Cosh Midterm

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Occupational Safety and Health

• Refers to the legislation, polices, procedures and activities that aim to protect the health, safety and welfare of all people
at workplace.
Occupational Safety
• deals with understanding the causes of accidents at work and ways to prevent unsafe act and unsafe conditions in any
• Safety at work discusses concepts on good housekeeping, proper materials handling and storage, machine safety,
electrical safety, fire prevention and control, safety inspection, and accident investigation
Occupational Health
• deals with understanding the causes of accidents at work and ways to prevent unsafe act and unsafe conditions in any
• Safety at work discusses concepts on good housekeeping, proper materials handling and storage, machine safety,
electrical safety, fire prevention and control, safety inspection, and accident investigation

Occupational Injuries: Global Context

• The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that about 20-50% of workers are exposed to different
occupational hazards; this estimate can go even higher in low- to middle-income countries (LMICs).
• Occupational injuries occur to almost 960,000 or more workers, leading to deaths for about 5,330 workers.
• The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimated that economic loss resulting from occupational injuries and deaths
ranges from 1.8% to 6% of a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
• Do you know that an estimated 2.78 million workers die from occupational accidents and work-related diseases while
an additional 374 million workers suffer from non-fatal occupational accidents.
o This means 7,500 people die from unsafe and unhealthy working conditions every single day.
o Workplace-related deaths exceed the average annual deaths from road accidents (999,000), war (502,000),
violence (563,000) and HIV/AIDS (312,000).

Labor and Employment in the Philippines

• As of 2020, the total population of the Philippines has reached 100,981,437.
o Out of the total estimated population 74.1 million people aged 15 years old and above in 2020,.
o 45.8M Filipinos were in labor force
o 41.3M were employed
Occupational Injuries: Local Situations
• The most common occupational disease is back pain at 31. 3%, although a decreasing trend of 22.8% was observed
from 2015 (41,335 cases) to 2017 (31,903 cases)
• In the Philippines, incidences of occupational diseases decreased by 40.7%, from 171,787 cases in 2013 to 101,851 in 2017.
• Occupational accidents in the Philippines show a decreasing trend starting from 46,655 cases in 2011 to 38,235 cases in
• On the other hand, occupational injuries show an increasing trend from 48,975 cases in 2011 to 50,961 cases in 2015 but
decreased in 2017 with 46,283
Non-Fatal Cases
• can cause temporary and permanent incapacity.
Temporary Incapacity
o when an injured person was absent from work for at least a day excluding the day of the accident and
▪ was able to perform again their regular job activities
▪ will be able to perform the same job given that the worker will be able to rest after the day of the
accident in no more than a year.
Permanent Incapacity
o when an injured worker was absent from work for at least a day excluding the day of the accident
▪ was never able to perform normal job activities from the time of the accident
▪ will be able to perform usual job activity but expected absences or recovery time might exceed more
than a year starting from the day of the accident
Fatal Cases
- is when a worker is fatally injured due to an occupational accident that may immediately or within the year of accident result in
Type Of Injury
• Open Wounds
• Superficial injuries
• Burns and corrosion
Part of Body Injured
• Wrist and hands – most injured part
• Lower extremities
o Foot, knee
• Head
Cause of Injury
• Caught by or in between objects
• Stepping or striking against or struct by objects
• Falling objects
• Falls of person
Agent of Injury
• Machines and equipment
• Materials and objects
By major occupation group
• Plant and machine operators
• Elementary occupations and service and sale workers
Occupational diseases
• Back pain
• Neck-shoulder pains
• Occupational dermatitis
Commuting Accidents

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH / OSHC)

- deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards.
- Its goal is to prevent accidents and harm to people from work-related activities.
- was established through Executive Order No. 307,
- signed by the late President Corazon C. Aquino, on November 4, 1987.
- Based on its mandate, the OSHC champions the cause of work safety and health in the Philippines.
Executive Commitment Management commitment provides the motivating force and resources for organizing and controlling
activities within an organization.
Safety Committee Authority Provide adequate authority and resources to the safety committee to implement change and
perform accident investigations with substance.
Employee Involvement Provides the means through which workers develop and express their own commitment to worksite
Job Hazard Assessment Hazard identification is the first step in eliminating or controlling hazards. It is a critical foundation for a
safe workplace.
Comprehensive Training Solutions
- Training prevents accidents and builds confident, competent workers who understand hazards and know how to work
- Without it the whole structure of workplace safety is at risk of collapsing.
Effective Discipline Process Safe work practices must be encouraged with daily feedback on safety performance, and if
need be, enforced with progressive discipline. Breaking safety rules cannot be an option in a safe workplace.
Return To Work Program An effective procedure for reintroducing employees injured on the job when they return to work is
the final safety foundation.

Reducing Injuries By understanding the types of injuries and how to prevent them, employers can create an environment that
is conducive to safe work.
Improved Employee Safety By teaching employees how to safely perform their jobs, companies can reduce the risk of
injuries and accidents.
Reduced Costs By preventing injuries and accidents, businesses can avoid expensive damage and repairs.
Improved Productivity An effective OSH program can also improve productivity. By helping to prevent accidents, workers can
stay on the job longer and produce more products.

Occupational health and safety (OSH) is a way to protect workers from harm while they are performing their job. The benefits
of occupational health and safety are numerous and include reducing millions of injuries each year, protecting workers from
serious injury, and improving workplace productivity.
General benefits that may arise from using a service, such as
• Reduction in absenteeism and the number of days lost due to sickness and associated costs.
• Improved management of rehabilitation and return to-work processes.
• Early detection of work-related health hazards, enabling better identification, assessment and control.
• Improved management of work-related illnesses, enabling earlier and better treatment and consequently better
recovery and minimization of illness duration.
• Reduction in compensation claims for work-related ill health. Better pre-employment screening to match personal
characteristics with job requirements

Occupational safety and health is an extensive multidisciplinary field, invariably touching on issues related to scientific areas such
as medicine – including physiology and toxicology – ergonomics, physics and chemistry, as well as technology, economics, law
and other areas specific to various industries and activities.
1. All workers have rights
Workers, as well as employers and governments, must ensure that these rights are protected and must strive to
establish and maintain decent working conditions and a decent working environment.
2. Occupational safety and health policies must be established
Such policies must be implemented at both the national (governmental) and enterprise levels. They must be effectively
communicated to all parties concerned.
3. A national system for occupational safety and health must be established
Such a system must include all the mechanisms and elements necessary to build and maintain a preventive safety and
health culture. The national system must be maintained, progressively developed and periodically reviewed.
4. A national programme on occupational safety and health must be formulated
Once formulated, it must be implemented, monitored, evaluated and periodically reviewed.
5. Social partners and other stakeholders must be consulted
This should be done during formulation, implementation and review of all policies, systems and programs
6. Occupational safety and health programmes and policies must aim at both prevention and protection.
Efforts must be focused above all on primary prevention at the workplace level. Workplaces and working
environments should be planned and designed to be safe and healthy
7. Continuous improvement of occupational safety and health must be promoted
The collection and dissemination of accurate information on hazards and hazardous materials, surveillance of workplaces,
monitoring of compliance with policies and good practice, and other related activities are central to the establishment
and enforcement of effective policies.
8. Information is vital for the development and implementation of effective programs and policies
The collection and dissemination of accurate information on hazards and hazardous materials, surveillance of workplaces,
monitoring of compliance with policies and good practice, and other related activities are central to the establishment
and enforcement of effective policies.
9. Health promotion is a central element of occupational health practice
Efforts must be made to enhance workers’ physical, mental and social well-being.
10. Occupational health services covering all workers should be established
Ideally, all workers in all categories of economic activity should have access to such services, which aim to protect and
promote workers’ health and improve working conditions.
11. Workers, employers and competent authorities have certain responsibilities, duties and obligations
Workers must follow established safety procedures; employers must provide safe workplaces and ensure access to
first aid; and the competent authorities must devise, communicate and periodically review and update occupational
safety and health policies.
12. Policies must be enforced
A system of inspection must be in place to secure compliance with occupational safety and health measures and other
labour legislation.

The responsibilities of governments, employers and workers should be seen as complementary and mutually reinforcing in the
common task of promoting occupational safety and health to the greatest extent possible within the constraints of national
conditions and practice.
Workers' Rights
• It is increasingly recognized that the protection of life and health, in other words, decent work implies safe work.
• take care of their own safety, as well as the safety of anyone who might be affected by what they do or fail to do.
Employers' Responsibilities
• ensure that the working environment is safe and healthy.
• entailing knowledge of occupational hazards and a commitment to ensure that management processes promote safety
and health at work.
✓ Training
o one of the most important tasks to be carried out by employers.
o Within enterprises, managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that workers are adequately trained
for the work that they are expected to undertake.
o Such training should include information on the safety and health aspects of the work, and on ways to prevent
or minimize exposure to hazards.
✓ training and information programs on the prevention and control of hazards, and protection against risks.
o Where necessary, employers must be in a position to deal with accidents and emergencies, including providing
first-aid facilities and compensation.
Governments' Duties
• drawing up occupational safety and health policies and making sure that they are implemented.
• Policies will be reflected in legislation, and legislation must be enforced.
• The competent authority should supervise and advise on the implementation of a workers’ health surveillance system,
which should be linked with programs to prevent accidents and disease and to protect and promote workers’ health at
both enterprise and national levels.
• the main focus in occupational health is on three different objectives:
o the maintenance and promotion of workers’ health and working capacity;
o the improvement of work and working conditions so that they are conducive to safety and health; and
o the development of work organizations and preventive safety and health cultures in a direction that supports
safety and health at work.

The Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187), and its accompanying
Recommendation (No. 197) integrate the two fundamental pillars of the ILO’s global strategy to improve safety and health in the
world of work, namely the building and maintenance of a national preventive safety and health culture, and the application of a
systems approach to the management of occupational safety and health at both national and enterprise levels.

The Convention provides for the development, establishment, and implementation of a number of tools for the sound
management of occupational safety and health. These tools include:
• a national OSH policy, as defined in the Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No. 155), 1981;
• a national OSH system; and
• a national OSH program based on the elaboration and periodic updating of a national OSH profile

International Labor Organization (ILO)

- was drafted in early 1919 by the Labour Commission
- chaired by Samuel Gompers - head of the American Federation of Labour (AFL) in the United States.
- It was composed of representatives from nine countries: Belgium, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Japan, Poland,
the United Kingdom and the United States.
✓ promote rights at work
✓ encourage decent employment opportunities
✓ enhance social protection
✓ strengthen dialogue on workrelated issues
The promotion of decent, safe, and healthy working conditions and environments has been a continuous objective of the ILO
since it was founded in 1919.
The ILO Constitution sets forth: “And whereas conditions of labour exist involving such injustice, hardship and privation to large
numbers of people as to produce unrest so great that the peace and harmony of the world are imperilled; and an
improvement of those conditions is urgently required; as, for example, by … the protection of the worker against sickness,
disease and injury arising out of his employment …”
CORE or Key Instruments of ILO STANDARDS ON OSH
The Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 164)
- set out the basic principles for a national and enterprise level policy and strategy for the implementation of OSH
preventive and protective measures.
• formulation, implementation and periodical review of a national OSH policy
• the full participation at all levels of employers, workers, and their respective organizations, as well as other
• the definition of national institutional roles and responsibilities;
• a national system of recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases;
• the implementation of OSH at the workplace level, employers’ responsibilities, and rights of workers and their
representatives; and
• requirements regarding information, education, and training.
- complemented by the Protocol of 2002 (No. 155) and the List of Occupational Diseases Recommendation, 2002
(No. 194).
o The Protocol incorporates further provisions on the establishment and periodic review of requirements and
procedures for the recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases, as well as for the
publication of related annual statistics.
o provides for the regular review and update through tripartite meetings of experts of the list of occupational
diseases included in the Annex.
o The new list, approved in March 2010
▪ reflects the latest knowledge on the identification and recognition of occupational diseases.
o It is a semi-open list to allow for the recognition of the occupational origin of diseases not specified in the list,
when a link is established between the exposure to a risk factor arising from work and the disorder
contracted by the worker.
The Occupational Health Services Convention, 1985 (No. 161) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 171)
- provide for the establishment of occupational health services at national and enterprise levels, designated to ensure the
implementation of the OSH policy and relevant preventive and control measures, including health surveillance and
emergency response.
- OSH is entrusted with essentially preventive functions and which are responsible for advising the employer, the workers
and their representatives in the enterprise on maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.
The Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187) and its accompanying
Recommendation (No. 197)
- The Convention is aimed at establishing and implementing coherent national policies on occupational safety and health
through dialogue between government, workers’ and employers’ organizations and to promote a national preventive
safety and health culture.

- The Plan of Action to achieve widespread ratification and effective implementation of the occupational safety and health
instruments (2010–2016)
- was adopted by the ILO Governing Body in March 2010, with the purpose of developing a more holistic and integrated
approach for supporting ILO member States on the fundamental subject of OSH.
Outlines Strategies For:
• mapping the current situation at the national level and the readiness of member States to take action;
• promoting and supporting the development of a preventive safety and health culture;
• overcoming the obstacles in the implementation of ratified Conventions; and
• improving OSH conditions in small and medium-sized enterprises and the informal economy.
- A report on its implementation will be presented to the ILO Governing Body in 2016.

ILO Codes of Practice

- presented in the form of detailed technical specifications and practical recommendations in legal terminology.
- They complement existing ILO international standards and explain in detail the responsibilities of governments,
employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as the specific preventive and control measures for the application of
such standards.
- provide guidance on:
• safety and health at work in certain economic sectors (e.g., construction, opencast mines, coal mines, iron
and steel industries, non-ferrous metals industries, agriculture, shipbuilding and ship repairing, forestry, etc.);
• on protecting workers against specific risks (e.g., radiation, lasers, chemicals, asbestos, airborne substances);
• specific safety and health measures (e.g., recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases,
protection of workers’ personal data, safety, health and working conditions in the transfer of technology to
developing countries).
ILO Guidelines
- intended to provide technical guidance relating to particular areas of OSH (e.g. management system, workers’ health
surveillance, radiation protection, ergonomics, etc.).
• national authorities
• employers’ and workers’ organizations
• professional associations scientific and
• academic institutions.



P.D. 442
- "Labor Code of the Philippines
- It revised and consolidated labor and social laws to afford:
1. Protection to Labor
2. Promote Employment and Human Resources Development; and
3. Ensure Industrial Peace

OSHS - Occupational Safety and Health Standards Objectives:

• It is a set of mandatory rules on OSH which means codifies all safety orders.
• It is patterned after the standards of other developed countries.
✓ Protection of workers from occupational risks and hazards/ prevention of work accidents.
✓ Coverage: All Workplaces, except in mines
• CSHP- Construction Safety and Health Program
• Intended for Construction ONLY that must be in accordance with rules and other orders and issuance issued by the
• It is needed before proceeding with the construction

1. Around 2.3 million of construction workers only in the Philippines

2. Around 6,000 PCAB (Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board) registered constructors.
3. An average of about 15,000-20,000 government infrastructure projects per year
4. Low Awareness on OSH, Poor compliance on OSH, No/Inadequate PPE's for workers
5. Workers are temporary and constantly changing (Project Base Employee)
6. Each site includes different contractors performing different types of work
7. Working surfaces machinery trenching, and scaffolding are constantly moving, being reassembled, modified.
8. Workers often encountered different types of hazards which may result to accidents/ injuries.

1. Issuance of D.O. 13 Series of 1998

1) Protection and Welfare of Workers in the construction industry, the general public within and around the
immediate vicinity of any construction worksite.
2) Promotion of harmonious employer-employee relationships in the construction industry.
2. Decentralized Evaluation/ Approval of CSHP (AO 152 dated April 26, 2011)
3. Training and Accreditation of OSH Practitioners (D.O. 165 Series of 2001)
4. Inter-agency Collaboration (MOA-JAO-DOLE DTI-CMDF, DPWH, DILG-BFP)

- otherwise known as the "Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry"
Section 1: Definition of Terms
❖ 25 terms as used in the guidelines were defined in order to clarify their meaning and to distinguish them from similar
terms as defined in other issuances.
Section 2: Jurisdiction
The DOLE, through the Secretary of Labor and Employment, has the exclusive jurisdiction in the preparation of Occupational
Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) for the Construction Industry including its very enforcement, as provided for by law.
2.1. As embodied in Article 162, Chapter 2, Title I of Book Four of The Labor Code of the Philippines, "The Secretary of
Labor and Employment shall by appropriate orders set and enforce mandatory occupational safety and health standards
to eliminate or reduce occupational safety and health hazards in all work places and institute new and update existing
programs to ensure safe and healthful working conditions in all places of employment."
2.2. As embodied in Article 165, Chapter 2, Title I of Book Four of The Labor Code of the Philippines, "(a) The Department
of Labor and Employment shall be solely responsible for the administration and enforcement of occupational safety and
health laws, regulations and standards in all establishments and workplaces wherever they may be located"
Section 3: Delegation of Authority and Accreditation
The authority to enforce mandatory occupational safety and health standards in the construction industry may be delegated in
part by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, under the following conditions:
a) Chartered Cities and Municipalities may be allowed to conduct Technical Safety Inspections and general safety audit of
construction project sites within their respective jurisdiction where they have adequate facilities and competent
personnel for the purpose as determined by the DOLE and subject to national standards established by the latter,
provided they submit for approval an application for such authority
b) Private Safety Organizations with adequate facilities and competent personnel for the purpose, may be accredited by
DOLE to conduct technical and/or general Safety and Health Audit of construction project sites, for and in behalf of the
company or establishment.
c) Accreditation of safety organizations and practitioners shall be in accordance with Rule 1030 of the OSHS.
Section 4: Coverage
This issuance shall apply to all operations and undertakings in the construction industry and its subdivisions, namely, general
building construction, general engineering construction and specialty trade construction, based on the classification code of the
Philippine Construction Accreditation Board (PCAB) of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP); to companies
and entities involved in demolition works; and to those falling within the construction industry as may be determined by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment.
Section 5: Construction Safety and Health Program
Every construction project shall have a suitable Construction Safety and Health Program, which must be in accordance with
these rules, and other orders and issuances issued by the DOLE. The Construction Project Manager, or in his absence, the
Project Manager as authorized by the owner, shall be responsible for compliance with this Section.
5.1. The Construction Safety and Health Program shall state the following:
a) composition of the Construction Safety and Health Committee, if one has been formed, otherwise, an undertaking to
organize such committee and appoint its members before the start of construction work at the project site;
b) specific safety policies which the General Constructor undertakes to observe and maintain in its construction site,
including the frequency of and persons responsible for conducting toolbox and gang meetings;
c) penalties and sanctions for violations of the Construction Safety and Health Program;
d) frequency, content and persons responsible for orienting, instructing and training all workers at the site with regard to
the Construction Safety and Health Program under which they operate; and
e) the manner of disposing waste arising from the construction.
5.2. The Construction Safety and Health Program shall be executed and verified by the Construction Project Manager or
Project Manager and shall be submitted to the Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) which may approve, disapprove or
modify the same according to existing laws, rules and regulations and other issuances by the DOLE. 6
5.3. The cost of implementing the Construction Safety and Health Program shall be integrated into the project’s construction
cost, provided, that said cost shall be a separate pay item, duly quantified and stated in the project’s tender documents and
construction contract documents.
Section 6: Personal Protective Equipment
Every employer shall, at his own expense, furnish his workers with protective equipment for eyes, face, hands and feet, lifeline,
safety belt/harness, protective shields and barriers whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous work process or
environment, chemical or radiological or other mechanical irritants or hazards capable of causing injury or impairment in the
function of any part of the body through absorption, inhalation or physical agent.

Provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be in accordance with Rule 1080 of the OSHS. The equivalent cost for the
provision of PPE (life span, depreciation, replacement, etc.) shall be an integral part of the project cost.

6.1. The employer shall provide adequate and approved type of protective equipment. Workers within the construction project
site shall be required to wear the necessary PPE at all times.
6.2. Construction workers who are working from unguarded surfaces six (6) meters or more above water or ground,
temporary or permanent floor platform, scaffold or where they are exposed to the possibility of falls hazardous to life or
limb, must be provided with safety harnesses and life lines.
6.3. Specialty construction workers must be provided with special protective equipment, such as specialized goggles or
respirators for welders and painters or paint applicators.
6.4. All other persons who are either authorized or allowed to be at a construction site shall wear appropriate PPE.

Section 7: Safety Personnel

To ensure that a Construction Safety and Health Program is duly followed and enforced at the construction project site, each
construction project site is required to have the minimum required Safety Personnel, as described herein:
7.1. The General Constructor must provide for a full time officer, who shall be assigned as the general construction safety and
health officer to oversee full time the overall management of the Construction Safety and Health Program. 7 The general
construction safety and health officer shall frequently monitor and inspect any health and safety aspect of the construction
work being undertaken. He shall also assist government inspectors in the conduct of safety and health inspection at any
time whenever work is being performed or during the conduct of accident investigation.
7.2. The General Constructor must provide for additional Construction Safety and Health Officer/s in accordance with the
requirements for Safety Man/Officer of Rule 1033 (Training and Personnel Complement), depending on the total number of
personnel assigned to the construction project site, to oversee the effective compliance with the Construction Safety and
Health Program at the site, under the direct supervision of the general construction safety and health officer.
7.3. The General Constructor must provide for one (1) Construction Safety and Health Officer for every ten (10) units of heavy
equipment assigned to the project site, to oversee the effective compliance with the Construction Safety and Health
Program at the construction project site, in terms of heavy equipment utilization and maintenance.
7.4. Each construction subcontractor must provide for a representative, who shall have the same qualifications as a Safety
Man/Officer, to oversee the management of the Construction Safety and Health Program for the subcontractor’s
workforce and the specific area of work operations in accordance with the requirements of Rule 1033 of the OSHS. All
safety personnel who will be employed by an employer on full-time basis should be accredited by the BWC of the DOLE.
Section 8: Emergency Occupational Health Personnel and Facilities
8.1. The construction project owner or his duly authorized representative shall provide competent emergency health personnel
within the worksite duly complemented by adequate medical supplies, equipment and facilities, based on the total number of
workers in the site as indicated below:
a) The services of a certified first-aider when the total number of workers is fifty (50) or less;
b) The services of a full-time registered nurse when the total number of workers exceeds fifty (50) but not more than
two hundred (200);
c) The services of a full-time registered nurse, a part-time physician and a dentist, and an emergency clinic when the total
number of workers exceeds two hundred (200) but not more than three hundred (300); and 8
d) The services of a full-time registered nurse, a full-time physician, a dentist and an infirmary or emergency hospital with
one (1) bed capacity when the number of employees exceed three hundred (300). In addition, there should be one (1)
bed capacity for every one hundred (100) employees in excess of three hundred (300).
8.2. Where an employer provides only a treatment room, he shall provide for his workers in case of emergency, access to the
nearest medical/dental clinic or to a medical/dental clinic located within five (5) kilometers radius from the workplace and
can be reached in twenty-five (25) minutes of travel. Such access shall include the necessary transportation facilities. In such
situation, there shall be a written contract with the medical/dental clinic to attend to such workplace emergencies
8.3. The engagement of an Emergency Health Provider for the construction project site shall be considered as having complied
with the requirement of accessibility to the nearest hospital facilities.
8.4. The employer shall always have in the construction site the required minimum inventory of medicines, supplies and
equipment as indicated in Table 47 of the OSHS.
Section 9: Construction Safety Signages
Construction Safety Signages must be provided to warn the workers and the public of hazards existing in the workplace.
Signages shall be posted in prominent positions at strategic location and, as far as practicable, be in the language understandable
to most of the workers employed.
9.1. The signages include but are not limited to:
a) Mandatory requirement on the usage of personal protective equipment prior to entry to the project site.
b) Areas where there are potential risks of falling objects.
c) Areas where there are potential risks of falling.
d) Areas where explosives and flammable substances are used or stored.
e) Areas where there are tripping or slipping hazards.
f) Approaches to working areas where danger from toxic or irritant airborne contaminants/substances may exist which
should indicate the name of the contaminant/substance involved and the type of respiratory equipment to be worn.
g) All places where contact with or proximity to electrical/facility equipment can cause danger.
h) All places where workers may come in contact with dangerous moving parts of machineries or equipment. 9
i) Location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment.
j) Instructions on the usage of specific construction equipment.
k) Periodic updating of man-hours lost. 9.2 Signages should be regularly inspected and maintained in good condition.
9.2. Signages that are damaged or illegible or that no longer apply should be removed and replaced by the safety officer, as
Section 10: Safety on Construction Heavy Equipment
In relation to heavy equipment operation in all construction sites, the following are required in the different phases of the project.
10.1.Pre-Construction The General Constructor must ensure that appropriate certification is obtained from DOLE duly
accredited organizations for the following:
a) All heavy equipment operators assigned at the project site must be tested and certified in accordance with a standard
trade test prescribed by Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in coordination with its
accredited organization/s.
b) All heavy equipment must be tested and certified in accordance with the standards prepared by DOLE or its
recognized organization/s prior to commissioning of said equipment.
10.2. During Construction The General Constructor must ensure that the following conditions are met or complied with:
10.2.1. Mobilization or Transport of Heavy Equipment.
a) Load restriction of trailers carrying such heavy equipment.
b) Load restrictions, height and width clearances as imposed by Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH) for all roads and bridges to be utilized during transport.
c) Only duly certified operators are allowed to load and unload heavy equipment to trailer.
d) Equipment to be transported must be properly secured to the trailer.
10.2.2. Erection/Set-up of Heavy Equipment 10
a) Existing hazards must be avoided.
b) Standard checklist of steps and procedures must be observed.
c) List of necessary equipment, tools and materials must be available and properly utilized.
10.2.3. Routine Inspection In the interest of accident prevention, duly certified mechanics and operators shall conduct
daily routine inspection of all heavy equipment deployed at the site in accordance with standards set by TESDA
in coordination with the Association of Construction Equipment Lessors (ACEL, Inc.).
a) Routine inspection of all heavy equipment must be performed by DOLE accredited professionals in
accordance to standards set by DOLE recognized equipment suppliers
b) All equipment which do not comply with the minimum safety standards for equipment certification shall be
immediately removed from the work site for restoration or repair until they meet said standards or
requirements. The General Constructor and the equipment owner shall maintain a separate logbook for
data on maintenance, repairs, tests and inspections for each heavy equipment. Such logbook shall be used
as a necessary reference during the conduct of equipment inspection.
10.2.4. Certified Operators
a) Only duly certified operators shall be allowed to operate their designated heavy equipment.
b) All operators and riggers must wear personal protective equipment as prescribed in the above pertinent
10.3. Post-Operation and Post-Construction The procedures for dismantling and demobilization of heavy equipment shall
follow the same requirements as listed under 10.2.1 and 10.2.2 above.
Section 11: Construction Safety and Health Committee
Section 12: Safety and Health Information
Section 13: Construction Safety and Health Training Section
Section 14: Construction Safety and Health Reports Section
Section 15: Construction Workers Skills Certificates Section
Section 16: Worker's Welfare Facilities
Section 17: Cost of Construction Safety and Health Program
Section 18: Miscellaneous
Section 19. Violation and Penalties
Section 20: Effectivity

❖ MOA Signed: April 7, 2011

❖ JAO signed: April 29, 2011
Purpose and Coverage
• Harmonization of policies and programs to ensure safety and health of workers in the construction industry.
• Strengthen coordination and linkages among concerned agencies to promote welfare of construction workers and
growth of construction industry.
DOLE (Department of Labor and Employment)
• Strengthen enforcement of D.O.13 s. 1998
• Decentralization of the Approval of CSHP from BWC to the DOLE-ROs
• Developed CSHP templates
➢ Comprehensive
➢ Simplified
• Forged Regional MOA-JAO
• ROs undertake monitoring and site assessment
• Refer LS Violations to PCAB for blacklisting
DPWH (Department of Public Works and Highways)
• Issued NBC-MC No. 2 s 2011
➢ Instructing all local Building Officials to require the submission of a DOLE- approved CSHP prior to the issuance
of building permit.
• Evaluation of DPWH contractors based on Constructor's Performance Evaluation System (CPES)
DTI-PCAB (Department of Trade and Industry- Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board)
• Enhance the program of instilling a culture of safety among contractors/ subcontractors
• All Authorized Managing Officers (AMOs) shall undergo safety and health orientation as a requirement prior to the
issuance of contractor's license.
• Posting of licensed contractors to its website
DTI-CMDF (Department of Trade and Industry- Construction Manpower Development Foundation)
• Assist DOLE in the development of a comprehensive safety and health training course.
• Offer a safety and health orientation/ seminar.
• Develop and institutionalize data management system
DILG (Department of the Interior and Local Government)
• Requiring submission of the DOLE-approved CSHP prior to the issuance of building permit by the local building officials.
• Requiring PCAB Contractor's License in the issuance of business permit prior to engaging to construction activities (MC
PRC (Professional Regulation Commission)
• Technical assistance to the agency members of MOA-JAO.
• On-line verification/ validation of licensed professionals

• D.O. 128-2013- Amending Rule 1414 on Scaffoldings of the 1989 OSH Standards, As Amended.
• Issued Memo to DOLE-ROs
o Strict observance of the prescribed PCT of 5 working days in the processing of CSHP
o Adherence to the forged DOLE-DPWH Joint MOA
• D.O. 131-B- Revised Rules on Labor Laws Compliance System (LLCS)
o Hazardous Establishments are priority for assessment.

OSH Policy
➢ Every organization should have a clear policy for the management of health and safety so that everybody associated
with the organization is aware of its health and safety aims and objectives.
Legal Requirements
➢ The Health and Safety at Work Act and the Employers’ Health and Safety Policy Statements (Exception)
Regulations 1975 require employers, with five or more employees, to prepare and revise on a regular
basis a written health and safety policy together with the necessary organization and arrangements to
carry it out and to bring the statement and any revision of it to the notice of their employees.
➢ re q u ire s t hat t he wr it t e n he al t h a nd safe t y p o l ic y sho ul d i nc l ud e t he fo l l o wi ng t hre e se c t i o n s:
o health and safety policy statement of intent which includes the health and safety aims and objectives of the
o detailing the people with health and safety responsibilities and their duties.
o arrangements in place in terms of systems and procedures.


➢ often referred to as the health and safety policy statement.
➢ Should be signed and dated by the most senior in the organization.
➢ Should contain the aims (not measurable) and objectives (measurable) of the organization or company.
➢ Should be written by the organization and not by external consultants since it needs o address the specific health and
safety and hazards within the organization.
➢ Should be written in clear and simple language, for easy understanding.
Following points should be included or considered when a health and safety policy statement is being drafted:
✓ Aims should cover the health and safety, welfare and relevant environmental issues.
✓ Position of the senior person in the org or company who is responsible for health and safety (normally the chief
✓ Names of the health and safety adviser and any safety representatives.
✓ Commitment to the basic requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act
o Access, egress, risk assessments, safe plant and systems of work, use, handling, transport and handling of
articles and substances, information, training and supervision.
✓ Commitment to the additional requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
o Risk assessments, emergency procedures, health surveillance and employment of competent persons.
✓ Duties towards the wider general public and others
o Contractors, customers, students, etc.
✓ Principal hazards in the organization
✓ Specific policies of the organization
o Smoking policy
o Violence to staff, etc.
✓ Commitment to employee consultation possibly using safety committee or plant council.
✓ Duties of employees
o Defined in Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.
✓ Specific performance targets for the immediate and long-term future.
Health and safety performance targets are an important part o the statement of intent because:
✓ Indicates that there is management commitment to improve health and safety performance.
✓ Motivates the workforce with tangible goals resulting, perhaps in individual or collective rewards.
✓ Offers evidence during the monitoring, review and audit phases of the management system.
Common health and safety performance targets (not exhaustive)
✓ specific reduction in the number of accidents, incidents and cases of work-related ill-health (perhaps to zero)
✓ reduction in the level of sickness absence
✓ specific increase in the number of employees trained in health and safety.
✓ Increase in the reporting of minor accidents and near miss accidents.
✓ Reduction in the number of civil claims
✓ No enforcement notices from the HSE or Local Authority.
✓ Specific improvement in health and safety audit scores.
✓ Achievement of a nationally recognized health and safety management standard.
Organization of health and safety
➢ Directors and senior managers
o Setting policy, objectives, and targets
➢ Supervisors
o Checking day-to-day compliance with the policy
➢ Safety Advisers
o Giving advice during accident investigations and on compliance issues.
➢ Other specialist, occupational nurse, chemical analyst and an electrician
o Giving specialist advice on particular health and safety issues
➢ Safety Representatives
o Representing employees during consultation meetings on health and safety issues with the employer.
➢ Employees
o Taking reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts
or omissions.
➢ Fire Marshals
o Safe evacuation of the building in an emergency
➢ First Aiders
o Administering first aid to injured persons
Important certain key functions included in the organization structure:
➢ Accident investigation and reporting
➢ Health and safety training and information
➢ Health and safety monitoring and audit
Arrangements for health and safety
Common items, normally included in the arrangement:
✓ Employee health and safety code of practice
✓ Accident and illness reporting and investigation procedures
✓ Emergency procedures, first aid
✓ Procedures for undertaking risk assessments
✓ Control of exposure to specific hazards
o Noise
o Vibration
o Radiation
o Manual handling
o Hazardous substances, etc.
- Machinery safety
o Safe systems of work
o Lifting and pressure equipment
- Electrical equipment’s
o Maintenance and testing
- Permits to work procedures
- Use of personal protective equipment
- Monitoring procedures including health and safety inspections and audits
- Provision of welfare facilities
- Procedures for control and safety of contractors and visitors
- Training procedures and arrangements
- Catering and food hygiene procedures
- Arrangements for consultation with employees
- Terms of reference and constitution of safety committee
- Procedures and arrangements for waste disposals
Review of health and safety policy
➢ It is important that the health and safety policy is monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. There are several reasons
to review the health and safety policy. The more important reasons are:
o Significant organizational changes have taken place
o There have been changes in personnel
o There have been changes in legislation
o Monitoring of risk assessments or accidents/incidents investigations indicate that the health and safety policy is
no longer totally effective.
o Enforcement action has been taken by the HSE or Local Authority
o Sufficient period of time has elapsed since the previous review
➢ A positive promotion of health and safety performance will achieve far more than simply prevent accidents and ill-health.
It will:
o Directly involve senior managers in all levels of organization
o Improve supervision, particularly for young persons and those on occupational training courses.
o Improve the public image of the organization or company.
o Support overall development of personnel
o Improve communication and consultation throughout the organization
o Minimize financial losses due to accidents and ill-health and other incidents.
o Improve production processes.
➢ Some health and safety policies appear to be less than successful. There re many reason for this, the most common
o The statements in the policy and the health and safety priorities are not understood by or properly
communicated to the workforce.
o Minimal resources are made available for the implementation of the policy.
o Too much emphasis on rules for employees and too little on management policy.
o A lack of parity with other activities of the organization (such as finance and quality control) due to mistaken
concerns abut the costs of health and safety and the effect of those costs on overall performance. This
attitude produces a poor health and safety culture.
o Lack of senior management involvement in health and safety, particularly at board level.
o Employee concerns that their health and safety issues not being addressed or that they are not receiving
adequate health and safety information. This can lead to low morale amongst the workforce and, possibly, high
o High labor turnover.
o Inadequate personal protective equipment.
o Unsafe and poorly maintained machinery and equipment.
o A lack of health and safety monitoring procedures.
Practice nebosh questions for chapter 2.
1. (a) Outline the legal requirements whereby an employer must prepare a written health and safety policy.
(b) Identify the three main sections of a health and safety policy document and explain the purpose and general
content of each section.
2. (a) State the legal requirements whereby employers must prepare a written statement of their health and safety policy.
(b) Outline the various methods for communicating the contents of a health and safety policy to a workforce.
3. Explain why a health and safety policy should be signed by the most senior person in an organization, such as a
Managing Director or Chief Executive.
4. (a) Identify the typical content of the ‘statement of intent’ section of an organization’s health and safety policy
(b) Outline the factors that may indicate that health and safety standards within an organization do not reflect the
objectives within the ‘statement of intent’.
5. Identify the purposes of each of the following sections of a health and safety policy document:
a. Statement of intent
b. Organization
c. Arrangements
6. Identify SIX categories of persons who may be shown in the ‘organization’ section of a health and safety policy
document AND state their likely general or specific health and safety responsibilities.
7. Outline the issues that are typically included in the arrangements section of a health and safety document.
8. Outline the key areas that should be addressed in the ‘arrangements’ section of a health and safety policy document.
9. (a) Explain why it is important for an organization to set targets in terms of its health and safety performance
(b) Outlie SIX types of target that an organization might typically set in relation to health and safety.
10. Outline the circumstances that would require a health and safety policy of be reviewed.

What are Employers’ responsibilities?
- Employers have duties under both criminal and civil law. The general duties of employers under Health and Safety Work
Act relate to
o the health, safety and welfare at work of employees and other workers, whether part-time, casual, temporary,
homeworkers, on work experience, Government Training Schemes or on site as contractors
▪ i.e. anyone working under their control or direction.
o the health and safety of anyone who visits or uses the workplace
o the health and safety of anyone who is allowed to use the organization’s equipment
o the health and safety of those affected by the work activity, for example neighbors, and the general public
- Employees have specific responsibilities under the Health and Safety Work Act, which are:
o to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by
their acts or omissions at work. This involves the same wide group that the employer has to cover, not just
the people on the next desk or bench
o to cooperate with employers in assisting them to fulfil l their statutory duties
o not to interfere with deliberately or misuse anything provided, in accordance with health and safety legislation, to
further health and safety at work.

Organizational Structure?
- a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization.
- These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities.
- determines how information flows between levels within the company. Having an organizational structure in place allows
companies to remain efficient and focused.
- play a vital role in businesses by establishing a hierarchical framework that defines employees ' roles and responsibilities,
enabling effective goal attainment.
- This structuring provides a company with a visual representation of how it is shaped and how it can best move
forward in achieving its goals.
- normally illustrated in some sort of chart or diagram like a pyramid, where the most powerful members of the
organization sit at the top, while those with the least amount of power are at the bottom.

Centralized and decentralized organizational structures represent two distinct approaches to distributing authority and
decision-making within a company.
Centralized Organizational Structure - the decision-making power and authority are concentrated at the top level, and the
lower levels follow the directives and policies of the upper management.
Decentralized Organizational Structure- the decision-making power and authority are distributed among the lower levels,
and the upper management provides guidance and support.

Hierarchical org structure

It’s the most common type of organizational structure—the chain of command goes from the top (e.g., the CEO or manager)
down (e.g., entry-level and low-level employees), and each employee has a supervisor.
Functional org structure
Employees are organized according to their specific skills and their corresponding function in the company. Each separate
department is managed independently.
Horizontal or flat org structure
A horizontal or flat organizational structure fits companies with few levels between upper management and staff-level
Divisional org structure
In divisional organizational structures, a company’s divisions have control over their own resources, essentially operating like their
own company within the larger organization. Each division can have its own marketing team, sales team, IT team, etc.
• Market-based
• Product-based
• Geographic
Matrix org structure
A matrix organizational chart looks like a grid, and it shows cross functional teams that form for special projects.
Team-based org structure
A team organizational structure is meant to disrupt the traditional hierarchy, focusing more on problem-solving, cooperation, and
giving employees more control.
Network org structure
network organizational structure makes sense of the spread of resources. It can also describe an internal structure that focuses
more on open communication and relationships rather than hierarchy.
The protection of workers from occupational accidents and diseases is a key responsibility of management, similar to other
managerial tasks. Management sets the company ' s direction and values workers ' safety and health. Safety and health should
be integrated into the company ' s culture and processes, rather than treated as a separate process. By demonstrating
commitment through communication, policies, and incentives, management encourages supervisors and workers to prioritize
safety. Employers should adapt organizational arrangements to ensure safe working conditions based on the enterprise ' s size
and activities.

While top management has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and health programme in an enterprise, authority for
ensuring safe operation should be delegated to all management levels. Supervisors are obviously the key individuals in such a
programme because they are in constant contact with the employees. As safety officers, they act in a staff capacity to help
administer safety policy, to provide technical information, to help with training and to supply programme material.

Total commitment on the part of management to making safety and health a priority is essential to a successful OSH
programme in the workplace. It is only when management plays a positive role that workers view such programmes as a
worthwhile and sustainable exercise. The boardroom has the influence, power and resources to take initiatives and to set the
pattern for a safe and healthy working environment.

Management commitment to occupational safety and health may be demonstrated in various ways, such as:
• allocating sufficient resources (financial and human) for the proper functioning of the occupational safety and health
• establishing organizational structures to support managers and employees in their OSH duties;
• designating a senior management representative to be responsible for overseeing the proper functioning of OSH

The control of occupational hazards and diseases requires adequate organizational measures. As there is no perfect model for
an organizational structure, a choice has to be made by weighing up the anticipated merits and disadvantages of various
systems. Moderation should be the guiding principle, and a step-by-step approach is likely to be more successful than an
overambitious scheme that does not allow for subsequent adjustment.

Setting priorities
The first step is to establish priorities among objectives by assessing the main factors contributing to the hazards with the most
severe consequences. High priority may also be allocated to actions that will produce rapid results, as early successes will
enhance the credibility of efforts. Priorities may change from time to time, depending on the existing situation. It should be
reiterated that cooperation between management and workers or their representatives within the enterprise is essential in
ensuring the successful implementation of an organizational structure for occupational safety and health.

Management Commitment to Workplace Safety and Health

- Establish procedures for review and management' s response to minutes
- Submit written recommendations for safety/health improvement/changes and response
Committee Meetings and Employee Involvement
- Establish procedures for employee input, i.e. to receive suggestions, report hazards, and other pertinent safety and
health information.
- Hold monthly meetings.
Hazard Assessment and Control
- Establish procedures for workplace inspections to identify safety and health hazards.
- Assist the employer in evaluating the accident and illness prevention program.
Safety/Health Planning
- Establish procedures to review inspection reports and make appropriate implementation of new safety/health rules and
work practices.
- Develop/establish procedures for an annual review of the company safety and health program.
- Evaluate the company safety and health accountability program.
- Make recommendations to implement supervisor and employee account ability for safety and health.
Accident/Incident Investigations
- Establish procedures for reviewing reports completed for all safety incidents, including injury accidents, illnesses and
Safety/Health Training for Committee Members
- Identify and make accessible applicable OSHA standards and other codes that apply to your particular industry.
- Provide specific training on your type of business activity. Include at a minimum, hazard identification of the workplace
and how to perform effective accident incident investigation.
• Prepare agenda for next meeting
• Arrange for meeting place Members
• Notify members of meeting • Report unsafe conditions and practices
• Arrange program • Attend all safety meetings
• Set time schedule for meeting • Report all accidents or near misses
• Arrange all seating for members • Review injury accidents, illnesses and
• Review previous minutes and material for meeting death investigations
• Conduct meeting • Contribute ideas and suggestions for
Secretary improvement of safety
• Record minutes of meeting • Work safely
• Distribute minutes to committee members • Influence others to work safely
• Post minutes for other employees • Make or assist in inspection
• Report status of recommendations
• Assume chairperson s duties, if required

Office of the Executive Director

The Office of the Executive Director executes the policies and programs formulated by the OSHC Board.
Safety Control Division
The Safety Control Division work primarily for the improvement of workplaces.
Health Control Division
The Health Control Division focuses on the prevention of work-related illnesses and diseases
Environment Control Division
The Environment Control Division work primarily towards eliminating work environment hazards and their effects.
Training and Public Information Division
The Training and Public Information Division aims at enhancing knowledge, skills and attitudes on OSH matters among the
workers, employers and the general public.
Finance & Administrative Division
The Finance and Administrative Division performs functions relating to the general administration of the OSHC in terms of
financial, manpower and general services requirements for the operation of the Center.

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