Business Law II-2
Business Law II-2
Business Law II-2
(study slides)
The objective? To protect competition in the market in the interest of enhancing consumer
welfare, in terms of low prices, high quality …
How does competition law achieve its aim of protecting competition in the market? → By
prohibiting certain types of business conduct:
1. anticompetitive agreements
2. abuse of dominant market position
3. anticompetitive mergers (fusioni)
= the three pillars of competition law ( or antitrust law)
National competition law → each member state has its own national competition law, which
is closely aligned with EU competitive law
When does national competition law apply? And when does EU competition law apply?
- if business conduct only affects trade within one member state, the national
competition law of the State applies
- If the business conduct is capable of affecting trade between Member States. EU
competition law applies
Judicial review of a commission decision → addresses of a decision can bring an action for
annulment before the Court of Justice of the EU
- first instance: General court
- appeal to the Court of Justice
- agreements
- between at least 2 undertakings
- that may affect trade between EU member States
- object or effect of restricting competition
Undertaking (impresa): any entity, regardless of its form, that is engaged in an economic
activity → an economic activity consists of offering goods or services in the market
(exchange of money) → ex. layer/ EDHEC
Restriction by effect: agreements that do not have the object of restricting competition (less
obvious cases) will only be considered anti competitive if the enforcement agency can prove
on the basis of sound …
Vertical agreements:
- export bans: the manufacturer prohibits the distributor from exporting the goods to
another EU Member State. Damage because reduces availability of products in other
member states, creates artificial barriers, usually this is done to appoint exclusive
distributors in each EU Member State. This creates artificial monopolies for the
manufacturer’s product in each EU Member State.
- resale price maintenance: manufacturers dictate at what price distributors have to
1. fixed resale price maintenance → it restrict piece competition
2. minimum resale price maintenance → it restrict piece competition
3. maximum resale price maintenance → at first side might seems good for
consumers, but de facto all distributors align themselves on the maximum
4. genuine recommendation are not restricted
Any agreement prohibited by article 101 must be void
Financial penalty: calculating the fine → reflect the gravity and the duration of conduct (the
fine must not exceed the 10% of the undertaking turnover in the preceding year)
Solution: many states do not consider fines on businesses sufficient to deter future cartel
conduct, and have made certain types of hard- core cartel conduct criminal offenses that
carry substantial prison sentences for the potential involved (directly to the person): ex. USA
and United Kingdom: price fixing, Germany, Italy Austria and Poland: bid rigging
- article 102 TFEU pursues the same objective as Article 101 TFUEU
- these days, its objective is interpreted as the protection of economic consumers
welfare (read it)
4 conditions (key elements)
1. an undertaking
2. in a dominant position
3. that engages in abusive contract
4. in a way that is capable of affecting trade between EU member states, not just one
(otherwise national law)
What are the key differences between article 101 and 102?
How does one assess whether an undertaking has market power? Are there any factors that
could constrain the investigated undertaking if it wanted to raise prices to supra-competitive
levels? What kind of factors would you look at?
advantages disadvantages
result in lower prices for consumers not allowing undertakings to fully exploit a
position of dominance that they lawfully
obtained by producing superior product may
discourage undertaking from competing
aggressively in the first place
For this reason, EU competition law outlaws how to determine what is excessive?
excessive prices, but the rule is used with
great caution
Competition on the merits → competing simply on the basis of a superior product or service
→ this is allowed
Examples: there are many ways in which a dominant undertaking can exclude competitors
from the market. Key examples are:
- If they cannot access customers, they will not be able to sell their products, and will
end up leaving the market (exclusionary effect).
- This eliminates competition for the dominant undertaking which can then increase
- There will also be less innovation, and consumers may miss out on better quality
→A dominant undertaking may not enter into exclusive dealing agreements that are capable
of excluding competitors.
2. Tyning/bunding: an undertaking that is dominant in market A, makes the sale of
good A dependent on the consumer also buying good B from it. Types:
- contractual tying
- technical tyning
What is this type of conduct dangerous to competition and consumers? → If
an undertaking, which is dominant in market A, makes the sale of good A
dependent on consumers also buying good B, it becomes more difficult for
competing manufacturers of good B to access consumers.
- If the competing manufacturers of good B cannot sell their product, they will end up
leaving the market (exclusionary effect).
- The undertaking can then increase prices in market B, and even extend its
dominance to market B.
→ it is abusive on the part of a dominant undertaking to make the purchase of one product
dependent on the purchase of another distinct product.
3. predatory pricing: the manufacturer sells its goods below cost (=at a loss). How can
low piercing. How can low pricing possibly be dangerous to competition and
consumers? Are low prices not a key aim of competition law? → 2 phase process:
a. The predator prices below cost and voluntarily incurs losses, until the other
undertakings leave the market (sacrifice phase).
b. Once all its competitors have left the market and the predator is the only
provider left, it raises its prices above competitive levels and recoups its
losses (recoupment phase).
- When is the price “too low”? According to the Court of Justice, if the price falls below
average variable cost (AVC). → A dominant undertaking must not price below AVC!
4. refusal to supply: the dominant undertaking controls a key input of infrastructure
and refuses to give its competitors access to it.
Example: Deutsche Telekom, which is the privatized successor company to the
former state-owned telecommunications monopolist in Germany, owned the only
telecommunication network in Germany. It refused to give potential new entrants in
the telecommunications industry access to this network.
Why is this dangerous to competition and consumers? → The dominant
undertaking’s refusal to make a key input available to competitors can result in these
competitors leaving the market (exclusionary effect).
Legal test: a refusal to supply is abusive if the dominant undertaking:
5. Self preferencing: Relatively new type of conduct: A dominant platform that acts
both as an intermediary for independent businesses and competes with them, gives
its own services preferential treatment in the ranking and display of search results.
a. Google
b. Amazon
Where is the danger to competition? → Consumers tend not to go beyond the
second page of search results (belief that the top results are the most relevant)
- The competition agencies will order the undertaking to stop the behavior (“cease and
desist order”).
- It can also order it to behave in certain ways (impose “remedies”).
- They also have the power to fine the undertaking in question (Article 23 of regulation
- Fines are based on the undertaking’s turnover, and take into account duration and
severity of the infringement. They are capped at 10% of the undertaking’s annual
turnover in the preceding business year.
- Fines for abuse of dominance can be very high.
- Record fine to date: decision against Google on 18 July 2018 (€4.34 billion).
- But not a criminal offense. The leniency procedure does not apply.
● Core feature: 2 formally independent operators become one - there is one less
undertaking on the market.
● EU competition law collectively refers to merger and acquisitions as “concentrations”.
● 2 types of concentration:
● mergers (companies A and B agree to become company C), and
● acquisitions (company A purchases company B – either by acquiring B’s
stocks or assets).
● In practice, “merger” is commonly used to refer to both mergers and acquisitions.
● Third pillar of competition law
● It stipulates under what conditions a merger or acquisition will be deemed
anticompetitive and hence illegal.
● Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 on the control of concentrations between
undertakings (‘the EU Merger Regulation’)
● It allows the European Commission to assess the legality of mergers with a Union
dimension before they go ahead (ex ante control).
● Horizontal mergers
● Non-horizontal mergers
● Vertical mergers
● Conglomerate mergers
Non-Horizontal merger:
● Vertical merger: merger between companies that are active in the same geographic
market, but at different stages of the production line (e.g. a manufacturer acquires a
distributor, or an input provider).
● Conglomerate merger: merger between companies that are neither competitors nor
vertically related.
Particular difficulty: because merger control happens ex ante, the competition agency needs
to make a prediction about how the market will develop if the merger goes ahead, and how
it would have developed if the merger had not gone ahead.
Market power analysis: To predict whether the merged entity will be able to profitably raise
prices after the merger, we need to consider the following factors:
Input foreclosure:
● Definition: the newly merged entity cuts a competitor off from a key input.
● Hypothetical example: Toyota, after having acquired Michelin, stops selling tyres to
competing car manufacturers.
● This is only a problem if there are no alternative suppliers of tyres.
● Hypothetical example: Toyota, which has acquired Michelin, will now only use
Michelin tyres. Competing manufacturers of tyres will no longer be able to sell their
tyres to Toyota.
● This is only a problem for competing tyre manufacturers if there are no alternatives to
Toyota. As long as there is a sufficient number of competing car manufacturers in the
market, it is not a concern.
Credibility of input and customer foreclosure: Input and customer foreclosure are only a
credible danger to competition
● Vertical mergers are less dangerous to competition than horizontal mergers, as long
as the affected markets are competitive.
● They are also more likely to generate efficiency effects.
● Generally, they are therefore considered less concerning than horizontal
● They can become problematic, though, if one of the merging parties has market
Conglomerate mergers:
Would your answer change if the Coca-Cola Company acquired a major producer of orange
In summary:
Efficiency defense:
● The EU Merger Regulation only applies to mergers that have a “Union dimension”
(determined on the basis of turnover and where this is achieved).
● If a merger has a Union dimension, it cannot be assessed under the national merger
law of the EU Member States anymore (“one-stop-shop” principle).
● If a merger does not have a Union dimension, it can be assessed under the national
merger regimes of the EU Member States.
Extraterritorial application:
Notification requirement:
● Merger control happens prior to the implementation of the merger (ex-ante control).
● Therefore, undertakings that intend to merge need to notify the European
Commission of this intention before carrying out the transaction (Article 4 Merger
● This usually happens on the ‘Form CO’, on which the parties have to describe the
merger in detail.
Stand-still clause:
● The parties may not proceed with the transaction before the Commission has cleared
it (Article 7 Merger Regulation).
● There are substantial fines for “gun jumping”.
Phase I:
● Purpose: a first look at the notified transaction
● Time limit: 25 working days.
● Investigative powers
● Possible outcomes after the phase I investigation:
● The merger is cleared, either unconditionally or subject to accepted
commitments; or
● The merger still raises competition concerns and the Commission opens a
Phase II investigation.
● Statistics: over 90% of all cases are resolved in Phase I.
Phase II:
Commitment decision:
● Rather than prohibit a notified merger that would have anticompetitive effects, the
Commission may accept commitments offered by the parties that would address
these concerns.
● The parties can offer commitments at any stage of the investigation.
● Types of commitments:
● Structural commitments (e.g., divestiture)
● Behavioral commitments
● These commitments are made legally binding in a “commitments decision”.
Common findings:
Network effects:
● Platforms are subject to so-called network effects, i.e., the value of the service
depends on the number of users.
● Direct network effects: the value of the service for one user group depends
on the number of users from the same group.
● Indirect network effects: the value of the service for one user group
depends on the number of users from another group.
● To benefit from network effects, the undertaking needs scale = significant barrier to
GAFAM acquisition to data → Collectively, GAFAM have acquired close to 1000 companies
over the past 20 years.
● These are the numbers in the public domain. Many acquisitions have not been
● What GAFAM acquisitions are you aware of?
● Microsoft/LinkedIn
● Microsoft/Skype
● Microsoft/Yahoo!
● Google/DoubleClick
● Google/Android
● Google/YouTube
● Facebook/Instagram ($1 billion)
● Facebook/WhatsApp ($19 billion)
● Facebook/Oculus ($2 billion)
● European Union
● European Commission: 0 prohibitions
● National competition agencies: 0 prohibitions
● United States: 0 prohibitions
● United Kingdom: 2 prohibitions (Meta/Giphy in 2021; and Microsoft/Activision
Blizzard, Apr 2023)
FTC v Facebook
● In Dec. 2020, the US Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint under sec. 2 of the
Sherman Act against Facebook in the DC District Court.
● Aim: to break up Facebook into 3 companies.
● Accusation: Facebook has monopolized the US market for social networking services
by strategically buying up competitive threats.
● The FTC is thereby trying to undo Facebook’s past acquisitions of WhatsApp and
● Problem: FTC had not opposed the acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram at the
● Currently pending in the DC District Court
Chapter 1:
Company name, domain name, trademarks
● A company, as a legal person, is identified through its name. Just like natural persons
are, through their surname (family name).
Two conditions
1) It must be valid
2) Il must be available
1) Validity
= A valid name is not contrary to public order or good morals, which means mainly:
a) It cannot be a racist expression
b) It cannot designate an illegal activity, i.e. Cannabis
c) It cannot be insulting, i.e. Guilty police
d) It cannot mislead people
= is misleading the case where reference is made to a regulated activity (architect,
medicine, chartered accountant, credit institution, etc.) while the company in question
does not meet the legal conditions or regulations required for its exercise.
- Example: it was judged that the name "Société Architect" chosen by a real estate
development and construction company and which did not meet the legal conditions
of the profession of architect, could not use this term in its name (CCass 1990).
2) Availability
= the chosen name must not infringe previous IPR (intellectual property rights)
a) Name identical to another company, another domain name or brand?
■ If the other one does not offer the same products or services, it is
possible, if they are different sector: ex. restaurant, gym store (but
always legal risk if the other company is big and influent– the
assessment of the difference will be made before the judge)
■ if the name of the chosen company is identical to a domain name but
does not operate in the same sector of activity, the designation of the
company will not infringe the rights of third parties
■ Despite such an apparent difference, to be strongly avoided,
especially if the name of the other company or brand enjoys notoriety
or reputation, i.e. Nestlé or Decathlon
■ Because this will necessarily and instantly create confusion in the
public’s perception, which will be (unfairly) beneficial to the company
■ Always the same logic = The Court of Cassation will evaluate the risk
of confusion created by the similarity of corporate names and of
misappropriation of customers of the company whose name has been
usurped (CCass.1977)
● Under Article 10 ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
dated 1883 (treaty still in force in 140 countries): The countries undertake to assure
to nationals of the other countries appropriate legal remedies effectively to repress all
the acts of disloyal competition.
You are not authorized to register the following domain name, even if it is free:
Otherwise, you could be sued by Décathlon which is the owner of the well-known Décathlon
a) First limit:
Not authorized to register a domain name which infringes previous IPR, meaning which is
identical or similar to a previous well-known trademark or company name.
b) Second limit:
Prohibition of cybersquatting: the act of registering a domain name similar to a previous
well-known trademark in the intention to sell it to the company which is the owner of said
c) Third limit:
Using a trademark as a key word to be well-referenced.
Let us say that you use the trademark Décathlon as a keyword.
As a result, people who search on Google for sport articles will see your website and will
click on it thinking that you are Decathlon. As a consequence, you attract customers using
the goodwill of the Décathlon trademark.
Natural referencing: using a company name or renowned brand in this way seems to be
Paid referencing (i.e. keyword on Google): it does not seem to be necessarily prohibited
Optional: article to read (in French) by Adrien Cohen BOULAKIA (lawyer) “L’usage d’un
signe distinctif concurrent comme mot clé sur google” --article disponible sur
1) Definitions
● Art. L.711-1 French IP Code: A trademark is a sign used to distinguish the products
or services of a natural or legal person from those of other natural or legal persons
● Art 3 EU Directive 2015: Trademarks may consist of any signs, in particular words,
including personal names, letters, numerals, colors and color combinations, the
shape of goods or of the packaging of goods, or sounds, hologram, digital images
(synthesis), multimedia (combination of images and sounds).
● From these definitions, we can identify what it takes for a sign to be a trademark
● We can also understand why it is impossible to register a trademark to protect a taste
or a scent: no sign can ascertain a taste or a scent..
NON VALID TRAMARKS: According to Art. L. 711-2 IPC, cannot be validly registered and, if
registered, may be declared void:
● 1° A sign which cannot constitute a trademark within the meaning of Article L. 711-1;
(see slide 19 again)
● 2° A mark devoid of any distinctive character;
● 3° A trademark composed exclusively of elements or indications that may be used
to designate, in trade, a characteristic of the product or service, (the species,
quality, quantity, destination, value, geographical origin, the time of production):
● 4° A brand composed exclusively of elements or indications that have become
customary in everyday language or in the fair and constant habits of the trade;
● 5° A sign consisting exclusively of the shape, or another characteristic of the
product imposed by the very nature of this product, necessary to obtain a technical
result or which gives this product substantial value;
● 6° A trademark excluded from registration pursuant to Article 6 ter of the Paris
Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property in the absence of
authorization from the competent authorities;
● 7° A mark contrary to public order or the use of which is legally prohibited;
● 8° A mark likely to deceive the public, in particular as to the nature, quality or
geographical origin of the product or service;
● 9° A mark excluded from registration under national legislation, European
Union law or international agreements to which France or the Union are parties,
which provide for the protection of designations of origin and indications
geographical, traditional mentions for wines and traditional specialties
● 10° A trademark consisting of the denomination of an earlier plant variety,
registered in accordance with Book VI of this Code, European Union law or
international agreements to which France or the Union are parties (…)
● 11° A trademark whose filing was made in bad faith by the applicant.
IMPORTANT: In the cases provided for in 2°, 3° and 4°, the distinctive character of a mark
may be acquired by use (following the use that has been made of it).
Example of 2°
● you must ensure the trademarks’ availability (not already used by a third
● for French trademarks;
● for European and international
● The trademark is protected for a duration of 10 years from the date of its filing.
● It may be renewed for additional 10-year periods for a renewal fee.
● A proof of use may be required by some countries for renewal to be possible: see
next slide
● If you do not renew your trademark you may lose the protection (trademark becoming
available again for registration by a third party).
● When you do the formalities to register your trademark, you have to choose in which
business activities you will protect your trademark.
● For that, you need to choose classes of products and services in the Classification of
Nice that you can download online
● Unless you do so, your trademark may be declared void
● As seen previously, under many national IP laws, brand owners can file trademark
applications without any requirements to file evidence of use of their chosen mark.
● This applies to both the UK and the European Union.
● But, if it is not required to file any evidence of use in the early stages of a trademark
application and registration in those territories, you must use your trademark
otherwise you may lose your protection afforded by the registration.
● This rationale comes into play in most legal IP systems, later in the life cycle of a
trademark registration.
● In the UK and EU, after five years of registration of your trademark, the right
becomes subject to proof of use considerations.
5) International protection