Deep Learning For Skin Disease Diagnosis With End-to-End Data Security
Deep Learning For Skin Disease Diagnosis With End-to-End Data Security
Deep Learning For Skin Disease Diagnosis With End-to-End Data Security
Abstract—Skin diseases, particularly skin cancer, pose This research aims to develop a comprehensive skin lesion
significant health risks, necessitating accurate and timely classification system using CNNs to address these issues. The
diagnosis. Traditional manual analysis methods, however, are objectives are to:
subject to errors and can be time-consuming. To address these
challenges, we propose an automated classification system for Design and train an accurate CNN model using
skin disease detection that leverages deep learning algorithms to publicly available skin image datasets.
accurately diagnose skin lesions. This system facilitates secure
sharing of diagnostic information among healthcare Develop a user-friendly diagnostic platform to
professionals, promoting collaborative treatment planning. integrate the model implement security measures for
Recognizing the critical importance of data security and encrypting and sharing diagnostic reports while
confidentiality in the healthcare industry, our system employs maintaining patient privacy and confidentiality.
state-of-the-art security measures to protect sensitive patient
The results of this study could streamline
data whilst medical data transfer. By maintaining the integrity
of patient information and adhering to regulatory requirements,
dermatological workstreams, improve diagnosis of
our skin disease classification system provides healthcare potentially life-threatening conditions, and
professionals with fast and accurate diagnosis, and the ultimately contribute to better patient care and
confidence that patient privacy is upheld at all times. outcomes.
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