Options2 ANK WB
Options2 ANK WB
Options2 ANK WB
answer key
3. – 9. –
Vocabulary page 4 4. 4 10. f
5. i 11. b
1 1. amusement park 7. post office 6. g
2. port 8. bookshop
3. museum 9. hospital 9 1. F, You need a cup for fizzy drinks and juice.
4. cinema 10. café 5. F, Fish and shrimp live in the sea.
5. butcher’s 11. chemist’s 8. F, Lamb, pork and chicken are types of meat.
6. bakery 12. sports centre 11. F, You need a spoon and cup for coffee.
2 1. hotel 5. park
Grammar page 6
2. restaurant 6. theatre
3. department store 7. bank 1 1. theirs 4. yours
4. library 2. my 5. our / my
3. hers 6. mine
3 1. kitchen
a. cooker 2 1. Susan’s 4. players’
b. fridge 2. students’ 5. boy’s
2. bedroom 3. children’s
a. desk
b. chair 3 1. am 4. haven’t got
c. wardrobe 2. Is 5. Have … got
3. living room 3. has got 6. aren’t
a. armchair
b. rug 4 1. John, Janet, do
c. sofa 2. Janet, meets
4. dining room 3. Paul, watches
a. curtain 4. Janet, Paul, aren’t reading
b. table 5. John doesn’t play
5. bathroom
a. shower 5 1. How often does Paul do sport? Rarely.
b. sink 2. Do Paul and John meet friends on Tuesday? No,
6. toilet they don’t.
a. rubbish bin 3. What do John and Janet do every day? Watch TV.
4. Does John read magazines? Yes, he does.
7 1. scarf 5. glasses 8 1. C 2. B 3. O 4. B 5. O 6. C 7. B
2. shorts 6. suit
3. make-up 7. bracelet 9 1. a 2. b
4. swimsuit
2 1. mirror 4. pillow m i c r c o f s s e
2. washing machine 5. vacuum cleaner h k i o d m p a b t
3. heater 6. brush u p f s c o p e j n
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3 1. F, Students can use a dictionary to find the
meaning of a word.
2. F, Students keep their papers in a folder.
Grammar page 9
3. T
5 1. There are 4. There is 4. F, Scientists use microscopes to look at plant and
animal cells.
2. There isn’t 5. there aren’t
5. T
3. There aren’t 6. There are
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 1. c 3. h 5. d 7. b
competences CHECK page 18
2. a 4. f 6. g 8. e Written Comprehension
4 1. mop 5. glue 1 1. Ryan, Artur 4. Artur
2. kettle 6. exercise 2. Esohe 5. Esohe
3. lamp 7. explore 3. Ryan
4. compass 8. dryer
2 1. There is a lot of rubbish.
5 1. theatre 6. sunny 2. to make art
2. washing machine 7. go ice skating 3. Stop using plastic.
3. microscope 8. key 4. In the shopping malls in Lagos.
4. bathroom 9. microwave 5. In Lisbon, Berlin and Dublin.
5. museum 10. sugar
1 refighter hai
1 1. won 5. rest
r fi an 2. hold 6. enjoy
cle ane rd r e
ss e r li b rari
otograph 3. pull 7. lost
c ph
hani er p
ilot s a i te
r 4. stand up
mec in ger w
2 1. finish 5. compete
1. singer 6. librarian 2. lie down 6. cross
2. mechanic 7. hairdresser 3. Push 7. hurry
3. waiter 8. pilot 4. train
4. photographer 9. firefighter Answer: History
5. cleaner
3 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T
2 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. a 1. People stand up in the shower.
3. The fastest runner wins the race.
3 1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. d 6. g 7. b 4. Ice-skating students often / sometimes fall.
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Grammar Speaking
5 1. There were 4. there were 5 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. f 6. b
2. there was 5. there were
3. there wasn’t 6. There weren’t
page 23
04 2 1. rich 5. train
2. firefighter/s 6. pilot
1. cycling festival 4. six months
3. trendy 7. embarrassed
2. sea animal 5. Ben
4. mechanic 8. enjoy
3. three / cycling / 6. rested
three cycling
3 1. difficult 5. shy
2. salesperson 6. hurry
Reading page 25 3. held 7. pull
4. stood up 8. unique
8 1. he’s got dyslexia
2. life was easy and comfortable 4 1. g 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. c 7. b
3. a salesperson
4. television programmes of people doing extreme 5 1. tour guide 6. washing machine
sports 2. waiter 7. cross
5. rides his bike and enjoys the mountains and the 3. theatre 8. whiteboard
beach 4. hat 9. headphones
5. had a barbecue 10. interesting
9 1. on a family farm near Cambridge
2. There was better safety equipment.
3. 27 years old
4. 1.5 million pounds 1. The photographer took some wonderful photos.
5. It organises sporting events and it has got 2. There were two singers and four musicians in the
adventure parks and hotels. band.
3. The waiter is holding many things.
Writing page 26 4. After hiking, he was hungry and thirsty.
5. My hairdresser finished work early yesterday.
1 1. A, thirsty 3. B, old-fashioned
2. B, rich 4. A, tiny Grammar page 29
2 1. The librarian wasn’t very friendly. 7 1. created 5. pushed
2. The nurse talked very quietly. 2. won 6. didn’t fall
3. The film was not at all boring. 3. Did … take 7. did … walk
4. Adam ate very quickly. 4. didn’t hurry 8. Did … rest
5. Sally has got really pretty hair.
6. Tom’s parents were quite poor in the 1990s. 8 1. Did … use to play 5. didn’t use to be
2. used to sing 6. used to cross
3 1. very hard-working 3. didn’t use to enjoy 7. used to train
2. correct 4. Did … use to think 8. didn’t use to win
3. a unique show
4. quite frightening 9 1. There wasn’t 5. There weren’t
5. really well 2. There were 6. Was there
6. huge concert 3. There was 7. Were there
4. Were there 8. Was there
10 1. a 3. c 5. b 7. b 9. c
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. b 4. c 6. a 8. a 10. c
1 1. on Saturday 4. George
1 1. noisy 5. afraid
2. calm 6. lucky
2. the Philippines 5. Beyoncé
3. angry 7. helpful
3. 8
4. quiet 8. upset
2 1. The Voice Kids
2 1. quiet 5. lucky
2. Justine Afante won
2. afraid 6. upset
3. she’s 13, lives in Wales
3. noisy 7. calm
4. used to be shy
4. helpful 8. angry
5. she won £30,000
3 1. c 3. h 5. f 7. i 9. d
Written Production 2. e 4. a 6. g 8. b
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Oral Comprehension page 31 Grammar
4 5
5 1. the biggest 5. more upset than
2. more afraid than 6. the most upset
Good evening. This is Sarah Walters with the 6 pm news 3. the worst 7. better than
4. noisier than 8. the best
At 12 o’clock last night, firefighters hurried to a huge fire
at the West Garden shopping centre. There weren’t any page 33
shoppers or workers inside the building. The firefighters
worked for two hours, but the fire destroyed many shops.
The good news is…firefighters pulled a family of cats
6 1. less popular than
from the building. It was a frightening night for the 2. more friendly than / friendlier than
cats. They were hungry and thirsty, but they are resting 3. more loyal than
happily now, after a good meal. 4. easier than
Next on the news report, we have an adventure story. 5. quieter than
Early this morning, famous pilot Susan Walsh crossed 6. more independent than
the Atlantic Ocean in her tiny aeroplane after many days 7. more emotional than
of flying. She flew solo from Portugal to Venezuela. 8. calmer than
Her story is unique because she also built her aeroplane. 9. more outgoing than
Susan used to be an IT technician, but she always loved
aeroplanes. It was a difficult project and she worked on it 7 1. the most polite 3. the least worried
for two years. Her father is a mechanic and he helped her.
2. the noisiest 4. the quietest
Our last news story is about a teenage game developer
called Carl Roberts. He won €8,000 last Tuesday. He 8 1. as helpful as 3. not as reliable as
competed in a competition to create an educational game
2. not as lucky as 4. as angry as
for teenagers. Learning English used to be difficult for
Carl. Now, it’s fun because he created an action game
to help students learn English. Carl wanted to create a 9 1. tall enough 3. not reliable enough
unique game. The game isn’t easy, but it’s fun. 2. too noisy 4. too afraid
Thank you for listening to the 6 pm news report. 10 1. Simon is more caring than Stacy.
2. Sandra is the most helpful.
1. shopping centre
3. The Year 8 students weren’t as lucky as the Year 9
2. cats
3. crossing the Atlantic Ocean
4. Liam is as rude as Tim.
4. an IT technician
5. Sam isn’t as patient as Linda.
5. create an educational game for teenagers
6. Dan is too tired to exercise.
6. learning English
OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 8
Speaking 3 1. e 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. b
11 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
SECTION B Speaking
Vocabulary page 34 5 1. problem 5. any
2. wrong 6. Maybe
1 1. grandson 4. daughter 3. What 7. idea
2. wife 5. nephew 4. Why
3. stepmother 6. stepson
2 1. granddaughter 5. husband
2. grandchildren 6. son
3. daughter 7. wife
6 5
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T
Vocabulary page 36
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 11 1. Are you enjoying 6. left
2. too upset 7. immigrate
3. Should 8. used to visit
4. There are 9. their
5. any 10. Were there
1 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. a
1. Caleb isn’t patient enough.
2 1. f 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. e 2. You should be polite to your stepfather.
3. My grandparents are calmer than my parents.
3 1. graduated 4. nervous 4. Evelyn is the most helpful student.
2. get engaged 5. grandparents 5. I couldn’t finish my homework last night.
3. daughters 6. angry
4 1. afraid 5. noisy
competences CHECK page 42
2. rude 6. nephews
3. stepson 7. jealous Written Comprehension
4. Selfish 8. husband
1 1. Daniel 4. Daniel
5 1. go sightseeing 6. lamb 2. Daniel, Johnny 5. Johnny
2. reliable 7. hike 3. Johnny 6. Daniel
3. stepmother 8. rest
4. butcher’s 9. grew up
2 1. Mr Miyagi is Daniel’s friend and karate teacher.
2. Daniel falls in love with Johnny’s ex-girlfriend.
5. unique 10. dictionary
3. Johnny and Daniel’s relationship with their children
4. Robbie is Johnny’s son.
5. All teenagers and their parents should watch both
the film and the TV programme together.
4 1 1. gang
4. weapon
Interviewer: Today on Teen Life, I’m interviewing a teen 2. footprint 5. fingerprint
immigrant, Elianny. Did you know more 3. criminal 6. police officer
than one million people immigrate to the
USA every year? But it’s not easy for teens. 2 1. arrest 4. catch
They must start a new school, make new 2. stole 5. murder
friends and learn a new language. Here’s 3. weapon 6. gang
one immigrant’s story. Elianny, tell us about 4. solve
Elianny: I was born in the Dominican Republic. 3 1. broke the law 5. proved
I immigrated with my mum and sister when 2. robbery 6. against the law
I was 13. 3. witness 7. shot
Interviewer: How did you feel when you arrived? 4. chased 8. DNA
Elianny: I was excited to move, but also nervous 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
about starting school.
Interviewer: Are schools different in the Dominican
Elianny: Yes. There, primary school is until age 14 5 1. was chasing 5. weren’t holding
and students can leave school after they 2. wasn’t sleeping 6. were shooting
finish it. In the USA, 14-year-olds are in 3. were talking 7. was planning
high school and they must go to school. 4. were checking
I feel lucky to be here in the USA getting
a good education.
page 45
Interviewer: How was your first day of school?
Elianny: It was OK. People could see I was new. 6 1. was having 5. were shouting
Some people were helpful, but others 2. was stealing 6. was holding
weren’t nice. 3. was driving 7. was visiting
Interviewer: Could you speak English? 4. were standing 8. wasn’t breaking
Elianny: No, I couldn’t talk to anyone. I was quiet
for a long time. My English wasn’t good 7 A
enough. But then I read some stories about 1. were ... doing 4. Was ... breaking
famous immigrants. For example, actor 2. Were ... watching 5. was ... taking
Mila Kunis immigrated when she was 3. Was ... shooting
a child, and now some people don’t know B
she speaks another language! I stopped
1. d, were solving 4. b, was, was driving
being upset and kept trying.
2. a, wasn’t, was walking 5. c, was trying
Interviewer: Did school become easier?
3. e, was, was using
Elianny: Yes! Today I am happier than I was when
I arrived. I can speak English and I feel like 8 1. was standing 6. were ... hurrying
I belong.
2. was talking 7. were looking for
Interviewer: Thank you, Elianny. 3. wasn’t watching 8. was selling
4. was walking 9. were taking
1. one million people
5. was looking
2. mum and sister
3. nervous 9 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4. leave school
5. speak English (well enough)
6. she belongs
10 1. at the time 4. How
Oral Production 2. was walking 5. in the end
3. Who
5 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. g 5. e 6. a 7. c
Grammar page 47 5 1. d 3. j 5. h 7. f 9. i
2. c 4. g 6. e 8. a 10. b
5 1. was walking, started
2. took, closed Listening
3. weren’t doing, were cooking
4. killed, destroyed
5. began, were skiing
6 5
6. were swimming, changed Good morning everyone, this is Rosa Banks and you’re
7. was hurrying, became listening to Wow, what a story! On today’s news programme,
I’m telling the incredible story of Lauren Weinberg. This
6 1. Kristy took her possessions and left home before woman sat in her car for 10 days in the snow until people
the hurricane arrived. found her. How did she live through this experience? Let’s
get to the story.
2. David was playing computer games while Holly was
baking biscuits. On the night of 11th December, Lauren was driving to her
mother’s house in the mountains when her car stopped
3. The flood didn’t start while Sonia was visiting her
moving. There was a blizzard and it was freezing outside!
Lauren decided to stay in the car. It was too cold and
4. Tina and Gemma weren’t listening to their science
dangerous to try to find her way to a safe place. You’re
teacher while he was explaining the homework.
probably thinking, why didn’t Lauren call for help? Well,
5. Harry and Ben were hiking in the desert when the according to Lauren, her phone wasn’t working.
sandstorm began.
The 23-year-old was sitting in her car for almost a week and
6. I was enjoying my holiday when I heard about the a half while more and more snow was falling. She didn’t
tsunami. have any warm clothes with her. She ate only two chocolate
7. The flood covered the village and killed many bars and put snow in a bottle for water. She was cold, afraid,
people. hungry and worried. But Lauren didn’t give up!
After ten days, some people rescued Lauren and took her to
7 1. began 5. was finishing a medical centre. Lauren was lucky – other than being cold,
2. were hiking 6. saw hungry and thirsty, she was OK. She wasn’t hurt, ill or even
3. were ... standing 7. were running injured.
4. were sailing 8. became What can we learn from Lauren’s story? First, in a blizzard
it’s usually best to stay in your car and not try to walk to find
8 1. Liam was having breakfast when the tornado help. Also, you should always keep warm clothes, blankets,
started. food and some water in your car. That’s it for now. Stay safe.
2. Sandra was resting when Jill called.
3. While we were skiing, snow was coming down 1. 11th December
the mountain. 2. blizzard
4. I was driving to school when I heard about the 3. 23
earthquake on the radio. 4. Possible answers: cold / afraid / hungry / worried
5. During the sandstorm, we closed the door and
stayed inside. 7 5
1. 10 days
Speaking 2. her phone wasn’t working
3. chocolate bars
9 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b 4. warm clothes
5 1. library 6. calculator
Written Comprehension
2. broke her leg 7. pilot 1 1. F 2. DS 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
3. trendy 8. call for help
4. helpful 9. key
5. stepfather 10. washing machine
2. speaker
R U Z K M Q X E 5. keyboard
Oral Comprehension page 55 E S Y
3. printer N Y T E O W T X O
6. mouse
ood morning, students. My name’s Bob and I’m a police
officer. Today I want to talk about cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is when someone uses the Internet to 2 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. a
frighten or hurt another person. Here in California,
cyberbullying isn’t only against school rules – it’s against 3 1. turn on 5. browse
the law! You are breaking the law when you make someone 2. gadget 6. Turn off
feel afraid or post someone’s personal information online. 3. file 7. click
Cyberbullying is very common around the world. About 4. memory card
37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17
experience cyberbullying, and 30% experience it more than 4 1. printer 4. click
once. According to research, 42% of teenagers experience 2. keyboard 5. screens
cyberbullying on Instagram. It’s happening on class chats
3. speaker 6. gadget
as well.
Here are some examples. A girl was uploading photos on 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Instagram when other girls in her class started commenting
on her pictures. They called her fat and ugly. That’s
cyberbullying! Another girl was chatting online with a boy Grammar page 57
from her school when the boy sent her private messages to
everyone in her class. Does this sound familiar to anyone? 6 1. are going to browse 4. am meeting
Both of my examples were girls. According to statistics, 2. isn’t going to study 5. won’t like
girls experience more cyberbullying than boys. We want 3. aren’t using 6. will drive
everyone to feel safe on the Internet! Please think before
you post, comment or share something online. 7
And don’t keep quiet about cyberbullying. We know only
1 in 10 teens tell a parent or other adult when they 1. isn’t going to buy
experience cyberbullying. But you should talk to your 2. isn’t going to turn off
parents and teachers about cyberbullying. You can also 3. are going to give
call the police for help. 4. is going to code
1. frighten or hurt 1. a, is going to look
2. 42 2. c, are going to watch
3. her private messages 3. d, are going to order
4. girls, boys 4. b, aren’t going to play
5. the police
8 1. Mum, Dad, Katie and Eric (The Morgans) are
Oral Production having breakfast at a café at 9 am.
2. Mum and Dad are cycling in the park at 11 am.
5 1. Where were you when it happened? 3. Katie is training for a dance competition at 3.30 pm.
2. Who were you with? 4. Eric is doing homework at 6.00 pm.
3. What were you doing at the time?
4. What happened after that? 9 1. will … finish 5. will take
5. Did you call for help? 2. will start 6. won’t create
6. How are you feeling now? 3. will be 7. won’t cost
4. will travel
1 1. forbid 4. increase
Vocabulary page 58 2. taste 5. decrease
3. smell 6. touch
1 1. cut down 4. recycle
2. pollute 5. reuse 2 1. collect 4. entertain
3. pick up 6. waste 2. control 5. predict
3. disagree
2 1. use up 5. fix
2. plant 6. pick up 3 1. agree 4. bring
3. throw out 7. endangers 2. suggest 5. decrease
4. replace 8. cut down 3. pay attention 6. increase
4 1. waste 4. fix
2. replace 5. endanger
3. reuse 5 1. What are you doing this weekend?
2. Why are you going to do that?
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3. Where are you going to do that?
4. When are you going to do that?
6 1. clean up, will be Listening
2. will plant, doesn’t rain
3. fixes, will throw
6 5
1. b 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. d 5 1. b 3. a 5. c 7. b 9. a
2. a 4. c 6. a 8. c 10. a
Reading page 61 6
8 1. climate change 4. underground 1. Adam is going to buy a new keyboard and mouse
2. one metre 5. trees today.
3. the sea and floods 2. If we reuse items and don’t waste, we will help the
9 1. They will disappear underwater. 3. I predict people will plant more trees in the future.
2. $100 billion 4. Iris forbids her children to browse the Internet after
3. 35º C to 37º C 10 pm.
4. They create heat. 5. I suggest you taste the food before eating it.
5. They decrease the air temperature by one or two
degrees Celsius. Grammar page 65
Vocabulary page 68
Written Production
1 1. smile 4. sell
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. cry 5. laugh
3. crawl 6. open
Oral Comprehension page 67
2 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b
4 5
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5 1. e, Have you ever been 4. f, How did you
2. d, What was it 5. c, are there
Grammar page 71 3. a, did you 6. b, as well
Written Comprehension
1 1. E 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
2 1. T 2. DS 3. T 4. DS 5. T 6. F
Written Production
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.