Strategic Management Chapter # 1
Strategic Management Chapter # 1
Strategic Management Chapter # 1
Strategic Management
Strategic management is a set of managerial decisions and actions that help determine the long-
term performance of an organization. It includes
i. environmental scanning (both external and internal),
ii. strategy formulation (strategic or long-range planning),
iii. strategy implementation, and
iv. evaluation and control
Environmental scanning
Strategy formulation
Strategy implementation
Evaluation and control
Environment Scanning
Environmental scanning is the monitoring, evaluating, and disseminating of information
from the external and internal environments to key people within the corporation. Its purpose is
to identify strategic factors. The simplest way to conduct environmental scanning is through
SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym used to describe the particular Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats that are strategic factors for a specific company.
The external environment consists of variables (Opportunities and Threats) that are outside
the organization and not typically within the short-run control of top management.
The internal environment of a corporation consists of variables (Strengths and Weaknesses)
that are within the organization itself and are not usually within the short-run control of top
Strategy Formulation
Strategy formulation is the process of investigation, analysis, and decision making that
provides the company with the criteria for attaining a competitive advantage. It includes defining
the competitive advantages of the business (Strategy), crafting the corporate mission, specifying
achievable objectives, and setting policy guidelines.
--Mission: Stating Purpose
An organization’s mission is the purpose or reason for the organization’s existence.
--Objectives: Listing Expected Results
Objectives are the end results of planned activity. They should be stated as action verbs and
tell what is to be accomplished by when and quantified if possible.
--Strategy: Defining the Competitive Advantages
A strategy of a corporation forms a comprehensive master approach that states how the
corporation will achieve its mission and objectives. It maximizes competitive advantage and
minimizes competitive disadvantage.
The typical business firm usually considers three types of strategy: corporate, business, and
1. Corporate strategy describes a company’s overall direction in terms of its general attitude
toward growth and the management of its various businesses and product lines
2. Business strategy usually occurs at the business unit or product level, and it emphasizes
improvement of the competitive position of a corporation’s products or services in the specific
industry or market segment served by that business unit.
3. Functional strategy is the approach taken by a functional area to achieve corporate and
business unit objectives and strategies by maximizing resource productivity.
--Policies: Setting Guidelines
A policy is a broad guideline for decision making that links the formulation of a strategy with
its implementation. Companies use policies to make sure that employees throughout the firm
make decisions and take actions that support the corporation’s mission, objectives, and strategy.
Strategy Implementation
Strategy implementation is a process by which strategies and policies are put into action
through the development of programs, budgets, and procedures. This process might involve
changes within the overall culture, structure, and/or management system of the entire
organization. Sometimes referred to as operational planning, strategy implementation often
involves day-to-day decisions in resource allocation.
--Programs and Tactics: Defining Actions
A program or a tactic is a statement of the activities or steps needed to support a strategy.
The terms are interchangeable.
--Budgets: Costing Programs
A budget is a statement of a corporation’s programs in terms of dollars. Used in planning
and control, a budget lists the detailed cost of each program.
--Procedures: Detailing Activities
Procedures, sometimes termed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), are a system of
sequential steps or techniques that describe in detail how a particular task or job is to be done.