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FERIE Wes Healey ¢ seq mrealten rer tise Maharashtra State Board OF Secondary and Higher Secondary Bducation, Pune ‘dag frrnita trea / MUMBAI DIVISIONAL BOARD oY K areata virened arom after — yore y SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION - STATEMENT OF MARKS | ATT HAT oe ‘Freer a wan st uftaren fen a at aprafram apni Z SEAT NO. CENTRENO. | DIST.&SCHOOLNO. | MONTH &YEAROF EXAM, | SANO. OF STATEMENT E150148 7254 16.13.030 MARCH-2015 052296 } ‘SaganTa egUl Aa (sieATea Wem) / CANDIDATE'S FULL NAME (SURNAME FIRST) X \ Sogale Parth Anant 7 ( ‘Siqarrea oT 71a / CANDIDATE'S MOTHER'S NAME Anuja ‘ facarat widfte gris @ fread wa a ‘aver Ur fia arf / Marks or Grade Obtained Subject Code No. and Subject Name fo ries In Words. 01 MARATHI (1ST LANG) 100| 080 | EIGHTY 27 SANSKRIT (2/3 LANG) 100} 095 | NINETYFIVE 17 ENGLISH (2/3 LANG) 100] 086 | EIGHTYSIX V 71 MATHEMATICS 100 098 NINETYEIGHT 72 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 100 085 EIGHTYFIVE 73 SOCIAL SCIENCES 100] 095 | NINETYFIVE } M6 DRAWING & PAINTING . B « P1 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION * A } P6 SOCIAL SERVICE s A ‘ R6 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT * A 7 41 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TEC. - A A Result /frara| £Percentagerearar| waRUT TUT) 500 | 459 | FOUR HUNDRED AND c PASS 91.80 Total Marks FIFTYNINE Zr $150962296 AF LLALALLS 258 dra, oratgwa x eta Fweder drt nfo : B22 yarn were, | See overeat forimportant, Notes, Grades in |/workexperienc bechoo sulci and eaving ef spell characters MS ¥ a S Pr on a we a POLO PLEO EO DY TENE Tea aeafle go sea areafte Liew dew, YT Maharashtra State Board Of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune Daa ag feemita tsa /mumBal DIVISIONAL BOARD | va creates wares ufien — more HIGHER SECONDARY CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION - STATEMENT OF MARKS. vi onan ani | ag pe | Pea Tae wien aaa | pia apne SEAT NO. |CENTRE NO, | DIST.& HR.SEC.SCHOOL NO.| MONTH & YEAR OF EXAM. |SA.NO. OF STATEMENT | SCIENCE M061340 3303 31.05.014 FEBRUARY-17 211763 ——— ae Oh aieenert rit aa (oneara ert) / CANDIDATE'S FULL NAME (SURNAME FIRST) 3 Sogale Parth Anant TAED LBS % TAeaRTEAT asa Aa / CANDIDATE'S MOTHER'S NAME = Anuja y farearen iter anes fer et sme| Ser eT Marks Obtained a Bubjet Code Mo and Sb Name Medium) tox |, SE “RaRTR fin Words > OT ENGLISH ENG| 100| 065 | SIXTYFIVE | 40 MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS ENG] 100| 089 | EIGHTYNINE )| s4pHysics ENG| 100| 076 | SEVENTYSIX 5) ss chemistry ENG| 100] 077 | SEVENTYSEVEN () at ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE ENG| 200| 192 | ONE HUNDRED AND % NINETYTWO (ST ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION ENG| 050| 046 | FORTYSIX & i) cma | 30 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION (GRADE) A / = al ——_+—— — © Reeunt/ frraret | Percentage (ZEAE) RUT AUT FIVE HUNDRED PASS 8385 | aot aa 650) 545 | FORTYFIVE 1174211763 a? RLBAITSSLOBE ey ai 9 ete Fever fee wie er ee fe et, Aniversity of Mumbai cor0s37: 0674 GRADE CARD NAME SOGALE PARTH ANANT ANUJA 1 EXAMINATION : FIRST YEAR ENGINEERING(SEM I(CBGS)(CHOICE BASE) HELD IN DECEMBER 2017 SEAT NUMBER ¢ 13114060 REGISTRATION NO. 17013114060 _ Gnape creprr|GRane| COURSE URSI JEARNED|POINTS| CX G : couRsE-TITLE me EAR cove lcreoristeserel| aarwloverau] (© | © or Fectot | APPLIED MATHEMATICS -1 a{| al of al 4] 3) % 1 = ° oO 1 10 10 | Fect02| APPLIED PHYSICS-1 3 cl al 3.| 3] % gs} 2) &] | o5) 7 | 35) FEC103) APPLIED CHEMISTRY -| 3 o} al 3.| 3] 2%) gs} A] 8) S] os} 7) 35 | FEC104 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 5 E B oO 5 6 30 | a) toule es) All | oes rectos| easicetectricaencecrnc | 4{ A| 9/ Al 4] 3] ¥ 4 A ° A 1 9 9 FEC106 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (EVS) 2 D ° c Ke 7 14 | FEL101 | BASIC WORKSHOP & PRACTICE -| 2 e ° ° 2 10| 20 | | | | | | | | | ' ) | ! | ‘TOTAL, a1 27 a 225.00) Remark: guecessful SGI: 833 cGPL: Result Declared on : FEBRUARY 17, 2018 “ | DIRECTOR BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS & EVALU. v ” ALUATION F-Hlead of Faituce--Not Applicable, Ab-Abyent/Female SGPI ~ 2 (CXGY'S (C)~ = Dyslexia Benefit fi Ooe4s33 1 Ss Gniversity of Mumbai CCF s37 :0672 GRADE CARD ( ; > NAME = SOGALE PARTH ANANT ANUJA. } EXAMINATION : FIRST YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER II 7 (CHOICE BASED CREDIT & GRADING SYSTEM) ; HELD IN 2 MAY 2018 SEAT NUMBER = 13213408 REGISTRATION NO.: 17013114060 1 | GRADE, CREDIT GRADE, - eS COURSE TITLE een — EARNED|POINTS| CXG , PPMSTESEPRI! rarrwloverauy] (© | (@ | ©) ec201 | APPLIED MATHEMATICS -I 4 ° ° c 4 7 28. tpi | 1 -| 0 Oo; 14 10 | 10 | Fec202 | APPLIED PHYSICS -1 3 c] 8 coc} 3 7] 2t |? os] - |] © — |] os] 5 | 25 Fec203 | APPLIED CHEMISTRY I 2} af of of | w/% |. , os} - | A A} os} 9] 45 fry? | reczos | ENGINEERING DRAWING siecle] s} 3] elz | 2 Alc B | 2 o1@ 4, / FEC205 | STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING AP 4 ep |o o| 4 6 [2 | | PROACH 1 ce] c¢ ci 4 a \ Ne recons | ccinunicarion sits Sea ll relea i rile (O28 | 1 Esc ce} 4 7 | 70 y i > (| > | a | > | a | > | ‘ | 2 | ly «| ©? « | rotAL | 27 27 | - | 20600) 4, - ® « | Remark: Successful SG ae GPL: 2 | \ a ki eclared on: ‘ esult Declared on: wiv 49, 2016 \ i a cil DIRECTOR | BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS & EVALUATION |V ~ | F-ttead or aiture--Not Applicable, Ab-Absent/Feanale SGP» ¥ (CXGY (C)~ = Dyslexia Benefit Pro. € Ovenqaa —_— ‘| gp Sa ant Del (gk) s Socom icertay tater, a (Sua? JHAKUR COLLEGE OF (et st Merb A200 aA ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY = Swaynarner = VRE eminem denn ii an db) 3 tard Pogue by rtf seo Nexo) a 8 See ; sete Stoo rte ; GRADE CARD a. 09508 . NAME : SOGALE PARTH ANANT ANUJA : EXAMINATION SECOND YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER III (CBCGS) CIVIL ENGINEERING i : HELD IN DECEMBER 2018, 5 SEAT NUMBER ae, REGISTRATION NO.: 617095 GRADE cneprt GRADE} P poounse COURSE TITLE oe EARNED POINTS CRG CODE eens EserPRT wlovenan] © | © ce-C301, | APPLIED MATHEMATICS - IIL 4 c ° c | ee y CE-C302 ‘SURVEYING-1 4 A oO oO jae | A ——a[une: A B * \ce-csos | strenctHormaterais Ss | _-4 | pd | 0 | cc i z a |B B CE-C304_ | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY eS} p[-¢ A siape1 pecalce |= c 7 CE-C305. | FLUID MECHANICS-I “3 ° A ° ) 1 D Do D ‘ « 3 : as ‘ ( na TOTAL | 23 3S 7 c JO | Mumoai 101] = “Remark : Successful Sari: 8,04 Wer capt | Result Declared on : 26/02/2018 : si ghe:: | Received €501- am ' .RGE EXAMINATIONS: | Head of Faiture -Not Applicable, Ab~Alnsent, /-Female, SGPI'= E (CXG)/E (C),~-Dyslexia Benefit 15055, = O.508R. 1 ra ee : z @eeso5me © © o © @ 6 pee esceoeeegee#ge#eesn# se 86 THAKUR | Leph Singh Cantafle Tats (gl) ‘A Block, Thakur Educational Campus | © THAKUR COLLEGE OF Sete age ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOG — numero te arnt ety seta Recnee © Aeaers eocmernonanjeagtameranmnatacsien feeb baenapeay 3 < ‘lore sono Say Unity Crt Comoe Ue yen we af ais2n ne ustream S =O i naga mcongte(orey der bln nated leunaatgecegtagsena asm zest J Fanatic rapSNT apap See SSS DSO RTT agiinianervars, ae rh mea racy arm yey nen Ope ° »- 1220 GRADE CARD 9 NAME SOGALE PARTH ANANT ANUJA Oo EXAMINATION : SECOND YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER IV (CBCGS) CIVIL ENGINEERING HELD IN ; MAY 2019 9 SEATNUMBER : 149130 REGISTRATIONNO.: 617095 3 Grape cecorr|cxoe| sie course TL course | _ Exes rorsrs|cxe| ESE/PR/) 1, rrwloveraLt| (© @ on 9 CE-c401 [APPLIED MATHEMATICS - IV 4 c | el c fs | 7 fas i sed c Cc 1 7 ai 8 CE-C402 |SURVEYING - IT 3 D fe D 3 6 18 oO 1s Pp c Do 1.5 6 9 - CE-C403_ [STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS - T oer Ba cect, + 8 }32 pe] op} o | i_| 6 [ele CE-C404 [BUILDING DESIGN AND DRAWING 2 Cc c c 2 7 14 15 Cc = Cc 1.5 7 10.5 o CE-C405 [BUILDING MATERIALS AND 4 Pp B & 4 5 20 t ICONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY u 1 P prall =p z a |e a (CE-C406 [FLUID MECHANICS - IT 3 A oO oO a 10 | 30 1 Of | val oat aay ois | n a] TOTAL]. 27 eos { abe Carats ° remake: Successful sort: © 9% Rng cart: . Result Declared on: 31/07/2019 Qari = Dr & 3 Received 850 eT ecsiniran prisciral = Fellead of Paituro,-Not Applicable, Ab-Absent, /-Female. SPL = ¥ (CXGVE (C), ~ Dyslexia Bae = 0,045, @ ~ 0.5042, #~ 0.22! z = Lagde Singh Casale Tas (Lgl) THAKUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ie l| (on Cl Aalto Maka nb See pee dl ) sete © charts ney rs Cm fe pana fATROD Se Ee | ere tcst tone ha Fw 007 tg mtbr Ca GRADE CARD ji 0476 NAME SOGALE PARTH ANANT ANUJA PROGRAMME: CIVIL ENGINEERING (UNDER- RADUATE COURSE) EXAMINATION, THIRD YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER V (CBCGS-H) HELD IN DECEMBER 2019 - REGULAR EX NATION SEATNUMBER? yeor3¢ gece GRADE carort oxape COURSE course! pleowsrs OURS course 1111 counse| rasa romes| ex nse | © SreyeTURAL ANALY «| eo «|e |x i{ cle cecse2 | ecorecwicet snsNeERING 1 o|o selte |-e r {7 |? cecsos | qreuieo nronauuies alo 3 x a | c 2 : cecsoe | enviRONMENTAL ENGINEER: as} =] ° c B c 1 8 & ‘cecsos | rransroRTATION ENGINEERING - >] elo 3 | 2 ‘ Tas] cc rts fe sagt LEVEL OPTIONAL zs] of e = ‘ ADVANCED CONCRETE z ae 1 3s fReeNsLoov eusitiess COMMUNICATION & bel of sl war] aise ohies TOTAL, 27 pre err 08/01/2020 Result: Successful SGPI: 8.37 re eneenooeodo8 dc 968 8 ® Sof Ct Dato THAKUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY oy Aetna Co Med oor Hab \ A ace peo ors ten [Netomsmna Vian by Unierity Gros (ommianen (UGU/w 1 pam waP AVION as a ree Io ry wna fh Won (HAAL Ns Dal GRADE CARD IERIE C6158 ai _ SOGALE PARTH ANANT ANUIA PROGRAMME, CIVIL ENGINEERING (UNDER-GRADUATE COURSE) EXAMINATION, THIRD YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER VI (CBCGS-H) HELD IN MAY 2020 - REGULAR EXAMINATION 2 AT NU o; 61709! SRATNUMBER : —yeg4ig GRN course const ee cnn GRA prow] MP Tovrea (CE-C601 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING-IT a oO ° oO 3 10 30 1 c A Cc 1 7 7 (CE-C602 DESIGN AND DRAWING OF 4 c c c 4 7 28 - STEEL STRUCTURES - mel pel ce.- | aed spate (CE-C603 TRANSPORTATION 3 sie. B B 3 8 24 ENGINEERING-II ‘oe j= [i 7) fea bee-c604_| ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING-II |). 3. B B 3 | 8 |24 1 c c 1 7 7 (CE-C605 WATER RESOURCE 3 ° ° 3 10 30 ENGINEERING-I " O=lao 1 | inte [E-DLO | DEPARTMENT LEVEL OPTIONAL 3 ° ° 3 10 | 30 06K COURSE-II 1 c c 1 7a : [ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION hs EQUIPMENTS mI EE-c607 | SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS IN 1 clo B 1 sleet CIVIL ENGINEERING TOVAL | 26 26 > 1220: Result Declared on: 29/06/2020 Resull : Successful SGPL:8.46 a1 Saks Nah Kansas Ra (AL) THAKUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ae capi TEIIEEEINUUE NOL GRADE CARD 00775 ae SOGALE PARTH ANANT ANUA Moananne _ CIVIC ENGINEERING (UNDER-GRADUATE couRsE) TRnwmvatton __ FINALYEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER VI (CBCGS-H) HELDIN DECENBER 2020 ~ REGULAR EXAMINATION SEATNUMBER ; 179120 GR.No: 617095 ‘ GRADE ccueort [cea course ae counse| f ve me course TITLE course} in arsnfronmsicx loversty ) Tw _[rwon| lceccrox | quanrmysunverestinavionano | @ | A | 0 o | 4 | 0] 4 SauaTon tee [028] kor: | zor [e tein tso lcecraa | tweorr ot emrorceo conceere | 4 | 9 | © o | 4 | 0 }4 Bupa peltion|.o | 0 | 2.-| 20-129 Icecros | waren nesourceencineeninest | 3) 0 o | o | 3 | 10 430 27 [Bola |-a p21 9 a8 [cerorosx DEPARTMENT LEVEL OPTIONAL 3 c falc a} 7. fat COURSE: ‘SOLID WASTE HANAGENENT Tel cer | ¢ | 217 8 o7o1x | INSTITUTE LEVEL OPTIONAL 3.a\@en|-0 | 8 | 3 18 [8 couRSE-! DISASTER NANAGENENT AND ITIGATION MEASURES lce-pros | PROVECT PARTI 3o3| ao a|tiO IO | 3p fete Se a le roraL. | 2” au a Successful Tr Loe Resull True s CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS a Laple Sngh tals Fo (Sigh) ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY | Ase iy Aa ey fee | rye As a an Te Gea) 2 [transi Cy me eA Stops Cty tl FT i in Me ar | THAKUR COLLEGE OF | Zigler nce epee Adi Nasal fb 3S fend 2001 EATER GRADE CARD “02947 SOGALE PARTH ANANT ANUIA CIVIL ENGINEERING (UNDER-GRADUATE COURSE) NAME PROGRAMME EXAMINATION FINAL YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER VIII (CBCGS-H) HELDIN = MAY 2021 - REGULAR EXAMINATION SEATNUMBER : — 189120 GR. No 617095 3 GRADE crept |GRADE| F | course course} rT ans COURSE TITLE Se Sees me cara arn rowesjex » Ww _[rror| cé-c801] DESIGN AND DRAWING OF ac [ccas| ca] ea |29 = 138 REINFORCED CONCRETE CURES 1 [oo |-.0 | -o pa} a0-} 20 ce-ceo2} construction manacenenr | 4] A | O| A | 4 36 cil [a.c relat ce-vio| peparmmentteveropriona. | 4} 9 | C} A | 4 36 03x | COURSEIV [APPRAISAL AND aj | BE C=] Soot zi IMPLEMENTATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS 1L0802x| _ INSTITUTE LEVEL OPTIONAL COURSE II PROJECT MANAGEMENT ce-p804| PROJECT PART-II TOTAL | 24 24 | - | 222 Result: Successful SGPI: 9,25 vow wa Pr :8.27 eas 9.15 Result Declared on: 26/05/2021 SEMESTER: nom Ww 763-804 | 694 87 ‘SGPT: 833 RTO, CONTROLLER. OF EXAMINATIONS QUIN |BS 30 A THAKUR Lb Softee Mol) 1 at a f° THAKUR COLLEGE OF pores ne ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY | fegzmmrnesran erratic Os dander Cx epochs RUSTS jepunnsitntsyhoantanselsccsosns ewer Slicers tetra reenact Nha 9 Soran RRR eieyucnhonnm Aomactgey eteeetnoy semtpaA0 LEAVING CERTIFICATE RT TATA No._7332. No change in any entry in this certificate shall be made except by issuing authori infringement of this requirement Is liable to invoke the imposition of any penalty inclu of rustication. 4. Registration Number ofthe Candidate; C1705 Roto, —-32— 2, Name ofthe Candidate (in ful): SOQCE _Parchh Amolh __ 3. PlaceofBith: S@Phaje 4. Nationality: “Ba CL) ——E 5. Caste with Sub Caste and Category : Hid uw _ (Open, SC, ST, NT, DT, OBC, VJ, SBC) 6. Date of Birth: eemrh At iny Wine (According to the Christian era in words and figures) (14 /0@/ 1949) 7. Institute Last Attended : Ds wel Col ob i B c@mmesce a peteotadmission: 2207/17 9. Progressandconduct: Good 2 fo. 2 10, Date of Leaving the Institut 18. Closs (romunicnton): BE Cciviy) 42. Reason for leaving the institute : °C Ccivi) 13. Remarks ‘Corliod that he above information fin aoordance with the Insitute Registor pate: 22/ 6/202 Place : Mumbai-400 101. Prepared by (— Gull ) jw PRINCIPAL ne FORM -8 \\ [Rule No. 5 (6) ] © Form of Certificate to be issued to be De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jati WS Nomadic Tribe/Other Backward Class/ Special Backward Category Person Belonging to the State of Maharashtra. Teed 1 Gow Resouion No C8 C036-PK48.ANNK- Ot 03/6/1096, 1 Govt Resch Me asee,Semaleg Trbe, Oe Nad Tres, De Notes ibs (Vane! J, Nomad, Tes, Pe! ahaa Scheer Clase (wet of ssuance and wetcaton of Cate CatfeleA, 260 BRAN Clase pe OaepouledTrbes, Os Hted Tribes, Oe Noted Tribes (Varta), Nomad, Trees et (atarasra Scheie Cae ea ees (Rept of suance and vencaon of Caste Cerifial Rule - 2012 DOCUMENTS VERIFIED 1. Application Dated: 20.04.2015 from Shri, Anant Trimbak Sogale. 2. Local Inquiry made by Talathi Saza Saphale Report Date: 15.04.2015. 3. Affidavit made before Executive Magistrate Palghar Sr. No. 1856, Date - 20.04.2015. 42, Beneficiary’s S.L/B.C. Certificate Issued by the Head Master of Rajguru H. M. Pandit Vidyalaya Saphale Tal - Dist - Palghar. Sr.No. 8202 Reg.No. 13796 Dt. 01.05.2012; 5, Father'sS.L,/8.C. Certificate Issued by the Head Master of Sonopant Dandekar College { Palghar Tal - Dist - Palghar Sr.No. 364 Reg.No. 1104 Dt. 03.04.1980. 6. Father's Caste Validity Certificate issued by the Cast Certificate Scrutiny Committee Konkan (Mumbai Division ) Committee No. 1 Decision No.TH/Ser/113 Dt. 13.09.2013 7. Father's Caste Certificate issued by the Executive Magistrate Palghar No.ADM/OBC/SR- 4150, Dt.12/03/1980. 8. Resident Cert. Of Sarpanch Grampanchayat, Saphale Dt. 20/01/2015. 9. Ration Card WE. No.104954. CASTE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Kumar. Parth Anant Sogale. Son of Shri. Anant Trimbak Sogale. of Village/Town Saphale Tal- Palghar in District- Palghar of the state of Maharashtra belongs of the HINDU- KUNBI - 83 Caste / Community/Tribe which is recognized as Other Backward Class The Government Resolution and Social Welfare Department No. (CBC/1467/M Dated 13/10/1967 as amended from time to time. Kumar. Parth Anant Sogale. and his family ordinarily reside (s) jn Village/ Town - Saphale Tal- Palghar District- Palghar of the statexaf Maharashtra No. ADM/OBC/SR/No. BI4y /2015 Office of The Sub.biv.Off. Palghar Division Palghar Date: / 66/2015 ‘Transaction No : 12851504200038162033 ‘SUB DIVISIONAL OFFICER, (REV sco + MUTHNPLG1946 PALGHAR,, DIVISION PLC Te Tee" i ete wd aT WT Te TE TATE wT TON TOT he Repro The Peoplev ACTING ‘This Centicate is Valid subject to Sertiny Commitee, | | This Certificate Is sued on the basis of documents supplied by Ary if found false will be Hable for prosecution. a GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA Social Justice and Special Assistance Department CERTIFICATE OF VALIDITY [Rules 17(6),17(10) and 17(1 1)iiNta) ] 1300245 No. A CASTE CERTIFICATE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Kokan (Mumbai Division), Committee No. 1, Kokan Bhavan Committee DecisionNo PAL/STU/S80/2016 dated 14/03/2016 WHEREAS, an application of ‘Kumar. Parth Anant Sogale dated 22/01/2016 19 with the documents was received by the Scrutiny Committee for verification of Caste Certificate of ee and the same was placed before the said Committee in the meeting held on. 10732016 AND WHEREAS in accordance with the powers conferred on it under Maharashtra Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis), Nomadic Tribes, Other Backward Class and Special Backward Category (Regulation of Issuance and Verification of) Castes Certificate Act, 2000 (Mah. XXIII of 2001); Maharashtra Scheduled Castes, De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis). Nomadic Tribes, Other Backward Class and Special Backward Category (Regulation of Issuance and Verification of) Caste Certificate Rules, 2012, the Committee on the basis of the documents and evidence produced before it verified and serutinised the said Caste Certificate/Claim. NOW, THEREFORE, the Committee hereby certifies that caste claim is found to be correct and the caste certificate bearing No APM/OBCISIUNo. 814/2015 dated!/062015 issued by the Sub Divisional Onicer Palghar certifying that District -Palghar Kumar. Parth Anant Sogale belongsto Kunde Caste/Tribe is found to be VALID. Member Secreéfjey& Research Officer Caste Certifiefte Scrutiny Committee, Kokan (Mumbai Division), Committee No.1, Kokan Bhavan Punem-247-(1.00,000).112015 MITTAL, IPI ANANN \\N\\\\\\\\ —-ececceece | Qf Form B-2 (Amended) RULE 5(5)(4)(IV) Form of Caste Certificate to be Issued Other Backward Classes, Vimukta Jati (A) Nomadic Tribes (B,C & D), Special Backward Class, Educationally and Socially Backward Class and ‘Special Backward Class (A) and its synonyms belong to State of Maharashtra Documents Verified 1 Rorget teheshennip asutane sana. "bel aglse Ot Erdnenng & Tectsoay 2 Gaate Cuatinaleesynd Sy,tngoge Papapa|ynt Authority | Sub Ovisional Officer Palghar Ovision icate for the last 3 years Issued by tho Tahslldar —Palghar Sr.No.41626097364 Date, 3 Ingpang.Gptiticate for the last 3 years Issued by the Tahslldar Palghar Sr.No.41626 4 Ration Card WE NO. 104954 5 Ratlon Card 2 WENO. 104954 & SelfDeclaration By Applicant's 07/12/2021 7 Rahivasi Dakhala Self Declaration | Saphale 8 Aadhar Card Of Applicants 3250 9835 3439 9 Form 16 to Form 16 11 Form 16 12 Form 16 13 Form 16 14 Form 16 415 Pension Book 16 Pension Book 17 Pension Book ‘SDOWNon Creamy OBC Reg /Case No Near: 2001-2022 ‘Outward No 41636008528, Dated: osrr2r2021 CASTE CERTIFICATE (PART-A) ‘This is to certify that Kumar Parth Anant Sogale Son of Shri Anant Trimbak Sogale of village Saphale, taluka Palghar, district Palghar of the State of Maharashtra belongs to the KUNBI (83) caste which is recognized as Other Backward Class under the Government Resolution No (CBC-1467/M dated 13/10/1967 as amended from time to time. Kumar Parth Anant Sogale andlor his family ordinarily reside(s) Palghar, district Palghar of the State of Maharashtra. NON-CREAMY LAYER CERTIFICATE (PART-B) ‘This is to certify that Kumar Parth Anant Sogale does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy-layer) mentioned in the Government of Maharashtra Gazette, Part IV-8, dated 23th January 2004, Maharashtra State Public Service Commission (Reservation for S.C./S.T/O.T. (INT. S.B.C. & O.B.C. Act, 2001 and instructions and guidelines laid down in the Goverment Resolution, Social Justice, Cultural Affairs, Sports and Special Assistance Department No. CBC- 10/2001 /Pra.Kra.120/Mavak-§, dated 1st November 2001, CBC-1094/Pra.Kra.86/Mavak-5, dated 46th June, 1994, CBC-1094/Pra.Kra.86/Mavak-5, dated 5th June, 1997 and Government Resolution No.CBC- 10/2001/Pra.Kra.111/Mavak-5, dated 29th May 2003 and Government Resolution No. VINT-2014/C.R.1 18/VJNT-1, dated 31st July 2014 ‘This Certificate is valid forthe period upto 31-Mar- 2024 from the date Sti 6 va Digitaly Sighed by Dhanag taster village Saphale, taluka Place : Palghar Date; o9/tayz021 (vt the sea of Otc) Printed By -OMTID :MH011700712 VLE Name :Santosh Kamlakar Tare, Date:09/12/2021 11:40AM ‘This isa cigaly signed document, hence i legally val as er the ntrmaton Techncogy() Act, 2000 Toverty vat nipainew mahaonlne govinNerly OR SMS MHespace>CSCspace>VRFY<20 gt Barcode number to 188 fom a BSNL, MTNL, Tata Mobile and 151969 from others. Office of Tahsildar Palghar Ref 1: G.RP.& S.D. No.1586/34-D, Dated 17.5.1951 Ref 2: G R.GAD. No Mis 31/76-Desk-vocall, Dated 25,81977 Ref 3: emferzr.n Pam.ticare. 1 087/96 98/608-32,Dated 2.1.1989 Ref 4: Government Resolution No. Miss.2010/PRA.KRA.300/Videhi-2 Mantralaya, Mumbai-32 Dated 5/10/2010 District. Palghar Certificate of Age, Nationallity Domicile (Issued by Authorities in the State of Maharashtra ) On submission of the proofs noted below, it is hereby certified that, Kumar. Parth Anant Sogale. R/O-, Village Saphale, Tehsil Palghar, District Palghar was born on 14/08/1999 (Fourteenth of August in the year One thousand nine Hundred and Ninety Nine) at. Saphale Tehsil Palghar District Palghar in the State of ‘Maharastra’ within the terriotory of india and she is a CITIZEN OF INDIA and has domiciled in the State of Maharastra. PARTICULARS OF PROOFS SUBMITTED 1. School Leaving Certificate Utakarsha Vidyalaya & Junior College Virar Tal. Vasai Dist- Palghar Date 23/08/2014. 2. Father's Domiciled Certicate Issued By Executive Magistrate Palghar Sr. No. 2312 Date: 12/03/1980 3. Ration Card WENO. 104954 4, Residence Certificate from Sarpanch of the Gramanchayat Saphale Dt. 20/01/2015. Bar Code No, 12530506100041394498 Place : Palghar Date: 1106]201S rinted by-OMTID; MHO11700712 VLE intosh Kamlakar Ts 10/06/2015 GATES GATE 2022 Scorecard Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) NN Name of Candidate | PARTH ANANT SOGALE EERO) cif cara aero le Parent's/Guardian’s Nara ANANT TRIMBAK SOGALE Registration Number] CE22S62049555 Date of Birth 14-Aug-1999 Examination Paper | Civil Engineering (CE) GATE Score: 364 Marks out of 100": 31.84 All India Rank in this paper: 11816 Quatiying |_Sere!_| Ewsionc wwe) | scistiewo Number of Candidates Appeared ‘Marks** in this paper: 100043 30.4 27.3 20.2 Valid up to 31" March 2025 "By ae RAM El i A candidate Is consklered qualified f the & marks ‘secured are greater than oF equal fo the qualifying Prof. Ranjan Bhattacharyya rants montaned fr the cateoory fe wih val Organising Chairman, GATE 2022 category certificate, f epplicable, s produced slong Gn behalf of NCB-GATE, for MoE etaszssonesorezeds7atesetbecincs —withile scorecard. ‘Organising Institute: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur General Information ‘The GATE 2022 score is calculated using the formula GATE Score = Sy + (Si- S; (= Ma) core + Sm) where, ‘Mis the marks obtained by the eandidate in the paper, mentioned on this GATE 2022 scorecard ‘Mis the qualifying marks for general eategory candidate in the paper ‘Mfis the mean of marks of top 0.1% or top 10 (whichever is larger) of the candidates who appeared in the paper (in ease of multi-session papers including all sessions) 5. ~ 350, isthe score assigned to M, |= 900, is the score assigned 10 In the GATE 2022 score formula, M, is 25 marks (out of 100) or y+ 0, whichever is greater. Here cis the mean and o isthe standard deviation of marks of all the candidates who appeared inthe paper. Qualifying in GATE 2022 does not guarantee either an admission toa post-graduate program ora scholarshipassistantship. Admitting institutes may conduct further tests and interviews for final selection. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2022 was organized by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on ie Nationa Coordination Boatd (NCB) ~ GATE for the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India

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