2017 Hormigo Et Al., 2017 - Brain Structure Function

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Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

DOI 10.1007/s00429-017-1415-1


Morphological correlates of sex differences in acoustic startle

response and prepulse inhibition through projections from locus
coeruleus to cochlear root neurons
Sebastian Hormigo1 · Ricardo Gómez‑Nieto1,2,3 · Consuelo Sancho1,2,4 ·
Javier Herrero‑Turrión1,2 · Juan Carro1 · Dolores E. López1,2,3 ·
José de Anchieta de Castro e Horta‑Júnior5

Received: 11 December 2016 / Accepted: 27 March 2017 / Published online: 5 April 2017
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract The noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC) plays latencies in either the male or the female groups, showing
an important role in the promotion and maintenance of values that were consistent with the sex-related variabil-
arousal and alertness. Our group recently described coeru- ity observed in control rats. Furthermore, we studied the
lean projections to cochlear root neurons (CRNs), the first noradrenergic receptor system in the cochlear nerve root
relay of the primary acoustic startle reflex (ASR) circuit. using gene expression analysis. When compared to con-
However, the role of the LC in the ASR and its modula- trols, DSP-4-injected males showed higher levels of expres-
tion, prepulse inhibition (PPI), is not clear. In this study, sion in all adrenoceptor subtypes; however, DSP-4-injected
we damaged LC neurons and fibers using a highly selective females showed varied effects depending on the receptor
neurotoxin, DSP-4, and then assessed ASR and PPI in male type, with either up-, downregulations, or maintenance
and female rats. Our results showed that ASR amplitude of expression levels. Lastly, we determined noradrenaline
was higher in males at 14 days after DSP-4 injection when levels in CRNs and other LC-targeted areas using HPLC
compared to pre-administration values and those in the assays, and these results correlated with behavioral and
male control group. Such modifications in ASR amplitude adrenoceptor expression changes post DSP-4 injection. Our
did not occur in DSP-4-injected females, which exhibited study supports the participation of LC in ASR and PPI, and
ASR amplitude within the range of control values. PPI dif- contributes toward a better understanding of sex-related
ferences between males and females seen in controls were differences observed in somatosensory gating paradigms.
not observed in DSP-4-injected rats for any interstimulus
interval tested. DSP-4 injection did not affect ASR and PPI Keywords Adrenergic receptors · ASR pathway ·
Catecholamines · Dopamine beta-hydroxylase · DSP-4 ·
* Sebastian Hormigo Noradrenaline · Somatosensory gating
* José de Anchieta de Castro e Horta‑Júnior Abbreviations
anchieta@ibb.unesp.br ABC Avidin–biotin–peroxidase complex
ADRs Adrenergic receptors
Institute for Neuroscience of Castilla y León (INCYL),
ASR Acoustic startle reflex
University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
BS Brainstem
Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL),
Cb Cerebellum
University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
CRNs Cochlear root neurons
Department of Cell Biology and Pathology, University
DAB 3,3′ Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride
of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
DBH Dopamine beta-hydroxylase
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University
DHBA 3,4-Dihydroxybenzylamine
of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
DSP-4  N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromoben-
Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biosciences
of Botucatu, Univ. Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Distrito
de Rubião Jr., S/N, PO.Box 510, Botucatu, SP 18618‑689, HPAA 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
Brazil HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography

3492 Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

IC Inferior colliculus Li et al. 2009; Molina et al. 2009). The modulations of the
IHC Immunohistochemistry ASR are related to structures of the central nervous sys-
ISI Interstimulus interval tem that act on some of the descending systems and end up
LC Locus coeruleus to influence the activity of the nuclei of the primary ASR
MHPG 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol pathway. Up to date, it is unknown that the neuronal cor-
NA Noradrenaline relate of the CRNs in humans and shedding light on the
PFC Prefrontal cortex projections to CRNs is crucial to make rodents relevant as
PB Phosphate buffer 0.1 M, pH 7.4 experimental models of impaired sensorimotor gating, in
PBS Phosphate buffered saline which PPI is used as a biomarker for healthy brain circuitry.
PPI Prepulse inhibition Responses of the CRNs are strongly inhibited by acous-
RT-qPCR Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase tic prepulses (Gómez-Nieto et al. 2010, 2014b), and hence
chain reaction it has been suggested that CRNs are modulated in auditory
PPI. Thus, it is essential to investigate the source of inputs
to the CRNs for understanding the neural mechanisms
Introduction underlying modulation of the ASR response by auditory
prepulses (Gómez-Nieto et al. 2008a, b, 2014a). Recently,
The acoustic startle reflex (ASR) is a short and intense our group described a projection to the CRNs from the
motor reaction that involves contraction of large numbers locus coeruleus (LC) (Gómez-Nieto et al. 2008b; Hormigo
of muscle groups throughout the body in response to a loud et al. 2015). The LC is a structure located in the caudal cen-
and unexpected acoustic stimulus (Yeomans and Frank- tral gray of the pons in the floor of the fourth ventricle. It
land 1995). The ASR is a non-selective attentional phe- is involved in many sympathetic effects during stress by
nomenon (Bakker et al. 2006), and has also a vegetative increasing noradrenaline (NA) production. Electrophysi-
component mediated by the autonomic nervous system, ological studies demonstrated that the LC is activated by
increasing blood pressure and heart rate (Landis and Hunt various stressful stimuli (Valentino et al. 1983; Page et al.
1939; Baudrie et al. 1997). The ASR serves as a defensive 1992; Valentino and Van Bockstaele 2008), noxious or
reflex triggered by the brainstem against possible aggres- nociceptive stimuli (Singewald et al. 1995; Couto et al.
sion or alert against unexpected events (Keay et al. 1988). 2006; Tsuruoka et al. 2011), and physiological stimuli such
In fact, the primary ASR pathway involves just three syn- as hypotension, hypoxia, and visceral stimulation (Miao-
apses in the rat central nervous system, onto the cochlear Kun 1995; Ma et al. 2008). The LC is the main source of
root neurons (CRNs), the pontine reticular formation (cau- NA for both the brainstem and the forebrain (Aston-Jones
dal portion), and the spinal motoneurons (Lee et al. 1996; and George 2004), and its metabolic pathways can be finely
Gómez-Nieto et al. 2014b). The ASR can be modulated regulated when there is an increase in the demand for NA
quantitatively or qualitatively through sensory gating pro- synthesis, e.g., in a stressful situation (Rosario and Aber-
cesses by a series of natural or experimental conditions crombie 1999; Asakura et al. 2000) or in the detection of
(Swerdlow et al. 2000; Bell et al. 2003). The modulations novel stimuli (Foote et al. 1980; Grant et al. 1988). The LC
of ASR are more sensitive than the reflex itself and present is also involved in the regulation of the circadian rhythm
significant alterations in situations where the reflex itself (Aston-Jones and Bloom 1981), maintaining alertness to
is not altered (Hoffman and Ison 1980; Justus and Finn relevant environmental stimuli (Aston-Jones et al. 1991),
2007). One of the more studied modulations of ASR is the learning (Sara and Segal 1991; Sullivan et al. 1994), and
prepulse inhibition (PPI), a neurological phenomenon in attentional processes (Aston-Jones et al. 1999). Given that
which a weaker pre-stimulus (prepulse) inhibits the reac- the CRNs are under noradrenergic influence from the LC
tion to a subsequent strong startling stimulus (pulse) (Hoff- (Hormigo et al. 2015), the ASR is liable to be modulated
man and Ison 1980; Valls-Solé 1998, 2012). The PPI is an by LC activity.
adaptive mechanism to prevent over-stimulation, helping The goal of this study is to determine the role that the LC
the brain focus on a specific stimulus among a host of other might play in ASR modulation by auditory prepulses. We
distracters (Braff et al. 1978). Consequently, PPI provides used a highly selective neurotoxin to impair the LC neu-
operational measures of information processing by filtering rons and fibers in male and female rats, and then measured
irrelevant stimuli (Swerdlow et al. 2001). Since ASR and ASR and PPI comparing the results with those from the
PPI can be easily tested in humans and rats, these behav- same animals prior to LC impairment, and with those from
ioral paradigms are used as valuable tools for translational saline-injected controls. Interestingly, ASR and PPI are
research on disorders with attentional and information- found to show sex-related differences in both humans and
processing dysfunctions (Swerdlow and Geyer 1998; Braff rats (Lehmann et al. 1999; Braff et al. 2001; Aasen et al.
and Geyer 1990; Swerdlow et al. 2001; Fendt et al. 2001; 2005). The LC is a sexually dimorphic structure (Pinos

Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508 3493

et al. 2001; Bangasser et al. 2011; Hormigo et al. 2015), to a background white noise (65 dB SPL) that continued
and we have previously found that CRNs exhibit important throughout the experimental session. A session consisted
sex-specific differences in gene expression of adrenorecep- of an acclimatizing period of ~5 min followed by 80 trials
tors (Hormigo et al. 2015). Therefore, we attempt to deter- presented pseudo-randomly, with a mean inter-trial interval
mine whether the LC-CRN projection is part of the neu- of 30 s. Sixteen of the trials involved a single-noise startle
ronal substrates that correlate the sex differences observed stimulus pulse (115 dB SPL, 20 ms of burst of white noise);
in the ASR and PPI paradigms. the remaining trials consisted of 4 blocks of 16 trials of a
white noise prepulse (80 dB SPL, 20 ms of burst of white
noise), followed by the startle stimulus pulse (as above),
Materials and methods each block consisting of a different interstimulus interval
(ISI): either 25, 50, 100, or 150 ms. Whole-ballistic move-
Animals ments of the rats corresponding to startling responses were
recorded with a piezoelectric accelerometer, converted
Adult albino male and female Wistar rats (Charles River, from analogical to digital signals and analyzed by the SR-
Barcelona, Spain) aged 12–16 weeks and weighing LAB system that provided two main values of interest: Vmax
230–310 g were cared for and used in these experiments. and Tmax. Vmax represents the peak startle response (ASR
All applicable international, national, and/or institutional amplitude in arbitrary units,) that occurs during each trial,
guidelines for the care and use of animals were followed. while Tmax is the time from stimulus onset to the peak star-
Experimental procedures were conducted according to the tle response (ASR latency in ms). The percentage of inhibi-
guidelines of the Spanish (RD 53/2013, BOE 34/11370- tion (%PPI) of the animal’s response to the startle stimulus
421, 2013), European (2010/63/EU), and São Paulo State was calculated for each respective ISI according to the fol-
University-UNESP directives, under the supervision of the lowing formula: %PPI = [startle amplitude on pulse-alone
corresponding Institutional Animal Care and Use Commit- trial − startle amplitude on prepulse to pulse trial (either 25,
tees. Animals were housed in groups of two or three and all 50, 100, or 150 ms of ISI)/startle amplitude on pulse-alone
efforts were made to avoid unnecessary suffering. trial] × 100. We also calculated the inter-session ratio star-
tle amplitude as a percentage by comparing the mean of the
Neurotoxic lesion with DSP‑4 ASR amplitude at day 7 and day 14 post injection vs. day
0 according to the following formula: [mean startle ampli-
Diverse studies have shown that the neurotoxin N-(2- tude on pulse-alone trial (day 0) − mean startle amplitude
chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4) can on pulse-alone trial (either day 7 or 14)/mean startle ampli-
be used for investigating the functional roles of NA in the tude on pulse-alone trial (day 0)] × 100.
brain (Fritschy and Grzanna 1989; Grzanna et al. 1989;
Fritschy et al. 1991; Ross et al. 1973). In rodents, a sys- Tissue preparation for histology
temic injection of DSP-4 causes depletion of the levels of
NA, the release capacity, and the activity of dopamine beta- Rats were euthanized with a sodium pentobarbital over-
hydroxylase (DBH) from the LC (Ross et al. 1973; Ross dose and then perfused transcardially with 100 ml of
1985). fresh Ringer calcium-free buffer (NaCl, 145.45 mM; KCl,
The animals were divided in two groups: DSP-4-in- 3.35 mM; ­NaHCO3, 2.38 mM), pH 6.9, at 37 °C, followed
jected, (37 male and 42 female rats) in which a single intra- by 1000 ml of fresh depolymerized 4% paraformaldehyde
peritoneal dose of 50 mg/kg of DSP-4 (Sigma-Aldrich Co, in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 (PB), at room tempera-
St. 234 Louis, MO, United States) was administrated; and ture. Brains were then removed and cryoprotected for 48 h
control, (38 male and 43 female rats) in which saline was at 4 °C in 30% sucrose in PB 0.1 M. Serial coronal sections
injected intraperitoneally. (40 µm in thickness) were cut on a freezing stage sliding
microtome (HM430; Microm, Heidelberg, Germany).
ASR parameters assessment
Immunohistochemical procedure for DBH and CaBP
Each animal, either control or DSP-4-injected, was tested
for the ASR and PPI at 3 different time points: the day We used 12 animals, 6 males (3 control and 3 DSP-
prior to the injection (either saline or DSP-4), and at 7 and 4-injected) and 6 females (3 control and 3 DSP-4-in-
14 days after the injection. Using a SR-LAB system (SDI, jected), to study the pattern of DBH immunoreactivity
San Diego, CA, USA), we assessed ASR and PPI in a ses- in the LC and the cochlear nerve root. After perfusion
sion routinely performed in our laboratory (Castellano and serial section protocol, we followed identical immu-
et al. 2009; Gómez-Nieto et al. 2014a). Rats were exposed nohistochemistry (IHC) procedures to those used in

3494 Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

our previous studies (Hormigo et al. 2012, 2015). The Image analysis
antibodies used and their dilution are shown in Table 1.
Free-floating sections were incubated with primary anti- Histological sections were studied using a microscope
body anti-DBH for 72 h at 4 °C, washed and incubated (#BX5; Olympus, Center Valley, PA, USA) equipped with
with its corresponding biotinylated secondary antibody a digital camera (Spot Rt®; Diagnostic Instruments, Ster-
for 2 h at room temperature. Following removal of the ling Heights, MI, USA). Low-magnification images were
secondary antibodies, sections were incubated with an taken with a 5× objective lens, and high-magnification
avidin–biotin–peroxidase complex (ABC, Standard-kit images were taken with 20× and 40× objective lenses. To
#PK 4000; Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) obtain the number of DBH-immunostained neurons of the
for 2 h and visualized with a 3,3′diaminobenzidine tet- LC, we selected sections processed without nickel-inten-
rahydrochloride (DAB) with heavy-metal intensifica- sified peroxidase reaction, in which individual positive
tion. After that, sections followed the calbindin protein- neurons were clearly distinguishable to perform manual
D28 K (CaBP) IHC procedure, in which the CaBP was counts in photomicrographs taken with a 40x objective.
visualized without a nickel-intensified peroxidase reac- All photomicrographs shown in the figures were processed
tion. This allowed to distinguish CRNs immunolabeled with minor modifications in brightness and contrast using
for CaBP (as a brown reaction product) from the black Adobe Photoshop® (version 9.0; Adobe Systems Incorpo-
staining of the DBH-immunolabeled fibers and termi- rated, San Jose, CA, USA). Canvas® (version X Build 885,
nals (Hormigo et al. 2015). All sections were mounted ACD Systems Inc, USA) was used for the assemblage of
on slides, dehydrated, and coverslipped with Entellan® the figures.
Neu (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). In addition, sev-
eral series were counterstained with cresyl violet 0.1% Gene expression analysis: RT‑qPCR
(#5235, Merck) for cytoarchitectonic reference, chiefly
to identify the different parts of the LC and the sur- After the last ASR assessment session (at day 14 post
rounding anatomical structures, following the nomencla- injection) cochlear nerve roots were collected after cra-
ture described elsewhere (Paxinos and Watson 2005). niotomy and removal of the brain. The roots of the coch-
lear nerve were sectioned with an ophthalmic forceps
using as reference the ventral surface of the ventral coch-
lear nucleus. The cochlear nerve roots were collected

Table 1  List of antibodies and dilutions used for the immunohistochemical approaches
Antigen Primary antibody Reference Dilution Secondary antibody Reference Dilution

Dopamine β-hydroxylase Rabbit anti-DBH pAb DZ1020-Aff 1/500 Biotinylated goat anti- #BA-1000-Vector 1/200
α-1 Adrenergic receptor Rabbit anti-ADR α1 pAb PA1-047- Aff 1/150 Biotinylated goat anti- #BA-1000-Vector 1/200
α-2A adrenergic receptor Rabbit anti-ADR α2 A PA1-048- Aff 1/150 Biotinylated goat anti- #BA-1000-Vector 1/200
pAb rabbit
β-2 adrenergic receptor Rabbit anti-ADR β2 pAb 905-742-100- AD-P 1/150 Biotinylated goat anti- #BA-1000-Vector 1/200
CaBP Mouse anti-CaBP #C-8666/ Sigma 1/200 Biotinylated horse anti- #BA-200-Vector 1/200

Specificity of the DZ1020 antibody: the dopamine β-hydroxylase precursor recombinant protein epitope signature tag (PrEST). Immunogen
Specificity of the PA1-047 antibody: the α-1 Adrenergic Receptor immunogen is a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues K(339)FSREK-
KAAKT(349) of the 3rd intracellular loop of human ADR α1. This sequence is 100% conserved in all ADR α1 subtypes examined, including rat
Specificity of the PA1-048 antibody: the α-2A Adrenergic Receptor immunogen is a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues R(218)
IYQIAKRRTRVPPSRRG(235) of the 3rd intracellular loop of human ADR α2 A. This sequence is completely conserved between human,
mouse, rat, and porcine ADR α2 A
Specificity of the 905-742-100 antibody: the β-2 adrenergic receptor immunogen is a synthetic peptide derived from sequence on the amino-
terminus of mouse β2 adrenergic receptor. This sequence is completely conserved between human, mouse, and rat ADR β2
AD-P assay designs proteimax, 5777 Himes Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA; Aff Affinity bioreagents, 4620 Technology Drive, Suite 600.
Golden, CO 80403 USA; pAB polyclonal antibody; Vector Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA

Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508 3495

bilaterally and homogenized (Brinkmann Polytron) to contamination, followed by inactivation of the DNAses at
study gene expression levels of adrenoceptors in 39 males 75 °C for 15 min.
(19 control and 20 DSP-4-injected) and 49 females (24 The qPCR was performed with 1 ng of cDNA from
control and 25 DSP-4-injected). Total RNA was extracted each sample using the SYBR-Green method. The SYBR-
using TRIZOL® (Gibco BRL, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) Green was included in a 2× Master Mix [SYBR-Green dye,
following the manufacturer’s protocol. Every sample was dNTPs, passive reference (ROX), AmpliTaq1 Gold DNA
then purified by removing possible genomic DNA con- polymerase] from Applied Biosystems (Madrid, Spain).
tamination using a commercial kit (RNeasy Mini Kit, Final volume of each reaction was 20 µl: 10 µl of Mas-
Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and following the manufactur- ter Mix, 0.8 µl of each oligonucleotide (Table 2), 7.4 µl
er’s protocol. RNA quantification was carried out using of MilliQ water, and 1 µl of cDNA in a concentration of
a NanoPhotometer (Implen GmbH); and RNA quality 1 ng/µl. A standard curve was constructed for each experi-
assessed on an RNA 6000 NanoLabChip (Agilent Tech- ment by serial dilutions of cDNA: 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01 ng/
nologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) using an Agilent 2100 µl. The amplification reaction took place in an ABI Prism
Bioanalyzer to test the integrity of the 18 S and 28 S 7000 detection system (Applied Biosystems), with the fol-
rRNA bands, and the RNA integrity number (RIN). Only lowing conditions: 10 min at 95 °C followed by 40 cycles
RNA samples with a RIN of at least 7.5 (0–10 range) of 15 s at 95 °C and 1 min at 60 °C, and the results were
were used, with the vast majority of samples being 8.0 or analyzed using Dissociation Curve program (Applied Bio-
higher. systems). Melting point curves were included to confirm
Total RNA (2 µg), primed with oligo-dT, was reverse- that only one product was formed. Number of cDNA mol-
transcribed into cDNA at 37 °C for 2 h using an ImProm-II ecules was calculated by comparison with a standard curve
Reverse Transcription System (Promega Corporation, Mad- of known amounts of the corresponding PCR products.
ison, WI, USA) in a 20 µl volume, and stored at −20 °C Three PCR reactions were performed for each sample per
until use, according to manufacturer’s instructions. In all plate, and each experiment was repeated three times. The
cases, a reverse transcriptase negative control was used housekeeping rat β-actin gene (Table 2) was used as refer-
for testing genomic DNA contamination. Plus, DNAse ence gene (also known as endogenous control) and RNA-
injection (Turbo DNA-free Kit, Applied Biosystems) was free (negative) control sample. All primers had at least one
also performed at 37 °C for 2 h in order to remove DNA primer crossing an exon–exon boundary. The primers were

Table 2  PCR primers used in the genetic expression analysis

Target protein Number GenBank* Primer forward cDNA forward* Primer reverse cDNA reverse* Size of

β-Actin NM_031144 AGC​CAT​GTA​CGT​AGC​CAT​ 471–490 ACC​CTC​ATA​GAT​GGG​ 566–585 115

ADR α1 A NM_017191 ATC​TCC​ATC​GGA​CCC​CTG​ 484–503 GGC​CAG​TGG​CAC​GTA​ 590–609 126
ADR α1B NM_016991 AGA​ATC​TGG​AGG​CGG​ 1093–1112 CCT​TGG​CCT​TGG​TAC​TGC​ 1184–1203 111
ADR α1 C NM_024483 TGC​CTC​TGG​GCT​CTC​TGT​ 1564–1583 TGA​GCG​GGT​TCA​CAC​ 1653–1662 99
ADR α2 A NM_012739 GAT​GCG​CTG​GAC​CTA​ 865–884 AGA​CTG​TCC​CCC​GGT​ 976–995 131
ADR α2B NM_138505 TTT​GCT​CCC​TGC​CTC​ATC​ 924–943 GGG​GCT​TCT​TGG​ACT​ 1025–1044 121
ADR α2 C NM_007418 GCT​GCC​AGA​ACC​GCT​ 2547–2566 TGA​AAG​AGC​GCC​TGA​ 2634–2653 107
ADR β1 NM_012701 CTT​TCT​ACG​TGC​CCC​TGG​ 819–838 GCT​GAG​GTT​TTG​GGC​ 918–937 119
ADR β2 NM_012492 TTC​ATG​CCC​AAA​ACC​ 918–937 TGC​CCA​TGA​TGA​TGC​CTA​ 1021–1040 123
ADR β3 NM_013108 CTC​CAT​CCC​CTG​CCA​ 980–999 GCC​CAT​AAT​GAG​ACC​ 1087–1109 128

Primer location in the corresponding GenBank sequences of rat origin is indicated

3496 Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

designed to have similar melting temperatures and to give amine remained in the supernatant, which was placed
similar amplicon sizes (Table 2). into a fresh tube. The alumina was washed twice with
The threshold cycle (Ct) values were obtained for each 1.5 ml of MilliQ H ­ 2O and spun. Finally, we added 100 µl
gene. Following the removal of outliers according to Burns of 0.1 M perchloric acid plus 0.1 mM sodium meta-
et al. (2005), raw fluorescence data were used to determine bisulfite (7:3) to elute the amines. All reagents for the
the PCR amplification efficiency. All amplifications had a HPLC experiments were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
PCR efficiency value of 1.90–2.10; PCR efficiency values (St. Louis, MO, USA).
close to 2.0 have been taken to suggest efficient amplifica- Liquid chromatography was developed from reversed-
tion. The PCR efficiency of each primer pair, together with phase methods. We injected 100 µl of the reconstituted
Ct values, was used to calculate a relative gene expression extract onto an Atlantis® T3 C18 reversed-phase stainless-
value for each transcript, according to the equation E−(∆Ct steel column (100 × 2.1 mm, 3 µm), using a Model 2795
“condition 1”−∆Ct “condition 2”)
, where E refers to PCR efficiency, HPLC automated sample processor (both from Waters
∆Ct of each “condition” (“condition 1” is the treated sam- Associates, Milford, MA). The HPLC program is sum-
ple and “condition 2”, the untreated control) is equal to marized in Table 3a. Mobile phase was pumped at a flow
Ct “gene of interest”—Ct “internal control” (Livak and rate of 1 ml/min by a Waters Model 2795 programmable
Schmittgen 2001; Schmittgen and Livak 2008). A standard solvent-delivery system. To quantify the catecholaminergic
error for each relative gene expression value was calculated compounds as they were eluted from the column, we used
as a measure of data variation. a ZQ4000 quadrupole mass spectrometer (Waters Associ-
ates, Milford, MA, USA). For the quadrupole setup, we
Biochemical monoamine quantification: HPLC measured all compounds in known concentrations (between
the range we expected to find our experimental samples,
We collected 5 different brain regions after the last ASR ­10−6 to 1­ 0−10 M) prepared from stock solutions both in pre-
assessment session (at day 14 post injection): cochlear extraction samples and in post-extraction samples, which
nerve root (as previously described), brainstem (from the served as quality controls. Finally, the quadrupole was set
coronal plane at the level of caudal end of cerebellum to the as shown in Table 3b. Positive signals were followed for
coronal plane just cranial to superior colliculus), cerebel- detection of the amines, and negative signals were fol-
lum (separated from the brainstem after dissection of cer- lowed for the detection of the carboxylic acids, taking into
ebellar peduncles), inferior colliculus (dissected from the account the analytical recovery of the internal standards
brainstem with an ophthalmic forceps), and prefrontal cor- (either DHBA or HPAA, respectively). Data of the DSP-
tex (after dissection of cerebral cortex just cranial to a coro- 4-injected groups are expressed as a percentage of the dif-
nal plane at the level of optic chiasm), as known LC-inner- ference from control specimens.
vated projection targets to study the impact of the LC-NA
system impairment throughout the brain in 25 males (14
control and 11 DSP-4-injected) and 23 females (12 con- Statistical analysis
trol and 11 DSP-4-injected). Two different biochemical
compounds were quantified using mass spectrometry: the Data are reported as means ± SEM. They were analyzed
amine NA; and the carboxylic acid MHPG (3-methoxy- for normal distribution according to the Shapiro–Wilk
4-hydroxyphenylglycol), a NA metabolite. As internal normality test, and parametric statistics were used. Con-
standards, we used 3,4-dihydroxybenzylamine (DHBA) for ditions were compared by either unpaired Student’s t test
the amine, and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (HPAA) for the assuming unequal variances (DSP-4-treated vs. control),
carboxylic acid. one-way analysis of the variance (DSP-4-treated vs. control
Each brain region was sonicated in 1 ml of 0.1 M per- attending to sex), and/or mixed model for repeated meas-
chloric acid. A 100 µl aliquot of the sonicated material urements (split plot to compare measurements at day 0,
was stored at −80 °C for protein determination using day 7, and day 14). The variable “inter-” was the different
Bradford’s technique (Bradford 1976). The superna- groups (males and females, either control or DSP-4-treated)
tant was collected from centrifugation of the sonicated and variable the “intra-” was the different days measured
material at 13,000g for 15 min. The internal standard (in (day 0, day 7, and day 14 post injection). When appropri-
known concentration, 10E−4 M) was then added, plus ate, a Bonferroni test was used for post hoc comparisons.
25 mg of alumina, 50 µl of 5 mM sodium metabisulfite, The statistical software SPSS/PASW (version 18.0.0,
and 400 µl of 10 mM Tris–1 mM EDTA pH 8 adjusted SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to complete sta-
with HCl. The solution was mixed and shaken for 10 min. tistical analysis. Results were considered significant when
After centrifugation at 11,000g for 5 min, the carboxylic *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. Non-significant values
acid eluted and was submitted to mass spectrometry. The were reported as n.s.

Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508 3497

Table 3  HPLC program maintained after neurotoxic treatment, suggesting DSP-4

Time (min) 1 (%) 2 (%) promoted equivalent effects in both sexes (Fig. 1 f).

0 95 5 Lack of DBH immunoreactivity in the cochlear root
5 95 5 nucleus following DSP‑4 administration
15 75 25
20 75 25 We observed in control rats dense DBH-immunoreactive
fibers and varicosities throughout the dorsoventral axis of
Compound Ion used (Amu) Cone voltage (V)
the cochlear nerve root nucleus (Fig. 2a, b), and labeled fib-
(b) ers terminating in numerous endings onto the cell bodies
NA 152 30 and primary dendrites of CRNs (Fig. 2b, arrowheads). This
DHBA 123 30 described DBH-immunoreactive fibers and boutons were
MHPG 151 30 not present in the nerve root nucleus of DSP-4-injected rats
HPAA 151 30 (Fig. 2c, d). Double IHC experiments for DBH and CaBP
revealed the absence of noradrenergic fibers or endings
In A, time shows the percentage in which solutions were added in
the mass spectrometry column. In B, settings of the quadrupole mass onto the cell bodies or dendrites of CRNs (Fig. 2d). Taking
spectrometer to follow the different compounds into account the above results, it can be inferred that the
Amu atomic mass unit, V volts DSP-4 injection was effective and yielded a noradrenergic
1: 20 mM Ammonium formate pH 3 LC impairment in treated rats.
2: Acetonitrile
Impairment of the LC‑NA system promotes changes
Results in ASR response and PPI parameters with differences
between sexes
Lack of DBH immunoreactivity in the LC
following DSP‑4 administration Using males and females with impaired LC-NA systems,
we studied the possible role of the LC in the startle reflex
To analyze the effect of DSP-4 on the LC-NA system, circuit through a longitudinal approach. A day prior to
we ran IHC assays to measure dopamine beta-hydroxy- injection of either saline or DSP-4 (day 0), each animal
lase (DBH) immunoreactivity, the enzyme that trans- was tested for ASR and PPI parameters. We did not find
forms dopamine into NA. In control rats, we observed any significant (F(1, 92) = 0.25, p = 0.61) difference in the
a dense staining along the LC region in both females intensity of the startle reflex between males and females,
(Fig. 1a) and males (Fig. 1b). We further observed two with males exhibiting higher ASR amplitude (Fig. 3a). At
immunostained middle-sized neuron shapes: multipolar day 7 post injection, ASR amplitudes tended to decrease,
and fusiform. The LC was divided into ventral and dor- although there was no significant difference when com-
sal parts based on cytoarchitecture. Multipolar immu- pared to day 0 (F(1, 91) = 0.48, p = 0.56). This reduction was
nostained neurons were predominantly located in the more pronounced in DSP-4 females than controls, whereas
ventral part of the LC and they were less densely packed, the opposite trend was observed in males (Fig. 3a). At day
whereas fusiform immunostained neurons (Fig. 1e) were 14 post injection, ASR amplitude in DSP-4 males was sig-
mainly located in the dorsal part of the LC, and they were nificantly increased (F(1, 92) = 3.24, p < 0.01) displaying the
more densely packed. In DSP-4-injected rats, IHC assays highest recorded values (Fig. 3a), whereas this phenome-
showed a major decrement of staining in the LC region non was not observed in DSP-4 females. This result sug-
in both females (Fig. 1c) and males (Fig. 1d), leaving gests the LC might be executing different roles in the startle
just a few labeled neurons scattered in the nucleus. Con- reflex circuit depending on the sex.
trary to control rats, DBH immunoreactivity in the LC of We also observed a decrement in the inter-session ratio
DSP-4-injected rats was greatly reduced that we did not of startle amplitude in the experimental groups rang-
observe the neuroanatomical divisions of the LC (Fig. 1c, ing from 7 to 14% (F(1, 89) = 4.41, p < 0.05) at days 7 and
d). Control females presented slightly higher numbers 14 post injection compared to day 0 (Fig. 3b), except for
of immunostained neurons in the LC compared to males DSP-4 males which exhibited an increment in the ampli-
(Fig. 1f). DSP-4-injected rats exhibited only around tude of the ASR of approximately 12% (F(1, 89) = 2.88,
10% of immunostained neurons compared to controls p < 0.01) (Fig. 3b). In other words, males with an impaired
(***p < 0.001), in both males and females (Fig. 1f). The LC startled more intensely than both males at day 0 (when
ratio of neurons between females and males (3.9–3.2) was the LC was intact) and control males (saline-injected).

3498 Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

Fig. 1  Effects of DSP-4 injection on the dopamine beta-hydroxylase DSP-4-injected males and females, with just a few scattered positive
immunoreactivity of the LC. a, b Photomicrographs of DBH immu- neurons in the LC (arrows). e Higher magnification of the ventral
noreactivity in female (a) and male (b) control rats. Note there was part of the LC (corresponding to the frame in b) shows a multipolar
intense staining. c, d Photomicrographs of DBH immunoreactivity DBH-immunostained neuron. f Comparison of the number of DBH-
in female (c) and male (d) DSP-4-injected rats. Compared to control immunolabeled neurons in the LC of both sexes in DSP-4-injected vs.
(showed in a and b), DBH immunoreactivity was markedly lower in control rats

A noticeable difference in the latency of the ASR from ~35 to ~70%—(Fig. 3d), with both males and females
depended on sex: females (both control and DSP-4-in- exhibiting the highest PPI values when ISI = 50 ms. We
jected) exhibited shorter values than those from males also found sex differences in PPI at 25, 50, and 150 ms
(F(1, 89) = 6.78, p < 0.05) (Fig. 3c). Females reacted faster with males having higher inhibition values (F(1, 89) = 2.53,
than their male counterparts, but no difference between p < 0.05); that is, their startle responses were more
control and DSP-4 groups of the same sex was found. This attenuated due to acoustic prepulses than those of their
points out that those sex-related differences in the response female counterparts (Fig. 3d). At day 14 post injection,
latency were not due to the direct input from the LC. we observed similar results in male and female controls
There was a different level of prepulse inhibition of the (Fig. 3e), but these differences were absent in DSP-4
ASR response at day 0 depending on the ISI—ranging groups. Both males and females displayed virtually the

Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508 3499

Fig. 2  Effects of DSP-4 injec-

tion on the DBH immunore-
activity of the cochlear root
nucleus. a Photomicrograph of
the cochlear nerve root immu-
nostained for DBH and CaBP (a
marker of CRNs) in a saline-
injected rat case. b Higher
magnification photomicrograph
(corresponding to the frame in
a) shows DBH-labeled fibers
and terminals (arrowheads) on
CaBP-immunolabeled neurons.
c Photomicrograph of the
cochlear nerve root immu-
nostained for DBH and CaBP in
a DSP-4-treated case. d Higher
magnification photomicrograph
(corresponding to the frame in
c) shows CaBP-immunolabeled
neurons and the absence of
DBH-immunolabeled fibers or
terminals. CN cochlear nucleus,
cp cerebral peduncle, sp5 spinal
trigeminal tract, tz trapezoid

same grade of inhibition (n.s.) for all ISI studied (Fig. 3f). On the other hand, DSP-4 females exhibited lower expres-
In other words, males and females with impaired LC had sion compared to that from control for the ADRs α1A,
similar PPI values, whereas those with the LC intact main- α1C, α2B, and β3 (Fig. 4d–f, respectively). Also, the gene
tained the sex-linked differences found at day 0. This fact expression of 3 subtypes remained unaltered: α1B, α2C,
suggests that the LC may be a key component for explain- and β2 (Fig. 4d, e, f).
ing PPI differences between males and females. When comparing expression of ADRs in DSP-4-treated
males and females, we found males continued to over-
LC impairment promotes changes in expression of ADR express (higher expression of) all subtypes compared to
genes in the cochlear nerve root, with differences females (Fig. 5a–c), highlighting that overall, LC-impaired
between sexes males tended to increase the yield of ADRs in a seemingly
consistent manner and this did not happen in females.
Our previous study showed that the cochlear nerve root In sum, males presented higher expression of all ADR
exhibits important gender-specific differences in gene subtypes in the CRNs following impairment of the LC,
expression of adrenoreceptors (Hormigo et al. 2015). Tak- whereas females displayed upregulations, downregulations,
ing this result into account, we went on to determine if or maintenance of ADR gene expression levels.
those differences were retained in DSP-4-injected males
and females by comparing yield of mRNA encoding ADR Impairment of the LC‑NA system generates a decrease
subtypes through RT-qPCR assays. Efficiency of the prim- in NA levels throughout the brain
ers is shown in Table 4.
The expression of all ADR subtypes (α1A–C, α2A–C, The LC has many diffuse projection targets in both the
and β1–3) was higher in DSP-4 males compared to that forebrain and brainstem. The above results drove us to
from controls. The most noteworthy levels were found investigate DSP-4 effects not only in the cochlear nerve
in subtypes α1C—more than 20 times vs. control— root, but also in other cerebral areas innervated by the LC.
(***p < 0.001), α2 A—near 50 times—(***p < 0.001), We performed HPLC assays to quantify levels of NA and
and β3—around 10 times—(**p < 0.01) (Fig. 4a–c). This its metabolite, MHPG, in known LC-innervated brain areas
incremental phenomenon was not consistent in DSP-4 including CRNs, brainstem, inferior colliculus, cerebellum,
females. DSP-4-injected females yielded higher mRNA and prefrontal cortex.
quantity than that from controls only for the subtypes α2A We found an overall decrement in the quantity of NA
and β1—this one over 130 times (***p < 0.001) (Fig. 4e, f). in DSP-4-injected males and females in all brain regions

3500 Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

Fig. 3  Effects of LC impairment on the acoustic startle reflex and stimulus intervals (ISI) in male and female rats at baseline (day 0),
sensory gating behavioral tests. a Amplitude of the ASR response prior to any injection. e Percentage of inhibition related to the differ-
(arbitrary units). Note that males injected with DSP-4 exhibited the ent ISI in male and female rats at day 14 post saline injection (control
highest values at day 14. b Inter-session ratio of ASR amplitude. rats). Note the differences by sex at day 0 (d) were maintained at day
All experimental groups showed a decrement of the ASR amplitude 14 (e) in controls. f Percentage of inhibition related to the different
compared to day 0, except for DSP-4-injected males that exhibited ISI in male and female rats at day 14 post DSP-4 injection. Note that
an increment of the response (arrow). c Latency of the ASR (in ms). sex-linked differences observed at day 0 and in control groups disap-
There was a sex-linked difference that remained after LC impairment peared in DSP-4-injected rats
by DSP-4. d Percentage of inhibition related to the different inter-

studied when compared to that from control (**p < 0.01 in DSP-4-injected females presented lower levels of MHPG
all regions in both sexes) (Fig. 6a, b), except in the coch- in cochlear nerve root, inferior colliculus, cerebellum, and
lear nerve root of females, which presented unexpected prefrontal cortex compared to those from control females
higher levels (**p < 0.01). DSP-4-injected males also pre- (Fig. 6b). We found no changes in MHPG tissue levels in
sented higher levels of MHPG in the cochlear nerve root the inferior colliculus of DSP-4-injected males vs. those
and prefrontal cortex, and lower levels in brainstem and from controls (Fig. 6a), and the brainstem of DSP-4-in-
cerebellum compared to those from control males (Fig. 6a). jected females vs. those from controls (Fig. 6b).

Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508 3501

Table 4  Efficiencies of the Control DSP-4 up-, downregulations, or maintenance, depending on the
primers used in the quantitative ADR subunit. Our HPLC analysis showed that NA levels
PCR ADR α1A 100.99 107.79 throughout the brain were lower following DSP-4 injection,
ADR α1B 108.3 105.98 with the notable exception of the female cochlear nerve
ADR α1C 107.03 101.01 root. Lastly, we found higher or preservation of MHPG lev-
ADR α2A 124.35 116.67 els throughout the brain. Our results suggest the LC-CRN
ADR α2B 98.43 107.01 projections are morphological correlates of sex differences
ADR α2C 110.39 104.27 in the rat’s acoustic startle reflex and prepulse inhibition.
ADR β1 94.45 105.9
ADR β2 101.24 106.8 Neurotoxic effect of DSP‑4 in LC and the noradrenergic
ADR β3 102.1 96.46 innervations of CRNs
β-Actin 102.8 101.32

The efficiency differences Several studies suggest that the neurotoxic effects of DSP-4
between control and DSP- are not uniform in all noradrenergic regions of the brain-
4-injected are lower than 10% stem and forebrain (Fritschy and Grzanna 1989; Grzanna
in each case; thus, we used the et al. 1989; Fritschy et al. 1991; Szot et al. 2010; Ross and
Ct comparative method to ana-
lyze gene expression data. Data Stenfors 2015). Reduction in noradrenergic levels and loss
shown here are expressed in of different subunits of ADRs are more extensive in regions
percentage innervated by noradrenergic axons arising from the LC,
compared to those provided by other non-coerulean noradr-
energic neurons. Distribution of noradrenergic axons with
As anticipated due to the LC impairment by DSP-4 sensitivity to DSP-4 is tightly correlated with the distribu-
injection, we found general decrements of NA throughout tion of the LC, and probably the brain regions not affected
the brain, along with increments or maintenance of the by DSP-4 receive their noradrenergic input from non-coer-
MHPG levels when compared to those from controls. Inter- ulean neurons (Fritschy and Grzanna 1989). Those results
estingly, higher level of NA was observed in the cochlear support the notion that LC noradrenergic neurons and other
nerve root of DSP-4-injected females vs. that from control noradrenergic non-coerulean neurons establish two differ-
females, and this was not seen in males. ent subsystems, which are diverse not only in their projec-
tions, but also in the physio-pharmacological properties of
their axonal terminals (Fritschy and Grzanna 1989). Injec-
Discussion tion of DSP-4 is not thought to directly destroy the noradr-
energic terminals, but instead causes an intraneuronal
Our results showed a dramatic reduction in DBH immu- injury that leads to accumulation of tyrosine hydroxylase
noreactivity of the LC and of the DBH fiber innervations and consequent depletion of NA inside the synaptic termi-
of the CRNs in DSP-4-injected rats compared to that from nal (Booze et al. 1988). Noradrenergic terminal markers
controls, suggesting DSP-4 impairs the LC-NA system. post DSP-4 injections are transiently altered without loss of
In DSP-4-injected rats, both ASR and PPI exhibited sex- LC neurons per se, indicating that DSP-4 is not a neuro-
linked changes when compared to controls. The most dra- toxin that destroys LC neurons. Rather, according to Szot
matic differences occurred 14 days post injection, when et al. (2010), DSP-4 should be characterized as a compound
DSP-4 promoted a maximum noradrenergic depletion. that has localized effects on particular vesicular proteins in
ASR amplitude was higher in males when compared to the noradrenergic terminals of the LC, ultimately impairing
the values before DSP-4 or saline injection. Inter-session its output.
ratio of startle amplitude was also modified in males after The present analysis of the effect of DSP-4 on noradr-
DSP-4 treatment, while this measure showed no changes energic markers over the CRNs indicates the impor-
in females. PPI differences between male and female seen tance of measuring by-products in several brain regions
in controls were not observed in DSP-4-injected rats: LC- to verify selectivity of the lesion, as shown in our IHC
impaired males and females had virtually the same inhibi- and HPLC results. Logue et al. (1985) studied effects of
tion values for all ISIs. DSP-4 administration did not affect DSP-4 on noradrenergic levels in the rat brain and turno-
latencies of the ASR and PPI paradigms, showing that sex- ver in six different regions: cortex, hippocampus, cere-
related variability in latency remained as in control animals. bellum, brainstem, hypothalamus, and LC. In that study,
Expression of ADRs in the cochlear nerve root underwent the administration of a 50 mg/kg dose significantly
sex-dependent alterations as well, with males exhibiting diminished noradrenergic levels in all regions observed.
upregulations in all subunits. In contrast, females exhibited Apparently, the major reductions were found in cortex

3502 Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

Fig. 4  Adrenergic receptor expression in the cochlear nerve root fol- production when compared to saline-injected controls, whereas DSP-
lowing DSP-4 injection. a–c Comparison of DSP-4-injected males vs. 4-injected females either upregulated, downregulated, or maintained
control. d–f Comparison of DSP-4-injected females vs. control. Note their expression levels
how DSP-4-injected males tended to upregulate all ADR subtype

(up to 86%) and hippocampus (91%). Lower doses pro- surprising finding that might be explained by the exist-
voked a decrement of noradrenergic levels in cerebel- ence of non-coerulean noradrenergic projections to the
lum only. Fluorescence histochemical studies confirmed CRNs that might increase their NA production in LC-
these regional differences and showed almost complete impaired females, as some kind of compensatory mecha-
disappearance of the NA nerve terminals in brain regions nism. In fact, we know that the cochlear nucleus receives
innervated from the LC (Jonsson et al. 1981). This is in projections from the A5 noradrenergic cell group (Da
line with our findings that showed decreased levels of Silva 2015), as well as sparse projections from the A4
NA in LC-targeted areas throughout the brain, with the and A7 cell groups (Klepper and Herbert 1991). Further
exception of the female cochlear nerve root, in which we research is required to investigate whether these non-
found an increase (not seen in males). This is a rather coerulean noradrenergic nuclei also send projections to

Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508 3503

Adrenergic receptor expression profile following LC


We analyzed gene expression of ADRs in the cochlear

nerve root to complete the study of the effect on the noradr-
energic system following DSP-4 injection. In agreement
with earlier findings (Gómez-Nieto et al. 2008b; Hormigo
et al. 2015), our data showed that CRNs expressed two
main groups of adrenergic receptors, α and β, and specifi-
cally the subtypes α 1A-B-C, α 2A-B-C, and β 1-2-3. These
results were subsequently confirmed by immunolabeling,
suggesting that CRNs contain the ADRs that are specific
targets of the NA transmitter. Since LC neurons mediate
dual effects: neuronal excitation by α1-ADRs and inhibi-
tion by α2-ADRs (Szabadi 2013) and CRNs are known to
take part in the ASR (Lee et al. 1996; López et al. 1999),
the LC-CRN projection might contribute to the modulation
of the ASR. Our results further showed that males, in a LC-
impaired condition, upregulated the expression of all sub-
types of ADRs, whereas females did not do so in the same
In females, there was an increased expression of the
α2 A and β1 receptors. ADR α2 subtypes are localized both
as prejunctional autoreceptors and postjunctional receptors
on axon terminals or dendrites, respectively (Cooper et al.
2003). These subtypes inhibit adenylyl cyclase, suppress
voltage-sensitive calcium channels, and activate receptor-
dependent potassium channels. All ADR α2 subtypes
inhibit adenylyl cyclase through coupling to members of
the Gi/o class of G proteins. On the other hand, the shorter
(418 amino acid) ADR β2 is expressed predominantly in
the brain, lung, and heart (Guimaraes and Moura 2001).
Agonist affinity to β2 is modulated by ­ Zn2+ concentra-
tion, and in contrast to ADR α2A, β2 signaling is primar-
ily coupled to Gs alpha subunits, stimulating the expression
of cAMP and the activation of protein kinase A to regu-
late L-type ­Ca2+ channels (Swaminath et al. 2003; Li et al.
Fig. 5  Adrenergic receptor expression in males and females follow-
ing DSP-4 injection. a Adrenergic receptor α1 subtypes. b Adrener- Our results also showed females exhibited a decrease in
gic receptor α2 subtype. c Adrenergic receptor β subtypes. Note how the production of the α1 subtypes. The ADR α1 subtypes
LC-impaired males tended to present higher yield of ADR production are found in a wide variety of tissues and have been shown
when compared to their female counterparts
to be involved in the regulation of blood pressure during
changes in vascular tone and cardiac output. These sub-
the cochlear root nucleus, and if these are in fact tak- types are postsynaptic receptors (Cooper et al. 2003); NA
ing over functions of an impaired LC. The conclusions can increase nitric oxide synthase levels in the central nerv-
of such investigations could potentially have an impor- ous system by activating ADR α1, which may indirectly
tant impact on drug design for targeting specific brain suppress the release of luteinizing hormone, androgens,
regions in LC impairment-related diseases such as estrogen, and progesterone. (Dong et al. 1999; Vicentic
depression, PTSD, or attention deficit (Bangasser et al. et al. 2002).
2016; Timmermans et al. 2013; Neigh et al. 2013; Ban- Taking into account these cascades and the diversity of
gasser and Valentino 2012). ADR expression during a LC-impaired condition, we sug-
gest there might be a biochemical background for explain-
ing the different responses found during the sensory

3504 Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

Fig. 6  Catecholaminergic compounds NA and MHPG level changes NA was found in lower amounts in every structure, except for the
after DSP-4 injection. a Males. b Females. Regions studied were cochlear nerve root of females (arrow), whereas MHPG tended to
known LC-innervated target structures throughout the brain: cochlear be found either in higher amounts, or same levels, when compared to
nerve root (CNR), brainstem (BS), inferior colliculus (IC), cerebel- their saline-injected controls
lum (Cb), and prefrontal cortex (PFC). Following LC impairment,

gating tests between males and females. How noradren- are under auto-regulation via inhibitory somatodendritic
ergic inputs modulate the ASR circuit is not well known ADR α2 subtypes that dampen neuronal firing as activity
since their effects depend on the receptor subtypes they increases (Huang et al. 2012). Therefore, the LC activity
act upon (Davis et al. 1989; Bylund 1992; Wamsley et al. could be modified by experimental manipulation of central
1992; Stevens et al. 1994; Carasso et al. 1998; Sallinen α2-adrenoceptors, which in turn could lead to changes in
et al. 1998; Kable et al. 2000). Besides, the LC neurons sensory gating processes. While drugs targeted at ADR α2

Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508 3505

are likely to have a direct effect on the LC activity, a num- reactivity to sensory stimulation (Adams and Geyer 1981).
ber of drugs may modify the LC activity indirectly by mod- Our results showed that LC-impaired males had a disrup-
ulating the excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the LC. Our tion in ASR amplitude. 14 days after DSP-4 injection, LC-
study provides the first evidence along this line. However, impaired males showed a large increase in amplitude not
further experiments such as administration of different seen in females. This result suggests that the LC is acting
pharmacological agonists and/or antagonists of ADRs dur- differently in males than females regarding ASR circuitry,
ing in vivo and behavioral experiments are needed to clar- with males showing a clear effect. Specifically, we hypoth-
ify the specific roles of (1) the LC, (2) the different ADRs esize the LC might be maintaining an attention threshold
subtypes, and (3) the particular noradrenergic modulation that allows ASR to be triggered within a normal range of
in the ASR circuit. These pharmacological experiments amplitude. However, when LC is impaired, this atten-
may shed light on how the internal cellular machinery regu- tion threshold is disrupted and the ASR is triggered with
lates biochemical cascades implemented by activation/inac- abnormally higher amplitude in males. This feature was not
tivation of different ADRs during sensory gating processes. seen in females, which maintained normal amplitude and
inter-session startle amplitude levels. To our understand-
Sex‑dependent LC roles in startle reflex circuitry ing, this finding implies that attentional processes are sub-
and sensory gating neurological processes jected to sex-related qualities, with males relying mainly on
the LC whereas females may rely on other sources besides
An interesting feature of the ASR and its prepulse inhibi- the LC. Throughout the brain in males, DSP-4 promoted
tion is that humans and rats show marked sexual differ- lower levels of NA, which subsequently might have led to
ences. Both behavioral paradigms are greater in males than a higher expression of all ADR subtypes in the cochlear
in females as described in this report and the literature nerve root—-shown in our results—as a plasticity mecha-
(Lehmann et al. 1999; Braff et al. 2001; Aasen et al. 2005). nism to maximize the collection of the lowered NA levels.
However, little is known about the neural mechanisms This is consistent with Heal et al. (1993), who described
underlying these sex-linked differences. Our study proposes a rapid proliferation of the α2 postsynaptic adrenoceptors
the LC as an important structure that partakes in the modu- due to decreased synaptic NA levels 15 days after inject-
lation of the ASR via LC-CRN noradrenergic projections ing 100 mg/kg of DSP-4 IP in rats. We suggest that at the
and that defines differences between males and females, same time, this may be contributing to a lower inhibition
given the LC anatomical dimorphism. We also support ­ a2+ channels (Martire et al. 1995),
of the voltage-sensitive C
the hypothesis that the CRNs are the first brainstem neu- which in turn may cause a higher ASR intensity as seen in
rons that participate not only in the initiation of the acous- our results.
tic startle reflex (López et al. 1999) but also in its modu- On the other hand, our results also showed sex-linked
lation, as seen in this study and elsewhere (Gómez-Nieto differences in PPI values in control, in accordance with the
et al. 2008a, b, 2014b; Hormigo et al. 2015). Furthermore, literature (Lehmann et al. 1999; Braff et al. 2001; Aasen
we reported that CRNs exhibit important gender-specific et al. 2005), with males exhibiting higher inhibition val-
differences in gene expression of ADRs after LC impair- ues compared to females. Interestingly, after LC impair-
ment. This result together with the differences found in ment, we did not observe such differences anymore. That
the distribution of the LC neuronal density between males is, following LC impairment, both males and females
and females (Hormigo et al. 2015) may help to explain exhibited the same inhibition values for all ISIs tested.
the gender differences observed in behavioral paradigms Hormigo et al. (2015) showed that CRNs receive direct LC
(Lehmann et al. 1999). inputs, indicating that there are at least two efferent path-
Prior studies also noted the importance of the CRNs ways through which LC could modulate the ASR. The LC
in the modulation of the ASR (Gómez-Nieto et al. 2008a, noradrenergic axons contact the primary ASR at the initial
b, 2010, 2014b). These studies focused on analyzing the and final relays of the primary acoustic startle circuit. On
afferents and provided molecular and electrophysiologi- the first relay, CRNs contain noradrenergic receptors (α1,
cal evidence of their role in the modulation and inhibition α2, β2-ADRs) that are sufficient to modulate the startle
of the CRN response after auditory prepulse stimulation. response. On the final relay, motoneurons in the spinal cord
Our current study increases the knowledge of the CRN are under the influence of excitatory projections from the
inputs, suggesting that the coerulean noradrenergic system LC via α1-ADRs (Funk et al. 2000; Heckman et al. 2009;
in the CRNs might account for the neuronal mechanism Noga et al. 2011; Szabadi 2012). The activation of LC neu-
underlying modulation of the ASR, and explain part of ronal firing elevates NA release in LC terminal regions that
their sexually dimorphic differences as well. Reduction of results in a disruption of the PPI (Berridge and Abercrom-
the startle response after bilateral chemical lesions of the bie 1999; Alsene and Bakshi 2011). Our study provides
LC also supports its role in the modulation of behavioral strong evidence of coerulean NA release in the CRNs, and

3506 Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:3491–3508

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