Network Topology Note
Network Topology Note
Network Topology Note
Prepared By
1. Abreham Sintayoh EMIT/ps459/11
2. Ashenafi Tesfay EMIT/ps459/11
3. Berhe Gebreyohans EMIT/ps460/11
4. Haftamu Hailu EMIT/Ps464/11
Submitted to
Mr. Behailu Getachew (Assistance Professor)
August 2019
Mekelle, Tigray,
Table of Content
1. What is Computer network .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Definition of Network .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Types of Computer Network ........................................................................................................ 1
WANs.......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Network Topology ................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Definition .................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Category of Topology ................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Types of Topologies ................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.1 Bus Topology ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 Star Topology .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2.3 Ring Topology .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2.4 Mesh Topology .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.5 Hybridge Topology ........................................................................................................................... 9
Reference.................................................................................................................................. 10
1. What is Computer network
1.1 Definition of Network
Before proceeding Discussing on Network topologies first Lets introduce what computer Network is.
Network is an interconnection of multiple devices, generally termed as Hosts connected using multiple paths
for the purpose of sending/receiving data or media. There are also multiple devices or mediums which helps
in the communication between two different devices which are known as Network devices. Ex: Router, Switch,
Hub, Bridge.
When data communication is necessary or desired beyond the reach of a MAN, a wide area network
(WAN) over public carrier networks is established.
Institutions transferring large amounts of data between offices often decide to lease dedicated
transmission lines from public carriers, in what is termed an enterprise-wide private network.
Example: network among news agency offices in different region of Ethiopia.
The layout pattern using which devices are interconnected is called as network topology. Such as Bus, Star,
Mesh, Ring, Daisy chain.
2. Network Topology
2.1 Definition
The term topology, or more specifically, network topology, refers to the arrangement or physical layout of
computers, cables, and other components on the network. "Topology" is the standard term that most network
professionals use when they refer to the network's basic design.
A network's topology affects its capabilities. The choice of one topology over another will have an impact on
Type of equipment the network needs
Capabilities of the equipment
Growth of the network
Way the network is managed
2.2 Category of Topology
1. Logical Network Topology:
Logical Network Diagrams visualize the
telecommunication and computer
networks logical structure. They are used
by IT professionals and corporate IT
departments, network and system
administrators to visually document the
logical topology of computer networks.
Fig3 Logical Network diagram
2. Physical Network topology:
A physical network diagram will, ideally, show
the network topology exactly as it is: with all of
the devices and the connections between them.
Because physical diagrams depict all of the
physical aspects of the network, they will likely
include: ports, cables, racks, servers, specific
models, and so on.
Fig4 Physical Network diagram
So This note discuss about the Physical Network topologies
2.3 Types of Topologies
All network designs stem from four basic topologies:
Bus Topology Tree Topology
Star Topology Mesh Topology
Ring Topology
If there is a break anywhere in the cable or if an end is not terminated, the signal will travel back
and forth across the network and all communication will stop.
The more computers there are on the bus, the greater the backup of computers waiting to put data
on the bus, and consequently, the slower the network.
In addition, because of the way computers communicate in a bus topology, there may be a lot of
noise. Noise is the traffic generated on the network when computers attempt to communicate with
each other simultaneously.
2.3.2 Star Topology
In the star topology, cable segments from each computer are connected to a centralized component called
a hub or switch. Signals are transmitted from the sending computer through the hub to all computers on the
network. Nodes communicate across the network by passing data through the hub. A star network uses a
significant amount of cable as each terminal is wired back to the central hub, even if two terminals are side
by side but several hundred meters away from the host. The central hub makes all routing decisions, and
all other workstations can be simple.
It is more reliable
The center of a star network is a good place to diagnose network faults and if one computer fails
whole network is not disturbed. Hub detects the fault and isolates the faulty computer.
It is easy to replace, install or remove hosts or other devices, the problem can be easily detected-It
is easier to modify or add a new computer without disturbing the rest of the network by simply
running a new line from the computer to the central location and plugging it to the hub
Use of multiple cable types in a same network with a hub.
It has good performance
Disadvantage of star topology
It is expensive to install as it requires more cable, it costs more to cable a star network because all
network cables must be pulled to one central point, requiring more cable length than other
networking topologies.
Central node dependency, if central hub fails, the whole network fails to operate. In addition, noise
is created on the network in a star topology.
Many star networks require a device at the central point to rebroadcast or switch the network traffic.
3.2.3 Ring Topology
The ring topology connects computers on a single circle of cable. Unlike the bus topology, there are no
terminated ends. The signals travel around the loop in one direction and pass through each computer,
which can act as a repeater to boost the signal and send it on to the next computer
One method of transmitting data around a ring is called token passing. (A token is a special series of
bits that travels around a token-ring network. Each network has only one token.) The token is passed
from computer to computer until it gets to a computer that has data to send. The sending computer
modifies the token, puts an electronic address on the data, and sends it around the ring. The data passes
by each computer until it finds the one with an address that matches the address on the data.
The receiving computer returns a message to the sending computer indicating that the data has been
received. After verification, the sending computer creates a new token and releases it on the network.
The token circulates within the ring until a
workstation needs it to send data.
Disadvantage of Ring topology
Relatively expensive and difficult to install
Failure of one computer on the network can affect the whole network.
It is difficult to find fault in a ring network.
Adding or removing computers can disrupt the network.
It is much slower than an Ethernet network under normal load
3.2.4 Mesh Topology
A mesh topology network offers superior redundancy and reliability. In a mesh topology, each
computer is connected to every other computer by separate cabling. This configuration provides
redundant paths throughout the network so that if one cable fails, another will take over the traffic.
While ease of troubleshooting and increased reliability is definite pluses, these networks are expensive
to install because they use a lot of cabling. Often, a mesh topology will be used in conjunction with
other topologies to form a hybrid topology.
Yield the greatest amount of redundancy in the event that one of the nodes fails where network
traffic can be redirected to another node.
Point-to-point link makes fault isolation easy.
Privacy between computers is maintained as messages travel along dedicated path.
Network problems are easier to diagnose.
Disadvantage of Mesh topology
Because redundant paths require more cable than is needed in other topologies, a mesh topology
can be expensive.
A large number of I/O (input/output) ports are required
The most common structure or topology known as Hybridge topology, hybridge topology is a LAN topology
in which only one route exists between any two nodes on the network. The pattern of connection resembles a
tree in which all branches spring from one root.
Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan – Database System Concept 6 th Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill
Sheba university college TTLM/Hardware and Networking for level III (TVET)
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