Steps Rev
Steps Rev
Steps Rev
STEPS: Solutions to Ethical Problems in Schools (2001) adapts and extends the seven steps of The Practitioner’s Guide to
Ethical Decision Making developed by The American Counseling Association (ACA) model and extends the conceptual and
contextual applications so they align with the uniqueness of counseling in schools.
STEPS is a nine step model which considers the emotional influences of a problem, the chronological and developmental
appropriateness of the solution, the setting and parent’s right.
How does your intellect define the problem; unemotionally, objectively? What are the facts? Separate out the hearsay but
remember that rumors often inform. Separate out the facts, innuendos, rumors, hearsay, and hypotheses. However, in
school settings we cannot rule out the hearsay or rumors as they are often how school counselors discover the truth about
situations that involve their students.
2. Apply the ASCA and ACA Ethical Codes and the Law
Ask yourself whether your code of ethics or the law offers a possible solution to the problem. Ethical dilemmas are often
complex and we will not usually find a hard and fast simple solution in the codes or laws.
8. Consult
Discuss your case with a fellow professional, preferably a supervisor, to help you illuminate the issues. In the throes of an
ethical dilemma it is sometimes difficult to see all the issues clearly. School counselors often have to do their ethical
problem solving on the run. It is not always possible or feasible for school counselors to close their office doors and sit with
paper and pencil to walk through the ethical decision making model. There consultation is the one step that should never be
skipped (Stone, 2001).