Presentation For English
Presentation For English
Presentation For English
Your ambition help you focus on what you desire to achieve and
gives you a reason to succeed. Your focus isn’t always a strong or
intent, but it’ll always return. An ambitious person has a few
qualities that separates them apart from unambitious person. Her
are some of the examples: Continuously planning and setting
specific goals to keep the focused, Staying motivated to achieve
their goals which helps them to get more work done. Only being
satisfied with themselves when they reach their goals.
Let’s start by outlining the de nition of ambition. Ambition is a strong
desire to achieve whatever goals you set for yourself. It’s the spark
inside you that compels you to keep putting effort into whatever
you’re doing
5.Set a schedule. Do you work better right after school or
after you’ve eaten dinner? Are you more productive in 90-
minute blocks or half-hour spurts? Find a schedule that works
for you, and stick to it.
While our subconscious mind acts on negativity, it’ll also act on positivity. In particular, it feeds off
conveyed desire. Again, our mind power needs to have a goal in mind and, if that goal is fueled with
desire, our mind will push for that.
Fear and negative self-talk aren’t the only roadblocks to face. Another aspect is
doubt and uncertainty.Yes the future is a mystery and we may experience failure,
but change is always coming.
Self programming diary is basically a diary where you write all your
aims and goals but in present for example:
Better example:
I want to take gold medal in Olympiad (for example Olympiad is in
a month)
Wrong way: I wish I could take gold medal in Olympiad
You better write that in the morning every day or its okay to write
that in evening
Even tho if this programming diary isn’t working ten you wold
write that every day for any amount of times you want to write
your goal, your goal will always be in your mind and you’ll always
think about it and you will use all the opportunities to reach you
Thank you all for your attention!