A Classroom Action Research Improving SP
A Classroom Action Research Improving SP
A Classroom Action Research Improving SP
M. Afrizal
A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through Information Gap
Activities (M. Afrizal)
Speaking is one of the productive activities in daily life and is the most
important language skill because it is the main skill needed to carry out
a conversation. Besides, speaking is an interactive process for
constructing and receiving information. Specifically, the mastery of
speaking is a priority for students in schools and universities. In the
communicative model of speaking class, the students should be taught
how to speak well by using the components of English speaking skills,
such as communication, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and
Basically, teaching speaking is a very important part of teaching
English. The ability to communicate in the target language clearly and
efficiently contributes to the success of the learners at school and at
university levels. Therefore, it is essential that English teachers and
lecturers pay great attention to teaching speaking instead of leading
students to learn grammar by memorization alone. English teachers and
lecturers should provide a rich environment where meaningful
communication takes place. With this aim, various speaking activities
which can contribute to students developing communication skills
necessary for life should be introduced into English classes. These
activities make students more active and interested in the classroom
tasks and at the same time these also make their learning more
meaningful and enjoyable.
At the higher education levels, English lecturers can choose from many
models for their speaking classes. The Directorate General of Higher
Education (Sub Direktorat KPS, 2008:26) states that “the teaching
learning process in the classroom must be modified with some models
such as SCL (Student Centered Learning), namely: small group
discussions, role play, simulations, case studies, discovery learning,
cooperative learning, etc.”. All of these models are highly
recommended to develop students‟ ability in getting better
communication skills. As a result, students will be more able to prepare
themselves to participate in the future of their social life and will have
proficient skills.
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 6(3), 342-355, July 2015
A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through Information Gap
Activities (M. Afrizal)
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 6(3), 342-355, July 2015
Objectives of Study
This study has some objectives in line with the problems stated above:
• To describe the atmosphere in improving the teaching of speaking to
the students by using IGT.
• To know whether the students‟ scores in speaking improved after
using IGT.
• To know the responses from the students after implementing IGT.
Success Indicators
To collect the data and to assess the student‟s ability in speaking
through information gap, the researcher needs to state the criteria of
success that can be designed according to some indicators as listed
• The students‟ participation is an indicator of success of IGT. The
mean percentage of the students‟ participation should reach the
criteria of good or 70%.
• The success indicators are also stated from the researcher‟s
performance in implementing IGT in teaching and learning speaking.
A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through Information Gap
Activities (M. Afrizal)
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 6(3), 342-355, July 2015
the gap. In other words, IGT provide good activities for problem
solving or collecting information. Each partner must be active in asking
questions and providing answers by means of interaction and taking
turns. The assigned task, completing the missing information cannot be
completed by both partners unless they both communicate actively in
A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through Information Gap
Activities (M. Afrizal)
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 6(3), 342-355, July 2015
A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through Information Gap
Activities (M. Afrizal)
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 6(3), 342-355, July 2015
Sources of Data
To get the data about the improvement in the speaking ability of the
students, the researcher used data from the results of the students‟ tests
in three cycles. Further, to observe the data of the students‟ response
toward the process of learning by using IGT, the researcher got the data
using a questionnaire. In this study, the researcher used data (1) from
observing the students‟ activities, (2) from the interviews between the
researcher and the students, (3) from the questionnaire and also (4)
from the students‟ answers from each quiz conducted at the end of each
cycle during IGT implementation in the teaching and learning
A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through Information Gap
Activities (M. Afrizal)
ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 6(3), 342-355, July 2015
According to the research findings and discussion described previously
there are some conclusions that follow. First, the teacher, before
implementing IGT, did some preparations in dividing the teaching
process into two phases, namely, the preparation and the
implementation of the strategy in the classroom. The preparation also
covered the objective, dividing students into groups or pairs and
selecting suitable materials by designing the lesson plan. The
implementation consisted of brainstorming, dividing students into pairs,
giving clear instructions on how the students should proceed to do the
activities. As a result, there was improvement in the students‟ scores
following the teaching processes from 53.6% in the pretest to 71.8%
after stage 1 and to 98.1% after stage 2.
Second, the pair work in some of the IGT activities provided a chance
for students to give some information or knowledge and to build their
self-esteem in learning. This activity required the students to work
cooperatively in their pairs where they had to speak and express
information, feelings and ideas. The improvement of the students‟
activities can be indicated from the improvement in the scores from the
tests from 45%, to 69.2 %, and to 97.1 % at the end.
Third, in the implementation of this strategy, the students responded
positively toward the use of IGT in their speaking class. Based on their
opinions, this strategy could make them study better, comprehend the
lessons better, become more motivated, respect each other more and
overcome shyness to speak in doing some activities. As a result the
mean score of the students‟ perception toward the implementation of
IGT was 3.616, which belongs to the criteria of “strongly agree” with
Seeing the improvement in speaking by students in using IGT, it is
recommended that English teachers of speaking use the technique,
because it can improve the students‟ speaking skills. Furthermore, the
teachers can follow some steps: first, select an interesting instructional
media and prepare it well. Second, the teacher should not forget to
design instructional procedures and prepare the assessment procedures.
A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through Information Gap
Activities (M. Afrizal)
When using IGT, the teachers should manage time effectively so that
activities can be done well. Finally, the teachers must explain the
technique well so that all students understand on what they have to do.
It is also recommended that other researchers conduct further research
on IGT by using various interesting topics in order to find out other
strengths of this technique and also to investigate its weaknesses if any.
ts/i_pdfs_present erpowerpoints/302_harris_pairwork.pdf
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ENGLISH EDUCATION JOURNAL (EEJ), 6(3), 342-355, July 2015