WEEK4-dll-TLE - HE
WEEK4-dll-TLE - HE
WEEK4-dll-TLE - HE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher EDLYN L. RUIZ Subject: TLE – Home Economics
Date November 28 - December 1, 2023 Quarter 2 – WEEK 4
A. Content
Standard Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in sewing household linens.
B. Performance Sews household linens using appropriate tools and materials and applying
C. Learning Draft pattern for Sew creative and marketable Sew creative and marketable Draft pattern for
Competency/ household linens preferably table
household linens household household runner.
preferably table runner. linens (table runners) as means linens (table runners) as means TLE6HE-0d-8
Write the LC code to augment family income; and to augment family income; and
for each.
TLE6HE-0d-8 assess the finished assess the finished Sew creative and marketable
household linens (table runners) as
products as to the quality products as to the quality means to augment family income; and
* Safety Precautions (using rubrics) (using rubrics) assess the finished
products as to the quality (using
TLE6HE-Od-9 TLE6HE-Od-9 rubrics)
II. CONTENT Drafting Pattern for Sewing Household Sewing Household Weekly Test
Household Linens Linens and Product Linens and Product
Assessment Assessment
A. References K to 12 MELC guide p 411 K to 12 MELC guide p 411 K to 12 MELC guide p 411 K to 12 MELC guide p 411
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Laptop, audio-visual presentation Laptop, audio-visual presentation Laptop, audio-visual presentation Laptop, audio-visual presentation
A. Reviewing What are the kinds of pattern? Write True if the statement tells correct Recall past lesson. Weekly Test
previous lesson or What are the steps on how to draft practices of safety precautionary measure
presenting the new pattern for table runner? in sewing and False if not.
______1. Use the thimble for pushing the
needle through the cloth.
______2. Use your teeth in cutting the
______3. Place the sewing tools properly
in the sewing box after use.
______4. Keep the sewing tools out of
children reach.
______5. Place the needle or pin between
the lips.
B. Establishing a Study the given picture and Identify the given picture. Give the materials, tools, and
purpose for the answer the questions Write at least 5 sentences equipment needed in sewing a
below. about it. table runner.
1. What can you say about the
2. When do we use these tools?
3. Do you know how to handle it?
Below are the first five steps in sewing a table runner. Arrange the
F. Developing Directions: Complete the Show the pupils how to do it scrambled steps
mastery (leads to graphic organizer with the right. according to its proper procedure in sewing table runner. Write the
letter of your
Formative answer in your answer sheets.
Assessment 3) safety precautions in 1. Lay the fabric on the table with the wrong side up.
2. Cut the fabric all around the pattern.
sewing. 3. Pin the pattern or the fabric to keep in place.
4. Lay the drafted pattern on the top of the fabric, then pin.
5. From the edges of the pattern, mark with ½ inch allowance on the
a. 23154
b. 34215
c. 12453
d. 14352
Below are the sixth to tenth steps in sewing table runner. Arrange
the scrambled
steps according to its proper procedure in sewing. Write the letter of
your answer in
your answer sheets.
6. To form the hem, fold the ½ inch allowance inward, then pin.
7. Check each part and remove hanging threads.
8. Baste it all around to keep the fold in place.
9. Stitch / Sew the hem by hand all around.
10. Press / Iron the fabric.
a. 786910
b. 687109
c. 689710
d. 876109
G. Finding Directions: Read the following. Choose the letter Situation: Make a pillow case following the
of the correct answer. Write
practical your answers on a separate sheet of paper. You were given a complete set of correct steps/procedure below.
application of 1. Students should walk with shears with the blades tools in sewing as well as a 1.5meter Procedure:
concepts and skills A. toward the ceiling fabric by your teacher in TLE. Make 1. Fold the 2 inches allowance for the
in daily living B. toward the floor or sew a simple but creative table opening facing the wrong side. Fold
C. outward
D. inward runner the
2. Pins should be kept . following the correct procedure. raw edge by ¼ inch and stitch close to
a. in your mouth
b. on the counter 1. Lay the fabric on the table with the the edge.
c. in your clothing wrong side up. 2. Use French seam in stitching the
d. in a pin cushion
3. Pass the shears . 2. Lay the drafted pattern on top of sides.
a. carelessly the fabric, pin. 3. Stitch the three sides of the cloth
b. with the handle first
c. with the pointed end first 3. Pin the pattern or the fabric to keep with the right side out by 1/8 inch
d. by tossing them up high in place. away
4. You should sew .
a. at a slow speed 4. From the edges of the pattern, mark from the edge of the cloth.
b. at your own pace with ½ inch allowance on the 4. Invert the pillow case with the
c. as fast as you can
d. with eyes closed fabric. wrong side out .
5. Keep your fingers . 5. Cut the fabric all around the 5. Stitch the three edges again by ¼
a. towards the needle
b. away from the fabric pattern. inch away from the edge.
c. away from the needle 6. To form the hem, fold the ½ inch Below is the scoring rubric for you to
d. away from the counter
6. You should remove pins before you saw over allowance inward. Then, pin. use in assessing your finished product
them. 7. Baste it all around to keep the fold (pillow
a. True
b. False in place. case)
c. Maybe 8. Stitch / Sew the hem by hand all
d. None of these
7. When working, the distance to the machine has around.
to be . 9. Check each part and remove
a. 5-8 cm
b. 3-7 cm hanging threads.
c. 5-10 cm 10.Press/ Iron the fabric.
d. 10-15 cm
8. Attach patterns to fabric with ends.
a. sharp
b. round
c. colored
d. pointed
9. When working with bulk materials put on a .
a. tissue
b. cloth
c. towel
d. mask
10. In collecting and disposing pieces of broken
needles or pins,
wrapped them in __________.
a. paper
b. cloth
c. plastic
d. rubber
H.Making What are the Safety Rules in Sewing? What are the steps in sewing a
What are the tools and
generalizations household linen?
and abstractions
equipment use to Sew a
about the lesson Household Linen?
I. Evaluating Directions: Write T if the Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet Arrange the steps in sewing
learning statement observes safety
precaution in
of paper.
1. What is the cloth laid on top of table cloth or
a table runner by putting the
sewing and F if not. Write your on a bare table? number 1-10 in
answer on a separate sheet of a. table cover
b. table runner their proper order. Copy and
1. Keep the scissors in the case
c. table stopper
d. pillow case
write your answer on the
and out of reach of children. 2. Which of the following is the first step in space provided before
sewing a table runner?
2. Use rusty needles and pins in a. lay the fabric on the table, wrong side up the sentence.
your work. b. mark an allowance on the cloth
3. Before you begin, hide your c. cut the fabric ____ Check its parts and
hair for convenience. d. press the fabric
3. Which is the second step in sewing a table
remove hanging threads.
4. Keep all needlework during runner? ____ Lay the drafted pattern
work breaks in the product a. cut the fabric
package. b. lay the drafted pattern on the cloth on the fabric.
5. When working with seed bead, c. mark allowance on the cloth
d. press the fabric
____ Sew the hemline all
do not use shallow 4. How many inch is the allowance of the raw around the fabric by hand.
containers like saucer. edge after laying the drafted pattern
6. No foreign objects have to be on the fabric? ____ Lay the fabric on the
a. ¼ inch
located next to the machine b. ½ inch table.
during operation. c. ¾ inch ____ Press.
7. When working, the distance to d. 1 inch
the machine has to be 10-
5. After marking the cloth with allowance, which is the
next step you should do?
____ From the edges of the
15 cm. a. baste and stitch the raw edges
b. remove hanging threads
pattern, mark the fabric with
_8. Hold scissors with sharp sides c. add embroidery stitch ½ inch allowance.
up and do not use them when d. cut the fabric