SULUK Template
SULUK Template
SULUK Template
Paper’s Title
Must be brief, informative and indicates the main point(s) of the paper between 15-20 words
(Centered, Bold, 14pt Times New Roman)
[Maximum length of article is 6000-8000 words, 12pt TNR, 1.5 line spacing.]
Abstract should be factual and concise. It shall contain research problems, methods and
results. Use 10pt Times New Roman font for body of the text with one spacing between lines, and
12pt spacing for the next heading. Left and right indent 0.5cm. Maximum length 200 words.
Keywords: use 10pt; lower case; italic; times new roman; write alphabetically maximum 5 words
If necessary put your acknowledgements
here. In this section you should give credit to
people who have helped you with the research or
Figure 1: The author with unidentified friend, 2019. with writing the paper. If your work has been
supported by a grant, you would also give credit
No Title Title Title for that in this section.
1 A-B 25 30
2 B-C 75.15 10
3 C-D 44.75 50
4 D-E 72.5 10 Reference list format is based on Chicago
5 E-F 21.25 10 style. Reference list should appear at the end of the
article and includes only literatures actually cited
Table 1: The author with unidentified friend, 2017. in the manuscripts. References are ordered
alphabetically and chronologically. When writing
References in the body of the article use a reference list, please use the following
parentheses. Authors are suggested not to use too conventions:
many direct quotations. The direct quotation and
research data are written in a separate paragraph with Book
double quotation marks (“…”), indented by half an
Sweeney, Amin. 1987. A Full Hearing: Orality and
inch from the margin, italicized, 1 line spacing, and 1
Literacy in the Malay World. California:
spacing enter, and without double quotation marks University of California Press.
followed by the author’s name, year, and page in
parentheses (author’s name, year: page), for example : Chapter in a Aollection
(Siegel, 1998: 173).
In-text citation (enclosed in parentheses), Nilan, Pam, et al. 2016. “Contemporary Indonesian
which appear in the body articles, should contain Youth Transitions: Trends and Inequalities”. In
Kathryn Robinson (Ed.), Youth Identities and
the author's surname, the date, and the pages cited: Social Transformations in Modern
(Jassin, 1984) is used for works by one author; Indonesia (pp. 23–46). Leiden: BRILL.
(Budiman & Heryanto, 1985) is used for works by Goldstein, Rebecca. 1987. “Exploitation in The West
Bank”. In Thirteen Ways of Looking at the
two authors; (Foulcher et al., 2002) is for works by
Middle East, Wallace Kunitz (Ed.), 31-37.
three or more authors, only the surname of the first Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press.
author is used, followed by ‘et al’.
Personal communication, such as direct Translation
interview or mediated interview (telephone
conversations, e-mail messages, and non-archived Rivera, Jose Rivera. 1999. Serikat Buruh di Baja,
letters) are identified as “personal California. Diterjemahkan oleh Will Moore
Richman, VA: Univ. dari Richmond Press.
communication”: (M. Klokke, personal
communication, June 14, 2010). Multivolume Works
Newspaper and popular magazine articles
may be in the text only, without a corresponding Ryan, Michael, et al. (Eds.). 2011. The Encyclopedia
reference entry as long as the periodical title, date, of Literary and Cultural Theory (Vols 1-3).
article title (and page number (s) in the case of New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
magazine articles) are provided: Sastra sufi
Multi Author Works
merupakan… (Hadi, 2003).
Peters, Harold, Mary Key Rogers, and Lawrence
CONCLUSION Burke. 1992. Why the Revolutions
Conclusion is a brief summary of findings Stopped. Wilmington: Strong and Wills.
and discussion. It is strongly recommended to
avoid mere repetitive statements from the previous Gustafson, Albert., et al. 1985. If I were a Rich Man:
Comparative Studies. Wilmington: Fore and Newspaper and Popular Magazine
Aft. (catatan: jika artikel ini dalam Bahasa
Indonesia, 'et al.' diterjemahkan sebagai 'dkk.'). Atikurrahman, Moh. 2015, Dec 27. “Menonton
Sebagai Peristiwa Kultural”. Jawa Pos, hlm.
Journal Article 12
Paper or Presentation