Science 8 Lesson Plan - Heat and Temperature
Science 8 Lesson Plan - Heat and Temperature
Science 8 Lesson Plan - Heat and Temperature
A. Content Standards The Learners demonstrate an understanding of heat and temperature, and the
effects of heat on the body.
B. Performance Standard The Learners shall be able to demonstrate activities that exhibit the effect of heat
and temperature.
C. Learning Competencies Differentiate between heat and temperature at the molecular level. S8FE-Ig29
Write the LC code
A. Reviewing previous ELICIT (5 minutes)
lesson or presenting the o Drill
new lesson - Classroom Prayer lead by the student.
- Checking of attendance
o Review
1. What is heat?
Possible Answer: The energy associated with the random motions of the
molecules, atoms, or smaller structural units of which matter is composed.
How can you tell if the water you are using in bathing the baby is hot or not?
Possible Answer: When bathing a baby, you dip your fingers in the water.
How can you tell if the temperature of the baby’s milk is right?
Possible Answer: Sprinkle a few drops of milk on your wrist to check if the
temperature is just right.
Guide Questions:
1. What happens to the temperature of water as time elapses?
Possible Answer: As time elapses, the temperature of the water increases.
For the next activity, call at least two volunteers from the class to perform and have
them share what they feel as they perform the task.