Mayan Edms
Mayan Edms
Mayan Edms
Release 2.6
Roberto Rosario
1 Installation 3
1.1 Hardware requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Docker procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Features 5
3 Advanced deployment 7
3.1 Binary dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Release notes 13
4.1 Final releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5 Concepts 105
5.1 Document types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.2 Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.3 Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.4 Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.5 Access control lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.6 Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.7 Checkouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.8 Document versioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.9 Document signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.10 OCR backend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.11 Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.12 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.13 Smart links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.14 Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.15 Mailing documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.16 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.17 File storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.18 Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
6 Development 113
6.1 Project philosophies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
6.2 Coding conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6.3 Source Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.4 Git branch structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.5 Steps to deploy a development version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.6 Setting up a development version using Vagrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.7 Contributing changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.8 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.9 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.10 Installable package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
8 Roadmap 125
9 Translations 129
10 Contributors 131
10.1 How to contribute? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
10.2 Lead developer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
10.3 Contributors (in alphabetical order) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
11 License 133
11.1 License terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
12 FAQ 135
13 Contact 139
13.1 FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
13.2 Mailing list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
13.3 Twitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
13.4 Bugs/ticket tracker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
Mayan EDMS is a Free Open Source Electronic Document Management System, coded in the Python language using
the Django web application framework and released under the Apache 2.0 License. It provides an electronic vault or
repository for electronic documents.
Contents 1
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
2 Contents
The easiest way to use Mayan EDMS is by using the official Docker image. Make sure Docker is properly installed
and working before attempting to install Mayan EDMS.
Hardware requirements
Docker procedure
For the complete set of installation, configuration, upgrade, and backup instructions visit the Mayan EDMS Docker
Hub page at:
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
4 Chapter 1. Installation
• Document versioning.
– Store many versions of the same document, download or revert to a previous version.
• Electronic signature verification.
– Check the authenticity of documents by verifying their embedded cryptographic signatures or upload de-
tached signatures for document signed after they were stored.
• Collaboration tools.
– Discuss documents, or comment on new versions of a document.
• Office document format support.
– Mayan EDMS can detect the presence of Libre Office and use it to support word processing files, spread-
sheets and presentations.
• User defined metadata fields.
– Several metadata fields can be matched to a document type as per technical, legal or structural requirements
such as the Dublin core.
• Dynamic default values for metadata.
– Metadata fields can have an initial value, which can be static or determined by a template code snippet
provided by the user.
• Documents can be uploaded from different sources.
– Local file or server side file uploads, multifunctional copier, or even via email.
• Batch upload many documents with the same metadata.
– Clone a document’s metadata for speedier uploads and eliminate repetitive data entry.
• Previews for many file formats.
– Mayan EDMS provides image preview generation for many popular file formats.
• Full text searching.
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
– Documents can be searched by their text content, their metadata or any other file attribute such as name,
extension, etc.
• Configurable document grouping.
– Automatic linking of documents based on metadata values or document properties.
• Roles support.
– It is possible to create an unlimited amount of different roles not being restricted to the traditional admin,
operator, guest paradigm.
• Fine grained permissions system.
– There is a permission for every atomic operation performed by users.
• Multi page document support.
– Multiple page PDF and TIFF files are supported.
• Automatic OCR processing.
– The task of transcribing text from documents via OCR can be distributed among several physical or virtual
computers to decrease load and increase availability.
• Multilingual user interface.
– Mayan EDMS being written using the Django framework, can be translated to practically any language
spoken in the world. For a list of translated languages have a look at the Transifex project location.
• Multilingual OCR support.
– The current language of the document is passed to the corresponding OCR engine to increase the text
recognition rate.
• Plugable storage backends.
– It is very easy to use 3rd party plugins such as the ones available for Amazon EC2.
• Color coded tagging.
– Labeled and color coded tags can be assigned for intuitive recognition.
• Workflows.
– Keep track of the state of documents, along with the log of the previous state changes.
6 Chapter 2. Features
Advanced deployment
Mayan EDMS should be deployed like any other Django project and preferably using virtualenv. Below are some
ways to deploy and use Mayan EDMS. Do not use more than one method.
Being a Django and a Python project, familiarity with these technologies is recommended to better understand why
Mayan EDMS does some of the things it does.
Binary dependencies
If using a Debian or Ubuntu based Linux distribution, get the executable requirements using:
apt-get install nginx supervisor redis-server postgresql \
libpq-dev libjpeg-dev libmagic1 libpng-dev libreoffice \
libtiff-dev gcc ghostscript gnupg python-dev python-virtualenv \
tesseract-ocr poppler-utils -y
If using Ubuntu 16.10 also install GPG version 1 (as GPG version 2 is the new default for this distribution and not yet
supported by Mayan EDMS)
apt-get install gnupg1 -y
Mayan EDMS is dependent on a number of binary packages and the recommended way is to use a package manager
such as MacPorts or Homebrew.
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
Mayan EDMS by default will look in /usr/bin/ for the binary files it needs so either you can symlink the binaries
installed via MacPorts in /opt/local/bin/ to /usr/bin/ with ...
LIBREOFFICE_PATH = '/Applications/'
Or Use Homebrew
Mayan EDMS by default will look in /usr/bin/ for the binary files it needs. You can symlink the binaries installed via
brew in /usr/local/bin/ to /usr/bin/ with:
LIBREOFFICE_PATH = '/Applications/'
Common steps
Switch to superuser:
sudo -i
cd /usr/share
virtualenv mayan-edms
source mayan-edms/bin/activate
mkdir /var/log/mayan
cd mayan-edms
ln -s lib/python2.7/site-packages/mayan . createsettings
Append the following to the mayan/settings/ file, paying attention to replace the PASSWORD value:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'mayan',
'USER': 'mayan',
'PASSWORD': '<password used when creating postgreSQL user>',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '5432',
BROKER_URL = 'redis://'
If using Ubuntu 16.10, also add this line to the mayan/settings/ file:
SIGNATURES_GPG_PATH = '/usr/bin/gpg1' initialsetup
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/usr/share/mayan-edms/uwsgi.sock;
location /static {
alias /usr/share/mayan-edms/mayan/media/static;
expires 1h;
location /favicon.ico {
alias /usr/share/mayan-edms/mayan/media/static/appearance/images/favicon.ico;
expires 1h;
autostart = true
autorestart = true
redirect_stderr = true
command = /usr/share/mayan-edms/bin/python /usr/share/mayan-edms/bin/
˓→celery --settings=mayan.settings.production worker -Ofair -l ERROR
directory = /usr/share/mayan-edms
user = www-data
stdout_logfile = /var/log/mayan/worker-stdout.log
stderr_logfile = /var/log/mayan/worker-stderr.log
autostart = true
autorestart = true
startsecs = 10
stopwaitsecs = 10
killasgroup = true
priority = 998
command = /usr/share/mayan-edms/bin/python /usr/share/mayan-edms/bin/
˓→celery --settings=mayan.settings.production beat -l ERROR
directory = /usr/share/mayan-edms
user = www-data
numprocs = 1
stdout_logfile = /var/log/mayan/beat-stdout.log
stderr_logfile = /var/log/mayan/beat-stderr.log
autostart = true
autorestart = true
startsecs = 10
stopwaitsecs = 1
killasgroup = true
priority = 998
Make the installation directory readable and writable by the webserver user:
Release notes
Release notes for the official Mayan EDMS releases. Each release note will tell you what’s new in each version, and
will also describe any backwards-incompatible changes made in that version.
For those upgrading to a new version of Mayan EDMS, you will need to check all the backwards-incompatible changes
and deprecated features for each ‘final’ release from the one after your current Mayan EDMS version, up to and
including the latest version.
Final releases
Below are release notes through Mayan EDMS 2.6 and its minor releases. Newer versions of the documentation
contain the release notes for any later releases.
2.0 series
What’s new
Support was added to send a document as an attachment, or a link to a document to multiple email recipients. To use
this feature enter a comman separated list of email recipients in the “Email address” field.
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
Visual changes
Several patches to change and improve the user interface landed on this release. The first, by Macrobb Simpson
@Macrobb, makes the content area width, match window area. This means that on almost all device screen sizes
the content area will be almost fullscreen. Another path from Macrobb Simpson, improves the visual appearance of
the document metadata widget. The other big change is the new list item view template which lists documents in
an column, row layout. With this layout document thumbnails are more clearly visible, much more information can
be displayed for each document, and works much better on small screen devices like tablets and smartphone than
a responsive table which requires two axis navigation on small screens. The height of the dashboard items is now
adjusted via javascript to ensure correct layout regardless of screen size of message length when translated.
This release adds users and groups to the list of objects that are searchable via the API. The current list of searchable
objects is: metadata types, users, groups, tags, documents, document pages, and cabinets.
The logging configuration was improved to create a log for critical errors when running on production mode.
The default location for this log file is: /mayan/error.log. This path can be changed with the COM-
MON_PRODUCTION_ERROR_LOG_PATH setting. This log file will capture application errors and request ex-
The access control for cabinets has been fixed in some regards and improved in others. The permission to add and
remove documents can now be applied to individual root cabinets instead of globally for a role. Also, the permission
to add or remove documents from cabinets must also now be granted to a document or document type. In other words,
to add a document to a cabinet, the user’s role must have the permission to add documents to cabinet, for the cabinet
to recieve the document and for the document about to be added.
New permission
The patch to add a permission to view a document’s version list was backported from the development branch to make
it accesible now. Like cabinets, the tag access control now works on two levels. Now to attach a tag to a document,
the permission to attach tags must be granted to the tag to attach and to the document that will receive the tag.
ACL changes
The document type permissions namespace was renamed from “Document setup” to “Document types” for clarity.
Along with that change, support was added for granting the document type edit, document type delete, and document
type view permissions to individual document type instances instead of just globally.
The documents app view tests now test for view access and not just permission. Testing against access is more robust
and also tests for permissions implicitly.
Other Changes
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
Previously the way document creation code was enclosed in a single database transactions. This cause the duplicate
scan at upload code to received a document reference to uncommitted database data. The single database transaction
was split into smaller units to make sure the duplicate scan recevies saved and committed data.
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
$ git reset --hard HEAD
$ git pull
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
• None
What’s new
This version is identical to version 2.5. It was released to workaround some issues with the recent migration of PyPI
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
<<<<<<< HEAD:docs/releases/2.5.1.rst * None ======= * GitLab issue #378 Add metadata widget changes from
@Macrobb * GitLab issue #379 Add new document version list view permission.
>>>>>>> 105eab074... Add new document version list view permission. GitLab issue #379:docs/releases/3.0.rst
What’s new
A link and view were added to download the entire OCR text of a document as a separate file. The link can be found
under the “Actions” dropdown when the “OCR” tab of a document is selected.
A validation error was being raised when the resolution field of the SANE document source was left blank. This issue
has been fixed and works as expected now.
Mailing profiles
Previously, the way documents were emailed was controlled by configuration settings that only system administra-
tor could change as the OS level. It is now possible to create mailing profiles from within the user interface. This
allows for Mayan administrators to add mailing profiles without the intervention system administrators. It also pro-
vides the opportunity to create multiple mailing profiles. This is useful for sending documents via different email
providers depending on things like priority of delivery, or email size limitations. For multi-tenant environments, this
also means that each tenant can now send documents via email with their own respective email accounts. For system
administrators, this means there is no longer a need to rely on a single email profile for the entirety of all the tenants
in a deployment, which could be taxing email quota limits or triggering spam filters. For more information on the
multi-tenant plugin visit the Mayan app store at:
New transformation
A lineart transformation was added to reduce the amount of colors in a document’s image to just 2. This is useful to
increase the OCR accuracy on some kind of documents whose color or layout may confuse the OCR engine and lower
the accuracy of the text recognition.
UI reorganization
The main menu was been reorganization for clarity of function. The “About” menu has been renamed to “System”
to signify that the items in this menu relate to system configuration topics. The “Tools” and “Setup” sub-menus,
were moved from the “Profile” menu to the new “System” menu. The “Profile” menu has been renamed to “User”.
Additionally, the “User” menu is now part of the main menu instead of floating right on the layout. This change along
with others improve the usability on small devices like tablets and smartphones.
Support for non-compliant, “broken”, and PDFs encrypted with no passwords has been added. Previously no effort
was made to process the images for these files. The code for detecting the number of pages in a PDF has also been
improved to retry several methods when failing on non-compliant PDF documents.
Improvements to the Libre Office conversion code were added, including a workaround for Libre Office bug #37531
( which sometimes manifested when uploading multi-
ple office documents sequentially.
A new widget to define the document type to metadata type relationship has been added. The new widget provides a
method to switch between required metadata and optional metadata for a document type. This new method is not only
faster but does not force users to remove a metadata type before making the switch and thus avoid deletion of existing
metadata entries. A new view was also added to change the document type to metadata type relation not only the
document type view but also from the metadata type view eliminating travel between these two views when creating
new metadata types and assigning them to document types.
Support to scan and list duplicated document scanning was added in the form of a new document list link under the
“Documents” main menu. Every time a document is uploaded, a document scan will be triggered to determine if
the new document is a duplicate of an existing document. Duplicate documents will be listed in a new “Duplicated
documents” link in the main menu. A full document list scan can also be triggered by using the new “Duplicated
document scan” button in the tools menu. Finally, a new tab in the document view has been added called “Duplicates”
that will list all duplicates of the currently selected document when in the document’s view. Related to this feature is
the addition of being able to search documents by their checksum. This was done by indexing the checksum database
field and by adding the checksum as a search field in the advanced document search view and via the API.
Support was added to control the length of time a log in session lasts. First from the user interface side of things
a “Remember me” checkbox was added to the log in form that will cause the session to persist after the browser is
closed. If this checkbox is left blank the session will be destroyed when the browser closes and the user will need to
log in again when accessing any of the URLs. The second part of this feature is for administrators. The configuration
setting AUTHENTICATION_MAXIMUM_SESSION_LENGTH was added to control the maximum time a logged
in session will persist when users click the “Remember me” checkbox. The default of this setting is 30 days.
It is now possible to disable the document page image caching. The document image cache works on two level and
hence two setting options were added. The first is the DOCUMENTS_DISABLE_BASE_IMAGE_CACHE option
which disables the first layer of caching, the generation of a master image file for each document page. This means
that subsequent request for a page’s image will trigger the conversion of the document from its original uploaded file.
The second option, DOCUMENTS_DISABLE_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_CACHE, disables just the caching of the
transformed (rotated, resized, zoomed) images of document pages. The settings can be used together or separately
depending on how much disk space saving is desired. These settings give control over the trade-off between disk
space savings and higher CPU utilization. These settings are ideal for installations with a lot of documents, that want
to conserve disk space, and have CPU capacity to spare. Multi-tenant installations can also benefit from these new
A few versions over, a main menu item was added to list documents by their workflow and/or their current workflow
state. Support for filtering by the initial workflow state has been added to this feature.
Views and templates were added to enable the typical “Forgotten password” worflow using a signed token via email.
Other Changes
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
A new document source has been added with the ability to retrieve documents from scanners directly. This new docu-
ment source uses the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) (
API client to communicate with USB and network scanners. SANE must be properly installed for this document source
to work. Your scanner must also be supported by the SANE API (
The orientation of PDF documents is now detected at creation and a rotation transformation applied to each of the
document’s pages to correct the orientation.
Environment variables
Configuration options can now be updated from environment variables. To update a configuration option, prepend
the string MAYAN_ to the name of the configuration option. For example, to increase the number of docu-
ments displayed per search results page (from a default of 40) to 50 documents, set the environment variable
and restart Mayan EDMS. A list of the configuration options can be found in the Setup menu, under Settings.
Math filters
Previously, only documents and later on document pages were searchable. This release add support for searching for
tags, metadata types and cabinets. This search support is available via the dynamic search API.
During testing or development error occur and locks can remain behind, blocking execution of a process or task until
they expire. To help resolve this a management command has been added called purgelocks that will delete all locks
in the system.
Support was added to update the a document indexes from workflow state changes. To make workflow referencing
easier from the index template, a new fields was added to the workflow model called internal_name. For example,
for a workflow called Publishing Workflow with an internal name of publishing_workflow, use the following string to
reference the current state in an index:
{{ document.workflow.publishing_workflow.get_current_state }}
Task manager
A new app to monitor the distribution and consumption of background task has been added. This app is call Task
manager and can be found in the Tools menu. Use this new tool to diagnose your background task workers or to
determine when to scale up the number of workers.
Other Changes
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
This is a bug-fix and minor feature release and all users are encouraged to upgrade.
• Index node expression template field changed from a 128 character field to an unlimited size text field to allow
for complex indexing expressions.
• When updating the metadata of a document, any input in the value form field will select the adjacent checkbox.
• Support for passing the FUSE option allow-other and allow-root was added to the index mirroring management
• Added support for checking for the latest released version of Mayan from the About menu.
• Added support for rebuilding specific indexes instead of only being able to rebuild all index. GitLab issue #372.
• Rewrite document indexing code to be faster and use less locking. Thanks to Macrobb Simpson (@Macrobb)
for the initial implementation.
• Use a predefined file path for the file lock.
• Catch documents with not document version when displaying their thumbnails.
• Add custom script_prefix aware resolve function and use it for the document page navigation views. Fixes an
issue when Mayan is installed as a sub URL app. Thanks to Gustavo Teixeira(@gsteixei) for the issue and
• Support was added to update document indexes after workflow state changes.
• An helper was added to access a documents workflow by name. To this end a new field was added to the
Workflow class called Internal name. This new field makes it much easier to get a document’s workflow in-
stance. If for example a document has a workflow called Publish with the internal name publish_workflow, it
will be accessible in the indexing template as {{ document.workflow.publish_workflow }}. The latest state of
the workflow can be accessed using {{ document.workflow.publish_workflow.get_current_state }}.
• Added a new API endpoint to display a list of all the available search models.
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
API changes
Refactor of the metadata API URLs to use the resource/sub resource paradigm.
Code cleanups
As with every release time was dedicated to improve the organization, size, and readability of code. To this end the
licenses of each app were moved to their own module in every app, called As part of the code cleanup
the seldom used app called ‘installation’ which tracked runtime Python packages installed alongside Mayan EDMS
for debugging purposes has been removed. The dependency on django-filetransfer has been removed by using django-
downloadviews which allows the creation of class based download views.
The document language list has been moved from the document model to the document form. This change speeds
up loading time, document properties views and API documentation views. This version includes the new image
caching pipeline which stores transformed (rotated, scaled, etc) versions of the document’s images resulting in an
overall display loading speed up. The fonts used are now loaded from Mayan EDMS itself and not from the web. This
change also allow Mayan EDMS to work in a completely off-line manner.
Support for searching pages as well as documents has been added. This functionality has been exposed in the API too.
This release enables the password validation for the user password validation support provided by Django. This
change allows administrator to set password policies limiting the minimum amount of characters needed for example.
For more information on how to configure the password validation feature refer to Django’s documentation at: https:
To help test the interval sources (POP3 Email, IMAP Email, Watch folders) a “Check now” button was added that
allows users to trigger the source’s document fetching code instantly. Previously users had to wait until the next
scheduled interval to verify if their source’s settings were correct.
The testing process has been simplified by adding a new option ‘–mayan-apps’ to the test runner that automatically
tests all Mayan EDMS apps that report to include tests. The app flag that indicates when an app has test was changed
from ‘test’ to the more explicit ‘has_test’. The packaging manifest now includes test files, this means that tests can
now be executed in production. The total number of tests was raised to 359 and the total coverage increased to 81%.
A custom test runner replacing the previous custom management command called runtests. Testing for orphaned
temporary files and orphaned file handles is now optional and controlled by the COMMON_TEST_FILE_HANDLES
User interface
To avoid warping on long full names or usernames, the user’s full name or username is no longer displayed in the main
menu. Instead the word “Profile” is displayed and the users’s full name or username is displayed when the “Profile”
icon is clicked. Drop down menus support has been added and enabled for several apps like documents, folders, and
tags. This change make navigation much faster and required less mouse travel.
Support was added for a dashboard widgets and several default widgets are included and enabled.
A view to clone a document page transformation to other pages has been added. A document page transformation
navigation bug has been fixed. To aid visual lookup, tags are now alphabetically ordered by label.
A new workflow view that lists documents currently executing a workflow and documents by their specific current
workflow state has been added to the main menu.
Other changes
INSTALLED_APPS += ('folders',)
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Manually upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
• GitLab issue #303 Update urlpatterns in files to be a list of django.conf.urls.url() instances instead.
• GitLab issue #304 Remove string view arguments of url() in files.
• GitLab issue #307 Enter multiple Tags at once
• GitLab issue #310 Metadata’s lookup with chinese messages when new document
• GitLab issue #311 acl page return ContentType:Document
• GitLab issue #319 TransformationResize issue with very “long” image
• GitLab issue #328 Upgrade Warning/Error during performupgrade (v2.1.3 to v2.1.4)
• GitLab issue #342 Tags should be of unordered / unsorted data type
• GitLab issue #343 Bootstrap’s dependency on causes Mayan EDMS web interface load
slowly if public internet is unreachable
• GitLab issue #355 Workflow changes only on new added documents
What’s new
This is a bug-fix release and all users are encouraged to upgrade. The focus of this micro release was REST API
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
This is a micro release equal to the previews version from the user’s point of view. The version number was increase
to workaround some issues with the Python Package Index not allowing re-uploads.
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
• None
What’s new
This is a micro release equal to the previews version from the user’s point of view. The version number was increase
to workaround some issues with the Python Package Index not allowing re-uploads.
• Update make file to Workaround long standing pypa wheel bug #99
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
• None
What’s new
This is a bug-fix release and all users are encouraged to upgrade. The focus of this micro release was REST API
• Add writable versions of the Document and Document Type serializers (GitLab issues #348 and #349).
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
• GitLab issue #310 Metadata’s lookup with chinese messages when new document
• GitLab issue #348 REST API: Document version comments are not getting updated
• GitLab issue #349 REST API: Document Label, Description are not able to update
What’s new
This is a bug-fix release and all users are encouraged to upgrade. The focus of this micro release was REST API
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
$ git reset --hard HEAD
$ git pull
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
$ pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
Common steps
• None
• None
What’s new
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
• None
What’s new
Other changes
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
Other changes
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
When uploading PDF files that had been OCRed by previous software, the text parser backend that uses Poppler,
would leave behind some temporary files in the /tmp folder. The issue has been resolved and from the fix a test mixin
system check has been devised that will identify places in the codebase with similar behaviors, reducing the recurrence
of similar issues in the future.
Other changes
• Add help message when initialsetup migration phase fails. Relates to GitLab issue #296
• Start using self.setdout instead of print as per documentation.
• Fix GitLab issue #295, “When editing a user the top bar jumps to the name of the user”.
• Normalize handling of temporary file and directory creation.
• Explicitly check for residual temporary files in tests.
• Add missing temporary file cleanup for office documents.
• Fix file descriptor leak in the document signature download test.
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
• GitLab issue #295 When editing a user the top bar jumps to the name of the user
• GitLab issue #309 Temp files quickly filling-up my /tmp (1GB tmpfs)
What’s new
The document language list and the user locale profile language list are now sorted to make it easier to find the desired
When configuring metadata type lookup options the {{ users }} and {{ groups }} special options can be used to display
a list of users or a list of groups. These options where producing a list in the wrong format and were updated.
Other changes
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
Version 2.1 includes a navigation feature that allows model instances from a queryset generated using the .defer()
or .only() Django filter optimization features to resolve to their parent class transparently. This optimization caused
problems with the sources app which uses a
The Tesseract OCR backend now reports if the tesseract language file is missing for the requested document’s lan-
Other changes
• Ensure the automatic default index is created after the default document type.
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
With the end of life support for Django 1.7, moving to the next Mayan EDMS minor version was a target for this
release. The Django minor release chosen was 1.8 as it is very compatible with 1.7 and required minimal changes.
Django 1.8 is an LTS release (Long Term Support) meaning that is no new big feature of a new Django version is
required, the project can stay in Django 1.8 for a good amount of time with no downsides.
The few remaining hard code references to Django’s User model that were missed in a previous release have been
removed. Using a custom User model with Mayan should present very little if any obstacles.
The custom middleware include with Mayan EDMS that forces user to be authenticated before being able to access
any view has been removed in favor of a dedicated 3rd party Django app for that purpose. The app chosen was
django-stronghold (
Improve generation of success and error messages for class based views
In the past success messages for actions would show a generic mention to the object being manipulated (document,
folder, tag). Now the errors and success messages with be more explicit in describing what the view has or was trying
to manipulate.
Currently Folders in Mayan EDMS have a field that stores a reference to the user that has created that folders. One of
the design decisions of Mayan EDMS is that there should never be any explicit ownership of any object. Ownership is
relative and is defined by the Access Control List of an object. The removal of the user field from the Folders model
brings this app in line with the defined behavior.
As a size optimization technique HTML content was dynamically stripped of spaces as it was being served. The
technique used involved detecting the MIME type of the content being served and if found to be of text/HTML type
spaces between tags were stripped. An edge case was found where this did not worked always. The approached has
been changed to use Django’s official tag to strip spaces. In addition to using an official approach, the removal of
spaces only happens when the template is compiled and not at each HTTP response. The optimization is minimal but
since it happened at every response a small increase in speed is expected for all deployment scenarios.
During the last releases the behavior of the of metadata edit checkbox has seen several tune ups. Thanks to community
feedback one small change has been introduced. The edit checkbox will be deselected by default for all optional
document type metadata entries.
If is now possible to grant the document creation permission to a role for a document type. Previously document
creation was a “blanket” permission. Having the permission meant that user could create any type of document. With
this change it is now possible to restrict which types of document users of a specific role can create.
The entries that defined after how long a document in the trash would be permanently deleted have been made optional.
This means that if a document type has this option blank, the corresponding document of this type would never be
deleted from the trash can.
Fixed date locale handling in document properties, checkout and user detail views
A few releases back the ability to for users to set their timezone was added. This change also included a smart date
rendering update to adjust the dates and times fields to the user’s timezone. Some users reported a few views where
this timezone adjustment was not happening, this has been fully fixed.
Default index
During new installations a default index that organizes document by year/month when they were uploaded will be
created to help users better understand the concept of indexes in Mayan EDMS.
A common request is the ability to just drap and drop documents from other windows into Mayan EDMS’s document
upload wizard. This release includes that capability and will also show a completion bar for the upload. Document
uploading is sped up dramatically with this change.
Administrators wanting to display announcements has no other way to do so than to customize the login template. To
avoid this a new app has been added that allows for the creation of messages to be shown at the user login screen.
These messages can have an activation and an expiration date and time. These messages are useful for display company
access policies, maintenance announcement, etc.
Document signing
The biggest change for this release if the addition of document signing from within the UI. Enterprise users request this
feature very often as in those environments cryptographic signatures are a basic requirement. Previously Mayan EDMS
had the ability to automatically check if a document was signed and if signed, verify the validity of the signature.
However, to sign documents user had to download the document, sign the document offline, and either re-upload the
signed document as a new version or upload a detached signature for the existing document version. Aside from
being now able to sign documents from the web user interface, the way keys are handled has been rewritten from
scratch to support distributed key storage. This means that a key uploaded in one computer by one user can be used
transparently by other users in other computers to sign documents. The relevant access control updates were added to
the new document signing system. Users wanting to sign a document need the singing permission for the document
(or document type), for the private key they intend to use, and the passphrase (if the key has one). Finally documents
are now checked just once for signatures and not every time they are accessed, this provides a very sizable speed
improvement in document access and availability.
Other changes
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
What’s new
Previously the update checkbox was ignored during the metadata step of the document upload wizard with the wizard
always creating a metadata entry for the new document even if the entry was left blank. The checkbox now controls
whether or not the wizard will store try to create the metadata entry.
An edge case was fixed that caused validation to be executed for empty metadata fields that had a value lookup list.
Included Docker and Docker Compose files were removed since the Mayan EDMS Docker (
mayan-edms/mayan-edms-docker) repository is stable.
Other changes
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
$ git reset --hard HEAD
$ git pull
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
$ pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
Common steps
• None
• GitLab issue #250 Empty optional lookup metadata trigger validation error.
Fixed a situation where documents having required metadata could still be uploaded without entering a value for the
required metadata.
Fixed a bug that made it impossible to edit multiple documents’ metadata values if one of the documents had no
previous value for it’s metadata.
The included Vagrant file now provide 2 boxes: development and production. Selection which kind of box to provision
is as easy as executing:
vagrant up development
vagrant up production
Other changes
• None
• None
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
• None
• GitLab issue #243 System allows a user to skip entering values for a required metadata field while uploading a
new document
• GitLab issue #245 Add multiple metadata not possible
The biggest change of this release comes in the form of support for Django 1.7. Mayan EDMS makes use of several
new features of Django 1.7 like: migrations, app config and transaction handling. The version of Django supported
in this version is 1.7.10. With the move to Django 1.7, support for South migrations and Python 2.6 is removed. The
switch to Django 1.7’s app config means that the startup order of app should not longer have any relevance, cause any
import or startup problems.
Frontend UI
The frontend UI HTML has been re-factored to use Bootstrap. Along with this update a lot of legacy HTML and CSS
was removed, greatly simplifying the existing template and allowing the removal of some.
All the presentation logic and markup has been moved into it’s own app, the ‘appearance’ app. All modifications
required to customize the entire look of the Mayan EDMS can now be done in a single app. Very little markup remains
in the other apps, and it’s usually because of necessity, namely the modules.
Previously the document page interface used a fancybox windows leaving the current document in the background.
This UI workflow as been improved and the document page navigation behaves like the rest of the document views.
Menu reorganization
To improve user experience, the main menu has been restructured based on function usage, moving seldom used
buttons inside other views.
The previously used icon set and icon display code was removed and a new system that favor font icon was added.
The image conversion system was re-factored from the ground up and uses a much smarted caching system. The
document image cache has it’s own Django file storage driver and no longer default to the system /tmp directory. By
moving the document image cache to a Django file storage, the cache doesn’t need to reside in the same filesystem
or even computer serving the document images. This change also allows nodes in a clustered install to share the
document image cache.
Previously submitting a document for OCR could be done with a GET request to the corresponding URL. This design
decision allowed for fast user experience but caused massive document submissions when sites were scanned by web
spiders. The new workflow is to submit documents to the OCR queue only on POST request.
The first phase of the new distributed settings system has landed in this version. This first change causes settings to be
serialized to YAML. This also means that it is not possible to pass functions or custom classes as values to settings.
Setting that related to a class or function, now specify the path to those classes or functions and they are imported
dynamically at runtime. Example:
DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND = 'storage.backends.filebasedstorage.FileBasedStorage'
The auto admin user creation code used during new installs has been removed and it is its own reusable Django app.
The app is available at
Removal of dependencies
Through optimizations and code reduction several Python libraries and Django app are no longer required. These are:
• South
• GitPython
• django-pagination
• psutil
• python-hkp
• sendfile
• slate
The Access Control System has been greatly simplified and optimized. The logistics to grant and revoke permissions
are now as follows: Only Roles can hold permissions, groups and user can no longer on their own be granted a
permission. Groups are now only organizational units that hold users and Roles are collections of groups. User are
just a profile and authentication information object. So to grant a permission or access to a document to a user, grant
those permissions to a new or existing role, add the desired user to a group and add that group to the role to which you
granted the permission. When thinking about granting permissions think of it this way:
Permissions -> Roles -> Groups -> User
Permissions for a document -> Roles -> Groups -> User
Permissions for a type of document -> Roles -> Groups -> User
A frequently asked feature is the ability to change the access control of a group of documents. This feature has been
implemented in the form of object access control inheritance. This means that if you grant a permission to a role
for a document type, that role will inherit that permission for all document that are later created of that type. If you
revoke a permission from a role for a document type, that role loses that permission for all documents of that type.
With this new system changing the access control of individual documents should be an edge case. This new ability
of modifying the access control of document types is the new recommended method.
Allowing anonymous users access to your document repository is no longer support. Administrators wanting to make
a group of documents public are encouraged to create an user, group and role for that purpose.
The metadata validators have been split into: Validators and Parsers. Validators will just check that the input value
conforms to certain specification, raising a validation error is not and blocking the user from submitting data. The
Parsers will transform user input and store the result as the metadata value.
To avoid accidental data loss, documents are not deleted but moved to a virtual trash can. From that trash can docu-
ments can them be deleted permanently. The deletion document documents and the moving of documents to the trash
can are governed by two different permissions.
Retention policies
Support for retention policies was added and is control on a document type basis. Two aspects can be controlled: the
time at which documents will be automatically moved to the trash can and the time after which documents in the trash
can will be automatically deleted. By default all new document types created will have a retention policy that doesn’t
move documents to the trash can and that permanently deletes documents in the trash can after 30 days.
Index mirror has been added after being removed several version ago. This time mirroring works by creating a
FUSE filesystem that is then mounted anywhere in the filesystem. The previous implementation used symbolic links
that while fast, required constant modification to keep in sync with the indexes structure and only worked when
the document storage and the index mirror resided in the same physical computer or node. This new implemen-
tation allowing mirroring of indexes even across a network or if the document storage is not a traditional filesys-
tem but a remote object store. Since this new FUSE mirroring uses direct read access to the database caching is
provided and is controlled by the MIRRORING_DOCUMENT_CACHE_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT and MIRROR-
ING_NODE_CACHE_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT setting options. Both setting have a default of 10 seconds.
To reduce the amount of clicks required to access a document, document previews titles are now clickable and will
take the user straight to the document view.
Removal of eval
Use of Python’s eval statement has been completely removed. Metadata type defaults, lookup fields, smart links and
indexes templates now use Django’s own template language.
Smarter OCR
Document OCR workflow has been improved to try to parse text for each document page and in failing to parse text
will only perform OCR on that specific page, returning to the parsing behavior for the next page. This allowing proper
text extraction of documents containing both, embedded text and images.
Failure tolerance
Previous versions made use of transactions to prevent data loss in the event of an unexpected error. This release im-
proves on that approach by also reacting to infrastructure failures. Mayan EDMS can now recover without any or
minimal data loss from critical events such as loss of connectivity to the database manager. This changes allow instal-
lation of using database managers that do not provide guaranteed concurrency such as SQLite, to scale to thousand of
documents. While this configuration is still not recommended, Mayan EDMS will now work and scale much better in
environments where parts of the infrastructure cannot be changed (such as the database manager).
For more information about this change read the blog post:
As a result of this work a new Django app called Django-sabot was created that gives Django projects the ability to
create unit tests for infrastructure failure tolerance:
RGB tags
Previously tags could only choose from a predetermined number of color. This release changes that and tags be of any
color. Tags now store the color selected in HTML RGB format. Existing tags are automatically converted to this new
After installation a default document type and document source are created, this means that users can start uploading
documents as soon as Mayan EDMS is installed without having to do any configuration setting changes. The default
document type and default document source are both called ‘Default’.
Link unbinding
Support for allowing 3rd party apps to unbind links binded by the core apps was added to further improve re-branding
and customization.
Statistics re-factor
Statistics gathering and generation has been overhauled to allow for the creation of scheduled statistics. This allows
statistics computation to be scheduled during low load times. A new management command was added to purge stale
or orphan schedules left behind by the editing of statistics scheduled. The command is purgestatistics and has no
Apps merge
Several app were merge to reduce complexity of the code based on function. These are: the home, common,
project_tools and project_setup apps, as well as the documents and document_acls apps.
New signals
Two new signals are provided to better trigger processing documents at the correct moment, these are:
• common/perform_upgrade - Launched on the performupgrade management command to allow 3rd party apps
to execute custom upgrade procedures in an unified manner.
• common/post_initial_setup - Launched on the initialsetup management command to allow for post install ini-
tialization or setup.
• common/post_upgrade - Launched after the performupgrade management command finishes.
• documents/post_version_upload = Launched after a new document version is uploaded.
• document/post_document_type_change = Launched after the document type of a document is changed.
• documents/post_document_created = Launched after a document is finally ready to be accessed, not when it is
• ocr/post_document_version_ocr - Launched when the OCR of a document version has finished.
Test improvements
Instead of a flat file, each app now has a tests/ directory containing tests modules for each particular aspect
of an apps, ie:,, The total number and coverage of tests has been greatly
Indexes recalculation
Indexes are now recalculated on when a new document is ready as well as the when the metadata of a document
changes. This allows indexing documents not only based on their metadata but also based on their properties.
Upgrade command
To reduce the steps and complexity of upgrades, the new performupgrade management command was been added. All
the upgrade steps will be performed by this command.
Admin changes
Installation admins are no longer required to have the superusers or staff Django account flags. All setup tasks are
now governed by a permission which can be assigned to a role.
The textual content of a document as interpreted by the OCR now resides as data in the ocr app and not in the
documents app as before. OCR content might not be available for all documents after the upgrade and might need to
be queued again. To help with this situation there is new tool called OCR all documents for this exact situation.
The new document upload code now returns a document stub while content is processing. This allows API users to
have the document id of the document just uploaded and perform other actions on it while it becomes ready for access.
Auto logging
App logging to the console is now automatically enabled. If Django’s DEBUG flag is True the default level for auto
logging is DEBUG. If Django’s DEBUG flag is False (as in production), the default level changes to INFO. This
should make it easier to add relevant messages to issue tickets as well as a adecuate logging during production.
Other changes
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
$ performupgrade
During the migration several messages of stale content types can occur:
Any objects related to these content types by a foreign key will also
be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete these content types?
If you're unsure, answer 'no'.
• Current document and document sources transformations will be lost during upgrade.
• Permissions and Access Controls granted to users and/or groups will be lost during upgrade.
1.0 series
What’s new
Minor changes
Using PIP
Using Git
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
Common steps
All background tasks processing has been converted to use Celery. By default Mayan EDMS runs in “Eager” until a
broker and result backend are configured as per Celery’s documentation. This change made the built-in scheduler and
job_processing apps obsolete, both were removed.
Views namespaces
All views are namespaced with the name of the app which defines them. If you have developed 3rd party apps for
Mayan EDMS be sure to update any reference to a view by prepending the app name to the view name.
The static image home screen has been replaced with a quick links view, showing the most used actions: Uploading
documents, viewing recent documents, viewing all documents and searching documents.
A link or entire documents can be sent as attachments via email. Documents can also be received via email with the
addition of two document sources named IMAP and POP3 which correspond to the mail protocol used to fetch the
documents. Read Django’s email configuration settings documentation for more details on how to set up mail serving.
Events app
The built-in history app has been removed in favor of a new events wrapper app for Django activity stream
Watch folders
Filesystem folders can be monitored for change and their files automatically uploaded as documents in Mayan EDMS.
A vagrant file is now included to allow developers to provision a virtual machine with the latest development version
of Mayan EDMS.
Interface language and locale setting can now be setup for each user and are not installation wide as before. Date and
times offsets are automatically ajusted to each user’s timezone settings.
Document states
A new simple workflow app that can represent document states has been included.
Indexes can now be tied to document types, eliminating the need to update indexes for every document update. Indexes
will only update when a document of the type to which they are associated is updated.
Metadata types can now be assigned in two ways to documents types, as optional or required. Values for required
metadata types as the name implies, must be entered for documents to be able to be uploaded. Optional metadata
types on the other hand can be left blank by the user.
It is now possible to change the document type of previously uploaded documents. When the document type of a
document is changed the metadata values are reset and the metadata types of the new document type are automatically
Starting with this version a new release cycle methodology will come into effect. The goal of this release cycle is to
allow two series of versions of Mayan EDMS to be active at a given time: A new major version with new functionality
and a minor version providing upgrades and fixes. This release (1.1) will be active and supported during releases of
versions 2.x, but will go into end-of-life as soon as version 3.0 is released, at which time version series 2.x will go into
maintenance mode.
Series 1.0 of Mayan EDMS will be the last series supporting Python 2.6. Series 2.0 will be using Django 1.7.x which
itself requires Python 2.7 or later.
Improved testings
Mayan EDMS is now automatically tested against SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
API updates
Many new API endpoints have been added exposing the majority of Mayan EDMS functionality.
Many updates and simplifications were made to the source text messages to reduce the difficulty of translating Mayan
EDMS and maintaing the contextual meaning of the text messages.
Custom settings now use a string based value, it is longer needed to import classes when customizing a setting:
Instead the fully qualified name of the class must be passed as the setting value:
DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND = 'custom_app.backends.CustomStorageBackend'
OCR behavior is now a document type property meaning that it can be turned on or off for specific document types.
Previously the document language used for OCR was specified for the entire installation. If documents in multiple
languages were uploaded some suffered lower success rates. Now the language of each document can be specified.
It is now possible to create functions to validate metadata value input or parse and store corrected values. Three sample
metadata validations functions are included: Parse date and time, Parse date and Parse time.
By using Pure CSS’s columns based grid system, the move towards a Bootstrap UI migration has advanced greatly.
Simplified UI
All user actions as well as the logout button are now under the user functions section.
The way PDF were being generated has been improved greatly eliminating spurious segmentation faults at the expense
of a small speed penalty.
Many new sub topics were added to the development section of the documentation to allow developers to better
understand the inner workings and philosophies of Mayan EDMS.
Other changes
IMPORTANT! Before running the upgrade make sure none of your documents have duplicated metadata types, mean-
ing that the same metadata type must not appear twice for any given document.
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
During the migration several messages of stale content types can occur:
metadata | documenttypedefaults
metadata | metadataset
metadata | metadatasetitem
ocr | documentqueue
ocr | queuedocument
sources | watchfolder
sources | outofprocess
sources | webform
sources | stagingfolder
tags | tagproperties
Any objects related to these content types by a foreign key will also
be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete these content types?
If you're unsure, answer 'no'.
• You will have to redefine your document sources due to the new extended models for this app.
• Check your configurations of smart links and indexes to use the newly provided arguments.
After a year of low activity the focus of this release was to get the code updated to work with the most recent version of
Django and the most recent version of the dependencies Mayan EDMS uses. The goal was to have a strong and stable
1.0 release so reduction, trimming, warning reductions and bug fixes were the primary focus of this cycle. Because of
this not much emphasis was placed on adding new features, or at least new features that could have the potential to
break things.
New home
The growth and reach of the project has necessitaded for a while the move of the project to its own organization in
Github. This move has finally been done, the new URL of the project is:
Django 1.6
This release updates the required version of Django to 1.6, bringing with it not only new features, but also a lot of
security updates, a new project directory structure and new deployment methods.
Translation updates
The translation for all languages were synchronized to the latest transifex project sources. Translation completion as
reported by Transifex:
• English - 100%
• Spanish - 100%
• Arabic - 96%
• Bosnian - 96%
• French - 96%
• German - 96%
• Romanian - 96%
• Russian - 96%
• Italian - 77%
• Portuguese - 76%
• Dutch - 68%
• Portugese (Brazil) - 67%
• Bulgarian - 62%
• Danish - 42%
• Vietnamese - 40%
• Polish - 39%
• Hungarian - 27%
• Indonesian - 18%
• Slovenian - 17%
• Persian - 6%
• Croatian - 3%
• Turkish - 3%
Model updates
There were some convenience properties created to allow quick access to a document’s version and pages. These
custom properties were removed and an official method to access these properties as provided by Django is now used.
A circular import of metadata and document_index apps code from the documents app was removed. Document
index updates are now handled via signals, not called directly as before. Hundreds of PEP8 style fixes, unused import
removals, unused variables removals and removal of remarked or unused code. Removal of the DEVELOPMENT
flag (was used to trigger static media serving during development), this is now handled by the DEBUG flag. The
DEBUG flag is now set to True by default as per Django 1.6 defaults. Removed usage of Django’s JSON libraries
using Python’s JSON library instead. Update of time and date use to use Django’s new timezone aware data and time
handling. Removal of custom code in favor of using modules provided by Django or by existing 3rd party libraries.
Unification of code used for equal or similar purpose in various modules.
One last 3rd party module was included with the source code of Mayan EDMS. This module is now available on PyPI
and fetched during the installation instead of being included.
Some initial tests were added, which will help with the detection of regressions or bugs when adding new features.
More tests are needed, but the initial work has being started.
Many of the required modules and libraries have been updated to a more recent version if not to their most recent
released version.
Stale database connection being left open by scheduler tasks are now explictly closed. This avoids consumption of the
pool of database connections, increases stability and reduces memory usage.
Detached signatures can now be deleted, if accidentally added to the wrong document.
These files are now part of their own project and located at
A commonly requested feature, it is now possible to write backends drivers to do document OCR using software or
services other than Tesseract.
OCR improvements
OCR queue state is now reset when reloading Mayan EMDS, avoiding the OCR queue to remain locked. unpaper
binary is now an optional pre OCR requirement, the OCR queue will now continue working is unpaper is not installed.
Addition of post OCR processing support for French and German.
License change
Mayan EDMS is now licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. This means many things but the main change is that
inclusion of Mayan EDMS into commercial products is now explicitly allowed.
PyPI package
Mayan EDMS has been packaged and submitted to the PyPI Python Package Index making it even easier to install and
This release feature a completely new REST API and automatic API documentation. This new API is also used
internally by Mayan EDMS itself.
Other changes
More office document types are now recognized and supported. More file types are now supported as text files and
properly previewed and parsed. Removal of the legacy and scripts. New document
preview generation and display pipeline, faster, simpler. Inclusion of a proof of concept compressed storage backend.
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next upgrade/add the new requirements:
• If using the SQLite3 database option, rename the file named mayan.sqlite file to db.sqlite3 and move it to the
new media provided folder.
• Also move to the media folder any gpg_home, document_storage and image_cache folders from your previous
• None
0.13 release
December 2012
Welcome to Mayan EDMS v0.13!
Initially this version was meant as a the third maintenance release of the 0.12 series, but with the amount of changes
and updates that were included it was obvious this was not just a bug fix version anymore hence the version jump to
0.13 instead of 0.12.3
Django 1.3.5
This release updates the required version of Django to 1.3.5 to take advantage of the security fixes added to that version
of the framework.
As requested by issue issue #31 this feature has been implemented and enabled in this version. Attaching or removing
tags from a large number of documents is now much easier.
Based on requests made by the community for greater commercial support and services for Mayan EDMS, a new fea-
ture has been added that allows users to register their copies of Mayan EDMS and better help users with commercial
support packages. Registration for non commercial users is voluntary and optional, and in no way affects the func-
tionality of Mayan EDMS. However even for non commercial users registration offers the advantage of automatically
branding the user’s copy of Mayan EDMS with their name or the company name in the title area.
Index can now be restricted to update only on specific document types, this greatly increases the usefulness of indexes,
and prevents unwanted index updates.
Setting up Mayan EDMS after installation has been indetified by users as the main difficulty when knowledge about
Mayan EDMS is relatively low. To address this situation a new feature that provides preconfigured setups has been
added. These preconfigured setups are published in the Mayan EDMS website and upon synchonization are available
to users, this gives users access and integrators access to new setups without having to wait for new versions of
Mayan EDMS. Aside from including preconfigured setups, the new bootstrap app has the ability of dumping an
user’s current setup into a serialized text file which can be tweaked by hand and sent via email to other users. The
possibilities enabled by this range from company wide defaults setups to consultants providing their clients with
customized setups without having to access their clients’ Mayan EDMS instances. JSON, YAML and a custom YAML
format ( are supported by this new app.
As requested, the ability to add more than one document at a time to a selected folder has been added.
Translation updates
The translation for all the current languages were synchronized to the latest transifex project sources.
Model updates
Several small fixes to the behavior of some model were added, namely that the names of some models should be
unique. The document type name as well as the metadata set name were two models that were updated to behave this
Navigation updates
There were some additions and changes to the navigation to make it more intuitive or to add an alternate way to access
the same information better. The bulk attachment of tags was one of these. Previously users were added or removed
from groups, now users can be assigned to groups without leaving the user view. The name of an existing metadata
set can now be edited and what was previously called metadata set edit is now more aptly named metadata members
which adds or removes metadata types into a single organizational unit. An error that caused a duplicate menu link in
the document type filename view was also fixed.
Support for converting office documents by calling LibreOffice via UNOCONV has been disabled for a while ever
since LibreOffice start including document conversion support from the command line. This version completly re-
moves any traces of code and configuration options related to UNOCONV.
Inspired by the idea of getting Mayan EDMS running effectively on low power hardware such as the Raspberry Pi,
several rounds or profiling and optimization were done.
Some caching optimization were introduced to the permission model, resulting in a speed increase of 33% in rendering
time on views with heavy permission checking and a 18% query reduction on cache hits.
If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:
otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.
Next add the new requirements:
• None
0.12 release
June 2012
This is the second maintenance release of the 0.12 series.
As with the previous release bug fixes and minor feature were the focus for this release too. issue #24 has been fixed
and document check outs have been added too as per the feature request posted as issue #26. The way the history
events for a document are presented has been improved and it is now more useful as it provides filtering by event type.
To improve the diagnosis of installation of runtime error a simple view showing the number of internal interval jobs
being used by Mayan EDMS as well as a new app which shows a detail of the current installation enviroment were
Mayan EDMS creates a administrator user during the database creation phase to reduce the amount of
steps required for a functional install. The creation of this account is controlled by the configuration
option COMMON_AUTO_CREATE_ADMIN, the username of the account is specified with the configura-
tion option COMMON_AUTO_ADMIN_USERNAME and the password of this account by the option COM-
which created an administrator account of username ‘admin’ with a password of ‘admin’. The new default is to
randomize an initial password and show this password at the login screen until the administrator password is changed.
As per the feature request filed under issue #26, a new document check out and check in functionality has been added.
Users can now check out a document and lock new version of it from being uploaded to avoid editing conflicts.
Document check outs have an expiration period after which Mayan EDMS will automatically check them back in to
avoid a permanent document lockout. Only the user who has checked out a document can upload new versions of it
or check the document back in before the expiration period, unless being granted the Allow overriding check
out restrictions or Forcefully check in documents permission respectively.
Diagnosting remote installations of web based applications without access to the command line can be a bit hard, to
alleviate this situation a new installation environment details app has been added. The purpose of this app is to provide
support staff information about the physical environment where Mayan EDMS has been installed. To avoid possible
security compromises only administrators can access this app.
Previously when downloading more than one document in a compressed manner, Mayan EDMS would produce a
file with the name for download. A different filename can now be specified at the same
download dialog.
German translation
A German language translation has been added thanks to Tetja Rediske and Tilmann Sittig.
Statistics gathering
Previous attempts at gathering usage statistics have been met with deficient results. User participation in surveys as
well as the quality of the data entered by users was disappointing. That is why this version of Mayan EDMS features
an anonymous statistics gathering functionality.
• None
Bugs fixed
• issue #24 “Duplicated filename extension when uploading a new version of a document”
• issue #26 “checkout feature request”
Stuff removed
• Feedback app
May 2012
This is the first maintenance release of the 0.12 series.
While bug fixes and minor feature were the focus for this release, some bigger changes were included because of their
importance. The parsing of documents saw a complete rewrite being now class based and allows for more than one
parser per mimetype with sequencial fallback. This provides the best text extraction on deployments where users have
control over the installation and basic extraction when deploying on the cloud or other environments where users don’t
have the ability to install OS level binaries.
A Fabric file is included to help users not very familiar with Ubuntu, Python and Django install Mayan EDMS, or for
system administrators looking to automate the install whether in local or remote systems. At the moment the fabfile
will install Mayan EDMS in the same configurations listed in this documentation, that is: (Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora)
+ virtualenv + Apache + MySQL. Feel free to submit your configuration settings and files for different databases,
webserver or Linux distribution. More configurations will be added to the fabfile as more are tested.
Documentation update
The installation instructions were updated to include the installation of the libpng-dev and libjpeg-dev libraries as well
as the installation of the poppler-utils package. An additional step to help users test their new installation of Mayan
EDMS was also added.
The Italian translation has been synchronized with the source files at Transifex and finished to %100 completion.
Usability improvements
The index instance view now feature the same multi document action buttons (Submit to OCR, delete, download, etc)
as the mail and recent document views.
A new method of converting office documents has been implemented, this new method doesn’t require the use of
the command line utility UNOCONV. If this new method proves to work better than previous solutions the use of
UNOCONV may be deprecated in the future. The conversion method adds just one new configuration option: CON-
VERTER_LIBREOFFICE_PATH which defaults to ‘/usr/bin/libreoffice’.
Brian E. submitted a patch to use the Poppler package pdftotext utility to extract text from PDF files. This is now
the default method Mayan EDMS will execute to try to extract text from a PDF and failing that will fallback to the
previous method. This change add a new configuration option: OCR_PDFTOTEXT_PATH to specify the location of
the pdftotext executable, it defaults to ‘/usr/bin/pdftotext’. Be sure to install the poppler-utils os package to
take advantage of this new parser.
Changed defaults
The OCR queue is now active by default when first created during the syncdb phase and the
OCR_AUTOMATIC_OCR option now defaults to True. These two changes are made to reduce the steps required
for new users to start enjoying the benefits of automatic text extraction from uploaded documents without having to
read the documentation and have a more functional default install.
• Fedora:
• None
Bugs fixed
Stuff removed
• None
February 2012
Welcome to Mayan EDMS v0.12!
This release commemorates Mayan EDMS first aniversary!
Aside from new features, the focus of this release of Mayan EDMS also been about improving the code and doc-
umentation quality standard even further. The permission system has been completely overhauled to make it entire
class based. The other big change is the addition of object level permissions, with this new system being applied to
documents, folder, tags and smart links. There is also a small batch of navigation improvements. Big code cleanup
and lots of changes ‘under the hood’, most of these are not visible to the end user, but make the code cleaner and more
manageable so that more and better features can be added in future releases:
• Absolute imports used throught the code
• All app permissions have been move to a separate file per app
• Complete permission system refactor.
• Document signining code move to it’s own app
• Initial unit tests
• A lot of logging used throught the entire project.
• Much functionality moved to model managers.
• A lot of code converted into classes.
• Coding style improvements.
• Template user authentication state logic improvements, for stonger prevention against intrusion or unintentional
display or access of restricted data.
• Removal of remarked code.
ACL support
• Object level access control is now in place for documents, folders, tags and smart links. What this means is
that administrators can now grant permissions to users, groups or roles on for specific objects. A more in-depth
explanation of how this new ACL system can be found in the 3 tier access control section of the permissions
• Default class ACL support. Administrators can setup the access control lists that new documents, folders and
tags will automatically inheric when created. Aside from asigning permission to users, groups and roles to
specific objects, there is a special user called Creator, use to allow the access control list that the actual creator
of an object will inherit.
Anonymous user support is a two tier function, first is the addition of the COM-
MON_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS configuration option that allows non authenticated user to browse all
the pages of a Mayan EDMS installation. The second part of this support is the ability to assign permissions or
individual access to objects to anonymous users.
A new Italian translation is available, provided by SeeOpen.IT (, as well as complete
Russian translation update by Sergei Glita. Included in this release also the initial translation to Polish by mic.
Usability improvements
• Detached signature behavior improved, uploading a new detached signature erases the previous one.
• Usability improvement in the role member’s add/removal form, by using HTML’s option groups tag property
The code for downloading single and multiple document and document versions has been merged with compression
support also added. This allows for the download of documents in their original format or compressed and well as the
download of several documents in a single compressed file.
Addition of the SIGNATURES_GPG_HOME configuration option to let administrators set Mayan EDMS’s GPG in-
stance home directory, used to store keyrings and other GPG configuration files.
A management command has been added to help upload a large number of documents from a compressed file. For
information about this new feature check the Initial data loading chapter.
A management command has been added to import a large number users from a CSV file. More information about
this new feature can also be found in the Initial data loading chapter.
The document indexing functionality has been improved and moved from experimental stage to beta stage. Index
configuration menus are now available on the Setup menu and allows administrators to create skeleton trees that
will be populated with document links depending on their metadata and properties. These populated trees can also
be mirrored on the physical filesystem and shared using Samba or another filesharing server giving users a structured
view of the documents contained within Mayan EDMS from the Indexes tab or from a mirrored index shared
via the network. A new configuration option has been added, DOCUMENT_INDEXING_FILESYSTEM_SERVING,
which maps the index internal name with the physical directory where such index will be mirrored on disk.
Included in this version is a small feedback application, found under the About main menu, where users by just
answering some questions can help determine the priority of the next planned features on the pipeline, or even help
add new features if enough requests are received. All questions are optional but answering as many as possible will
help greatly understand the need of the Mayan EDMS user base.
The staging file previews now show the filename for easier identification and speedier upload selection. The staging
files previews are now treated as a gallery which means that users can preview an entire page of staging files without
having to click and close each one individually.
permissions | permission
Any objects related to these content types by a foreign key will also
be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete these content types?
If you're unsure, answer 'no'.
document_indexing | indexinstance
Any objects related to these content types by a foreign key will also
be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete these content types?
If you're unsure, answer 'no'.
The permission system has been completely reworked so sadly this is a place where even data migration can’t help
and the permissions assigned to roles will be lost during the upgrade to version 0.12. Users, groups and roles will be
preserved only permissions need to be assigned again, so write down your role permission setup before upgrading.
Bugs fixed
• Issue #17, special thanks to Dave Herring for all the help including access to a machine suffering with the issue,
and to Sergei Glita for his research and eventual find of the core cause.
• Statistics fixes.
• Fixed get_image_cache_name regression in the OCR app.
Stuff removed
• Support for Celery and Sentry has been drop for now.
• Removed the ‘db_index’ argument from Text fields definition and migrations as it was causing error messages
for MySQL users, thanks to Sergei Glita for reporting this one.
• Configuration options removed:
0.11 release
Version 0.11.1
Version 0.11
• Support for signed documents verification added, embedded and detached signatures are supported. When
verifying a document Mayan EDMS will try to fetch the public key from the list of keyservers provided in the
configuration option SIGNATURES_KEYSERVERS (which defaults to ‘’). A public
key management view has been added to the setup menu as well as a key query and fetching view to manually
import keys from a keyserver.
• Added support for document versions. Users can upload unlimited amount of versions for a document using a
very flexible document version numbering system, users can also revert to a previous document version.
• OCR queue processing improvements.
• Office documents handling improvements.
• Text extraction support for office documents.
• RTF text documents are now handled as office documents.
• Added a view to delete the document image cache, useful when switching converter backends or doing diagnos-
• Added South to the requirements.
• Merged documents’ filename and extension database fiels into a single filename field, filename are store as
uploaded not manipulation is done Users with existing data must install South and run the appropiate migrate
0.10 release
Version 0.10.1
to upgrade
• django-compressor is now disabled by default, users must explicitly enable it adding COM-
PRESS_ENABLED=True to their file
Version 0.10
$ ./manager syncdb
0.9 release
Version 0.9.1
• Added handling percent encoded unicode query strings in search URL, thanks to Sergei Glita for reporting.
• Added a FAQ explaing how to fix MySQL collation related error when doing searches also thanks to Sergei
Glita for reporting this one.
Version 0.9
• Simplified getting mimetypes from files by merging 2 implementations (document based and file based)
• Updated python converter backend, document model and staging module to use the new get_mimetype API
• Only allow clickable thumbnails for document and staging files with a valid image
• Removed tag count from the group document list widget to conserve vertical space
• Updated required Django version to 1.3.1
• Removed the included 3rd party module django-sendfile, now added to the requirement files.
– User should do a pip install -r requirements/production.txt to update
• Changed to Semantic Versioning (, with recommendations 7, 8 and 9 causing the most effect
in the versioning number.
• Added Russian locale post OCR cleanup backend Sergei Glita
• Reduced severity of the messages displayed when no OCR cleanup backend is found for a language
• Complete Portuguese translation (Emerson Soares and Renata Oliveira)
• Complete Russian translation Sergei Glita)
• Added animate.css to use CSS to animate flash messages with better fallback on non JS browsers
• The admin and sentry links are no longer hard-coded (Meurig Freeman)
• Improved appearance of the document tag widget (
• Added django_compress and cssmin to the requirements files and enabled django_compress for CSS and JS
• Added granting and revoking permission methods to the permission model
• Correctly calculate the mimetype icons paths when on development mode
• Added a new more comprehensive method of passing multiple variables per item in multi item selection views
• Used new multi parameter passing method to improve the usability of the grant/revoke permission view, thanks
to Cezar Jenkins (!/emperorcezar) for the suggestion
• Added step to the documentation explaining how to install Mayan EDMS on Webfaction
• Added an entry in the documentation to the screencast explaining how to install Mayan EDMS on DjangoZoom
• Added required changes to add Mayan EDMS to
• Fixed the apache contrib file static file directory name
• Added improved documentation
0.8 release
Version 0.8.3
Version 0.8.2
$ ./ collectstatic
– The site_media directory is no more, users must update the media serving directives in current deploy-
ments and point them to the static directory instead
• The changelog is now available under the about main menu
• Grappelli no longer bundled with Mayan
– Users must install Grappelli or execute:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('common.auth.email_auth_backend.EmailAuthBackend',)
Version 0.8.1
Version 0.8
• Distributed OCR queue processing via celery is disabled for the time being
• Added support for local scheduling of jobs
– This addition removes celery beat requirement, and make is optional
• Improve link highlighting
• Navigation improvements
• Documents with an unknown file format now display a mime type place holder icon instead of a error icon
• Mayan now does pre caching of document visual representation improving overall thumbnail, preview and
display speed
– Page image rotation and zooming is faster too with this update
• Removed all QUALITY related settings
• COMMON_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY is now validated when Mayan starts and if not valid falls back to creating
it’s own temporary folder
• Added PDF file support to the python converter backend via ghostscript
– This requires the installation of:
0.7 release
Version 0.7.6
– Search fields supported: document type, MIME type, filename, extension, metadata values, content, de-
scription, tags, comments
Version 0.7.5
Version 0.7.4
Version 0.7.3
• Refactored main menu navigation and converted all apps to this new system
• Multi item links are now displayed on top of generic lists as well as on the bottom
• Spanish translation updates
• Updated requirements to use the latest development version of django-mptt
• Improved user folder document removal views
• Added ability to specify default metadata or metadataset per document type
• Converted filename handling to use os.path library for improved portability
• Added edit source object attribute difference detection and logging to history app
• Missing metadata type in a document during a multi document editing doesn’t raise errors anymore.
– This allows for multi document heterogeneous metadata editing in a single step.
• Added document multi item links in search results
– Direct editing can be done from the search result list
• Permissions are now grouped and assigned a group name
• Improved role management views
• Document type is now an optional document property
Version 0.7
0.5 release
Version 0.5.1
Version 0.5
• Added OCR view displaying all active OCR tasks from all cluster nodes
• Disabled CELERY_DISABLE_RATE_LIMITS by default
• Implement local task locking using Django locmem cache backend
• Added doc extension to office document format list
• Removed redundant transformation calculation
• Make sure OCR in processing documents cannot be deleted
• PEP8, pylint cleanups and removal of relative imports
• Removed the obsolete DOCUMENTS_GROUP_MAX_RESULTS setting option
• Improved visual appearance of messages by displaying them outside the main form
• Added link to close all notifications with one click
• Made the queue processing interval configurable by means of a new setting:
• Added detection and reset of orphaned ocr documents being left as ‘processing’ when celery dies
• Improved unknown format detection in the graphicsmagick backend
• Improved document convertion API
• Added initial support for converting office documents (only ods and docx tested)
• Added sample configuration files for supervisor and apache under contrib/
• Avoid duplicates in recent document list
• Added the configuration option CONVERTER_GM_SETTINGS to pass GraphicsMagicks specific commands
the the GM backend
• Lower image convertion quality if the format is jpg
• Inverted the rotation button, more intuitive this way
• Merged and reduced the document page zoom and rotation views
• Increased permissions app permission’s label field size
– DB Update required
• Added support for metadata group actions
• Reduced the document pages widget size
• Display the metadata group numeric total in the metadata group form title
• Reorganized page detail icons
• Added first & last page navigation links to document page view
• Added interactive zoom support to document page detail view
• Spanish translation updates
DOCUMENTS_ZOOM_MIN_LEVEL configuration options to allow detailed zoom control
• Added interactive document page view rotation support
• Changed the side bar document grouping with carousel style document grouping form widget
* Do a ./ syncdb
* Execute ‘Recreate index links’ locate in the tools menu
* Wait a few minutes
• Added per document duplicate search and a tools menu option to seach all duplicated documents
• Added document tool that deletes and re-creates all documents filesystem links
• Increased document’s and document metadata index filename field’s size to 255 characters
• Added sentry to monitor and store error for later debugging
• Zip files can now be uncompressed in memory and their content uploaded individually in one step
• Added support for concurrent, queued OCR processing using celery
• Apply default transformations to document before OCR
• Added unpaper to the OCR convertion pipe
• Added views to create, edit and grant/revoke permissions to roles
• Added multipage documents support (only tested on pdfs)
– To update a previous database do: [d.update_page_count() for d in Document.objects.all()]
• Added support for document page transformation (no GUI yet)
• Added permissions and roles support
• Added python-magic for smarter MIME type detection (
• Added a new Document model field: file_mime_encoding.
• Show only document metadata in document list view.
• If one document type exists, the create document wizard skips the first step.
• Changed to a liquid css grid
Introductions to all the key parts of Mayan EDMS you’ll need to know:
Document types
The basic unit of data in Mayan EDMS is the document type. A document type can be interpreted also as a
document category, a document class, or a document template. Document types need to be created before documents
can be uploaded. It is not possible to upload documents without assigning them a document type. Examples of
document type: invoices, blueprints, receipts.
Settings and attributes are applied to document types and documents will inherit those settings and attributes based on
the document type they were assigned when uploaded into Mayan EDMS. A document can only be of one type at a
given moment, but if needed, the type of a document can be changed. Upon changing its type, the document will lose
its previous settings and attributes, and will inherit the settings and attributes of its new type.
Metadata is the name of the attribute of a document. The concept of metadata is divided in two: metadata types (size,
color, distance) and metadata values for those types. Metadata types are defined in the setup menu and associated
with document types. Then when a document is uploaded, a value for that metadata can be entered. There are two
kinds of metadata type to document type relations: optional and required. When a metadata type is optional for a
document type, it can be left blank for a document being uploaded and the upload will still be successful. On the other
hand required metadata type must be given a value or it will not be possible to upload the document at hand.
Examples of metadata type: Invoice number, color, employee id.
The data entry of metadata types can be set to allow any value to be provided (the default) or a list of possible values
can be entered in the Lookup configuration option and users will be presented with a drop down list of options instead
of the default text entry box.
If metadata types are setup to allow any value to be entered a validation option can be chosen to block the entry
of invalid data. Metadata types also provide parsers which will not block the entry of data but are able to interpret
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
and modify the value provided by the user to a conform to a specific format. An example of a provided parser is the
date parser which will interpret and correct dates provided by users regardless of the format in which they are entered.
Mayan EDMS provides very fine control over which actions users can perform. Action control works by allowing
roles, that are composed of groups of users to be granted a permission such that the holder of that permission
can exercise it throughout the entire system.
In other words, users themselves can’t hold a permission, permissions are granted only to roles. Users can’t directly
belong to a role, they can only belong to a group. Groups can be members of roles. Roles are system permission units
and groups are business organizational units.
Document sources define places from which documents can be uploaded or gathered.
The current document sources supported are:
• Web - HTML forms with a Browse button that will open the file dialog when clicked to allow selection of files
in the user’s computer to be uploaded as documents.
• POP3 email - Provide the email, server and credential of a POP3 based email to be scanned periodically for
email. The body of the email is uploaded as a document and the attachments of the email are uploaded as
separate documents.
• IMAP email - Same as the POP3 email source but for email accounts using the IMAP protocol.
• Watch folder - A filesystem folder that is scanned periodically for files. Any file in the watch folder is automat-
ically uploaded.
• Staging folder - Folder where networked attached scanned can save image files. The files in these staging folders
are scanned and a preview is generated to help the process of upload. Staging folders and Watch folders work
in a similar way with the main difference being that Staging folders are interactive while Watch folders are
automatic; documents in a Watch folder are uploaded periodically and documents in a Staging folder remain
indefinitely there until an user uploads them. A preview for files in a Staging folder is also provided. An example
of Staging folder use is when multiple people are scanning documents but only one person must be allowed to
upload those documents. This one person examines the scans quality and decides what to upload and what to
reject and have re-scanned. Watch folders can be used when the quality of the scans is irrelevant or when they
will be known to be of good quality, such as when receiving e-faxes as PDFs.
Document source can be configure to allow document bundles to uploaded as compressed files which are decompressed
and their content uploaded as separate documents. This feature is useful when migrating from another document
manager system.
Besides the permissions system explained in Permissions, Mayan EDMS provides per object permission granting.
This feature is used to grant a permission to a role, but this permission can only be executed for a limited number of
objects (documents, folders, tags) instead of being effective system-wide.
In this scenario only users in groups belonging to the Accountants role would be able to view the 2015 Payroll
report.txt document.
It is also possible to grant a permission to a role for a specific document type (Document types). Under this scheme all
users in groups belonging to that role will inherit that permission for all documents of that type.
The role Accountants is given the permission document view for the document type Payroll reports.
Now all users in groups belonging to the Accountants role can view all documents of the type Payroll
reports without needing to have that permissions granted for each particular Payroll reports type document.
If access control for the Payroll reports documents needs to be updated it only needs to be done for the docu-
ment type and not for each document of the type Payroll reports.
Transformations are persistent manipulations to the previews of the stored documents. For example: a scanning
equipment may only produce landscape PDFs. In this case a useful transformation for that document source would
be to rotate all scanned documents by 270 degrees after being uploaded. By adding this transformation to the Mayan
EDMS source that is connected to the scanner, all pages scanned via that source will inherit the transformation as they
are created. The result is that whenever a document is uploaded from that scanner, it will appear in portrait orientation,
instead of landscape orientation.
Transformations can also be added to existing documents by clicking on a document’s page and then clicking on
“transformations”. In this view the Actions menu will have a new option that reads “Create new transformation”.
Currently, the available transformations are: rotation, zoom, crop, and resize. Once the document image has been
corrected, resubmit it for OCR for improved results.
Transformations are not destructive and do not physically modify the document file, they just modify the document’s
graphical representation.
Checkouts are a way to block certain accesses or actions of a document for a period of time.
An user can choose to checkout a document to work on an update and block new versions of that document to be
uploaded by other users. Document are checked out for a certain amount of time and if not manually checked in by
the original user, will be checked in automatically by the system.
To be able to check in documents that were checked out by other users, the permission ‘Forcefully check in documents’
is required.
Document versioning
Mayan EDMS has the ability to store different versions of the same document. A comment field is provided to allow
users to summarize the new version changes in comparison with the previous one. If a new version was uploaded
by mistake or such new version is no longer necessary the option to revert to a previous version of the document is
Only the interactive document sources (Sources) (Web and Staging folders) are available to upload new docu-
ment versions.
Document signatures
Mayan EDMS supports two types of document signatures: embedded and detached signatures. When a document
with an embedded signature is uploaded, this signature is readily detected as part of the document inspection step. The
status of the signature can be verified by accessing the signatures sections of a document.
Existing non signed documents can be signed in one of two ways: by downloading the document, signing it, and
uploading the signed document as a new version of the existing one or by creating a detached signature for the non
signed document and uploading such detached signature file.
Maintenance of the public keyring can be done using the Key management functionality in the Setup menu.
From this menu, key servers can be queried and the results imported. Public keys no longer needed can also be deleted
from this menu.
Only GNU Privacy Guard signatures are support at the moment.
Only version 1 of GNU Privacy Guard is supported for now.
OCR backend
Mayan EDMS ships an OCR backend that uses the FLOSS engine Tesseract (
tesseract/), but it can use other engines. To support other engines crate a wrapper that subclasess the
OCRBackendBase class defined in mayan/apps/ocr/classes. This subclass should expose the execute method. For
an example of how the Tesseract backend is implemented take a look at the file mayan/apps/ocr/backends/
Once you create you own backend, in your settings add the option OCR_BACKEND and point it to your new
OCR backend class path.
The default value of OCR_BACKEND is "ocr.backends.tesseract.Tesseract"
To add support to OCR more languages when using Tesseract, install the corresponding language file. If using a
Debian based OS, this command will display the available language files:
apt-cache search tesseract-ocr
Indexes are an automatic method to hierarchically organize documents in relation to their properties (Metadata, label,
MIME type, etc). To use indexes you need to first create an index template. Once created, associate the index to one
or more Document types.
Index are hierarchical models so a tree template needs to be specified for them. This tree template will contain refer-
ences to document metadata or properties that will be replaced with the actual value for those metadata or properties.
• Document type: Product sheet
• Metadata type: Product year, associated as a required metadata for the document type Product sheet.
• Index: Product sheets per year, and associated to the document type Product sheet.
• Index slug: product-sheets-per-year. Slugs are internal unique identifiers that can be used by other
Mayan EDMS modules to reference each index.
• Index tree template as follows:
Now every time a new Product sheet is uploaded a hierarchical unit with the value of the metadata type Product
year is created and a link to the uploaded Product sheet added to it.
Suppose three Product sheets are uploaded with the following values as their Product year metadata: 2001,
2002, 2001 respectively. The result index that will be generate based on the tree template would be as follows:
Indexes can be exported as FUSE filesystems. Using the management command mountindex we could export the
previous example index as follows:
mkdir -p ~/indexes/products mountindex product-sheets-per-year ~/indexes/products
The ~/indexes/products directory will now have a directory and files structure identical to that of the index.
Once indexes are mounted with this command, they behave like any other filesystem directory and can even be further
shared via the network with network file system software like Samba or NFS.
Indexes and mirrored indexes are Read Only as they are generated as a result of prior activities like document uploads,
metadata changes.
The list of languages choices in the language dropdown used for documents is based on the current ISO
639 list. This list can be quite extensive. To reduce the number of languages available use the settings
DOCUMENTS_LANGUAGE_CHOICES, and set it to a nested list of abbreviations + languages names like:
The default language to appear on the dropdown can also be configured using:
Use the correct ISO 639-3 language abbreviation ( as this code is used in sev-
eral subsystems in Mayan EDMS such as the OCR app to determine how to interpret the document.
Smart links
Smart links are a way to link documents without changing how they are organized in their respective indexes. Smart
links are useful when two documents are related somehow but are of different type or different hierarchical units.
Example: A patient record can be related to a prescription drug information document, but they each belong to their
own Indexes.
Smart links are rule based, but don’t create any organizational structure. Smart links just show the documents that
match the rules as evaluated against the metadata or properties of the currently displayed document.
Indexes are automatic hierarchical units used to group documents, smart links are automatic references between doc-
• Document type: Patient records
• Metadata type: Prescription, associated as an optional metadata for the document type Patient
• Document type: Prescription information sheets
A smart link with the following condition, will automatically links patient records to the prescription information
sheets based on the value of the metadata type of the patient record.
Tags allow giving documents a binary property. Documents can also be tagged with more than one tag. Once tagged,
documents can be searched also by their tags and from the tags main menu a list of all the documents with a particular
tag can be obtained easily. Aside from their texts, tags can be assigned a particular color.
Mailing documents
To be able to send documents via email from inside Mayan EDMS you need to add and configure the following
configuration variables in your mayan/settings/ file:
“Mail is sent using the SMTP host and port specified in the EMAIL_HOST and EMAIL_PORT settings. The
EMAIL_HOST_USER andEMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD settings, if set, are used to authenticate to the SMTP server,
and the EMAIL_USE_TLS and EMAIL_USE_SSL settings control whether a secure connection is used.”
For more details consult Django’s documentation on the topic:
When Mayan EDMS is initially installed a file is created inside the /mayan/settings/ folder. So if
you installed Mayan EDMS according to the instructions provided in this documentation your should be
located in the directory: /usr/share/mayan-edms/mayan/settings/
For a list of all the configuration options, go to “Setup” then “Settings” on your browser. This is also a good place to
check if your overrided setting option value in your file is being interpreted correctly.
Settings can also be changed via environment variables by prepending the string “MAYAN_” to the configuration
name. For example, to change the number of documents displayed per page (COMMON_PAGINATE_BY, by default
40), use:
File storage
The files are stored and placed under Mayan EDMS “control” to avoid filename clashes each file gets renamed to its
UUID (Universally Unique ID), without extension, and stored in a simple flat arrangement in a directory.
This doesn’t stop access to the files but renaming, moving or updating directly them is not recommended because it
would throw the database out of sync.
Because Mayan EDMS components are as decoupled from each other as possible, storage in this case is decoupled
and its behavior is controlled not by the project but by the Storage module class. All the other modules don’t make
any assumptions about how the actual document files are stored. This way files can be saved locally, over the network
or even across the Internet and everything will still operate exactly the same.
The default file storage backend: storage.backends.filebasedstorage.FileBasedStorage is a sim-
ple backend that only supports paths and not IP addresses. In case you are interested in using remote volumes to store
documents (NFS, SAMBA), first mount these volumes so that they appear as a directories to Mayan EDMS. For direct
support for remote volumes a custom backend would be needed such as those provided by the Django Storages project
To backup your install of Mayan EDMS just copy the actual document files and the database content. If you are using
the default storage backend, the document files should be found in mayan/media/document_storage/.
To dump the content of your database manager refer to the documentation chapter regarding database data “dumping”.
• Postgresl:
• MySQL:
• SQLite: Just copy the file mayan/media/db.sqlite3
Project philosophies
How to think about Mayan EDMS when doing changes or adding new features; why things are the way they are in
Mayan EDMS:
• Functionality must be as market/sector independent as possible, code for the 95% of use cases.
• Each user must be able to configure and customize it to their needs after install.
• Abstract as much as possible, each app must be an expert in just one thing, for other things they should use the
API/classes/functions of other apps.
• Assume as little as possible about anything outside the project (hardware, OS, storage).
• Provide Python based abstraction so that a default install runs with a single step.
• No hard dependencies on binaries unless there is no other choice.
• Provide “drivers” or switchable backends to allow users to fine tune the installation.
• Call to binaries only when there is no other choice or the Python choices are not viable/mature/efficient.
• Each app is as independent and self contained as possible. Exceptions, the basic requirements: navigation,
permissions, common, main.
• If an app is meant to be used by more than one other app, it should be as generic as possible in regard to the
project and another app will bridge the functionality.
– Example: since indexing (document_indexing) only applies to documents, the app is specialized and de-
pends on the documents app.
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
Coding conventions
Follow PEP8
Whenever possible, but don’t obsess over things like line length:
# Mayan apps
from metadata.classes import MetadataClass
All local app module imports are in relative form. Local app module name is to be referenced as little as possible,
unless required by a specific feature, trick, restriction (e.g., Runtime modification of the module’s attributes).
Mayan EDMS apps follow a hierarchical model of dependency. Apps import from their parents or siblings, never
from their children. Think plugins. A parent app must never assume anything about a possible existing child app. The
documents app and the Document model are the basic entities; they must never import anything else. The common
and main apps are the base apps.
Naming of variables should follow a Major to Minor convention, usually including the purpose of the variable as the
first piece of the name, using underscores as spaces. camelCase is not used in Mayan EDMS.
link_document_page_transformation_list = ...
link_document_page_transformation_create = ...
link_document_page_transformation_edit = ...
link_document_page_transformation_delete = ...
class Document(models.Model):
class DocumentPage(models.Model):
class DocumentPageTransformation(models.Model):
class DocumentType(models.Model):
class DocumentTypeFilename(models.Model):
Quotation character used in Mayan EDMS for strings is the single quote. Double quote is used for multiple line
comments or HTML markup.
Migrations should do only one thing (eg: either create a table, move data to a new table or remove an old table) to aid
retrying on failure.
Code should appear in their modules in alphabetic order or in their order of importance if it makes more sense for the
specific application. This makes visual scanning easier on modules with a large number of imports, views or classes.
Class methods that return a value should be pretended with a get_ to differentiate from an object’s properties. When
a variable refers to a file it should be named as follows:
• filename: The file’s name and extension only.
• filepath: The entire path to the file including the filename.
• path: A path to a directory.
Flash messages should end with a period as applicable for the language. Only exception is when the tail of the message
contains an exceptions message as passed directly from the exception object.
Source Control
Mayan EDMS follows a simplified model layout based on Vincent Driessen’s Successful Git Branching Model blog
develop The “next release” branch, likely unstable.
master Current production release (2.6).
feature/ Unfinished/unmerged feature.
series/ Released versions.
Each release is tagged separately.
When submitting patches, please place your code in its own feature/ branch prior to opening a Merge Request on
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./ initialsetup
$ ./ runserver
Make sure you have Vagrant and a provider properly installed as per
Start and provision a machine using:
$ vagrant up development
$ vagrant ssh
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ cd ~/mayan-edms/
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ source venv/bin/activate
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ ./ runserver
$ vagrant ssh
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ cd ~/mayan-edms/
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ source venv/bin/activate
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ ./ runserver --
Then on a separate console launch a celery worker from the same provisioned Vagrant machine:
$ vagrant ssh
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ cd ~/mayan-edms/
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ source venv/bin/activate
$ vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:~$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='mayan.settings.celery_
˓→redis' celery -A mayan worker -l DEBUG -Q checkouts,mailing,uploads,converter,ocr,
˓→tools,indexing,metadata -Ofair -B
Contributing changes
Once your have created and committed some new code or feature, submit a Pull Request. Be sure to merge with the
development branch before doing a Pull Request so that patches apply as cleanly as possible. If there are no conflicts,
Merge Requests can be merged directly from the website UI otherwise a manual command line merge has to be done
and your patches might take longer to get merged.
Mayan EDMS makes extensive use of Django’s new logging capabilities. By default debug logging for all apps
is turned on. If you wish to customize how logging is managed turn off automatic logging by setting COM-
MON_AUTO_LOGGING to False and add the following lines to your settings/ file:
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': True,
'formatters': {
'verbose': {
'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(name)s %(process)d %(thread)d
'intermediate': {
'format': '%(name)s <%(process)d> [%(levelname)s] "%(funcName)s()
'simple': {
'format': '%(levelname)s %(message)s'
'handlers': {
'formatter': 'intermediate'
'loggers': {
'documents': {
'propagate': True,
'common': {
'propagate': True,
Likewise, to see the debug output of the tags app, just add the following inside the loggers block:
'tags': {
'propagate': True,
The documentation is written in reStructured Text format, processed with Sphinx, and resides in the docs directory.
In order to build it, you will first need to install the documentation editing dependencies with:
Then, to build an HTML version of the documentation, run the following command from the docs directory:
$ make docs_serve
The generated documentation can be viewed by browsing to or by browsing to the docs/
_build/html directory.
You can also generate the documentation in formats other than HTML. Consult the Sphinx documentation for more
Installable package
$ make sdist
2. Do a test install:
$ cd /tmp
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install <path of the Git repository>/dist/mayan-edms-x.y.z.tar.gz
$ initialsetup
$ runserver
Wheel package
$ make wheel
3. Do a test install:
$ cd /tmp
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install <path of the Git repository>/dist/mayan_edms-x.y.z-py2-none-any.whl
$ initialsetup
$ runserver
Version numbering
Mayan EDMS uses the Semantic Versioning ( method to choose version numbers along with
Python’s PEP-0440 ( to format them.
X.YaN # Alpha release X.YbN # Beta release X.YrcN # Release Candidate X.Y # Final release
Release checklist
$ ./ makemigrations
2. Synchronize translations:
$ make translations_pull
3. Compile translations:
$ make translations_compile
$ make test_sdist_via_docker_ubuntu
$ make test_whell_via_docker_ubuntu
$ make release_test_via_docker_ubuntu
$ make release_via_docker_ubuntu
App creation
Mayan EDMS apps are essentially Django app with some extra code to register navigation, permissions and other
App modules
Should be empty if possible. No initialization code should be here, use the ready() method of the MayanApp-
Config class in the module.
Standard Django app module to define how models are to be presented in the admin interface.
REST API views go here. Mayan EDMS uses Django REST Framework API view classes.
Contains the MayanAppConfig subclass as required by Django 1.7 and up. This is a place to define the app
name and translatable verbose name as well as code to be execute when the modules of the app are ready.
Hold python classes to be used internally or externally. Any class defined by the app that is not a model.
Define event class instances that are later committed to a log by custom code.
Custom exceptions defined by the app.
Place any custom form field classed you define here.
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
Standard Django app module that hold custom form classes.
Contains the signal handlers, functions that will process a given signal emitted from this or other apps. Connect
the handler functions to the corresponding signal in the ready() method of the MayanAppConfig subclass in
Defines the links to be used by the app. Import only from the navigation app and the local file.
Stores magic numbers, module choices (if static), settings defaults, and constants. Should contain all capital
case variables. Must not import from any other module.
Standard Django app module that hold custom model managers. These act as model class method to performs
actions in a series of model instances or utilitarian actions on external models instances.
Standard Django app module that defines ORM persistent data schema.
Defines the permissions to be used to validate user access by links and views. Imports only from the permissions
app. Link or view conditions such as testing for is_staff or is_super_user flag are defined in this same module.
Use this module when you need the same instance of a class for the entire app. This module acts as a shared
memory space for the other modules of the app or other apps.
Hold Django REST Framework serializers used by the module.
Define the configuration settings instances that the app will use.
Any custom defined signal goes here.
Provides functions that will compute any sort of statistical information on the app’s data.
Code to be execute in the background or as an out-of-process action.
• tests/ directory
Hold test modules. There should be one test_*.py module for each aspect being tested, examples:,,, Any shared constant data used by the tests should be added
to tests/
Holds utilitarian code that doesn’t fit on any other app module or that is used by several modules in the app.
Anything used internally by the app that is not a class or a literal (should be as little as possible)
HTML widgets go here. This should be the only place with presentation directives in the app (aside the tem-
The module common.generics provides custom generic class based views to be used. The basic views used to create,
edit, view and delete objects in Mayan EDMS are: SingleObjectCreateView, SingleObjectDetailView, SingleObjectE-
ditView, and SingleObjectListView
These views handle aspects relating to view permissions, object permissions, post action redirection and template
context generation.
• Workflow:
– Improve workflow system
– Workflow actions. Predefined actions to be execute on document leaving or entering a state or a transition.
Example: “Add to folder X”, “Attach tag X”.
– Add support for state recipients.
– Add workflow document inbox notification.
• Indexing
– Replace indexing and smart linking template language (use Jinja2 instead of Django’s).
• Distribution:
– Debian packages. Limited success so far using
• Notifications:
– Add support for subscribing to a document’s events.
– Add support for subscribing to a document type events.
– Add support for subscribing specific events.
• OCR:
– Add image preprocessing for OCR. Increase effectiveness of Tesseract.
• Python 3:
– Complete support for Python3.
– Find replacement for pdfminer (Python3 support blocker). Use pdfminer.six (#257).
• Simple serving:
– Provide option to serve Mayan EDMS without a webserver (using Tornado o similar). Work started in
branch: /feature/tornado
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
• Upload wizard:
– Make wizard step configurable. Create WirzardStep class so apps can add their own upload wizard
steps, instead of the steps being hardcoded in the sources app.
– Add upload wizard step to add the new documents to a folder.
• Other
– Use a sequence and not the document upload date to determine the document version sequence. MySQL
doesn’t store milisecond value in dates and if several version are uploaded in a single second there is no
way to know the order or which one is the latests. This is why the document version tests include a 2
second delay. Possible solution:
– Include external app Mayan-EXIF into main code.
– Convert all views from functions to class based views (CBV).
– Increase test coverage.
– Mock external services in tests. For example the django_GPG app key search and receive tests.
– Pluggable icon app. Make switching icon set easier.
– Reduce dependency on binary executables for a default install.
– Find replacement for cssmin & django-compressor.
– Find replacement for python-gnupg. Unstable & inconsistent API.
– Google docs integration. Upload document from Google Drive.
– Get dumpdata and loaddata working flawlessly. Will allow for easier backups, restores and database
backend migrations.
– Add generic list ordering. django.views.generic.list.MultipleObjectMixin
generic.list.MultipleObjectMixin) now supports an ordering parameter.
– Add support to convert any document to PDF.
– Add support for combining documents.
– Add support for splitting documents.
– Add new document source to get documents from an URL.
– Document overlay support. Such as watermarks.
– Add support for metadata mapping files. CSV file containing filename to metadata values mapping, useful
for bulk upload and migrations.
– Add support for registering widgets to the home screen.
– Merge mimetype and converter apps.
– Add GPG key generation.
– If SourceColumn label is None take description from model. Avoid unnecessary translatable strings.
– Metadata widgets (Date, time, timedate).
– Datatime widget:
– Separate Event class instances with a parent namespace class: EventNamespace.
– Add events for document signing app (uploaded detached signateure, signed document, deleted signature)
– A configurable conversion process. Being able to invoke different binaries for file conversion, as opposed
to the current libreoffice only solution.
– A tool in the admin interface to mass (re)convert the files (basically the page count function, but then
applied on all documents).
– Find solution so that documents in watched folders are not processed until they are ready. Use case
scanning directly to scanned folders.
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
How to contribute?
You can help further the development of Mayan EDMS by testing, reporting bugs, submitting documentation or code
Lead developer
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
Mayan EDMS is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. The complete license terms are included below.
License terms
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
$ shell
• References:
Q: Incorrect string value: ‘‘’xE2x80x95rs6...’‘‘ for column ‘‘’content’‘‘ at row 1
When using MySQL and doing OCR on languages other than English
• Solution:
– Use utf-8 collation on MySQL server, or at least in table ‘documents_documentpage’, ‘content’ field
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
– Ref: 1-
– Ref: 2-
Q: Error “django.db.utils.IntegrityError IntegrityError: (1452, ‘Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign
key constraint fails (‘...‘.‘...‘, CONSTRAINT ‘..._refs_id_b0252274‘ FOREIGN KEY (‘...‘) REFERENCES ‘...‘
• Solution:
– Convert all MySQL tables to the same type, either all MyISAM or InnoDB
Q: File system links not showing when serving content with ‘‘Samba‘‘
• Solution:
– Disable unix extensions in the [global] section and enable wide links for the file serving share
– Example:
unix extensions = no
path = /var/local/mayan
guest ok = yes
read only = yes
wide links = yes
follow symlinks = yes
– Ref: 1-
Q: How do you upload a new version of an existing file?
• Solution:
– Choose a document, and go to the versions tab, on the right menu at the bottom under Other
available action there is Upload new version. Clicking it will take you to a very similar
view as the Upload new document but you will be able to specify version number and comments for
the new version being uploaded.
Q: Is virtualenv required as specified in the documentation?
• It is not necessary, but it’s a strong recommendation mainly to reduce dependency conflicts by isolation from the
main Python system install. If not using a virtualenv, pip would install Mayan’s dependencies globally coming in
conflict with the distribution’s prepackaged Python libraries messing other Django projects or Python programs,
or another later Python/Django project dependencies coming into conflict causing Mayan to stop working for
no apparent reason.
Q: Mayan EDMS installed correctly and works, but static files are not served
Django’s development server doesn’t serve static files unless the DEBUG option is set to True, this mode of operation
should only be used for development or testing. For production deployments the management command:
$ collectstatic
should be used and the resulting static folder served from a webserver. For more information, read https:
// and or
Q: Can you change the display order of documents...i.e can they be in alphabetical order?
Mayan EDMS Documentation, Release 2.6
Mailing list
Search for information in the archives of the mayan-edms mailing list, or post a question. If you prefer news servers,
use the gateway provided by Gmane.
Mayan EDMS community developers do their best to reply to basic questions. Be sure to check the list archives as it
may already containt the answers to your questions.
Mayan EDMS has an official Twitter account, @mayanedms, which is used for announcements and occasional related
news tidbits.
Bugs/ticket tracker
Report bugs with Mayan EDMS or search existing ones using Gitlab’s ticket tracker.