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Energy Procedia 61 (2014) 2097 – 2100
Component and process based exergy evaluation was performed on a typical 600MW coal-fired power
plant in China. Component based exergy analysis figures out and compares the exergetic performances of
each component by identifying the deficiencies of each component. Process based exergy analysis aims at
finding out the degree of imperfection of main processes, which will break the limitation of single-
component performance optimization (a sensitivity analysis) and enlighten the process-level optimization
by innovative flow design and the consideration of the interaction between components. This work provides
the exergy consumption and distribution profile of a large-scale coal-fired power plant with component-
based and process-based analysis, providing guidance for the energy-saving measures.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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1. Introduction
With advanced materials and manufacturing techniques, the efficiency of power plants is continuously
increasing, witnessed by the innovation of power plants of larger capacities and higher steam conditions,
but the huge fuel consumption in power plants still needs reasonable analysis for retrofits or optimization
[1]. Exergy analysis has been widely performed to various energy systems, provides useful guidelines, and
has become a useful tool for the analysis and optimization of energy systems combined with other
techniques [2, 3]. Previous exergy analysis work mainly focused on single component analyses but few
literature was found to analyse the system on a process basis. To this end, a 600MW unit was chosen and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 617 72011; fax: +86 10 617 72177.
E-mail address: yyp@ncepu.edu.cn.
1876-6102 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of ICAE2014
2098 Lingnan Wu et al. / Energy Procedia 61 (2014) 2097 – 2100
the exergetic performance of each component was calculated firstly. Process-based exergetic performance
was further evaluated, which was beneficial in understanding the constitution and degree of imperfection
of the system during the energy conversion and transfer processes from a macroscopic perspective.
The schematic of the 600MW coal-fired power plant is shown in Fig. 1. Along the fluegas flow path,
the boiler system consists of the furnace, front platen superheater (FPSH), rear platen superheater (RPSH),
final reheater (FR), final superheater (FS), primary reheater(PR), economizer (ECO), and air preheater
The steam turbine system is configured with two-stage high-pressure cylinder (HPT), two-stage
intermediate-pressure cylinder (IPT), and five low-pressure cylinder (LPT). Exhaust steam is condensed in
the condenser and regenerated through four-stage low-pressure feedwater heater, a de-aerator and five-
stage high-pressure feedwater heater.
The exergy destruction rate ܧሶǡ of the kth component can be formulated as:
ܧሶǡ ൌ ܧሶிǡ െ ܧሶǡ (1)
where ܧሶிǡ is the fuel exergy of the component and ܧሶǡ is the product exergy of the kth component.
The exergetic efficiency of the component is:
ɂ ൌ ܧሶǡ ൗܧሶிǡ (2)
The exergy destruction ratio of the kth component is:
ݕ ൌ ܧሶǡ ൗܧሶிǡ௧௧ (3)
Lingnan Wu et al. / Energy Procedia 61 (2014) 2097 – 2100 2099
Bled Steam
Exhaust Steam Feed Water
Cooling Water Slag
Unburnt Char 2.3%
5.2% 4.1%
Flue Gas 6.5%
Air 12.7% 15.9% HPT
ST G 25.1%
84.1% 43.8% 6.7%
Cooling IPT9.9%
Flue Gas Flue Gas
Water LPT
Working Fluid 41.1% 42.3%
Process with the largest inefficiencies i.e. the heat transfer process, emission process and heat to
mechanical energy conversion process are discussed in detail in Fig. 3. For Heat transfer process, heat
transfer from flue gas to the working fluid dominates 84.1% of the total exergy destruction, followed by
fluegas to air (6.5%), cooling water to exhaust steam (5.2%), bled steam to feed water (4.1%). For Emission
process, exergy loss caused by cooling water and exhaust flue gas both claim about 42.0% of the emission
process inefficiencies, followed by unburnt char (12.7%) and slag (2.3%). Low pressure turbine is the most
severe inefficiency source (42.3%) as turbine isentropic efficiency decreases drastically. High quality steam
is turned into mechanical energy in HPT (25.1%), and little decrease in isentropic efficiency will result in
huge exergy destruction in this section. The generator (15.9%) is located at the end tail of the system, so it
is of topological importance as exergy destruction here will be amplified by the inefficiencies of the
upstream equipment.
4. Conclusions
The component based exergy figured out that furnace, FPSH, RPSH and air preheater are the main
inefficiency sources of the boiler system, and first stage of HPT, last stage of LPT still need to be improved.
According to process-based exergy analysis, heat transfer process dominates 39.2% of the total inefficiency,
mainly caused by heat transfer between flue gas and the working fluid, and combustion process accounts
for 32.8%. Emission process also incurs 18% inefficiency which is induced by the loss of exhaust flue gas
and the cooling water. The HPT, LPT and generator are the main inefficient factor during the heat-
mechanical-electricity conversion. This work provides the exergy consumption and distribution profile of
a large-scale coal-fired power plant with component-based and process-based analysis, providing
guidelines for the energy-saving work.
The authors would like to thank the Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Grant No. U1261210 ), the Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China
(20120036120007) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (12QN14) for the
financial support.
[1] Yang Y, Guo X, Wang N. Power generation from pulverized coal in China. Energy. 2010;35:4336-48.
[2] Restrepo Á, Miyake R, Kleveston F, Bazzo E. Exergetic and environmental analysis of a pulverized coal power plant. Energy.
[3] Yang Y, Wang L, Dong C, Xu G, Morosuk T, Tsatsaronis G. Comprehensive exergy-based evaluation and parametric study of a
coal-fired ultra-supercritical power plant. Applied Energy. 2013;112:1087-99.
Lingnan Wu is a Ph.D. candidate majoring in thermal power engineering in North China
Electric Power University. His research interests mainly include analysis and optimization
of large-scale coal-fired power plants, and pollutant control strategy.