Books - Evil of The Seerah Jalsah
Books - Evil of The Seerah Jalsah
Books - Evil of The Seerah Jalsah
“This Day have I (Allah) perfected for you your Deen,
and completed for you My Favour, and chosen for
you Islam as your Deen.”
The worse crime and sin is committed by Muslims Bid’ah – the
innovation of practices/customs into the Deen. It is worse than
zina and murder, for it is tantamount to digging up the foundations
of Islam and destroying it. It is the best and most cunning ploy of
shaitaan with which he entraps even men of learning. Even
genuine Walis have been misled with Bid’ah. Rasulullah
(Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
There are many wayward men and women who still have the
ability to utilize their intelligence in order to understand the
simple, but vehement prohibition of the Shariah pertaining to
‘seerat jalsahs’ which Iblees has adorned for them. However,
since the nafs derives pleasure – haraam lustful pleasure – from
public functions where men and women attend, where singing,
feasting and futility are the order of the day, these supposedly
intelligent people by their own volition smother their Imaani
conscience and blight their intelligence so as to derive maximum
nafsaani enjoyment from the haraam bid’ah function.
The qaaris and devilish naa’t singers singing at the seerat jalsah
are munaafiqeen. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Most of the munaafiqeen of my Ummah are the qaaris.” They
sing and recite for the nafs and the dunya, and to impress the lewd
women who gather at the function of fisq and fujoor. They make
a mockery of Allah’s Deen and the Qur’aan Majeed at haraam
Bid’ah functions. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said
that the abode in Jahannam of these munaafiq qaaris is called
Jubbul Huzn (the Pit of Grief). The intensity of the heat of this Pit
constrains Jahannam itself to seek refuge with Allah Azza Wa Jal
400 times daily. The moron Reverend Bham and the miserable
qaaris Saud Mas’ud, Umar Sheikh and the clowns who will be
singing at the ‘seerat jalsah’, namely, Clown Ba Sheikh and Coon
Matiyani – all of them, including the two mudhilleen, Ahmed
Akoo and Suliman Moola – should reflect and meditate on Allah’s
Athaab and on Maut which is constantly stalking us all. Maut calls
out to every person five times a day to remind him of this
inescapable reality.
Reverend Bham and his ilk of mudhilleen have not perceived even
the fragrance of the Ulama of Deoband. They are agents of Iblees.
With their ‘seerat jalsahs’ the mudhilleen agents of Iblees, digging
at the foundations of Islam, not only with their bid’ah seerat
jalsahs, but in other ways as well, have effectively aligned
themselves with the Barelwi Qabar Pujaaris. Precisely on account
of this affinity, are they able to flock together with the Bid’ati
molvis although the latter still proclaim them to be kaafir. This
NNB jamiat clique has managed to mislead the inexperienced,
junior molvis of even the Jamiat KZN who have become
entrapped in the consortium of Baatil known as BOGUS ‘uucsa’.
They have managed to seal the mouths of the molvis of Jamiat
KZN and induced them to toe the line of Bid’ah, dhalaal and baatil
which the conglomerate of vile molvis and sheikhs has chalked
Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur’aan Majeed: “In fact, insaan has
baseerat (insight) over his (or her) nafs even though he (or she)
puts forth excuses.” Regardless of their efforts at self-deception,
and notwithstanding their natural disposition of intellectual
deficiency (Nuqs fil Aql), they fail in their induced self-deception
as is mentioned in the aforementioned Qur’aanic Aayat. Deep in
their hearts, they know why they are adorning and perfuming
themselves when they set foot out of the house to attend haraam
functions. When these lewd women dressify and adorn and
perfume themselves in preparation for the haraam function,
shaitaan stalks them and lies in ambush for them in the avenue of
fitnah. They know that perfuming and adorning themselves is not
for their husbands. They know too well the satanic and lustful
intentions prompting them to come within the purview of the
Hadith which brands such women as adulteresses. The husbands
who permit their wives and the fathers who allow their daughters
to emerge from the sanctity of their homes to attend bid’ah
functions in the public domain inhabited by fussaaq, fujjaar and
shaitaani molvis and qaaris, also incur the Wrath and Curse of
Allah Azza Wa Jal.
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molvis are today leaving no stone unturned to give impetus to
female participation in public activities. And, all of their villainy
is presented on a ‘deeni’ platter to mislead and beguile the species
of Allah’s makhlooq whose salient feature is Nuqs fil Aql
(intellectual deficiency).
(4) Singing
Among the factors of prohibition at the bid’ah ‘seerat jalsahs’, is
ghina (singing). An aggravating element of the haraam singing
of naa’ts, is that fussaaq males sing even for a female audience.
The hearts of the lewd women attending the bid’ah function are
further corrupted with lust when they sit enraptured in the haraam
singing by males.
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certainly utilize his traps to ensnare the fussaaq and fujjaar into
his net of fitnah (carnal lust) which his molvi and qaari agents and
aids spread for him. How can women who are genuinely
concerned about the Deen ever participate in these bid’ah seerat
jalsahs of fisq and fujoor?
“The life of this world is but play and amusement while the
Abode of the Aakhirah is best for those who fear (Allah). What!
Have you no sense?” Are you so stupid to fail understanding this
obvious reality?
“And they (the kuffaar) eat like cattle, and the Fire is their
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themselves like kuffaar and cattle. They are callously insensitive
of the sufferings of the millions afflicted with the hardship of
starvation, and lamentably unconcerned with the destruction they
cause to their own physical and spiritual health with their
Qur’aan Majeed states this fact with much emphasis. After Isha’
is the time for rest and sleep in preparation for rising for
Tahajjud. But these auspicious moments of the Night are
squandered in satanism. The women return home like prostitutes
at midnight after their merrymaking revelry. Thus, both the men
and women utterly ruin their Imaani spirituality with their haraam
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above. However, further elaboration on this issue will be
The munaafiq and fussaaq qaaris of our time are thus preparing
the stage for the jinn-shayaateen who will appear in human form
to mislead and ruin the Imaan of Muslims by means of the
Qur’aan. In our present age, the human munaafiq/fussaaq qaaris
are conducting themselves just as their jinn-shayaateen
counterparts who will appear in human form. These human
shayaateen (the faasiq qaaris) are conducting themselves in the
same manner as the future jinn-shayaateen in human form who
will be performing their satanic acts on public stages and in the
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will say: ‘I have heard (hadith from) a man whose face I can
recognize whilst I am unaware of his name. I heard him narrating
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(4) The only manner in which the Sahaabah and the Salafus
Saaliheen of the Khairul Quroon era ‘celebrated’ the Bounty
of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was by means of
daily and perpetual Ibaadat and Taa-at, and meticulous
implementation of every aspect of the Sunnah.
(5) The first miscreants who had innovated these birth and seerat
functions were the Shiahs in the 4th century. Two centuries
thereafter, the fussaaq in this Ummah introduced this Shiah
practice in the Sunni world.
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