الطاقة والمنـاخ

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Northern Refineries Company

External Refineries Authority

Al-siniya Refinery Department

Electric Power Plants And Their Impact

On The Global Climate

Hamad Mohammed Mahmoud

Sebtember 2023

To my old self who helped me get to where I am now.

And to everyone who helped me in the journey of scientific life.

Many thanks.

Electricity is one of the most important resources that modern civilization relies
on. Electricity plays a key role in powering most of the devices and equipment
we use every day, from small electronic products to large machines and

Electricity provides the energy necessary to power these devices and spawn
numerous inventions and technological innovations.

As technology advances, electricity is expected to play a key role in the future

of intelligent transportation. Intelligent transport uses advanced and connected
technologies to improve the mobility of people and goods more efficiently and

Intelligent transportation can improve transportation efficiency, reduce

pollution, and promote overall sustainable development. Investment in this
sector and continuous research into new technologies should continue to ensure
a smarter and more sustainable future in the electricity transmission sector.

The future electricity system will address all of these needs and concerns and
leverage new advanced technologies to create a smarter, more efficient and
more sustainable grid.

We are in the midst of a historic paradigm shift with the opportunity to

implement new intelligent methods of generating, distributing and using
electricity in a more sustainable way.

The aim is to provide load and supply management to improve network

performance for both facilities and service

Table of contents
Subject Page
Abstract I
Table of contents II
List of figures III
List of tables III
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Overview 2
1.2 Literatures Review 3
1.3 Problem Statement 4
1.4 The Aim of Research 4
Chapter Tow Damage and risks
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Types of Traditional electricity stations. 7
2.3 Conventional energy or fossil energy 7
2.4 The impact of the environment and climate on 8
power plants
2.5 Global warming 9
2.6 The global trend towards the use of renewable 10
and clean energy sources
2.7 Comparison of steam and gas power plants 11
Chapter Three Optimal solutions
3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 The best renewable and clean energy sources 14
3.2.1 Solar energy 14
3.2.2 Wind energy 15
3.2.3 Geothermal energy 16 Dry steam power plants 16 Fumigation Systems 17 Double Track Terminals 17
3.2.4 Tidal energy 18 Single-effect stations 18 Two-effect stations 19
3.3 Clean combustion technology 20
3.3.1 Direct injection and fuel control 20
3.3.2 Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) 20
3.3.3 Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) 20

3.3.4 Ultra-Clean Compression 21
3.3.5 Alternative and renewable fuels 21
3.3.6 Emission control technology 21
3.4 Energy storage 22
Chapter Four Scientific theory
4.1 Introduction 24
4.2 Average CO2 emissions from fossil fuel 25
combustion in the 2009-2019 time series
4.3 The theory of treatment of environmental and air 26
pollution in Iraq
4.4 Conclusion of the theory 27
4.5 Theoretical recommendations 27
Chapter Five Results
5.1 Introduction 30
5.2 Future forecasts to reduce the risks of power 30
plants to the climate
5.3 Recommendations for preserving the climate 33
from the danger of power plants
5.4 Conclusion 34
References A-1

List of figures
Figure No. Figure Title Page No.
2-1 Ratios of the use of electrical energy sources 7
3-1 High rates of clean energy use 19
4-1 The percentage of pollution in the air over the years 25

List of tables

Table No. Table Title Page No.

2-1 The mass of carbon dioxide emitted per amount of 9
energy for different types of fuel

Chapter One
Chapter One


1.1 Overview.

Electricity is one of the most important alternative energy sources of the

future and is at the forefront of interest in the field of intelligent transport.
Intelligent transport is a modern concept based on ICT and electricity that
aims to improve the public and private transport system in cities and
reduce pollution and congestion.

Electric cars are one of the most important innovations in the field of
intelligent transport as they use electricity instead of conventional fuels
such as petrol or diesel. Electric cars reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and air pollution, improving air quality in cities and protecting the
environment. They also work very efficiently and offer lower running
costs than conventional cars.

In addition to electric cars, there are many other intelligent means of

transport that use electricity, such as buses, trains and electric bicycles.
These measures offer travelers more comfort, speed and safety, promote
sustainable mobility and reduce congestion.

Finally, electricity and intelligent transportation represent a promising

future for the transportation sector, contributing to sustainable
development and environmental protection. To succeed in this industry,
governments, businesses and communities must work together to invest
in infrastructure and adopt modern technologies to create a smart electric
transportation system that serves the community efficiently and

1.2 Literatures Review.

Renewable sources of energy: advantages and disadvantages (2019) .

The article under discussion describes the renewable sources of energy,

their advantages and disadvantages.

The authors of the article discuss in details all pros and cons of
renewable sources of energy and conclude that the environmental impacts
of most renewable energy technologies is manageable if there is a careful
prior analysis and design. [10]

Problems of using alternative energy sources (2019).

This article under discussion considers the problems of using alternative

energy sources. The authors of the article believe that the increasing
pollution of the environment, disturbance of the thermal balance of the
atmosphere gradually lead to global climate change.

Energy deficit and limited fuel resources with increasing acuteness show
the inevitability of transition to non-traditional, alternative energy
sources. In contrast to oil, coal or gas, they are virtually inexhaustible,
accessible and environmentally friendly.

In addition, most developed countries have national programmes for the

development and support of alternative energy. However, the widespread
spread of clean energy is hampered by huge financial costs and, to date,
the lower efficiency of alternative energy sources compared to traditional
ones [11]

Energy saving technologies and problems of their implementation


This article under discussion considers the use of energy-saving

technologies and the problems of their implementation.

The authors of the article believe that the increasing production and
consumption of energy in the world every year create the necessary

conditions for accelerating scientific and technological progress, which
allows to improve the welfare of the people of the planet.
But at the same time, increasing volumes of energy consumption require
more and more hydrocarbon raw materials, the reserves of which are not

The efficiency of energy-saving technologies is manifested in the form

of: economic effects for consumers (reduction of the cost of purchased
energy resources); effects of increasing competitiveness (reduction of
energy consumption per unit of output, energy efficiency of output when
using it); effects for the electric, thermal, gas network (reduction of peak
loads, minimization of investments in network expansion). [12]

1.3 Problem Statement.

Key electricity-related issues include the steady increase in electricity

consumption as population density increases, putting severe pressure on
generation capacity and electricity transmission infrastructure.

In addition to the challenges related to protecting the environment and

reducing harmful emissions, this is a very important issue.

1.4 The Aim of Research.

Reduce electrical load by increasing electrical capacity and increasing

the number of transmission lines.

As well as the development of clean technologies to generate and

transmit electricity without polluting the environment.

Chapter Tow
Damage and Risks
Chapter Two

Damage and risks

2.1 Introduction.

Power plants are one of the main influencing factors for the global climate.
They provide the electricity on which the world largely depends for power,
homes, offices, schools, hospitals and other facilities and businesses. As the
demand for electricity increased, the construction of additional power plants
became an urgent necessity.

Power plants are powered primarily by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil
and natural gas to generate electricity. However, this process releases
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and methane.

These emissions play an important role in increasing heat retention in the

atmosphere and lead to severe climate changes worldwide.

The influence of power plants on the global climate is also reflected in air
pollution. When fossil fuels are burned, pollutants such as suspended
particles, nitrogen oxides and sulfur are released. These pollutants cause
enormous air pollution and harm human health and the environment.

In short, power plants are a major cause of global climate change and air

Therefore, we must strive to transition to clean and sustainable power

generation technology to protect our planet and the future of future

2.2 Types of Traditional electricity stations.

Conventional power plants use conventional energy sources and fossil fuels
to generate electricity.

The best known types of traditional power plants are:

1. Fossil fuel power plants: These power plants are based on burning fossil
fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas to produce steam and drive turbines to
produce electrical energy. Water is heated to produce steam using fuel. The
steam is then used to drive electric turbines.
2. Nuclear power plants: Rely on the fission of heavy elements such as
uranium to produce heat and convert water into steam, which is used to drive
turbines to generate electricity. These systems are considered low-emissions,
but face significant safety problems.
3. Hydroelectric power plants: Use the flow of water through dams or dikes
to drive turbines and generate electricity. These power plants are considered
renewable energy systems and can produce significant amounts of electricity.
4. Gas-fired power plants: Rely on the combustion of natural gas to heat air
and produce steam, which is used to drive electric turbines. In terms of
emissions, such systems are significantly cleaner than coal or oil.
5. Oil power plants: Rely on the combustion of light or heavy crude oil to
generate heat and drive turbines.They are used in some regions where more oil
wells are available.
6. Coal-fired power plants: Rely on burning coal to heat water and produce
steam, which is used to run turbines. These factories are among the largest
producers of carbon dioxide emissions in the world. [13][14]

Figure 2-1
Ratios of the use of electrical energy sources

2.3 Conventional energy or fossil energy.

Dependence on fossil fuels creates a problem, namely the emission of carbon

dioxide and other greenhouse gases. About 70% of all anthropogenic
greenhouse gas emissions come from the energy sector. [2]

Global warming and climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions

are closely linked to the production and use of fossil energy. [2]

Therefore, exploring possible pathways for future energy systems is crucial

to understanding future human-caused climate change. [2]

2.4 The impact of the environment and climate on power plants.

Power plants contribute to serious environmental damage by burning raw

materials such as coal, fuel and oil. These materials are usually extracted
from the Earth's interior and burn to form a gas that contains toxic
substances such as carbon dioxide. [2]

Some of these gases are produced during the combustion of raw materials,
which leads to an increase in the earth's temperature, which directly
contributes to the increase in global warming. [2]
This combustion also causes significant pollution of the air inhaled by
humans and other organisms, endangering their health, and this air in the
atmosphere is not the only one that we breathe, there are also plants and
animals, they are all directly affected. [2]

Name of the fuel Emitted CO2(lb / Emitted CO2(g / Emitted CO2(g /
106 BTU) MJ) kWh)
Natural gas 189 81.26 292.54
Liquefied petroleum
139 59.76 215.14
Propane 215 92.43 332.75
Aviation gasoline 227 97.59 351.32
Motor gasoline 213 91.57 329.65
Kerosene 159 68.36 246.10
Fuel oil 156 67.07 241.45
Tires / fuel derived
153 65.78 236.81
from tires
The wood 161 69.22 249.19
Coal (bitumen) 139 59.76 215.14
Coal (semi-
117 50.30 181.08
Coal (lignite) 205 88.13 317.27
Coking coal 225 96.73 348.23
Coal (Anthracite) 195 83.83 301.79

Table 2-1
The mass of carbon dioxide emitted per amount of energy for different types of fuel [2]

2.5 Global warming.

In recent years the world has witnessed a remarkable development of the

greenhouse effect. Global warming is a phenomenon in which there is a
sustained increase in temperatures on the Earth's surface due to the
accumulation of gases in the atmosphere. This increase in gas concentrations
is due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and the chemical
industry. [3]

Scientific studies show that the temperature of the earth's surface has
increased significantly in recent decades. Rising gas concentrations have led
to an increase in the amount of heat stored in the atmosphere, leading to
climate change and negative impacts on the environment and human life. [3]

Although developed countries contribute significantly to greenhouse gas
emissions, developing countries are increasingly contributing to this
phenomenon due to industrial development and increased consumption.
The development of global warming in recent years represents a major
challenge, the solution of which requires global cooperation. By taking
radical action and adopting sustainable environmental behavior. [3][4]

2.6 The global trend towards the use of renewable and clean
energy sources.

Fossil fuels are the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting
for more than 75% of greenhouse gas emissions and approximately 90% of
all carbon dioxide emissions.

Therefore, emissions are expected to fall by almost half by 2030 and reach
zero in 2050. [13][14][15]

It is therefore inevitable to reduce the use of coal in industry and the

economy, and this makes the transition from traditional energy a necessity.
Requirement and in order to move from a fossil fuel system to a zero-
emission system with acceptable prices, three important procedures must be
followed, namely:

- Investment in renewable energy sources.

- Application of energy-saving energy practices.
- Application of clean energy sources energy technologies. [15]

2.7 Comparison of steam and gas power plants

Sq. Factor Steam power plants Gas-fired power plants

1. The main Steam is used to turn turbines to Gases (usually natural gas) are used
source of fuel generate electricity, typically directly to drive turbines that
using coal, oil or natural gas as generate electricity.
the heat source.
2. Efficiency often use less fuel than gas- They tend to be more fuel efficient
electric models but heat losses as they can be turned on and off
can be greater. quickly and easily.
3. Emissions May result in higher carbon and They are generally cleaner in terms
particulate emissions than gas of emissions due to lower gas
power, particularly when using emissions.
4. The cost The construction and operating The cost of building and operating
costs of steam power plants can gas power plants can be
be relatively higher. comparatively lower, making them
economically attractive.
5. The speed of They require more time to start Power generation can be started
starting and and stop than an internal and stopped quickly, useful for
stopping combustion electric motor. filling gaps in power demand.
6. Flexibility Possibly less flexible to rapid They are more flexible and their
changes in electrical charge. performance can be increased

Chapter Three
Optimal Solutions
Chapter Three
Optimal solutions

3.1 Introduction.

The influence of power plants on the global climate is one of the biggest
problems facing modern humanity.

Despite the importance of electricity in our daily lives, its production

produces harmful emissions that impact the environment and contribute
to global warming.

Having effective solutions to reduce these impacts is therefore crucial for

sustainable development and maintaining the health of our planet.

The solutions to reduce the climate impact of power plants are based on
various pro-ecological technologies and practices. One of the most
notable developments is the increased use of renewable energy sources
such as solar, wind and hydropower.

These technologies are considered clean and do not produce harmful

emissions into the atmosphere, minimizing the plant's impact on the
global climate.

In addition, other technologies can be used to improve the efficiency of

existing power plants and reduce their emissions, as well as intelligent
storage and distribution technologies to increase the efficiency of
electricity consumption and reduce losses.

We cannot deny that introducing these solutions comes with challenges

such as high costs and structural changes to the electricity infrastructure,
but by investing in research and development and promoting innovation
we can make measurable progress in this sector.

3.2 The best renewable and clean energy sources.

Electricity generation is necessary to meet humanity's growing needs, but at

the same time contributes to environmental degradation and its negative
impact on the climate. [9]

To reduce these impacts and protect the environment, there is a growing

focus on sustainable and clean alternatives to electricity generation, which
play a key role in protecting the climate and environment for future
generations by reducing harmful emissions, improving air quality
and the Nature preserve resources. . . [8][9]

Many types of alternatives are currently trending:

3.2.1 Solar energy.

One of the most popular alternatives currently is the use of solar energy.[8]

Solar energy technology is based on using sunlight to generate

electricity. It is a clean process and free of harmful emissions. [9]

Thanks to technological advances, solar modules are becoming

increasingly efficient and economical, making them a sustainable and
climate-friendly way to generate electricity. [9]

Solar energy works according to the following principle:

1. Photovoltaic modules capture sunlight, which releases electrons in the

silicon cells of the power module and converts them into direct
electrical current (DC). [9]

2. The inverter converts direct current into alternating current (AC) and
is therefore suitable for use in households and companies. [9]

3. Excess electricity can be stored in the battery or fed back into the
power grid. [9]

4. If the energy requirement exceeds the production capacity of the
photovoltaic modules, additional electricity can be obtained from the
grid. [9]

3.2.2 Wind energy

One of the available alternatives is the use of wind energy. [8]

Wind turbines are used to convert wind energy into electricity and are
considered one of the cleanest and most efficient ways to generate
electricity. [8]

This technology requires large open spaces and offers new job
opportunities in the field of renewable energy. [9]

The main components of a wind turbine are a three-blade fan mounted on

a tall mast or tower and an electrical generator that converts the wind's
kinetic energy into electrical energy. [8][9]

As the wind flows through the blades, it sets the fan in motion and this
rotation turns an electrical generator that converts wind energy into
electricity. The design of the rotor blade was conceived to make optimal
use of the wind. [8][9]

The amount of electricity generated by a wind turbine depends on the

wind speed and the design of the rotor blades; For this reason, wind
turbines are built to use their electricity to power factories or light
towers, as wind speed increases with height above the earth's surface. [8][9]

These turbines are being built en masse over large areas to generate
more electricity to supply numerous households and factories. [8][9]

3.2.3 Geothermal energy.

Geothermal energy could represent one of the most promising

alternatives in the field of electricity generation. [9]

This technology uses the heat contained in the ground to heat water and
produce steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity. [7]

Using geothermal energy is a sustainable and clean way to generate

electricity with a low impact on the climate. [8]

There are three types of power plants that use geothermal energy: Dry steam power plants

This method is the oldest and most widespread and was already used in
Italy in 1904.

These power plants use geothermal energy. It is water that occurs

naturally in the deep layers of the earth and is under the influence of high
pressure and high temperature.

Therefore, it is extracted by drilling deep wells and comes out in the form
of water vapor due to the temperature difference and high pressure.

This steam flows through pipes and is then exposed to turbines that drive
electrical generators that produce electricity.

The condensed water is pumped into the ground through another well, a
so-called injection well. [7][8]

16 Fumigation Systems

These stations use high pressure liquids underground where they are
concentrated in a tank with a small opening leading to another medium
pressure tank.

When the liquid passes through the opening from the first container to the
second, it evaporates due to the speed and large pressure difference.

The steam drives a turbine, which in turn drives generators to produce


The remaining condensation is pumped into the ground via a well. [7] Double Track Terminals

These stations use underground high boiling point fluids (around 200
degrees Celsius) that are pumped upwards where they heat normal boiling
point water (100 degrees Celsius) in another pipe running along the hot
pipe runs (hot heat exchanger).

The water heated by the high temperature of the liquid evaporates in the
second tube.

The steam drives the generator turbine and condenses, returns to the hot
pipe alignment, and then moves continuously. [8]

The water produced is pumped into the ground via a well.

3.2.4 Tidal energy.

Tidal energy or lunar energy is a type of kinetic energy stored in tidal

currents caused naturally by the gravity of the Moon and the rotation of
the Earth on its axis, which is why this energy is classified as renewable
energy. [8]

Many coastal countries have begun to use this kinetic energy to generate
electricity, reducing the burden on thermal power plants and thus
reducing pollution from coal- or oil-fired thermal power plants. [8]

This energy is classified as “ecological” because it does not release toxic

gases or residues. [8][9]

Fish abundance is also taken into account, as many researchers have tried
to reduce the risk that fish can face when swimming near a turbine, and
the French have already managed to reduce the proportion of damage
caused by passing fish by 15% to 5%. [9]

The current level of utilization reaches 80%, when the most modern
technology is used, and is very high compared to the utilization in
thermal laboratories.

There are two designs of tidal power plants: Single-effect stations

These centers produce energy from the flow of water through the
turbines in one direction only, and since steam turbines cannot function
when steam rotates in the opposite direction.

The turbines of these centers can only work when the water flows in one
direction; As sea levels drop accordingly, control valves before and after
the turbines open until water is forced to flow through the turbine,
accelerating the blades until they produce electricity. The control gates
close when the water level in the estuary reaches sea level at low tide. At
high tide the sea level begins to rise again and in
a second cycle begins and so on. [8][9]

18 Two-effect stations

The cycle begins as a single effect cycle, although the water level in the
estuary falls under tidal conditions and the sea water level rises, the
control valves open earlier and after the turbines, so that water flows
through the estuary turbines producing electricity and when the water
level in the estuary reaches sea level, the control valves close.
The water level in the estuary remains high and the sea will reach low
tide. [7][8][9]

When the sea water level has dropped sufficiently, the valves before and
after the turbine open again and the water flows downstream through the
turbines where electricity is generated while the water flows in both
directions through the blades, a new innovation in modern Energy
technology. where the blades are designed to suck and accelerate in the
same direction regardless of the direction of water flow. [7][8][9]

Comparing these two types, it is obvious that double-acting turbines produce

twice as much power as single-acting turbines, but in practice the double-effect
turbines in operation cannot produce this amount because of the closing and
opening of the gates that control both effects , time is lost. [7][8][9]

Figure 3-1
High rates of clean energy use

3.3 Clean combustion technology.

Clean combustion technology is a set of technologies and methods aimed at

reducing the emissions of environmental pollutants and harmful gases from
combustion processes, whether these processes involve vehicles,
transportation or energy production in factories and industrial facilities. [1][6]

This is done by improving combustion efficiency and reducing harmful

emissions. There are several well-known technologies and methods in the
field of clean combustion. [6]

3.3.1 Direct injection and fuel control.

This technology is used in modern vehicle engines. This allows the

engine to improve combustion efficiency by precisely controlling the
amount and timing of fuel injection. [7]

This reduces emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter.

3.3.2 Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR).

This technology allows the control of nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx)

from diesel engines and consists of adding substances such as AdBlue to
the exhaust gases.

The chemicals act as catalysts that help convert NOx into harmless
substances. [6]

3.3.3 Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).

DPF is used in diesel vehicles to absorb and filter fine particles from the
exhaust system before they are released into the atmosphere.

This reduces air pollution caused by fine dust. [7]

3.3.4 Ultra-Clean Compression.

Is an approach to the design of industrial engines and reactors that aims

to achieve excellent and completely clean combustion.

High-purity combustion uses precise fuel and air controls and optimized
component designs to reduce pollutant emissions. [1]

3.3.5 Alternative and renewable fuels.

The use of alternative fuels such as hydrogen, liquefied natural gas and
biofuels helps reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. [7]

3.3.6 Emission control technology.

These technologies include devices such as oxygen catalysts, exhaust gas

recirculation systems and emission control systems that help improve air
quality and reduce emissions. [6]

Clean combustion technology is constantly evolving to protect the environment

and improve air quality. [1]

The use of these technologies and methods plays an important role in reducing
environmental pollution and contributes to efforts to combat climate change. [1]

3.4 Energy storage.

Energy storage is the storage of energy generated at a specific point in

time for later use.

In general, an energy storage device is called a battery or energy saving

cell. Energy comes in many forms including: radiant energy, chemical
energy, gravitational mode energy, electrical mode energy, electrical
energy, thermal energy, thermal potential energy, kinetic energy. [4]

The energy storage process involves converting energy from models that
are difficult to store to models that are easy to store or have low costs.
Some technologies enable short-term energy storage, while others enable
energy conservation over a longer period of time. [4]

Mass energy storage methods, be they conventional dams or pumped

dams, are dominated by the hydroelectric dam energy storage method.
Common examples of energy storage include batteries, which store
chemical energy that can be easily converted into electricity to power a
cell phone, hydroelectric power plants, which store gravitational energy
in reservoirs, and ice storage tanks, which keep ice frozen using low-
energy energy. [5]

Overnight costs to meet demand. Cooling needs during the day. [4]

Fossil fuels like coal and gasoline store ancient energy that living
organisms extracted from sunlight, then died, buried, and converted into
this type of fuel. Food (produced in the same way as fossil fuels) is a
chemically stored form of energy. [5]

Chapter Four
Scientific theory
Chapter Four
Scientific theory

4.1 Introduction

Iraq was one of the first Arab countries to try to protect the environment and
curb its degradation by establishing the so-called Supreme Commission on
the Human Environment in 1974, following Iraq's participation in the
Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, and has this body This
also went through several phases and became the Council for Environmental
Protection, attached to the Department of Environmental Protection and
Improvement, one of the departments of the Ministry of Health.

However, Iraqi cities have faced many environmental problems due to the
long wars the country has endured and other environmental factors. The real
deterioration of Iraq's environment began in 1991, after the Second Gulf
War, with explosions and fires in warehouses, oil refineries and chemical
depots, and its negative effects continued into the 1990s and have grown to
the extent of a problem that has grown to this day. It worsened after the last
war, so that the country continues to suffer the misfortunes of neglect and
terrorism, as well as the lack of replacement materials and necessary
equipment. Addressing environmental pollution and the lack of electricity
generation systems that have increased these negative impacts.

In 2003, the Ministry of the Environment was established in Iraq, at a

critical time when environmental conditions were seriously deteriorating and
although Iraq had not joined any international agreement on environmental
protection before this period, the efforts of all ministries and stakeholders
resulted in the signing of one Series of agreements aimed at improving the
reality of Iraq's environment, including: “Vienna Convention for the
Protection of the Ozone Layer and Montreal Protocol of 2008”

As a result, Iraq's interest in climate protection and damage control attempts

have been made again.

4.2 Average CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in the
2009-2019 time series.

The study area included Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, where the largest
fossil fuel production and storage is located. Five variables were examined
(annual total emissions, per capita fossil fuel emissions, annual change in
CO2 emissions, cumulative emissions, and annual emissions share of global

The results showed that in 2015, Saudi Arabia had the highest annual
emissions rate at 645.4 million tons and Kuwait had the highest per capita
emissions rate at 28.1 ton per year, followed by Saudi Arabia.[16]

Annual emissions growth showed a turbulent time series, with Saudi Arabia
having the highest emissions at +65.52 million tons compared to the
reference value, while Iraq's annual growth rate in 2016 was 28.71 million
tons of CO2.[16]

Cumulative CO2 emissions were 14, the highest in Saudi Arabia.9 billion
tons in the time series. Saudi Arabia's share of CO2 emissions compared to
the global share was 1.54%, followed by Iraq with 0.47% and finally Kuwait
with 0.29%. [16]

Figure 4-1

The percentage of pollution in the air over the years

4.3 The theory of treatment of environmental and air pollution
in Iraq.

According to the data provided, the effects of climate change in Iraq are
associated with natural and anthropogenic causes.
In any case, greenhouse gas emissions are increasing significantly all over
the world, and not only in Iraq. [17]

A significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions was observed in 2019,

when almost all activities were banned due to the spread of coronavirus
disease (covid-19). The use of fossil fuels and cement production are also
among the main causes of global warming and are therefore the cause of
climate change. [16][17]

Therefore, we note that the application of a correct electricity and

environmental system by the Iraqi state will lead to public awareness and
encourage citizens to use electricity rationally and only according to

As well as the exploitation of Iraqi deserts such as the Anbar desert and the
Samawa desert, for example for solar panel projects and wind

These measures will represent a qualitative leap in the Iraqi environment

by reducing the pressure on existing power plants and limiting their use,
thereby reducing gas emissions that cause significant pollution and climate
damage. [17]

As a final form of climatic treatment, a large-scale reforestation campaign

can be carried out in all governorates of Iraq, targeting residential areas and
external roads, which ultimately reduces pollution and increases the pure
oxygen content by a very high percentage. [17]

4.4 Conclusion of the theory

After studying and verifying what was stated in the previous theory and
based on the proportions of gases produced by electric power plants in Iraq,
it was concluded that if the state applies what is stated in this theory, the
percentage of pollution from electric power plants will be reduced by
almost half and pollution will be reduced and the air purity will be increased
to more than 60%. [17][18][19]

The benefits of these results are reflected not only on the climate and the
environment, but also on the health scale, as reducing the percentage of
pollution in the air will reduce the incidence of suffocation and respiratory
diseases by about 30%, especially in areas near refineries and power

4.5 Theoretical recommendations

To reduce pollution in the oil and energy sector, here are some
recommendations that can be taken by the concerned authorities:

1- Upgrading the specifications of oil products to international standards

through the development of existing projects and the implementation of
a number of units that contribute to reducing environmental pollution,
such as the clique and hydrogenation projects and FCC units. [19][20]

2- Striving to develop a unified health, safety and environment (HSE)

system in all areas of the oil extractive manufacturing industry, gas
industry, transportation, distribution and packaging services, through the
application of the HSE system, it leads to the advancement of the reality
of health, safety and environment in the oil sector and keep pace with the
global development taking place in this field. [19][20]

3- Building the capacity of employees and building laboratories for

environmental analysis according to a modern scientific perspective.

4- Conducting an environmental survey of the currently existing sites to
diagnose the causes of pollution and develop appropriate solutions for
them. [20]

5- Development of research and development centers to accomplish basic

and applied research with the latest research methods and reach them to
the leading level and the addition of joint research centers. [19][20]

6- Developing research activities and laboratories to ensure the provision of

information for studies, designs, solving operational problems, quality
control activities and other activities. [20]

7- The use of renewable energy and clean energy technologies to reduce

pollution emitted by harmful gases. [20]

8- Improve (power factor) and strengthen it in the network to reduce

9- establishment of environmental laboratories to monitor the quality of
water and air. [19]

10- Investment of local patents related to the energy sector. [19][20]

Chapter Five
Chapter Five

5.1 Introduction.

Depending on what was mentioned in the previous chapters of the major

environmental problems caused by electric power plants and alternative
solutions to avoid these damages or reduce them relatively.

There should be a set of measures that are supposed to be taken in the

near or distant future, in addition to a set of recommendations that must
be adhered to maintain a sick climate and a healthy environment free of
pollution, and therefore a healthy human life free from diseases and
epidemics caused by environmental pollution.

This is what will be discussed in this chapter.

5.2 Future forecasts to reduce the risks of power plants to the


As part of the fight against climate change and environmental

sustainability, numerous measures are expected to be taken in the future
to reduce the climate impact of power plants. Here are some possible

1. Increased use of renewable energy: Countries are likely to increase

their investments in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
power. Solar and wind farms are expanding to add more electricity to
the grid, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources that produce
greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Developments in electricity storage: The technology of energy
storage will change significantly, making it more efficient and
economical. In order to ensure a stable supply of electricity from
renewable sources, the use of electricity storage is being increased.

3. Improving electricity networks: Electricity networks are being

improved to ensure more efficient and sustainable energy distribution.

4. Improving energy efficiency: Greater importance is being given to

improving the energy efficiency of existing and future power plants.
More advanced technologies are being used to increase efficiency and
reduce waste. [16]

5. Development of clean combustion technologies: Research and

development work is carried out in the field of clean combustion
technologies that reduce the emissions of harmful gases from
conventional power plants, such as coal-fired power plants.

6. Improving smart grids: Electricity grids are evolving and improving

to make them smarter and more adaptable to changes in production
and consumption. This will help better balance supply and demand
and reduce losses. [16]

7. Promote sustainable use: Governments and companies can take

measures to promote the sustainable use of electricity by encouraging
consumers to use electricity at times when production is sustainable
and economical. [16]

8. Reduce carbon emissions: Laws and regulations will increasingly

focus on reducing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. These
measures may require replacing traditional sources with cleaner ones
and using technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [16]

9. Promoting research and development: Investments in research and

development will be increased to develop new technologies and
innovations that help reduce the impact of power plants on the
climate. [16]

10.Promote environmental awareness: The focus is on raising
awareness of the importance of reducing the climate impact of power
plants and how individuals can contribute to this transformation
through personal choices and behaviors related to sustainability. [16]

11. Tougher environmental regulations: Environmental regulations

can tighten emissions from power plants and impose stricter limits,
putting pressure on industry to adopt clean, sustainable technologies.

These future actions should work together to significantly reduce the

climate impact of power plants and help limit harmful climate change.

These measures vary from country to country and depend on available

policies and technologies. However, the general trend is towards greater
environmental sustainability and further reductions in harmful emissions.

5.3 Recommendations for preserving the climate from the
danger of power plants.

Below is a set of necessary recommendations that must be adhered to in

order to preserve the planet's climate from complete collapse due to
significant pollution caused by power plants:

- to balance and maintain the global climate and reduce emissions of

carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is a very complex task, and to
achieve this requires relying on the following three points:
Energy control , carbon dioxide capture and geological storage , and
increased use of non-fossil energies.

- the use of renewable energies, in particular wind energy, whose

technical progress should allow it to achieve the economic
competitiveness that it still lacks at the moment to meet the energy
demand and the criteria of economic competitiveness in the electricity
sector, this and other various energies that do not emit carbon dioxide
should be used optimally according to the origins of each of them.

- Continue to develop modern technologies and invent new clean

energy technologies and reduce environmental pollution as much as

5.4 Conclusion.

We conclude that the abundance of fossil fuels poses a significant threat

in climate change.

Reported trends for fossil fuel-rich countries suggest that these countries
are unlikely to impose a strict cap on emissions or impose bans on the use
of fossil fuels such as implementing strict emission performance
standards on coal-fired power plants.

And that reducing temperature rise to 2°C or much below will either
convert local fossil reserves into stranded assets, or require the rapid
stabilization of a large-scale infrastructure to capture and store carbon

Moreover, these policies must also include strategies to phase out fossil
fuel subsidies and find a way to include clean, renewable energy policies
to preserve the climate from environmental disasters that have finally
seemed obvious, especially in the past few years, and that continued
climate change will inevitably lead to the destruction of this blue planet.

And that the approach of reliance on renewable energy must be an

approach Multi-center and all countries - it may be the only way forward
and safe.


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