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Sv cewy back, ZY POM baby is A. Spi Ns Is usually a si NOl8d to have isolate, Pina bifida cystica anor led hypertrichosis in the | hve Narn é aa bifida occulta e pelomeningacele . Hydrocephalus ‘Bar region of tn 119. In . Inwhich sta A 9¢ of lung m Pseudoglandular Rail ‘aturation is surfactant frst produced’? B. Terminal sac period C. Canaticular period D. Alveolar period 420. In whi f ich stage of lung mi aturatio A. Pseudoglandular period n is the blood-air barter established? B. Terminal sac period C. Canalicular period D. Alveotar period COMPUTER NUMBER: .. SECTION B: MARKS: 10 You are working at Lewanlk Resident Medical Officer (JRMO). You recelve Mrs. Ni for 4 years but nas failed ' concalve. Ht a General Hospital In Mongu. westem Zambia, a8 & Juror lishebo Muyunda, a 35-year-clé jer husband has 50 woman who has been married 1 child outside marriage. YOu order 8 number of investiga? for infertility. On her new ennn and and you suspect his seme anshysis (85 rot poference brret with results, She comes with her husb: ; okay. Tabulate the WHO 2010 semen anal dicating parameter and to help you make a diagnosis. [10] lysis values ini 7 How dh 20s articular cartilage diee from most ethar hyaline cartiaga? A Wundergaes mainly appositonal gio B I contains isogeness groups of chondincytes ©. Itlacks a perichondrium D. tx mate contains aggrecan 68. Regarding Paneth colts, the feflowing ts talre A. Aro exocrine coms B. Are invotend inv aerqultind iminnnily C. Are located at tunes of intestinal ghanets D. Immediately above them are star calle 69. Plicao circulares are also called A. Vatvulne connivantios B. Crypts of Linborkutin , Rugae D. Peyer's patches cocrecshy tated to tht tractunn where kart 70, Tho following type of cartiage alae A. Eurtachian tube B. Epionyseal piates fiprocactiiage bne bic symphysis nyo 2 Ee Bronchial cartilages ped snared sqwnred by nore 71. Which structures partly encapsulatod and © squamous enntneliom? B. Lymph pode C. Palatine tonsil p. Payer's path giseast (Of adtranal come insu on ai ch can caus? — TER NUMBER, 3, . 8, Drawing: {10} 4, Classic nepatic structure function 1 ortal Nebula and hepat ship in the ber {10} actus to ustrate the € THE END OF FXAMINATION. 26. The Calot's tangle contains coho et bcs oe ; mare likely to ¢ A. Gallbladder A 5 C. Duet of Sante D. Both duct 28 Left colic antery Suporior paners, Infenor oar Right gasin on@> 2 a folds than Be COMPUTER NUMBER: SECTION c: DIAGRAMS MARKS: 45 A. Label the following diagrams {35} 1. (10) 2. [15] 89. One of the following is not a trisamy: A, Klinefeltar syndrome B. Patau syndrome ©. Turner syndrome D. Edward syndrome 90. The following ts fatse about fatal circulation ‘A, Ductus arteriosus shunts blood from the pulmonary artery to aorta B, Ductus venoeus shunts blood from the urtbiincal artery to the inferior wena care ©. Faramen ovale shunts blood from tne right atrum tothe loft otnue D. The eft and right heart pump tn eeries 91, Which chronic maternal condition it associated wih big babies (macrosarTsa)? A. Hypertension B, Digbetes molltus ¢, Asthma D. Sickle cell disease 92. Trophoblastic lacunae develons Ito th. of tra placenta A Intervilous spaces B. Cotylecons ©. Chorionic vil D, Fetal membranes 93. Allthe following are features oftho human plovenes exert ‘A Is discoid in shape 6, Matera! bl C. No maternal tsst 1D, Chorianic will are the placent forms from: found on maternal surtse 94, The fetal portion of A. Decidua basalis B, Decidua capsulais C. Chorion leave D, Chorton frondosum the fotowing 1 not Tee 96, Concerning the intervillous spaces of tit placenta. ‘A. Contain maternal bi sd fs lined DY ynoyrovronnceinst a ‘Are between he decidua and CROFT wate = D. Blood into spaces #5 delivered DY chorion i qransea? 96, Which menstrual disorder dosesves MeO A. Amel norrhoe? 8. pysmenonthoos ¢ menormagia bp, Polymenat™ae won RD: 45 7" SNOWING diagrama: {35} 1. {10} 2. (15) M4. Then : otochord is rep ; A. Annulus fbtogys hy tha: + Nucleus Pulposus ©. Spinal canal D. Dorsal roots 112. Altthe t ‘ Slowing are der A. Cranial narvas lvatives of the neural crest celts exept 8. Spinal cord C. Ganglia D. Adrenal medulla 193. How many Barr bodies are in triple X syndrome? 9NOm> 2s 79,009, 114. Regarding the zona reaction, the following ts true A. Precedes acrosome reaction B. Lysosomal enzymes are fesponsible for tha reaction C. Zona pellucida disappears 48 hrs after fertilization D. Occurs after sperm binds to the zona pellucida 115. Lack of the following can result in neural tube defects (NTDs): A. Vitamin B3 B, Vitamin 89 C. Vitamin B12 D. Vitamin B6 116. Lack of shedding of the endometrium after fertilization Nas taken place 's O following hormone: A, Oestrogen B. Luteinizing hormone C. Progesterone D. B-hCG 117, Twoweeks after fertilization takos place, pi A, Placenta B; Syncytiotrophoblast C. Corpus luteum D. Pituitary gland rogostarone Is released by he 105. Concerning the heart tub: A. Normal cardia a! cardiac looping i B. Primary hear fi c. Si DB Appears in fifth wee! us venosus rece! pharyngeal component 406. The follo. A. Auditory tube B. Thyroid gland C. Stylohyaid muscle D. Inferior parathyroid glances g structure Is tinked to | 4" Pharyngeai cist 3% Pharyn uch 407. A 3emonth-old baby 97 presents wit mally. The umbilicus d@ins secretions. 2! the umbilicus at times. ‘What is the most likely diagno A, Patent urachus B. Meal diverticulum c. Patent yitetline duct D. Omphalocele nd there fp aacday-old DOBY defecated § ing nas bee? normal without ay excessive VO" nal canal 108. though feed! raveals anormal AMY the colo". of the fovowing CO" in Impertorate anus jp. Hirsenserung disease anal agenesis syntne masercnenes 7 6 Regarding tha relations af A at re cbran ary Bo padain tr © bea T A Lungs BO frectecopnatic © fone CO Meacic dues a shameter of hem INgharvila mere 8. Bucket-nandie moreenen 6 1 of dinptiragen ©. Relmsanon ct macteage it PFs Ly of res 9 Conceming tie rare Bly 10 thm kagy, tae tener sg it wid ty the vay ren vibe 10. Thus falleraning ia trum wit AL Linguta is found ent B. Right ung hina two loan C. Loft jung has Iwo fissures D. Aspiratid foreign toay will hiealy ta ey ry rege waht hing tun 11, Choose the correct statenmert wth requrt to thw pericanture A. Asconding aorta ts posleriar to tranaverns parcartial winua B. Vense cavae ate antercr to vanaverss pericarriial anit GC. Cule-sac for oblique pericartis! elruis le posterior B. Serous pericardium forms the boundanes for mncus 12. The base of the haart is mainty formed by A, Right atrium B. Loft ventricle C. Left atrium D. Right ventricle 13, Regarding the conducting system cf the heart the toliow A. Moderator band contains fibers of the right Bundt Dr 8. AV node 48 tne only muscular connection Batwean wertreias C. SA nota generates electrical impulses rain of 40-0 beace mine D,_ Mes! of ine conducting systam is supplies by the bah Coronary aMary Haagen ei? A fe pa ts trio tt eben? i at pei itt (ddan iret 1 raise Fein te? Ake eel sacle otro (cng bt kent altro A bi. pts sti i (Tana ae. preiennetT Alec sade ¢ cette beatin 0) Whe a he erat oes reerart tom of bet moran 1 tem whe art toe ptoeraen? 0 Ormerers C Opes OT eprewe FA The Sokowrng iaccy i 9 tommy mantis te hareterene A Vereeys we fimagretet en 0 inter ey eee © Crease C tetra nes 0 Rar testy = eee D Enwnetd Coracet meter EE Wher: cxf ae mettle’ ame muncm cat Pat pacen ee? A erate Carne cote erat type of teen wit Orenias # Satan SS © “ = D comares tere 4 ar wnat tse tern , 7 Taree rere ere a : c One mascot eouet 0 Gre am ca poe ot 9 Te ET ae ET pe Oran Nae TE aan per re aya ee pemoce Se Pat ee a Se ee eS ne er? oa 7 Te aoa oe ad wee et ree eS A cee 2 poo cater} 118, Anewly born baby is noted to h: back. This 's usualy age ave Isolated hypertrichosis In the lumbar region of the A. Spina bifida cystica B. Spina bifida occulta C. Myolomeningocele D. Hydrocephalus 119. In which sta mi in rs ge of lung maturatis nf ? / stand lr pee ion Is surfactant first produced’ B, Terminal sac penod C. Canalicular period D. Alveolar period 120. In which stage of lung m: 7 oe Ed i aturation is the blood~air barrier established? B. Terminal sac period C. Canalicular penod D. Alveolar period COMPUTER NUMBER: SECTION B: MARKS: 10 You are working at Lewanika General Hospital in Mongu, westem Zambia, as a 4u™or Resident Medical Officer (JRMO). You recelve Mrs. Nalishebo Muyunda, a 3) id woman who has been married for 4 years but has failed to conceive. Her husda: 23 70 child outside marriage. You order 8 nuntber of investigations for infertity. On her net rarn with results, she comes with her husband and you suspect his samen analysis results = oot okay, Tabulate the WHO 2010 semen analysis values indicating parameter and tefgrence brit to help you make @ diagnosis. [10] 87. In neural tube formation, the thamentmphale lithmnus appanre betwen A. Prosencephalon and mateneephalon B, Mesenceptialon and rhomencephaion C. Mesencephalon and metencephaton D. Telencephaton and dienceghaton 98, Baby of Janet Mwate presents with chocking on attempind fandirg excasere trusterg and bubbling at the mouth and noan soon after bith as well ma epiodes of couyrng Cyanosis, and respiratory distress. The mast Mealy diagnos 1 A. Bilateral choanal atresta B. Tracheo-cesophagea! fistula C. Tetralogy of Fatlot D. Respiratory distrass syndrome 99. True regarding the average meaaurements of the full-term fataplacental uri ls A. Length of umbilical cord: 40 on B. Thickness of placenta 3 cm C. Weight of placenta: 600 D. Thickness of umbilical cord: 4 em 100, Initially, the umbilical cord contains four (4) blood veszols. Which one dssappaars mith further development? A. Left umbilical artery B. Left umbilical vein C. Right umbilical artary D. Right umbilical vein 101. True regarding the development of the hypophysis ceratri A, Pars intermedia develops {rom anterior wail of Rathea's pouch B. Pars nervosa develops from the roof of the diencephalon C. Entire organ develops from ectoderm D. Most hormones come {rom neurohypophysis 102, Baby of Esther Mwansa is torn with congenital hydrocephalus, The batyy has most likely the following features except? A. Sun setting ears B. Dilated scalp veins C, Enlarged head D. Initability 103. The following fontanelfe is correctly matched with age of closure A, Anterior fontanalle 14 months, B. Posterior fontanella .. 6 months C, Mastoid fontanelle 12 months D. Sphenoidat fontanalle .. . B months a 7 epithelium i4 o. co , ag, Motaniots are 7 Irostmyeryyrimenernice—ere tarvrr la nee! A Eegyracanetenty Phare CME vevg O becrpiterat 1 tao terete nary teat A Bere never Bape vectert) a opine Targa = acter ie inate cuaterinolrstt p Trenra tt eysnnan enn am A uavarat plate ote 8 ¢. © Carpat tunnel ay Dd. 10's parntyscs th Weare A 50-year-old John Muyunda comes to your following dees not explain why vai A Lefttesy wein have a longe: B. Lef tesbeuiar vem arams at a ight angi C. Lett testicutar vein has shorter vatves comnrared fo the nght on D, Left testicular v ¢ with la varicocele Which ¢f pee ‘OCeSEA Ben ray commen cr, the bat than peg ee in |s crossed by oolon and tan be compressedt er at Nabonal Milling Carparsa0n 36-year-old Mutale Mulenga works a3 2 & ads of $0kq tags of maize meal He has row Limited in Lusaka where suffered a direct inguinal "¢ During has operation, Tt gontant

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