White Lily Romper
White Lily Romper
White Lily Romper
This pattern is property of Mon Petit Violon Designs. You can’t modify, resell or share this pattern, but you may sell finished items made from it.
Mon Petit Violon Designs©2023
Yarn over, insert hook from back to front around next 2 sts,
yarn over, pull through; 3 loops on hook; finish back post
Yo, insert hook from front to back around next stitch, yo, double crochet as dc
pull through (photo 1), three loops on hook (photo 2); finish
front post double crochet (FPdc) as normal dc (photo 3)
Foundation chain: work loosely, ch70 (75, 80, 85), join with
sl st in first ch
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3
Rnd 1 (RS): ch1 (but pull it to the height of a dc, here and
(yo, insert your hook from front to back around the post of throughout where next st is dc), dc in first and in each next
next stitch, yo and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 ch, join with sl st in first dc; 70 (75, 80, 85) dc
loops on hook (photo 1),) three times (photo 2), yo and pull Rnd 2 (RS): ch1, dc in first st, *ch1, sc in next st, ch1, dc in next
through all four loops on hook (photo 3) st, ch1, sc in next st, ch1, skip next st, dc in next st**, repeat
from * to ** to end, but in last repeat instead of last dc join
with sl st in first dc; turn 112 (120, 128, 136) sts including all ch
(photo 1)
Rnd 3 (WS): ch1, sc in first dc,*skip ch1, 3dc in next sc, skip
ch1, sc in next dc**, repeat from * to **, to end, but in last
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 repeat instead of last sc join with sl st in first sc; turn 112
(120, 128, 136) sts (photo 2)
Yo twice (photo 1); insert hook from front to back around Rnd 4 (RS): ch1, dc in first sc, *ch1, skip next dc, sc in next dc,
the post of specified st; yo and pull it through the stitch; *yo ch1, skip next dc, dc in next sc**, repeat from * to ** to end,
and pull it through two loops on hook*, (photo 2) repeat but in last repeat instead of last dc join with sl st in first dc;
from * two more times (photo 3) turn 112 (120, 128, 136) sts (photo 3)
Rnd 5 (WS): ch1, 2dc in first dc, *skip ch1, sc in next sc, skip
ch1, 3dc in next dc**, repeat from * to **, to end, but in last
repeat work dc in same st as first 2dc and join with sl st in
first dc, turn; 112 (120, 128, 136) sts
Rnd 6 (RS): ch1, sc in first dc, *ch1, skip next dc, dc in next sc,
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 ch1, skip next dc, sc in next dc**, repeat from * to ** to end,
but in last repeat instead of last sc join with sl st in first sc,
Begin to work sc, but don’t finish it, leave 2 loops on hook turn; 112 (120, 128, 136) sts (photo 4)
(photo 1), insert hook in next st and pull the yarn through to
Rnd 7 (WS): ch1, sc in first sc, *skip ch1, 3dc in next dc, skip
have 3 loops on hook (photo 2), yarn over and pull through
ch1, sc in next sc**, repeat from * to **, to end, but in last
all 3 loops on hook (photo3)
repeat instead of last sc join with sl st in first sc, turn; 112
(120, 128, 136) sts
Rnd 8 (RS): ch1, dc in first sc, *ch1, skip next dc, sc in next dc,
ch1, skip next dc, dc in next sc**, repeat from * to ** to end, Mark central 27 (27, 29, 31) sts on the Front and work
but in last repeat instead of last dc join with sl st in first dc;
(photos 12 and 13)
turn 112 (120, 128, 136) sts
Repeat Rnds 5 through 8 - 3 (3, 4, 4) more times; Row 1 (RS): join into the first marked st, ch1, dc in first and in
each next st to the next marked st (including it), turn; 27 (27,
For sizes 0-6m and 12-18m repeat Rnd 5 once more (photo 5) 29, 31) sts
For sizes 6-12m and 18-24m repeat Rnd 5-7 once more Row 2 (WS): ch1, dc in first and in each next st to end, turn;
Continue with Crotch 27 (27, 29, 31) sts
Row 3 (RS): ch1, dc in first st, dc in each of next 2 (2, 3, 4)
sts, FPtr around next dc two rows below, dc in each of next
Row 1 (RS): ch1, sc in first and in each of next 4 (4, 5, 5) sts, turn 5sts, skip next 4sts, (3tr, ch1, 3tr, ch1, 3tr) in next st, skip next
(photo 6) 4sts, dc in each of next 5sts, FPtr around next dc two rows
Row 2 (WS): ch1, sc in first and in each of next 4 (4, 5, 5) sc, sc below, dc in each of next 3 (3, 4, 5) sts, turn; 29 (29, 31, 33)
in each of next 4 (4, 5, 5) sts, turn; 9 (9, 11, 11) sts (photo 7) sts (photo 14)
Row 3 (RS): ch1, sc in first st, skip next st, sc in each next sc Row 4 (WS): ch1, dc in first st, dc in each of next 6 (6, 7, 8) sts,
to last 2sts, skip next st, sc in last st, turn; 7 (7, 9, 9) sts skip next 2dc, BPdc around each of next 3tr, 2dc in next
ch1sp, BPdc around each of next 3tr, 2dc in next ch1sp,
Row 4 (WS) : ch1, sc in first and in each next st to end, turn; 7 (7, 9,
BPdc around each of next 3tr, skip next 2dc, dc in each of
9) sts
next 7 (7, 8, 9) sts; 27 (27, 29, 31) sts (photo 15)
Repeat Rows 3 and 4 – 2 (2, 3, 3) more times; 3 sts (photo 8)
Row 5 (RS): ch1, dc in first st, dc in each of next 2 (2, 3, 4)
On WS skip 50 (54, 57, 61) sts and join the crotch to the next 3 sts, FPtr around next FPtr two rows below, dc in each of
sts working sl sts through both layers(photo 9) next 3sts, ch1, (FPdc3tog working around next 3FPdc, ch1,
dc in each of next 2dc, ch1) twice, FPdc3tog working around
Don’t fasten off, but turn to RS and continue with Leg
next 3FPdc, ch1, dc in each of next 3dc, FPtr around next
FPtr two rows below, dc in each of next 3 (3, 4, 5) sts, turn; 27
(27, 29, 31) sts (photo 16)
Rnd 1 (RS): ch1, work evenly 48 (52, 54, 58) dc around the leg Row 6 (WS): ch1, dc in first and in each next st, including all
hole – evenly across the crotch and in each dc, skip all sc, ch1sp, turn; 27 (27, 29, 31) sts
join with sl st in first dc; 48 (52, 54, 58) sts (photo 10) Row 7 (RS): ch1, dc in first st, dc in each of next 2 (2, 3, 4)
Rnd 2 (RS): ch1, FPdc around first dc, *BPdc around next dc, sts, FPtr around next FPtr two rows below, dc in each of next
FPdc around next dc*, repeat from * to last st, BPdc around 5sts, skip next 4sts, (3tr, ch1, 3tr, ch1, 3tr) in next st, skip next
next dc and join with sl st in first dc; 48 (52, 54, 58) sts 4sts, dc in each of next 5sts, FPtr around next FPtr two rows
below, dc in each of next 3 (3, 4, 5) sts, turn; 29 (29, 31, 33)
Rnds 3-4 (RS): ch1, FPdc around each FPdc and BPdc
around each BPdc to end, join with sl st in first dc; 48 (52, 54,
58) sts, fasten off Repeat Rows 4 through 6 once more, fasten off (photo 17)
Skip 10 (11, 12, 13) sts from the Front and join in next st
(photo 21)
Row 1: ch1, sc in first and in each next 5 sts, turn
Repeat Row 1 – 27 (29, 30, 32) times, or until desired length
Next Row: ch1, sc2tog, ch2 skip next 2sts, sc2tog, turn
Last Row: ch1, sc in first st, 2sc in ch2sp, sc in next st, fasten
off (photo 22)
Skip 10 (11, 12, 13) sts from the Front on the opposite side
(this time working on WS), join in next st and work second
strap in exact same way as the first one, fasten off
On the Front sew on buttons working through the Front and 5
Weave in all ends
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