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Investigation on Improvement of Expansive Soil

by Blending with Cohesive Non-Swelling Soil and

Nwe Nwe Khin#1, Thiha Zaw#2, Moet Moet Han#3
#Department of Civil Engineering, Technological University (Mandalay)
Mandalay, Myanmar
2thihazaw 862@gmail.com

Abstract- This study presents investigation on improvement of expansive soil by blending with cohesive non-swelling
(CNS) soil and lime. Soil samples are collected at 3 ft depth from Sayae village in Sagaing and Htanaunggaing
village in TadaU Township. To know the physical properties of the soil samples, Atterberg’s limit test, grain-size
analysis test, specific gravity test and free swell test are performed according to ASTM standard procedure. Based
on the test results, soil from Sayae village is inorganic clay of high plasticity with fat clay in CH group. So, this soil
is expansive soil. Also, soil from Htanaunggaing village is sandy soil in SC group and this soil is formed to be non-
swelling of cohesive in nature. So, this soil is CNS soil uses to blend with the expansive soil. Firstly, soil mixtures are
prepared by blending of expansive soil and different percentage of CNS soil varying from 15% to 35% with 5%
increment. Among them, the best proportion of stabilized soil is selected to treat with lime 4%, 6%, and 8% by
weight of blended soil. After blending with CNS soil, it is found that the larger the amount of CNS soil, the greater
the values of CBR. So, this condition is difficult to choose the best proportion of soil mixture. Therefore, to obtain
the best proportion of soil mixture, the allowable bearing capacity for various percentage of CNS soil are calculated
based on Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation. Peak value of allowable bearing capacity occurs at 25% of CNS soil.
So, stabilized soil with 25% of CNS soil is used to treat with lime in order to reduce expansive potential. According
to the tests results, plasticity index and liquid limit of stabilized soil decreases with an increase in lime content and,
also maximum dry density (MDD) decreases. It is found that, CBR values of 4%, 6% and 8% lime contents in
unsoaked conditions are reached at the range of 7 to 20 and the CBR values in soaked condition are observed as
greater than 50. So, it is suitable for sub-base and base course in any weather (wet and dry) conditions. Among
them, 4% lime content is selected as the best content in this study because at this content the value of MDD is
greatest and the CBR values of 4% lime content in unsoaked and soaked conditions are better than 6% and 8%
lime contents.
Keywords - Expansive soil, Cohesive non-swelling soil, Lime, California bearing ratio (CBR), Compaction, Plasticity

I. INTRODUCTION such soils suitable for construction of earth structures.

For that reason, soil stabilization is very promising.
There are four basic types of naturally occurring soil:
gravel, sand, silt and clay. Clayey soils are generally Soil stabilization has been successfully used in all
classified “expansive.” Expansive soils are types of engineering problems but its most common
unsaturated clayey soils which show considerable application is the strengthening of highway and
volume changes upon wetting and drying. Wetting of airport pavement. There are two primary methods of
expansive soil causes increase in volume; drying of soil stabilization namely mechanical and chemical.
expansive soil decreases in volume. Expansive soils
Mechanical stabilization is accomplished by mixing
in Myanmar are locally well known as “Black Cotton
or blending two or more gradations of material to
Soil”. According to internal publications of public
obtain a mixture meeting the required specifications.
works, expansive soil can be encountered in
The blending of these materials may take place at the
Mandalay Region, Sagaing Region, Magway Region,
construction site, at a central plant, or at a borrow
Bago Region, Ayeyarwady Region, and Yangon
area. Providing suitable materials are found in the
Region. In the past, it was being severely stressed on
vicinity, mechanical stabilization is usually the most
not increasing usage of such type of soil, but today it
cost-effective process for improving poorly-graded
has been more paid attention to improve and use of
materials. After blending these materials, the mixture
these soil due to the ever-increasing construction of
does not meet the specifications, then stabilization
earth structures. It has become necessary to make
with an additive may be necessary. Chemical exhibit CNS properties. CNS material should be non-
stabilization involves mixing or injecting the soil with swelling with a maximum swelling pressure of 10
chemically active compounds such as Portland KN/m2 and with liquid limit not exceeding 50 percent.
cement, fly ash, sodium chloride or with viscoelastic The soil properties are listed in Table-IX.
materials such as butimen. Construction activities can
exacerbate the effects of expansive soil. Artificial
In order to meet the objectives of the present
irrigation causes more water to infiltrate the ground,
investigation, the following tests are conducted.
while at the same time, less water evaporate due to
there being more roadways, parking lots, driveways, 1. Water Content Determination Test
sidewalks and buildings. This results in an increase in 2. Atterberg Limits Test
subsurface soil moisture, and this excess water in the
soil is the most significant and direct cause of 3. Specific Gravity Test
expansive soils damage. When these expansive soils 4. Free Swell Test
become wet and expand, the resulting expansing
5. Grain-Size Analysis Test
pressure can cause uplift against foundation footings,
driveways, roadways and surrounding areas. The risks 6. Standard Proctor Compaction Test
associated with this expansive soil are necessarily to 7. Triaxial Shear Test
be reduced. Therefore, this study aims to improve of
existing expansive soil with addition of different 8. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
The present investigation involves with the study of The following tests are performed to determine the
the feasibility of using expansive soil as a physical properties of studied soils.
construction material in projects like highway A. Water Content Determination
pavements, airfield and irrigation, tank bunds and Water content is defined as the ratio of the weight of
earthen embankments, earth-retaining structures with water to the weight of solids in the soil.
and without addition of locally available cohesive
non-swelling soil. W1  W2
ω = W2  Wc × 100% (1)
Soil is highly variable in nature, and this variability Where, ω = water content (%)
cannot be controlled to any great extent by engineers, W1= Weight of container plus wet soil
who must work with the material as they find it,
although it may be possible to alter its structure or W2= Weight of container plus dry soil
change its composition by mixing it with imported Wc = Weight of container
material. Soil samples are taken from different places
The field moisture content of Sayae soil is 9.66% and
of Sayae village in Sagaing and Htanaunggaing
Htanaunggaing soil is 3.02%.
village in Tadau Township, Mandalay division. They
are collected as disturbed samples at about 1.5 to 3 ft B. Specific Gravity Test
depth by opening of test pits. Among these two soils, Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the unit
Sayae soil is expansive soil selected for investigation weight of a given material to the unit weight of water.
and Htannaunggaing soil is used for preparing soil
G t  WS
mixtures as this soil in formed to be non-swelling of Gs= (2)
cohesive in nature. Most murums of laterite, laterite WS  W2  W1
type and siliceous sandy clay exhibit CNS Where,Gs = specific gravity of soil
characteristics, however some murums may be of
swelling type. Unlike swelling soils, they do not Gt = Specific gravity of water at temperature (t)
exhibit cracking during summer, nor heaving and Ws = Weight of air-dry soil
stickiness during rainy season. Structures constructed
W1 = Weight of bottle plus water plus soil
on such soil do not exhibit heave though they may
sometimes settle. The CNS are generally red, reddish W2 = Weight of bottle plus water
yellow, brown, white, whitish grey, whitish yellow,
The specific gravity of Sayae soil is 2.71 and
green and greenish grey in colour. Although several
Htanaunggaing soil is 2.68.
soil containing non- expanding type clay mineral
C. Grain Size Analysis Vw = Sediment volume of soil in distilled
water in cm3
Grain size analysis is the determination of the size
range of particles present in a soil, expressed as a Vk = Sediment volume of soil in kerosene in
percentage of the total dry weight. Two methods are cm3
used to find the particle size distribution of soil. Table IV. Soil Classification Based on Plasticity Ratio [8}

 Sieve analysis is used for particle sizes larger Free Swell Ratio Clay Type Degree of Expansion
than 0.075 mm in diameter, and ≤1.0 Non-swelling Negligible
1.0-1.5 Mixture of swelling Low
 Hydrometer analysis is used for particle sizes and non-swelling
smaller than 0.075 mm in diameter.
1.5-2.0 Swelling Moderate
Table I. Grain Size Analysis of Studied Soil
2.0-4.0 Swelling High
Location Clay Silt Sand Gravel
>4.0 Swelling Very High
Sayae 31.5% 57.7% 10.7% 0.1%
As a result of free swell ratio for Sayae soil is 1.76
Htanaunggaing 11.8% 37.2% 51.0% 0.0%
and that for Htanaunggaing soil is 1.3. According to
D. Atterberg Limits Test the Table IV, the degree of expansion of the former is
moderate and that of the later is low.
The Atterberg limits tests provide measurements of
the water content of clayey soils. Atterberg limits test
A. Compaction Test
1. Liquid Limit (LL)
Use to obtain the maximum dry density of the soil
2. Plastic Limit (PL) and
sample and the optimum moisture content.
3. Shrinkage Limit (SL)
Compaction reduces in soil void ratio by expulsion of
Plasticity index (PI)
air from the voids or by expulsion of water from the
Plasticity index is the numerical difference between voids.
the liquid limit and plastic limit.
PI = LL – PL (3) ρd = (5)
1 ω
Table II Soil Classification Based on Plasticity Index [2] M
ρ= (6)
Plasticity Index (%) Degree of Expansion V
<12 Low
12-23 Medium
Where, ρd = Dry density of soil
23-32 High Ρ = Moist density of soil
>32 Very High
M = Mass of the compacted soil
Table III. Atterberg Limit Test Results of Studied Soils V = Volume of the compacted soil
Location LL PL PI
Sayae 50.1% 20.1% 30.0%
ω = Water content of the compacted soils
Htanaunggaing 32.5% 16.9% 15.6% Table V. Compaction Test Results of Studied Soil
Location OMC (%) MDD, (Mg/m3)
As the results of liquid limits and plasticity index, Sayae 21.0 1.581
Sayae soil has high degree of expansion and high plasticity. Htanaunggaing 17.0 1.795
And Htanaunggaing soil has medium degree of
expansion and medium plasticity A. Triaxial Shear Test
E. Free swell Test Triaxial shear test is one of the most reliable methods
Free swell test is performed to determine the increase for determining the shear strength parameter.
volume of the soil. fctan (7)
Where, f = Shear strength of the soil (psf or kPa)
FSR = (4)
VK c = Cohesion based on a total stress analysis
(psf or kPa)
Where, FRS = Free Swell Ratio
σf =Total normal stress acting on the shear
surface (psf or kPa ) 4. Free Swell Test
Free Swell Ratio 1.76 1.3
= Friction angle based on a total stress
5. USCS Soil classification CH type, SC type, Clayey
analysis (Degree)
Fat clay Sand
TableVI. Triaxial Shear Test Results of Studied Soil
6. Swelling potential based Moderate Low
on Free swell ratio
Location Cohesion,c (kg/cm2) Angle of internal
friction 7. Standard Proctor Compaction Test
Sayae 0.95 10˚53ʹ (a) Max; Dry Density, 1.581 1.795
Htanaunggaing 0.7 11˚39ʹ (Mg/m3)
(b) OMC (%) 21.0 17.0
C. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test 8. Triaxial Shear Test
The determination of the potential strength of (a) Cohesion,c (kg/cm2) 0.95 0.7
subgrade, sub-base and base course materials for use (b) Angle of internal 10 °53 ' 11 °39 '
in road and airfield pavement. friction,ϕ (degree)

Pt 9. CBR value (%)

CBR  x 100 % (8) (a) Unsoaked condition 12.0 -
Sub-base -
Where, Pt = total test load (b) Soaked condition 10.1 -
Ps = standard test load
Table VII. Classification System on the Basic of CBR Number [4] Sub-base -

CBR number General rating Uses

0-3 Very poor Sub-grade VI. ANALYSIS OF TEST RESULTS

3-7 Poor to fair Grade The results of Atterberg limit tests on expansive soil
7-20 Fair Sub-base blended with different percentage of CNS soil-content
20-50 Good Sub-base, base are shown in Figure 3. From the figure it can be seen
>50 Very Good Base
that with increase in percentage of CNS soil-content,
the plasticity index of soil goes on decreasing. It
Table VIII. Result on CBR Unsoaked and Soaked Condition for SAYAE
decreases from 30.0% to 21.0%.

Location CBR (%) 35

Unsoaked Soaked
Plasticity Index (%)

Sayae 12.0 10.1

The CBR value in unsoaked condition is 12.0% and 23.5
25 22.8
soaked condition is 10.1%. According to Table VII, 22
this is in the range of 7 to 20; therefore it is suitable 20
for sub-base in any weather (wet and dry) conditions.
The engineering properties of Studied Soils are 15
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
summarized in Table IX. CNS Soil content (%)
Table IX. Engineering Properties of the Studied Soils Figure 3. Variation in Plasticity Index of Blended Soils

SR Property Sayae Soil Htanaunggaing Table X. Consistency Test Results of Expensive Soil Blended with
Various CNS Soil Contents
No. Soil
CNS Soils (%) LL (%) PL (%) PI (%)
1. Specific gravity 2.7 2.68
0% 50.1 20.1 30.0
2. Grain size distribution
(a) Gravel (%) 15% 42.5 16.4 24.8
0.1 0.0
(b) Sand (%) 20% 41.5 18.5 23.5
10.7 51.0
(c) Silt (%) 25% 41.0 12.2 22.8
57.7 37.2
(d) Clay (%) 30% 39.5 17.5 22.0
31.5 11.8
35% 39.1 18.1 21.0
3. Consistency limits (%)
Liquid limit 50.1 32.5 As seen from Table X, increasing the percentage of
Plastic limit 20.1 16.9 CNS soil content decreases the swelling potential of
Plasticity Index 30.0 15.6 the studied soil.
Table XI. Compaction Test Results of Expensive Soil Blended with Table XIII. CBR Test Result of Expensive Soil Blended with Various
Various CNS Soil Contents CNS Soil Content
CNS Soil Optimum Moisture Dry Density, (Mg/m3)
content (%) Content (%)
Soil content (%) Unsoaked Soaked
0% 21.0 1.580
0% 12.0 10.1
15% 20.2 1.607
15% 13.3 10.8
20% 19.5 1.620
20% 13.7 11.3
25% 19.3 1.626
25% 14.5 11.6
30% 19.2 1.653
30% 15.6 12.1
35% 19.0 1.682
35% 16.9 12.4
As seen from Table XI, increasing the percentage of
According to Table XIII, the maximum CBR
CNS soil content slightly increases the maximum dry
value is in CNS soil content 35% and the minimum
density of the studied soil. value of CBR is in CNS soil content 15%. So, the
Natural 15%CNS Soil higher the CNS soil contents, the larger the CBR
20%CNS Soil 25%CNS Soil
1.68 value become. The maximum CBR values in soaked
Dry Density (Mg/m3)

1.65 and unsoaked condition are 12.4% and 16.9%

1.62 respectively, which is in the range of 7 to 20.
Therefore it is suitable for sub-base in any weather
(wet and dry) conditions.
1.5 Table XIV. Variation in Allowable Bearing Capacity of Expensive Soil
13 16 19 22 25
Water Content (%) with Various CNS Soil Contents
Figure 4. Variation in compaction tests of Blended Soils CNS Soil Content (%) qnet (all), (ton/ft2)
Table XII. Triaxial Shear Test Results of Expensive Soil Blended with
0% 2.938
Various CNS Soil Content
15% 3.209
CNS Soil Cohesion, c Angle of internal 20% 3.706
content (%) (kg/cm2)
25% 3.732

0% 0.95 10 °53 ' 30% 3.477

15% 1.22 8 °1 ' 35% 3.295

20% 1.35 9 °5 '

25% 1.27 10 °0 '
It is found that the peak allowable bearing capacity is
30% 1.08 11 °35 '
reached at 25% of CNS soil and its value is 3.732
35% 0.95 12 °45 '
ton/ft2. Moreover, according to the Atterberg’s limit
test, plasticity index of blended soil at 25% of CNS
1.4 1.35 soil is 22.8% of medium plasticity. Even though the
Cohesion c,(kg/cm2)

1.3 1.22
CNS soil is blended to expansive soil with 5%
1.2 increment up to 35%, all CBR values in soaked
1.1 condition are stilled within the sub-grade level limit.
1 0.95 0.95 So, in order to reduce the expansive potential and to
improve the CBR value in soaked condition, 25% of
0% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% CNS soil mixture is considered the best proportion of
CNS Soil content(%) blended soil to treat with lime.
Figure 5. Variation in Cohesion of Blended Soils Table XV. Consistency Test Results of Blended Soil with Various
Percentage of Lime
Lime Content (%) LL (%) PL (%) PI (%)
12 12.75 0 (25% CNS) 41.0 18.2 22.8
Angle of internal
friction,ϕ (Deg)

10.88 4 36.7 25.0 11.7

10 11.58
6 36.5 25.5 11.0
8 10.0
8 36.3 28.5 7.8
0% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% It is found that, the values of plasticity index at 4%,
CNS Soil content,c (%)
6% and 8% lime content are less than 12%. When
Figure 6. Variation in Angle of Internal friction of Blended Soils
blended soils treat with lime, the plasticity index 140
values decrease to low degree of expansion. Soaked

CBR value, (%)

Table XVI. Compaction Test Results of Blended Soil with Various
Percentage of Lime

Lime Content (%) OMC (%) MDD (%) 40

0 (25% CNS) 19.3 1.626
25% CNS 4% lime 6% lime 8% lime
4 18.5 1.704
Lime Content (%)
6 19.3 1.684
Figure 8. CBR Test Results of Lime Stabilized Soil with Various Lime
8 20.0 1.651 Content in Unsoaked and Soaked Conditions
According to the test results, CBR values of 4%, 6%
When the amounts of lime content are larger, the and 8% lime contents in unsoaked conditions reached
maximum dry density is decreasing from 1.704 at the range of 7 to 20 and among them, the peak CBR
Mg/m3 to 1.651 Mg/m3. The compaction curves of value occurs at 4% lime content. In soaked condition,
Figure 7 are plotted for dry density and water content since CBR value at 4% lime content is observed as
at various percentages of lime content. greater than 50, it is suitable to apply as sub-base and
base course for every weather condition. Moreover,
25%CNS the value of plasticity index at this content becomes
Dry Density (Mg/m3)

11.7, this value decreases to low degree of expansion.
4% Lime
So, 4% lime content is selected as the best proportion
as it gives the greatest value of MDD.
1.6 6% Lime
1.56 8% Lime
content As for expansive soil, major problem is large ground
1.52 deformations in and around the structures due to
12 17 22 27
swelling and shrinking of soil on wetting and drying.
Optimum Moisture Content, (%) These soils are sources of great damage to
infrastructure and building. To reduce such risks
Figure 7. Variation of Dry Density with Optimum Moisture Content for
associated with expansive soil, treatment on this soil
Stabilized Soil with Lime
can be applied. Therefore, this study focuses on
It is found that, there is increase in optimum moisture investigation on improvement of expansive soil by
content with decrease in dry density of blended soil blending cohesive non-swelling (CNS) soil and lime.
with lime. The maximum dry densities of blended soil In this study, physical properties tests are firstly
slightly decrease with increase in lime content. carried out to classify and identify the expansive soil
According to the test results, the peak value of and cohesive non-swelling (CNS) soil. Soil samples
maximum dry density is found at 4% lime content. are taken from Sayae village in Sagaing and
Htanaunggaing village in TadaU Township,
Table XVII. Triaxial Shear Test Results of Blended Soil with Various
Percentage of Lime Content Mandalay Region. They are collected as disturbed
Lime Content (%) Cohesion, c Angle of Internal samples at 3 ft depth from open test pits. According to
(kg/cm )2
Friction,  (degree) the USCS, soil from Sayae village is in CH, group
0 (25% CNS) 1.27 10’0” name of this soil is fat clay and it has high plasticity
4 1.18 23’50” index. So, this soil is expansive soil. And soil from
6 1.07 28’13” Htanaunggaing village is in SC group of medium
8 1.30 29’3” plasticity and it has CNS soil properties. So, this soil
is CNS soil and it is selected for blending with
Table XVII. CBR Test Results of Blended Soil with Various Percentage of
Lime Content
expansive soil.
Lime Content (%) CBR (%) The main purpose of this study is to improve the
Unsoaked Soaked engineering properties of the existing expansive soil
0 (25% CNS) 7.25 5.8 by blending with CNS soil and lime to reduce
4 19.6 117 expansive potential. To treat with lime, the best
6 10.8 110.5 proportion of blended soil is considered based on
8 12.0 122 peak value of allowable bearing capacity obtained by
Terzaghi’s bearing equation. Blending of expansive Engineering, Technological University (Mandalay),
soil with CNS soil and lime content is the simple for his invaluable guidance and encouragement,
method because lime is cheapest and easy to buy it. precious advice, and support.
Providing suitable materials are found in the vicinity,
And then, the author would like to appreciate to her
mechanical stabilization is usually the most cost-
members of the board of examiners, Daw San San
effective process for improving poorly-graded
Myint and Daw Moh Moh Han, Department of Civil
materials. The CNS soil contents are 15%, 20%, 25%,
Engineering, Technological University (Mandalay),
30%, 35% and lime percentages are 4%, 6% and 8%
for their careful guidance, comments and suggestions.
according to literature. And then Atterberg limit test,
compaction test, triaxial test and CBR test are The author offers her thanks to external examiner,
performed. Daw Aye Aye Thant, Department of Civil
Engineering, Mandalay Technological University
Based on the test results, by the addition of various
(MTU), for her helpful suggestions and true-line
percentages of CNS and lime contents, the plasticity
guidance and editing this thesis.
indexes of existing expansive soil are found to
decrease. At the mixture of blended soil with CNS The author wishes to record her thank to all teachers
soil, when CNS soil contents are increased, the values in Civil Engineering Department in Technological
of CBR and MDD increase. From the result of University (Mandalay), for their enthusiastic
stabilized soil with lime, the maximum dry density is suggestion and careful instructions.
decreasing with the increased percentage of lime The author wishes to record her thank to Daw Khin
content. The maximum dry density is the highest at Thi Dar (Assistant Engineer, Irrigation Training
4% lime content and this value is 1.704 Mg/m3. Center, Chaung Win) and staff members (Soil Testing
On the basis of CBR test results, it is found that, Section, Irrigation Training Centre, Chaung Win), for
blended soil with various lime content in soaked their teaching and guidance the procedure of
conditions are greater than in unsoaked conditions. laboratory tests that are of great support in her study.
The CBR values in both soaked and unsoaked Finally, the author expresses her heartfelt thanks to all
conditions at 4% lime content are 117 and 19.6 persons who pay support, guidance and kind help for
respectively which are in the range of sub-base and necessary data and facts.
base course layer limit. Moreover, blended soil with
4% lime has plasticity index value of 11.7 (<12) REFERENCES
which is low degree of expansion. Therefore, 4% lime [1] Bowles, Joseph E.Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th ed., By
content is selected as the best content in this study. It McGraw-Hill Book Companies, Inc,(1996).
[2] Braja M. Das, “Principle of Geotechnical Engineering”. Fourth
is concluded that 25% CNS soil and 4% lime can be Edition, (1998).
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expansive soil based on this study. Edition. California State University, Sacramento, PWS Publishing
Company (2006).
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [4] Murthy V.N.S., “Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and
Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineerig”, Marcel
First of all, the author wishes to express her gratitude Dekker, Inc; New York, (2003).
[5] Robert W. Day, “Foundation Engineering Handbook”, Design
to Union Minister of Ministry of Education, for and Construction with the 2006 International Building Code,
opening of the Master of Engineering Course at (2006).
Technological University (Mandalay). [6] Sachin N. Bhavsar, Ankit J. Patel, “Effect of waste material on
swelling and shrinkage properties of clayey soil‖,” International
The author wishes to express her deep gratitude to Dr. journal of application or innovation in engineering and
management, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014.
Sint Soe, Rector of Mandalay Technological [7] Dr. Ch.Sudha Rani & G.Suresh, “Plasticity and Compaction
University (MTU) and Dr. Yan Aung Oo, Prorector of Characteristics of Soil Mixtures Comprising of Expansive Soils
and A Cohesive Non-Swelling Soil, International Journal of
Technological University (Mandalay), for their Engineering Research and Application,” Volume 3, Issue 3, May-
invaluable managements and helps. June 2013, pp.1519-1527.
[8] Sivapullaiah,P.V., Sitharam, T.G., Holtz , Gribbs and
The author would like to express her gratitude to Dr. Rao,K.S.Subba.: “Modified Free Swell Index for Clays”,
Thazin Thein, Professor and Head, Department of Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ,Vol 10, No 2 (June 1987)
pp 80-85.
Civil Engineering, Technological University
(Mandalay), for her encouragement and supporting.
The author especially thanks to her supervisor, Dr.
Thiha Zaw, Professor, Department of Civil

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