Options2 ANK WB

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answer key
3. – 9. –
Vocabulary page 4 4. 4 10. f
5. i 11. b
1 1. amusement park 7. post office 6. g
2. port 8. bookshop
3. museum 9. hospital 9 1. F, You need a cup for fizzy drinks and juice.
4. cinema 10. café 5. F, Fish and shrimp live in the sea.
5. butcher’s 11. chemist’s 8. F, Lamb, pork and chicken are types of meat.
6. bakery 12. sports centre 11. F, You need a spoon and cup for coffee.

2 1. hotel 5. park
Grammar page 6
2. restaurant 6. theatre
3. department store 7. bank 1 1. theirs 4. yours
4. library 2. my 5. our / my
3. hers 6. mine
3 1. kitchen
a. cooker 2 1. Susan’s 4. players’
b. fridge 2. students’ 5. boy’s
2. bedroom 3. children’s
a. desk
b. chair 3 1. am 4. haven’t got
c. wardrobe 2. Is 5. Have … got
3. living room 3. has got 6. aren’t
a. armchair
b. rug 4 1. John, Janet, do
c. sofa 2. Janet, meets
4. dining room 3. Paul, watches
a. curtain 4. Janet, Paul, aren’t reading
b. table 5. John doesn’t play
5. bathroom
a. shower 5 1. How often does Paul do sport? Rarely.
b. sink 2. Do Paul and John meet friends on Tuesday? No,
6. toilet they don’t.
a. rubbish bin 3. What do John and Janet do every day? Watch TV.
4. Does John read magazines? Yes, he does.

page 5 6 1. Dad is preparing hamburgers.

2. Rob and Emma are eating chips.
4 1. h 3. d 5. e 7. f
3. The dog isn’t sleeping.
2. g 4. b 6. c 8. a
4. It isn’t raining.
5 1. ice 5. storm 5. Louise is talking on her phone.
2. cold 6. wet 6. Mum isn’t sitting at the table.
3. temperature 7. dry
4. snow 8. lightning
7 1. Is … standing; Yes, he is.
2. is … bringing; Fizzy drinks / drinks
6 1. skirt 6. sunglasses 3. Are … playing; No, they aren’t.
2. umbrella 7. shirt 4. Is … lying; No, it isn’t.
3. gloves 8. watch 5. are … wearing; T-shirts and shorts
4. dress 9. belt
5. boots Getting Ready for Writing page 7

7 1. scarf 5. glasses 8 1. C 2. B 3. O 4. B 5. O 6. C 7. B
2. shorts 6. suit
3. make-up 7. bracelet 9 1. a 2. b
4. swimsuit

IH-017-768 OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 1

10 1. Is your birthday in August? 6 1. any 5. some
2. I’m from London. 2. the 6. many
3. My sister Sara likes salad with cheese, tomatoes 3. an 7. much
and onions. 4. a
4. We often go to Venice for Christmas.
5. John’s house is near River Thames. 7 1. How many 6. There are
6. You’re a fantastic friend! 2. how much 7. there isn’t
3. many 8. an
4. much 9. a
Speaking 5. there is
11 1. 1, 4, 2, 3 8 1. Are there 4. How much
2. 3, 2, 1
2. Is there a 5. How many
3. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3
3. How many
12 1. e 2. b 3. f 4. c 5. d 6. a Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

9 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

MODULE 1 Speaking
SECTION A 10 1. there’s a 5. are two
2. both pictures 6. aren’t any
Vocabulary page 8 3. picture A 7. are on the
4. picture B
2 3
O E Vocabulary page 10
T L p w x h f g e r k c
a s e m o l d f j v
O i n t b r u s h o z
w h i g m s t a p l
7 8 s c t e q u p f w e
b n c b o a r d i r
M O U c m h i p t g v z c
S O A P O S a n l a t b l u e s
l c u e o r o r w o

2 1. mirror 4. pillow m i c r c o f s s e
2. washing machine 5. vacuum cleaner h k i o d m p a b t
3. heater 6. brush u p f s c o p e j n

3 1. air conditioner 5. ceiling fan 2 1. compass 5. highlighter

2. dryer 6. shampoo 2. flash drive 6. sticky tape
3. kettle 7. key 3. dictionary 7. calculator
4. blanket 8. toothpaste 4. projector 8. paints

4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3 1. F, Students can use a dictionary to find the
meaning of a word.
2. F, Students keep their papers in a folder.
Grammar page 9
3. T
5 1. There are 4. There is 4. F, Scientists use microscopes to look at plant and
animal cells.
2. There isn’t 5. there aren’t
5. T
3. There aren’t 6. There are
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 2

Grammar Listening
5 1 . am putting 4. aren’t listening

2. are using 5. don’t bring

3. find 6. visit Kevin: Hello.
Sally: Hi, Kevin. It’s Sally. My heater isn’t working and
my bedroom is freezing. I want to go out. Do you
page 11
want to go bowling?
6 1. Are 4. Am Kevin: No, I can’t. I’m busy, but you can come here and
2. Does 5. Does hang out.
3. Do 6. Is Sally: What are you doing?
Kevin: I’m drawing a picture for the Young Archie
7 1. doesn’t practise 4. doesn’t use competition.
2. am not watching 5. loves Sally: Young Archie? What’s that?
3. are walking Kevin: It’s an art competition. Do you know the
Archibald art competition?
8 1. Are … using 4. Do … meet Sally: No.
2. Is … working 5. Does … write Kevin: It’s the most popular art competition in Australia.
3. Do … study 6. Are … sitting Every year, Australian artists make pictures of
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. famous Australian people and send them to the art
museum in Sydney. The best artist gets $100,000.
9 1. paint 6. are painting Sally: $100,000? Can teenagers make pictures for that
2. begins 7. are discussing competition?
3. choose 8. are deciding Kevin: No, but now there’s a new competition for
4. uses 9. learn children and teenagers, called the Young Archie.
5. are making Why don’t you draw a picture too? You’re
10 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Sally: What can I draw?
Kevin: You can make a picture of a friend or parent. You
Speaking can drawing a picture, use paints or make a
collage. Every year, people come to the art
11 1. What do you usually study on Wednesday mornings? museum to see the pictures and the best artists
2. What are you doing today? receive $200.
3. Where are you standing? I love drawing pictures and I really want to see
4. What do you often do? my drawing in the museum.
Sally: Wow! Me, too! I’m coming to your house now. I
want to make a collage. Have you got paper,
SECTION C scissors, glue and paint?
Kevin: Yes, of course I have. Come here and we can help
Vocabulary page 12 each other. We can go bowling another time.
Sally: OK, great. See you soon, Kevin.
1 1. bake, c 4. draw, f
2. have, e 5. take, a b
3. see, d 6. go, b

2 1. go sightseeing 4. join a club

7 5

2. hang out 5. go camping 1. heater isn’t working 4. $200

3. hike 2. drawing a picture 5. museum
3. $100,000
3 1. draw a picture 4. exercise
2. have a party 5. go bowling Reading page 13
3. explore
8 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
9 1. They work.
Speaking 2. They are teachers.
3. They take them on special camping adventures to
5 1. love 4. can’t stand it the Vida Verde ranch.
2. don’t mind 5. hate 4. They work on a farm and help cook and clean.
3. really 5. They help more than 750 young people every year.

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 3

Writing page 14 6 5
1 1. often 4. sometimes 1. I hang out with my friends every Saturday.
2. At the weekend 5. after school 2. There are some towels in the dryer.
3. never 6. every year 3. How many heaters are there in your house?
4. Today, we are having a party at the beach.
2 1. I usually see a show with my grandfather on 5. There isn’t any toothpaste in the bathroom.
2. Sam hangs out with Simon at the weekend. Grammar page 17
3. My sister and I draw a picture for my mother’s
birthday every year. 7 1. any 5. much
4. I sometimes use headphones with my phone. 2. lots of 6. some
5. I never exercise at the sports centre. 3. a 7. How much
6. The students rarely use a calculator in maths 4. How many 8. an
8 1. Is there 5. There is
3 1. often 4. sometimes 2. There isn’t 6. there are
2. every weekend 5. usually 3. Are there 7. Are there
3. on Saturdays 4. There aren’t 8. Is there

9 1. am using 5. isn’t working

WRITING PLAN page 15 2. come 6. puts
3. aren’t baking 7. are using
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4. don’t like 8. doesn’t sell
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 10 1. Do you exercise every week?
2. Are you learning English at the moment?
PROGRESS CHECK page 16 3. Where do you and your friends usually hang out?
4. Do you often go camping?
Vocabulary 5. What is your teacher doing right now?
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
1 1. blanket 5. headphones
2. whiteboard 6. pillow 11 1. b 3. c 5. a 7. a 9. a
3. soap 7. have a barbecue 2. c 4. b 6. b 8. b 10. c
4. bake biscuits
2 1. compass, calculator 1. There are many mirrors in my house.
2. key, charger 2. Is there a hairdryer in your bathroom?
3. broom, vacuum cleaner 3. Sam goes bowling with Tim on Fridays.
4. having a barbecue, baking biscuits 4. I am drawing a picture at the moment.
5. hike, go camping 5. How much soap is there in your bathroom / toilet?
6. toothbrush, toothpaste

3 1. c 3. h 5. d 7. b
competences CHECK page 18
2. a 4. f 6. g 8. e Written Comprehension
4 1. mop 5. glue 1 1. Ryan, Artur 4. Artur
2. kettle 6. exercise 2. Esohe 5. Esohe
3. lamp 7. explore 3. Ryan
4. compass 8. dryer
2 1. There is a lot of rubbish.
5 1. theatre 6. sunny 2. to make art
2. washing machine 7. go ice skating 3. Stop using plastic.
3. microscope 8. key 4. In the shopping malls in Lagos.
4. bathroom 9. microwave 5. In Lisbon, Berlin and Dublin.
5. museum 10. sugar

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 4

Written Production Oral Production
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d

Oral Comprehension page 19


1. Jonah: Hi, Steve. I’m in New York. Do you want to

hang out?
Steve: Hi, Jonah. You’re in New York! That’s fantastic! Vocabulary page 20
I’m exercising at the sports centre at the
moment, but I’ve got some time later. Do you 1 1. hungry 4. poor
want to go sightseeing? 2. thirsty 5. tiny
Jonah: Yes, I want to explore Central Park and take a 3. rich 6. huge
tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Steve: I can show you some great places in Central 2 1. c 3. b 5. a 7. a
Park, but I haven’t got time to take a tour. I’ve 2. a 4. b 6. c 8. b
got a lot of science homework to do in the
afternoon. 3 1. thirsty 4. trendy
2. hungry 5. shy
2. Dad: Sam … Sam … get up. It’s Mother’s Day. Help 3. unique 6. old-fashioned
me clean the house and make breakfast before
Mum gets up. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Sam: OK…what do you want me to do? Can I bake
biscuits for Mum?
Dad: Well, I’m making breakfast. So, you put the dirty
Grammar page 21
clothes in the washing machine and clean the 5 1. closed 4. listened
kitchen floor. Use the broom. The vacuum
2. ate 5. drank
cleaner is noisy. I don’t want Mum to hear us.
3. studied 6. bought
After that, you can bake biscuits.
3. Mrs Sattler: Quiet please, everybody! Sarah, put your 6 1. received, ran
phone in your bag. There are some maths 2. didn’t get, worked, made
problems on the whiteboard. Please answer 3. didn’t want, threw, sold
the questions in your notebooks. 4. didn’t speak, thought, became
Peter: Mrs Sattler, can we use our calculator? 5. lived, didn’t have, dreamed / dreamt
Mrs Sattler: Peter, you don’t need your calculator, but
you can use your compass to draw the 7 1. knew 7. knew
circles. 2. became 8. didn’t stop
Peter: OK. Thanks. 3. wanted 9. invented
4. Julia: Tina, what are you doing to celebrate your 4. built 10. tried
birthday? 5. didn’t work 11. didn’t buy
Tina: Well, Julia, every year my parents have a 6. continued 12. started
barbecue and invite my cousins. I also want to do
something with friends. 81. Why did James Dyson feel frustrated?
He had a bad experience with his old vacuum
Julia: Why don’t you have a party?
Tina: I don’t really like parties. I don’t like dancing or
2. What did Dyson want to do?
loud music. I really want to go camping and
He wanted to make a better vacuum cleaner.
I want to hike in the Redwood Forest. Do you
like going camping? 3. When did Dyson create his first vacuum cleaner?
Julia: Yes, I do. That’s a great idea…better than a party. He created it in 1978.
4. How much time did Dyson spend improving his
5. Tim: Hi, Natalie. What are you doing in the holidays? invention?
Natalie: Oh, hi Tim. I’ve got a job. My aunt has got a He spent four years improving it.
shop. She sells things like toothbrushes, 5. What did Dyson do to sell his invention?
toothpaste, soap, brushes and shampoo. I work He started his own company.
for her in the holidays.
Tim: What do you do there?
Natalie: I organise the items and put them on shelves.
I also clean the floor. There’s always a lot of 9 1. Who 4. Why
work to do. 2. hero 5. poor
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 3. What 6. overcame

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 5

Vocabulary page 22 Vocabulary page 24

1 refighter hai
1 1. won 5. rest
r fi an 2. hold 6. enjoy
cle ane rd r e
ss e r li b rari
otograph 3. pull 7. lost
c ph
hani er p
ilot s a i te
r 4. stand up
mec in ger w
2 1. finish 5. compete
1. singer 6. librarian 2. lie down 6. cross
2. mechanic 7. hairdresser 3. Push 7. hurry
3. waiter 8. pilot 4. train
4. photographer 9. firefighter Answer: History
5. cleaner
3 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T
2 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. a 1. People stand up in the shower.
3. The fastest runner wins the race.
3 1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. d 6. g 7. b 4. Ice-skating students often / sometimes fall.
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Grammar Speaking
5 1. There were 4. there were 5 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. f 6. b
2. there was 5. there were
3. there wasn’t 6. There weren’t
page 23

6 1. used to be Sonia: Hi, Dave. Where were you last weekend?

2. Did … use to perform Dave: I went with my family to the “Sea Otter Classic.”
3. used to play It’s a huge cycling festival … the biggest in the
4. used to learn world.
5. Did … use to cook Sonia: Why is it called the “Sea Otter Classic”?
6. used to study
Dave: The festival is on the coast in Monterey, California.
7. used to build Many otters live there. Otters are adorable sea
8. didn’t use to exercise animals. People often see them while they cycle.
9. used to think
Sonia: Was the festival fun? What did you do there?
7 1. Were there, b, there were Dave: It was amazing! We went camping and there were
2. Was there, e, there wasn’t cycling competitions. I competed in three
3. Was there, d, there was competitions. I finished third in one and I won
4. Were there, c, there were
5. Were there, a, there weren’t, there were Sonia: Wow! That’s great! Did you train for the
8 1. used to sing 4. didn’t use to send Dave: Yes, I trained for six months. But still it wasn’t
2. didn’t use to like 5. didn’t use to have easy. Once, I turned my bike very fast and I fell.
3. Did ... use to live 6. used to work I stood up and pushed my bike because my bike
pedal fell off and I couldn’t find it. A friendly bike
9 1. gave 6. didn’t (use to) think mechanic named Gus gave me a new pedal.
2. used to 7. there weren’t Sonia: Were there many teenagers?
3. used to 8. there was Dave: Yes, there were. There was a cool teenager named
4. There were 9. saw Ben. His family travelled from Canada to come
5. changed 10. understood to the “Sea Otter Classic.” They come every year.
He used to compete, but this year he took photos
Speaking of the competitions. He wants to be a photographer.
Sonia: Did you spend time with him?

10 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 6

Dave: Yes, I hung out with Ben when I wasn’t cycling.
There were many other things to do at the festival. PROGRESS CHECK page 28
There were people selling food and cycling
equipment. I ate a lot of food because I was Vocabulary
hungry from all the exercise. We watched the
other cycling competitions and shows together. 1 1. frightening, interesting
I also rested before my cycling competitions. 2. compete, win
Sonia: Sounds like a wonderful festival! 3. IT technicians, Web designers
Dave: Yes. I really enjoyed it. 4. hungry, thirsty
5. rest, lie down
He was hungry from all the exercise. 6. Drivers, Computer programmers

04 2 1. rich 5. train
2. firefighter/s 6. pilot
1. cycling festival 4. six months
3. trendy 7. embarrassed
2. sea animal 5. Ben
4. mechanic 8. enjoy
3. three / cycling / 6. rested
three cycling
3 1. difficult 5. shy
2. salesperson 6. hurry
Reading page 25 3. held 7. pull
4. stood up 8. unique
8 1. he’s got dyslexia
2. life was easy and comfortable 4 1. g 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. c 7. b
3. a salesperson
4. television programmes of people doing extreme 5 1. tour guide 6. washing machine
sports 2. waiter 7. cross
5. rides his bike and enjoys the mountains and the 3. theatre 8. whiteboard
beach 4. hat 9. headphones
5. had a barbecue 10. interesting
9 1. on a family farm near Cambridge
2. There was better safety equipment.

3. 27 years old
4. 1.5 million pounds 1. The photographer took some wonderful photos.
5. It organises sporting events and it has got 2. There were two singers and four musicians in the
adventure parks and hotels. band.
3. The waiter is holding many things.
Writing page 26 4. After hiking, he was hungry and thirsty.
5. My hairdresser finished work early yesterday.
1 1. A, thirsty 3. B, old-fashioned
2. B, rich 4. A, tiny Grammar page 29
2 1. The librarian wasn’t very friendly. 7 1. created 5. pushed
2. The nurse talked very quietly. 2. won 6. didn’t fall
3. The film was not at all boring. 3. Did … take 7. did … walk
4. Adam ate very quickly. 4. didn’t hurry 8. Did … rest
5. Sally has got really pretty hair.
6. Tom’s parents were quite poor in the 1990s. 8 1. Did … use to play 5. didn’t use to be
2. used to sing 6. used to cross
3 1. very hard-working 3. didn’t use to enjoy 7. used to train
2. correct 4. Did … use to think 8. didn’t use to win
3. a unique show
4. quite frightening 9 1. There wasn’t 5. There weren’t
5. really well 2. There were 6. Was there
6. huge concert 3. There was 7. Were there
4. Were there 8. Was there
10 1. a 3. c 5. b 7. b 9. c
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. b 4. c 6. a 8. a 10. c

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 7

11 TRANSLATION Oral Production
1. The lawyer finished reading the letter.
2. Were there many old-fashioned cars? 5 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. c
3. There were three photographers at the party.
4. Tom used to be a tour guide.
5. The mechanic didn’t rest on Saturday. MODULE 3
competences CHECK page 30 SECTION A

Written Comprehension Vocabulary page 32

1 1. on Saturday 4. George
1 1. noisy 5. afraid
2. calm 6. lucky
2. the Philippines 5. Beyoncé
3. angry 7. helpful
3. 8
4. quiet 8. upset
2 1. The Voice Kids
2 1. quiet 5. lucky
2. Justine Afante won
2. afraid 6. upset
3. she’s 13, lives in Wales
3. noisy 7. calm
4. used to be shy
4. helpful 8. angry
5. she won £30,000
3 1. c 3. h 5. f 7. i 9. d
Written Production 2. e 4. a 6. g 8. b

3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Oral Comprehension page 31 Grammar
4 5
5 1. the biggest 5. more upset than
2. more afraid than 6. the most upset
Good evening. This is Sarah Walters with the 6 pm news 3. the worst 7. better than
4. noisier than 8. the best
At 12 o’clock last night, firefighters hurried to a huge fire
at the West Garden shopping centre. There weren’t any page 33
shoppers or workers inside the building. The firefighters
worked for two hours, but the fire destroyed many shops.
The good news is…firefighters pulled a family of cats
6 1. less popular than
from the building. It was a frightening night for the 2. more friendly than / friendlier than
cats. They were hungry and thirsty, but they are resting 3. more loyal than
happily now, after a good meal. 4. easier than
Next on t­he news report, we have an adventure story. 5. quieter than
Early this morning, famous pilot Susan Walsh crossed 6. more independent than
the Atlantic Ocean in her tiny aeroplane after many days 7. more emotional than
of flying. She flew solo from Portugal to Venezuela. 8. calmer than
Her story is unique because she also built her aeroplane. 9. more outgoing than
Susan used to be an IT technician, but she always loved
aeroplanes. It was a difficult project and she worked on it 7 1. the most polite 3. the least worried
for two years. Her father is a mechanic and he helped her.
2. the noisiest 4. the quietest
Our last news story is about a teenage game developer
called Carl Roberts. He won €8,000 last Tuesday. He 8 1. as helpful as 3. not as reliable as
competed in a competition to create an educational game
2. not as lucky as 4. as angry as
for teenagers. Learning English used to be difficult for
Carl. Now, it’s fun because he created an action game
to help students learn English. Carl wanted to create a 9 1. tall enough 3. not reliable enough
unique game. The game isn’t easy, but it’s fun. 2. too noisy 4. too afraid

Thank you for listening to the 6 pm news report. 10 1. Simon is more caring than Stacy.
2. Sandra is the most helpful.
1. shopping centre
3. The Year 8 students weren’t as lucky as the Year 9
2. cats
3. crossing the Atlantic Ocean
4. Liam is as rude as Tim.
4. an IT technician
5. Sam isn’t as patient as Linda.
5. create an educational game for teenagers
6. Dan is too tired to exercise.
6. learning English
OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 8
Speaking 3 1. e 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. b
11 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
SECTION B Speaking
Vocabulary page 34 5 1. problem 5. any
2. wrong 6. Maybe
1 1. grandson 4. daughter 3. What 7. idea
2. wife 5. nephew 4. Why
3. stepmother 6. stepson
2 1. granddaughter 5. husband
2. grandchildren 6. son
3. daughter 7. wife
6 5

4. grandson 8. grandparents Ava: You look upset, John. Is everything OK?

John: Not really. My parents are getting divorced. They
3 1. parents 5. stepdaughter talked to me about it last night. My mum is
2. stepfather 6. niece moving to a new flat. She wants me to live with
3. stepson 7. nephew her from Monday to Friday and stay with my dad
4. stepmother at weekends.
Ava: My parents got divorced. I understand why you’re
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. upset, but it’s not all bad.
John: What do you mean?
Grammar page 35 Ava: For example, it was fun helping my dad find a new
home. Maybe your mum can take you with her to
5 1. could 4. could look at flats. Also, now I’ve got two bedrooms –
2. can 5. can one at my mum’s house and one at my dad’s. My
3. can’t 6. couldn’t dad let me choose a new bed from the shop.
I don’t want another bed. I want things to stay
6 1. should, shouldn’t 3. must, mustn’t
how they are.
2. mustn’t, must 4. shouldn’t, should
I know. But you can’t control them. They’re
7 1. can 6. can’t probably as worried as you.
2. must 7. couldn’t John: Y
 ou’re right. But, I’m also nervous about the
3. should 8. shouldn’t logistics. What do you do with your clothes and
4. must 9. mustn’t homework? Do you take a bag to your dad’s house
5. mustn’t every weekend?
Ava: No, that’s too difficult. I’ve got clothes, a laptop
8 1. couldn’t, should 3. shouldn’t, can and a toothbrush at my dad’s house. He also
2. can, could 4. Can, can’t, must bought me a guitar to keep at his house because
I like to practise every day. I only take my
9 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. textbooks for homework. It’s like a holiday room.
It’s always tidy and I chose everything.
Speaking John: That doesn’t sound too terrible.
Ava: You’re their son. They want you to be happy.
10 1. Can 4. When You should talk to them about it.
2. Why 5. promise John: That’s a good idea. Thanks, Ava.
3. really 6. must
her textbooks
7 5

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T
Vocabulary page 36

1 1. grow up 4. get married

2. graduate 5. have a baby
3. get engaged 6. fall in love

2 1. moved 4. got engaged

2. was born 5. died
3. separate 6. get a job

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 9

Reading page 37 6
8 1. F – Tania hangs out with her friends every day 1. Tom’s parents fell in love when they were at
after school. university.
2. F – Friends are as important as parents for 2. I am lucky to have helpful friends.
teenagers. 3. His wife is very patient.
3. F – Sociable teenagers have better relationships 4. His stepdaughter had a baby.
than unsociable people. 5. I’m upset because my dog died.
4. T
5. T Grammar page 41
6. After a difficult experience, teens often feel calmer
with their friends than with their parents. 7 1. younger than
2. the strongest
9 1. studying, with her friends 3. the best
2. happy, confident and sociable adults 4. less helpful than
3. they are a good influence 5. hungrier than
4. calm 6. the least interesting
5. study with her friends, be happy 7. the most exciting
8. more reliable than
Writing page 38
8 1. too frightening
1 1. b 2. c 3. a 2. not as caring as
3. not quiet enough
2 1. Closing 4. Closing 4. responsible enough
2. Body 5. Body 5. as creative as
3. Opening 6. Opening
9 1. must 4. could
3 1. b 2. a 3. c 2. Should 5. can
3. mustn’t 6. can’t
10 1. mustn’t 3. couldn’t
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. should 4. can

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 11 1. Are you enjoying 6. left
2. too upset 7. immigrate
3. Should 8. used to visit
4. There are 9. their
5. any 10. Were there
1 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. a
1. Caleb isn’t patient enough.
2 1. f 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. e 2. You should be polite to your stepfather.
3. My grandparents are calmer than my parents.
3 1. graduated 4. nervous 4. Evelyn is the most helpful student.
2. get engaged 5. grandparents 5. I couldn’t finish my homework last night.
3. daughters 6. angry

4 1. afraid 5. noisy
competences CHECK page 42
2. rude 6. nephews
3. stepson 7. jealous Written Comprehension
4. Selfish 8. husband
1 1. Daniel 4. Daniel
5 1. go sightseeing 6. lamb 2. Daniel, Johnny 5. Johnny
2. reliable 7. hike 3. Johnny 6. Daniel
3. stepmother 8. rest
4. butcher’s 9. grew up
2 1. Mr Miyagi is Daniel’s friend and karate teacher.
2. Daniel falls in love with Johnny’s ex-girlfriend.
5. unique 10. dictionary
3. Johnny and Daniel’s relationship with their children
4. Robbie is Johnny’s son.
5. All teenagers and their parents should watch both
the film and the TV programme together.

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 10

Written Production MODULE 4
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct
answers. SECTION A
Oral Comprehension page 43 Vocabulary page 44

4 1 1. gang
4. weapon
Interviewer: Today on Teen Life, I’m interviewing a teen 2. footprint 5. fingerprint
immigrant, Elianny. Did you know more 3. criminal 6. police officer
than one million people immigrate to the
USA every year? But it’s not easy for teens. 2 1. arrest 4. catch
They must start a new school, make new 2. stole 5. murder
friends and learn a new language. Here’s 3. weapon 6. gang
one immigrant’s story. Elianny, tell us about 4. solve
Elianny: I was born in the Dominican Republic. 3 1. broke the law 5. proved
I immigrated with my mum and sister when 2. robbery 6. against the law
I was 13. 3. witness 7. shot
Interviewer: How did you feel when you arrived? 4. chased 8. DNA

Elianny: I was excited to move, but also nervous 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
about starting school.
Interviewer: Are schools different in the Dominican
Elianny: Yes. There, primary school is until age 14 5 1. was chasing 5. weren’t holding
and students can leave school after they 2. wasn’t sleeping 6. were shooting
finish it. In the USA, 14-year-olds are in 3. were talking 7. was planning
high school and they must go to school. 4. were checking
I feel lucky to be here in the USA getting
a good education.
page 45
Interviewer: How was your first day of school?
Elianny: It was OK. People could see I was new. 6 1. was having 5. were shouting
Some people were helpful, but others 2. was stealing 6. was holding
weren’t nice. 3. was driving 7. was visiting
Interviewer: Could you speak English? 4. were standing 8. wasn’t breaking
Elianny: No, I couldn’t talk to anyone. I was quiet
for a long time. My English wasn’t good 7 A
enough. But then I read some stories about 1. were ... doing 4. Was ... breaking
famous immigrants. For example, actor 2. Were ... watching 5. was ... taking
Mila Kunis immigrated when she was 3. Was ... shooting
a child, and now some people don’t know B
she speaks another language! I stopped
1. d, were solving 4. b, was, was driving
being upset and kept trying.
2. a, wasn’t, was walking 5. c, was trying
Interviewer: Did school become easier?
3. e, was, was using
Elianny: Yes! Today I am happier than I was when
I arrived. I can speak English and I feel like 8 1. was standing 6. were ... hurrying
I belong.
2. was talking 7. were looking for
Interviewer: Thank you, Elianny. 3. wasn’t watching 8. was selling
4. was walking 9. were taking
1. one million people
5. was looking
2. mum and sister
3. nervous 9 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4. leave school
5. speak English (well enough)
6. she belongs
10 1. at the time 4. How
Oral Production 2. was walking 5. in the end
3. Who
5 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. g 5. e 6. a 7. c

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 11

Vocabulary page 46 Vocabulary page 48

1 1. flood 5. sandstorm 1 1. fall down 4. ill

2. blizzard 6. tsunami 2. ambulance 5. rescue
3. earthquake 7. forest fire 3. injured
4. hurricane 8. volcanic eruption
2 1 . burn 4. slip
2 1. melting glaciers 4. Hurricanes 2. dangerous 5. get lost
2. heatwave 5. avalanches 3. hurt 6. safe
3. Climate change 6. droughts
3 1 . first-aid kit 5. accident
3 1. heatwave 4. blizzard 2. call for help 6. break a leg
2. flood 5. sandstorm 3. allergic reactions 7. drop
3. hurricane 4. find your way 8. give up
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Grammar page 47 5 1. d 3. j 5. h 7. f 9. i
2. c 4. g 6. e 8. a 10. b
5 1. was walking, started
2. took, closed Listening
3. weren’t doing, were cooking
4. killed, destroyed
5. began, were skiing
6 5

6. were swimming, changed Good morning everyone, this is Rosa Banks and you’re
7. was hurrying, became listening to Wow, what a story! On today’s news programme,
I’m telling the incredible story of Lauren Weinberg. This
6 1. Kristy took her possessions and left home before woman sat in her car for 10 days in the snow until people
the hurricane arrived. found her. How did she live through this experience? Let’s
get to the story.
2. David was playing computer games while Holly was
baking biscuits. On the night of 11th December, Lauren was driving to her
mother’s house in the mountains when her car stopped
3. The flood didn’t start while Sonia was visiting her
moving. There was a blizzard and it was freezing outside!
Lauren decided to stay in the car. It was too cold and
4. Tina and Gemma weren’t listening to their science
dangerous to try to find her way to a safe place. You’re
teacher while he was explaining the homework.
probably thinking, why didn’t Lauren call for help? Well,
5. Harry and Ben were hiking in the desert when the according to Lauren, her phone wasn’t working.
sandstorm began.
The 23-year-old was sitting in her car for almost a week and
6. I was enjoying my holiday when I heard about the a half while more and more snow was falling. She didn’t
tsunami. have any warm clothes with her. She ate only two chocolate
7. The flood covered the village and killed many bars and put snow in a bottle for water. She was cold, afraid,
people. hungry and worried. But Lauren didn’t give up!
After ten days, some people rescued Lauren and took her to
7 1. began 5. was finishing a medical centre. Lauren was lucky – other than being cold,
2. were hiking 6. saw hungry and thirsty, she was OK. She wasn’t hurt, ill or even
3. were ... standing 7. were running injured.
4. were sailing 8. became What can we learn from Lauren’s story? First, in a blizzard
it’s usually best to stay in your car and not try to walk to find
8 1. Liam was having breakfast when the tornado help. Also, you should always keep warm clothes, blankets,
started. food and some water in your car. That’s it for now. Stay safe.
2. Sandra was resting when Jill called.
3. While we were skiing, snow was coming down 1. 11th December
the mountain. 2. blizzard
4. I was driving to school when I heard about the 3. 23
earthquake on the radio. 4. Possible answers: cold / afraid / hungry / worried
5. During the sandstorm, we closed the door and
stayed inside. 7 5

1. 10 days
Speaking 2. her phone wasn’t working
3. chocolate bars
9 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b 4. warm clothes

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 12

Reading page 49 6 5
1. The police officers used DNA to solve the murder.
8 1. leg 4. nose
2. Matt used his first-aid kit to help someone with
2. three weeks 5. the Tokyo Olympics
a burn.
3. arm 6. racquet
3. The criminal was holding a weapon during the
9 1. her partner dropped her
4. We were learning about melting glaciers and
2. a wall
climate change all week.
3. at least three times a week
5. While Dan was running, he slipped and broke
4. over 375,000 his leg.
5. cycling and tennis
Grammar page 53
Writing page 50
7 1. was describing 4. wasn’t hiking
1 1 . they, them 3. his, He 2. weren’t watching 5. were chasing
2. us, his 4. I, my 3. were ... walking 6. were ... talking

2 1. his, He, him 4. It, I, our 8 1. wasn’t raining, happened

2. their, they, them 5. my, I, me 2. Were ... skiing, broke
3. her, she, It 3. started, were sleeping
4. was arresting, was talking
3 1. my 6. his
5. were ... going, got lost
2. It 7. her
6. was taking, began
3. I 8. He
4. her 9. she 9 1. While my grandfather was running, he fell down.
5. we 10. him 2. While Emily was walking to school, her mum was
driving to work.
WRITING PLAN page 51 3. What were they doing when the volcanic eruption
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4. It was raining while we were trying to find our way
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5. Was she having an allergic reaction when you
spoke to her?
6. I dropped my phone while I was hiking in the
PROGRESS CHECK page 52 forest.

Vocabulary 10 1. is calling 6. the safest

2. There is 7. solve
1 Crime: murder, shoot, robbery, footprint, gang 3. couldn’t 8. began
Natural disasters: hurricane, volcanic eruption, 4. is 9. his
tornado, tsunami, earthquake 5. There weren’t 10. was standing
Emergencies: burn, first-aid kit, slip, accident
2 1. break the law 5. flood 1. Paul was chasing his brother when he hurt himself.
2. blizzard 6. catch 2. I wasn’t looking for my first-aid kit last night.
3. gang 7. dropped 3. What were you doing during the flood yesterday?
4. allergic reactions 8. heatwave 4. The children were watching a film when they heard
an ambulance.
3 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. f 5. e 6. b
5. The police officer was talking to the witness this
4 1. fingerprints 5. call for help
2. against the law 6. Witnesses
3. find your way 7. sandstorms competences CHECK page 54
4. avalanche 8. fall down

5 1. library 6. calculator
Written Comprehension
2. broke her leg 7. pilot 1 1. F 2. DS 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
3. trendy 8. call for help
4. helpful 9. key
5. stepfather 10. washing machine

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 13

2 1.
Because they want to leave quickly.
They were trying to find their way to safety. MODULE 5
3. gang crimes and robberies
4. They put on police uniforms. SECTION A
5. So criminals can’t see them.
Vocabulary page 56
Written Production 1 O F M R D A A F C X N K

3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. S M

1.C file
B screen

2. speaker
R U Z K M Q X E 5. keyboard
Oral Comprehension page 55 E S Y
3. printer N Y T E O W T X O
6. mouse
 ood morning, students. My name’s Bob and I’m a police
officer. Today I want to talk about cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is when someone uses the Internet to 2 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. a
frighten or hurt another person. Here in California,
cyberbullying isn’t only against school rules – it’s against 3 1. turn on 5. browse
the law! You are breaking the law when you make someone 2. gadget 6. Turn off
feel afraid or post someone’s personal information online. 3. file 7. click
Cyberbullying is very common around the world. About 4. memory card
37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17
experience cyberbullying, and 30% experience it more than 4 1. printer 4. click
once. According to research, 42% of teenagers experience 2. keyboard 5. screens
cyberbullying on Instagram. It’s happening on class chats
3. speaker 6. gadget
as well.
Here are some examples. A girl was uploading photos on 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Instagram when other girls in her class started commenting
on her pictures. They called her fat and ugly. That’s
cyberbullying! Another girl was chatting online with a boy Grammar page 57
from her school when the boy sent her private messages to
everyone in her class. Does this sound familiar to anyone? 6 1. are going to browse 4. am meeting
Both of my examples were girls. According to statistics, 2. isn’t going to study 5. won’t like
girls experience more cyberbullying than boys. We want 3. aren’t using 6. will drive
everyone to feel safe on the Internet! Please think before
you post, comment or share something online. 7
And don’t keep quiet about cyberbullying. We know only
1 in 10 teens tell a parent or other adult when they 1. isn’t going to buy
experience cyberbullying. But you should talk to your 2. isn’t going to turn off
parents and teachers about cyberbullying. You can also 3. are going to give
call the police for help. 4. is going to code
1. frighten or hurt 1. a, is going to look
2. 42 2. c, are going to watch
3. her private messages 3. d, are going to order
4. girls, boys 4. b, aren’t going to play
5. the police
8 1. Mum, Dad, Katie and Eric (The Morgans) are
Oral Production having breakfast at a café at 9 am.
2. Mum and Dad are cycling in the park at 11 am.
5 1. Where were you when it happened? 3. Katie is training for a dance competition at 3.30 pm.
2. Who were you with? 4. Eric is doing homework at 6.00 pm.
3. What were you doing at the time?
4. What happened after that? 9 1. will … finish 5. will take
5. Did you call for help? 2. will start 6. won’t create
6. How are you feeling now? 3. will be 7. won’t cost
4. will travel

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 14

10 1. Is Sam going to print this document? 9 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2. Are you joining the computer club next year?
3. Will people (probably) fly cars in 20 years? Speaking
4. When are you going to help me?
5. When are they arriving? 10 1. rubbish on the streets, b
6. Where will people (probably) live in the future? 2. plastic bottles, d
3. waste food, a
11 1. What are you going to 4. air pollution, e
2. a mobile phone 5. not enough trees, c
3. Why are you going to
4. I think
5. I agree

SECTION B Vocabulary page 60

1 1. forbid 4. increase
Vocabulary page 58 2. taste 5. decrease
3. smell 6. touch
1 1. cut down 4. recycle
2. pollute 5. reuse 2 1. collect 4. entertain
3. pick up 6. waste 2. control 5. predict
3. disagree
2 1. use up 5. fix
2. plant 6. pick up 3 1. agree 4. bring
3. throw out 7. endangers 2. suggest 5. decrease
4. replace 8. cut down 3. pay attention 6. increase

3 1. e 2. d 3. f 4. g 5. c 6. a 7. b 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

4 1. waste 4. fix
2. replace 5. endanger
3. reuse 5 1. What are you doing this weekend?
2. Why are you going to do that?
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3. Where are you going to do that?
4. When are you going to do that?
6 1. clean up, will be Listening
2. will plant, doesn’t rain
3. fixes, will throw
6 5

4. won’t have, donate Sophie: Welcome to today’s podcast about interesting

5. reuse, won’t waste careers. Today, I’m interviewing Ralph Barnet,
a futurist. Good morning, Ralph. What does
6. won’t endanger, pick up
a futurist do?
Ralph:  Good morning, Sophie. A futurist predicts the
page 59 future. I help companies and the government plan
for the future. I answer questions like … How
7 1. If Sarah makes a big salad, she will use up the will work change in the next 20 years? Will
tomatoes. robots replace people? If we continue to damage
2. Sam won’t find his memory card unless he cleans the environment, how will our lives change?
up his room.
What do you do on a normal work day?
3. If Leo damages my computer, he will replace it.
4. The park will be dirty unless we pick up our rubbish. Ralph:  I can describe my plan for tomorrow as an example.
5. If Nancy doesn’t want these clothes, her mum will The director of a car company wants me to predict
donate them. how car technology will change in the future.
In the morning, I’m going to investigate car
6. If you buy too much food, you will waste it.
technology. I’m going to browse the Internet,
and download articles and podcasts. At 4 pm,
8 1. take 7. gives
I am meeting a scientist and an IT expert.
2. will … find 8. will discover
Sophie: Sounds like you’re always learning. How do you
3. throw out 9. doesn’t want
use all that information to predict the future? ➔
4. will take 10. won’t be
5. carries 11. replace
6. will endanger 12. will be

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 15

Ralph: The information helps me imagine different futures.
My job is not a science, but I must bring evidence PROGRESS CHECK page 64
for my predictions. Unless I create realistic
predictions, my work won’t be useful. Vocabulary
Sophie: And how do your predictions help people?
Ralph: After I make a prediction, I ask myself … Will this 1 1. fix 4. agree
be a good future? Will this future create problems? 2. link 5. decrease
If the answer is yes, what will solve those 3. control
problems? I suggest solutions to my clients to help
After I make a prediction, I ask myself … Will this 2 1. e 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. d
be a good future create problems? If the answer is
yes, what will solve those problems? I suggest 3 1. collect 4. code
solutions to my clients to help them create a better 2. pick up 5. cut down
future. 3. pay attention 6. Turn off
Sophie: You’ve got a very important job. Thank you, Ralph.
4 1. disagree 4. predict
predicts, suggest 2. donate 5. forbid
3. use up 6. store
7 5

1. b 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. d 5 1. b 3. a 5. c 7. b 9. a
2. a 4. c 6. a 8. c 10. a

Reading page 61 6
8 1. climate change 4. underground 1. Adam is going to buy a new keyboard and mouse
2. one metre 5. trees today.
3. the sea and floods 2. If we reuse items and don’t waste, we will help the
9 1. They will disappear underwater. 3. I predict people will plant more trees in the future.
2. $100 billion 4. Iris forbids her children to browse the Internet after
3. 35º C to 37º C 10 pm.
4. They create heat. 5. I suggest you taste the food before eating it.
5. They decrease the air temperature by one or two
degrees Celsius. Grammar page 65

Writing page 62 7 1. isn’t going to replace

2. am going to pick up
1 1. big brown 3. Is … going to bring
2. dangerous young 4. isn’t going to pollute
3. trendy new 5. Are … going to fix
4. funny black and white 6. isn’t going to use up
5. beautiful long purple
8 1. Are you learning coding next year?
2 1. I am going to buy a small black mouse tomorrow. 2. Is Kate entertaining her friends tomorrow?
2. Louise is watching a popular short documentary 3. Are you replacing your screen next month?
tonight. 4. Is Mum planting flowers this afternoon?
3. We have got a wonderful new ICT teacher. 5. Are you recycling these boxes tomorrow?
4. They shouldn’t cut down the huge, old green trees
in this forest. 9 1. will … become, b, will save
5. Talia is planting tiny unusual, pink flowers this 2. won’t rain, d, will be
afternoon. 3. won’t throw out, c, won’t waste
4. will fly, a, will have
3 1. correct 3. unusual colourful
2. wonderful tiny new 4. dirty old 10 1. damages, will forbid
2. agree, won’t solve
WRITING PLAN page 63 3. won’t hurt, touch
4. pollutes, will endanger
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5. don’t pay attention, won’t get

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 16

Simon: Too Good To Go. Supermarkets and restaurants
11 1. was walking 6. There is
use this app when they’ve got too much food.
2. the best 7. I am not going to use They don’t sell the food for a lot of money, but
3. There were 8. is buying users don’t know what they’re getting. If you use
4. turned off 9. my this app, you will receive a “surprise bag” of
5. can’t 10. fixes products. Maybe you’ll receive bananas, or
maybe sushi will arrive!
12 1. I predict there will be many interesting gadgets in Lisa: Do you use that application?
the future. Simon: No. I don’t like surprises, but I love using this
2. We’re going to clean up the park and plant trees. next app. It’s called Misfits Market. Did you know
3. Linda is replacing / will replace her keyboard supermarkets throw out ugly food? If a carrot
tomorrow. doesn’t look nice, they will throw it out. If you
4. If we reuse our plastic bags, we will waste less. use this app, you will receive a box of food every
5. The file won’t open unless you click on this link. week. The food won’t be pretty, but it will be
tasty. The food costs 30-50% less than in the shops.
Lisa: What fantastic apps! Thank you, Simon.
1. Too Good To Go
Written Comprehension 2. Olio
3. Misfits Market
1 1. building to building 4. To Good To Go
2. equipment 5. Misfits Market
3. it became one of the first European cities to use
streetlamps Oral Production
4. health and the environment
5. lights on shop signs 5 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a

2 1. help the environment

two kilometres
4. Trees don’t grow well. SECTION A
5. Some shops stopped leaving their lights on.

Vocabulary page 68
Written Production
1 1. smile 4. sell
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. cry 5. laugh
3. crawl 6. open
Oral Comprehension page 67
2 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b
4 5

Lisa:  This evening on “Radio Green,” I’m interviewing

3 1. shut 5. purchase
restaurant manager, Simon. His restaurant used to 2. lend 6. remember
waste a lot of food until he discovered some 3. forget 7. crawl
wonderful apps. Simon, why is wasting food so 4. borrow 8. smile
bad for the environment?
Simon: Good evening, Lisa. We use energy to grow, make 4 1. believe 3. keep
and transport food. Throwing out food wastes all 2. return 4. promise
that energy.
Lisa: I see. How can apps help us solve this problem? 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Simon: If we use these apps, we won’t waste so much food.
The app Olio, for example, helps restaurants donate Grammar page 69
their food to people nearby. If it’s 10 pm and there
are still ten steaks in the restaurant kitchen, I will 6 1. have purchased 4. has … tasted
use the Olio app to find someone to take them. 2. hasn’t returned 5. have … opened
I take a photo of the steaks and put it on the app.
3. haven’t laughed
An Olio user can contact me and take the steaks
for free.
Lisa:  What a great idea! Which app are you going to
7 1. since 4. since
2. for 5. for
tell us about next? ➔ 3. since

8 1. haven’t seen, recently 4. have never, forgotten

2. hasn’t shut, yet 5. has just, left
3. have already, been
OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 17
9 1. Have you and your friends had a strange 6 1.
experience recently? a. hiked
2. Has your mother ever forgotten your birthday? b. has … hiked
3. What items have you lent to someone recently? 2.
4. Has your best friend ever disagreed with you? a. have seen
5. Who have you just borrowed something from? b. saw
10 1. has written 7. has studied a. climbed
2. have read 8. has … completed b. have … climbed
3. have … finished 9. has decided
4. have recommended 10. has interacted 7 1. Jan’s family hasn’t climbed any mountains
5. has … had 11. have … felt recently.
6. hasn’t been 2. I saw a rainbow yesterday morning.
3. Paul borrowed Susan’s map last week.
11 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4. The students haven’t studied geology yet.
5. My brother has lived in Paris for five years.
8 1. haven’t written 6. have … sent
12 1. Have you ever 4. heard 2. have … returned 7. didn’t know
2. I have 5. have seen 3. went 8. searched
3. just 6. did you feel 4. Have … heard 9. took
5. have … seen 10. have … found
Vocabulary page 70
9 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
11. path
2. bush SECTION C
3. grass
4. leaf Vocabulary page 72
5. rainbow
6. moon 1 1. e 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. g 7. d
7. cliff A. petrol station E. zebra crossing
8. sky B. stop sign F. town square
9. stream C. traffic light G. bus stop
After the avalanche, there were huge rocks at the D. car park
bottom of the mountain.
2 1. bridge 4. playground
2 1. fields 4. countryside 2. corner 5. roundabout
2. shade 5. rainforests 3. tourist information centre
3. rocks 6. ground
3 1. airport 4. factory
3 1. ground 5. paths 2. market 5. benches
2. shade 6. moon 3. sights 6. tunnel
3. bushes 7. stars
4. sky 8. air 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5 1. e, Have you ever been 4. f, How did you
2. d, What was it 5. c, are there
Grammar page 71 3. a, did you 6. b, as well

5 1. Have you seen

2. had a picnic
3. haven’t travelled
4. Have the tourists visited
5. Did you see
6. swam

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 18

Listening 9 1. Ghosts have haunted the prison for 200 years.
2. at the women’s prison
6 3. The tour guide puts each visitor into a small room

and shuts the door.

Antonia: T  his is Antonia from Nature Radio. I’ve just 4. on the website
arrived at the Blue Mountains, near Sydney. I’m
5. T-shirts, hats, cups, notebooks and pencils
here with birder Charles Wells. Good morning,
Charles. What is a birder?
Charles: A birder likes watching and collecting Writing page 74
information on birds. Birders keep lists, photos
or videos about birds. I’ve seen 636 different 1 1. Stop 4. Walk
birds and I’ve got a photo of each one. 2. Don’t visit 5. Stop
Antonia: That’s fantastic! What bird have you seen 3. Don’t climb
Charles: I saw the famous lyrebird for the first time 2 1. Ride in the bike lane.
yesterday. 2. Don’t walk on the grass.
Antonia: Can you tell me about this experience? 3. Throw rubbish into rubbish bin.
Charles: Yes. I was walking in the rainforest and I heard 4. Don’t have barbecues.
a unique sound. I knew it was a lyrebird. A 5. Don’t cut down trees.
lyrebird can copy many sounds, like other birds 6. Don’t touch paintings.
and animals, a car alarm, music or people
talking. I followed the sound until I saw a 3 1. visit 4. Don’t forget
brown bird dancing and singing in the shade of
2. keep 5. Go
some rocks.
3. don’t miss
Antonia: Wow! It sounds like you’re a bird detective.
What other birds live in this rainforest?
Charles: The satin bowerbird. I haven’t seen one yet this WRITING PLAN page 75
year, but I remember seeing one last spring. I
saw a blue pen and a blue bottle on the ground. 1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
I was angry to see rubbish in the rainforest, but
then I saw more blue objects. That’s when I 2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
understood this was the creation of a satin
bowerbird. The male collects blue objects to
show the female.
Antonia: How can our listeners see these wonderful
Charles: They can do a rainforest walk. The tourist Vocabulary
information centre has got maps of all the
walking paths. 1 1. ground, path
Antonia: Thank you, Charles. 2. stop sign, zebra crossing
3. open, shut
sounds, blue objects 4. bench, grass
5. purchase, sell
7 5
16 6. bridge, field
1. He’s got a photo of each one. 7. smile, crawl
2. in the rainforest
3. last Spring 2 1. c 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. d 7. g
4. a blue pen and a blue bottle
5. at the tourist information centre
3 1. keep 6. leaves
2. airport 7. rainbow
3. borrow 8. cry
Reading page 73 4. car park 9. rocks
5. sights 10. bus stop
8 1. Wednesdays, 6.30 and 8.30 pm
2. the Georgian Gate Lodge 4 1. moon 5. laugh
3. 12 2. playground 6. forget
4. Shrewsbury Prison website 3. market 7. return
5. corner of Howard Street and Victoria Street 4. believe 8. factory
6. car, train
5 1. noisy 6. fix
2. air conditioner 7. hungry
3. download 8. found my way
4. decreases 9. lightning
5. smile 10. weapon
OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 19
DICTATION Oral Comprehension page 79
1. I lent him my favourite book but he hasn’t
returned it yet. 4 5

2. There is lots of shade in the rainforest. Janet: W

 elcome to Janet Travels. I’ve visited many
3. The city has put a new bus stop on the corner. interesting places and I’ve created a podcast about
4. There are benches at the playground. each one. This week, I’m going to tell you about
5. I have just seen a beautiful rainbow in the sky. what I think is the strangest city in the world:
Ashgabat, the capital city of Turkmenistan.
I’ve never seen a place like Ashgabat before. We
Grammar page 77
were travelling in the hot desert when suddenly we
7 1. has … worked 4. hasn’t learnt saw a new, white city instead of the usual yellow
ground and cliffs. The white buildings are all from
2. has … closed 5. Have … visited
a type of rock called marble. In fact, Ashgabat is
3. hasn’t seen 6. haven’t spoken
in the Guinness World Records because it has got
the most white marble in the world. Why is there
8 1. I have never been on this path.
white marble in a city in the desert? An earthquake
2. Sarah hasn’t posted any photos since last week.
destroyed Ashgabat in 1948. So the government
3. Why has Ben kept that hat for so many years? purchased marble from Italy and brought it to the
4. The bus hasn’t arrived at the bus stop yet. desert to rebuild the capital. The city has also
5. Have the shops already opened? added colourful neon lights to the white buildings.
6. My parents have just purchased a new house. So, many people call Ashgabat “The White City.”
But there aren’t many tourists there. That’s
9 1. hasn’t ridden, hiked because Ashgabat has got many strict laws. They
2. heard, Have … seen forbid taking photos of airports, police stations
3. has decreased, put and most government buildings. The government
4. promised, haven’t gone also controls TV and the Internet, and forbids
many popular websites. If you still want to visit
10 1. c 3. a 5. c 7. b 9. c Ashgabat, make sure to carry your passport with
2. a 4. b 6. b 8. c 10. a you all the time, and don’t take photos.

11 TRANSLATION 1. the capital city 6. neon lights

1. I saw a lot of stars last night. 2. desert 7. White
2. We’ve just arrived at the park. 3. white 8. tourists
3. I forgot my homework at home yesterday. 4. an earthquake 9. airports
4. I haven’t found a petrol station yet. 5. Italy 10. Internet
5. He has already returned the library book.
Oral Production
Competences Check page 78 5 1. b 2. d 3. e 4. c 5. a

Written Comprehension
1 1. E 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A

2 1. T 2. DS 3. T 4. DS 5. T 6. F

Written Production
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

OPTIONS 2 © B Burlington Books 20

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