Prof. Göran Lindbergh
Martina Butori
Dr. Björn Eriksson
There is an ever growing need for environmentally sustainable alternatives in today's society due to
the looming threat of greenhouse gasses. One field where the need for new environmentally friendly
solutions is needed is the aviation industry. The problem the industry is facing is due to the weight and
space constraints that exist in aerial vehicles. In this bachelor project a solution for unmanned drones
is proposed where it is powered by a hybrid solution consisting of batteries working together with fuel
cells. The batteries compliment each other where the fuel cell is a lightweight energy source while the
battery is used to combat the changing power demand. This project was done in collaboration with the
Green Raven project to evaluate the optimal setup to power the energy system for an hour. The work
was done theoretically in Matlab and Simulink to find the optimal system. From these simulations,
data was collected to calculate the optimal configuration between batteries and amount of hydrogen
stored in the Hydrogen tank. It was concluded that the best option to store the hydrogen was in a 2
liter tank at 300 bar together with 2 additional batteries with the capacity of 4000 mAh. This setup
was concluded as the best option as it used up all hydrogen and landed with less charge in the battery
than at the start point.
I takt med den globala uppvärmningen så växer behovet av klimatmedvetna hållbara lösningar. Ett
område i stort behov av innovation är flygindustrin som länge varit en av de största klimatbovarna.
Flygindustrin stora problem är att dess fordon både har begränsad volym och vikt. I detta
kandidatexamensarbete kommer vi diskutera en hybridlösning där obemannade drönare drivs av en
hybridlösning där batterier tillsammans med bränsleceller driver drönaren. Batterierna och
bränslecellerna komplimenterar varandra då bränslecellerna är är lättviktiga och tillför en stabil
produktion av ström till drönaren medan batterierna agerar komplement och hjälper till när det behövs
extra kraft. Projektet som i samarbete med The Green Raven project utfördes för att utvärdera det
optimala systemet för att förse drönaren nog med kraft i en timme. Projektet har utförts teoretiskt i
Matlab och Simulink för att hitta den optimala balansen mellan batterier och bränsleceller. Från dessa
simuleringar samlades data in för att optimera konfigurationen mellan bränslecellerna och batterierna.
Från resultaten drogs slutsatsen att 2 batterier med en kapacitet på 4000 mAh som tillsammans med
vätgas som förvarades i en 2 liter tank med ett tryck på 300 bar var den bästa konfigurationen. Denna
lösning ansågs som den bästa då all vätgas förbrukades under simulation och att batteriet vid stopp
hade en lägre laddning än vid flygstart.
Table of contents
Abstract 1
Sammanfattning 2
Table of contents 3
1. Introduction 4
1.2 Previous Projects 5
1.3 Purpose 5
2. Theory 6
2.1 Basic Principles of the Theory 6
2.2 Components of the System 6
2.2.1 Fuel Cell 6
2.2.2 Batteries 11
2.2.3 Hydrogen Tank 12
3. Methodology 13
3.1 Energy Management Plan/System 13
3.2 Choice of Batteries 14
3.3 Simulink Model 15
3.3.1 Maneuvers of the Drone 15
3.3.2 Power and Height Profile of the System 16
3.3.3 Basic Model 17
3.3.4. Emergency Battery 21
4. Result 24
4.1 Choice of Battery 24
4.2 Fuel Cell Power Output 25
4.3 Different Energy Systems 27
4.4 Effects of Height and Speed 28
4.5 Emergency Landing 31
5. Discussion 32
6. Conclusion 35
7. References 36
8. Attachments 38
8.1 Code 38
Initializer Constants and Vectors 38
Central Matlab Function 38
8.2 Other 40
1. Introduction
The dependency on fossil based fuels is an ever looming threat to the existence of life on earth due to
the greenhouse gasses which are released when it is combusted. The largest contributor to the
emissions of greenhouse gasses is the transportation industry with 27% of the share [1]. The aviation
industry is a major contributor to this and is in need of innovation to be in line with the UN:s goal for
In most cases the propellant of choice to replace fossil fuel in aerial drones are batteries. The problem
with this is weight and size of the batteries which would take up a large capacity of both carrying
weight and space if they would replace the fuels used today. Therefore, batteries are not a viable
solution when it comes to aviation as both weight and space are limited. To combat this problem fuel
cells are a solution which is both lightweight while it uses a renewable fuel source in hydrogen gas.
While hydrogen has quite low energy density in regards to its volume, it is also the most gravimetric
energy dense substance[3]. So to harness the potential the hydrogen is kept in high pressure tanks.
Due to hydrogen's atomic size this is possible as it will still be light weight as well as being compact.
However this is not as easy as it seems as it is very hard to contain at these pressures due to its high
diffusivity [3]. With this in regard it is faster to refuel hydrogen tanks than recharging batteries
however it is not as easy and requires more infrastructure to do. It also poses a higher safety risk as
the hydrogen gas is highly explosive.
Another major issue with using hydrogen as an energy source is the fuel cell itself. Fuel cells want to
produce power at a steady state and are not suited for a variable workload. Having a non-stable
workload will damage the fuel cell in the long run and will greatly reduce its lifespan. [4, Sec. 3.7
Energy efficiency, Power and Lifetime]
To solve this problem there is a quite easy solution which is to use the fuel cell together with batteries
in a hybrid system. In this setup the fuel cell produces a steady stream of electricity while the battery
works as a buffer in case there is a higher or lower need for power. This system is both light in weight
while still being an effective power source.
In practice this is an environmentally friendly alternative to other common energy sources, however
this heavily depends on the source of the hydrogen. As it is today the majority of hydrogen is
produced as a product of fossil fuel which makes it neither renewable or environmentally friendly [5].
However it is also possible to produce it through electrolysis of water. The latter is on the rise which
would make hydrogen both renewable and a carbon neutral energy source [6]. But as it is today
electrolysis is often considered too expensive to be of commercial use.
1.2 Previous Projects
A number of studies has previously been done on alternatives to fossil fuel as a propellant to
unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs for short. The first documented flight of a drone propelled by a
fuel cell took place in 2003 and was a concept plane whose purpose was to prove the viability of fixed
wing aircraft propelled by fuel cells. The drone had a wingspan of 38 cm and was built by
AeroVironment. The same year Nasa proved with their Helios aircraft that electrically driven drones
also were possible on a larger scale as it had a wingspan of 75 m. However the main purpose of the
Helios was to prove that you could build a drone which was powered by solar energy and only used
its fuel cells as a way to store excess energy produced by solar cells mounted on the wings [7]. Fuel
cells together with electrolysers were used instead of batteries as the number of batteries that would
have been required was deemed too heavy [8].
Since then a large number of fuel cell power UAVs have been produced such as the LH2 Ion Tiger
which had a flight duriantion of 48h. The main focus has also shifted to find more efficient ways of
storing the hydrogen and optimizing hybrid solutions including fuel cells [7].
1.3 Purpose
The purpose of this report is in collaboration with the Green Raven project is to optimize the setup of
the hybridisation system which is meant to power the drone they have built [9]. The Green Raven
project is a research program which develops a drone primarily powered by hydrogen. This Report
will discuss the optimal configuration of batteries and fuel cell to be as fuel efficient as possible while
still remaining lightweight.
2. Theory
In the following section, basic theory and principles of the components and different maneuvers of the
drones will be presented.
Figure 1: The picture above shows the basic schematic view of operation of a PEM fuel cell. The
Figure is taken from Figure 1-10 in PEM Fuel Cells: Theory and Practice, written by Barbir,
Frano.[10, Figs. 1–10]
The hydrogen gas splits into protons and electrons through a catalyzed oxidation reaction (see reaction
I). The protons diffuse through the membrane while the electrons travel from one electrode to the
other and produce a current through an external circuit. At the cathode the diffused protons and the
electrons that have gone through the external current react with oxygen gas in a reduction reaction
resulting in water (see reaction II). The total reaction seen in reaction III produces some energy, or
more precisely, a part of the chemically stored energy is converted into electrical work and some
waste heat.[10, Ch. 2]
+ −
𝐻2 → 2𝐻 + 2𝑒 (I)
1 + −
𝑂2 + 2𝐻 + 2𝑒 → 𝐻2𝑂 (II)
𝐻2 + 2
𝑂2 → 𝐻2𝑂 + 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 (III)
The maximum theoretical amount of energy that can be converted to electrical work is the Gibbs free
energy of the total reaction. As equation 1 shows, some of the energy that is released in the reaction
will be lost as heat and due to that being entropy for the reaction it will not be converted to work.
Therefore an increase in operating temperature of the cell would mean a decrease in the Gibbs free
energy. However this is only applicable in the temperatures below 100 ℃ as changes in ΔH and ΔS
are small. In cases where the cell temperature is higher the changes in enthalpy and entropy can not be
neglected. [10, ch 2]
∆𝐺 = ∆𝐻 − 𝑇∆𝑆 (1)
The electrical work produced in a cell is the product of charge and potential (see equation 2). Which
can be simplified by combining equation 2-4 and the modified formula for electrical work is obtained
(see equation 5).
𝑊𝑒𝑙 = 𝑞𝐸 (2)
𝑞 = 𝑛 · 𝑁𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑞𝑒𝑙 (3)
𝐹 = 𝑁𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑞𝑒𝑙 (4)
n is the number of electrons transferred per molecule of H, qel is the charge of one electron, NAvg is
Avogadro's number which is the number of molecules per mole and F is Faraday's constant.
𝑊𝑒𝑙 = 𝑛 · 𝐹 · 𝐸 (5)
𝑊𝑒𝑙 = − ∆𝐺 (6)
The maximum electrical work produced is the same as the Gibbs free energy of the reaction, therefore
the maximum theoretical potential in a cell is[10, Ch. 2]:
𝐸= 𝑛·𝐹
Polarization Curve
The theoretical cell potential is calculated when no current is drawn i.e. at equilibrium. However in
reality when drawing current from the cell the maximum theoretical cell potential will not result in
electrical work. There will always be voltage losses, polarization, caused by different factors such as:
kinetics of the electrochemical reactions, Internal electric and ionic resistance, diffusion difficulties to
the reaction sites, internal currents or reactants that pass through the membrane. The factors
mentioned are very important to take into consideration when dimensioning a fuel cell or fuel cell
stack. Another form of polarization is activation polarization which is the voltage difference from
equilibrium to initialize the electrochemical reaction, these losses are present at both anode and
cathode. A useful tool to visualize and utilize this is a polarization curve, which depicts the cell
potential, or voltage, on the y-axis and current or current density on the x-axis (see Figure 2
below).[10, Ch. 3]
Figure 2: The diagram above represents a typical fuel cell polarization curve. The diagram is taken
from Figure 3-10 in PEM Fuel Cells: Theory and Practice, written by Barbir, Frano.[10, Figs. 3–10]
Power Curve
Another useful tool that can be constructed from the polarization curve i s a power density curve. This
can be obtained by multiplying the potential by the current density according to equation 8 below
(where w is power density [mW/cm2], V is voltage [V] and i is current density [mA/cm2]).
𝑤 = 𝑉·𝑖 (8)
This results in a new graph with the power density on the y-axis and current density on the x-axis (see
Figure 3 below).[10, Ch. 3]
Figure 3: The diagram above represents a typical fuel cell polarization curve and a power curve
resulting from the polarization curve. The diagram is taken from Figure 3-20 in PEM Fuel Cells:
Theory and Practice, written by Barbir, Frano.[10, Figs. 3–20]
Importance of Altitude
The height of which the drone will fly is of great importance as the total pressure and partial pressure
of oxygen as well as temperature will drop considerably with the increase of height. The total pressure
decreases from roughly 1 bar (at sea level) to around 0.1 bar at the top of the troposphere layer of the
atmosphere. The average troposphere thickness is 13 km around the globe. The temperature decreases
with a factor of 6.5 ℃ per km in height.[11]
In theory, the voltage losses caused by the pressure difference in the fuel cell is related to the Nernst
equation in equation 9 below. An increase in cell operating pressure causes an increase in cell
potential, i.e an increase in voltage.[10, Ch. 3] Therefore, If the pressure is decreased it will cause a
voltage loss. When the drone climbs in height it will cause a pressure drop of the oxygen due to the
atmosphere getting thinner and thinner. Thus, from Nernst equation in equation 9 can be used to
define a new relation for the voltage losses depending on height
( )
𝐸 = 𝐸0 + 𝑛𝐹
𝑙𝑛 2
( )
𝑃𝐻 𝑃𝑂 (𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑)
𝐸𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 = 𝐸0 + 𝑛𝐹
𝑙𝑛 2 2
( )
𝑃𝐻 𝑃𝑂 (𝑑𝑒𝑝. 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡)
𝐸ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝐸0 + 𝑛𝐹
𝑙𝑛 2 2
Equation 11 can be subtracted by equation 10 in order to obtain the difference in potential depending
on the height, in relation to ground level.
( ) ( )
0.5 0.5
𝑃𝐻 𝑃𝑂 (𝑑𝑒𝑝. 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡) 𝑃𝐻 𝑃𝑂 (𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑)
∆𝐸ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝐸0 − 𝐸0 + 𝑛𝐹
𝑙𝑛 2 2
− 𝑛𝐹
𝑙𝑛 2 2
2 2
𝑃𝐻 𝑃𝑂 (𝑑𝑒𝑝. 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡)
( )
2 2 0.5
𝑃𝐻 𝑃𝑂 (𝑑𝑒𝑝. 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡)
𝑙𝑛⎛ ⎞=
∆𝐸ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝑛𝐹 0.5
𝑃𝐻 𝑃𝑂 (𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑)
𝑙𝑛 2
2 2
𝑃𝑂 (𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑)
⎝ 2
And as a consequence results in the following relation for voltage losses in equation 12 below.
( )
𝑃𝑂 (ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡)
𝑅𝑇 1
∆𝐸ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝑛𝐹
· 2
𝑙𝑛 2
𝑃𝑂 ,𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑
Where R is the ideal gas constant T is the operating temperature, n is the number of electrons released
in the electrochemical reaction and F is Faraday’s constant.The relation in equation 13 was used in the
Simulink model to simulate the extra hydrogen that will be consumed to obtain the desired power
output from the fuel cell. This will be explained further in the methodology in section 3.3.2 below.
From Faraday's law of electrolysis, stated in equation 13 below, the amount of moles H2 that are
consumed can be calculated. [12, p. 20]
𝑚= 𝑛 𝐹
Where Q is charge, 𝛽 is the stoichiometric factor (it is 1 for hydrogen in this reaction, se reaction I
above), M is the molar molecular mass, n is the number if electrons in the electrochemical reaction (2
in this case, see reaction I above) and F is Faraday’s constant. The expression in equation 13 can be
rewritten so that the amount of H2 consumed can be expressed in terms of moles depending on current
and time, see equation 14 below.
𝑡𝑜𝑡 𝐼·𝑡
𝑛𝐻 , 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑑 = 𝑛 ·𝐹
Therefore, the amount of H2 that is consumed per timeunit can be described by the expression in
equation 15.
𝑛𝐻 , 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑑 = 𝑛 ·𝐹
In terms of operating temperature, there will be some effects on the performance. When the
temperature decreases as the drone increases altitude, the water that is formed as a product can freeze
inside the fuel cell and cause the electrochemical reaction to be inhibited. [13] Another aspect of
water build-up is that the water evaporates at a slower rate at lower temperatures and therefore also
can cause a buildup, resulting in lower reaction rate of the electrochemical reaction.
2.2.2 Batteries
Batteries are supplementary to the fuel cell during high power demand. Understanding of terms such
as C-rate and state of charge are crucial when selecting the right battery option and analyzing the
The energy density of a battery is defined as the energy a battery is able to provide in relation to its
weight and is obtained using equation 16:
𝐶𝑏·𝑉 𝑊ℎ
𝐸𝑑 = 𝑚
[ 𝐾𝑔
] (16)
Where Cb is the total capacity of the battery, V is the voltage and m is the mass of the battery. Higher
energy density indicates that a battery can provide either more energy or energy for a longer time in
relation to its weight. Therefore, batteries with high energy densities are more suitable for applications
where the weight and dimensions are of a great importance, that is to say batteries with higher
densities are relatively lighter. However, a battery with higher energy can not always produce a higher
power. The batteries used in this project are power optimized which focuses on the power output in
relation to the batteries weight and volume. To clarify, the energy density indicates how much energy
can be delivered while power density relates to how fast energy can be delivered.[14]
The state of charge of a battery, SOC, is defined as the ratio between the available charge and the
maximum possible charge that can be stored in the battery, often expressed in percentage. To clarify, a
fully charged battery has a state of charge of 100 % while a fully discharged battery has 0 % as its
state of charge. Current integration is usually used for determining the capacity changes in the battery.
The state of charge of the battery is generally calculated using that data.[15]
The C-rate indicates the battery’s charge and discharge rate relative to its maximum capacity and is
calculated by equation 17:
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝐶𝑏
[1/ℎ] (17)
Where 𝐼 is the current and Cb the total capacity of the battery. For example, a battery with 1Ah
capacity and a C-rate of 1 C should be able to provide a current of 1 A for one hour. The same battery
should provide a current of 2 A for 30 minutes with discharge C-rate of 2 C and a current of 0.5 A for
2 hours with a C-rate of 0.5 C.[15]
In different applications, batteries with different C-rates are required. In applications where very high
power is required in a relatively short time, batteries with a higher C-rate are more suitable. It should
be taken into consideration that although the same calculations are made when discharging a battery at
different C-rates, in reality, there will be some internal energy losses. The capacity can be decreased
by 5 % due to transformation of energy losses to heat at higher C-rates.[16] However, these losses
have been neglected in this project.
Currently, high-pressure hydrogen tanks are the most common way of storing hydrogen. To meet the
safety and application requirements, the composition of the tank must be made of material with
characteristics such as being light-weighted and sufficiently strong among other things. Additionally,
a high thermal conductivity for the material composition of the tank is required to be able to manage
the exothermic heat produced while filling the tank. Both the cost of the tanks due to its expensive
carbon fiber composite and the volumetric capacity of the tank are the challenges with using this
approach.[17, Sec. Compressed gas]
In the cryogenic approach, the temperature for liquid hydrogen at 1 atm pressure should be maintained
below 20 K (-253 ℃) which is the hydrogen boiling temperature. Effective thermal insulation is
therefore essential for maximum efficiency. When liquefying hydrogen, its volumetric density will
increase meaning a relatively larger quantity of hydrogen can be stored. However, there are also some
difficulties with this approach. Despite the thermal insulation, the hydrogen can still evaporate causing
hydrogen losses. A disadvantage to this approach is that the energy required to liquefy the hydrogen
gas is equivalent to 30-35 % of the hydrogen energy value.[17, Sec. Cryogenic storage]
3. Methodology
In the following section, the methods and simulations will be presented. The simulations were done in
MatlabⓇ and Simulink based on experimental data and data from data sheets. The assumptions that
were made in the construction of this model were the following: that the gasses behave ideally, that
the fuel used in the fuel cell was utilized for effective work (i.e. fuel utilization = 1) and that there was
no change in operating temperature of the fuel cell. Additionally, the assumption that the weight of the
energy system was constant and does not affect the power demand of the UAV was made as well.
Figure 4: The picture above is the flow-chart over the energy management system, which was used
for the central function code of the Simulink model.
If the drone has hydrogen our system has six different states as shown in Table 1. The states are
divided in two groups based on if the power output from the fuel cell is sufficient to run the system or
not. Then it is divided into three sub groups depending on the state of charge in the battery. In the first
mode the fuel cell produces more power than is needed while the battery has more than 60% charge,
in this case the system will throttle down the fuel cell to not damage any components. In the second
state the fuel cell does not produce enough to power the system so the battery is drained to cover the
difference in power required. In the third state the fuel cell produces more than needed and the battery
has less than 60% charge so the surplus energy produced is sent to the battery to charge it. In the
fourth state the output from the fuel cell is too low to power the system while the battery has more
than 20% charge, so the battery is drained to cover the difference in power required. The fifth
statement is almost the same as the third, the only difference being that the charge of the battery is
lower than 20%. The surplus produced by the fuel cell is used to charge the battery. In the sixth state
neither the fuel cell or the battery are sufficient to power the system in their current state. So the
power produced by the fuel cell is raised to meet the demand.
Table 1: The table below shows what happens in the system depending on if the fuel cell produces
more or less than needed and that state of charge in the battery. The abbreviation used are: SoC
stands for State of Charge, Lp is the power required to fly the drone and Fc Pow is the power
produced by the fuel cell.
Lp < Fc Pow Lp > Fc Pow
Table 2 shows the specifications of the different batteries available for this project. The data for
voltage, capacity and charge respective discharge C-rate has been collected from the specification
sheets in the Gens Ace website.[18] The mass and size of the batteries was measured. The energy
densities of batteries were later calculated using equation 16.
Numerous simulations were run using the developed model in Simulink to be able to do a thorough
comparison between different battery options and select the most efficient battery solution. The two
batteries with higher energy densities were to be preferred i.e. Gens Ace 4 respective Gens Ace 3.7.
The Simulations were at first, run with various different fuel cell power profiles. Ultimately, the
comparison was concluded using two different fuel cell power profiles. In the first profile, the fuel cell
power was maintained at the constant value of 370 W throughout the whole mission. In the second
profile, the baseline power of the fuel cell was kept at the value of 370 W during the UAV flight time
and increased to 400 W during both take-off and landing, since more energy is needed for these
maneuvers during the mission.
3.3 Simulink Model
In the following subsection, the methods and practice for the simulations in Simulink will be
presented and discussed.
Figure 5: The diagram above shows power curves at sea-level provided by the Green Raven
project.[21, Fig. 4 b)]
3.3.2 Power and Height Profile of the System
The power profile of the mission was constructed from the data provided by the Green Raven project
using excel (see Figure 7 below). As presented in the section above (section 3.3.1), the power required
for the maneuvers were calculated from power curves (see Figure 5 above) provided by the Green
Raven project. Simulations for three different cruise heights (150, 300 and 450 meters) were
performed, and subsequently three mission power profiles and three height profiles were constructed.
From the provided data regarding the vertical climb speed (0,254 m/s) the time span of the climb and
descent sections of the profiles had to be adjusted. For the simulation of the cruise height of 150
meters the time required for the climb and descent was as specified from the Green Raven project.
However, for the simulations at 300 and 450 meters, the time span of the climb and descend section
had to be increased at the expense of the cruise section in order to complete a full one hour mission.
Consequently, the power and height profiles differ depending on the cruise heights. Higher cruise
height results in a higher power demand for a longer time span during the climb and descend. This can
be seen in Figure 6 and 7 below.
The mission power profiles and height profiles was used as an input to the central MatlabⓇ function
of the Simulink model using the block From Spreadsheet.
Figure 6: The diagram above shows the height profiles of the mission simulations at 150, 300 and
450 meters. Due to the fact that the vertical speed for the climb and descend is constant, the time for
the climb and descend has to be longer at the expense of the cruise section.
Figure 7: The diagram above shows the different mission power profiles constructed from the
provided data. For the cruise height at 150 m (black full line) the first 600 seconds is the climb
maneuver, the section in the middle between 600 and 3300 seconds is the cruise maneuver and the last
300 seconds is the descend maneuver. For the cruise height at 300 m (blue dashed line) the first 1200
seconds is the climb maneuver, the section in the middle between 1200 and 3000 seconds is the cruise
maneuver and the last 600 seconds is the descend maneuver. For the cruise height at 450 m (red
dashed and dotted line) the first 1800 seconds is the climb maneuver, the section in the middle
between 1800 and 2700 seconds is the cruise maneuver and the last 900 seconds is the descend
The variables Load_power and Load_height differ at different time steps and are the inputs for the
mission power profile and the mission height profile respectively. Additionally, a number of initial
values were required for the simulations to function, such as the initial amount of hydrogen in the
tank, initial state of charge of the battery pack and the initial charge of the emergency battery pack
(see Figure 8 below).
The outputs from the central function were directed to the two subsystems. FC_P, l_p, and Height
were directed to the fuel cell subsystem and are the variables for the fuel cell power output, the power
demand from the drone (the mission prower profile) and the height of the drone respectively. The
remaining three outputs, Power_Diff, Black_Box and Power_Diff_Em, were directed to the battery
subsystem. The first of the three latest mentioned outputs was the variable for the power difference i.e
the excess or the deficit of power compared to the power produced by from the fuel cell. The two
remaining outputs were a part of the emergency battery system, and were the variables for failure in
case the battery pack and the fuel cell runs out of charge or energy and the power difference in that
scenario would be negative. This is explained further in section 3.3.4.
Figure 8: The schematic above depicts an overview of the Simulink model. The two large subsystems
on the right contain calculation blocks for the H2 consumption, change in state of charge of the
battery and emergency battery system.
The inputs from the light cyan coloured subsystem to the left on the Simulink model displayed in
Figure 8 above were specifications that the fuel cell was simulated to run on. Such as a baseline power
output in watt, a minimum tolerance of H2 that the fuel cell requires in order to function and a
maximum threshold of power output from the fuel cell. The minimum tolerance of H2 is derived from
the minimum pressure of hydrogen that is required for the fuel cell to function. The value was
calculated in the quantity of hydrogen moles in the tank by using the ideal gas law, and then
incorporated as a limiting factor in the central function block. The mentioned variables are illustrated
in Figure 9.
Figure 9: The schematic above depicts the inputs for the fuel cell specs in the subsystem “Fuel Cell
Figure 10: The diagram above shows the experimental polarization curve for the fuel cell and the
resulting power curve calculated from the polarization curve.
The input for the fuel power was converted to the total current in the fuel cell stack, assembled of
thirty cells, by interpolation according to the power curve. Thereafter, the power from the fuel cell
was divided by the current in order to obtain the voltage from the entire stack. Afterwards, the voltage
for each cell in the fuel cell stack was calculated and the extra required voltage from the height losses
was then added, as explained below. The result was afterwards multiplied by the number of cells i.e.
thirty in order to get the new total voltage for the stack and then divided by the initial power output in
order to obtain the total current produced by the fuel cell.
Furthermore, in order to convert the current to hydrogen consumption the total current from the stack
was multiplied by the number of cells i.e. thirty once more. Thereafter, by using equation 15 (see
section 2.2.1) the amount of hydrogen moles consumed per time unit were obtained. By integrating
over the time of the mission, the total amount of hydrogen consumed for each timestep was then
obtained. Subsequently, the consumed amount was subtracted from the amount of hydrogen left in the
tank and then divided by the initial amount in order to get a percentage of the fuel left in the tank. This
was done to obtain a clear parameter of the consumption.
Figure 11: The schematic above depicts the contents of the subsystem “Fuel Cell”. The subsystem
that input 4 connects to is the calculations for voltage losses due to height differences.
From the Nernst equation described in the theory section (see equation 12), the extra required voltage
to compensate for the pressure drop was calculated.
Figure 12: The schematic above is taken from the subsystem of the height losses in the subsystem of
the fuel cell in the Simulink model.
Battery Subsystem
Two of the 5 inputs to the battery subsystem were used for the energy management regarding the
battery pack. The inputs (see Figure 13 below) were outputs from the central function. Input one, SoC,
is the state of charge of the battery pack at the specific timestep. The state of charge was multiplied by
the total capacity of the battery pack in order to obtain the total charge at each time step. Input two,
Power_diff, was divided by the voltage of the battery and integrated over time in order to obtain the
added or drawn charge from the battery pack. These two values were then added together and divided
by the total capacity of the battery pack to obtain the new state of charge of the battery pack at each
time step.
Figure 13: The schematic above is taken from the subsystem of the batteries in the Simulink model.
The flow scheme represents the calculations that were simulated for the inputs. The output, SoC_N is
the new state of charge after the drained or added charge of the battery pack for the specific timestep,
is directed back to the central function.
In case there is a system failure with the drones propulsion system due to insufficient energy the
central code will turn on the emergency power system called the black box. This system has enough
power to land the drone safely. It works by assigning each possible state of the drone either a “0” or a
“1”. All cases except one are assigned “0”. The state where there is no hydrogen left in the tank and
the state of charge in the batteries is below 0,2 are instead assigned “1”. In the code this variable is
known as the Black_Box variable and as seen in Figure 13 is multiplied with State of charge of the
emergency battery (SoC_Em) and the power required to land the drone (Power_Diff_Em). This will
power up the drone's engines with enough energy to land the drone.
Figure 14: Shows the schematic for the emergency landing. Power_Diff_Em is the power requirement
for landing the drone, Black_Box input determines if we need to use the emergency battery or not, and
SoC_Em is the state of charge in the emergency battery. Soc_N_Em is the new State of charge after
each time step.
Different Systems
To compare how the hybrid solution differs from a solution which is either powered just by batteries
or hydrogen the code was augmented to examine the differences and similarities. This was done by
reducing either the content of the hydrogen tank or the state of charge to zero and then compensate
with the other power source to get a successful mission.
4. Result
The most efficient energy system solution for the mission was concluded to be the hybrid energy
system consisting of a fuel cell run on the constant power output of 400 W and a battery pack
consisting of two Gens Ace 4 batteries. Additionally, one more battery of the Gens Ace 4 was included
in the model to handle the emergency landing in case of any error occurring during the mission. The
mission is carried out at an altitude of 150 m. In the following section, the results of the simulations
are presented and each choice made including the study of different scenarios are explained in depth.
Figure 15: The comparison between different battery solutions with a varied fuel cell power profile.
Figure 16: The comparison between different battery solutions with a constant fuel cell power profile.
The comparison between the weight and dimension of the two different battery solutions for the
varied fuel cell power profile and the constant fuel cell power profile are presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Comparison between different battery solutions with a constant fuel cell power profile and a
varied fuel cell power profile.
Battery Quantity Fuel cell Power [𝑊] Total mass [𝑔] Volume [𝑐𝑚 ]
Varied Power
Constant Power
According to the results obtained by simulations, there were no substantial differences between the
two battery solutions. Gens Ace 4 provided a slightly higher discharge C-rate and a slightly lower
state of charge in comparison to Gens Ace 3.7 (see Figure 15 & 16). Additionally, the Gens Ace 4 has
a relatively smaller volume and a lower weight compared to Gens Ace 3.7. Gens Ace 4 was selected as
our battery solution in both cases. When using a constant fuel cell power profile, run on 400 W, two
batteries were required to complete the mission while one battery was sufficient for the scenario with
the varied fuel cell power profile i.e. baseline power of 370 W during the UAV flight and a power
output of 600 W during take-off and landing (see Table 3).
battery which was concluded to be the most efficient alternative. The differences in the state of charge
and in the fuel cell power profile is represented in the graph on the left in blue, respective orange
color. Additionally, the graph on the right illustrates the differences in the fraction of the hydrogen gas
left in the tank.
Figure 17: The comparison between different energy system solutions with the constant respective the
varied fuel cell power profile.
The comparison between some of the properties of the two different energy system solutions i.e. using
a constant and a varied fuel cell power profile is presented in Table 4 .
Table 4: The comparison between different energy system solutions with the constant respective the
varied fuel cell power profile.
Fuel cell Power Battery quantity Total mass of Volume of Fraction of the
[𝑊] battery pack battery pack hydrogen left in tank
[𝑔] 3
[𝑐𝑚 ]
The total charge used from the battery pack was different between the two cases as the power
provided by the fuel cell was different. Additionally, the amount of batteries required for each
scenario was also different (see Table 4). However, according to the results obtained by simulations,
there were no substantial differences between the two energy system solutions regarding the state of
charge of the batteries. Considering a constant fuel cell power provided a slightly higher state of
charge at the end of the mission in comparison to considering a varied fuel cell power profile.
Additionally, to be able to complete the mission with a constant fuel cell power profile two batteries
were required while one battery was sufficient to complete the mission with a varied fuel cell power
profile. This implies that double the weight and size for the battery pack is needed with the solution
using a constant fuel cell power profile. Furthermore, 14% less hydrogen was consumed in the
solution with the constant fuel cell power profile (see Table 4).
4.3 Different Energy Systems
When designing the system specifications such as weight and volume is of great importance as they
both are very limited. The table below shows the difference in weight and volume of the different
energy systems.
Table 5: The comparison of the weight and volume between different energy system solutions
Type of system Weight (gram) Volume (cm3)
In a system only powered by batteries an additional ten batteries resulting in that twelve was required.
If the system was solely powered by fuel cells, no change in the amount of hydrogen was required for
a successful mission. However, the required power output from the fuel cell had to be varied over a
significant range (350 to 800 W) in order to satisfy the power demand from the UAV. This is not
possible as the max load on the fuel cell is 650 W so to satisfy the needed 800 W an other fuel cell
with a higher output is needed.
Figure 18: The graph shows the total amount of capacity in the batteries required to complete the
Figure 19: The graph above shows how the hydrogen consumption and power output differ in a
hybrid solution versus a pure fuel cell driven solution.
The simulation for the cruise height at 300 meters failed initially when the system had the same
components and parameters as the simulation for 150 m. This is a result of the batteries getting fully
discharged during the longer time span of the climb section (see Figure 20 below). The simulation
showed that the mission would fail before reaching the desired cruise height. Subsequently, the fuel
cell power output had to be varied between 400 and 650 W throughout the mission in order to
succeed. This resulted in a more rapid hydrogen consumption during the climb and descend (see
Figure 19 below), and therefore roughly 80 % of the hydrogen was consumed during the mission. The
battery pack was charged during the cruise section during this simulation as well.
The mission simulation at 450 m cruise height failed initially with the same system parameters as
either the 150 m or 300 m parameters. The mission failed in the simulation due to the same reason as
the 300 m mission failed using the system parameters from the 150 m mission. However, when using
the system parameters from the 300 m simulation it failed due to the fuel tank running out of
hydrogen in the descend section. This was a result of the longer time span of the climb section which
resulted in a rapid consumption during a long time span compared to the entire mission time span. As
the battery packs were charged during the cruise section, there was not enough fuel to fulfill the
mission. In order to fulfill the mission with the chosen system, one simulation attempt was performed
assuming that the battery packs had an initial state of charge of 1 and the power output from the fuel
cell was varied between 350 and 650 W (which is the minimum power demand of the cruise section
and the maximum power output from the fuel cell respectively). This resulted in the mission
simulation succeeding. However, the hydrogen tank was almost 90 % depleted and the battery pack
could not be charged during the cruise section.
To summarize, the maximum height of a mission for one hour (with some safety margins in fuel left)
seems to be about 450 meters when incorporating one tank of hydrogen and two battery packs into the
system. Furthermore, different strategies need to be employed to succeed in the mission.
Figure 20: The diagram above shows the consumption over time for the mission for three different
cruise heights, namely 150, 300 and 450 m. The power output was varied for the mission simulation at
300 and 450 m, and constant for the mission simulation at 150 m.
Figure 21: The diagram above shows the power output of the fuel cell over time during the missions.
Throughout the mission simulations at 300 and 450 meters, the power varied between 650 and 400 W
and 650 and 350 W respectively.
When the cruise height is increased, the total pressure of air decreases. This results in a loss of fuel
cell performance. Taking into account the correction from the losses due to pressure differences
(Nernst equation), the results from the simulations show that it is minimal. As the diagram in Figure
21 below shows, the corrected current (dashed line) does not differ significantly from the regular
current (that does not take into account the pressure drop because it was calculated at the ground
level). Therefore, in short, the effects on the required current correction due to pressure drop resulting
from higher altitudes will be more significant at higher cruise heights, and negligible at the simulated
heights (150, 300 and 450 meters).
Figure 22: The diagram above shows a comparison of current for the mission simulation at 450
meters. The dashed line represents the total current with the added correction from the Nernst
equation for the losses due to pressure. The current correction increases as the drone climbs and is
constant once it reaches the cruise height of 450 meters. Thereafter the current correction decreases
again during the descent.
5. Discussion
On paper it may seem that a system solely powered by either batteries or fuel cells is the better of the
options depending on the mission profile. It can be interpreted that the hybrid solution mostly
highlights the negatives of both solutions by being both heavy and hard to refuel. However this is not
the reality as the disadvantages of using only one source of power offers severe drawbacks. As
mentioned, batteries are heavy for the amount of energy they can store which in turn limits the amount
of cargo weight which can be carried. The difference in weight is more than 2 kg between the hybrid
system and the battery system which becomes a large part of the total weight of the drone. It is more
than 10% of the total weight of the drone.
The problem with a system purely powered by fuel cells is however not as apparent from our data.
Fuel cells produce electricity by converting hydrogen gas and oxygen gas to water. As this is a
chemical reaction it wants to run on as stable power production as possible. Our power profile as
shown above can be considered an ideal condition to run a fuel cell only system as the change in
required power only changes twice (climb to cruise and cruise to descent). A more realistic version
would have several spikes due to environmental factors such as wind and air currents. These spikes
are a problem for a fuel cell as it can’t handle the change in required power very well which means
that the degradation of the fuel cell greatly increases. Also as it is power is produced by a chemical
reaction it is hard for the system to change the power output in these “spikes”.
This is where the hybrid solution shines. It is resilient to the changes in required power output as well
as being much lighter than a drone solely powered by batteries.
Considering the fact that the batteries Gens Ace 4 and Gens Ace 3.7 have a considerably higher energy
density compared to the Soar variant, we decided to use one of the two formerly mentioned batteries
since the optimal solution for the energy system is a higher energy and power output in relation to
weight. Another important factor for the battery selection is the state of charge of the battery. The
calculated C-rates of the both batteries required for completing the mission (see Figure 16) compared
to the C-rates of the batteries documented from the specification sheet (see Table 2) indicates that both
batteries are considered suitable for the mission. The Gens Ace 4 discharges and charges with a
slightly higher C-rate. It is true that a higher C-rate will cause further internal energy losses due to the
energy conversion to heat. However, since the differences in the C-rates of the two batteries are not
crucial for the mission, it did not influence our decision making.
We also took into consideration the total mass and volume of the battery solution since reducing the
weight of the UAV model in general is desired and more energy efficient. Gens Ace 4 was then
selected owing to the fact that the mission can be completed with the battery solution that is lighter
and occupies less volume in the model.
The combination of different battery types were also discussed and studied for incorporation in the
model when having a varied fuel cell power profile; mostly to minimize the total mass and volume. To
connect batteries with different ampere ratings in parallel is possible, however, in reality they have a
slightly different cell voltage irrespective of what is written on their label. This can be problematic as
batteries will then try to charge each other to balance these voltage differences. [22]
The simulations and calculations are based on the values documented in the specification sheets of the
batteries. These values have not been experimented in the laboratorium to inspect if there are any
variations in reality that can impact our results.
Regarding the result from the different cruise heights, the maximum height of a system containing one
hydrogen tank and two batteries seems to be around 450 meters with some safety margins. In order to
reach higher altitudes another system could be tested with an additional hydrogen tank and/or several
additional batteries. The possibilities of the system dimensioning are endless in the case of
simulations. However, the amount of components becomes very important regarding their mass and
volume as the drone cannot be too heavy to fly and there also needs to be space for the additional
batteries or extra hydrogen tanks. The results from the simulations show that the pressure difference
does not affect the performance of the fuel cell at such low altitudes. However, this will probably
affect the performance at higher altitudes but more precise simulations are needed to determine how
Furthermore, the effects of temperature were not taken into consideration when constructing the
model for the simulations. The decrease in temperature could affect the results due to the
accumulation of product water in the fuel cell as well as produced water freezing inside the fuel cell if
the drone reaches altitudes where the temperature has dropped significantly. This will most probably
only be a large issue if the drone cruises at substantial heights (at around 2000 meters where the
temperature drops below 0 ℃ [11]).
As the exhaust from a fuel cell is water there is a probability that it will freeze as soon as it leaves the
fuel cell. This could cause a build up which in the long run would clog the outflow leading to build up
in the fuel cell. To combat this some of the power produced could be used to heat the exhaust vents to
reduce the risk of the build up. However, this would not be needed as the temperature at the height
where the simulation has been done is rarely below the freezing point for water.
When it comes to having an emergency battery it depends on if the extra weight outweighs the risk of
the drone crashing. To land the drone if all other energy sources fail a single extra battery is needed
which adds 478 grams to the total weight of the drone. The benefits of having this battery on board
should be worth it to cover its cost by preventing a crash. This is hard to determine as no calculation
on flight cost has been done. However, the extra safety net is always good as it is hard to predict every
senario the drone can be exposed to. Another solution than having an extra battery could be to
continue to drain the main batteries to 0% instead of stopping at 20 % as we do now. However, this is
too little energy to land the drone safely as the calculations done shows that we need at least 94% of a
single battery to perform the landing sequence.
The whole argument that fuel cells are more environmentally friendly is based on the fact that
hydrogen comes from a sustainable source, one example of this would be hydrogen gas produced
through electrolysis of water using wind or solar power as the energy source. This would be the case if
the most common source of hydrogen was not from fossil based sources, for example steam methane
reforming (if the methane is from a fossil source) where the methane is used to produce hydrogen gas.
With that said the system in this report has the potential of being environmentally friendly as it does
not produce any CO2 itself.
6. Conclusion
● The hybrid energy system solution run with the constant fuel cell power profile was
concluded to be the best option considering that this can considerably affect the fuel cell’s
degradation and efficiency over time.
● Gens Ace 4 was selected owing to the fact that the mission can be completed with the battery
solution that is lighter and occupies less volume in the model. Less weight in general is
desired and more energy efficient.
● The approximate maximum height that can be reached for the mission lasting one hour (with
some safety margins in fuel left) is 450 𝑚, utilizing two Gens Ace 4 batteries with the initial
state of charge of one and a varied fuel cell power profile that varies between 650 W and 350
● The effects on the required current correction due to pressure drop resulting from higher
altitudes will be more significant at higher cruise heights and are not substantial up to 150 m
in which our mission is carried out.
● Fuel cells are more environmentally friendly than the traditional alternatives due to the fact
that hydrogen comes from a sustainable source and that the only exhaust is water defined as
zero emission.
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8. Attachments
8.1 Code
Height = Load_height;
%We rename the vairables
elseif (SoC_N1 > 0.2)
FC_P =0;
Power_Diff = -l_p;
Power_Diff_Em = 0;
%We do not have any hydrogen left but we can draw power from the
FC_P = 0;
Power_Diff = 0;
Power_Diff_Em = -Em_P;
%We do not have any hydrogen left and we cant drain the battery anymore
%so mission failure
8.2 Other
Polarization & Power Curve
Current [A] Power [W] Voltage [V]
1,166 30,04199 25,765
1,58 39,895 25,25
1,624444 41,74640767 25,69889
1,96 49,3724 25,19
2,15 53,836 25,04
2,24 56,2688 25,12
2,35 58,515 24,9
2,44 60,9756 24,99
2,53 63,0476 24,92
2,65 65,985 24,9
3,35 81,8405 24,43
4,41 105,7077 23,97
4,91 111,7025 22,75
5,06 119,3148 23,58
5,57 129,7253 23,29
5,99 139,6868 23,32
6,33 146,6661 23,17
6,68 151,8364 22,73
6,92 156,5996 22,63
7,12 162,692 22,85
7,44 166,8048 22,42
7,62 170,9928 22,44
7,83 175,392 22,4
7,97 176,2964 22,12
8,15 183,049 22,46
8,41 190,1501 22,61
8,81 191,177 21,7
9,13 204,6033 22,41
9,66 212,8098 22,03
10,2 227,358 22,29
10,31 228,882 22,2
10,49 229,5212 21,88
10,58 230,644 21,8
11,02 243,2114 22,07
11,21 248,1894 22,14
11,24 250,8768 22,32
11,95 258,359 21,62
12,17 263,6022 21,66
12,42 269,7624 21,72
12,63 270,0294 21,38
13,49 283,1551 20,99
13,52 284,0552 21,01
14,02 293,5788 20,94
14,16 296,652 20,95
14,31 308,3805 21,55
15,26 313,4404 20,54
15,91 318,2 20
16,12 328,5256 20,38
16,76 341,5688 20,38
17,11 347,5041 20,31
18,06 375,1062 20,77
18,95 378,242 19,96
19,4 399,64 20,6
21,13 404,4282 19,14
21,35 408,8525 19,15
21,65 416,113 19,22
21,97 418,7482 19,06
22,85 429,58 18,8
23,05 440,9465 19,13
23,2 441,728 19,04
24,12 449,3556 18,63
24,54 467,487 19,05
25,04 487,5288 19,47
27,23 509,4733 18,71
28,16 512,7936 18,21
29,17 528,2687 18,11
29,76 529,1328 17,78
30,18 544,1454 18,03
30,77 545,8598 17,74
32,13 551,0295 17,15
33,22 583,011 17,55
34,8 583,248 16,76
35,14 585,7838 16,67
35,44 602,48 17
36,67 625,5902 17,06
37,2 636,492 17,11
38,15 647,024 16,96
39,54 656,364 16,6
Height Data
Height [m] Pressure of air [bar] Pressure of oxygen [bar]
0 1,01325 0,20265
10 1,0125475 0,2025095
20 1,011845 0,202369
30 1,0111425 0,2022285
40 1,01044 0,202088
50 1,0097375 0,2019475
60 1,009035 0,201807
70 1,0083325 0,2016665
80 1,00763 0,201526
90 1,0069275 0,2013855
100 1,006225 0,201245
110 1,0055225 0,2011045
120 1,00482 0,200964
130 1,0041175 0,2008235
140 1,003415 0,200683
150 1,0027125 0,2005425
160 1,00201 0,200402
170 1,0013075 0,2002615
180 1,000605 0,200121
190 0,9999025 0,1999805
200 0,9992 0,19984
210 0,9984975 0,1996995
220 0,997795 0,199559
230 0,9970925 0,1994185
240 0,99639 0,199278
250 0,9956875 0,1991375
260 0,994985 0,198997
270 0,9942825 0,1988565
280 0,99358 0,198716
290 0,9928775 0,1985755
300 0,992175 0,198435
310 0,9914725 0,1982945
320 0,99077 0,198154
330 0,9900675 0,1980135
340 0,989365 0,197873
350 0,9886625 0,1977325
360 0,98796 0,197592
370 0,9872575 0,1974515
380 0,986555 0,197311
390 0,9858525 0,1971705
400 0,98515 0,19703
410 0,9844475 0,1968895
420 0,983745 0,196749
430 0,9830425 0,1966085
440 0,98234 0,196468
450 0,9816375 0,1963275
460 0,980935 0,196187
470 0,9802325 0,1960465
480 0,97953 0,195906
490 0,9788275 0,1957655
500 0,978125 0,195625
510 0,9774225 0,1954845
520 0,97672 0,195344
530 0,9760175 0,1952035
540 0,975315 0,195063
550 0,9746125 0,1949225
560 0,97391 0,194782
570 0,9732075 0,1946415
580 0,972505 0,194501
590 0,9718025 0,1943605
600 0,9711 0,19422
610 0,9703975 0,1940795
620 0,969695 0,193939
630 0,9689925 0,1937985
640 0,96829 0,193658
650 0,9675875 0,1935175
660 0,966885 0,193377
670 0,9661825 0,1932365
680 0,96548 0,193096
690 0,9647775 0,1929555
700 0,964075 0,192815
710 0,9633725 0,1926745
720 0,96267 0,192534
730 0,9619675 0,1923935
740 0,961265 0,192253
750 0,9605625 0,1921125
760 0,95986 0,191972
770 0,9591575 0,1918315
780 0,958455 0,191691
790 0,9577525 0,1915505
800 0,95705 0,19141
810 0,9563475 0,1912695
820 0,955645 0,191129
830 0,9549425 0,1909885
840 0,95424 0,190848
850 0,9535375 0,1907075
860 0,952835 0,190567
870 0,9521325 0,1904265
880 0,95143 0,190286
890 0,9507275 0,1901455
900 0,950025 0,190005
910 0,9493225 0,1898645
920 0,94862 0,189724
930 0,9479175 0,1895835
940 0,947215 0,189443
950 0,9465125 0,1893025
960 0,94581 0,189162
970 0,9451075 0,1890215
980 0,944405 0,188881
990 0,9437025 0,1887405
1000 0,943 0,1886