IJDSML Vol 4 Iss 4 Paper 4 495 501
IJDSML Vol 4 Iss 4 Paper 4 495 501
IJDSML Vol 4 Iss 4 Paper 4 495 501
Fig.1. Dataset Distribution
3.1 Dataset
This machine learning project starts with data collection. Data
which we can use as a training dataset. In this case, we collected Figure 2 shows some sample images from the dataset
images of different skin diseases. The dataset was acquired
through Kaggle which contains 19500 dermatologically tested
images of 23 different skin diseases. The 23 different conditions
of skin disorders that have been included in our dataset are as
1. Acne and Rosacea Photos
2. Actinic Keratosis Basal Cell Carcinoma and other
Malignant Lesions
3. Atopic Dermatitis Photos
4. Bullous Disease Photos
5. Cellulitis Impetigo and other Bacterial Infections
6. Eczema Photos
7. Exanthems and Drug Eruptions
8. Hair Loss Photos Alopecia and other Hair Diseases
9. Herpes HPV and other STDs Photos
10. Light Diseases and Disorders of Pigmentation
11. Lupus and other Connective Tissue diseases
the pre-processing step are referred to as resizing and rescaling.
Resizing is the process of altering an image's dimensions while
preserving its aspect ratio. When the input images are not all the
same size, this can be helpful. On the other hand, rescaling is the
process of altering an image's range of pixel values. Usually, this
is done to guarantee that the pixel values fall inside a specific
range, such 0 to 1. The input data can be normalized in this way
to enhance the training process and the performance of the
model. The second layer performs data augmentation which is
required as we might not have enough diverse set of images, so
we rotate, flip, and adjust contrast to create more training
Third layer is the actual convolutional layer whose
function is to execute the mathematical operation of convolution
to extract features from input data, such as an image.
Convolution works by moving a small filter or kernel over the
input data and computing a dot product between the filter and a
small area of the input at each place. A new output tensor is
created as a result of this procedure, and it comprises details on
Fig.2. Sample Dataset the existence and positioning of different features in the input
data. The convolutional layer may automatically find significant
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) stand out as a Fig.5. Mobile App Result (1)
formidable tool in the realm of model building, particularly for
image classification tasks. Their superiority over traditional
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) lies in their ability to
Fig.6. Mobile App Result (2)
5. FUTURE WORK accessibility. By providing a user-friendly interface for skin
disease identification and classification, this project contributes
India boasts a rich heritage of traditional natural remedies to the efficiency and effectiveness of medical diagnostics.
and authentic medicinal practices that have been integral to its Beyond its technical achievements, the project has broader
culture. These natural remedies, deeply rooted in traditional implications for healthcare, bridging the gap between cutting-
medicine, continue to hold immense value as potent medicinal edge technology and the critical need for accurate and quick
resources in the country. They have proven effective in disease identification in the field of dermatology.
alleviating troublesome symptoms and have been a reliable
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