Respiratory Module 4 8

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

College of Nursing

1 st Semester SY 2023-2024


NCM 112j – Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation



MODULE 4: Special Pulmonary Treatment ( August 28-Sept 2, 2023)
A. Bronchial Hygiene
1. Suctioning
2. Nebulization
3. Humidification
B. Oxygen therapy
C. Breathing and coughing exercise (pursed lip, abdominal, blowing)
D. Thoracostomy tube care
E. Water seal drainage – Closed chest drainage system (one way, two way
and three way)
F. Pleur evac
Module Objectives:
At the end of this module, the student should be able to:
1. Identify different diagnostic procedures and treatments.
2. Analyze different diagnostic procedures, pharmacologic management and
management of thoracic surgery.
2. Formulate nursing care plan for client before and after diagnostic
procedures, thoracic surgery and treatments.
3. Formulate a drug study utilizing the drug study format.
4. Design appropriate management of client to undergo thoracic surgery.

Instructors: Ms. Ellenor D. Velasco/Flor P. San Luis/Fatima Rogelia Dulin/Jan Paolo

Face-to-Face, Zoom, Messenger, E-class
“Negative Positive Pressure”

Pre-work Objectives:
At the end of this module the learners should be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge on the different diagnostic procedures and
pulmonary treatment.
2. Integrate the nursing process on the different nursing procedures perform
to client with respiratory problems and to client with pulmonary treatment.
3. Prioritize appropriate nursing management to client after diagnostic
procedure and or to client with pulmonary treatment.
4. Extract specific health teachings to clients undergoing thoracic surgery.

Brunner and Suddarth; Medical – Surgical Nursing 10th edition
Condon Nyhus; Manual of Surgical Therapeutics, 6th edition Asian Medical
Sciences International, LTD., Tokyo Pp 241-250
Luckman & Sorensen Medical Surgical Nursing : A Psychophysiologic Approach
4th ed Chapters 35-38
Timby and Smith; Introductory Medical and Surgical Nursing Lippincot William
and Wilkins, 2007

Intended Learning Outcome:

After the classroom session, the nursing students can:
1. Implement the appropriate pulmonary treatments to actual setting.
2. Document appropriate pulmonary treatment rendered and response of client in
actual setting.

Session Flow:
7:30 Am – 8:00 Am --------Prayer, Check attendance, recap, quiz,
8:01 Am – 9:00 Am----------- Power point presentation, Procedure demonstration
9:01 Am – 9:15 Am ----------- Break
9:16 Am - 10:30 Am ----------- Interactive discussion, Individual feedback

Academic Consultation:
6:00 – 8:00 pm(MTW) thru messenger
Classroom – 1. Submit a pencil illustration of any one of the respiratory procedure
taken from our discussion.) Then explain treatment given to the client
and nursing care rendered. To submit on Sept. 4, 2023

2. Submit an output from the readings of water seal drainage procedure.

1. What is the difference between suction and water seal?

2. How long can you keep the chest tube in?
3. How should you assess for a leak in a chest tube drainage system?
4. How many ml of drainage be considered normal?
5. Is continuous bubbling normal in chest tube?
6. How do you care client with water seal drainage?
Output to be submitted on September 4, 2023 after our class.

• Rubric for individual output
• Quiz – ADZU grading scheme
● Rubric for small group activity
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing

1 st Semester SY 2023-2024


NCM 112j – Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation


MODULE 5 – Pharmacologic Agent ( September 4-9, 2023)

1. Antihistamine
2. Bronchodilator
3 Antitussives
4 Decongestant
5 Mucolytic

Thoracic Surgery
A. Exploratory thoracotomy
● Resection
● Segmental resection
● Wedge resection
● Lobectomy
● Pneumonectomy
● Decortications

Module objective:
At the end of this module the learners shall be able to:
1. Integrate previously acquired knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, and
pathophysiology with newly acquired information concerning the actions of drugs as
well as their application in clinical medicine.
2. Discriminate among a body of pharmacological agents and substances, based upon
the generic drug name, pharmacological classification, primary mechanism of
action, major clinical uses and/or most prevalent/clinically significant adverse
3. Describe strategies employed for patient safety during the preparation and
administration of medications.
4. Describe the professional responsibility and standards of practice for the
professional nurse as related to the medication administration process.
5. Demonstrate competency in performing clinical drug and dosage calculations.
6. Describe the indications, insertion technique and basic management of a chest tube
or pigtail thoracostomy.
7. Describe the presentation, differential diagnosis, investigation and management.
8. Design appropriate management of client to undergo thoracic surgery.

Date: September 4-9, 2023

Platform: Face-to-Face, Zoom, Messenger, E-class
Instructors: Ms. Ellenor D. Velasco / Flor P. San Luis/Fatima Rogelia Dullin/ Jan Paolo Barandino
Mindset: “Embrace challenges with open arms and failures viewed as learning experience”
Independent learning/ pre-work learning:
1. Acquire learning on the different pharmacologic agent.
2. Identify the classifications and actions of drugs used in respiratory system.
3. Discuss examples of when, how, and to whom respiratory system drugs may be
4. Identify the side effects and special considerations associated with respiratory system drugs.
5. Explain the right dosage of the drug and drug calculations.
6. Summarize the appropriate management of clients with thoracic surgery.


Brunner and Suddarth, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 13th edition, page 1041, page 624-626, 639,
page 515, 541
Hooper C, Calvert J. The role for S-carboxymethylcysteine (carbocisteine) in the management of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2008;3(4):659-69. –
PMC – PubMed

Intended learning outcome:

After the class session the student can:
1. Explain the indications for each route of drug administration.
2. List the 12 rights to ensure proper drug administration.
3. Describe how to administer oral and parenteral medications safely.
4. Formulate plan of care perioperative and post-operative management of client with thoracic
5. Evaluates the operative and non-operative management of client with thoracic surgery.
Session Flow

7:30 Am – 8:00 Am --------Prayer, Check attendance, recap, quiz,

8:01 Am – 9:00 Am----------- Power point presentation, Interactive discussion
9:01 Am – 9:15 Am ----------- Break
9:16 Am - 10:30 Am ----------- Drug study presentation by group

Academic Consultation:
6:00 – 8:00 pm(MTW) thru messenger

1. Select one surgical procedure, explain the nursing management and submit it on September
11, 2023 after our class.
2. Select 2 respiratory drugs from your patient in the clinical area and formulate drug study to
be presented in our class. (group presentation)

● Quiz
● small group presentation with rubric
● Individual output with rubric
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing

Ist Semester SY 2023-2024


NCM 112j – Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation

MODULE 6 : Upper airway conditions
At the end of this module the learners shall be able to:
1. Describe nursing management of patients with upper airway disorders.
2. Compare the upper respiratory tract infections with regard to cause,
incidence, clinical manifestations, management and the significance of
preventive health care.
3. Use nursing process as a framework for care of patients with upper airway
infection, formulate a nursing care plan of a client with upper airway

Date: Module 6 – September 11-16, 2023

Platform: Face-to-Face, Zoom, Messenger, E-class
Instructors: Ms. Ellenor D. Velasco / Flor P. San Luis/ Fatima Rogelia Dullin/ Jan Paolo Barandino
Mindset: “You took my breath away”
Independent Learning Pre-work: Assignments:
At the end of this module the student should be able to:
1. Interpret the signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures and management
of the client with upper respiratory conditions.
2. Categorize drugs administered to client with upper airway condition.
3. Formulate plan of care to client with upper respiratory condition.
4. Design health education to client with upper respiratory conditions.

Read on Upper Respiratory conditions:

2.a. Rhinitis
2.b. Sinusitis
2.c Epistaxis
2.d. Pharyngitis
2.f. Tonsillitis or Adenoiditis
2.g. Laryngitis

Medical-Surgical Nursing Brunner and Suddarth; 13th ed. Pp. 944-993
Medical – Surgical Nursing by Brunner and Suddarth 10th edition
Manual of Surgical Therapeutics Condon & Nyhus 6th Asian Edition Little
Brown and Company Boston:Tokyo pp. 421-428
Luckman & Sorensen Medical Surgical Nursing: A Psychophysiologic Approach
4th ed Chapters 35-38
Timby, B. Smith, N. Introductory Medical and Surgical Nursing Lippincott –
William & Wilkins, 2007
Quiambao-Udan: Medical Surgical Nursing Concepts and clinical
Applications 1st ed. C 2005 Guiani Prints House Phil. www. www. Medscape

Intended Learning outcome:

After the classroom session the students must be able to:
1. Demonstrate skillfully the diagnostic procedures rendered to the client and
the management of a client with upper respiratory infection.
2. Describe nursing management of patients with upper airway disorders.
3. Reflect carefully the action of the drugs rendered to client with upper
airway infection.
4. Compare and contrast the upper respiratory tract infections according to
cause, incidence, clinical manifestations, management and the significance
of preventive health care.
5. Plan a comprehensive health education to client with upper airway
6. Validate the nursing process as a framework for care of patients with upper
respiratory infection.

Session flow:
7:30 Am – 8:00 Am _____Opening Prayer, Check attendance, Quiz, Recap
8:01 Am – 9:00 Am -------- Power point presentation, Showdown/Show me activity
9:01 Am – 9:15 Am ______ Break
9:16 Am – 10:30 Am -------- Interactive discussion

Academic Consultation:
6:00 – 7:00 pm (MTW) thru messenger

• Submit Ticket 1-2-3 output on September 18, 2023 to my deliverable locker.

Guide questions in preparing ticket 1-2-3:

• How does what I learned relate to the real world?
• What questions or concerns do I have about what I learn?
• What would I like to learn more about?
• Submit a reflection paper from any of upper respiratory conditions taken
from an articles, journals etc. (from the year 2015 onwards) to be submitted
on September 18, 2023 together with the ticket 1-2-3. Document the source
at the end of your reflection paper.

Guide in preparing a reflection paper:

1. Write an introduction after reading the case. State the reason why you
choose the case.
2. What are your feelings about what was said?
3. Are you on the same page with the author? Explain reason why you agree or
4. Have you experienced anything that can be applied to the main ideas?
5. Did you have a different opinion on the topic before reading the case?
6. Is the main point supported by evidence?

● Quiz
● small group activity
● Individual output
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing

Ist Semester SY 2023 -24


NCM 112j – Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation


MODULE 7 – 8 : Lower airway conditions

At the end of this module the learners shall be able to:
1. Describe nursing management of patients with lower airway disorders.
2. Compare the lower respiratory tract infections with regard to cause, incidence, clinical
manifestations, management and the significance of preventive health care.
3. Use nursing process as a framework for care of patients with lower airway infection,
formulate a nursing care plan of a client with lower airway infection.

Date: Module 7 – September 16-21, 2023 Module 8 – September 25 – 30, 2023

Platform: Face-to-Face, Zoom, Messenger, E-class
Instructors: Ms. Ellenor D. Velasco/ Flor P. San Luis/Fatima Rogelia Dullin/ Jan Paolo Barandino
Mindset: “Smoking is bad for your health.”
Independent Learning Pre-work: Assignments:
Pre-course work:
At the end of this module the students must be able to:
1. Interpret the signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures and management of the
client with lower respiratory conditions.
2. Categorize drugs administered to client with lower airway infection.
3. Formulate plan of care to client with lower airway infection.
4. Design health education to client with lower respiratory conditions.

Students must read;

1. Nursing care of a client with lower airway conditions
2. Lower Respiratory conditions
2.a. Asthma
2.b. Bronchitis
2.c. Bronchiectasis
2.d. Emphysema
2.e Pleurisy
2.f. Pneumonia
2.g. Lung abcess/cancer

2.h, Chest trauma – September 25 – 30, 2023

* Pneumothorax
* Hemothorax
* Flail chest
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Brunner and Suddarth; 13th ed. Pp. 944-993
Medical – Surgical Nursing: Brunner and Suddarth ,10th edition
Manual of Surgical Therapeutics Condon & Nyhus 6th Asian EditionLittle Brown and
Company Boston:Tokyo pp. 421-428
Luckman & Sorensen: Medical Surgical Nursing : A Psychophysiologic Approach,4th
Ed Chapters 35-38
Quiambao-Udan: Medical Surgical Nursing Concepts and clinical Applications 1st ed. C
2005 Guiani Prints House Phil.
Timby, B. Smith, N. Introductory Medical and Surgical Nursing Lippincott - William &
Wilkins, 2007
www. Medscape

Intended Learning outcome:

At the end of classroom session the students can:
1. Manage client with conditions of the lower respiratory tract disorders.
2. Contrast the drugs administered to client with lower airway infection and to client in
upper airway infection.
3. Plan a comprehensive health education to client with lower airway infection.
4. Present honestly the nursing process as a framework for care to patients with lower
respiratory infection.
5. Evaluates the operative and non-operative management of client with chest trauma.

Face-to-Face session flow:

7:30 Am – 8:00 Am _________Opening Prayer, Check attendance, Quiz, Recap
8:01 Am – 9:00 Am _________Power Point presentation, Show down/ Show me
9:01 Am – 9:15 Am ---------------Break
9:16:00 Am – 10:30 Am ---------- Interactive discussion

Academic Consultation:
6:00 – 7:00 pm (MTW) thru messenger

• Quiz
• Submit Ticket 1-2-3 output on September 25, 2023 @ my deliverable locker
• Submit reflection paper from any condition of lower respiratory conditions
on or before September 25, 2023. (Follow format in module 6)

• Quiz – ADZU grading scheme
• rubric for individual output
● Small group presentation with rubric

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