E592 1801061-1
E592 1801061-1
E592 1801061-1
Standard Guide to
Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity for
Radiography of Steel Plates 1⁄4 to 2 in. (6 to 51 mm) Thick
with X-Rays and 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) Thick with
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E592; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
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5. Procedure
5.1 Sensitivity for 1⁄4 to 2-in. (6 to 51-mm) Thick Steel Using
5.1.1 The values of sensitivity were determined from a
statistical study of visibility of images of penetrameter holes.
Near 100 % certainty of seeing the image of a hole on any
radiograph was taken as the criterion for determining sensitiv-
ity. Most radiographs will show slightly better sensitivity than
indicated in Figs. 1-3 because of the statistical nature of
recording information from a beam of X-rays but occasionally,
one will not show quite as good sensitivity.
5.1.2 Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitvity (EPS) is defined in
Eq 1. For a full discussion of EPS see Appendix X1 of Practice
EPS, % 5 70.7 ~ dT ! 1⁄2 ⁄t (1) NOTE 1—See 5.1.4 for exposure conditions.
FIG. 2 Penetrameter Sensitivity and Minimum Penetrameter Mark-
where: ings for Showing the 2T Hole When Radiographing 1⁄4 to 2-in. (6
d = diameter of penetrameter hole, to 51-mm) Thick Steel with X-Rays.
T = thickness of penetrameter, and
t = specimen thickness.
A clear definition of equivalent penetrameter sensitivity has Roentgen
not been established for penetrameters less than 10 mils Film Type ISO Speed ASTM Class
(0.25 mm) thick. For this work it was calculated as in Eq 1. The
1 17 1700 none
change in slope of the steel thickness curves on Fig. 2 and Fig. 2 4.0 400 III
3 is a result of the established 10-mil minimum hole diameter 3 1.2 120 I
in Practice E1025 and Practice E1742, Appendix A1. 4 0.35 35 Special
5.1.3 Fig. 1 illustrates obtainable equivalent penetrameter 5.1.4 The radiographic exposure conditions for reference
sensitivity for four X-ray films. The films are identified by radiographs 1, 2, 3, and 4 were: 36-in. (914-mm) focus-film
reciprocal speed (see Test Method E1815) when exposed in distance, 5-mil (0.13-mm) front and 10-mil (0.25-mm) back
accordance with ISO 7004 in a 200-kV range, and processed in lead screens, 20 mA·min exposure, and kilovoltage adjusted to
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations (see give a density of near 2.0. The focal spot size was not recorded
Guide E999). with the original data.
E592 − 15
thickness that will show the 1T hole image is 22 and the
Practice E1742, Annex A1 specification marking is 1.1.
5.1.9 If radiographs are exposed to a density other than 2 by
changing mA·min exposure, but not kilovoltage, the equivalent
penetrameter sensitivity (EPS) that will be obtained in the
density range 1.3 to 4 can be calculated approximately as
EPSD 5 EPS2 ~ 2/D ! 1/4 (2)
D = density to which the radiograph is exposed,
EPS2 = sensitivity for D = 2.0, and
EPSD = sensitivity for D.
5.2 Sensitivity for 1 to 6-in. (25 to 152-mm) Thick Steel
Using Cobalt-60:
5.2.1 For cobalt-60 radiography of steel, the variables that
affect image quality and that can be controlled are the speed of
the film and the recording of scattered radiation relative to the
recording of image-forming radiation. The relative recording
of scatter (the scatter buildup factor) can be decreased by the
use of lead filtration between the specimen and the film or by
the use of low-atomic-number metal screens. Either method
gives nearly equal improvement in image quality for a given
NOTE 1—See 5.1.4 for exposure conditions. increase in exposure.
FIG. 3 Penetrameter Sensitivity and Minimum Penetrameter Mark- 5.2.2 Radiographs of flat steel plates were made either with
ings for Showing the 1T Hole When Radiographing 1⁄4 to 2-in. (6 10-mil (0.25-mm) thick front and back lead or copper screens.
to 51-mm) Thick Steel with X-Rays.
A30-Ci source, 4 by 4 mm, was used with a setup designed to
give maximum buildup of scatter in the specimen and no
backscatter. The source-to-film distance was 36 in. (914 mm).
5.1.5 Most high-quality industrial X-ray films intended for The exposure was adjusted for a density near 2.0.
direct or lead screen exposure, that are exposed and developed 5.2.3 The four films used are identified by reciprocal roent-
accordingly to give these speed values, will provide similar gen speed when exposed in accordance with ISO 7004 using
illustrations of sensitivity. Interpolation will give illustrations cobalt-60 radiation and processed in accordance with the
of sensitivity for speeds obtained with other film systems. manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.1.6 In Fig. 2 the data are presented to show the thinnest
Film Type Roentgen Speed ISO Speed
penetrameter for which the image of the 2 T hole will be 1 3.5 350
visible. The intersection of the line for a particular steel 2 0.67 67
thickness and the line for a given film projected onto the 3 0.13 13
4 0.04 4
abscissa gives the best obtainable equivalent penetrameter
sensitivity. Two different penetrameter markings are displayed 5.2.4 Fig. 4 shows equivalent penetrameter sensitivity ob-
in the figure: those for Practice E1025 and those for Practice tainable for 1 and 4-in. (25 and 102-mm) thick steel as a
E1742, Annex A1 (also NAVSEA Technical Publication function of exposure in curie minutes. Fig. 5 shows equivalent
T9074-AS-GIB-010/271 and former MIL-STD-453 penetram- penetrameter sensitivity obtainable for 2 and 6-in. (51 and
eter markings). The intersection projected to the left ordinate 152-mm) thick steel as a function of exposure. The numbers on
gives the minimum penetrameter marking (thickness in mils) in the curves indicate the various radiographic exposures shown
accordance with Practice E1025 for which the image of the 2T in Table 1.
hole will be visible. The right ordinate gives the minimum 5.2.5 The films, screens, and exposures used for the radio-
penetrameter marking in accordance with Practice E1742, graphs were as specified in Table 1.
Annex A1, for which the image of the 2T hole will be visible.
5.1.7 Fig. 3 gives the Practice E1025 and Practice E1742, 6. Descriptions and Suggested Uses of Reference
Annex A1 markings for which the image of the 1T hole will be Radiographic Illustrations (See 1.2)
visible. 6.1 Eight radiographs were chosen to illustrate sensitivities
5.1.8 To take an example, on Fig. 2 the intersection of the obtainable with practical radiographic systems. Table 2 lists
curve for 1-in. (25-mm) thick steel and for Film No. 2 shows films and exposure conditions for reference radiograph illus-
that the penetrameter sensitivity is 1.45 %. The minimum trations Nos. 1 through 6 (for X-ray) and Table 1 lists films and
Practice E1025 penetrameter thickness that will show the 2T exposure conditions for reference radiograph illustrations Nos.
hole image is 15. The corresponding Practice E1742, Annex A1 7 and 8 (for Cobalt-60). The reference radiograph illustrations
marking is 0.75 (see dashed lines). On Fig. 3 the sensitivity is, for Cobalt-60 correspond to demonstration radiographs Nos. 9
of course, 1.45 %. The minimum Practice E1025 penetrameter and 12 in Table 1 and Fig. 4.
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6.2 Each reference radiograph illustration has an array of a given diameter. The plaque for which all hole images are just
Practice E1025 penetrameters on the right-hand side and a visible represent near limiting penetrameter sensitivity.
corresponding array of steel plaques containing holes of
varying diameters on the left-hand side. Illustrations Nos. 1 6.3 Reference radiographs Nos. 1, 2, and 3 illustrate the
through 6 contain plaques which represent 2 % of steel visibility of penetrameter holes for radiography of 1⁄2, 1, and
thicknesses radiographed and each has ten holes of a given 11⁄2-in. (13, 25, and 38-mm) thick steel using film No. 2. The
diameter. Illustrations Nos. 7 and 8 contain plaques 0.060-in. exposure conditions were as specified in 5.1.4.
(1.51-mm) thick, and each has 10 and 15 holes respectively of
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TABLE 1 Description of Cobalt-60 Radiographs Cited in Figs. 4 TABLE 2 Description of Reference Radiographs Using X-Rays
and 5
NOTE 1—The focus-film distance was 36 in. (914 mm) and the
Demonstration kilovoltage was adjusted to give a density near 2.0 on all of the
Thickness Exposure,
Radio- Film Type Screens
of Steel Ci·min radiographs described below.
Reference Ra- Thickness of Steel, Exposure,
1 in. (25 mm) 1 2 lead 130 Film Type
diograph No. in. (mm) mA·min
2 2 copper 240
3 3 lead 770 1 1⁄2 (13) 2 20
4 4 copper 3 100 2 1 (25) 2 20
3 11⁄2 (38) 2 20
2 in. (51 mm) 5 1 copper 70 4 1⁄2 (13) 4 20
6 2 lead 260 5 1⁄2 (13) 2 2.5
7 2 copper 510 6 1⁄2 (13) 2 160
8 3 copper 3 020
Committee E07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(E592-99(2009)ε1) that may impact the use of this standard.
(1) Updated references throughout. (5) Differentiated film type numbers, demonstration radiograph
(2) Moved definition of EPS from a note to its own section. numbers, and reference radiograph numbers.
(3) Added technique information to Fig. 1. (6) Added ISO speed and ASTM film class to table in 5.1.
(4) Updated Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 axis titles. (7) Added ISO speed to table in 5.2.3.
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of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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