic battling against
one another in the banking industry. United Bank, as one of the competing banks, has started
POS banking to reach its customers beyond time and space limitation.

Table 8, shows the distribution of the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of customers on all
the questions related with POS service. There were one hundred fifty five valid responses for this
section. Mean value of eight questions in general range from 2.6 to 3.00. The lowest mean value
is 2.6 of question number one, which indicate that the availability of bank‟s POS machine is
inadequate and followed by mean value 2.68 this indicate that unavailability of aid when
customers face a problem during transaction. The mean value of the fourth question is 2.75
which represent a weak level and less than grand mean value of 2.76 and indicates thatPOS
machine not easy and simple. The mean value of the sixth question is 2.75 which represent a
weak level and less than grand mean value of 2.76 and indicates that POS machine is not
convenient. The mean value of second and third question is 2.77 and 2.76, which represent also a
weak and negative response on the level of measurement scale. The mean value of question

number seven is 3.00 it indicates above grand value. The grand mean value is 2.76 which also
represent a week and negative response on measurement scale.

From the survey data we can learn that there is dissatisfaction with aspects of POS Service. Also
the bank‟s POS machines are not available almost anywhere. With these customers are very

4.4 Interview Analysis

Interview was forwarded for united bank e-banking department staff members. Five staff
members had been participated in interview.

1. What are e-banking department practices to satisfy customers?

Currently united bank offers Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Mobile banking, Point of Sales
(POS) terminals and Internet banking but most of the users of e-banking are AMT and Mobile
banking users, says one of e-banking department staff.

As per the e-banking department manager, United is among the few banks that provide card
banking Services through ATM & POS. United is pioneer in providing money send/receive
service on ATM. United has started rendering Master Card and VISA services and has also
finalized arrangements to start offering China Union Pay card service soon. Also says “Our
Bank is a pioneer Bank in the country to provide SMS and Internet Banking services to
customers. Hibir Mobile and Hibir Online Banking services are available 24 hours link to
account information with view of all banking transactions.

2. Do you think that your customers are satisfied with E- banking in your Bank?
Customers will expect their banks to be responsive to their needs over e-banking therefore we
are seeking to address these needs and increase their level of satisfaction. However, despite the
bank‟s effort to improve access for its customers by delivering such services, it is well aware of
some problems are encountered by clients which makes them dissatisfied such as network
failure, due to service breakdown from the country‟s sole telecommunications service provider,

ethio- telecom, and internal network problems, are the challenges faced by the United bank
attributed to dissatisfaction of our customers.

3. What are the problems that encounter mostly by your department?

While the majority of the complaints are laid at the feet of ethio- telecom, lack of knowledge
from customers end have also a share for the problem of brake dawn in ATM service.
Inappropriate use of ATMs and cards such as inserting card upside down into the ATM‟s card
slot, forgetting password of Mobile bankingand ATM which leads to the machine to capture
card, transferring cards to a third party are among the problems by customers themselves.The
bank work around the challenge to minimize this problem. We strongly believe that the
technology has given more satisfaction and reduced the visit of branch now and then as customer
gets it 24 hours per day and 7 days a week, standardized service, and quicker. But due to the
above reasons, customers have faced tragedy because we couldn‟t deliver the service as exactly
as we promise.


5.1 Summary of Findings

Banks have invested heavily in introducing and making e-banking service, with the objective of
improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately contributing positively to income and

On the basis of the assessment results have been obtained through quantitative and qualitative
data analyses, the following major findings are identified for further consideration.

The study has been done through applying primary data and analyzing secondary data all the
way through descriptive statistics to come up with better result. The descriptive statistics
produces magnificent results using frequencies, means and percentages of both demographic
variables and survey questions. The majority of the participant of the study was male on gender
category. Most of the respondents are degree holders, most of the respondents who uses
electronic banking services of united bank are business persons. With respect to experience,
majority of respondents indicates that they have between 1-5 years of Electronic Banking
exposures. Almost 43.8%, the majority of the respondents use all type of electronic banking
service, but off all other services customers prefer ATM service 26.1% uses only ATM services,
followed by 18% of Mobile banking service, united bank customers doesn‟t utilize its POS
service. Most of the respondents does not utilize the E-banking service on a regular basis form
the response almost 75% of the respondents uses the service sometimes. Only 16% of the
respondents use the service daily.

When we summarize it based on the questioner, the following results have been obtained:
 Internet banking customers‟ were extremely dissatisfied with variables (questions) like:
Using the bank Internet Banking service does not require a lot of effort, the bank Internet
Banking site launches and runs immediately, it is easy for me to find what I want on the
bank Internet Banking site, The bank Internet Banking service does have customer support

staff available on e-mail and/or telephonically and the Internet Banking pages do not
freeze, after I have entered my login credentials.
 ATM customers‟ were extremely dissatisfied with variables (question) like:I feel safe
with accuracy of transaction by ATM, TheATM functions all the time and I have
confidence with cash availability of the bank‟s ATM
 Mobile banking customers‟ were very dissatisfied with variables (question) like: Mobile
banking service is complex than other electronic banking services so it will take me a lot
of time to learn how to use it and I can access the service anytime and anywhere I go.
 POS customers‟ were very dissatisfied with the variable (question) like: The availability of
access to use POS machine 24 hours is adequate.
 Customer satisfaction is the major factor contributing to the success of service sector. E-
banking has become a major facility sought after by the existing and potential customers.
All the service sectors depend on customer and their satisfaction and the banks are no
exception. One of the ways for achieving high customer satisfaction and gaining the
loyalty of customers is for banks to offer high quality services.

5.2 Conclusion
It is well known that all banks in Ethiopia are competing head-to head in order to win the heart
and minds of bank customers. E-banking service is one of the tools used for strategic battling
against one another in the banking industry. United Bank, as one of the competing banks, has
started e- banking service to reach its customers beyond time and space limitation.
Descriptive analysis ascertains that there is a great dissatisfaction by the banks electronic
banking users. If we look at the responses of all respondents, on all questions related to
electronic banking, the majority of respondents‟ response falls between 1 and 3 which is very
low on a measurement scale.

Generally based on the findings the following conclusions have been drawn. The bank‟s ATM
service is not as user friendly as the bank thinks, most customers are not confident with the bank
ATM cash availability, Most customers feel insecure when they are going to use the ATM
machine, due to the fact that the bank‟s guards spend the night in side and ATM users fear they
might be smuggled since everyone know they have withdrawn a money and also Customers feel

the waiting time for ATM card preparation is much longer than other banks, since most
customers have more than one bank‟s card, also the ATM does not function most of the time,
due to network problem and customers are disappointed with this.

When we came to internet banking the bank‟s internet site is very difficult to access the service,
it doesn‟t resolve problems quickly customers encounter with their Internet banking transactions,
the bank does have Internet banking service support staff but, they are not all most all the time
available to get support.

Using POS is safe compared to cash transactions, but it took a lot of time during transaction due
to network, accessibility and lack of training by the operating persons. Using of POS machine is
complicated, since most users are not advanced in using technology.

The use of Mobile banking enable customers to accomplish their daily tasks quickly, however
the bank‟s customer‟s fear using mobile banking because they think people will access their
account. Mobile banking is indeed the cheapest way of making banking transactions most
respondents believe Mobile banking menu options are not enough, they would like to have more
options in the future. Hence, Mobile banking is convenient and the easiest to use among the
electronic banking services.

5.3 Recommendations
Based on the study results I would like to forward the following recommendations for the
concerned bodies.

 United bank has to give additional emphasis to increase the satisfaction level of its e-
banking customers.
 The bank must increase the availability of POS at various outlets, shops, supermarkets
and shopping centers that its customer could possibly use in order to make their
transaction simple and cash free to make them feel secured. On the other hand united
bank must also make the POS system as user friendly as possible in order to make it
likable, usable and preferable by its E-baking customers, otherwise customer goes the old
way by carrying cash unnecessarily to their shopping.

 The bank must also have in place a system for monitoring the overall composition and
quality of its electronic banking service.
 United Bank has to work to increase the number of users from all aspects regardless of
their educational status, occupation and gender. the survey results indicate that most of
united banks electronic banking users are, males and the literates, but, when we came to
the reality, most of our society are not categorized in this group, therefore as it has been
said earlier the bank must strive to increase the number of E-banking users from all
category before the competition get stiff.
 United Bank needed to increase the confidence of its customers as well as develop their
skills and knowledge in using e-banking services through various mechanisms. Also
employ the use of video presentations at its branches and on televisions to show how easy
it is using the banks electronic banking services. Also it will help customers to be more
familiar with the e-banking services.
 The bank better utilize all the necessary human and material resources towards achieving
high level of e-banking service to satisfy its customers.
 United bank must deliver the ATM service as promised on time at shorter period of time
as possible.
 United bank has to allocate or present as many number of ATMs and POSs as possible at
convenient premises.
 Of all the variables the respondents have shown the highest level of indifference or
dissatisfaction with aspects of Internet banking service. The bank‟s managers should
improve the following aspects of Internet banking service:
 Must ensure that there is proper advice given to customers on their requests.
 Must Ensure that the bank meet all obligations and promises that are made on the

Therefore, United Bank has to strive to ensure that its customers who are using e-banking service
in Addis Ababa are very satisfied. Customer satisfaction is potentially one of the most powerful
weapons that the Bank can employ in its fight to gain a strategic advantage and survive in
today‟s ever-increasing technology based competitive environment.

5.4 Limitation of the study
Financial regarding cost to cover the purchase of stationary and movements to meet respondents.
Another problem was the lack of cooperation from the bank and customers. Some customers also
claimed that they did not have enough time to seat down and reply to the questionnaires.

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Appendix A: Questionnaire

St. Mary’s university

School of Graduate Studies
Dear Respondents,
This questionnaire is designed to produce academic study report entitled
“Assessment of E-banking practice on Customer Satisfaction in United bank”.
The information shall be used as a primary data in my research which I am
conducting as a partial requirement of my study at St. Marry University for
completing my MBA program. The study is purely for academic purpose and thus will
not affect you in any way. Therefore, your genuine, frank and timely response is very
important to the outcome of the study and you are kindly requested to complete all

Thanks in advance

General Instructions:

1. No need of writing your name

2. Please indicate the following by ticking (x) on the spaces in front of
the response options

If you need any questions to ask please do not hesitate to contact me at

any time through the following address:

Phone: 0912-722567

Section I. Demographic profile of respondents

1. Gender
(a) Male (b) Female

2. Current level education

(a) TVET (b) First degree (c) Master Degree
(d) Other _______________________
3. Experience on using United Bank E-banking service

(a) Less than one year

(b) 1-5 years
(c) 6-10 years

4. Occupation
(a) Office worker (b) Business person (c) Student (d) other _______

General Information
5. Which type of electronic banking service delivery do you use?
(a) ATM b) POS (c) Mobile banking (d) Internet banking
(You can choose more than one option.)
6. How often do you use the E-Banking?
(i) Daily
(ii) Sometimes
(iii) Once in a month
7. How would you rate your skills in using E-Banking?
(i) Very Advanced
(ii) Advanced
(iii) Average
(iv) Basic

Section II. This part of the questionnaire covers items related E- Banking (Active
Mobile banking, Active Debit/ATM Card, Active Internet banking and Active
POS). Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following
statements by put (x) mark that best represents your opinion.





Hiber online (Internet banking) related questions

1. I am able to get the bank Internet Banking site quickly.
2. I have confidence in the bank Internet Banking service.

3. It is easy for me to find what I want on thebank Internet Banking site.

4. Internet banking transactions with the bank are always accurate
5. The bank Internet Banking site launches and runs immediately
6. I feel safe with all my Internet banking transactions
7. The bank quickly resolves problems I encounter with my Internet Banking
8. The bank Internet Banking service does have customer support staff
available on e-mail and/or telephonically.
9. Using the bank Internet Banking service does not require a lot of
10. The Internet Banking pages do not freeze, after I have entered my login
Overall, I am satisfied with United Bank Internet banking service
Mobile banking related questions
1. The use of mobile banking has enabled me to accomplish my daily tasks quickly
2. I fear using mobile banking because I think people will access my account
3. I can access the service anytime and anywhere I go.
4. Mobile banking is the cheapest way of makingbanking transactions
5. Mobile banking service is complex than other electronic banking services so
it will take me a lot of time to learn how to use it.

6. The Mobile banking menu options are not enough for me, I would like to
do more communication with my bank.
7. Mobile banking is convenient and the easiest to use
Overall, I am satisfied with United Bank Mobile banking service
ATM related questions
1. User friendliness of ATM system
2. I have confidence with Cash availability of the bank ATM
3. I feel safe with Accuracy of Transaction by ATM
4. Waiting time for ATM card preparation is acceptable
5. Employee effectiveness in solving ATM problem
6. Quick replacement of lost and damaged cards
7.ATM machine locations are highly secured
8.TheATM functions all the time
9. I am satisfied with Availability of Advice on ATM usage and security
10. ATMs are conveniently located
Overall, I am satisfied with United Bank ATM service
POS related questions
1. The availability of access to use POS machine 24 hours is adequate
2. Using of POS machine is safe, secure & save time
3. Using of POS machine is simple
4. POS machine allows me to make my transaction simple & easy.
5. I have received available aid when I face a problem using the POS
6. Using POS machine makes my lifestyle more convenient
7. Cost of using POS machine is expensive for me.
Overall, I am satisfied with United Bank POS service

Appendix B: Interview

1. What are e-banking department practices to satisfy customers?

2. Do you think that your customers are satisfied with E- banking in your Bank?
3. What are the problems that encounter mostly by your department?


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