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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change

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Circular economy for fashion industry: Use of waste from the food industry
for the production of biotextiles
Ana Paula Provin a, *, Ana Regina de Aguiar Dutra a,
Isabel Cristina Aguiar de Sousa e Silva Gouveia b, e Anelise Leal Vieira Cubas a
Environmental Science Master’s Program, University of Southern Santa Catarina (Unisul), Avenida Pedra Branca, 25, Palhoça, 80137270, SC, Brazil
FibEnTech R&D – Fiber Materials and Environmental Technologies, University of Beira Interior, Rua Marquês d’Ávila e Bolama, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal


Keywords: In the context of current environmental, social and economic issues, it is imperative to perform more in-depth
Circular economy studies on waste management and the life cycle of a product. Thus, the concept of circular economy, aimed at
Textile waste transforming traditional patterns of production and economic growth, is extremely important. One way to
Food waste
mitigate negative environmental impacts that is consistent with a circular economic system is to encourage
interdisciplinarity between sectors, that is, one production sector can provide a function for waste from another.
SDGs In this context, this article gathers scientific information on two sectors relevant to the global economy (textiles
and food), with the aim of reusing waste from the food industry to manufacture a new textile product with added
value. Specifically, the focus is on the use of bacterial cellulose from the probiotic drinks from kombucha, for the
manufacture of biotextiles for fashion industry. A discussion is also presented, relating the circular economy
concept to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in order to understand which goals can be achieved with this

1. Introduction One of the most notable types of waste, globally, is that generated by
the food industry (Kibler et al., 2018; Ravindran and Jaiswal, 2016). It
In order to achieve a more sustainable society, it is important to has been estimated that in the countries of Latin America and the
conduct in-depth studies and research on issues such as waste man­ Caribbean, organic waste accounts for the highest proportion of the
agement, product life cycle assessment (LCA) and circular economy waste generated (approximately 50%), although it receives very little
(Mak et al., 2020; Viau et al., 2020; H. Wang et al., 2020). The extremely management (UN, 2019). However, studies have verified that food
high levels of consumption that have been reached are directly associ­ waste is a precious bio-resource that can be used to obtain various useful
ated with the purchasing power of a region and increase in population, chemicals, materials and fuels (Garcia-garcia et al., 2019).
and as the demand for products increases so do the levels of waste Along with the food industry, the fashion industry has problems
generated (Yıldız-Geyhan et al., 2019; Ravindran and Jaiswal, 2016; associated with the generation of waste. According to Franco (2017), the
Stanchev et al., 2017). textile and clothing industry is an essential consumer goods
Minimizing the use of materials and rethinking the raw materials manufacturing, however, it is also considered one of the most polluting
employed for manufacturing in order to favor recycling presents chal­ and socially challenged industries due to four specific issues: 1)
lenges for designers. Camere and Karana (2018) noted the different non-recoverable materials and it´s blends; 2) abundant use of water; 3)
types of alternative materials available: 1) Materials from renewable use of dangerous chemicals; and 4) poor human rights record.
resources, with an acquisition rate below the growth rate; 2) Recycled The textile manufacturing process is characterized by a high con­
materials, obtained from reprocessing resources that have already been sumption of natural resources, fuel and a variety of chemicals, involving
incorporated into products; and 3) Revived materials, that is, those a long process from spinning, bleaching to dyeing, generating a signif­
comprised of resources discarded from industrial production flows, such icant pollutant load to the environment (Parisi et al., 2015). Due to the
as agricultural waste. severe negative impacts related to the textile industry one of the main

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ana_provin@yahoo.com.br (A.P. Provin).

Received 28 October 2020; Received in revised form 5 April 2021; Accepted 1 May 2021
Available online 17 May 2021
0040-1625/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

concerns is to achieve sustainability in the textile chain through cleaner research, it is possible to rethink the non-use of non-renewable resources
production, thus mitigating environmental problems (Neto et al., 2019). such as fossil fuels, bringing information on the real possibilities of using
Bacterial cellulose (BC) is an ecologically-friendly, renewable and these waste.
organic raw material (F. Sederavičiūtė et al., 2019; Shi et al., 2014) that As a main highlight, this article analyzes the use of food waste for the
is safe for contact with the human body, inspiring many design projects manufacture of biotextiles using bacterial cellulose. This, considered an
and drawing the attention of the fashion industry (F. Sederavičiūtė et al., innovative resource despite its limitations, has received attention from
2019). BC or nanocellulose has unique characteristics, such as a high researchers in recent years and deserves further research. Finally, it
degree of crystallinity, tensile strength, thermal stability, biodegrad­ highlights the importance of linking the issues addressed in this article to
ability, elasticity and porosity (Machado et al., 2018). the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially with regard to
Unlike cellulose extracted from plant cell walls, BC consists of pure SDG 12, which aims to ensure sustainable standards of production and
cellulose and does not contain other polymers such as hemicellulose, consumption.
lignin and pectin (Pigaleva et al., 2019; Reiniati et al., 2017). Re­
searchers claim that the appearance of BC material is similar to leather 2. Methodology
and thus it represents a new type of sustainable fabric that can be
manufactured from several sources (F. Sederavičiūtė et al., 2019). Since the research question seeks to understand the relationship of
It should be noted that agro-industrial waste serves as an economic Circular Economy applied between the segments of the food and textile
substrate for the production of bacterial cellulose, and the use of red industry, an integrative literature review is conducted. An integrative
wine, beer, milk, juice and tea has been suggested as catalysts and cul­ review is a specific review method that summarizes past empirical or
ture medium for the production of BC material (Sharma and Bhardwaj, theoretical literature to provide a more comprehensive understanding of
2019). According to He et al. (2020)and Lin et al. (2020), rice husks, a particular phenomenon (Whittemore, 2005). An integrative literature
cotton fabric residues, distillery wastewater, industrial residues from review also is defined as a form of research that reviews, critiques, and
citrus husk drinks and sugarcane bagasse, have also been used to in­ synthesizes representative literature on a topic such that new frame­
crease BC production at low cost. works and perspectives on the topic are generated (Torraco, 2005,
One way to obtain bacterial cellulose is from the production of the 2016).
probiotic drink Kombucha, through the fermentation of teas belonging To conduct this integrative review, the databases chosen for the
to the Camellia sinensis family and a sweetener, with the addition of a searches were: Scopus and ScienceDirect, and included analyzes of
culture based on the symbiosis of bacteria and yeasts (De Filippis et al., documents of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United
2018; Cardoso et al., 2020). Through this fermentation process, a Nations (UN), Ellen Macarthur Foundation (EMF), Brazilian Association
membrane called SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) is of the Textile and Clothing Industry (ABIT) and H&M Foundation.
formed (F. Sederavičiūtė et al., 2019). The bacterial cellulose formed in Although the article focuses on the production of bacterial cellulose
the production of Kombucha exhibits eco-friendly and sustainable from food waste for the production of biotextiles, we chose to realize an
properties, mainly since it is biodegradable (Camere and Karana, 2018; understanding of the whole, including themes that legitimize the real
Costa et al., 2019; F. Sederavičiūtė et al., 2019; Yim et al., 2017). possibility between the sectors cited with different examples, the rela­
In this context, this article aims to discuss the application of the tionship between CE and the industries and EC with SDG’s. Thus, to
circular economy between the segments of the food and textile industry. perform the literature review, 5 combinations of search terms were
Because the amount of food waste generated that could be reused for the selected for writing the topics. Fig. 1 exemplifies the method used to
production of textiles, natural dyes or even for the production of bio­ select research articles for this review.
energy and wastewater treatment is abundant. Thus, through this As seen in Fig. 1, it should be noted that the peer reviewed articles

Fig. 1. Exemplification of the method used for the selection of research articles. Source: the authors.

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

were selected by opting for a timeframe between 2010 and 2021. Thus, 3. Results and discussion
inclusion and exclusion criteria were employed, which were the read­
ings of the title, abstract and keywords, selecting only those articles that On searching the 5 groups of terms and using the "document type"
were compatible with the research theme. The complementary docu­ and timeframe "2010 to 2021′′ filters, 181 results were returned in the
ments contributed to the dialog between scientific research, government Scopus database, 1043 results in the ScienceDirect database and 977
agencies and companies. results in the database ProQuest database. Table 1 shows a comparison
Therefore, the results and discussions of this review article are between the search results.
structured as follows: As shown in Table 1 was totaled 2201 articles between 3 databases.
For selection of articles, step 1 involved reading the title, abstract and
a) "3. Results and Discussion": presentation of the quantitative results keywords of each article. The publications which were aligned with the
for the realization of the review article; search theme were then selected and 1914 articles were excluded. Thus,
b) "3.1 Circular Economy Concepts": compilation of the researched a total of 287 articles were read in full. In step 2, a further 132 research
concepts on Circular Economy according to the articles found, add­ articles that were not aligned with the proposal of this review were
ing the complementary documents. The objective here is to under­ excluded and the exclusion of 34 articles due to the repetition existing
stand in general the Circular Economy; between the Science Direct, Proquest and Scopus databases, totaling 121
c) "3.2. Circular Economy and the Food Industry": compilation of articles, were considered. Fig. 2 shows the number of articles used to
research on Circular Economy in the food industry according to the write each topic.
articles found, adding the complementary documents. The objective Finally, as shown in Fig. 2, 127 articles were used to write the 6
here is to understand the Circular Economy and the advances in the topics, 6 of which were used in more than one topic. The topics that most
Food Industry; used articles were "3.2. Circular Economy and the Food Industry", "3.3.
d) "3.3. Circular Economy and the textile and Clothing Industry": Circular Economy and the textile and Clothing Industry" and "3.5
compilation of research on Circular Economy in the Textile Industry Manufacture of biotextiles using bacterial cellulose for a sustainable
according to the articles found, adding the complementary docu­ fashion industry". This result is consistent with the purpose of the
ments. The objective here is to understand the Circular Economy and research that focuses on understanding the Circular Economy in the
the advances in the Textile Industry; Food and Textile Industries, mainly around the discussion of bacterial
e) "3.4 Possibilities for reusing food waste in the textile industry": cellulose for the production of biotextiles.
compilation of research that deals with the reuse of food waste for
application in the Textile Industry according to the articles found. 3.1. Circular economy concepts
The objective here is to show the real possibilities, positive results
and what needs to be improved for future research; The concept of circular economy (CE) aims to transform traditional
f) "3.5 Manufacture of biotextiles using bacterial cellulose for a sus­ patterns of production and economic growth, seen as linear systems, into
tainable fashion industry": compilation of specific research on the circular dynamics that make connections between the use of resources
use of bacterial cellulose for the manufacture of textiles. After all the and the waste generated, to prevent pollution and waste (Bilitewski,
contextualization on Circular Economy, Circular Economy in the 2012; Buchmann-Duck and Beazley, 2020; H. Wang et al., 2020). In the
Textile and Food Industries, and the reuse of food waste for use in the face global environmental degradation and the urgent need for change,
Textile Industry, the use of bacterial cellulose was chosen as an the concept has become popular around the world and this has led to the
example, because BC can be produced through waste food or BC can launching of national policies and strategies based on the idea of a cir­
be considered the waste of a Kombucha beverage company; cular economy (Buchmann-Duck and Beazley, 2020; Gupta et al., 2019;
g) "3.5.1 Economic aspects of biotechnology manufacturing": The Morseletto, 2020).
objective here is to complement the results and discussions on the use In 2015, the Circular Europe Network pointed out that the concept of
of bacterial cellulose, bringing the economic aspects of its production circular economy does not refer only to recycling, but is part of the basic
according to the articles found; 3Rs rule (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and makes it possible to reach the
h) "3.6 The Sustainable Development Goals and the Circular Economy": multi-R hierarchy (Rethink, Redesign, Repair, Redo and Redistribute,
Finally, show the results and discussions on the importance of the Recover) (Bilitewski, 2012; Jabbour et al., 2019; Kristoffersen et al.,
Circular Economy to contribute to the SDGs, mainly the SDG 12, 2020). Fernandes et al. (2020) unites this with the concept of sustainable
according to the articles found, adding the complementary development, emphasizing that the proposal of the circular economy is
documents. to preserve natural resources, optimizing those we have and guaran­
teeing their availability for the future.
According to Kurdve and Bellgran (2020), Gupta et al. (2019) and H.
Wang et al. (2020), a CE is a regenerative system where resource flows
Table 1 are minimized and speed is reduced, thus aiming at durable projects
Comparison between the search results in the databases. with a focus on maintenance, repair, reuse, remanufacturing, recon­
ditioning and recycling solutions. In addition, the CE has the potential to
Search terms Scopus ScienceDirect ProQuest
lead to sustainable development, while decoupling economic growth
“circular economy” AND “food industry” 60 312 351
from the negative consequences of resource depletion and environ­
AND “sustainable development”
“circular economy” AND “textile 36 154 127
mental degradation (Durán-Romero et al., 2020; Jabbour et al., 2019;
industry” AND “sustainable Morseletto, 2020). As such, CE has the potential to align eco-efficiency
development" with economic profitability (Kiani et al., 2019; Kurdve and Bellgran,
“food waste” AND reuse AND clothing 4 149 103 2020). In recent years, several studies have been carried out on the
“Bacterial Cellulose” AND “textile 73 123 95
concept of circular economy, which has allowed advances to be made
"circular economy" AND "sustainable 8 305 301 (Gupta et al., 2019).
development goals" AND "consumption However, it should be noted that despite the relevance of the CE in
and production" current politics and in the economic debate, the concept remains open to
Total 181 1043 977
interpretation (Morseletto, 2020; Suzanne et al., 2020) and currents of
Source: the authors. research from different scientific disciplines have given rise to several
schools of thought regarding the circular economy (Suzanne et al.,

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

Fig. 2. Number of articles used to write each topic. Source: the authors.

2020). An example of this would be the challenge of some authors to population is forcing a shift from a linear economy to a circular economy
recommend more research on the interaction between biodiversity and (Teigiserova et al., 2020). One of the essential actions required in order
the circular economy, and that the defenders of the CE approach to achieve a circular economy is to extract value from residues, for
recognize that the system has limitations (Buchmann-Duck and Beazley, instance, by recycling agrifood waste streams (Campalani et al., 2020;
2020). Teigiserova et al., 2020).
Researchers at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) are commonly A survey carried out in Brazil showed that the food waste associated
cited for their work on the circular economy, as they research and with tubers, for example, is 45%, which would be equivalent to 350,000
describe the technical and biological inputs for a functional circular tons of sweet potatoes wasted annually (Weber et al., 2020). In the
system (Buchmann-Duck and Beazley, 2020). Through the EMF website European Union, the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food
it is possible to access content about the existing schools of thought Systems (IPES) identified that 20% of the food produced is wasted, at a
associated with the circular economy, their concepts and precursor au­ cost of 143 billion euros annually, including wasted resources and
thors (https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/). environmental impact (Teigiserova et al., 2020).
Schools of thought like Regenerative Design by John T. Lyle, Per­ Food waste is associated with issues related to the loss and/or waste
formance Economy by Walter Stahel, Cradle to Cradle by Michael of resources across the food chain, from primary production through
Braungart and Bill McDonough, Biomimicry by Janine Benuys and Blue retail and distribution to consumption in the food and hospitality sectors
Economy by Gunter Pauli are cited. Thus, it is clear that the concept of as well as households (Närvänen et al., 2020). It should be noted that
circular economy cannot be linked to a single theory or author. Ac­ food waste can be understood as both ’food waste’, ’food loss’ and
cording to EMF, its practical applications in modern economic systems ’excess food’, the latter being a key factor in the current unsustainable
and industrial processes have acquired new dynamics since the late food system (Närvänen et al., 2020). According to Sherwood (2020) and
1970s, led by a small number of academics, intellectual leaders and Sadeleer et al., 2020), minimizing food waste is one of the main chal­
companies. Thus, the generic concept was refined and developed by lenges of a circular economy. Thus, projects and research studies on food
several schools of thought (EMF). waste and the CE are currently in vogue.
Many researchers recommend reusing waste for biorefineries, for
example, as this is a sustainable business model and contributes to the
3.2. Circular economy and the food industry
development of the agricultural and food sectors, reduces greenhouse
gas emissions and achieves the objectives of the circular economy
Research shows that the global generation of food waste (FW) is
(Teigiserova et al., 2020; Weber et al., 2020). In the case of domestic
estimated at $ 1 trillion, increasing to $ 2.6 trillion when social and
organic waste, as an example, several European cities have implemented
economic costs are considered (Slorach et al., 2019). According to the
the separation of this waste due to its energy content and the potential
UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), approximately one third
for its recovery through the production of biogas (Europe is the world’s
of the food produced is lost every year along the journey from the field to
largest producer of biogas) (Sadeleer et al., 2020). Table 2 shows 20
the plate (FAO, 2018; Teigiserova et al., 2020). This waste is not only
current researches that address the reuse of food waste for technological
undesirable from an ethical and social point of view, it also results in the
loss of natural resources, such as water, energy and fertilizers, which are
Research on food waste should be encouraged, as it can play a sig­
necessary for the production and processing of food (Teigiserova et al.,
nificant role in the transition to an EC, contributing to the institutional
2020; Wilts et al., 2020). In addition, food waste causes an average of
and educational work needed to change the normative and cognitive-
10% of greenhouse gas emissions emitted globally (Weber et al., 2020;
cultural pillars of institutions (Närvänen et al., 2020). According to
Wilts et al., 2020).
Table 2 it is possible to observe the application of food waste in several
It has been observed that the growing need for energy and materials
sectors such as water treatment, energy production, production of
to meet the demands of a rapidly growing and resource-intensive

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

Table 2
Reuse of food waste for technological applications.
Year Authors Title Application

X. 2019 Xin et al. Insights into microbial community profiles associated with electric energy production in microbial fuel cells fed with food Energy
waste hydrolysate
H. 2019 Chen et al. Upcycling food waste digestate for energy and heavy metal remediation applications Energy
C. 2019 Macintosh et al. Successful strategies for increasing energy self-sufficiency at Grüneck wastewater treatment plant in Germany by food Wastewater treatment
waste co
2019 Lee et al. Renewable routes to monomeric precursors of nylon 66 and nylon 6 from food waste Nylon 6
Nylon 66
2020 Ranganathan Utilization of food waste streams for the production of biopolymers Biopolymers
et al.
F. 2020 Zan et al. Integrated food waste management with wastewater treatment in Hong Kong: Transformation, energy balance and Wastewater treatment
economic analysis
Q. 2020 Hou et al. Using an anaerobic digestion tank as the anodic chamber of an algae-assisted microbial fuel cell to improve energy Energy
production from food waste
X. 2020 Yang et al. Ball-milled, solvent-free Sn-functionalisation of wood waste biochar for sugar conversion in food waste valorisation Biochar
A. 2020 Twarogowska Upcycling of Belgian endive (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) by-products. Chemical composition and functional Dietary fiber
et al. properties of dietary fiber root powders
S.B. Basturk et al. Simultaneous remediation and fertility improvement of heavy metals contaminated soil by a novel composite hydrogel Hydrogel
2020 synthesized from food waste
B.H. Yan et al. Bio-hydrogen and methane production from two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste under the scheme of acidogenic Bio-hydrogen and
2020 off-gas reuse methane
M.R. Kosseva et al. Biopolymers produced from food wastes: a case study on biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose from fruit juices Biopolymers
2021 Hildebrandt et al. The circularity of potential bio-textile production routes: Comparing life cycle impacts of bio-based materials used within Leather substitutes
the manufacturing of selected leather substitutes
Z.Y. Mahssin et al. Hydrothermal liquefaction bioproduct of food waste conversion as an alternative composite of asphalt binder Bio-binder
Y. 2021 Lee et al. Co-pyrolysis for the valorization of food waste and oriental herbal medicine byproduct Biochar
C. 2021 Peng et al. Low temperature co-pyrolysis of food waste with PVC-derived char: Products distributions, char properties and Biochar and bio-oil
mechanism of bio-oil upgrading
K. 2021 Khatami et al. Bioconversion of food waste to volatile fatty acids: impact of microbial community, pH and retention time Kasra Fatty acids
Z. 2021 Zhang et al. Impact of storage duration and micro-aerobic conditions on lactic acid production from food waste Lactic acid
X.C. Feng et al. Enhance biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment process by adding food waste fermentation Wastewater treatment
2021 liquid as external carbon source
A. 2021 Talan et al. Food waste valorization: Energy production using novel integrated systems Energy

Source: the authors.

biopolymers, among others. and only around 15% being recycled (Shirvanimoghaddam et al., 2020).
Lastly, regarding the treatment of food waste, four methods can be Thus, in addition to the textile and fashion industry being among the
considered: anaerobic digestion (AD), composting, incineration and most polluting and resource-intensive industries due to the great con­
landfill. Following the principles of circular economy and the waste sumption of water, energy and chemicals, thus affecting the natural
management hierarchy, AD and composting are more favorable than environment, the growth of the global population has led to an overall
incineration and landfill, highlighting the treatment of waste by increase in the manufacturing of textiles.
anaerobic digestion, as this could save £ 251 m (pounds sterling) and According to Riba et al. (2020), European countries consume large
490 kt CO2 equivalent (Slorach et al., 2019). amounts of clothes and textiles as a result of the current “buy-and-­
throw-away” culture. To recent industrial reports, US$ 400 billion in
3.3. Circular economy and the textile and clothing industry clothing is wasted every year worldwide (Shirvanimoghaddam et al.,
The textile and clothing (T&C) industry supplies essential consumer To significantly reduce the environmental and social footprint of the
goods worldwide (Asada et al., 2020; Franco, 2017). Brazil is considered textile industry, radical changes are required, especially in the way in
the second largest employer in the manufacturing industry and the which textiles and clothes are designed, produced, traded, used and
second largest generator of the first job (ABIT, 2019). Globally, the value recirculated. Thus, fashion and textiles should be part of a circular
of the global fashion industry is US$ 3000 billion, which represents more economy, thus allowing textiles and clothes life to be extended, to retain
than 2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) (Shirvanimoghaddam textile fibers within a closed circuit, so that they can be used again and
et al., 2020). However, it is also considered one of the most polluting and again (Riba et al., 2020).
socially challenged industries globally (Asada et al., 2020; Fischer and In 2017, the EMF published the report “A New Textiles Economy:
Pascucci, 2017; Franco, 2017). Redesigning Fashion’s Future” showing a vision for a new long-term
The manufacture of textiles also requires large amounts of energy integrated system, based on the principles of circular economy. The
and water, the use of dyes (more than 100 L of water / kg of fabric) and objective is to transform the textile and clothing economy into an op­
the use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers during the cultivation portunity that integrates better economic, social and ecological results
phase, and socio-environmental issues include effluent contamination (Fernandes et al., 2020; To et al., 2019). This new proposal with four
and poor conditions of work (Asada et al., 2020; Franco, 2017; Shirva­ main ambitions has been published and is consistent with the principles
nimoghaddam et al., 2020). Therefore, it is essential to rethink the of a circular economy: 1) Phase out substances of concern and microfibre
textile chain in a circular and more sustainable way (Fischer and Pas­ release; 2) Transform the way clothes are designed, sold, and used to
cucci, 2017; Shirvanimoghaddam et al., 2020). break free from their increasingly disposable nature; 3) Radically
In the past 15 years the textile industry doubled its production, with improve recycling by transforming clothing design, collection, and
the annual average global consumption of textiles increasing from 7 to reprocessing; and 4) Make effective use of resources and move to
13 kg per person, and consumption reached 100 million tons of textiles, renewable inputs (EMF, 2017).
with more than two thirds being disposed of in landfills at the end of use According to recent news released by the H&M Foundation, the fast

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

fashion chain H&M (based in Sweden), in partnership with two Hong cycles and the relative sustainability of a product is strongly dependent
Kong companies, HKRITA (Hong Kong Textile and Clothing Research on the choice of product materials and the production and planning
Institute) and spinning specialist Novetex Textiles, has developed a processes for the entire cycle (Fischer and Pascucci, 2017; Franco,
machine called Looop (HandM Foundation, 2020). The aim of this new 2017).
technology is to transform discarded clothing, often provided by the Aiming for a circular economy through a longer product life and the
consumers themselves, into new clothing items. The entire process takes reuse of materials avoids excessive waste generation and increases the
around five hours to complete. total value of products (Ingulfsvann, 2020; Shirvanimoghaddam et al.,
The piece is sanitized with ozone to eliminate microorganisms and 2020; Tate et al., 2019; Todeschini et al., 2017). It is also worth noting
then it is transformed into fibers, which will be crushed and filtered to that this approach offers opportunities for innovation in product design,
remove dirt. In this step, the machine adds virgin material obtained from services, business models and establishing basic elements for a
sustainable sources (in the least amount possible) and the process does long-term resilient system (Shirvanimoghaddam et al., 2020); Tode­
not require the use of water or chemicals such as dyes. The effort ad­ schini et al., 2017).
dresses the increasing volume of global clothing waste and growing According to Fischer and Pascucci (2017), in addition to rethinking
concerns regarding the role played by fast fashion in this scenario materials and their forms of production, it is important to develop
(HandM Foundation, 2020). strategies for implementing the CE concept to carry out the transition of
The reuse and recycling of textiles offer a sustainable approach to a company with a traditional linear system. Studies conducted in Dutch
reducing solid waste in landfills, reducing the production of virgin textile companies identified two paths for this transition and to manage
materials and energy consumption, in addition to producing a smaller circular material flows. The researchers defined two concepts: a) Status
environmental footprint (Riba et al., 2020; Shirvanimoghaddam et al., Quo (SQ), when companies focus on optimizing up-cycling technologies
2020). Table 3 shows 20 current researches that address the reuse of and infrastructure in their circular relationships and collaborations; and
textile waste for technological applications. However, the recycling of b) Product as a Service (PAS) arrangements, to indicate a focus on
post-consumer textile waste is currently a complex process, since most supplying products in service contracts.
fabrics are produced using mixtures of different types of fibers and, due
to this complexity, most fabrics today are “downcycled”, being trans­
3.4. Possibilities for reusing food waste in the textile industry
formed into rugs or rags (Franco, 2017).
According to Table 3, it is possible to observe the application of
Around 20% of the total use of water, cropland and fertilizers are
textile waste in various sectors such as energy production, solid fuels,
used to produce surplus food ending as food waste, which could have
thermal and acoustic insulation, glucose syrup, among others. However,
been avoided upon adopting environmental and socially responsible
it is not enough just to think about reusing waste, but also to think about
business models (Hildebrandt et al., 2021; Teigiserova et al., 2020).
not producing waste. Thus, product design is also essential to achieve EC
Uncontrolled decomposition of agro-industrial waste leads to extensive
objectives (see Fig. 3). Circular products need to be designed for life
contamination of water, land, and air. Valorization of the wastes not

Table 3
Reuse of textile waste for technological applications.
Year Authors Title Application

2019 To et al. Recent trends in green and sustainable chemistry: rethinking textile waste in a circular economy Green chemistry
S. 2019 Yousef et al. A new strategy for using textile waste as a sustainable source of recovered cotton Recovered cotton
S. 2019 Yousef et al. A sustainable bioenergy conversion strategy for textile waste with self-catalysts using mini-pyrolysis plant Energy
B. 2019 Zeng et al. Development of cellulose based aerogel utilizing waste denim—A Morphology study Aerogel
S. 2019 Islam and Bhat Environmentally-friendly thermal and acoustic insulation materials from recycled textiles Thermal and acoustic
X. 2019 Li et al. Efficient succinic acid production using a biochar-treated textile waste hydrolysate in an in situ fibrous bed Succinic acid
S. 2019 Haslinger et al. Upcycling of cotton polyester blended textile waste to new man-made cellulose fibers Man-made cellulose fibers
A. 2020 Bourguiba et al. Recycled duvets for building thermal insulation Thermal insulation
S. 2020 Yousef et al. Sustainable green technology for recovery of cotton fibers and polyester from textile waste Recovery of cotton fibers and
A. 2020 Çay et al. Application of textile waste derived biochars onto cotton fabric for improved performance and functional Functional textile
R. 2020 Nayak et al. Sustainable reuse of fashion waste as flame-retardant mattress filing with ecofriendly chemicals Flame-retardant mattress
K. 2020 Subramanian et al. Environmental life cycle assessment of textile bio-recycling – valorizing cotton-polyester textile waste to pet Pet fiber and glucose syrup
fiber and glucose syrup
X. 2020 Zhong et al. Eco-fabrication of antibacterial nanofibrous membrane with high moisture permeability from wasted wool Antibacterial nanofibrous
fabrics membrane
D.G.K. Dissanayake et al. An environmentally friendly sound insulation material from post-industrial textile waste and natural rubber Sound insulation
M.-P. Todor et al. Development of fabric-reinforced polymer matrix composites using bio-based components from post- Polymer matrix composites
2021 consumer textile waste
Z. 2021 Xu et al. Conversion of cotton textile waste to clean solid fuel via surfactant-assisted hydrothermal carbonization: Solid fuel
Mechanisms and combustion behaviors
M. 2021 Vidaurre-Arbizu From the leather industry to building sector: Exploration of potential applications of discarded solid wastes Building sector
et al.
X. 2021 Zhong et al. Highly flexible, transparent film prepared by upcycle of wasted jute fabrics with functional properties Highly flexible, transparent
P. 2021 Sadrolodabaee Characterization of a textile waste nonwoven fabric reinforced cement composite for non-structural building Reinforced cement composite
et al. components
R. 2021 Qi et al. Clean solid fuel produced from cotton textiles waste through hydrothermal carbonization with FeCl3: Solid fuel
Upgrading the fuel quality and combustion characteristics

Source: The authors.

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

Fig. 3. Product design process based on the circular economy concept. Source: adapted from Elena Salcedo, 2014.

only reduces the volume of waste but also reduces the contamination to and thermal properties for potential applications in textile and bio­
the environment (Seguí and Maupoey, 2018; Lee et al., 2019; Ranga­ plastics. As the monomer of PLA, lactic acid (LA) can be derived from
nathan et al., 2020). Further support in decision-making was suggested renewable biomass resources such as sugar beet and corn (Hu et al.,
by the Commission EU’s Member States as a way to monitor the progress 2017). According to Hildebrandt et al., 2021, fiber PLA can be processed
of Circular Economy (Teigiserova et al., 2020). into nonwoven materials in combination with both fossil-based
Waste from food industries has great potential as primary or sec­ non-biodegradable polymer fibers and natural fibers and/or other
ondary feedstocks for biopolymer production by extraction or fermen­ bio-based biodegradable polymer fibers.
tation with pre-treatment or without pre-treatment by solid-state Other alternative solution, facilitated by the bio-textiles industry, is
fermentation to obtain fermentable sugars. Various types of food waste the introduction of vegan and bio-based leather substitutes for the
can be used as substrates for the production of biomaterials (Rangana­ production of shoes, handbags, clothing’s and upholstery i.e. on the
than et al., 2020). Thus, the growing demand for environmental sus­ basis of natural fibres, bio-based polymers, microbial cellulose and
tainability has encouraged research into biodegradable polymers, to fungal mycelium composite products (Hildebrandt et al., 2021). Hilde­
minimize the environmental impact of conventional polymers (Balak­ brandt et al., 2021 made comparisons between possible biomaterials to
rishnan et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2019; Tibolla et al., 2014). replace leather, as can be seen in Fig. 4.
Nylon 66 and nylon 6 are synthetic polymers that are widely used in According to authors the major material and energy flows associated
daily life, synthesized by polycondensation of adipic acid and hexame­ with the biofabrication and manufacturing of leather, include the water
thylenediamine (HMDA) and by ring-opening polymerization of footprint, the cumulative energy demand for drying, boiling, pressing,
ε-caprolactam, respectively. According to Lee et al. (2019) it is possible and confectioning of the materials, and the upstream material and en­
to manufacture monomeric precursors of nylon 66 and nylon 6 from ergy demands for supplementary materials. Hildebrandt et al., 2021
food waste, but for that, it is necessary to first extract glucose, 5-hydrox­ confirm that these alternative leather substitutes contribute to potential
ymethylfurfural (HMF) and levulinic acid from food waste (Lee et al., long-term strategies for reducing and replacing leather use, but only at a
2019). well-balanced mix when upscaling is predicted, and only with the
Nevertheless, the renewable routes from food waste to the nylon leverage potential for deep impact decoupling. This demands that fast
precursors are not yet competitive with petroleum-based processes, fashion applications do not compromise the attainable impact re­
principally as the extraction of the starting materials (e.g., glucose, ductions but instead embrace further impact reduction strategies.
HMF, and levulinic acid) from food waste does not occur on a com­ Plant fibers also are among the existing natural fibers, are an
mercial scale. Instead, petroleum-derived intermediates of the processes attractive material and its features resemble those of synthetic polymers,
could be replaced with renewable ones. This may ease the transition it could potentially replace its synthetic counterparts (Tibolla et al.,
process from current petroleum-based manufacturing (Lee et al., 2019) 2014). European Union has passed the legislation to use bio fibres as
In other research, Hu et al. (2017)carried out the production of poly reinforcement during automobile component manufacturing (Sabar­
(lactic acid) fibers using fermentative lactic acid from food waste. Poly inathan et al., 2020). The main reason for using natural fiber as rein­
(lactic acid) was synthesized through ring-opening polymerization, in forcement is that the energy consumed for the fiber production is less
which the precursor lactide was produced by a novel catalytic method. compared with synthetic fiber. The cost associated with the production
Under optimal reaction conditions, lactide was produced at yields of of natural fiber is less, possibly due to the fact that natural fibres are
91–92% within 8 h, significantly improving the synthesis efficiency mostly by-products from the industrial crops (Sabarinathan et al., 2020).
compared to the conventional tin-based catalytic method. For example, pineapple plants are largely grown in tropical and
The pure lactide product facilitated the conversion of food waste subtropical countries. In 2018, the global production of pineapples
derived lactic acid to high molecular weight poly(lactic acid) (150,000 g amounted to 27.92 million metric tons. Costa Rica, Philippines and
mol− 1), which was subsequently spun to fibres with promising tensile Brazil were the top three pineapple producers worldwide. Its crown it

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

Fig. 4. Comparisons between possible biomaterials for replacing leather. Source: adapted Hildebrandt et al., 2021.

consist of 80% cellulose, however it is considered as a waste material Orange peel (OP) also is an abundant, cheap and readily available
after the harvesting and is usually burned in the middle of the plantation agricultural byproduct. OP extracts can be readily sorbed by wool
at the end fruit harvest (Balakrishnan et al., 2017; Hazarika et al., 2017; directly, with aluminum or iron mordants, both of which are benign to
Pereira et al., 2021). the environment and human health. According to Hou et al. (2013), the
During processing, large quantities of by-products, mainly from bark, optimum dyeing conditions included dyeing temperature of 100 ◦ C,
peel, and bagasse are generated, which represents about 25–35% of the dyeing time of 120 min, pH 3 for direct dyeing and pH 7–9 for one-bath
fruit weight. Therefore, these by-products constitute an abundant and mordant dyeing. All the dyed wool fabrics demonstrated good color­
low-cost raw material that could be used as feedstock for biomass con­ fastness to washing with soap, good colorfastness to rubbing and
version processes producing high-value bioproducts such as nano­ acceptable colorfastness to light. The value of UV-protection Factor
materials, which could be used, for example, as reinforcing agent in (UPF) of the wool fabric dyed with OP extracts using direct dyeing
nanocomposite (Pereira et al., 2021). method was about 6 times higher than that of the wool fabric dyed with
In Indian subcontinent, an attempt has been made to extract and normal synthetic dyes with similar shade and depth of shade.
soften pineapple leaf fiber by decortication of leaves followed by water Yin et al. (2017) extracted in their research the extract natural
retting. The retting time was optimized at 7 days. The retted fibres were colorant anthocyanin from purple sweet potato powder via
then degummed and bleached for better processibility and esthetic look. ultrasound-assisted ammonium sulfate/ethanol aqueous two-phase
The degummed and bleached fibres were then successfully converted system. The extracted natural colorant anthocyanin was used to dye
into textile quality thread of 90 tex through suitable mechanical pro­ silk fabric in a relatively ecological approach. Based on the single-factor
cessing system. Mechanical properties of thread were found to be suit­ extracting experiment, central composite design-response surface
able to make sustainable novelty fabrics for apparel (Hazarika et al., methodology was employed to optimize the ultrasound-assisted aqueous
2017). Pineapple waste, considered an abundant agro-industrial res­ two-phase system extracting conditions including ultrasound tempera­
idue, is studied as a low-cost material for the generation of different ture, ultrasound time and dosage of purple sweet potato powder. This
value-added products (Seguí and Maupoey, 2018). study demonstrated that developed natural colorant extracted from
Food waste can also be a solution for the dyeing, wastewater treat­ plant could be successfully employed as an effective and eco-friendly
ment and energy production sectors. Verma et al., 2021 investigated the alternative cleaner to replace synthetic colorant gradually using in
effect of biopolymer and dyeing treatment with natural dye (skin of textile dyeing industry.
onions) on the functional properties (antibacterial and UV protection) of Regarding wastewater treatment, in Turkey, a hybrid process was
cotton fabric. The reddish color outer skin of onions was collected from applied to pretreated real textile wastewater. Hybrid process included
hostel mess where it is discarded as a waste, and cleaned to remove electrocoagulation (EC), adsorption, and photo Fenton- like oxidation
debris and shade dried. methods. Walnutshell and corncob agricultural wastes were used for the
It was found that the chitosan treated onion skin dyed cotton fabric preparation of the activated carbon. According to Bener et a., (S. 2020),
showed 97.20 percent and 98.03% reduction in the growth of E. coli and after adsorption step, the removal efficiency of the total organic carbon
S. aureus bacteria respectively. The chitosan treated dyed cotton fabric (TOC) was found to be nearly 75% and color, turbidity, and total dis­
showed the higher ultra-violet protection factor (UPF) value (84.80) as solved solids achieved the standards for irrigation water. For researchers
compared to alum treated dyed cotton fabric (66.70) depicting that the agricultural wastes used in preparation of catalysts and adsorbents were
chitosan treated dyed cotton fabric provided more ultraviolet protection promoted to be innovative, environmentally friendly and economical.
than the alum treated dyed fabric (Verma et al., 2021). Topare and Bokil (2021) also performed tests of adsorption of textile

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

industry effluent using activated carbon prepared from agro-waste ma­ the garment mold, a technique called vacuum molding, since the bac­
terials. They were used green coconut shell and bamboo using ZnCl2 as terial cellulose tissue membrane produced from the traditional cultiva­
an activation agent in an adsorption column (fixed bed). The findings tion container (rectangular or oval) requires additional cutting.
demonstrated that both breakthrough and exhaust times increase, with It should be noted that these microorganisms aerobically produce
the height of the bed being increased, but decrease with the concen­ cellulose films that accumulate in the extracellular medium, which can
tration of the dye inlet. It was observed that the bamboo activated be produced in different thicknesses and, when dry, produce a leather-
carbon BAC has high carbon content, and has a high potential for dyes like material (García and Prieto, 2019; Domskiene et al., 2019). Also,
removal and may become capable substitutes for costly activated car­ for the manufacture of BC, only small amounts of water and energy are
bon. The adsorption capacities of green coconut shell and bamboo are at needed (Cazón et al., 2020; Yim et al., 2017). Thus, the use of bacterial
par with respect to each other, the overall process scheme may become cellulose has gained the attention of designers in order to rethink ma­
economical as these materials are available as wastes and practically terials, ways of production and contribution to sustainability.
free of cost. The characteristics of the bacterial cellulose film led to the innova­
Finally, the energy efficiency and the development of environmen­ tive idea of the cultivation of seamless clothing, due to its direct 3D
tally correct policies are current topics, especially when applied to the formation as a leaf (Ng and Wang, 2016; Wang et al., 2015). It should be
industrial sector with the objective of increasing the competitiveness of noted that the synthesis of BC can be conducted under static or dynamic
the enterprises. One of the existing options for the growth and sustain­ conditions, resulting in different forms of cellulose, that is,
able development of textile industry is through the use of biomass as an three-dimensional interconnected reticular films and irregularly shaped,
input (Nunes et al., 2015, 2019). ball-like cellulose particles, respectively (Chan et al., 2018; Costa et al.,
For example, in Greece, the agricultural sector and primarily its 2019; Kamiński et al., 2020).
cotton subsector are of great importance for Greece, due to the intensive One way to obtain bacterial cellulose is from the production of the
agricultural activities. Thus, according to Zabaniotou and Andreou probiotic drink known as kombucha, this being considered a sustainable
(2010)the wastes from cotton ginning plants are also considerable and source for the manufacture of BC films (Filippis et al., 2018; García and
can be valorized for bioenergy production. The substitution of conven­ Prieto, 2019; Costa et al., 2019; Kamiński et al., 2020). Suzanne Lee,
tional by green fuels, which can be produced from cotton ginning founder of Biocouture, is a fashion designer and pioneer in the technique
wastes, is a step towards: (a) economic and environmental sustainability of using bacterial cellulose obtained through kombucha fermentation
for the textile industry and (b) the development of alternative energy (https://www.launch.org/innovators/suzanne-lee) (Chan et al., 2018;
supplies, contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions. Furthermore, Kamiński et al., 2020).
it consists an especially attractive opportunity to invest in rural areas Although research on BC is growing rapidly, there are still many
(Zabaniotou and Andreou, 2010) technical and practical problems associated with making clothes that
need to be solved (Kamiński et al., 2020). Mechanical durability, com­
3.5. Manufacture of biotextiles using bacterial cellulose for a sustainable fort, material contamination, organic acids (responsible for the charac­
fashion industry teristic unpleasant smell), attack from microorganisms (Kamiński et al.,
2020) and how to adapt these materials to the production of products on
With regard to waste management and circular economy, partner­ a large commercial scale (He et al., 2020; Domskiene et al., 2019) are
ships between sectors can be an excellent solution, since through some questions raised by researchers. Studies on alkaline treatment have
interdisciplinarity one sector can provide a function for the waste been conducted, but the alkaline purification method requires the use of
generated in another (Sauvé et al., 2016; Wilkes et al., 2015). An significant amounts of water and neutralizers to obtain materials with
example of this is the waste generated during the production of the neutral pH (Cacicedo et al., 2016; Kamiński et al., 2020).
probiotic drink kombucha, consisting of bacterial cellulose, which can
be used as a potential biomaterial for textiles, footwear and other 3.5.1. Economic aspects of biotechnology manufacturing
branches of design (Costa et al., 2019; Yim et al., 2017). The success of building an economically viable bioprocessing
The inclusion of living biological systems in the field of nanotech­ method is strongly dependent on reducing the cost of the substrates,
nology and materials sciences has led to the creation of strategies and increasing the yield of the product and increasing the production rate
solutions through various research lines. This situation has arisen (Reiniati et al., 2017). The high cost of culture media for the production
through the efforts of a large number of scholars who are concerned with of BC in the laboratory led some researchers to propose alternative
the development of new sustainable materials that will not be a source of strategies to overcome this disadvantage, aimed at industrial production
pollution for our planet (Camere and Karana, 2018; Costa et al., 2019). (Islam et al., 2017; Machado et al., 2018).
Biotechnology and biofabrication are related to studies on microor­ Designs have been proposed for advanced reactors, like the rotary
ganisms and are considered efficient when compared to other material disk reactor, as well as additives that increase the production of bacterial
production technologies, as they do not require the removal of virgin cellulose, such as carboxymethylcellulose and organic acids (Ul-Islam
materials from the earth’s crust (Camere and Karana, 2018; Scarlat et al., 2020). However, with regard to large-scale production, strategies
et al., 2015). An example of the use of microorganisms is acetic acid involving cheap raw materials and carbon sources need to be proposed
bacteria, mainly from the genus Gluconacetobacter (Costa et al., 2019; (Islam et al., 2017).
García and Prieto, 2019). The cellulosic membrane formed by bacteria is According to Barshan et al. (2019), considerable effort has been
biodegradable (García and Prieto, 2019; Zhu et al., 2016) and this focused on finding new low-cost carbon sources. The use of vinasse, for
biodegradability is consistent with developing ecologically-friendly example, is a promising practice as it increases productivity and reduces
products (Freudenreich and Schaltegger, 2020). the costs and volume of effluent generated. Revin et al. (2018) observed
Many researchers have also been concerned with low to zero waste the accumulation of a large amount of bacterial cellulose (6.19 g/L) in
projects for the textile industry, especially for activities that involve fine wheat vinasse after 3 days of cultivation under dynamic conditions,
cutting processes (Chan et al., 2018). It has been demonstrated that almost three times greater than in the standard Hestrin and Schramm
bacterial cellulose has a high potential to achieve sustainability through medium (2.14 g/L).
reaching zero waste (Camere and Karana, 2018; Chan et al., 2018). The possibility of using cheap raw materials as substrates makes the
Biomaterials have interesting characteristics in addition to easy degra­ production of bacterial cellulose more attractive and viable, and po­
dation, such as the possibility of being cultivated as needed (in various tential candidates would be agricultural and industrial food residues,
sizes and shapes) (Camere and Karana, 2018; Domskiene et al., 2019). including saccharified food residues, grape medium, pineapple juice,
Chan et al. (2018) performed tests using crop containers in the shape of grape marc, glycerol from biodiesel and low quality syrup (Reiniati

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

et al., 2017). It should be noted that the use of residues or by-products toxic industrial chemicals and global warming (Chen et al., 2020).
from agroforestry and the food industry as sources of carbon and ni­ Therefore, cleaner production practices need to be adopted, prioritizing
trogen for new compositions of culture media, in addition to reducing those which are consistent with a circular economy and contribute to the
the cost of production, allows the high quality of the BC produced to be SDGs (Durán-Romero et al., 2020; Centobelli et al., 2020). Fig. 2 shows
maintained (Machado et al., 2018). the relationship between the circular economy and the SDGs, promoting
In this context, the production of bacterial cellulose through the a more sustainable society through a circular system.
production of the probiotic drink kombucha is an attractive option in Therefore, in the case of production processes and industries, SDG 12
relation to costs. As noted earlier, the main raw material used to make has been the most targeted goal as a starting point for the imple­
the drink is green tea (Camellia sinensis), which can be sweetened with mentation of the CE concept (Giannetti et al., 2020; Schöggl et al.,
organic products, such as sugar cane molasses or sugar for domestic use 2020). SDG 12 is composed of 11 targets, which aim to implement the
(Machado et al., 2018; Song and Kim, 2019). Ten-Year Plan of Programs on Sustainable Production and Consumption,
According to Hildebrandt et al., 2021 market oversaturation of addressing, for instance, how to correctly manage waste and rationalize
kombucha tea can lead to decreasing kombucha tea prices, thereby inefficient fossil fuel subsidies (UNDP, 2015).
influencing the allocation by price as a higher share of revenues will be According to Corrado et al. (2020), in a globalized economy, where
from alternative leather sales. To increase the circularity within mi­ raw materials and semi-finished and finished products are widely
crobial cellulose production, the use of waste substrates, e.g., from traded, the growing demand for products in developed countries gen­
secondary brewing of waste substrates from tea brewing and instant tea erates considerable pressures on the environment and causes serious
production in the beverage industry or pasteurized fruit waste from fruit impacts. Therefore, life cycle assessment and environmental impact due
jelly production, could allow for a circular supply chain strategy. to the production and consumption of goods and services is a crucial step
Furthermore, integrating starch producing companies, such as potato towards achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) (Corrado
starch production, with enzymatic saccharification combined with a et al., 2020; Sala and Castellani, 2019).
later integration into existing wastewater infrastructures should be One of the ways to mitigate negative environmental impacts is the
considered. adoption of cleaner production (CP) practices and this is in line with
SDG 12. These practices contribute to the preservation of raw materials
and energy, reducing or eliminating the emission of toxins and waste
3.6. The sustainable development goals and the circular economy during production processes. Thus, the implementation of CP practices
should be a priority in the textile, clothing and leather industries (Neto
The concept of circular economy has the potential to contribute to et al., 2019).
several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Durán-Romero In China, a monitoring framework for the implementation of the CE
et al., 2020; Centobelli et al., 2020). According to Kristoffersen et al. concept (macro level) has been developed, based on a Chinese statistical
(2020), in relation to CE, eliminating or reducing structural waste de­ system and previous research linked to economy material flow accounts
creases the demand for virgin finite material as well as the contamina­ (EW-MFA). For this monitoring, indicators were used, such as the
tion of the natural environment through the dumping of used resources. pattern of consumption and use of material per capita (SDG 12.2) along
Therefore, CE practices are strongly linked to SDG 12 (responsible with the production, circularity, recycling rate and total waste
consumption and production), SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG throughout the life cycle and amount of waste sent to landfill (SDG 12.5)
7 (clean and accessible energy), SDG 13 (climate change) and SDG 15 (H. Wang et al., 2020).
(life on earth) (Durán-Romero et al., 2020; Centobelli et al., 2020; Chen The European Commission (EC) has pledged to fully integrate the
et al., 2020; Kristoffersen et al., 2020; Schöggl et al., 2020). SDGs into the EU policy framework and EU priorities, assessing the
Currently, 40% of the world’s population is seriously negatively current status and identifying the most relevant sustainability concerns
impacted by water scarcity and pollution, due to both the presence of

Fig. 5. Possible relationship between the textile industry, food industry and the ODS 12. Source: the authors.

A.P. Provin et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 169 (2021) 120858

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