Year 8 Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide 2022
Year 8 Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide 2022
Year 8 Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide 2022
Some topics will be tested at Level 3 only. Please use for helpful
revision lessons and activities (Login: wccs / password: decimal), and the WCCS Maths
Anthology for worked examples
Please also learn all the formulae and facts on the WCCS Maths Gold Card.
CE exam format There are three elements to 13+ CE mathematics
1. 1 hour (non-calculator written paper)
2. 1 hour (calculator written paper)
3. 30 minutes mental maths test
Boys need a ruler, protractor, and compass (and a calculator for the calc paper).
For more information about mathematics contact Dominic Hudson or Michelle Moyles.
Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide
Boys will be able to
describe characters
create a vivid and clear setting
base ideas on personal experience
use a wide range of literary devices (similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia) and
a broad vocabulary
develop a simple plot with a short time frame
use a range of sentences and sentence lengths
be original in their response to a written or visual prompt
demonstrate their ability to correctly use a range of punctuation marks
Essay writing
Boys should
know the plot of Lord of the Flies, Great Expectations, Hamlet and/or Decline
and Fall well, learn some specific quotations by heart and be able to discuss
themes and characters
structure essays clearly and offer their own opinions
use a variety of punctuation marks correctly and spell words accurately
be able to answer a range of questions. (The questions will be broad in
nature and will focus on what makes the texts enjoyable, on the characters
in the text or on its themes)
CE exam format Paper 1: 1 hour 15 minutes – prose comprehension and essay on studied
For more information about English contact Lucinda Higgie or Declan Amphlett.
Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide
Classifying materials (solids, liquids and gases; elements, compounds and
Changing materials (physical changes, chemical reactions)
Patterns of behaviour (metals, acids and bases)
Electricity and magnetism
Forces, motion and density
Light and sound
The earth and beyond
Energy resources and energy transfers
CE exam format Three separate papers (one for each subject) each 40 minutes long
Multiple choice questions to start, then short answer questions (both tend to
rely on factual recall) then longer answer questions – reliant on both knowledge
and understanding
For more information about science contact Beth Marshall or Sarah Pope.
Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide
Topics covered Vocabulary – unlimited possibilities but focus within these topics
Personal description, family, friends and pets
House, home, daily routine and chores
Life and work at school
Free time, holiday activities, meeting people
Visiting a café, restaurant
Simple health problems
Description of a town, shopping
Directions, tourist information
Weather, environment
Time, dates, numbers, prices
All of the vocabulary topics can be found in the blue French vocabulary book.
CE exam format Reading and writing are contained in the same paper – 1 hour
Prepared topics (8 marks)
Boys will choose one of the four topics prepared in class as their chosen
presentation. The teacher will then choose the second topic from the remaining
three. Therefore candidates must have answers to all four learnt. The questions
which follow the 30-second uninterrupted presentation will be the exact
questions that candidates have prepared in class. So, if they are learnt, there
should be few surprises on the day. Marks are given for use of different tenses,
readiness of responses and the variety of language.
Curriculum Overview / Revision Guide
First half of the Variatio II.17, Revision of principal parts & perfect participles;
Trinity term 19, 25, 26 & The present participle
28 The imperfect subjunctive
Final clauses
Indirect commands
Revision All materials from the chapters of Clarke’s Latin V and Variatio
II covered; vocabulary and grammar tables may also be readily
found in the A5 Vocabulary Lists & Outline of Accidence book
Note also the need to know all the materials contained within
the Greek mythology booklet – the Medusa, the Minotaur,
Hercules’ Labours (1, 2, 11 & 12 only), Jason and the Argonauts,
The Iliad and The Odyssey. The first half of this was set for the
Christmas holidays and the second is expected to completed
over the Easter holidays.
Curriculum Overview / Revision Guide
Revision All materials from the chapters of Clarke’s Latin V and Variatio
II covered; vocabulary and grammar tables may also be readily
found in the A5 Vocabulary Lists & Outline of Accidence book
Note also the need to know all the materials contained within
the Greek mythology booklet – the Medusa, the Minotaur,
Hercules’ Labours (1, 2, 11 & 12 only), Jason and the Argonauts,
The Iliad and The Odyssey. The first half of this was set for the
Christmas holidays and the second is expected to completed
over the Easter holidays
Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide
The Decalogue
The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:1-17
David: 2 Samuel 11:1-17
Application of the decalogue
The meaning of covenant
The call of Abraham: Genesis 12:1-9
Abraham and Isaac: Genesis 17:15-22
The near sacrifice of Isaac: Genesis 22:1-18
Abraham’s relationship with God
Abraham’s character and example
The nature of vocation
The call of Moses: Exodus 3:1-17
The Passover: Exodus 12:1-20
Crossing the sea: Exodus 14:10-31
Moses’ character and example
The nature of faith
The Exodus as a symbol of liberation
Topics covered
Topic 1: The Example of Christ
CE exam format 1 hour
Candidates answer one question from any two sections. As the examination is
60 minutes long this gives candidates 30 minutes to plan and write carefully
considered answers where grammar, spelling and punctuation are important.
Boys will be expected to know all topics covered in Year 7. See online ISEB
Religious Studies Theology, Philosophy and Religion (TPR) Roman
Catholicism syllabus for a full list of topics included in the Common Entrance
For more information about Religious Studies contact Emily Auger or Ivo MacGreevy.
Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide
For more information about history contact Ivo MacGreevy or Mimi Trevelyan-Davis
Common Entrance & Mocks Revision Guide