ET-ART PCDO Nov 23 01-Dec-2023 10-07-02

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arate / Office uftert sey tera West Central Railway ahftere daert gohae (arsrs3) Senior Section Engineer (Breakdown) A. gene Caw tarsi Rete: 01.12.2023 wale: F/G A/yIRAa/2 ah Hai, goh. (@ ws WH) wae, ae f&8a: Monthly PCDO wrt Disaster Management over WCR. Wok INET wala WCRMLL.0S.127-Vol. (x) dated 13.09.2021. tenes Stam Reateris ed viel a oienter Gere ART a vier mre araeaR 2003 at rer fea ma Bie A GAG 1, HL IIL IV. V, VI, VIL, VIII, IX, Xa 'Xt H Rear at were) nn afte wer te, srt Sr.Sec. Engineer (ART) WC. Rly, ITARSI oma UTER BaATS | PCDO Related to Disaster Management November - 2023 Annexure- I aes ___HRE working time (Every Month) Annexure-1 Ss. ‘Total time taken to re-rail/ift. | Details of rolling No. the rolling stock stock lifted 3 ART /ET 48 min SPARE WAGON BCNAHSMI- . 31099560113 \ for entry in to coach (3 monthly/Quarterly)-Annexure-2_ | yn & ID of HRD Date & Time of checking | Total time taken to | % i _____|_emter the coach _| 5. | ART/ET (i) Old- Lukas 1, 3mm panel sheet length of 1.2 feet cutting in 58 | second from old HRD on | date 17.11.23 2. 12 mm rod cut in 45 second : from new HRD. | 3, Hole done by 75 mm, hole | ie (ii) New- Holmatro saw eutter in 02 minutes in | 02_mm SS sheet. es iB Status of Important AMC,s- Annexure-3 s Ttems RC active duration | Remark with PDC if RC not available | No. From To a 1(b) | ME of 140T erane/ET ‘Old ME is replaced with New ME by PR Workshop in material modification 5 AMC Expired Renewal is under process 2(b) | SLI of 140T crane/ET 17.10.2020 | 16.10.2023 | Completed 9* visit (SLI crane testing) done ‘on date 11.09.2023 (Last visit ) by M/s Mechanica System pune, | AMC Renewal is under process. | 3(@) | HRE (ART/ET) MFD - - LOA No: BHOPAL DIVISION- make MECHANICAL/12-2022/014 13780058169 ‘feifep: 15.07.2022 3" visit done from 08.11.23 to 10.11.23 | 6. | HRD (ET/ BPL & No - - | BINA/ARME | +ET/BPL/BINA ART & 7 | SPART/GUNA) : | 7._|Drone a No : | ‘Age profile of all DM staff location wise- Annexure-4 (Give only no. of staff location ] wise who are beyond mandate age limit) _ Location Name of BD stock No. of staff beyond 52 years : ae moet | ETc lane Tice As. : es } Annexure- IT POH/IOH over due position- Annexure-5 Location | Name of BD stock no/ID___| Schedule | Due from Reason for over due 7 due ET POH < ET [uO ste 2 : re Crane Schedule details- Annexure-6 ih with reason For ET 140 T c1 Monthly (03.12. 2023) [er 1.Done date with Load:- . "| 29.11.2023 (Lift 32 Tone heavy ballast weight & E slew 45eleft & 2.What distance, — time taken to lift,et i Important Date-Annexure-8 ARTET | ART/BPL | ARTBIN ‘ARME/ET | ARME/BPL | ARMEIBIN LLast date of Mock | 12.1023 : : a 5 aie a 2. Last date of trial | 20.11.23 5 S z 2 : : run : 3.Last date of actual | 05.11.23 S e z = Shae run to attend | 28.10.23 - - - - - | - Offficers Inspection (ADRM/DRM) | Annexure- I 3. Sh. Ravi 5 Sh. Ravi Shankar (Tech.II1) 7. Sh. Dinesh (Tech.tIl) 9 Sh. Rakesh Dhar 11. Sh. Dinesh (Tech.111) 12. Sh. Gajendra (Tech.II1) 14, Sh. Ravi Shankar 15.Sh. Rakesh Dharmik 16. Sh, Mohan Kumar 17. Sh. Dharmendra Singh 19. Sh. Rakesh Dharmik 21. Sh. Gajendra Raghuwanshi 22. Sh. Gajendra Raghuwanshi shankar (Tech, 111) 4. Sh. Sukhpal Singh (Tech. 1) 6. Sh. Mohan Kumar (JE.Cr. Optr.) 8. Sh. Mohan Kumar (JE.Cr. Optr.) ( 10. Sh. Pankaj Kumar (Tech.tI1) 13, Sh. Mohan Kumar (Sr, Tech.) 18. Sh. Devendra Singh Thakur 20. Sh. Swapnil Kumar Chheniya 23. Sh. Pankaj Kumar (Tech.II) 3. BTC tarsi 4.Parel Workshop 5.Parel Workshop 6. Parel Workshop 7. BIC tarsi 8. BTC ttarsi 9. BIC tarsi 10, BTC ttarsi LL. BTC tarsi 12. BTC Itarsi 13. IRIDM Banglore 14, IOH Shed/Bpl 15, 10H Shed/Bpl 16. CRWS Bhopal 17 CRWS Bhopal 18. CRWS Bhopal 19. CRWS Bhopal 20.1RIDM, Banglore 21.IRIDM, Banglore 22. RKMP BIC Itarsi 106.06.-17.06.22 25.07.-30.07.22. 25.07.-30.07.22 08.08.-16.09.22 05.09 -15.09.22 08.10.2022 08.10.2022 08.10.2022 08.10.2022 08.10.2022 21.11 25.11.22 27.12.2022 27.12.2022 11.01- 13.01.23 11.01- 13.01.23 11.01- 13.01.23 11.01- 13.01.23 20.02.-25.02.23 20.02.-25.02.23 27.03.23 08.08.~24.08.23 & Training Imparted- Annexure-9 Give Details- BD Name of staff with ‘Training Institute Period ~~ Subject/Course stock Designation E if 1. Sh. Vivek Verma (C/R Dr.ll 1. IRIDM, Banglore | 20.01.-24.01.20 | L-Hland on training 1407 crane 2. Sh. Rakesh Dharmik (Tech) | 2.BTC tarsi 07.03.-20.03.22 2. Refresher | 3. Refresher 4.Crane wire rope \ 5. Crane wire rope 6. JE crane operator 7. Refresher 8. First Aid & Fire fighting 9. First Aid & Fire fighting 10. First Aid & Fire fighting 11. First Aid & Fire fighting 12. First Aid & Fire fighting 13. D.M training 14, Fire fighting training, 15. Fire fighting training. 16. D.M training 17. DM training 18. D.M training 19. D.M training 20821. Rescue and restoration activities 22. Training for V.Bharat 23 .Refresher Annexure- IV | 1.Training Imparted in Last mor Total _no. rges used ings (Bill received/pending)- Annexure-12 S.No. | ART/SPART | Date of working in | Details of | [Charges | Realized or not Det pvt. siding firm/site raised in ‘ x LINR a 1, | ARTET 03703/2023 PSSS Bir 12,13,733 | Submitted to DRM = a A (Mech. BPI. Short falls as per latest standerd tools and equipment list- Annexure-13 1.Short falls and action taken with PDC (I)ET/ART. Short fall As per correction slip No-1 for BD trains standerd items list (2) ET-BPL & BINA ARTs-Water jet (with vacuum system) unit for removing garbage/bio toilet effluent of | damaged bio-toilet tanks. -- Procurement is Processed. | (3) ET-BPL-BINA-GUN (ART/ARME)- Spare Inflatable Lighting tower clothes. Procurement is Processed. | (4) ET/ART- RO water purifier (230V AC/I10V DC)- Procurement is Processed (5) ET/ART-09 Ltr. Nitrogen type F/E (06 Nos) ~- Procurement is Processed. (6) ET/ART-One Digital video camera,(DSLR with GPS) ~- Procurement is Processed. |) ET/ART- Laptop-- Procurement is Processed. } Drone usage report and failure if any with action taken - Annexure-14 1.Drone usage in last month:- 23.11.2023 (Test and practice flight) 2.Failure and action taken with PDC:- Nil Annexure- V ward) ger eg Ta afartat at ae i , Date: 01.03.2023 fe Sr.] Name of Employee Designation Date of | Mobile No. | Working | Remarks | Blood | age No. Birth Location Group 1_[ Sh. Rahul Khare SSE(G) 45308559168 | 10.07.1964 | 9752416489 | Incharge | Incharge | - | SB 2_| Sh. Swapnil Kumar SSE 45308654610 | 10.09.1971 | 9425638727 | Core Team | SSE/BKDN | Ar | SA 3_| Sh. Anil Kumar Sharma SSE 45316235431 | 05.06.1978 | 9752416432 | Core Team = O+ | aa 4 | Sh. Devendra Singh Thakur | Sr.Tech(Fitter) | 45316235192 | 27.12.1987 | 7999551462 | Core Team = AB+ | 35 5__| Sh. Mohan Kumar JECrane Optr. | 45316235425 | 05.12.1988 | 7415900681 | Core Team = AB+ | 34 6 | Sh. Chandrapal Tech.(Fitter}1 | 45316225206 | 15.05.1981 | 8878266150 | Core Team = o [a 7_| Sh. Sukhpal Singh Tech.(Fitter)-__| 45316225057 | 30.08.1981 | 7024103983 | Core Team = At | al 8 | Sh. Ravishankar Tech.(Fitter)-I_ | 45329802498 | 05.07.1994 | 9340015504 | CoreTeam| > wlas 9 | Sh. Dinesh Kumar Kuswah_| Tech.(Fitter)-l | 45316237729 | 20.05.1985 | 8005513844 | Core Team = AB+ | 37 10 | sh. Gajendra Raghuwanshi | Tech.(Fitter)-I_ | 45329804042 | 19.01.1999 | 7879715036 | Core Team = At | 23 11 | Sh. Pankaj Kumar Patel___| Tech.(Fitter)-I_ | 45316016752 | 05.12.1988 | 9399830443 | Core Team = AB+ | 34 12 | Sh. Rakesh Dharmik Tech.(Fitter)-I_ | 45316237701 | 01.07.1988 | 7898283321 | Core Team = o+ | 34 13 | Sh. Gourv Choudhary Tech.(Fitter)-l_| 45229805899 | 16-05-1998 | 9399831177 | Core Team = At | 24 14 | Sh. Vivek Kumar Tech.(Cr.DR)-l__| 45308664031 | 21.11.1986 | 8269315636 | Core Team = B | 36 15 | Sh. Gaurav Chutile Helper 45329800527 | 24.08.1991 | 8770049755 | Core Team = O+ | 31 16 | Sh. Prakash Singh SSE 45308653586 | 10.12.1978 | 9109110525| WAS = At | 44 17 |Sh. Dharmendra Singh _| Jr. Engineer 453ME422826 | 06.02.1980 |9109110522| WAS ey [pera 18 | Sh. Balram Kanwar Sr.Tech(Fitter) | 45316225137 | 15.05.1975 | 7974312787 | __ WAS Pia PEAT aa, 19 | Sh. Ganesh Neelkanth SrTech.(Fitter) | 45316235209 | 06.06.1992 | 9074148286 | _ WRS = B+ | 30 20 | Sh. Dharmendra Sahu Tech.(Fitter)1 | 453ME422826 | 28.06.1991 | 9098203725 | _WRS O+ | 31 21 | Sh. Vikram Singh | Tech.(Fitter)-1_ | 45316235711 | 11.10.1990 | 9074984395! WRS at | 32 ‘y Name of Employee — Designation Dateof | MobileNo. | Working | Remarks | Blood | age : | Birth __| Location | Group Sh. Yogesh Bhalelu Tech.(Fitter}1 | 4531623530 4 ‘WRS At | 38 Sh. Arjun Rambadan Tec ~ | 4531622514 2 | 8839408014 roa eee = Sh. Jitendra Chandele | Tech,Fitter)-l!_ | 45316225266 | 20.07.1989 | 9685900171| WRS _ ‘Sh. Manohar Singh Parte | Tech.(Fitter)-I!__| 45316238825 | 08.02.1994 | 8109948633| WRS Sh. Punam Chand Tech.(Fitter)-I1__| 45316225139 | 16.03.1986 | 9131295118 | — WRS Sh. Anil Kumar Meena | Tech.(Fitter)-lIl_| 39313AC1274 | 04.06.1986 | 9340595343 | WRS Sh. Atul Kumar Sarvare | Tech.(Fitter)-Il|_| 45316239583 | 12.08.1992 | 8109091296 | WS Sh. Chetan Kasde Tech.(Fitter)-IIl_| 45329804946 | 24.06.1996 | 9039352864 | WRS 30 | Sh. Karan Singh [Tech(Fitter)-I | 21429805779 | 09.07.1994 | 7999034415 | WRS 31._| Sh. Navajish Tech.(Fitter)-I_ | 45329804998 | 07.08.1996 | 8953800691| _ WRS [32 |Sh. Santosh Raghuwanshi “| Tech.(Fitter)-IN_ | 45329804952 | 30.06.1994 | 9893792304| WRS [33 | Sh. Vipin Yadav Tech.(Fitter)-I | 45229805681 | 22.11.1996 | 7089703632 | _ WRS [34 sh. Yogendra Sharma Tech(Fitter)-II_| 45316236603 | 15.07.1979 | 9098375487 | WRS [35 | Sh. Nilesh Yadav Tech.(Fitter)-I | 06229806016 | 15.08.1995 | 7999051173 | WRS [36 |Sh. Mohd Nasim Akhter _| Tech.(Welder)-Il | 45316236601 | 02.02.1981 | 8109151905| __WRS = Be (37 | Sh. Sanjay Kumar Surajbali_| Tech.(Welder)-Il | 45316235196 | 24.09.1982 | 7723847429 | WRS = B+ | 40 [38 | Sh. Sumit Madhuriya Tech.(Welder)-ll | 45316237367 | 27.07.1992 | 9340912683| _ WRS = B+ | 30 39 | Sh. Manish Umariya Tech.(B.smith)-1 | 45316235195 | 24.12.1989 | 9575052707| _ WRS = At 40 | Sh. Virendra Barodiya Tech.(B.smith)-l| | 45316238148 | 01.09.1985 | 9826676704 | _ WRS = AB+ | 37 41 | Sh. Bisantal [Sr-Tech.(Cr.0r) | 45308306620 | 04.07.1971 | 9907595283 | _ WRS = eipist 42 | Sh. Bheem Yadav [Helper 45216017045 | 02.09.1988 | 8770962906 | _ WRS = o+ | 34 43 | Sh. PankajRameshwar __| Helper 45329800881 | 20.04.1995 | 9661609802 | _ WRS = B+ | 27 Sh. Sarvan Kalme Helper 45329804059 | 10.07.1993 | 9691482834 | WRS ~ At | 29 45 | Sh. Naveen Kumar SSE 45316235432 | 15.07.1988 7999675543 | PSTN = o+ | 34 ‘Sh. Alok Kumar Maithil | Tech.(Fitter)-Il. | 45316236055 | 12.06.1988 | 6266279767 | PSTN -. | 34 47 | Sh. Ajay Chaurasiya Tech.(Fitter)-l_ | 45329805024 | 31.01.1993 | 8808379512/ _RYD at | 29 48 |Sh.ArvindMate __| Tech.(Fitter)-_| 45316238020 | 12.03.1988 | 7024226525, _RYD _ 8+ | 34 | _ | Sr.” Name of Employee “Designation Date of | Mobile No. Remarks | Blood No. Birth Group 49 | Sh. Ayush Jain Tech.(Fitter)-Il! 45329805066 | 31.03.1995 | 8604652481 RYD Stand by - 27 50 | Sh. Chetram Meena Tech.(Fitter)-II1 03229804428 | 16.10.1996 | 9667359971 RYD Stand by AB+ | 26 ' ‘51 | Sh. Devendra Kushwaha Tech.(Fitter)-II! 45329802647 | 14.09.1993 “| 7869160347 RYD Stand by” B+ 29 52 | Sh. Pawan Hariram Moree Tech.(Fitter)-I__| 45316239136 | 17.02.1987 9890134461 RYD Stand by B+ 35 53 | Sh. Rajesh Shekhawat Tech.(Fitter)-II 45329805032 | 01.07.1996 | 8854991019 RYD Stand by B+ 26 54 | Sh. Shivpal Pardhe Tech.(Fitter)-tII 45329800461 | 12.05.1990 | 7389602774 RYD Stand by Or 32 55 | Sh. Gaurav Kumar Panthi Tech.(Fitter)-Il 45329805079 | 10.08.1997 | 8962347108 RYD Stand by AB+ | 25 56 | Sh. K. Tarkesh Sr.Tech.(Welder) | 45301180447 | 08.10.1984 | 9754632334 RYD Stand by At 383 57 | Sh. Vijay Kumar Ramadhar | Helper 45329803021 | 03.07.1985 | 7582914272 RYD Stand by B+ 37 58 | Sh. Manoj Ghansyam Yadav _| Tech.(Fitter)-1 45316225173 | 05.03.1986 | 7400838691 MNP Stand by - 36 59 | Sh. Ashish Yadav Tech.(Fitter)-Il 45229805685 | 22.11.1993 | 7987039492 MNP Standby | A+ 29 60 | Sh. Dharmendra Yadav Tech.(Fitter)-Ill 45329804901 | 27.01.1987 | 9926672520 MNP Stand by B+ 35 61 | Sh. Kousal Yadav Tech.(Fitter)-IIl 45229803465 | 26.01.1994 | 9319262267 MNP Standby | - | 28 62 | Sh. Manoj Jonjhare Tech.(Fitter)-Ill 45316237467 | 10.08.1997 | 9752195614 MNP Standby | A+ | 25 63 | Sh. Rohit Rawat Tech.(Fitter)-IIl 45329804934 | 20.12.1994 | 7987833990 MNP Stand by | AB+ | 28 64 | Sh. Rajkumar Keshawprasad | Helper 45316239458 | 01.06.1984 | 9977141079 MNP Standby | B+ | 38 65 | Sh. Ram Awatar Meena Tech.(Fitter)-IN 45329805033 | 03.08.1997 FPSTN Stand by - 25 As per General Manager’s Office (Mechanical Deptt. Annexure- VI letter no. WCR.M.L.03.127 Vol. (X) Dt. 25.01.2023 A | Rolling stock Date of last | Next due Last Next due ART/ARMV/SPARMY | officer date supervisor date inspection team — : inspection Pel ART | 28.10.2023 | 27.01.2024 | 30.11.2023 | 29.12.2023 Remarks Serene og a 05.11.2023 as per DYC- 57 (17.40) since AC loco(WAP7) derailed at ET yard Remarks - NIL B .| Rolling stock Last Trial Run Next due date ART/ARMV/SPARMY 5 S| [ ART 20.11.2023 19.02.2023 i} Remarks j C | Rolling stock Last Mock Drill | Next due date | Monthly Drill/Demonstration | |__| ART/ARMV/SPARMV (Details) _| ART 12.10.2023 5 | Remarks } D_| Rolling stock Details of last actual | Details of actual movements during the | ART/ARMV/SPARMV | movement to attend —_| month-For Departmental works other accident than to attend accident ART ET ART (MFD+140T - crane) ordered on History of Coach Annexure- ' Sr. ] Stn. | Depo |” Coach No. | Codal Date of Life as on No. life | manufacturing | date in year 1] EF] ART [WC- 94708 | 35 —] 2) Er] ART WC- 910001 | 35 — 1991 32 Years | 3 | ET | ART | WC- 930006 35 | 1993 }-30 Years * LET [At | WC- 930011 | 35 | —7993§ —T-p veas S| ET | ART [WC-950012 OS mee 1995 28 Years 6 | ET | ART | WC- 90215 35 1990 33 Years Annexure- VIII yard, genet or orient (A) 140 cH Shoat rege aw sioq dT FRE ws a ae a s) wa aa ~saaitier [eae a - sea BIH - scone pee ocean E _ fats, 1987 2017 | 1] wer-s7i4oor0a | 40 27 7 pareL | 922925 | t40ca ba 03.08.2021 VaR, |e a 140 cA BA = 2] we-94708 (MEAN) | 4, | 20.11.2020 | 12.2004 | APRN a See (CRWS BPL) shag neftae | | arena, 2.20 Porat cen eta | | 3 | WC -910001 1991 | 20.02.2021 | 93.2025 20.03.2021 | Gres.) (CRWSBPL) art | (B) yaIRA—TasiR¥ (MFD) servi tear we at a B 1 10.10.2019 ae | BcR-94101328132 | BRN 22.9 | 2013] Qicouy” | 05.2024 | 10.05.2022 2 BRNAHST. | 2009 | 17.08.2020 ao ] |] BCR-6100959496 (kro. | 93-2025 08.12.2020 3 | NER-31041910157 | BCNA-HSTM1 | 2019 Sane 01.2025 | tha. #éftae | 10.06.2023 uw) | 4 | NF- 30059315954 | acnanstwi | 1993 | 27.06.2023 | 12.2028 | a. weRtae 30.09.2023 (KTT) 5 ara. 11.05.2021 CRW, S&T and | WCR-930006 (ores) | 193] PL) | 96.2025 | elec. material | 14.07.2021 6 oR 12.01.2022 | axa WC-930011 corestinm) | 19) “pry | 922026 wa 25.03.2022 ware, af z: 20.06.2023 pes WC - 950012 rine) | 1995 (cRws-ppt) | 972027 | WA RS aH | 08.07.2023 8 AREA, 17.12.2020 | feeaaen | =] WC - 90215 a 1990] (BPL) | 01.2025 | 30.12.2020 E Grsiige) [| Stew | Annexure- IX Wee Ws Haw a (140 <4 4 wre) a) aa eer daiea aaaiftrar VaRa S| “AN Sch, “B™ Sch. “C7108 at wea Sch. | wager | ay Br Rates WCR- 140 Sa A 03.2017 [02.2025 140 et - : 5 871400104 1987 | PAREL WC-94708 Tara. 20.17.2020 140 eo at Sfear ve | 30.12.2020 | Done 28.11.23 | Done 05.0923 | Da 101220 (orgs) | 1994 | (CRWSBPL) | 122024 | stead Hef Due - Due - Due 09.12.2: WC = 910001 siewe@l, yop; | 20.02.2021) 03.2025 | Param ae veiw ar | 20.05.3001 | Done Te 11.23 | Done 02.10.23 | Dn 07.04.23 (org hg) (CRWS BPL) Due 27.12.23 | dueo1.01.24 | Due 06,04,2« zene ws @ aH O (cased. ore) 1 ECR: BRN 22.9) 2013 | 10.10.2019 | 05.2024 | ava 10.05.2022 | ROH - 05.24 Due 94101328132 (KTTW) i Done 04.11.21 for POH Sch 2 | ECR. BRNAHST | 2009 | 17.08.2020 | 03.2025 | Sea 08.12.2029 | ROH Done - 03.25 Due 56100959496 «KTTW) ina 15.08.2023 for POH Sch NER- ROH Done - 01.2025 Due 3 | 31041910157. | BCNAHSTMI | 2019 eee 01.2025 | tha. wearer 10.06.2023 | 95 96 2023 for POH Sch NF- ROH Due— > 12.2028 Due H 3 | 27.06.2023 | 12.2028 | tha. wefeaer 30.09.2023 * | soosssisese | BCNAHSTMA | 19898 (KT) 06.2025 for POH Sch ara. 11.05.2021 25 | 8 YE Wad Done 28.11.23 Dn 06.07.23 5 | WCR-930006 rigs) 1993 06.2025 | ar satires weft 14.07.2021 | Dye 27.12.23 | Due-01.01.24 | Due 05.07.24 (BPL) ora 12.01.2022 wa Done 28.11.23 [Dn 02.10.23 | Dn 05.01.23 6 | Wc-930011 1993 02,2026 | 25.03.2022 | Due 27.12.23 | Due 01.01.24 | Due 04.01.24 Greets) (BPL) i wand, 20.06.2023 | 97 Tae a 08.07.2023 [Dn 01.1123 | Da -18.0923 |Dn— 7 | we-950012 pees 1995 | caws-prt) | 072027 Due 01.12.23 | Due 17.12.23 | Due 19.06.24 i 17.12.2020 fares cer eet a Dn 01.11.23 [Da 02.10.23" [Dn 05.01.23 8 | we-s0215 pases 1990 | (ppLy | 01-2025 30.12.2020 | Due 01.1223 | Due 01.01.24 | Due 04.01.24 Annexure- X Restoration of derailed wagon/Coach by MFD Name of unit : ART(MFD)/ET Date: 10.11.2023 A. ‘Nature/Detail of derailment : SN Ttem ae Details 1_| Type of rolling stock ____ | SPARE WAGON NO.- BCNAHSMI- 31099560113 2__| Number of trollies derailed One Trolley 3_|Loaded/Empty reecnla LOADED _ 4 | Distance of derailed wheels from wa sel /2 feet So) Serene 5 | Distance of MED placement from the 130 mtrs (Approx) accident site/Rolling stock. 6_| Any other remarks B._ Activities wise time taken : SN Activity From (hh:mm) 1 | Equipment/material unloading & shifting 23 minutes from MED to site 2_| Set up time 1Sminutes 3A_| Re-railing sub activity No. 1 of first bogie 10 minutes 3B_| Re-railing second bogie 4 | Equipment/material loading back to MFD 25 minutes | Total time 01 Hrs 13 Min 5_ | Analysis remark by incharge SSE Work performed with core group staff 6 _| Analysis remark by incharge officer = 3, 980006 4. 990017 5. qsvo)2. 2 19.06 ey 6. Jour Sealer TO ef-ay Sajna an! 1 eR ikke aa SE 101 ai 9440182652 Choy, fe eae r = DAY 0708 pigesey gcheoteay te hone Gites sae DET 2a a NE cat ds Moers 219419) 0167 Ct4a5) ar Yer New “Dy! Brewg Ow a "30s 28484 STE $e obey be : ‘mS: 2a19-2 ste x Aces TT ene “oh DH 129-123 7 Ter ey eS owt eer lR Ess +. re Ore: 28 eam pS 10.123 O49) 27 aa FP HHRE Ame work: pe SB A9/\1/29 a 0842/24 a Mowe dl: {2.027 = # 1S Aouad Rin, o5.1133 ee : 7 em eu xara DH 20s sei Dero 23

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